rubyLibs.resque_web: add expression
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ g: # Get dependencies from patched gems
activesupport = g.activesupport_4_0_0;
addressable = g.addressable_2_3_5;
arel = g.arel_4_0_0;
atomic = g.atomic_1_1_13;
atomic = g.atomic_1_1_14;
atoulme_Antwrap = g.atoulme_Antwrap_0_7_4;
autotest_rails = g.autotest_rails_4_1_2;
aws_sdk = g.aws_sdk_1_16_1;
@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ g: # Get dependencies from patched gems
childprocess = g.childprocess_0_3_9;
chronic = g.chronic_0_10_1;
coderay = g.coderay_1_0_9;
coffee_rails = g.coffee_rails_4_0_1;
coffee_script = g.coffee_script_2_2_0;
coffee_script_source = g.coffee_script_source_1_6_3;
cucumber = g.cucumber_1_3_8;
daemons = g.daemons_1_1_9;
diff_lcs = g.diff_lcs_1_1_3;
@ -35,6 +38,7 @@ g: # Get dependencies from patched gems
ethon = g.ethon_0_6_1;
eventmachine = g.eventmachine_1_0_3;
eventmachine_tail = g.eventmachine_tail_0_6_4;
execjs = g.execjs_2_0_2;
fakes3 = g.fakes3_0_1_5;
faraday = g.faraday_0_8_8;
faraday_middleware = g.faraday_middleware_0_9_0;
@ -50,6 +54,7 @@ g: # Get dependencies from patched gems
http_cookie = g.http_cookie_1_0_1;
i18n = g.i18n_0_6_5;
iconv = g.iconv_1_0_3;
jquery_rails = g.jquery_rails_3_0_4;
jruby_pageant = g.jruby_pageant_1_1_1;
jsduck = g.jsduck_5_1_0;
json = g.json_1_8_0;
@ -65,7 +70,8 @@ g: # Get dependencies from patched gems
mini_portile = g.mini_portile_0_5_1;
minitar = g.minitar_0_5_3;
minitest = g.minitest_4_7_5;
multi_json = g.multi_json_1_7_9;
mono_logger = g.mono_logger_1_1_0;
multi_json = g.multi_json_1_8_2;
multi_test = g.multi_test_0_0_2;
multipart_post = g.multipart_post_1_2_0;
net_http_digest_auth = g.net_http_digest_auth_1_4;
@ -84,14 +90,17 @@ g: # Get dependencies from patched gems
pry = g.pry_0_9_12_2;
pusher_client = g.pusher_client_0_3_1;
rack = g.rack_1_5_2;
rack_protection = g.rack_protection_1_5_0;
rack_test = g.rack_test_0_6_2;
rack_protection = g.rack_protection_1_5_1;
rails = g.rails_4_0_0;
railties = g.railties_4_0_0;
rake = g.rake_10_1_0;
rb_fsevent = g.rb_fsevent_0_9_3;
rdiscount = g.rdiscount_2_1_6;
redis = g.redis_3_0_5;
redis_namespace = g.redis_namespace_1_3_1;
remote_syslog = g.remote_syslog_1_6_14;
resque = g.resque_1_25_1;
resque_web = g.resque_web_0_0_3;
right_aws = g.right_aws_3_1_0;
right_http_connection = g.right_http_connection_1_4_0;
rjb = g.rjb_1_4_8;
@ -105,13 +114,14 @@ g: # Get dependencies from patched gems
ruby_hmac = g.ruby_hmac_0_4_0;
rubyforge = g.rubyforge_2_0_4;
rubyzip = g.rubyzip_0_9_9;
sass = g.sass_3_2_10;
sass = g.sass_3_2_12;
sass_rails = g.sass_rails_4_0_1;
selenium_webdriver = g.selenium_webdriver_2_35_1;
servolux = g.servolux_0_10_0;
sinatra = g.sinatra_1_3_2;
sinatra = g.sinatra_1_4_4;
slop = g.slop_3_4_6;
sprockets = g.sprockets_2_10_0;
sprockets_rails = g.sprockets_rails_2_0_0;
