Merge pull request #256417 from tweag/fileset.trace
`lib.fileset.trace`, `lib.fileset.traceVal`: init
This commit is contained in:
@ -212,6 +212,5 @@ Here's a list of places in the library that need to be updated in the future:
- > The file set library is currently somewhat limited but is being expanded to include more functions over time.
in [the manual](../../doc/functions/
- Once a tracing function exists, `__noEval` in [internal.nix](./internal.nix) should mention it
- If/Once a function to convert `lib.sources` values into file sets exists, the `_coerce` and `toSource` functions should be updated to mention that function in the error when such a value is passed
- If/Once a function exists that can optionally include a path depending on whether it exists, the error message for the path not existing in `_coerce` should mention the new function
@ -6,12 +6,14 @@ let
inherit (builtins)
@ -274,4 +276,93 @@ If a directory does not recursively contain any file, it is omitted from the sto
Incrementally evaluate and trace a file set in a pretty way.
This function is only intended for debugging purposes.
The exact tracing format is unspecified and may change.
This function takes a final argument to return.
In comparison, [`traceVal`](#function-library-lib.fileset.traceVal) returns
the given file set argument.
This variant is useful for tracing file sets in the Nix repl.
trace :: FileSet -> Any -> Any
trace (unions [ ./Makefile ./src ./tests/ ]) null
trace: /home/user/src/myProject
trace: - Makefile (regular)
trace: - src (all files in directory)
trace: - tests
trace: - (regular)
trace =
The file set to trace.
This argument can also be a path,
which gets [implicitly coerced to a file set](#sec-fileset-path-coercion).
# "fileset" would be a better name, but that would clash with the argument name,
# and we cannot change that because of
actualFileset = _coerce "lib.fileset.trace: argument" fileset;
(_printFileset actualFileset)
(x: x);
Incrementally evaluate and trace a file set in a pretty way.
This function is only intended for debugging purposes.
The exact tracing format is unspecified and may change.
This function returns the given file set.
In comparison, [`trace`](#function-library-lib.fileset.trace) takes another argument to return.
This variant is useful for tracing file sets passed as arguments to other functions.
traceVal :: FileSet -> FileSet
toSource {
root = ./.;
fileset = traceVal (unions [
trace: /home/user/src/myProject
trace: - Makefile (regular)
trace: - src (all files in directory)
trace: - tests
trace: - (regular)
traceVal =
The file set to trace and return.
This argument can also be a path,
which gets [implicitly coerced to a file set](#sec-fileset-path-coercion).
# "fileset" would be a better name, but that would clash with the argument name,
# and we cannot change that because of
actualFileset = _coerce "lib.fileset.traceVal: argument" fileset;
(_printFileset actualFileset)
# We could also return the original fileset argument here,
# but that would then duplicate work for consumers of the fileset, because then they have to coerce it again
@ -7,11 +7,14 @@ let
inherit (lib.attrsets)
@ -103,7 +106,9 @@ rec {
_noEvalMessage = ''
lib.fileset: Directly evaluating a file set is not supported. Use `lib.fileset.toSource` to turn it into a usable source instead.'';
lib.fileset: Directly evaluating a file set is not supported.
To turn it into a usable source, use `lib.fileset.toSource`.
To pretty-print the contents, use `lib.fileset.trace` or `lib.fileset.traceVal`.'';
# The empty file set without a base path
_emptyWithoutBase = {
@ -114,8 +119,10 @@ rec {
# The one and only!
_internalIsEmptyWithoutBase = true;
# Double __ to make it be evaluated and ordered first
__noEval = throw _noEvalMessage;
# Due to alphabetical ordering, this is evaluated last,
# which makes the nix repl output nicer than if it would be ordered first.
# It also allows evaluating it strictly up to this error, which could be useful
_noEval = throw _noEvalMessage;
# Create a fileset, see ./
@ -137,8 +144,10 @@ rec {
_internalBaseComponents = components parts.subpath;
_internalTree = tree;
# Double __ to make it be evaluated and ordered first
__noEval = throw _noEvalMessage;
# Due to alphabetical ordering, this is evaluated last,
# which makes the nix repl output nicer than if it would be ordered first.
# It also allows evaluating it strictly up to this error, which could be useful
_noEval = throw _noEvalMessage;
# Coerce a value to a fileset, erroring when the value cannot be coerced.
@ -237,22 +246,22 @@ rec {
// value;
Simplify a filesetTree recursively:
- Replace all directories that have no files with `null`
A normalisation of a filesetTree suitable filtering with `builtins.path`:
- Replace all directories that have no files with `null`.
