diff --git a/doc/contributing/coding-conventions.chapter.md b/doc/contributing/coding-conventions.chapter.md index 6076460b893b..6516172adde9 100644 --- a/doc/contributing/coding-conventions.chapter.md +++ b/doc/contributing/coding-conventions.chapter.md @@ -526,6 +526,16 @@ If you do need to do create this sort of patch file, one way to do so is with gi $ git diff > nixpkgs/pkgs/the/package/0001-changes.patch ``` +If a patch is available online but does not cleanly apply, it can be modified in some fixed ways by using additional optional arguments for `fetchpatch`: + +- `stripLen`: Remove the first `stripLen` components of pathnames in the patch. +- `extraPrefix`: Prefix pathnames by this string. +- `excludes`: Exclude files matching this pattern. +- `includes`: Include only files matching this pattern. +- `revert`: Revert the patch. + +Note that because the checksum is computed after applying these effects, using or modifying these arguments will have no effect unless the `sha256` argument is changed as well. + ## Package tests {#sec-package-tests} Tests are important to ensure quality and make reviews and automatic updates easy.