diff --git a/doc/builders/images/dockertools.section.md b/doc/builders/images/dockertools.section.md
index d8deb6cfbc8c..6fdd4b5cadd3 100644
--- a/doc/builders/images/dockertools.section.md
+++ b/doc/builders/images/dockertools.section.md
@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ buildImage {
     WorkingDir = "/data";
     Volumes = { "/data" = { }; };
+  diskSize = 1024;
+  buildVMMemorySize = 512;
@@ -59,6 +62,10 @@ The above example will build a Docker image `redis/latest` from the given base i
 - `config` is used to specify the configuration of the containers that will be started off the built image in Docker. The available options are listed in the [Docker Image Specification v1.2.0](https://github.com/moby/moby/blob/master/image/spec/v1.2.md#image-json-field-descriptions).
+- `diskSize` is used to specify the disk size of the VM used to build the image in megabytes. By default it's 1024 MiB.
+- `buildVMMemorySize` is used to specify the memory size of the VM to build the image in megabytes. By default it's 512 MiB.
 After the new layer has been created, its closure (to which `contents`, `config` and `runAsRoot` contribute) will be copied in the layer itself. Only new dependencies that are not already in the existing layers will be copied.
 At the end of the process, only one new single layer will be produced and added to the resulting image.
diff --git a/maintainers/maintainer-list.nix b/maintainers/maintainer-list.nix
index 0259d9ede1e5..f95592557a95 100644
--- a/maintainers/maintainer-list.nix
+++ b/maintainers/maintainer-list.nix
@@ -1778,7 +1778,7 @@
   booklearner = {
     name = "booklearner";
-    email = "hey@booklearner.org";
+    email = "booklearner@proton.me";
     matrix = "@booklearner:matrix.org";
     github = "booklearner";
     githubId = 103979114;
@@ -7956,6 +7956,12 @@
     githubId = 31056089;
     name = "Tom Ho";
+  majewsky = {
+    email = "majewsky@gmx.net";
+    github = "majewsky";
+    githubId = 24696;
+    name = "Stefan Majewsky";
+  };
   majiir = {
     email = "majiir@nabaal.net";
     github = "Majiir";
@@ -14068,6 +14074,15 @@
     github = "wr0belj";
     githubId = 40501814;
+  wrmilling = {
+    name = "Winston R. Milling";
+    email = "Winston@Milli.ng";
+    github = "WRMilling";
+    githubId = 6162814;
+    keys = [{
+      fingerprint = "21E1 6B8D 2EE8 7530 6A6C  9968 D830 77B9 9F8C 6643";
+    }];
+  };
   wscott = {
     email = "wsc9tt@gmail.com";
     github = "wscott";
diff --git a/nixos/modules/module-list.nix b/nixos/modules/module-list.nix
index 3a849fcfec77..82c4d69a7880 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/module-list.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/module-list.nix
@@ -620,6 +620,7 @@
+  ./services/misc/portunus.nix
@@ -639,6 +640,7 @@
+  ./services/misc/spice-webdavd.nix
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/desktops/system-config-printer.nix b/nixos/modules/services/desktops/system-config-printer.nix
index 09c68c587b43..55f27b0e6534 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/services/desktops/system-config-printer.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/desktops/system-config-printer.nix
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ with lib;
     # for $out/bin/install-printer-driver
-    services.packagekit.enable = true;
+    # TODO: Enable once #177946 is resolved
+    # services.packagekit.enable = true;
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/hardware/fwupd.nix b/nixos/modules/services/hardware/fwupd.nix
index 241c9d143d32..eb5f6dcf8fd0 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/services/hardware/fwupd.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/hardware/fwupd.nix
@@ -125,6 +125,8 @@ in {
     services.udev.packages = [ cfg.package ];
+    services.udisks2.enable = true;
     systemd.packages = [ cfg.package ];
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/misc/portunus.nix b/nixos/modules/services/misc/portunus.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a2247272fa26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/misc/portunus.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+  cfg = config.services.portunus;
+  options.services.portunus = {
+    enable = mkEnableOption "Portunus, a self-contained user/group management and authentication service for LDAP";
+    domain = mkOption {
+      type = types.str;
+      example = "sso.example.com";
+      description = "Subdomain which gets reverse proxied to Portunus webserver.";
+    };
+    port = mkOption {
+      type = types.port;
+      default = 8080;
+      description = ''
+        Port where the Portunus webserver should listen on.
+        This must be put behind a TLS-capable reverse proxy because Portunus only listens on localhost.
+      '';
+    };
+    package = mkOption {
+      type = types.package;
+      default = pkgs.portunus;
+      defaultText = "pkgs.portunus";
+      description = "The Portunus package to use.";
+    };
+    seedPath = mkOption {
+      type = types.nullOr types.path;
+      default = null;
+      description = ''
+        Path to a portunus seed file in json format.
+        See <link xlink:href="https://github.com/majewsky/portunus#seeding-users-and-groups-from-static-configuration"/> for available options.
+      '';
+    };
+    stateDir = mkOption {
+      type = types.path;
+      default = "/var/lib/portunus";
+      description = "Path where Portunus stores its state.";
+    };
+    user = mkOption {
+      type = types.str;
+      default = "portunus";
+      description = "User account under which Portunus runs its webserver.";
+    };
+    group = mkOption {
+      type = types.str;
+      default = "portunus";
+      description = "Group account under which Portunus runs its webserver.";
+    };
+    dex = {
+      enable = mkEnableOption ''
+        Dex ldap connector.
+        To activate dex, first a search user must be created in the Portunus web ui
+        and then the password must to be set as the <literal>DEX_SEARCH_USER_PASSWORD</literal> environment variable
+        in the <xref linkend="opt-services.dex.environmentFile"/> setting.
+      '';
+      oidcClients = mkOption {
+        type = types.listOf (types.submodule {
+          options = {
+            callbackURL = mkOption {
+              type = types.str;
+              description = "URL where the OIDC client should redirect";
+            };
+            id = mkOption {
+              type = types.str;
+              description = "ID of the OIDC client";
+            };
+          };
+        });
+        default = [ ];
+        example = [
+          {
+            callbackURL = "https://example.com/client/oidc/callback";
+            id = "service";
+          }
+        ];
+        description = ''
+          List of OIDC clients.
+          The OIDC secret must be set as the <literal>DEX_CLIENT_''${id}</literal> environment variable
+          in the <xref linkend="opt-services.dex.environmentFile"/> setting.
+        '';
+      };
+      port = mkOption {
+        type = types.port;
+        default = 5556;
+        description = "Port where dex should listen on.";
+      };
+    };
+    ldap = {
+      package = mkOption {
+        type = types.package;
+        default = pkgs.openldap;
+        defaultText = "pkgs.openldap";
+        description = "The OpenLDAP package to use.";
+      };
+      searchUserName = mkOption {
+        type = types.str;
+        default = "";
+        example = "admin";
+        description = ''
+          The login name of the search user.
+          This user account must be configured in Portunus either manually or via seeding.
+        '';
+      };
+      suffix = mkOption {
+        type = types.str;
+        example = "dc=example,dc=org";
+        description = ''
+          The DN of the topmost entry in your LDAP directory.
+          Please refer to the Portunus documentation for more information on how this impacts the structure of the LDAP directory.
+        '';
+      };
+      tls = mkOption {
+        type = types.bool;
+        default = false;
+        description = ''
+          Wether to enable LDAPS protocol.
+          This also adds two entries to the <literal>/etc/hosts</literal> file to point <xref linkend="opt-services.portunus.domain"/> to localhost,
+          so that CLIs and programs can use ldaps protocol and verify the certificate without opening the firewall port for the protocol.
+          This requires a TLS certificate for <xref linkend="opt-services.portunus.domain"/> to be configured via <xref linkend="opt-security.acme.certs"/>.