This removes directories that would be empty
- Replace all directories with all files with `"directory"`
- Replace all directories with all files with `"directory"`.
This speeds up the source filter function
Note that this function is strict, it evaluates the entire tree
Type: Path -> filesetTree -> filesetTree
_simplifyTree = path: tree:
_normaliseTreeFilter = path: tree:
if tree == "directory" || isAttrs tree then
entries = _directoryEntries path tree;
simpleSubtrees = mapAttrs (name: _simplifyTree (path + "/${name}")) entries;
subtreeValues = attrValues simpleSubtrees;
normalisedSubtrees = mapAttrs (name: _normaliseTreeFilter (path + "/${name}")) entries;
subtreeValues = attrValues normalisedSubtrees;
# This triggers either when all files in a directory are filtered out
# Or when the directory doesn't contain any files at all
@ -262,10 +271,112 @@ rec {
else if all isString subtreeValues then
A minimal normalisation of a filesetTree, intended for pretty-printing:
- If all children of a path are recursively included or empty directories, the path itself is also recursively included
- If all children of a path are fully excluded or empty directories, the path itself is an empty directory
- Other empty directories are represented with the special "emptyDir" string
While these could be replaced with `null`, that would take another mapAttrs
Note that this function is partially lazy.
Type: Path -> filesetTree -> filesetTree (with "emptyDir"'s)
_normaliseTreeMinimal = path: tree:
if tree == "directory" || isAttrs tree then
entries = _directoryEntries path tree;
normalisedSubtrees = mapAttrs (name: _normaliseTreeMinimal (path + "/${name}")) entries;
subtreeValues = attrValues normalisedSubtrees;
# If there are no entries, or all entries are empty directories, return "emptyDir".
# After this branch we know that there's at least one file
if all (value: value == "emptyDir") subtreeValues then
# If all subtrees are fully included or empty directories
# (both of which are coincidentally represented as strings), return "directory".
# This takes advantage of the fact that empty directories can be represented as included directories.
# Note that the tree == "directory" check allows avoiding recursion
else if tree == "directory" || all (value: isString value) subtreeValues then
# If all subtrees are fully excluded or empty directories, return null.
# This takes advantage of the fact that empty directories can be represented as excluded directories
else if all (value: isNull value || value == "emptyDir") subtreeValues then
# Mix of included and excluded entries
# Trace a filesetTree in a pretty way when the resulting value is evaluated.
# This can handle both normal filesetTree's, and ones returned from _normaliseTreeMinimal
# Type: Path -> filesetTree (with "emptyDir"'s) -> Null
_printMinimalTree = base: tree:
treeSuffix = tree:
if isAttrs tree then
else if tree == "directory" then
" (all files in directory)"
