nixos-render-docs: add html renderer
the basic html renderer. it doesn't have all the docbook compatibility codes embedded into it, but there is a good amount. this renderer is unaware of manual structure and does not traverse structural include tokens (if it finds any it'll just fail), that task falls to derived classes. once we have more uses for structural includes than just the manual we may revisit this decision.
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from pprint import pprint
from typing import Any, Dict
from .md import Converter
from . import html
from . import manual
from . import options
from . import parallel
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
from import Mapping, Sequence
from typing import cast, Optional, NamedTuple
from html import escape
from markdown_it.token import Token
from .manual_structure import XrefTarget
from .md import Renderer
class UnresolvedXrefError(Exception):
class Heading(NamedTuple):
container_tag: str
level: int
html_tag: str
# special handling for part content: whether partinfo div was already closed from
# elsewhere or still needs closing.
partintro_closed: bool
# tocs are generated when the heading opens, but have to be emitted into the file
# after the heading titlepage (and maybe partinfo) has been closed.
toc_fragment: str
_bullet_list_styles = [ 'disc', 'circle', 'square' ]
_ordered_list_styles = [ '1', 'a', 'i', 'A', 'I' ]
class HTMLRenderer(Renderer):
_xref_targets: Mapping[str, XrefTarget]
_headings: list[Heading]
_attrspans: list[str]
_hlevel_offset: int = 0
_bullet_list_nesting: int = 0
_ordered_list_nesting: int = 0
def __init__(self, manpage_urls: Mapping[str, str], xref_targets: Mapping[str, XrefTarget]):
self._headings = []
self._attrspans = []
self._xref_targets = xref_targets
def render(self, tokens: Sequence[Token]) -> str:
result = super().render(tokens)
result += self._close_headings(None)
return result
def text(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return escape(token.content)
def paragraph_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "<p>"
def paragraph_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</p>"
def hardbreak(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "<br />"
def softbreak(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "\n"
def code_inline(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return f'<code class="literal">{escape(token.content)}</code>'
def code_block(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return self.fence(token, tokens, i)
def link_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
href = escape(cast(str, token.attrs['href']), True)
tag, title, target, text = "link", "", 'target="_top"', ""
if href.startswith('#'):
if not (xref := self._xref_targets.get(href[1:])):
raise UnresolvedXrefError(f"bad local reference, id {href} not known")
if tokens[i + 1].type == 'link_close':
tag, text = "xref", xref.title_html
if xref.title:
title = f'title="{escape(xref.title, True)}"'
target, href = "", xref.href()
return f'<a class="{tag}" href="{href}" {title} {target}>{text}'
def link_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</a>"
def list_item_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return '<li class="listitem">'
def list_item_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</li>"
def bullet_list_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
extra = 'compact' if token.meta.get('compact', False) else ''
style = _bullet_list_styles[self._bullet_list_nesting % len(_bullet_list_styles)]
self._bullet_list_nesting += 1
return f'<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist {extra}" style="list-style-type: {style};">'
def bullet_list_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
self._bullet_list_nesting -= 1
return "</ul></div>"
def em_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return '<span class="emphasis"><em>'
def em_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</em></span>"
def strong_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return '<span class="strong"><strong>'
def strong_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</strong></span>"