+        '';
+      };
+      user = mkOption {
+        type = types.str;
+        default = "openldap";
+        description = "User account under which Portunus runs its LDAP server.";
+      };
+      group = mkOption {
+        type = types.str;
+        default = "openldap";
+        description = "Group account under which Portunus runs its LDAP server.";
+      };
+    };
+  };
+  config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+    assertions = [
+      {
+        assertion = cfg.dex.enable -> cfg.ldap.searchUserName != "";
+        message = "services.portunus.dex.enable requires services.portunus.ldap.searchUserName to be set.";
+      }
+    ];
+    # add ldapsearch(1) etc. to interactive shells
+    environment.systemPackages = [ cfg.ldap.package ];
+    # allow connecting via ldaps /w certificate without opening ports
+    networking.hosts = mkIf cfg.ldap.tls {
+      "::1" = [ cfg.domain ];
+      "" = [ cfg.domain ];
+    };
+    services.dex = mkIf cfg.dex.enable {
+      enable = true;
+      settings = {
+        issuer = "https://${cfg.domain}/dex";
+        web.http = "${toString cfg.dex.port}";
+        storage = {
+          type = "sqlite3";
+          config.file = "/var/lib/dex/dex.db";
+        };
+        enablePasswordDB = false;
+        connectors = [{
+          type = "ldap";
+          id = "ldap";
+          name = "LDAP";
+          config = {
+            host = "${cfg.domain}:636";
+            bindDN = "uid=${cfg.ldap.searchUserName},ou=users,${cfg.ldap.suffix}";
+            bindPW = "$DEX_SEARCH_USER_PASSWORD";
+            userSearch = {
+              baseDN = "ou=users,${cfg.ldap.suffix}";
+              filter = "(objectclass=person)";
+              username = "uid";
+              idAttr = "uid";
+              emailAttr = "mail";
+              nameAttr = "cn";
+              preferredUsernameAttr = "uid";
+            };
+            groupSearch = {
+              baseDN = "ou=groups,${cfg.ldap.suffix}";
+              filter = "(objectclass=groupOfNames)";
+              nameAttr = "cn";
+              userMatchers = [{ userAttr = "DN"; groupAttr = "member"; }];
+            };
+          };
+        }];
+        staticClients = forEach cfg.dex.oidcClients (client: {
+          inherit (client) id;
+          redirectURIs = [ client.callbackURI ];
+          name = "OIDC for ${client.id}";
+          secret = "$DEX_CLIENT_${client.id}";
+        });
+      };
+    };
+    systemd.services = {
+      dex.serviceConfig = mkIf cfg.dex.enable {
+        # `dex.service` is super locked down out of the box, but we need some
+        # place to write the SQLite database. This creates $STATE_DIRECTORY below
+        # /var/lib/private because DynamicUser=true, but it gets symlinked into
+        # /var/lib/dex inside the unit
+        StateDirectory = "dex";
+      };
+      portunus = {
+        description = "Self-contained authentication service";
+        wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+        after = [ "network.target" ];
+        serviceConfig.ExecStart = "${cfg.package.out}/bin/portunus-orchestrator";
+        environment = {
+          PORTUNUS_LDAP_SUFFIX = cfg.ldap.suffix;
+          PORTUNUS_SERVER_BINARY = "${cfg.package}/bin/portunus-server";
+          PORTUNUS_SERVER_GROUP = cfg.group;
+          PORTUNUS_SERVER_USER = cfg.user;
+          PORTUNUS_SERVER_HTTP_LISTEN = "[::]:${toString cfg.port}";
+          PORTUNUS_SERVER_STATE_DIR = cfg.stateDir;
+          PORTUNUS_SLAPD_BINARY = "${cfg.ldap.package}/libexec/slapd";
+          PORTUNUS_SLAPD_GROUP = cfg.ldap.group;
+          PORTUNUS_SLAPD_USER = cfg.ldap.user;
+          PORTUNUS_SLAPD_SCHEMA_DIR = "${cfg.ldap.package}/etc/schema";
+        } // (optionalAttrs (cfg.seedPath != null) ({
+          PORTUNUS_SEED_PATH = cfg.seedPath;
+        })) // (optionalAttrs cfg.ldap.tls (
+          let
+            acmeDirectory = config.security.acme.certs."${cfg.domain}".directory;
+          in
+          {
+            PORTUNUS_SLAPD_TLS_CA_CERTIFICATE = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt";
+            PORTUNUS_SLAPD_TLS_CERTIFICATE = "${acmeDirectory}/cert.pem";
+            PORTUNUS_SLAPD_TLS_DOMAIN_NAME = cfg.domain;
+            PORTUNUS_SLAPD_TLS_PRIVATE_KEY = "${acmeDirectory}/key.pem";
+          }));
+      };
+    };
+    users.users = mkMerge [
+      (mkIf (cfg.ldap.user == "openldap") {
+        openldap = {
+          group = cfg.ldap.group;
+          isSystemUser = true;
+        };
+      })
+      (mkIf (cfg.user == "portunus") {
+        portunus = {
+          group = cfg.group;
+          isSystemUser = true;
+        };
+      })
+    ];
+    users.groups = mkMerge [
+      (mkIf (cfg.ldap.user == "openldap") {
+        openldap = { };
+      })
+      (mkIf (cfg.user == "portunus") {
+        portunus = { };
+      })
+    ];
+  };
+  meta.maintainers = [ majewsky ] ++ teams.c3d2.members;
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/misc/spice-webdavd.nix b/nixos/modules/services/misc/spice-webdavd.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bfb5b262ee1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/misc/spice-webdavd.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
+with lib;
+  cfg = config.services.spice-webdavd;
+  options = {
+    services.spice-webdavd = {
+      enable = mkEnableOption "the spice guest webdav proxy daemon";
+      package = mkOption {
+        default = pkgs.phodav;
+        defaultText = literalExpression "pkgs.phodav";
+        type = types.package;
+        description = "spice-webdavd provider package to use.";
+      };
+    };
+  };
+  config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+    # ensure the webdav fs this exposes can actually be mounted
+    services.davfs2.enable = true;
+    # add the udev rule which starts the proxy when the spice socket is present
+    services.udev.packages = [ cfg.package ];
+    systemd.services.spice-webdavd = {
+      description = "spice-webdav proxy daemon";
+      serviceConfig = {
+        Type = "simple";
+        ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/spice-webdavd -p 9843";
+        Restart = "on-success";
+      };
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/web-apps/dex.nix b/nixos/modules/services/web-apps/dex.nix
index eebf4b740c77..82fdcd212f96 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/services/web-apps/dex.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/web-apps/dex.nix
@@ -11,15 +11,26 @@ let
   settingsFormat = pkgs.formats.yaml {};
   configFile = settingsFormat.generate "config.yaml" filteredSettings;
-  startPreScript = pkgs.writeShellScript "dex-start-pre" (''
-  '' + (concatStringsSep "\n" (builtins.map (file: ''
-    ${pkgs.replace-secret}/bin/replace-secret '${file}' '${file}' /run/dex/config.yaml
-  '') secretFiles)));
+  startPreScript = pkgs.writeShellScript "dex-start-pre"
+    (concatStringsSep "\n" (map (file: ''
+      replace-secret '${file}' '${file}' /run/dex/config.yaml
+    '')
+    secretFiles));
   options.services.dex = {
     enable = mkEnableOption "the OpenID Connect and OAuth2 identity provider";
+    environmentFile = mkOption {
+      type = types.nullOr types.path;
+      default = null;
+      description = ''
+        Environment file (see <literal>systemd.exec(5)</literal>
+        "EnvironmentFile=" section for the syntax) to define variables for dex.
+        This option can be used to safely include secret keys into the dex configuration.
+      '';
+    };
     settings = mkOption {
       type = settingsFormat.type;
       default = {};
@@ -48,6 +59,9 @@ in
       description = lib.mdDoc ''
         The available options can be found in
         [the example configuration](https://github.com/dexidp/dex/blob/v${pkgs.dex.version}/config.yaml.dist).
+        It's also possible to refer to environment variables (defined in [services.dex.environmentFile](#opt-services.dex.environmentFile))
+        using the syntax `$VARIABLE_NAME`.
@@ -57,15 +71,15 @@ in
       description = "dex identity provider";
       wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
       after = [ "networking.target" ] ++ (optional (cfg.settings.storage.type == "postgres") "postgresql.service");
+      path = with pkgs; [ replace-secret ];
       serviceConfig = {
         ExecStart = "${pkgs.dex-oidc}/bin/dex serve /run/dex/config.yaml";
         ExecStartPre = [
           "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/install -m 600 ${configFile} /run/dex/config.yaml"
-        RuntimeDirectory = "dex";
+        RuntimeDirectory = "dex";
         AmbientCapabilities = "CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE";
         BindReadOnlyPaths = [
@@ -109,6 +123,8 @@ in
         TemporaryFileSystem = "/:ro";
         # Does not work well with the temporary root
         #UMask = "0066";
+      } // optionalAttrs (cfg.environmentFile != null) {
+        EnvironmentFile = cfg.environmentFile;
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/web-apps/discourse.nix b/nixos/modules/services/web-apps/discourse.nix
index 20ad653429a5..1e2326d81801 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/services/web-apps/discourse.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/web-apps/discourse.nix
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ let
   cfg = config.services.discourse;
   opt = options.services.discourse;
-  # Keep in sync with https://github.com/discourse/discourse_docker/blob/master/image/base/Dockerfile#L5
+  # Keep in sync with https://github.com/discourse/discourse_docker/blob/main/image/base/slim.Dockerfile#L5
   upstreamPostgresqlVersion = lib.getVersion pkgs.postgresql_13;
   postgresqlPackage = if config.services.postgresql.enable then
@@ -604,7 +604,6 @@ in
       cors_origin = "";
       serve_static_assets = false;
       sidekiq_workers = 5;
-      rtl_css = false;
       connection_reaper_age = 30;
       connection_reaper_interval = 30;
       relative_url_root = null;
@@ -940,7 +939,6 @@ in
                   proxy_cache discourse;
                   proxy_cache_key "$scheme,$host,$request_uri";
                   proxy_cache_valid 200 301 302 7d;
-                  proxy_cache_valid any 1m;
               "/message-bus/" = proxy {
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/x11/desktop-managers/gnome.nix b/nixos/modules/services/x11/desktop-managers/gnome.nix
index bbecd2796aee..b69102f046a2 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/services/x11/desktop-managers/gnome.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/x11/desktop-managers/gnome.nix
@@ -361,7 +361,8 @@ in
       services.gnome.tracker-miners.enable = mkDefault true;
       services.gnome.tracker.enable = mkDefault true;
       services.hardware.bolt.enable = mkDefault true;
-      services.packagekit.enable = mkDefault true;
+      # TODO: Enable once #177946 is resolved
+      # services.packagekit.enable = mkDefault true;
       services.udisks2.enable = true;
       services.upower.enable = config.powerManagement.enable;
       services.xserver.libinput.enable = mkDefault true; # for controlling touchpad settings via gnome control center
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/x11/desktop-managers/pantheon.nix b/nixos/modules/services/x11/desktop-managers/pantheon.nix
index 2ada36c12a46..94de7f4dd7db 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/services/x11/desktop-managers/pantheon.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/x11/desktop-managers/pantheon.nix
@@ -134,7 +134,8 @@ in
       services.bamf.enable = true;
       services.colord.enable = mkDefault true;
       services.fwupd.enable = mkDefault true;
-      services.packagekit.enable = mkDefault true;
+      # TODO: Enable once #177946 is resolved
+      # services.packagekit.enable = mkDefault true;
       services.power-profiles-daemon.enable = mkDefault true;
       services.touchegg.enable = mkDefault true;
       services.touchegg.package = pkgs.pantheon.touchegg;
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/default.nix b/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/default.nix
index cc94fe7c0bef..03bf5d1cd2da 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/default.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/default.nix
@@ -35,6 +35,10 @@ let
       # Shared environment setup for graphical sessions.
       . /etc/profile
+      if test -f ~/.profile; then
+          source ~/.profile
+      fi
       cd "$HOME"
