diff --git a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/notion/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/notion/default.nix
index 60900bd2a3c2..2b9e8237a045 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/notion/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/notion/default.nix
@@ -1,45 +1,39 @@
-  enableXft ? true, libXft ? null, patches ? [], stdenv, lua, gettext, pkgconfig, xlibsWrapper, libXinerama, libXrandr, libX11,
-  xterm, xmessage, makeWrapper, fetchFromGitHub, mandoc, which
+{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, pkgconfig
+, lua, gettext, which, groff, xmessage, xterm
+, readline, fontconfig, libX11, libXext, libSM
+, libXinerama, libXrandr, libXft
+, xlibsWrapper, makeWrapper
-assert enableXft -> libXft != null;
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec{
   pname = "notion";
-  version = "3-2017050501";
-  inherit patches;
-stdenv.mkDerivation {
-  name = "${pname}-${version}";
-  meta = with stdenv.lib; {
-    description = "Tiling tabbed window manager, follow-on to the ion window manager";
-    homepage = http://notion.sourceforge.net;
-    platforms = platforms.linux;
-    license   = licenses.notion_lgpl;
-    maintainers = with maintainers; [jfb];
-  };
+  version = "3-2019050101";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "raboof";
     repo = pname;
     rev = version;
-    sha256 = "1wq5ylpsw5lkbm3c2bzmx2ajlngwib30adxlqbvq4bgkaf9zjh65";
+    sha256 = "09kvgqyw0gnj3jhz9gmwq81ak8qy32vyanx1hw79r6m181aysspz";
-  patches = patches;
-  postPatch = ''
-    substituteInPlace system-autodetect.mk --replace '#PRELOAD_MODULES=1' 'PRELOAD_MODULES=1'
-    substituteInPlace man/Makefile --replace "nroff -man -Tlatin1" "${mandoc}/bin/mandoc -T man"
-  '';
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig makeWrapper groff ];
+  buildInputs = [ lua gettext which readline fontconfig libX11 libXext libSM
+                  libXinerama libXrandr libXft xlibsWrapper ];
-  nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig ];
-  buildInputs = [makeWrapper xlibsWrapper lua gettext mandoc which libXinerama libXrandr libX11 ] ++ stdenv.lib.optional enableXft libXft;
+  buildFlags = [ "CC=cc" "LUA_DIR=${lua}" "X11_PREFIX=/no-such-path" ];
-  buildFlags = [ "LUA_DIR=${lua}" "X11_PREFIX=/no-such-path" "PREFIX=\${out}" ];
-  installFlags = [ "PREFIX=\${out}" ];
+  makeFlags = [ "PREFIX=\${out}" ];
   postInstall = ''
     wrapProgram $out/bin/notion \
       --prefix PATH ":" "${xmessage}/bin:${xterm}/bin" \
+  meta = with stdenv.lib; {
+    description = "Tiling tabbed window manager, follow-on to the Ion";
+    homepage = "https://notionwm.net/";
+    license   = licenses.lgpl21;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ jfb AndersonTorres ];
+    platforms = platforms.linux;
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/notion/notion-xft_nixos.diff b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/notion/notion-xft_nixos.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 542aa446c3f2..000000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/notion/notion-xft_nixos.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,662 +0,0 @@
-diff -ur notion-3-2015061300/de/brush.c notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/brush.c
---- notion-3-2015061300/de/brush.c	2015-06-13 10:37:26.000000000 -0400
-+++ notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/brush.c	2015-07-13 10:37:23.093298917 -0400
-@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@
-     gr_stylespec_init(&brush->current_attr);
-+#ifdef XFT
-+    brush->draw=NULL;
-+#endif /* XFT */
-     style->usecount++;
-     if(!grbrush_init(&(brush->grbrush))){
-@@ -128,6 +131,10 @@
- {
-     destyle_unref(brush->d);
-     brush->d=NULL;
-+#ifdef XFT
-+    if(brush->draw!=NULL)
-+        XftDrawDestroy(brush->draw);
-+#endif /* XFT */