# This does "leak" the file type strings of the internal representation,
# but this is the main reason these file type strings even are in the representation!
# TODO: Consider removing that information from the internal representation for performance.
# The file types can still be printed by querying them only during tracing
" (${tree})";
# Only for attribute set trees
traceTreeAttrs = prevLine: indent: tree:
foldl' (prevLine: name:
subtree = tree.${name};
# Evaluating this prints the line for this subtree
thisLine =
trace "${indent}- ${name}${treeSuffix subtree}" prevLine;
if subtree == null || subtree == "emptyDir" then
# Don't print anything at all if this subtree is empty
else if isAttrs subtree then
# A directory with explicit entries
# Do print this node, but also recurse
traceTreeAttrs thisLine "${indent} " subtree
# Either a file, or a recursively included directory
# Do print this node but no further recursion needed
) prevLine (attrNames tree);
# Evaluating this will print the first line
firstLine =
if tree == null || tree == "emptyDir" then
trace "(empty)" null
trace "${toString base}${treeSuffix tree}" null;
if isAttrs tree then
traceTreeAttrs firstLine "" tree
# Pretty-print a file set in a pretty way when the resulting value is evaluated
# Type: fileset -> Null
_printFileset = fileset:
if fileset._internalIsEmptyWithoutBase then
trace "(empty)" null
_printMinimalTree fileset._internalBase
(_normaliseTreeMinimal fileset._internalBase fileset._internalTree);
# Turn a fileset into a source filter function suitable for `builtins.path`
# Only directories recursively containing at least one files are recursed into
# Type: Path -> fileset -> (String -> String -> Bool)
@ -273,7 +384,7 @@ rec {
# Simplify the tree, necessary to make sure all empty directories are null
# which has the effect that they aren't included in the result
tree = _simplifyTree fileset._internalBase fileset._internalTree;
tree = _normaliseTreeFilter fileset._internalBase fileset._internalTree;
# The base path as a string with a single trailing slash
baseString =
@ -57,18 +57,35 @@ with lib.fileset;'
expectEqual() {
local actualExpr=$1
local expectedExpr=$2
if ! actualResult=$(nix-instantiate --eval --strict --show-trace \
if actualResult=$(nix-instantiate --eval --strict --show-trace 2>"$tmp"/actualStderr \
--expr "$prefixExpression ($actualExpr)"); then
die "$actualExpr failed to evaluate, but it was expected to succeed"
if ! expectedResult=$(nix-instantiate --eval --strict --show-trace \
actualStderr=$(< "$tmp"/actualStderr)
if expectedResult=$(nix-instantiate --eval --strict --show-trace 2>"$tmp"/expectedStderr \
--expr "$prefixExpression ($expectedExpr)"); then
die "$expectedExpr failed to evaluate, but it was expected to succeed"
expectedStderr=$(< "$tmp"/expectedStderr)
if [[ "$actualExitCode" != "$expectedExitCode" ]]; then
echo "$actualStderr" >&2
echo "$actualResult" >&2
die "$actualExpr should have exited with $expectedExitCode, but it exited with $actualExitCode"
if [[ "$actualResult" != "$expectedResult" ]]; then
die "$actualExpr should have evaluated to $expectedExpr:\n$expectedResult\n\nbut it evaluated to\n$actualResult"
if [[ "$actualStderr" != "$expectedStderr" ]]; then
die "$actualExpr should have had this on stderr:\n$expectedStderr\n\nbut it was\n$actualStderr"
# Check that a nix expression evaluates successfully to a store path and returns it (without quotes).
@ -84,14 +101,14 @@ expectStorePath() {
crudeUnquoteJSON <<< "$result"
# Check that a nix expression fails to evaluate (strictly, coercing to json, read-write-mode).
# Check that a nix expression fails to evaluate (strictly, read-write-mode).
# And check the received stderr against a regex
# The expression has `lib.fileset` in scope.
# Usage: expectFailure NIX REGEX
expectFailure() {
local expr=$1
local expectedErrorRegex=$2
if result=$(nix-instantiate --eval --strict --json --read-write-mode --show-trace 2>"$tmp/stderr" \
if result=$(nix-instantiate --eval --strict --read-write-mode --show-trace 2>"$tmp/stderr" \
--expr "$prefixExpression $expr"); then
die "$expr evaluated successfully to $result, but it was expected to fail"