sprockets_rails = g.sprockets_rails_2_0_1;
syslog_protocol = g.syslog_protocol_0_9_2;
systemu = g.systemu_2_5_2;
taskjuggler = g.taskjuggler_3_5_0;
@ -120,19 +130,21 @@ g: # Get dependencies from patched gems
text = g.text_1_2_3;
thin = g.thin_1_5_1;
thor = g.thor_0_18_1;
thread_safe = g.thread_safe_0_1_2;
thread_safe = g.thread_safe_0_1_3;
tilt = g.tilt_1_4_1;
tins = g.tins_0_9_0;
travis = g.travis_1_5_3;
treetop = g.treetop_1_4_15;
trollop = g.trollop_2_0;
twitter_bootstrap_rails = g.twitter_bootstrap_rails_2_2_8;
typhoeus = g.typhoeus_0_6_5;
tzinfo = g.tzinfo_0_3_37;
tzinfo = g.tzinfo_0_3_38;
unf = g.unf_0_1_2;
unf_ext = g.unf_ext_0_0_6;
unicode = g.unicode_0_4_4;
uuid = g.uuid_2_3_7;
uuidtools = g.uuidtools_2_1_4;
vegas = g.vegas_0_1_11;
webrobots = g.webrobots_0_1_1;
websocket = g.websocket_1_0_7;
xapian_full = g.xapian_full_1_2_3;
@ -282,6 +294,17 @@ database compatibility and query generation.'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''0sdy8fcncm6p2cba3p8v7dnbsa4z41f4cs1dd0myf4fq7axrrh0s'';
atomic_1_1_14 = {
basename = ''atomic'';
meta = {
description = ''An atomic reference implementation for JRuby, Rubinius, and MRI'';
homepage = '''';
longDescription = ''An atomic reference implementation for JRuby, Rubinius, and MRI'';
name = ''atomic-1.1.14'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''09dzi1gxr5yj273s6s6ss7l2sq4ayavpg95561kib3n4kzvxrhk4'';
atoulme_Antwrap_0_7_4 = {
basename = ''atoulme_Antwrap'';
meta = {
@ -468,6 +491,45 @@ for those one-off tasks, with a language that's a joy to use.
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''1pbjsvd6r2daxd6aicp19fnb1j5z7fxadflsm1h0r33cy3vi7iy8'';
coffee_rails_4_0_1 = {
basename = ''coffee_rails'';
meta = {
description = ''CoffeeScript adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.'';
homepage = '''';
longDescription = ''CoffeeScript adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.'';
name = ''coffee-rails-4.0.1'';
requiredGems = [ g.coffee_script_2_2_0 g.railties_4_0_0 ];
sha256 = ''12nqw61xfs43qap4bxp123q4fgj41gvxirdal95ymdd2qzr3cvig'';
coffee_script_2_2_0 = {
basename = ''coffee_script'';
meta = {
description = ''Ruby CoffeeScript Compiler'';
homepage = '''';
longDescription = '' Ruby CoffeeScript is a bridge to the JS CoffeeScript compiler.
name = ''coffee-script-2.2.0'';
requiredGems = [ g.coffee_script_source_1_6_3 g.execjs_2_0_2 ];
sha256 = ''133cp4znfp44wwnv12myw8s0z6qws74ilqmw88iwzkshg689zpdc'';
coffee_script_source_1_6_3 = {
basename = ''coffee_script_source'';
meta = {
description = ''The CoffeeScript Compiler'';
homepage = '''';
longDescription = '' CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript.
Underneath all of those embarrassing braces and semicolons,
JavaScript has always had a gorgeous object model at its heart.
CoffeeScript is an attempt to expose the good parts of JavaScript
in a simple way.