-     gr_stylespec_unalloc(&brush->current_attr);
-     grbrush_deinit(&(brush->grbrush));
- }
-@@ -139,6 +146,21 @@
- }
-+#ifdef XFT
-+XftDraw *debrush_get_draw(DEBrush *brush, Drawable d)
-+    if(brush->draw==NULL)
-+        brush->draw=XftDrawCreate(ioncore_g.dpy, d,
-+                                  XftDEDefaultVisual(),
-+                                  DefaultColormap(ioncore_g.dpy,
-+                                  0));
-+    else
-+        XftDrawChange(brush->draw, d);
-+    return brush->draw;
- /*}}}*/
-diff -ur notion-3-2015061300/de/brush.h notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/brush.h
---- notion-3-2015061300/de/brush.h	2015-06-13 10:37:26.000000000 -0400
-+++ notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/brush.h	2015-07-13 10:37:23.096298747 -0400
-@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
- #include <ioncore/gr.h>
- #include <ioncore/rectangle.h>
-+#ifdef XFT
-+#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h>
-+#endif /* XFT */
- #include "style.h"
-@@ -33,6 +37,9 @@
-     GrBrush grbrush;
-     DEStyle *d;
-+#ifdef XFT
-+    XftDraw *draw;
-     DEBrushExtrasFn *extras_fn;
-     int indicator_w;
-     Window win;
-@@ -108,5 +115,8 @@
- extern void debrush_fill_area(DEBrush *brush, const WRectangle *geom);
- extern void debrush_clear_area(DEBrush *brush, const WRectangle *geom);
-+#ifdef XFT
-+XftDraw *debrush_get_draw(DEBrush *brush, Drawable d);
- #endif /* ION_DE_BRUSH_H */
-diff -ur notion-3-2015061300/de/colour.c notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/colour.c
---- notion-3-2015061300/de/colour.c	2015-06-13 10:37:26.000000000 -0400
-+++ notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/colour.c	2015-07-13 10:37:23.098298633 -0400
-@@ -12,9 +12,21 @@
- bool de_alloc_colour(WRootWin *rootwin, DEColour *ret, const char *name)
- {
-+#ifndef XFT
-     XColor c;
-     bool ok=FALSE;
-+#else /* XFT */
-+    if(name==NULL)
-+        return FALSE;
-+    return XftColorAllocName(
-+        ioncore_g.dpy,
-+        XftDEDefaultVisual(),
-+        rootwin->default_cmap,
-+        name,
-+        ret);
-+#endif /* XFT */
-+#ifndef XFT
-     if(name==NULL)
-         return FALSE;
-@@ -25,11 +37,13 @@
-     }
-     return ok;
-+#endif /* ! XFT */
- }
- bool de_duplicate_colour(WRootWin *rootwin, DEColour in, DEColour *out)
- {
-+#ifndef XFT
-     XColor c;
-     c.pixel=in;
-     XQueryColor(ioncore_g.dpy, rootwin->default_cmap, &c);
-@@ -38,11 +52,20 @@
-         return TRUE;
-     }
-     return FALSE;
-+#else /* XFT */
-+    return XftColorAllocName(
-+        ioncore_g.dpy,
-+        XftDEDefaultVisual(),
-+        rootwin->default_cmap,
-+        &(in.color),
-+        out);
-+#endif /* XFT */
- }
- void de_free_colour_group(WRootWin *rootwin, DEColourGroup *cg)
- {
-+#ifndef XFT
-     DEColour pixels[5];
-     pixels[0]=cg->bg;
-@@ -54,15 +77,26 @@
-     XFreeColors(ioncore_g.dpy, rootwin->default_cmap, pixels, 5, 0);
-     gr_stylespec_unalloc(&cg->spec);
-+#else /* XFT */
-+    de_free_colour(rootwin, cg->bg);
-+    de_free_colour(rootwin, cg->fg);
-+    de_free_colour(rootwin, cg->hl);
-+    de_free_colour(rootwin, cg->sh);
-+    de_free_colour(rootwin, cg->pad);
-+#endif /* XFT */
- }
- void de_free_colour(WRootWin *rootwin, DEColour col)
- {
-+#ifndef XFT
-     DEColour pixels[1];
-     pixels[0]=col;
-     XFreeColors(ioncore_g.dpy, rootwin->default_cmap, pixels, 1, 0);
-+#else /* XFT */
-+    XftColorFree(ioncore_g.dpy, XftDEDefaultVisual(), rootwin->default_cmap, &col);
-+#endif /* XFT */
- }
-diff -ur notion-3-2015061300/de/colour.h notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/colour.h
---- notion-3-2015061300/de/colour.h	2015-06-13 10:37:26.000000000 -0400
-+++ notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/colour.h	2015-07-13 10:37:23.099298576 -0400
-@@ -12,12 +12,19 @@
- #include <ioncore/common.h>
- #include <ioncore/global.h>