       # Allow the user to execute commands at the beginning of the X session.
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/blockchains/exodus/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/blockchains/exodus/default.nix
index 82da3f29173b..f3884106a4d9 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/blockchains/exodus/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/blockchains/exodus/default.nix
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ cups, vivaldi-ffmpeg-codecs, libpulseaudio, at-spi2-core, libxkbcommon, mesa }:
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "exodus";
-  version = "22.7.29";
+  version = "22.8.12";
   src = fetchzip {
     url = "https://downloads.exodus.io/releases/${pname}-linux-x64-${version}.zip";
-    sha256 = "sha256-vshcXuFuOuXlmdgqK+pj6dAbeYGNR2YA79AzkeUzNtk=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-jNzHh4zYhFzpFZAC9rHmwjTdFkbpROSEN3qpL7geiOU=";
   installPhase = ''
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/jupyter/kernel.nix b/pkgs/applications/editors/jupyter/kernel.nix
index 0fd59ca391e9..3640de28e8ac 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/editors/jupyter/kernel.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/jupyter/kernel.nix
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ let
       language = "python";
-      logo32 = "${env.sitePackages}/ipykernel/resources/logo-32x32.png";
-      logo64 = "${env.sitePackages}/ipykernel/resources/logo-64x64.png";
+      logo32 = "${env}/${env.sitePackages}/ipykernel/resources/logo-32x32.png";
+      logo64 = "${env}/${env.sitePackages}/ipykernel/resources/logo-64x64.png";
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/o/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/editors/o/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..20bb6e7ac02e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/o/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+{ lib, stdenv, buildGoModule, fetchFromGitHub, installShellFiles, makeWrapper, pkg-config
+, tcsh
+, withGui ? stdenv.isLinux, vte # vte is broken on darwin
+buildGoModule rec {
+  pname = "o";
+  version = "2.55.1";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "xyproto";
+    repo = "o";
+    rev = "v${version}";
+    hash = "sha256-owueLd6kR/bDFxKI9QOUgriH63XRsEEpIFfp5aRTSbI=";
+  };
+  postPatch = ''
+    substituteInPlace ko/main.cpp --replace '/bin/csh' '${tcsh}/bin/tcsh'
+  '';
+  vendorSha256 = null;
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ installShellFiles makeWrapper pkg-config ];
+  buildInputs = lib.optional withGui vte;
+  preBuild = "cd v2";
+  postInstall = ''
+    cd ..
+    installManPage o.1
+  '' + lib.optionalString withGui ''
+    make install-gui PREFIX=$out
+    wrapProgram $out/bin/ko --prefix PATH : $out/bin
+  '';
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Config-free text editor and IDE limited to VT100";
+    homepage = "https://github.com/xyproto/o";
+    license = licenses.bsd3;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ sikmir ];
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/vscode/vscodium.nix b/pkgs/applications/editors/vscode/vscodium.nix
index f6b52a4fede7..7d671496cfc6 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/editors/vscode/vscodium.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/vscode/vscodium.nix
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ let
   archive_fmt = if stdenv.isDarwin then "zip" else "tar.gz";
   sha256 = {
-    x86_64-linux = "1jvi34ym7d6j5zl9d7wg3rcy34f4ji907mixfmvs7g0z1vlra2sv";
-    x86_64-darwin = "19nnkx2l4rvm23r8ii2a0jn8lvanmshwsjrsgmi7dcnf68143601";
-    aarch64-linux = "17rx5v3kzwzkzhckly8s413370mrh7rcyhpnppmn39gkvy68ydhs";
-    aarch64-darwin = "0ff0yn3kcb35s775w0k2l3szs137ph593qa7y3p2h4sbfsrgljxz";
-    armv7l-linux = "0qhik2qhbwpjrbkpdc8cblvrh1hqld69il78zmayq1bbkqzhhmp5";
+    x86_64-linux = "04jmp9z9b8gqq1nxfw186fnyd0glcp0s8iiy5g2zy2y7jsllm5qi";
+    x86_64-darwin = "119k1q1dnnhzdyv3wx13ghpwvsrmb1s8ira50ldlac3dr54rhjc9";
+    aarch64-linux = "0sr9q4rm63p6lgg3qq86hmkcyg4i6znijw1k5h0sv1qc9hrlq6gv";
+    aarch64-darwin = "0n742ka8ap35klx5yiba08fyqfq5077l8f8b8r5if91rcdwmkwm1";
+    armv7l-linux = "0a5wd91ksdgabalgmk9pwjjl2haxdidyxz3bnrmrvr1hnlylq1mh";
   }.${system} or throwSystem;
   sourceRoot = if stdenv.isDarwin then "" else ".";
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ in
     # Please backport all compatible updates to the stable release.
     # This is important for the extension ecosystem.
-    version = "1.70.1";
+    version = "";
     pname = "vscodium";
     executableName = "codium";
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/misc/mupdf/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/misc/mupdf/default.nix
index 99812bcdc8c9..88f804ccf81f 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/misc/mupdf/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/misc/mupdf/default.nix
@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ let
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-  version = "1.19.0";
+  version = "1.20.3";
   pname = "mupdf";
   src = fetchurl {
     url = "https://mupdf.com/downloads/archive/${pname}-${version}-source.tar.gz";
-    sha256 = "1vfyhlqq1a0k0drcggly4bgsjasmf6lmpfbdi5xcrwdbzkagrbr1";
+    sha256 = "sha256-a2AHD27sIOjYfStc0iz0kCAxGjzxXuEJmOPl9fmEses=";
   patches = [ ./0001-Use-command-v-in-favor-of-which.patch
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/elinks/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/elinks/default.nix
index 1daa5d351a8c..3278191a9c53 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/elinks/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/elinks/default.nix
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ assert enablePython -> python != null;
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "elinks";
-  version = "0.15.0";
+  version = "0.15.1";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "rkd77";
     repo = "felinks";
     rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "sha256-2TF0rbmjwhwV2AVUXjfzoprzpeqrETis3AFhMftpaZQ=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-9OEi4UF/4/IRtccJou3QuevQzWjA6PuU5IVlT7qqGZ0=";
   buildInputs = [
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/networking/cluster/terraform-providers/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/networking/cluster/terraform-providers/default.nix
index fcc70509e7a1..312bf72f5a5a 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/networking/cluster/terraform-providers/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/networking/cluster/terraform-providers/default.nix
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ let
     lib.optionalAttrs config.allowAliases {
       b2 = removed "b2" "2022/06";
+      dome9 = removed "dome9" "2022/08";
+      ncloud = removed "ncloud" "2022/08";
       opc = archived "opc" "2022/05";
       oraclepaas = archived "oraclepaas" "2022/05";
       template = archived "template" "2022/05";
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/networking/cluster/terraform-providers/providers.json b/pkgs/applications/networking/cluster/terraform-providers/providers.json
index 52ff28cfc72e..9ab1a586edee 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/networking/cluster/terraform-providers/providers.json
+++ b/pkgs/applications/networking/cluster/terraform-providers/providers.json
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@
     "owner": "aiven",
     "provider-source-address": "registry.terraform.io/aiven/aiven",
     "repo": "terraform-provider-aiven",
-    "rev": "v3.5.0",
-    "sha256": "sha256-MLcC3fGQaXdtB+4/is30mn9+jbq7UUULFs7DxKE2jxM=",
-    "vendorSha256": "sha256-mnj8AlVKrTgCOexA9CZELxB1rYtOflXg+dBrSu++enI=",
-    "version": "3.5.0"
+    "rev": "v3.5.1",
+    "sha256": "sha256-EJPf8jDANrjg+XPhFn6L7GPUya2WbrSUX8/hQldQmnQ=",
+    "vendorSha256": "sha256-X9AJM4OsJ2/zl2Mm6gaz5wA6hk9AfOlUFYYN9Ojirrc=",
+    "version": "3.5.1"
   "akamai": {
     "owner": "akamai",
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@
     "owner": "aliyun",
     "provider-source-address": "registry.terraform.io/aliyun/alicloud",
     "repo": "terraform-provider-alicloud",
-    "rev": "v1.180.0",
-    "sha256": "sha256-vBRik7iS9hUCdj4RfiwXswuIGOHlCMt0QHV2k9yIiGs=",
+    "rev": "v1.181.0",
+    "sha256": "sha256-zJagnn/nfueGwevgQaaiB5Y3DF6214JPa/fD/XctLHU=",
     "vendorSha256": "sha256-kjr93pVmMZgeJgeG8hG86CDWr95gCIAhf93OQ4tJ9kw=",
-    "version": "1.180.0"
+    "version": "1.181.0"
   "ansible": {
     "owner": "nbering",
@@ -307,10 +307,10 @@
     "owner": "digitalocean",
     "provider-source-address": "registry.terraform.io/digitalocean/digitalocean",
     "repo": "terraform-provider-digitalocean",
-    "rev": "v2.21.0",