@ -101,16 +118,112 @@ expectFailure() {
# We conditionally use inotifywait in checkFileset.
# Check that the traces of a Nix expression are as expected when evaluated.
# The expression has `lib.fileset` in scope.
# Usage: expectTrace NIX STR
expectTrace() {
local expr=$1
local expectedTrace=$2
nix-instantiate --eval --show-trace >/dev/null 2>"$tmp"/stderrTrace \
--expr "$prefixExpression trace ($expr)" || true
actualTrace=$(sed -n 's/^trace: //p' "$tmp/stderrTrace")
nix-instantiate --eval --show-trace >/dev/null 2>"$tmp"/stderrTraceVal \
--expr "$prefixExpression traceVal ($expr)" || true
actualTraceVal=$(sed -n 's/^trace: //p' "$tmp/stderrTraceVal")
# Test that traceVal returns the same trace as trace
if [[ "$actualTrace" != "$actualTraceVal" ]]; then
cat "$tmp"/stderrTrace >&2
die "$expr traced this for lib.fileset.trace:\n\n$actualTrace\n\nand something different for lib.fileset.traceVal:\n\n$actualTraceVal"
if [[ "$actualTrace" != "$expectedTrace" ]]; then
cat "$tmp"/stderrTrace >&2
die "$expr should have traced this:\n\n$expectedTrace\n\nbut this was actually traced:\n\n$actualTrace"
# We conditionally use inotifywait in withFileMonitor.
# Check early whether it's available
# TODO: Darwin support, though not crucial since we have Linux CI
if type inotifywait 2>/dev/null >/dev/null; then
echo "Warning: Not checking that excluded files don't get accessed since inotifywait is not available" >&2
echo "Warning: Cannot check for paths not getting read since the inotifywait command (from the inotify-tools package) is not available" >&2
# Run a function while monitoring that it doesn't read certain paths
# Usage: withFileMonitor FUNNAME PATH...
# - FUNNAME should be a bash function that:
# - Performs some operation that should not read some paths
# - Delete the paths it shouldn't read without triggering any open events
# - PATH... are the paths that should not get read
# This function outputs the same as FUNNAME
withFileMonitor() {
local funName=$1
# If we can't monitor files or have none to monitor, just run the function directly
if [[ -z "$canMonitor" ]] || (( "$#" == 0 )); then
# Use a subshell to start the coprocess in and use a trap to kill it when exiting the subshell
# Assigned by coproc, makes shellcheck happy
local watcher watcher_PID
# Start inotifywait in the background to monitor all excluded paths
coproc watcher {
# inotifywait outputs a string on stderr when ready
# Redirect it to stdout so we can access it from the coproc's stdout fd
# exec so that the coprocess is inotify itself, making the kill below work correctly
# See below why we listen to both open and delete_self events
exec inotifywait --format='%e %w' --event open,delete_self --monitor "$@" 2>&1
# This will trigger when this subshell exits, no matter if successful or not
# After exiting the subshell, the parent shell will continue executing
trap 'kill "${watcher_PID}"' exit
# Synchronously wait until inotifywait is ready
while read -r -u "${watcher[0]}" line && [[ "$line" != "Watches established." ]]; do