- #include <ioncore/rootwin.h>
-+#ifdef XFT
-+#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h>
-+#endif /* XFT */
- INTRSTRUCT(DEColourGroup);
-+#ifndef XFT
- typedef unsigned long DEColour;
-+#else /* XFT */
-+typedef XftColor DEColour;
-+#endif /* XFT */
- DECLSTRUCT(DEColourGroup){
-@@ -34,5 +41,6 @@
- bool de_duplicate_colour(WRootWin *rootwin, DEColour in, DEColour *out);
- void de_free_colour_group(WRootWin *rootwin, DEColourGroup *cg);
- void de_free_colour(WRootWin *rootwin, DEColour col);
-+#define XftDEDefaultVisual()    DefaultVisual(ioncore_g.dpy, 0)
- #endif /* ION_DE_COLOUR_H */
-diff -ur notion-3-2015061300/de/draw.c notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/draw.c
---- notion-3-2015061300/de/draw.c	2015-06-13 10:37:26.000000000 -0400
-+++ notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/draw.c	2015-07-13 10:37:23.109298008 -0400
-@@ -20,6 +20,14 @@
- #include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
-+#ifndef XFT
-+#define PIXEL(x) x
-+#else /* XFT */
-+#define PIXEL(x) x.pixel
-+#endif /* XFT */
- /*{{{ Colour group lookup */
-@@ -84,8 +92,7 @@
-     w--;
-     h--;
--    XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, tlc);
-+    XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(tlc));
-     a=(br!=0);
-     b=0;
-@@ -104,7 +111,7 @@
-     }
--    XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, brc);
-+    XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(brc));
-     a=(tl!=0);
-     b=0;
-@@ -141,23 +148,23 @@
-                             GrBorderLine line)
- {
-     if(line==GR_BORDERLINE_LEFT && geom->h>0 && tl>0){
--        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, tlc);
--        XSetBackground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, tlc);
-+        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(tlc));
-+        XSetBackground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(tlc));
-         XFillRectangle(ioncore_g.dpy, win, gc, geom->x, geom->y, tl, geom->h);
-         geom->x+=tl;
-     }else if(line==GR_BORDERLINE_TOP && geom->w>0 && tl>0){
--        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, tlc);
--        XSetBackground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, tlc);
-+        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(tlc));
-+        XSetBackground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(tlc));
-         XFillRectangle(ioncore_g.dpy, win, gc, geom->x, geom->y, geom->w, tl);
-         geom->y+=tl;
-     }else if(line==GR_BORDERLINE_RIGHT && geom->h>0 && br>0){
--        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, brc);
--        XSetBackground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, brc);
-+        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(brc));
-+        XSetBackground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(brc));
-         XFillRectangle(ioncore_g.dpy, win, gc, geom->x+geom->w-br, geom->y, br, geom->h);
-         geom->w-=br;
-     }else if(line==GR_BORDERLINE_BOTTOM && geom->w>0 && br>0){
--        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, brc);
--        XSetBackground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, brc);
-+        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(brc));
-+        XSetBackground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(brc));
-         XFillRectangle(ioncore_g.dpy, win, gc, geom->x, geom->y+geom->h-br, geom->w, br);
-         geom->h-=br;
-     }
-@@ -388,7 +395,7 @@
-     }
-     if(ISSET(a2, GR_ATTR(tagged)) || ISSET(a1, GR_ATTR(tagged))){
--        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, d->copy_gc, cg->fg);
-+        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, d->copy_gc, PIXEL(cg->fg));
-         copy_masked(brush, d->tag_pixmap, brush->win, 0, 0,
-                     d->tag_pixmap_w, d->tag_pixmap_h,