-    "sha256": "sha256-ei3nr3SAxQBXQikzPtRs9Y6VyOavTg9GXnLVfAI7QvU=",
+    "rev": "v2.22.1",
+    "sha256": "sha256-Sc2altZo/8Y1UYpZjT8beq3VUljJAdzyXexB9Yi5WQI=",
     "vendorSha256": null,
-    "version": "2.21.0"
+    "version": "2.22.1"
   "dme": {
     "owner": "DNSMadeEasy",
@@ -348,15 +348,6 @@
     "vendorSha256": "sha256-aPt1y7UEL+Y4aRm0rfHr/yJ393NP2oAqgz7+fo/msQo=",
     "version": "2.20.2"
-  "dome9": {
-    "owner": "dome9",
-    "provider-source-address": "registry.terraform.io/dome9/dome9",
-    "repo": "terraform-provider-dome9",
-    "rev": "v1.27.4",
-    "sha256": "sha256-+3jIq7f21CkuF3UZYV3o+ZIdoQi0hFgO/qXwdhkcaPI=",
-    "vendorSha256": null,
-    "version": "1.27.4"
-  },
   "elasticsearch": {
     "owner": "phillbaker",
     "provider-source-address": "registry.terraform.io/phillbaker/elasticsearch",
@@ -406,10 +397,10 @@
     "owner": "FlexibleEngineCloud",
     "provider-source-address": "registry.terraform.io/FlexibleEngineCloud/flexibleengine",
     "repo": "terraform-provider-flexibleengine",
-    "rev": "v1.31.1",
-    "sha256": "sha256-QB3O9Ez+hFgBE1yYi1kqtC3WW//Ueg/Ij4p2WbQz/AE=",
-    "vendorSha256": "sha256-P2/yK6aLNdmC8g5dMKK0hpAdj76KtewzVVHQsVgr3J4=",
-    "version": "1.31.1"
+    "rev": "v1.32.0",
+    "sha256": "sha256-zO5bt17cwMnv6kk1McRPOrs4UJ15MBpTRT2WoDovXG4=",
+    "vendorSha256": "sha256-jX98VUNTOa0C9WiAiFUiFQ9W7vhRdXCgmmxz84CmEpw=",
+    "version": "1.32.0"
   "fortios": {
     "deleteVendor": true,
@@ -435,10 +426,10 @@
     "owner": "integrations",
     "provider-source-address": "registry.terraform.io/integrations/github",
     "repo": "terraform-provider-github",
-    "rev": "v4.28.0",
-    "sha256": "sha256-Pu8I+tAcrEN8ZtBv/gH1VguO1GVk3tnqeJ50cLh7/HQ=",
+    "rev": "v4.29.0",
+    "sha256": "sha256-on43tlkPxtQFwjbr5zOvzgO8RfcGc8XbUXZURa81Kkc=",
     "vendorSha256": null,
-    "version": "4.28.0"
+    "version": "4.29.0"
   "gitlab": {
     "owner": "gitlabhq",
@@ -454,20 +445,20 @@
     "provider-source-address": "registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/google",
     "proxyVendor": true,
     "repo": "terraform-provider-google",
-    "rev": "v4.31.0",
-    "sha256": "sha256-Y9iyWjC+XLkselVIhaM0N7iNelbdlF9jV7AjTYiD8RM=",
-    "vendorSha256": "sha256-hu1uK1yW07NlV3/DnKQxdGhbrzpq6MADmgkRr4+VQ1w=",
-    "version": "4.31.0"
+    "rev": "v4.32.0",
+    "sha256": "sha256-idekFsYnrQ4wHjAIPlZn8dSEqOP9KWQvaqImIN/mJA8=",
+    "vendorSha256": "sha256-LvWKVuHWOsMwucCQtrRMQ3wRnbGMid7jBG47wvBCvmY=",
+    "version": "4.32.0"
   "google-beta": {
     "owner": "hashicorp",
     "provider-source-address": "registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/google-beta",
     "proxyVendor": true,
     "repo": "terraform-provider-google-beta",
-    "rev": "v4.31.0",
-    "sha256": "sha256-5Ieq8LvhrlFevMgr7JKeGCkWWejjOvKhKfXpPvsNzRU=",
-    "vendorSha256": "sha256-hu1uK1yW07NlV3/DnKQxdGhbrzpq6MADmgkRr4+VQ1w=",
-    "version": "4.31.0"
+    "rev": "v4.32.0",
+    "sha256": "sha256-9iYS8lc4+QPnwMMscU/5mcDlaQrKV8Srhn9o64hZq6k=",
+    "vendorSha256": "sha256-LvWKVuHWOsMwucCQtrRMQ3wRnbGMid7jBG47wvBCvmY=",
+    "version": "4.32.0"
   "googleworkspace": {
     "owner": "hashicorp",
@@ -554,10 +545,10 @@
     "owner": "huaweicloud",
     "provider-source-address": "registry.terraform.io/huaweicloud/huaweicloud",
     "repo": "terraform-provider-huaweicloud",
-    "rev": "v1.38.2",
-    "sha256": "sha256-ZbfSpno3yEJ7u6g1dBWMza2uLS1FXEzvSKi+mMLbVGQ=",
+    "rev": "v1.39.0",
+    "sha256": "sha256-ckjCINqaW8taEzmBEjje3s15OmaAi9LWcSd7vgJyDug=",
     "vendorSha256": null,
-    "version": "1.38.2"
+    "version": "1.39.0"
   "huaweicloudstack": {
     "owner": "huaweicloud",
@@ -662,10 +653,10 @@
     "owner": "launchdarkly",
     "provider-source-address": "registry.terraform.io/launchdarkly/launchdarkly",
     "repo": "terraform-provider-launchdarkly",
-    "rev": "v2.8.0",
-    "sha256": "sha256-H/oKgylo8LLmx2v0BTj6Vb7JQbf9JCooFmsziog6r4E=",
+    "rev": "v2.9.0",
+    "sha256": "sha256-/9J0c79zm3s0i1Um+w+etlpsd37svtovqmBXnGZ1tog=",
     "vendorSha256": "sha256-Ef07RvkqXR/7qf8gHayxczBJ/ChHDmxR6+/wzaokkzk=",
-    "version": "2.8.0"
+    "version": "2.9.0"
   "libvirt": {
     "owner": "dmacvicar",
@@ -776,15 +767,6 @@
     "vendorSha256": null,
     "version": "2.1.0"
-  "ncloud": {
-    "owner": "NaverCloudPlatform",
-    "provider-source-address": "registry.terraform.io/NaverCloudPlatform/ncloud",
-    "repo": "terraform-provider-ncloud",
-    "rev": "v2.2.9",
-    "sha256": "sha256-D9B3IJZZOCR/kzFee3sBPEbDcAL33kIef/NAYDuJv7U=",
-    "vendorSha256": "sha256-DPK/RF63rz5AQY/LybT8I6z6vSvqrFqypslhquRrgfg=",
-    "version": "2.2.9"
-  },
   "netlify": {
     "owner": "AegirHealth",
     "provider-source-address": "registry.terraform.io/AegirHealth/netlify",
@@ -907,10 +889,10 @@
     "owner": "opsgenie",
     "provider-source-address": "registry.terraform.io/opsgenie/opsgenie",
     "repo": "terraform-provider-opsgenie",
-    "rev": "v0.6.11",
-    "sha256": "sha256-R+IKAI86DhQ2E74VpswqG75p7PRzSV77at2+dAyI5RI=",
+    "rev": "v0.6.14",
+    "sha256": "sha256-IoN7z8/ZPEr6pW7vnDjY65+gAtncV1fr+YsnggSZuZA=",
     "vendorSha256": null,
-    "version": "0.6.11"
+    "version": "0.6.14"
   "ovh": {
     "owner": "ovh",
@@ -1042,10 +1024,10 @@
     "owner": "jianyuan",
     "provider-source-address": "registry.terraform.io/jianyuan/sentry",
     "repo": "terraform-provider-sentry",
-    "rev": "v0.9.3",
-    "sha256": "sha256-FTwJ0H5k5zeglgjur3O6b4GybWAmVF4K7QmNMlvHnlY=",
-    "vendorSha256": "sha256-lmnZLgCTpKGhk+rUWwL2GQoBAXlU006Sk1GZrcEvhD4=",
-    "version": "0.9.3"
+    "rev": "v0.9.4",
+    "sha256": "sha256-dNyUp+gXrOvMQu5tEnv2dOsXihyd19gdYakIo7+h3pY=",
+    "vendorSha256": "sha256-ohPZpFCjawaymVHZoCstPeu+p0erRnfnpbjipT6Sp20=",
+    "version": "0.9.4"
   "shell": {
     "owner": "scottwinkler",
@@ -1132,19 +1114,19 @@
     "owner": "tencentcloudstack",
     "provider-source-address": "registry.terraform.io/tencentcloudstack/tencentcloud",
     "repo": "terraform-provider-tencentcloud",
-    "rev": "v1.77.1",
-    "sha256": "sha256-U/gmvLHu/Gt7pfxXAQYEQdpS1r7Epees2VkaHdnK1VI=",
+    "rev": "v1.77.3",
+    "sha256": "sha256-OHE8o4KJ2dsSS/Erl7MrRrAl8DTIxotEg69S9fuh7iY=",
     "vendorSha256": null,
-    "version": "1.77.1"
+    "version": "1.77.3"
   "tfe": {
     "owner": "hashicorp",
     "provider-source-address": "registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/tfe",
     "repo": "terraform-provider-tfe",
-    "rev": "v0.35.0",
-    "sha256": "sha256-YSQrDiaADEi8eTnFaXfsX3wz4bst/h/gVts4YjWbVzI=",
-    "vendorSha256": "sha256-Qa0EKVaMFpSpTc5z4KhAeK8bhDNPeac1QzeTSNkUwA0=",
-    "version": "0.35.0"
+    "rev": "v0.36.0",
+    "sha256": "sha256-xMIrEkjcYkM/LXdu/0gNX6iMJKZhGs9z2vQBbDHdelo=",
+    "vendorSha256": "sha256-ck6H22N5IXJVa0KeXM0Ntv+16l97v8GaT7xfGme57QE=",
+    "version": "0.36.0"
   "thunder": {
     "owner": "a10networks",
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/networking/dnscontrol/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/networking/dnscontrol/default.nix
index c50b05b05116..a740153be81b 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/networking/dnscontrol/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/networking/dnscontrol/default.nix
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
 buildGoModule rec {
   pname = "dnscontrol";
-  version = "3.18.1";
+  version = "3.19.0";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "StackExchange";
     repo = pname;
     rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "sha256-G4FfKTlMuJ0YKsNQnMFjXq6ZBuLJjlCg7GqFPHcsHFM=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-bP9tksdP/hNjC4opACLYHad8jj137+WQfb3bM8A6tVQ=";
-  vendorSha256 = "sha256-g2T3TmwkF1ft5XRimZLrTmm0Km5HcX/0aQtUjA5TZzw=";
+  vendorSha256 = "sha256-/lFH/4fQgK0LAqLIn39r+hi0pqNlJuupWlLhOhDh0TU=";
   ldflags = [ "-s" "-w" ];
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/networking/instant-messengers/armcord/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/networking/instant-messengers/armcord/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6f6a6e0b337e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/networking/instant-messengers/armcord/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+{ lib
+, stdenv
+, fetchurl
+, autoPatchelfHook
+, dpkg
+, makeWrapper
+, alsa-lib
+, at-spi2-atk
+, at-spi2-core
+, atk
+, cairo
+, cups
+, dbus
+, expat
+, ffmpeg
+, fontconfig
+, freetype
+, gdk-pixbuf
+, glib
+, gtk3
+, libappindicator-gtk3
+, libdbusmenu
+, libdrm
+, libnotify
+, libpulseaudio
+, libsecret
+, libuuid
+, libxkbcommon
+, mesa
+, nss
+, pango
+, systemd
+, xdg-utils
+, xorg
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  pname = "armcord";
+  version = "3.0.7";
+  src = let
+    base = "https://github.com/ArmCord/ArmCord/releases/download";