name = ''coffee-script-source-1.6.3'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''0p33h0rdj1n8xhm2d5hzqbb8br6wn4rx0gk4hyhc6rxkaxsy79b4'';
cucumber_1_3_8 = {
basename = ''cucumber'';
meta = {
@ -649,6 +711,17 @@ using TCP/IP, especially if custom protocols are required.'';
requiredGems = [ g.eventmachine_1_0_3 ];
sha256 = ''1pvlb34vdzd81kf9f3xyibb4f55xjqm7lqqy28dgyci5cyv50y61'';
execjs_2_0_2 = {
basename = ''execjs'';
meta = {
description = ''Run JavaScript code from Ruby'';
homepage = '''';
longDescription = ''ExecJS lets you run JavaScript code from Ruby.'';
name = ''execjs-2.0.2'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''167kbkyql7nvvwjsgdw5z8j66ngq7kc59gxfwsxhqi5fl1z0jbjs'';
fakes3_0_1_5 = {
basename = ''fakes3'';
meta = {
@ -854,6 +927,17 @@ For extra goodness, see:'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''1nhjn07h2fqivdj6xqzi2x2kzh28vigx8z3q5fv2cqn9aqmbdacl'';
jquery_rails_3_0_4 = {
basename = ''jquery_rails'';
meta = {
description = ''Use jQuery with Rails 3'';
homepage = '''';
longDescription = ''This gem provides jQuery and the jQuery-ujs driver for your Rails 3 application.'';
name = ''jquery-rails-3.0.4'';
requiredGems = [ g.railties_4_0_0 g.thor_0_18_1 ];
sha256 = ''0k13mcl9d0zxa2azml0d06y14ggk5yl2xvzsc9l2qv2cwc9xxajm'';
jruby_pageant_1_1_1 = {
basename = ''jruby_pageant'';
meta = {
@ -1133,6 +1217,17 @@ extract-method refactorings still apply.'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''03p6iban9gcpcflzp4z901s1hgj9369p6515h967ny6hlqhcf2iy'';
mono_logger_1_1_0 = {
basename = ''mono_logger'';
meta = {
description = ''A lock-free logger compatible with Ruby 2.0.'';
homepage = '''';
longDescription = ''A lock-free logger compatible with Ruby 2.0. Ruby does not allow you to request a lock in a trap handler because that could deadlock, so Logger is not sufficient.'';
name = ''mono_logger-1.1.0'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''18yplq3xxv5crwpfwbw2sb6brqd3g51si7x9fbh9bcimg4ipzayp'';
multi_json_1_7_9 = {
basename = ''multi_json'';
meta = {
@ -1144,6 +1239,17 @@ extract-method refactorings still apply.'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''1q13ldcc8shlfisy90k19zrar87208gs3za6jmr78p11ip21picx'';
multi_json_1_8_2 = {
basename = ''multi_json'';
meta = {
description = ''A common interface to multiple JSON libraries.'';
homepage = '''';
longDescription = ''A common interface to multiple JSON libraries, including Oj, Yajl, the JSON gem (with C-extensions), the pure-Ruby JSON gem, NSJSONSerialization, gson.rb, JrJackson, and OkJson.'';
name = ''multi_json-1.8.2'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''1ffmnwsfwdgspk86x1g98cq2ivqlgqpqngyrvs07zsnvgdimahdb'';
multi_test_0_0_2 = {
basename = ''multi_test'';
meta = {
@ -1409,6 +1515,17 @@ Also see
requiredGems = [ g.rack_1_5_2 ];
sha256 = ''10wm67f2mp9pryg0s8qapbyxd2lcrpb8ywsbicg29cv2xprhbl4j'';
rack_protection_1_5_1 = {
basename = ''rack_protection'';
meta = {
description = ''You should use protection!'';
homepage = '''';
longDescription = ''You should use protection!'';
name = ''rack-protection-1.5.1'';
requiredGems = [ g.rack_1_5_2 ];
sha256 = ''0qxq5ld15nljxzdcx2wmbc3chw8nb6la1ap838vf263lnjcpx3dd'';
rack_test_0_6_2 = {
basename = ''rack_test'';
meta = {
@ -1499,6 +1616,34 @@ request helpers feature.'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''180ln9gwxn0cyflg0i1viv7jyalmjqvqr34cb65xsmmsz1nz55q2'';
redis_3_0_5 = {
basename = ''redis'';
meta = {
description = ''A Ruby client library for Redis'';
homepage = '''';
longDescription = '' A Ruby client that tries to match Redis' API one-to-one, while still
providing an idiomatic interface. It features thread-safety,
client-side sharding, pipelining, and an obsession for performance.
name = ''redis-3.0.5'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''01gg3mgh3yznfhxschcka593a3ivsyw5g5vr0g5apiz4lfh6dlkn'';
redis_namespace_1_3_1 = {
basename = ''redis_namespace'';
meta = {
description = ''Namespaces Redis commands.'';
homepage = '''';
longDescription = ''Adds a Redis::Namespace class which can be used to namespace calls
to Redis. This is useful when using a single instance of Redis with
multiple, different applications.