# Call the function that should not read the given paths and delete them afterwards
# Get the first event
read -r -u "${watcher[0]}" event file
# With funName potentially reading files first before deleting them,
# there's only these two possible event timelines:
# - open*, ..., open*, delete_self, ..., delete_self: If some excluded paths were read
# - delete_self, ..., delete_self: If no excluded paths were read
# So by looking at the first event we can figure out which one it is!
# This also means we don't have to wait to collect all events.
case "$event" in
die "$funName opened excluded file $file when it shouldn't have"
# Expected events
die "During $funName, Unexpected event type '$event' on file $file that should be excluded"
# Check whether a file set includes/excludes declared paths as expected, usage:
# tree=(
@ -120,7 +233,7 @@ fi
# )
# checkFileset './a' # Pass the fileset as the argument
declare -A tree
checkFileset() (
checkFileset() {
# New subshell so that we can have a separate trap handler, see `trap` below
local fileset=$1
@ -168,54 +281,21 @@ checkFileset() (
touch "${filesToCreate[@]}"
# Start inotifywait in the background to monitor all excluded files (if any)
if [[ -n "$canMonitorFiles" ]] && (( "${#excludedFiles[@]}" != 0 )); then
coproc watcher {
# inotifywait outputs a string on stderr when ready
# Redirect it to stdout so we can access it from the coproc's stdout fd
# exec so that the coprocess is inotify itself, making the kill below work correctly
# See below why we listen to both open and delete_self events
exec inotifywait --format='%e %w' --event open,delete_self --monitor "${excludedFiles[@]}" 2>&1
# This will trigger when this subshell exits, no matter if successful or not
# After exiting the subshell, the parent shell will continue executing
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
trap 'kill "${watcher_PID}"' exit
# Synchronously wait until inotifywait is ready
while read -r -u "${watcher[0]}" line && [[ "$line" != "Watches established." ]]; do
# Call toSource with the fileset, triggering open events for all files that are added to the store
expression="toSource { root = ./.; fileset = $fileset; }"
storePath=$(expectStorePath "$expression")
# Remove all files immediately after, triggering delete_self events for all of them
rm -rf -- *
# We don't have lambda's in bash unfortunately,
# so we just define a function instead and then pass its name
# shellcheck disable=SC2317
run() {
# Call toSource with the fileset, triggering open events for all files that are added to the store
expectStorePath "$expression"
if (( ${#excludedFiles[@]} != 0 )); then
rm "${excludedFiles[@]}"
# Only check for the inotify events if we actually started inotify earlier
if [[ -v watcher ]]; then
# Get the first event
read -r -u "${watcher[0]}" event file
# There's only these two possible event timelines:
# - open, ..., open, delete_self, ..., delete_self: If some excluded files were read
# - delete_self, ..., delete_self: If no excluded files were read
# So by looking at the first event we can figure out which one it is!
case "$event" in
die "$expression opened excluded file $file when it shouldn't have"
# Expected events
die "Unexpected event type '$event' on file $file that should be excluded"
# Runs the function while checking that the given excluded files aren't read
storePath=$(withFileMonitor run "${excludedFiles[@]}")
# For each path that should be included, make sure it does occur in the resulting store path
for p in "${included[@]}"; do
@ -230,7 +310,9 @@ checkFileset() (
die "$expression included path $p when it shouldn't have"
rm -rf -- *
#### Error messages #####
@ -281,8 +363,12 @@ expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = "/some/path"; }' '
expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = ./a; }' 'lib.fileset.toSource: `fileset` \('"$work"'/a\) does not exist.'
# File sets cannot be evaluated directly
expectFailure 'union ./. ./.' 'lib.fileset: Directly evaluating a file set is not supported. Use `lib.fileset.toSource` to turn it into a usable source instead.'
expectFailure '_emptyWithoutBase' 'lib.fileset: Directly evaluating a file set is not supported. Use `lib.fileset.toSource` to turn it into a usable source instead.'
expectFailure 'union ./. ./.' 'lib.fileset: Directly evaluating a file set is not supported.
\s*To turn it into a usable source, use `lib.fileset.toSource`.
\s*To pretty-print the contents, use `lib.fileset.trace` or `lib.fileset.traceVal`.'
expectFailure '_emptyWithoutBase' 'lib.fileset: Directly evaluating a file set is not supported.
\s*To turn it into a usable source, use `lib.fileset.toSource`.
\s*To pretty-print the contents, use `lib.fileset.trace` or `lib.fileset.traceVal`.'
# Past versions of the internal representation are supported
expectEqual '_coerce "<tests>: value" { _type = "fileset"; _internalVersion = 0; _internalBase = ./.; }' \
@ -501,6 +587,147 @@ done
# So, just using 1000 files for now.
checkFileset 'unions (mapAttrsToList (name: _: ./. + "/${name}/a") (builtins.readDir ./.))'