+  in {
+    x86_64-linux = fetchurl {
+      url = "${base}/v${version}/ArmCord_${version}_amd64.deb";
+      sha256 = "b2a583e6abbc6e5dc3f7370a33f21fc4e7963c6cbe7555e954156c77e9577261";
+    };
+    aarch64-linux = fetchurl {
+      url = "${base}/v${version}/ArmCord_${version}_arm64.deb";
+      sha256 = "8c32a14ab8e5bdf865a6523cb4b5cec8f3f870b95f99be9661a4dd0df33aae1d";
+    };
+  }.${stdenv.hostPlatform.system} or (throw "Unsupported system: ${stdenv.hostPlatform.system}");
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ autoPatchelfHook dpkg makeWrapper ];
+  buildInputs = [
+    alsa-lib
+    at-spi2-atk
+    at-spi2-core
+    atk
+    cairo
+    cups
+    dbus
+    expat
+    ffmpeg
+    fontconfig
+    freetype
+    gdk-pixbuf
+    glib
+    gtk3
+    pango
+    systemd
+    mesa # for libgbm
+    nss
+    libuuid
+    libdrm
+    libnotify
+    libsecret
+    libpulseaudio
+    libxkbcommon
+    libappindicator-gtk3
+    xorg.libX11
+    xorg.libxcb
+    xorg.libXcomposite
+    xorg.libXcursor
+    xorg.libXdamage
+    xorg.libXext
+    xorg.libXfixes
+    xorg.libXi
+    xorg.libXrandr
+    xorg.libXrender
+    xorg.libXScrnSaver
+    xorg.libxshmfence
+    xorg.libXtst
+  ];
+  sourceRoot = ".";
+  unpackCmd = "dpkg-deb -x $src .";
+  installPhase = ''
+    runHook preInstall
+    mkdir -p "$out/bin"
+    cp -R "opt" "$out"
+    cp -R "usr/share" "$out/share"
+    chmod -R g-w "$out"
+    # Wrap the startup command
+    makeWrapper $out/opt/ArmCord/armcord $out/bin/armcord \
+      --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : "${lib.makeLibraryPath buildInputs}" \
+      --prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath [ xdg-utils ]} \
+      "''${gappsWrapperArgs[@]}"
+    # Fix desktop link
+    substituteInPlace $out/share/applications/armcord.desktop \
+      --replace /opt/ArmCord/ $out/bin/
+    runHook postInstall
+  '';
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Lightweight, alternative desktop client for Discord";
+    homepage = "https://github.com/ArmCord/ArmCord";
+    sourceProvenance = with sourceTypes; [ binaryNativeCode ];
+    license = licenses.osl3;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ wrmilling ];
+    platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ];
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/networking/msmtp/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/networking/msmtp/default.nix
index 47ba4b1e6988..8006d81c9298 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/networking/msmtp/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/networking/msmtp/default.nix
@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@
   inherit (lib) getBin getExe optionals;
-  version = "1.8.20";
+  version = "1.8.22";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "marlam";
     repo = "msmtp-mirror";
     rev = "msmtp-${version}";
-    hash = "sha256-RcQZ7Vm8UjJJoogkmUmZ+/2fz7C4AcVYY/kTOlfz7+I=";
+    hash = "sha256-Jt/uvGBrYYr6ua6LVPiP0nuRiIkxBJASdgHBNHivzxQ=";
   meta = with lib; {
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/networking/msmtp/paths.patch b/pkgs/applications/networking/msmtp/paths.patch
index 1a62aa4caed1..7114dc4eca15 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/networking/msmtp/paths.patch
+++ b/pkgs/applications/networking/msmtp/paths.patch
@@ -1,31 +1,30 @@
+35cab741af069571cf4c55e0ce1ae96617d5778c nixify
 diff --git a/scripts/msmtpq/msmtpq b/scripts/msmtpq/msmtpq
-index 1b39fc6..4baa19b 100755
+index d8b4039..1ab89f8 100755
 --- a/scripts/msmtpq/msmtpq
 +++ b/scripts/msmtpq/msmtpq
-@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ MSMTP=msmtp
+@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ fi
  ##            ( chmod 0700 msmtp.queue )
- ## the queue dir - modify this to reflect where you'd like it to be  (no quotes !!)
--[ -d "$Q" ] || mkdir -m 0700 "$Q" || \
+ ## the queue dir - export this variable to reflect where you'd like it to be  (no quotes !!)
-+[ -d "$Q" ] || mkdir -m 0700 -p "$Q" || \
+ [ -d "$Q" ] || mkdir -m 0700 -p "$Q" || \
    err '' "msmtpq : can't find or create msmtp queue directory [ $Q ]" ''     # if not present - complain ; quit
- ## set the queue log file var to the location of the msmtp queue log file
-@@ -84,7 +84,10 @@ Q=~/.msmtp.queue
- ##     (doing so would be inadvisable under most conditions, however)
+@@ -85,8 +85,10 @@ Q=${Q:-~/.msmtp.queue}
- ## the queue log file - modify (or comment out) to taste  (but no quotes !!)
+ ## the queue log file - export this variable to change where logs are stored  (but no quotes !!)
+ ##                      Set it to "" (empty string) to disable logging.
+-[ -v LOG ] || LOG=~/log/msmtp.queue.log
-+[ -d "$(dirname "$LOG")" ] || mkdir -p "$(dirname "$LOG")"
+ [ -d "$(dirname "$LOG")" ] || mkdir -p "$(dirname "$LOG")"
  ## ======================================================================================
  ## msmtpq can use the following environment variables :
-@@ -138,6 +141,7 @@ on_exit() {                          # unlock the queue on exit if the lock was
+@@ -139,6 +141,7 @@ on_exit() {                          # unlock the queue on exit if the lock was
  ## display msg to user, as well
  log() {
@@ -33,14 +32,14 @@ index 1b39fc6..4baa19b 100755
    local ARG RC PFX
    PFX="$('date' +'%Y %d %b %H:%M:%S')"
                                       # time stamp prefix - "2008 13 Mar 03:59:45 "
-@@ -155,10 +159,19 @@ log() {
+@@ -156,10 +159,19 @@ log() {
-+  if [ "$JOURNAL" == "Y" ]; then
-+    for ARG ; do
-+      [ -n "$ARG" ] && \
-+        echo "$ARG" | systemd-cat -t $NAME -p info
++  if [ "$JOURNAL" = "Y" ]; then
++    for ARG; do
++      [ -n "$ARG" ] &&
++        echo "$ARG" | systemd-cat -t "$NAME" -p info
 +    done
 +  fi
@@ -48,8 +47,8 @@ index 1b39fc6..4baa19b 100755
      [ -n "$LKD" ] && lock_queue -u   # unlock here (if locked)
      [ -n "$LOG" ] && \
        echo "    exit code = $RC" >> "$LOG" # logging ok ; send exit code to log
-+    [ "$JOURNAL" == "Y" ] && \
-+      echo "exit code= $RC" | systemd-cat -t $NAME -p emerg
++    [ "$JOURNAL" = "Y" ] && \
++      echo "exit code= $RC" | systemd-cat -t "$NAME" -p emerg
      exit "$RC"                       # exit w/return code
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/networking/n8n/node-packages.nix b/pkgs/applications/networking/n8n/node-packages.nix
index 1bffef8d467f..3f02ea67c8f8 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/networking/n8n/node-packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/networking/n8n/node-packages.nix
@@ -94,6 +94,15 @@ let
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+      packageName = "@azure/core-http-compat";
+      version = "1.3.0";
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+        url = "https://registry.npmjs.org/@azure/core-http-compat/-/core-http-compat-1.3.0.tgz";
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+      };
+    };
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       name = "_at_azure_slash_core-lro";
       packageName = "@azure/core-lro";
@@ -157,13 +166,13 @@ let
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+    "@azure/keyvault-keys-4.5.0" = {
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     "@azure/logger-1.0.3" = {
@@ -283,13 +292,13 @@ let
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       src = fetchurl {
-        url = "https://registry.npmjs.org/xss/-/xss-1.0.13.tgz";
-        sha512 = "clu7dxTm1e8Mo5fz3n/oW3UCXBfV89xZ72jM8yzo1vR/pIS0w3sgB3XV2H8Vm6zfGnHL0FzvLJPJEBhd86/z4Q==";
+        url = "https://registry.npmjs.org/xss/-/xss-1.0.14.tgz";
+        sha512 = "og7TEJhXvn1a7kzZGQ7ETjdQVS2UfZyTlsEdDOqvQF7GoxNfY+0YLCzBy1kPdsDDx4QuNAonQPddpsn6Xl/7sw==";
     "xtend-4.0.2" = {
@@ -8929,10 +8938,10 @@ in
   n8n = nodeEnv.buildNodePackage {
     name = "n8n";
     packageName = "n8n";
-    version = "0.190.0";
+    version = "0.191.0";
     src = fetchurl {
-      url = "https://registry.npmjs.org/n8n/-/n8n-0.190.0.tgz";
-      sha512 = "FsvOBZL1FsFuZp9ut6+s97t/Oz5MAIpqNsS/Pdh4ZmJz5XoiTYn1UchlGF4NziUYzvWmdEV96uxo1IU/i8VtSw==";
+      url = "https://registry.npmjs.org/n8n/-/n8n-0.191.0.tgz";
+      sha512 = "HnnhsQqWcx4azUB9DZHtdT+nJBr7gWEr5c/sr7PFrcZwLoF1fW8ydxTGj6weyl62GggrE+RBR4MuKRVRNY7hcg==";
     dependencies = [
@@ -8967,6 +8976,7 @@ in
+      sources."@azure/core-http-compat-1.3.0"
       (sources."@azure/core-lro-2.2.5" // {
         dependencies = [
@@ -9002,9 +9012,8 @@ in
-      (sources."@azure/keyvault-keys-4.4.0" // {
+      (sources."@azure/keyvault-keys-4.5.0" // {
         dependencies = [
-          sources."@azure/core-tracing-1.0.0-preview.13"
@@ -9041,7 +9050,7 @@ in
-      sources."@js-joda/core-5.2.0"
+      sources."@js-joda/core-5.3.0"
@@ -9057,7 +9066,7 @@ in