name = ''redis-namespace-1.3.1'';
requiredGems = [ g.redis_3_0_5 ];
sha256 = ''1l6a64z09ni5pi6mbgvsph0lp14cnp180aj7mxnq2nb38sig4iw5'';
remote_syslog_1_6_14 = {
basename = ''remote_syslog'';
meta = {
@ -1510,6 +1655,42 @@ request helpers feature.'';
requiredGems = [ g.servolux_0_10_0 g.file_tail_1_0_12 g.eventmachine_1_0_3 g.eventmachine_tail_0_6_4 g.syslog_protocol_0_9_2 g.em_resolv_replace_1_1_3 ];
sha256 = ''1f2yjyqhbdc4vlx52zli1b33f6yn8qc1kd4n0dpv27zswj9qfdkr'';
resque_1_25_1 = {
basename = ''resque'';
meta = {
description = ''Resque is a Redis-backed queueing system.'';
homepage = '''';
longDescription = '' Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs,
placing those jobs on multiple queues, and processing them later.
Background jobs can be any Ruby class or module that responds to
perform. Your existing classes can easily be converted to background
jobs or you can create new classes specifically to do work. Or, you
can do both.
Resque is heavily inspired by DelayedJob (which rocks) and is
comprised of three parts:
* A Ruby library for creating, querying, and processing jobs
* A Rake task for starting a worker which processes jobs
* A Sinatra app for monitoring queues, jobs, and workers.
name = ''resque-1.25.1'';
requiredGems = [ g.redis_namespace_1_3_1 g.vegas_0_1_11 g.sinatra_1_4_4 g.multi_json_1_8_2 g.mono_logger_1_1_0 ];
sha256 = ''0p9kpj900cyb888wmpqx6ms9b0hza09glr4cvrwqwp1vqya25lpy'';
resque_web_0_0_3 = {
basename = ''resque_web'';
meta = {
description = ''Rails-based Resque web interface'';
homepage = '''';
longDescription = ''A Rails-based frontend to the Resque job queue system.'';
name = ''resque-web-0.0.3'';
requiredGems = [ g.resque_1_25_1 g.twitter_bootstrap_rails_2_2_8 g.jquery_rails_3_0_4 g.sass_rails_4_0_1 g.coffee_rails_4_0_1 ];
sha256 = ''1v4g0zrlq9n0pkhdiwxqcmis5p8hpxm475vchldk63mi1vy4fvr2'';
right_aws_3_1_0 = {
basename = ''right_aws'';
meta = {
@ -1739,6 +1920,32 @@ Originally written by Daiki Ueno. Converted to a RubyGem by Geoffrey Grosenbach'
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''0anfff4hz8fz1wbimmp9vv4mjfl1swg7ww74j549788x41l4x283'';
sass_3_2_12 = {
basename = ''sass'';
meta = {
description = ''A powerful but elegant CSS compiler that makes CSS fun again.'';
homepage = '''';
longDescription = '' Sass makes CSS fun again. Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding
nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more.
It's translated to well-formatted, standard CSS using the
command line tool or a web-framework plugin.
name = ''sass-3.2.12'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''074118ia17nx68i97mbkly2f08y57j52b2yfhdc3s02s4s5593f8'';
sass_rails_4_0_1 = {
basename = ''sass_rails'';
meta = {
description = ''Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.'';
homepage = '''';
longDescription = ''Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.'';
name = ''sass-rails-4.0.1'';
requiredGems = [ g.sass_3_2_12 g.railties_4_0_0 g.sprockets_rails_2_0_1 ];
sha256 = ''01sacnipgvl7ad39zzbr6iip6jja7blxfbpjg2dnm6w8gi6smxh1'';
selenium_webdriver_2_35_1 = {
basename = ''selenium_webdriver'';
meta = {
@ -1775,6 +1982,17 @@ interpreters.'';
requiredGems = [ g.rack_1_5_2 g.rack_protection_1_5_0 g.tilt_1_4_1 ];
sha256 = ''05blf915zpiwyz7agcn9rwdmddwxz0z4l3gd4qlqmrgd2vkw4sxc'';
sinatra_1_4_4 = {
basename = ''sinatra'';
meta = {
description = ''Classy web-development dressed in a DSL'';
homepage = '''';
longDescription = ''Sinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort.'';
name = ''sinatra-1.4.4'';
requiredGems = [ g.rack_1_5_2 g.tilt_1_4_1 g.rack_protection_1_5_1 ];
sha256 = ''12iy0f92d3zyk4759flgcracrbzc3x6cilpgdkzhzgjrsm9aa5hs'';
slop_3_4_6 = {
basename = ''slop'';
meta = {
@ -1807,6 +2025,16 @@ interpreters.'';
requiredGems = [ g.sprockets_2_10_0 g.actionpack_4_0_0 g.activesupport_4_0_0 ];
sha256 = ''068w0ly7x1vciy4j6mwgsnz6a983pld4rzk1fpvfsmkdqcizb20x'';
sprockets_rails_2_0_1 = {
basename = ''sprockets_rails'';
meta = {
description = ''Sprockets Rails integration'';
homepage = '''';
name = ''sprockets-rails-2.0.1'';
requiredGems = [ g.sprockets_2_10_0 g.actionpack_4_0_0 g.activesupport_4_0_0 ];
sha256 = ''170llk1qsvzhhslmasqk4hp5lrv9ibwy44q32yg6kn9s7sh0c1wy'';
syslog_protocol_0_9_2 = {
basename = ''syslog_protocol'';
meta = {
@ -1914,6 +2142,17 @@ management.