-@@ -437,7 +444,7 @@
-     GC gc=brush->d->normal_gc;
-     if(TRUE/*needfill*/){
--        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, cg->bg);
-+        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(cg->bg));
-         XFillRectangle(ioncore_g.dpy, brush->win, gc, geom->x, geom->y, 
-                        geom->w, geom->h);
-     }
-@@ -605,7 +612,7 @@
-         attr.background_pixmap=ParentRelative;
-     }else{
-         attrflags=CWBackPixel;
--        attr.background_pixel=brush->d->cgrp.bg;
-+        attr.background_pixel=brush->d->PIXEL(cgrp.bg);
-     }
-     XChangeWindowAttributes(ioncore_g.dpy, brush->win, attrflags, &attr);
-@@ -621,7 +628,7 @@
-     if(cg==NULL)
-         return;
--    XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, cg->bg);
-+    XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(cg->bg));
-     XFillRectangle(ioncore_g.dpy, brush->win, gc, 
-                    geom->x, geom->y, geom->w, geom->h);
- }
-diff -ur notion-3-2015061300/de/font.c notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/font.c
---- notion-3-2015061300/de/font.c	2015-06-13 10:37:26.000000000 -0400
-+++ notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/font.c	2015-07-13 10:37:23.118297497 -0400
-@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@
- #include <ioncore/common.h>
- #include <ioncore/log.h>
- #include "font.h"
-+#ifndef XFT
- #include "fontset.h"
-+#endif /* ! XFT */
- #include "brush.h"
- #include "precompose.h"
-@@ -106,6 +108,9 @@
- DEFont *de_load_font(const char *fontname)
- {
-+#ifdef XFT
-+    XftFont *font;
-     DEFont *fnt;
-     XFontSet fontset=NULL;
-     XFontStruct *fontstruct=NULL;
-@@ -120,7 +125,8 @@
-             return fnt;
-         }
-     }
-+#ifndef XFT
-     if(ioncore_g.use_mb && !(ioncore_g.enc_utf8 && iso10646_font(fontname))){
-         LOG(DEBUG, FONT, "Loading fontset %s", fontname); 
-         fontset=de_create_font_set(fontname);
-@@ -149,13 +155,34 @@
-         return NULL;
-     }
-+#else /* XFT */
-+    if(strncmp(fontname, "xft:", 4)==0){
-+        font=XftFontOpenName(ioncore_g.dpy, DefaultScreen(ioncore_g.dpy),
-+                 fontname+4);
-+    }else{
-+        font=XftFontOpenXlfd(ioncore_g.dpy, DefaultScreen(ioncore_g.dpy), fontname);
-+    }
-+    if(font==NULL){
-+        if(strcmp(fontname, CF_FALLBACK_FONT_NAME)!=0){
-+            warn(TR("Could not load font \"%s\", trying \"%s\""),
-+             fontname, CF_FALLBACK_FONT_NAME);
-+            return de_load_font(CF_FALLBACK_FONT_NAME);
-+        }
-+        return NULL;
-+    }
-+#endif /* XFT */
-     fnt=ALLOC(DEFont);
-     if(fnt==NULL)
-         return NULL;
-+#ifndef XFT
-     fnt->fontset=fontset;
-     fnt->fontstruct=fontstruct;
-+    fnt->font=font;
-     fnt->pattern=scopy(fontname);
-     fnt->next=NULL;
-     fnt->prev=NULL;
-@@ -175,11 +202,13 @@
-     style->font=font;
-     font->refcount++;
-+#ifndef XFT
-     if(style->font->fontstruct!=NULL){
-         XSetFont(ioncore_g.dpy, style->normal_gc, 
-                  style->font->fontstruct->fid);
-     }
-+#endif /* ! XFT */
-     return TRUE;
- }
-@@ -194,11 +223,13 @@
-     if(style->font==NULL)
-         return FALSE;
-+#ifndef XFT
-     if(style->font->fontstruct!=NULL){
-         XSetFont(ioncore_g.dpy, style->normal_gc, 
-                  style->font->fontstruct->fid);
-     }
-+#endif /* ! XFT */
-     return TRUE;
- }
-@@ -208,10 +239,15 @@
-     if(--font->refcount!=0)
-         return;
-+#ifndef XFT
-     if(font->fontset!=NULL)
-         XFreeFontSet(ioncore_g.dpy, font->fontset);
-     if(font->fontstruct!=NULL)
-         XFreeFont(ioncore_g.dpy, font->fontstruct);
-+#else /* XFT */
-+    if(font->font!=NULL)
-+        XftFontClose(ioncore_g.dpy, font->font);
-+#endif /* XFT */
-     if(font->pattern!=NULL)
-         free(font->pattern);
-@@ -239,6 +275,7 @@
- void defont_get_font_extents(DEFont *font, GrFontExtents *fnte)