-      (sources."@oclif/core-1.13.10" // {
+      (sources."@oclif/core-1.14.1" // {
         dependencies = [
           (sources."chalk-4.1.2" // {
             dependencies = [
@@ -9116,13 +9125,13 @@ in
-      sources."@types/lodash-4.14.182"
+      sources."@types/lodash-4.14.183"
-      sources."@types/node-18.6.5"
+      sources."@types/node-18.7.6"
       (sources."@types/node-fetch-2.6.2" // {
         dependencies = [
@@ -9162,7 +9171,7 @@ in
-      sources."app-root-path-3.0.0"
+      sources."app-root-path-3.1.0"
       (sources."are-we-there-yet-2.0.0" // {
@@ -9197,8 +9206,8 @@ in
-      sources."avsc-5.7.4"
-      (sources."aws-sdk-2.1191.0" // {
+      sources."avsc-5.7.5"
+      (sources."aws-sdk-2.1196.0" // {
         dependencies = [
@@ -9705,7 +9714,7 @@ in
-      sources."libphonenumber-js-1.10.11"
+      sources."libphonenumber-js-1.10.12"
@@ -9836,15 +9845,15 @@ in
-      sources."n8n-core-0.130.0"
-      sources."n8n-design-system-0.30.0"
-      sources."n8n-editor-ui-0.156.0"
-      (sources."n8n-nodes-base-0.188.0" // {
+      sources."n8n-core-0.131.0"
+      sources."n8n-design-system-0.31.0"
+      sources."n8n-editor-ui-0.157.0"
+      (sources."n8n-nodes-base-0.189.0" // {
         dependencies = [
-      sources."n8n-workflow-0.112.0"
+      sources."n8n-workflow-0.113.0"
       (sources."named-placeholders-1.1.2" // {
         dependencies = [
@@ -9877,7 +9886,7 @@ in
-      sources."nodemailer-6.7.7"
+      sources."nodemailer-6.7.8"
@@ -9889,7 +9898,7 @@ in
-      sources."object.assign-4.1.3"
+      sources."object.assign-4.1.4"
@@ -10375,7 +10384,7 @@ in
-      (sources."xss-1.0.13" // {
+      (sources."xss-1.0.14" // {
         dependencies = [
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/science/chemistry/jmol/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/science/chemistry/jmol/default.nix
index 052cf68eaba6..4e1497acc055 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/science/chemistry/jmol/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/science/chemistry/jmol/default.nix
@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ let
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-  version = "14.32.66";
+  version = "14.32.68";
   pname = "jmol";
   src = let
     baseVersion = "${lib.versions.major version}.${lib.versions.minor version}";
   in fetchurl {
     url = "mirror://sourceforge/jmol/Jmol/Version%20${baseVersion}/Jmol%20${version}/Jmol-${version}-binary.tar.gz";
-    sha256 = "sha256-6L5hsJKiLnFKBtLJZnNxmnVcZTdu8Pmj5Md5QIoRxdU=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-CCVy+24O5rlAxnd01TeYqcOhDoSrxebfR1Ez7VDDrW4=";
   patchPhase = ''
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/science/electronics/pulseview/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/science/electronics/pulseview/default.nix
index e9496ce60c22..af8daf71309a 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/science/electronics/pulseview/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/science/electronics/pulseview/default.nix
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 { mkDerivation, lib, fetchurl, fetchpatch, pkg-config, cmake, glib, boost, libsigrok
 , libsigrokdecode, libserialport, libzip, udev, libusb1, libftdi1, glibmm
-, pcre, librevisa, python3, qtbase, qtsvg
+, pcre, librevisa, python3, qtbase, qtsvg, qttools
 mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "pulseview";
-  version = "0.4.1";
+  version = "0.4.2";
   src = fetchurl {
     url = "https://sigrok.org/download/source/pulseview/${pname}-${version}.tar.gz";
-    sha256 = "0bvgmkgz37n2bi9niskpl05hf7rsj1lj972fbrgnlz25s4ywxrwy";
+    sha256 = "1jxbpz1h3m1mgrxw74rnihj8vawgqdpf6c33cqqbyd8v7rxgfhph";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake pkg-config ];
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ mkDerivation rec {
   buildInputs = [
     glib boost libsigrok libsigrokdecode libserialport libzip udev libusb1 libftdi1 glibmm
     pcre librevisa python3
-    qtbase qtsvg
+    qtbase qtsvg qttools
   patches = [
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/science/logic/alt-ergo/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/science/logic/alt-ergo/default.nix
index 553f133c7f7c..e5aee4d140aa 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/science/logic/alt-ergo/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/science/logic/alt-ergo/default.nix
@@ -2,28 +2,30 @@
   pname = "alt-ergo";
-  version = "2.4.1";
+  version = "2.4.2";
+  configureScript = "ocaml unix.cma configure.ml";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "OCamlPro";
     repo = pname;
     rev = version;
-    sha256 = "0hglj1p0753w2isds01h90knraxa42d2jghr35dpwf9g8a1sm9d3";
+    sha256 = "sha256-8pJ/1UAbheQaLFs5Uubmmf5D0oFJiPxF6e2WTZgRyAc=";
 let alt-ergo-lib = ocamlPackages.buildDunePackage rec {
   pname = "alt-ergo-lib";
-  inherit version src;
+  inherit version src configureScript;
   configureFlags = [ pname ];
   nativeBuildInputs = [ which ];
   buildInputs = with ocamlPackages; [ dune-configurator ];
-  propagatedBuildInputs = with ocamlPackages; [ num ocplib-simplex stdlib-shims zarith ];
+  propagatedBuildInputs = with ocamlPackages; [ num ocplib-simplex seq stdlib-shims zarith ];
 }; in
 let alt-ergo-parsers = ocamlPackages.buildDunePackage rec {
   pname = "alt-ergo-parsers";
-  inherit version src;
+  inherit version src configureScript;
   configureFlags = [ pname ];
   nativeBuildInputs = [ which ocamlPackages.menhir ];
   propagatedBuildInputs = [ alt-ergo-lib ] ++ (with ocamlPackages; [ camlzip psmt2-frontend ]);
@@ -31,18 +33,12 @@ let alt-ergo-parsers = ocamlPackages.buildDunePackage rec {
 ocamlPackages.buildDunePackage {
-  inherit pname version src;
-  # Ensure compatibility with Menhir ≥ 20211215
-  patches = fetchpatch {
-    url = "https://github.com/OCamlPro/alt-ergo/commit/0f9c45af352657c3aec32fca63d11d44f5126df8.patch";
-    sha256 = "sha256:0zaj3xbk2s8k8jl0id3nrhdfq9mv0n378cbawwx3sziiizq7djbg";
-  };
+  inherit pname version src configureScript;
   configureFlags = [ pname ];
   nativeBuildInputs = [ which ocamlPackages.menhir ];
-  buildInputs = [ alt-ergo-parsers ocamlPackages.cmdliner ];
+  buildInputs = [ alt-ergo-parsers ocamlPackages.cmdliner_1_1 ];
   meta = {
     description = "High-performance theorem prover and SMT solver";
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/search/recoll/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/search/recoll/default.nix
index 7ba18bf9edc5..d73cd11036a4 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/search/recoll/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/search/recoll/default.nix
@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@
 mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "recoll";
-  version = "1.32.5";
+  version = "1.32.7";
   src = fetchurl {
     url = "https://www.lesbonscomptes.com/${pname}/${pname}-${version}.tar.gz";
-    sha256 = "sha256-UvRpJkapN9nXHy3TY7SVdZ/sy8f3QCHkg3/FM0oP9VY=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-ygim9LsLUZv5FaBiqbeq3E80NHPMHweJVwggjWYzfbo=";
   configureFlags = [ "--enable-recollq" "--disable-webkit" "--without-systemd" ]
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/version-management/git-and-tools/git-cliff/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/version-management/git-and-tools/git-cliff/default.nix
index 2e467b657d64..086281a1d15c 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/version-management/git-and-tools/git-cliff/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/version-management/git-and-tools/git-cliff/default.nix
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
 rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
   pname = "git-cliff";
-  version = "0.8.1";
+  version = "0.9.0";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "orhun";
     repo = "git-cliff";
     rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "sha256-lRONRLTByhMalN9BKilCcQn2c9f4cxOnHJLL0l0jaOs=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-xmpT4xzajarc/1Iu0GqLthQlh0N9tJ1LdqJXrB4EN9Q=";
-  cargoSha256 = "sha256-1r/k3DQ/vjIjMpOHYCRRosbZ22iAFkuq4EbZUcZoWn0=";
+  cargoSha256 = "sha256-f4tB37WiHompXjXqdVy+dNEIn5rhNqda8JTSVUOOlcE=";
   # attempts to run the program on .git in src which is not deterministic
   doCheck = false;
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/video/obs-studio/plugins/obs-vkcapture.nix b/pkgs/applications/video/obs-studio/plugins/obs-vkcapture.nix
index c48dde0cf2f9..e3710828cb34 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/video/obs-studio/plugins/obs-vkcapture.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/video/obs-studio/plugins/obs-vkcapture.nix
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "obs-vkcapture";