requiredGems = [ g.atomic_1_1_13 ];
sha256 = ''1bxyh5l11inadbk7pjyz5s98g24qj8xavh55bc56nrzj51y9aavy'';
thread_safe_0_1_3 = {
basename = ''thread_safe'';
meta = {
description = ''A collection of data structures and utilities to make thread-safe programming in Ruby easier'';
homepage = '''';
longDescription = ''Thread-safe collections and utilities for Ruby'';
name = ''thread_safe-0.1.3'';
requiredGems = [ g.atomic_1_1_14 ];
sha256 = ''0f2w62x5nx95d2c2lrn9v4g60xhykf8zw7jaddkrgal913dzifgq'';
tilt_1_4_1 = {
basename = ''tilt'';
meta = {
@ -1972,6 +2211,17 @@ specify.'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''0iz5k7ax7a5jm9x6p81k6f4mgp48wxxb0j55ypnwxnznih8fsghz'';
twitter_bootstrap_rails_2_2_8 = {
basename = ''twitter_bootstrap_rails'';
meta = {
description = ''Bootstrap CSS toolkit for Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline'';
homepage = '''';
longDescription = ''twitter-bootstrap-rails project integrates Bootstrap CSS toolkit for Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline'';
name = ''twitter-bootstrap-rails-2.2.8'';
requiredGems = [ g.railties_4_0_0 g.actionpack_4_0_0 g.execjs_2_0_2 g.rails_4_0_0 ];
sha256 = ''06n836l2kj5ld7w6b1pb5q423mhqnahf4phk5ai5vl927p4g3bgy'';
typhoeus_0_6_5 = {
basename = ''typhoeus'';
meta = {
@ -1994,6 +2244,17 @@ specify.'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''0pi2vabsg73h6z4wfwyd27k63issp2qp1nh0vd74rdk740gmb3kc'';
tzinfo_0_3_38 = {
basename = ''tzinfo'';
meta = {
description = ''Daylight-savings aware timezone library'';
homepage = '''';
longDescription = ''TZInfo is a Ruby library that uses the standard tz (Olson) database to provide daylight savings aware transformations between times in different time zones.'';
name = ''tzinfo-0.3.38'';
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''1s339ravgk0rqm5dhv1l0yi81sczjvdiryn8ihi2czkb0md55j68'';
unf_0_1_2 = {
basename = ''unf'';
meta = {
@ -2054,6 +2315,17 @@ to Ruby/JRuby.
requiredGems = [ ];
sha256 = ''1w0bhnkp5515f3yx5fakfrfkawxjpb4fjm1r2c6lk691xlr696s3'';
vegas_0_1_11 = {
basename = ''vegas'';
meta = {
description = ''Vegas aims to solve the simple problem of creating executable versions of Sinatra/Rack apps.'';
homepage = '''';
longDescription = ''Vegas aims to solve the simple problem of creating executable versions of Sinatra/Rack apps. It includes a class Vegas::Runner that wraps Rack/Sinatra applications and provides a simple command line interface and launching mechanism.'';
name = ''vegas-0.1.11'';
requiredGems = [ g.rack_1_5_2 ];
sha256 = ''0kzv0v1zb8vvm188q4pqwahb6468bmiamn6wpsbiq6r5i69s1bs5'';
webrobots_0_1_1 = {
basename = ''webrobots'';
meta = {
Reference in New Issue
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