- {
-+#ifndef XFT
-     if(font->fontset!=NULL){
-         XFontSetExtents *ext=XExtentsOfFontSet(font->fontset);
-         if(ext==NULL)
-@@ -254,7 +291,14 @@
-         fnte->baseline=fnt->ascent;
-         return;
-     }
-+#else /* XFT */
-+    if(font->font!=NULL){
-+        fnte->max_height=font->font->ascent+font->font->descent;
-+        fnte->max_width=font->font->max_advance_width;
-+        fnte->baseline=font->font->ascent;
-+        return;
-+    }
-+#endif /* XFT */
- fail:
- }
-@@ -271,6 +315,7 @@
- uint defont_get_text_width(DEFont *font, const char *text, uint len)
- {
-+#ifndef XFT
-     if(font->fontset!=NULL){
-         XRectangle lext;
- #ifdef CF_DE_USE_XUTF8
-@@ -298,6 +343,18 @@
-     }else{
-         return 0;
-     }
-+#else /* XFT */
-+    if(font->font!=NULL){
-+        XGlyphInfo extents;
-+        if(ioncore_g.enc_utf8)
-+            XftTextExtentsUtf8(ioncore_g.dpy, font->font, (XftChar8 *)text, len, &extents);
-+        else
-+            XftTextExtents8(ioncore_g.dpy, font->font, (XftChar8 *)text, len, &extents);
-+        return extents.xOff;
-+    }else{
-+        return 0;
-+    }
-+#endif /* XFT */
- }
-@@ -307,6 +364,7 @@
- /*{{{ String drawing */
-+#ifndef XFT
- void debrush_do_draw_string_default(DEBrush *brush, int x, int y,
-                                     const char *str, int len, bool needfill, 
-                                     DEColourGroup *colours)
-@@ -366,6 +424,43 @@
-     }
- }
-+#else /* XFT */
-+void debrush_do_draw_string_default(DEBrush *brush, 
-+                                    int x, int y, const char *str,
-+                                    int len, bool needfill, 
-+                                    DEColourGroup *colours)
-+    Window win = brush->win;
-+    GC gc=brush->d->normal_gc;
-+    XftDraw *draw;
-+    XftFont *font;
-+    if(brush->d->font==NULL)
-+        return;
-+    font=brush->d->font->font;
-+    draw=debrush_get_draw(brush, win);
-+    if(needfill){
-+        XGlyphInfo extents;
-+        if(ioncore_g.enc_utf8){
-+            XftTextExtentsUtf8(ioncore_g.dpy, font, (XftChar8 *)str, len,
-+                               &extents);
-+        }else{
-+            XftTextExtents8(ioncore_g.dpy, font, (XftChar8 *)str, len, &extents);
-+            XftDrawRect(draw, &(colours->bg), x-extents.x, y-extents.y,
-+                        extents.width+10, extents.height);
-+        }
-+    }
-+    if(ioncore_g.enc_utf8){
-+        XftDrawStringUtf8(draw, &(colours->fg), font, x, y, (XftChar8 *)str,
-+                          len);
-+    }else{
-+        XftDrawString8(draw, &(colours->fg), font, x, y, (XftChar8 *)str, len);
-+    }
-+#endif /* XFT */
- void debrush_do_draw_string(DEBrush *brush, int x, int y,
-                             const char *str, int len, bool needfill, 
-diff -ur notion-3-2015061300/de/font.h notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/font.h
---- notion-3-2015061300/de/font.h	2015-06-13 10:37:26.000000000 -0400
-+++ notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/font.h	2015-07-13 10:37:23.119297440 -0400
-@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
- #include <ioncore/common.h>
- #include <ioncore/gr.h>
-+#ifdef XFT
-+#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h>
-+#endif /* XFT */
-@@ -27,6 +30,9 @@
-     int refcount;
-     XFontSet fontset;
-     XFontStruct *fontstruct;
-+#ifdef XFT /* XFT */
-+    XftFont *font;
-+#endif /* XFT */
-     DEFont *next, *prev;
- };
-diff -ur notion-3-2015061300/de/init.c notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/init.c
---- notion-3-2015061300/de/init.c	2015-06-13 10:37:26.000000000 -0400
-+++ notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/init.c	2015-07-13 10:37:23.122297270 -0400
-@@ -165,17 +165,26 @@
- {
-     bool bgset;
-     DEColour padinh;
-+    DEColour black, white;
-+#ifdef XFT