-  version = "1.1.5";
+  version = "1.1.6";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "nowrep";
     repo = pname;
     rev = "v${version}";
-    hash = "sha256-eZbZBff/M0S9VASiKoGJAqZ6NMADH7uH8J0m6XGY3jY=";
+    hash = "sha256-TNXoeNktMde7GfFhZRHXlARdnkJTY4oNZTKA4hu7e3Q=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ninja ];
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/virtualization/docker/buildx.nix b/pkgs/applications/virtualization/docker/buildx.nix
index b9d5a3e9275d..6aee614b816e 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/virtualization/docker/buildx.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/virtualization/docker/buildx.nix
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 buildGoModule rec {
   pname = "docker-buildx";
-  version = "0.8.2";
+  version = "0.9.0";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "docker";
     repo = "buildx";
     rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "sha256-AGRdmYKd76k5tmBTTqsSHj3yOU8QSd11G5ito0O/dWY=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-fWtPoOUI5tgY9Xsf/FAZPlaagC5FR5FBHysWv788Pik=";
   vendorSha256 = null;
diff --git a/pkgs/build-support/build-fhs-userenv-bubblewrap/env.nix b/pkgs/build-support/build-fhs-userenv-bubblewrap/env.nix
index 925dfc8bfbe2..7ebcba73708c 100644
--- a/pkgs/build-support/build-fhs-userenv-bubblewrap/env.nix
+++ b/pkgs/build-support/build-fhs-userenv-bubblewrap/env.nix
@@ -22,8 +22,10 @@
 # /lib will link to /lib32
-  is64Bit = stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.cpu.bits == 64;
-  isMultiBuild  = multiPkgs != null && is64Bit;
+  inherit (stdenv) is64bit;
+  # use of glibc_multi is only supported on x86_64-linux
+  isMultiBuild  = multiPkgs != null && stdenv.isx86_64 && stdenv.isLinux;
   isTargetBuild = !isMultiBuild;
   # list of packages (usually programs) which are only be installed for the
@@ -139,7 +141,7 @@ let
   setupLibDirsTarget = ''
     # link content of targetPaths
     cp -rsHf ${staticUsrProfileTarget}/lib lib
-    ln -s lib lib${if is64Bit then "64" else "32"}
+    ln -s lib lib${if is64bit then "64" else "32"}
   # setup /lib, /lib32 and /lib64
diff --git a/pkgs/build-support/docker/default.nix b/pkgs/build-support/docker/default.nix
index 39008df74f17..7468f056005a 100644
--- a/pkgs/build-support/docker/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/build-support/docker/default.nix
@@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ rec {
     , fromImageName ? null
     , fromImageTag ? null
     , diskSize ? 1024
+    , buildVMMemorySize ? 512
     , preMount ? ""
     , postMount ? ""
     , postUmount ? ""
@@ -218,6 +219,7 @@ rec {
               destination = "./image";
             inherit fromImage fromImageName fromImageTag;
+            memSize = buildVMMemorySize;
             nativeBuildInputs = [ util-linux e2fsprogs jshon rsync jq ];
           } ''
@@ -407,6 +409,8 @@ rec {
       fromImageTag ? null
     , # How much disk to allocate for the temporary virtual machine.
       diskSize ? 1024
+    , # How much memory to allocate for the temporary virtual machine.
+      buildVMMemorySize ? 512
     , # Commands (bash) to run on the layer; these do not require sudo.
       extraCommands ? ""
@@ -418,7 +422,7 @@ rec {
     runWithOverlay {
       name = "docker-layer-${name}";
-      inherit fromImage fromImageName fromImageTag diskSize;
+      inherit fromImage fromImageName fromImageTag diskSize buildVMMemorySize;
       preMount = lib.optionalString (copyToRoot != null && copyToRoot != [ ]) ''
         echo "Adding contents..."
@@ -517,6 +521,8 @@ rec {
       runAsRoot ? null
     , # Size of the virtual machine disk to provision when building the image.
       diskSize ? 1024
+    , # Size of the virtual machine memory to provision when building the image.
+      buildVMMemorySize ? 512
     , # Time of creation of the image.
       created ? "1970-01-01T00:00:01Z"
     , # Deprecated.
@@ -563,7 +569,7 @@ rec {
           mkRootLayer {
             name = baseName;
             inherit baseJson fromImage fromImageName fromImageTag
-              keepContentsDirlinks runAsRoot diskSize
+              keepContentsDirlinks runAsRoot diskSize buildVMMemorySize
             copyToRoot = rootContents;
diff --git a/pkgs/data/icons/numix-icon-theme-circle/default.nix b/pkgs/data/icons/numix-icon-theme-circle/default.nix
index 2385d413d3c4..1caa99ff9f80 100644
--- a/pkgs/data/icons/numix-icon-theme-circle/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/data/icons/numix-icon-theme-circle/default.nix
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "numix-icon-theme-circle";
-  version = "22.08.07";
+  version = "22.08.15";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "numixproject";
     repo = pname;
     rev = version;
-    sha256 = "sha256-nYRiAp8cHDyWGlb/s6ysiI2w2Oo7yj1HnKPo0EOqvhY=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-2Ay5wykXuXKwcGFvFKu6SIFKdWFMdBvHwgSrqNCszMM=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ gtk3 ];
diff --git a/pkgs/data/icons/numix-icon-theme-square/default.nix b/pkgs/data/icons/numix-icon-theme-square/default.nix
index 35f9f72591db..3c24621f42e7 100644
--- a/pkgs/data/icons/numix-icon-theme-square/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/data/icons/numix-icon-theme-square/default.nix
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "numix-icon-theme-square";
-  version = "22.08.07";
+  version = "22.08.15";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "numixproject";
     repo = pname;
     rev = version;
-    sha256 = "sha256-AWDahl9DUAEYY7OW9E323LOdM37INcAbEXA19FYRObE=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-VJsxZFzraCQPNr/zS7ElPk52Tq5YHrFxaQJMUuHcnLw=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ gtk3 ];
diff --git a/pkgs/data/misc/wireless-regdb/default.nix b/pkgs/data/misc/wireless-regdb/default.nix
index 2c92896b5a1c..1bf0abc41ae5 100644
--- a/pkgs/data/misc/wireless-regdb/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/data/misc/wireless-regdb/default.nix
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl }:
+{ lib, stdenvNoCC, fetchurl }:
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "wireless-regdb";
-  version = "2022.06.06";
+  version = "2022.08.12";
   src = fetchurl {
     url = "https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/network/${pname}/${pname}-${version}.tar.xz";
-    sha256 = "sha256-rAD5fv7M5QRu0GnR2T8zZf35lMfHhUqPxQgx6VlTcjA=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-Wcj30Xlm23Gyf5DnNe6PW0LKNSdpSoxebptWvTecO4Q=";
   dontBuild = true;
diff --git a/pkgs/development/compilers/hip/default.nix b/pkgs/development/compilers/hip/default.nix
index f073eca91d5c..81f558a733a7 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/compilers/hip/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/compilers/hip/default.nix
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
 { stdenv
 , binutils-unwrapped
 , clang
-, clang-unwrapped
 , cmake
-, compiler-rt
 , fetchFromGitHub
 , fetchpatch
 , file
@@ -11,7 +9,6 @@
 , libglvnd
 , libX11
 , libxml2
-, lld
 , llvm
 , makeWrapper
 , numactl
@@ -31,13 +28,13 @@
   hip = stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
     pname = "hip";
-    version = "5.1.1";
+    version = "5.2.1";
     src = fetchFromGitHub {
       owner = "ROCm-Developer-Tools";
       repo = "HIP";
       rev = "rocm-${version}";
-      hash = "sha256-/kIZrbzq1u1pIs1jlmRYZNUGteqVQTI4TlXsHsVIUKE=";
+      hash = "sha256-aXI55bdhAuPUEdQZukKAdtLWA+8UIxjPJ4LTamR/ENk=";
     # - fix bash paths
@@ -63,8 +60,9 @@ let
           -e 's,^\($HIP_COMPILER=\).*$,\1"clang";,' \
           -e 's,^\($HIP_RUNTIME=\).*$,\1"ROCclr";,' \
           -e 's,^\([[:space:]]*$HSA_PATH=\).*$,\1"${rocm-runtime}";,'g \
-          -e 's,^\([[:space:]]*\)$HIP_CLANG_INCLUDE_PATH = abs_path("$HIP_CLANG_PATH/../lib/clang/$HIP_CLANG_VERSION/include");,\1$HIP_CLANG_INCLUDE_PATH = "${clang-unwrapped}/lib/clang/$HIP_CLANG_VERSION/include";,' \
+          -e 's,^\([[:space:]]*\)$HIP_CLANG_INCLUDE_PATH = abs_path("$HIP_CLANG_PATH/../lib/clang/$HIP_CLANG_VERSION/include");,\1$HIP_CLANG_INCLUDE_PATH = "${llvm}/lib/clang/$HIP_CLANG_VERSION/include";,' \
           -e 's,^\([[:space:]]*$HIPCXXFLAGS .= " -isystem \\"$HIP_CLANG_INCLUDE_PATH/..\\"\)";,\1 -isystem ${rocm-runtime}/include";,' \
+          -e 's,$HIP_CLANG_PATH/../lib/clang/$HIP_CLANG_VERSION,$HIP_CLANG_PATH/../resource-root,g' \
           -e 's,`file,`${file}/bin/file,g' \
           -e 's,`readelf,`${binutils-unwrapped}/bin/readelf,' \
           -e 's, ar , ${binutils-unwrapped}/bin/ar ,g' \
@@ -102,21 +100,19 @@ let
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "hip";
-  version = "5.1.1";
+  version = "5.2.1";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "ROCm-Developer-Tools";