## Tracing
# The second trace argument is returned
expectEqual 'trace ./. "some value"' 'builtins.trace "(empty)" "some value"'
# The fileset traceVal argument is returned
expectEqual 'traceVal ./.' 'builtins.trace "(empty)" (_create ./. "directory")'
# The tracing happens before the final argument is needed
expectEqual 'trace ./.' 'builtins.trace "(empty)" (x: x)'
# Tracing an empty directory shows it as such
expectTrace './.' '(empty)'
# This also works if there are directories, but all recursively without files
mkdir -p a/b/c
expectTrace './.' '(empty)'
rm -rf -- *
# The empty file set without a base also prints as empty
expectTrace '_emptyWithoutBase' '(empty)'
expectTrace 'unions [ ]' '(empty)'
# If a directory is fully included, print it as such
touch a
expectTrace './.' "$work"' (all files in directory)'
rm -rf -- *
# If a directory is not fully included, recurse
mkdir a b
touch a/{x,y} b/{x,y}
expectTrace 'union ./a/x ./b' "$work"'
- a
- x (regular)
- b (all files in directory)'
rm -rf -- *
# If an included path is a file, print its type
touch a x
ln -s a b
mkfifo c
expectTrace 'unions [ ./a ./b ./c ]' "$work"'
- a (regular)
- b (symlink)
- c (unknown)'
rm -rf -- *
# Do not print directories without any files recursively
mkdir -p a/b/c
touch b x
expectTrace 'unions [ ./a ./b ]' "$work"'
- b (regular)'
rm -rf -- *
# If all children are either fully included or empty directories,
# the parent should be printed as fully included
touch a
mkdir b
expectTrace 'union ./a ./b' "$work"' (all files in directory)'
rm -rf -- *
mkdir -p x/b x/c
touch x/a
touch a
# If all children are either fully excluded or empty directories,
# the parent should be shown (or rather not shown) as fully excluded
expectTrace 'unions [ ./a ./x/b ./x/c ]' "$work"'
- a (regular)'
rm -rf -- *
# Completely filtered out directories also print as empty
touch a
expectTrace '_create ./. {}' '(empty)'
rm -rf -- *
# A general test to make sure the resulting format makes sense
# Such as indentation and ordering
mkdir -p bar/{qux,someDir}
touch bar/{baz,qux,someDir/a} foo
touch bar/qux/x
ln -s x bar/qux/a
mkfifo bar/qux/b
expectTrace 'unions [
]' "$work"'
- bar
- baz (regular)
- qux
- a (symlink)
- b (unknown)
- someDir (all files in directory)
- foo (regular)'
rm -rf -- *
# For recursively included directories,
# `(all files in directory)` should only be used if there's at least one file (otherwise it would be `(empty)`)
# and this should be determined without doing a full search
# a is intentionally ordered first here in order to allow triggering the short-circuit behavior
# We then check that b is not read
# In a more realistic scenario, some directories might need to be recursed into,
# but a file would be quickly found to trigger the short-circuit.
touch a
mkdir b
# We don't have lambda's in bash unfortunately,
# so we just define a function instead and then pass its name
# shellcheck disable=SC2317
run() {
# This shouldn't read b/
expectTrace './.' "$work"' (all files in directory)'
# Remove all files immediately after, triggering delete_self events for all of them
rmdir b
# Runs the function while checking that b isn't read
withFileMonitor run b
rm -rf -- *
# Partially included directories trace entries as they are evaluated
touch a b c
expectTrace '_create ./. { a = null; b = "regular"; c = throw "b"; }' "$work"'
- b (regular)'
# Except entries that need to be evaluated to even figure out if it's only partially included:
# Here the directory could be fully excluded or included just from seeing a and b,
# so c needs to be evaluated before anything can be traced
expectTrace '_create ./. { a = null; b = null; c = throw "c"; }' ''
expectTrace '_create ./. { a = "regular"; b = "regular"; c = throw "c"; }' ''
rm -rf -- *
# We can trace large directories (10000 here) without any problems
expectedTrace=$work$'\n'$(printf -- '- %s (regular)\n' "${filesToCreate[@]}")
# We need an excluded file so it doesn't print as `(all files in directory)`
touch 0 "${filesToCreate[@]}"
expectTrace 'unions (mapAttrsToList (n: _: ./. + "/${n}") (removeAttrs (builtins.readDir ./.) [ "0" ]))' "$expectedTrace"
rm -rf -- *
# TODO: Once we have combinators and a property testing library, derive property tests from
echo >&2 tests ok
Reference in New Issue
Block a user