-+    de_alloc_colour(rootwin, &black, "black");
-+    de_alloc_colour(rootwin, &white, "white");
-+    black=DE_BLACK(rootwin);
-+    white=DE_WHITE(rootwin);
-     de_get_colour(rootwin, &(cg->hl), tab, "highlight_colour",
--                  (based_on ? based_on->cgrp.hl : DE_WHITE(rootwin)));
-+                  (based_on ? based_on->cgrp.hl : white));
-     de_get_colour(rootwin, &(cg->sh), tab, "shadow_colour",
--                  (based_on ? based_on->cgrp.sh : DE_WHITE(rootwin)));
-+                  (based_on ? based_on->cgrp.sh : white));
-     de_get_colour(rootwin, &(cg->fg), tab, "foreground_colour",
--                  (based_on ? based_on->cgrp.fg : DE_WHITE(rootwin)));
-+                  (based_on ? based_on->cgrp.fg : white));
-     bgset=de_get_colour(rootwin, &(cg->bg), tab, "background_colour",
--                        (based_on ? based_on->cgrp.bg : DE_BLACK(rootwin)));
-+                        (based_on ? based_on->cgrp.bg : black));
--    padinh=(based_on ? based_on->cgrp.pad : DE_WHITE(rootwin));
-+    padinh=(based_on ? based_on->cgrp.pad : white);
-     de_get_colour_(rootwin, &(cg->pad), tab, "padding_colour", 
-                    (bgset ? cg->bg : padinh), padinh);
-diff -ur notion-3-2015061300/de/style.c notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/style.c
---- notion-3-2015061300/de/style.c	2015-06-13 10:37:26.000000000 -0400
-+++ notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/style.c	2015-07-13 10:37:23.128296929 -0400
-@@ -70,10 +70,17 @@
-     /*gcv.function=GXclear;*/
-     gcv.stipple=stipple_pixmap;
-     gcvmask=GCFillStyle|GCStipple/*|GCFunction*/;
-+#ifndef XFT
-     if(style->font!=NULL && style->font->fontstruct!=NULL){
-         gcv.font=style->font->fontstruct->fid;
-         gcvmask|=GCFont;
-     }
-+#else /* XFT */
-+//    if(style->font!=NULL){
-+//        gcv.font=style->font;
-+//        gcvmask|=GCFont;
-+//    }
-+#endif /* XFT */
-     style->stipple_gc=XCreateGC(dpy, root, gcvmask, &gcv);
-     XCopyGC(dpy, style->normal_gc, 
-@@ -201,6 +208,14 @@
- bool destyle_init(DEStyle *style, WRootWin *rootwin, const char *name)
- {
-+    DEColour black, white;
-+#ifdef XFT
-+    de_alloc_colour(rootwin, &black, "black");
-+    de_alloc_colour(rootwin, &white, "white");
-+    black=DE_BLACK(rootwin);
-+    white=DE_WHITE(rootwin);
-+#endif /* XFT */
-     if(!gr_stylespec_load(&style->spec, name))
-         return FALSE;
-@@ -223,11 +238,11 @@
-     style->textalign=DEALIGN_CENTER;
-     style->cgrp_alloced=FALSE;
--    style->cgrp.bg=DE_BLACK(rootwin);
--    style->cgrp.pad=DE_BLACK(rootwin);
--    style->cgrp.fg=DE_WHITE(rootwin);
--    style->cgrp.hl=DE_WHITE(rootwin);
--    style->cgrp.sh=DE_WHITE(rootwin);
-+    style->cgrp.bg=black;
-+    style->cgrp.pad=black;
-+    style->cgrp.fg=white;
-+    style->cgrp.hl=white;
-+    style->cgrp.sh=white;
-     gr_stylespec_init(&style->cgrp.spec);
-     style->font=NULL;
-diff -ur notion-3-2015061300/de/style.h notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/style.h
---- notion-3-2015061300/de/style.h	2015-06-13 10:37:26.000000000 -0400
-+++ notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/style.h	2015-07-13 10:37:23.130296815 -0400
-@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
-     Pixmap tag_pixmap;
-     int tag_pixmap_w;
-     int tag_pixmap_h;
-+    int xft_style;
-     DEStyle *next, *prev;
- };
-diff -ur notion-3-2015061300/system-autodetect.mk notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/system-autodetect.mk
---- notion-3-2015061300/system-autodetect.mk	2015-06-13 10:37:26.000000000 -0400
-+++ notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/system-autodetect.mk	2015-07-13 10:38:14.921332013 -0400
-@@ -103,6 +103,19 @@
- ##
-+## Xft support
-+ifeq ($(USE_XFT),1)
-+EXTRA_INCLUDES += `pkg-config xft --cflags`
-+EXTRA_LIBS += `pkg-config xft --libs`
- ## Localisation
- ##