def fence(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
# TODO use docbook doesn't so we can't yet.
return f'<pre class="programlisting">\n{escape(token.content)}</pre>'
def blockquote_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return '<div class="blockquote"><blockquote class="blockquote">'
def blockquote_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</blockquote></div>"
def note_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return '<div class="note"><h3 class="title">Note</h3>'
def note_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</div>"
def caution_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return '<div class="caution"><h3 class="title">Caution</h3>'
def caution_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</div>"
def important_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return '<div class="important"><h3 class="title">Important</h3>'
def important_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</div>"
def tip_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return '<div class="tip"><h3 class="title">Tip</h3>'
def tip_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</div>"
def warning_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return '<div class="warning"><h3 class="title">Warning</h3>'
def warning_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</div>"
def dl_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return '<div class="variablelist"><dl class="variablelist">'
def dl_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</dl></div>"
def dt_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return '<dt><span class="term">'
def dt_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</span></dt>"
def dd_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "<dd>"
def dd_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "</dd>"
def myst_role(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
if token.meta['name'] == 'command':
return f'<span class="command"><strong>{escape(token.content)}</strong></span>'
if token.meta['name'] == 'file':
return f'<code class="filename">{escape(token.content)}</code>'
if token.meta['name'] == 'var':
return f'<code class="varname">{escape(token.content)}</code>'
if token.meta['name'] == 'env':
return f'<code class="envar">{escape(token.content)}</code>'
if token.meta['name'] == 'option':
return f'<code class="option">{escape(token.content)}</code>'
if token.meta['name'] == 'manpage':
[page, section] = [ s.strip() for s in token.content.rsplit('(', 1) ]
section = section[:-1]
man = f"{page}({section})"
title = f'<span class="refentrytitle">{escape(page)}</span>'
vol = f"({escape(section)})"
ref = f'<span class="citerefentry">{title}{vol}</span>'
if man in self._manpage_urls:
return f'<a class="link" href="{escape(self._manpage_urls[man], True)}" target="_top">{ref}</a>'
return ref
return super().myst_role(token, tokens, i)
def attr_span_begin(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
# we currently support *only* inline anchors and the special .keycap class to produce
# keycap-styled spans.
(id_part, class_part) = ("", "")
if s := token.attrs.get('id'):
id_part = f'<a id="{escape(cast(str, s), True)}" />'
if s := token.attrs.get('class'):
if s == 'keycap':
class_part = '<span class="keycap"><strong>'
return super().attr_span_begin(token, tokens, i)
return id_part + class_part
def attr_span_end(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return self._attrspans.pop()
def heading_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
hlevel = int(token.tag[1:])
htag, hstyle = self._make_hN(hlevel)
if hstyle:
hstyle = f'style="{escape(hstyle, True)}"'
if anchor := cast(str, token.attrs.get('id', '')):
anchor = f'<a id="{escape(anchor, True)}"></a>'
result = self._close_headings(hlevel)
tag = self._heading_tag(token, tokens, i)
toc_fragment = self._build_toc(tokens, i)
self._headings.append(Heading(tag, hlevel, htag, tag != 'part', toc_fragment))
return (
f'<div class="{tag}">'
f' <div class="titlepage">'
f' <div>'
f' <div>'
f' <{htag} class="title" {hstyle}>'
f' {anchor}'
def heading_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
heading = self._headings[-1]
result = (
f' </{heading.html_tag}>'
f' </div>'
f' </div>'
if heading.container_tag == 'part':
result += '<div class="partintro">'
result += heading.toc_fragment
return result
def ordered_list_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
extra = 'compact' if token.meta.get('compact', False) else ''
start = f'start="{token.attrs["start"]}"' if 'start' in token.attrs else ""
style = _ordered_list_styles[self._ordered_list_nesting % len(_ordered_list_styles)]
self._ordered_list_nesting += 1
return f'<div class="orderedlist"><ol class="orderedlist {extra}" {start} type="{style}">'
def ordered_list_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
self._ordered_list_nesting -= 1;
return "</ol></div>"
def example_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
if id := token.attrs.get('id'):
return f'<a id="{escape(cast(str, id), True)}" />'
return ""
def example_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return ""
def _make_hN(self, level: int) -> tuple[str, str]:
return f"h{min(6, max(1, level + self._hlevel_offset))}", ""
def _maybe_close_partintro(self) -> str:
if self._headings:
heading = self._headings[-1]
if heading.container_tag == 'part' and not heading.partintro_closed:
self._headings[-1] = heading._replace(partintro_closed=True)
return heading.toc_fragment + "</div>"
return ""
def _close_headings(self, level: Optional[int]) -> str:
result = []
while len(self._headings) and (level is None or self._headings[-1].level >= level):
return "\n".join(result)
def _heading_tag(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "section"
def _build_toc(self, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return ""
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
import nixos_render_docs as nrd
import pytest
from sample_md import sample1
class Converter([nrd.html.HTMLRenderer]):
def __init__(self, manpage_urls: dict[str, str], xrefs: dict[str, nrd.manual_structure.XrefTarget]):
self._renderer = nrd.html.HTMLRenderer(manpage_urls, xrefs)
def unpretty(s: str) -> str:
return "".join(map(str.strip, s.splitlines())).replace('␣', ' ').replace('↵', '\n')
def test_lists_styles() -> None:
# nested lists rotate through a number of list style
c = Converter({}, {})
assert c._render("- - - - foo") == unpretty("""
<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist compact" style="list-style-type: disc;">
<li class="listitem">
<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist compact" style="list-style-type: circle;">
<li class="listitem">
<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist compact" style="list-style-type: square;">
<li class="listitem">
<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist compact" style="list-style-type: disc;">
<li class="listitem"><p>foo</p></li>
assert c._render("1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. foo") == unpretty("""
<div class="orderedlist"><ol class="orderedlist compact" type="1">
<li class="listitem">
<div class="orderedlist"><ol class="orderedlist compact" type="a">
<li class="listitem">
<div class="orderedlist"><ol class="orderedlist compact" type="i">
<li class="listitem">
<div class="orderedlist"><ol class="orderedlist compact" type="A">
<li class="listitem">
<div class="orderedlist"><ol class="orderedlist compact" type="I">
<li class="listitem">
<div class="orderedlist"><ol class="orderedlist compact" type="1">
<li class="listitem"><p>foo</p></li>
def test_xrefs() -> None:
# nested lists rotate through a number of list style
c = Converter({}, {
'foo': nrd.manual_structure.XrefTarget('foo', '<hr/>', 'toc1', 'title1', 'index.html'),
'bar': nrd.manual_structure.XrefTarget('bar', '<br/>', 'toc2', 'title2', 'index.html', True),
assert c._render("[](#foo)") == '<p><a class="xref" href="index.html#foo" title="title1" ><hr/></a></p>'
assert c._render("[](#bar)") == '<p><a class="xref" href="index.html" title="title2" ><br/></a></p>'
with pytest.raises(nrd.html.UnresolvedXrefError) as exc:
assert exc.value.args[0] == 'bad local reference, id #baz not known'
def test_full() -> None:
c = Converter({ 'man(1)': '' }, {})
assert c._render(sample1) == unpretty("""
<div class="warning">
<h3 class="title">Warning</h3>
<div class="note">
<h3 class="title">Note</h3>
<a class="link" href="link" target="_top">↵
<a class="link" href="" target="_top">
<span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">man</span>(1)</span>
</a> reference
<p><a id="b" />some <a id="a" />nested anchors</p>
<span class="emphasis"><em>emph</em></span>␣
<span class="strong"><strong>strong</strong></span>␣
<span class="emphasis"><em>nesting emph <span class="strong"><strong>and strong</strong></span>␣
and <code class="literal">code</code></em></span>
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul class="itemizedlist " style="list-style-type: disc;">
<li class="listitem"><p>wide bullet</p></li>
<li class="listitem"><p>list</p></li>
<div class="orderedlist">
<ol class="orderedlist " type="1">
<li class="listitem"><p>wide ordered</p></li>
<li class="listitem"><p>list</p></li>
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul class="itemizedlist compact" style="list-style-type: disc;">
<li class="listitem"><p>narrow bullet</p></li>
<li class="listitem"><p>list</p></li>
<div class="orderedlist">
<ol class="orderedlist compact" type="1">
<li class="listitem"><p>narrow ordered</p></li>
<li class="listitem"><p>list</p></li>
<div class="blockquote">
<blockquote class="blockquote">
<div class="blockquote">
<blockquote class="blockquote">
<p>with <span class="emphasis"><em>nesting</em></span></p>
<pre class="programlisting">↵
nested code block↵
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul class="itemizedlist compact" style="list-style-type: disc;">
<li class="listitem"><p>and lists</p></li>
<li class="listitem">
<pre class="programlisting">↵
containing code↵
<p>and more quote</p>
<div class="orderedlist">
<ol class="orderedlist compact" start="100" type="1">
<li class="listitem"><p>list starting at 100</p></li>
<li class="listitem"><p>goes on</p></li>
<div class="variablelist">
<dl class="variablelist">
<dt><span class="term">deflist</span></dt>
<div class="blockquote">
<blockquote class="blockquote">
with a quote↵
and stuff
<pre class="programlisting">↵
code block↵
<pre class="programlisting">↵
fenced block↵
<dt><span class="term">more stuff in same deflist</span></dt>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user