     repo = "hipamd";
     rev = "rocm-${version}";
-    hash = "sha256-TuCMRJb6G/bhD8hG6Ot7MIkgBoShjVboeXrlGh9eYpQ=";
+    hash = "sha256-YsvM+HjoBiukXAMCdE/dpQNMnpP6XRXDuxV1487rok0=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake python3 makeWrapper perl ];
   buildInputs = [ libxml2 numactl libglvnd libX11 ];
   propagatedBuildInputs = [
-    compiler-rt
-    lld
@@ -139,15 +135,37 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   postInstall = ''
-    wrapProgram $out/bin/hipcc --set HIP_PATH $out --set HSA_PATH ${rocm-runtime} --set HIP_CLANG_PATH ${clang}/bin --prefix PATH : ${lld}/bin --set NIX_CC_WRAPPER_TARGET_HOST_${stdenv.cc.suffixSalt} 1 --prefix NIX_LDFLAGS ' ' -L${compiler-rt}/lib --prefix NIX_LDFLAGS_FOR_TARGET ' ' -L${compiler-rt}/lib --add-flags "-nogpuinc"
+    patchShebangs $out/bin
+    wrapProgram $out/bin/hipcc --set HIP_PATH $out --set HSA_PATH ${rocm-runtime} --set HIP_CLANG_PATH ${clang}/bin --prefix PATH : ${llvm}/bin --set ROCM_PATH $out
     wrapProgram $out/bin/hipconfig --set HIP_PATH $out --set HSA_PATH ${rocm-runtime} --set HIP_CLANG_PATH ${clang}/bin
   passthru.updateScript = writeScript "update.sh" ''
     #!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
-    #!nix-shell -i bash -p curl jq common-updater-scripts
+    #!nix-shell -i bash -p curl jq common-updater-scripts nix-prefetch-github
+    version="$(curl -sL "https://api.github.com/repos/ROCm-Developer-Tools/HIP/tags" | jq '.[].name | split("-") | .[1] | select( . != null )' --raw-output | sort -n | tail -1)"
+    current_version="$(grep "version =" pkgs/development/compilers/hip/default.nix | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"
+    if [[ "$version" != "$current_version" ]]; then
+      tarball_meta="$(nix-prefetch-github ROCm-Developer-Tools HIP --rev "rocm-$version")"
+      tarball_hash="$(nix to-base64 sha256-$(jq -r '.sha256' <<< "$tarball_meta"))"
+      sed -i -z "pkgs/development/compilers/hip/default.nix" \
+        -e 's,version = "[^'"'"'"]*",version = "'"$version"'",1' \
+        -e 's,hash = "[^'"'"'"]*",hash = "sha256-'"$tarball_hash"'",1'
+    else
+      echo hip already up-to-date
+    fi
     version="$(curl -sL "https://api.github.com/repos/ROCm-Developer-Tools/hipamd/tags" | jq '.[].name | split("-") | .[1] | select( . != null )' --raw-output | sort -n | tail -1)"
-    update-source-version hip "$version"
+    current_version="$(grep "version =" pkgs/development/compilers/hip/default.nix | tail -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"
+    if [[ "$version" != "$current_version" ]]; then
+      tarball_meta="$(nix-prefetch-github ROCm-Developer-Tools hipamd --rev "rocm-$version")"
+      tarball_hash="$(nix to-base64 sha256-$(jq -r '.sha256' <<< "$tarball_meta"))"
+      sed -i -z "pkgs/development/compilers/hip/default.nix" \
+        -e 's,version = "[^'"'"'"]*",version = "'"$version"'",2' \
+        -e 's,hash = "[^'"'"'"]*",hash = "sha256-'"$tarball_hash"'",2'
+    else
+      echo hipamd already up-to-date
+    fi
   meta = with lib; {
diff --git a/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/clang.nix b/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/clang.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fac661b58a1..000000000000
--- a/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/clang.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv
-, lib
-, fetchFromGitHub
-, cmake
-, python3
-, llvm
-, clang-tools-extra_src ? null
-, lld
-, version
-, src
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-  inherit version src;
-  pname = "clang";
-  nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake python3 ];
-  buildInputs = [ llvm ];
-  hardeningDisable = [ "all" ];
-  cmakeFlags = [
-    "-DLLVM_CMAKE_PATH=${llvm}/lib/cmake/llvm"
-    "-DLLVM_MAIN_SRC_DIR=${llvm.src}"
-    "-DCLANG_SOURCE_DIR=${src}"
-  ];
-  VCSVersion = ''
-    #undef LLVM_REVISION
-    #undef CLANG_REVISION
-  '';
-  postUnpack = lib.optionalString (!(isNull clang-tools-extra_src)) ''
-    ln -s ${clang-tools-extra_src} $sourceRoot/tools/extra
-  '';
-  # Rather than let cmake extract version information from LLVM or
-  # clang source control repositories, we generate the wanted
-  # `VCSVersion.inc` file ourselves and remove it from the
-  # depencencies of the `clangBasic` target.
-  preConfigure = ''
-    sed 's/  ''${version_inc}//' -i lib/Basic/CMakeLists.txt
-    sed 's|sys::path::parent_path(BundlerExecutable)|StringRef("${llvm}/bin")|' -i tools/clang-offload-bundler/ClangOffloadBundler.cpp
-    sed 's|\([[:space:]]*std::string Linker = \)getToolChain().GetProgramPath(getShortName())|\1"${lld}/bin/ld.lld"|' -i lib/Driver/ToolChains/AMDGPU.cpp
-    substituteInPlace lib/Driver/ToolChains/AMDGPU.h --replace ld.lld ${lld}/bin/ld.lld
-    sed 's|configure_file(AST/gen_ast_dump_json_test.py ''${LLVM_TOOLS_BINARY_DIR}/gen_ast_dump_json_test.py COPYONLY)||' -i test/CMakeLists.txt
-  '';
-  postConfigure = ''
-    mkdir -p lib/Basic
-    echo "$VCSVersion" > lib/Basic/VCSVersion.inc
-  '';
-  passthru = {
-    isClang = true;
-    inherit llvm;
-  };
-  meta = with lib; {
-    description = "ROCm fork of the clang C/C++/Objective-C/Objective-C++ LLVM compiler frontend";
-    homepage = "https://llvm.org/";
-    license = with licenses; [ ncsa ];
-    maintainers = with maintainers; [ acowley lovesegfault ];
-    platforms = platforms.linux;
-  };
diff --git a/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/compiler-rt/default.nix b/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/compiler-rt/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index dfc21e7fe013..000000000000
--- a/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/compiler-rt/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv, lib, version, src, cmake, python3, llvm, libcxxabi, fetchpatch }:
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-  pname = "compiler-rt";
-  inherit version src;
-  nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake python3 llvm ];
-    "-DSCUDO_DEFAULT_OPTIONS=DeleteSizeMismatch=0:DeallocationTypeMismatch=0"
-  ];
-  cmakeFlags = [
-    "-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_TARGET=${stdenv.hostPlatform.config}"
-    "-DCMAKE_ASM_COMPILER_TARGET=${stdenv.hostPlatform.config}"
-    "-DCMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P=${toString (stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.cpu.bits / 8)}"
-    "-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-nodefaultlibs"
-    #https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53633705/cmake-the-c-compiler-is-not-able-to-compile-a-simple-test-program
-  ];
-  outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
-  prePatch = ''
-    cd compiler-rt
-  '';
-  # TSAN requires XPC on Darwin, which we have no public/free source files for. We can depend on the Apple frameworks
-  # to get it, but they're unfree. Since LLVM is rather central to the stdenv, we patch out TSAN support so that Hydra
-  # can build this. If we didn't do it, basically the entire nixpkgs on Darwin would have an unfree dependency and we'd
-  # get no binary cache for the entire platform. If you really find yourself wanting the TSAN, make this controllable by
-  # a flag and turn the flag off during the stdenv build.
-  postPatch = lib.optionalString (!stdenv.isDarwin) ''
-    substituteInPlace cmake/builtin-config-ix.cmake \
-      --replace 'set(X86 i386)' 'set(X86 i386 i486 i586 i686)'
-  '';
-  # Hack around weird upsream RPATH bug
-  postInstall = ''
-    ln -s "$out/lib"/*/* "$out/lib"
-    ln -s $out/lib/*/clang_rt.crtbegin-*.o $out/lib/crtbegin.o
-    ln -s $out/lib/*/clang_rt.crtend-*.o $out/lib/crtend.o
-    ln -s $out/lib/*/clang_rt.crtbegin_shared-*.o $out/lib/crtbeginS.o
-    ln -s $out/lib/*/clang_rt.crtend_shared-*.o $out/lib/crtendS.o
-  '';
-  enableParallelBuilding = true;
-  meta = with lib; {
-    description = "ROCm fork of the LLVM Compiler runtime libraries";
-    homepage = "https://github.com/RadeonOpenCompute/llvm-project";
-    license = licenses.ncsa;
-    maintainers = with maintainers; [ acowley lovesegfault ];
-    platforms = platforms.linux;
-  };
diff --git a/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/default.nix b/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/default.nix
index e700e1a08b2c..20c1a20b68af 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/default.nix
@@ -1,32 +1,36 @@
 { stdenv, lib, buildPackages, fetchFromGitHub, callPackage, wrapCCWith, overrideCC }:
-  version = "5.1.1";
+  version = "5.2.1";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "RadeonOpenCompute";
     repo = "llvm-project";
     rev = "rocm-${version}";
-    hash = "sha256-5SGIWiyfHvfwIUc4bhdWrlhBfK5ssA7tm5r3zKdr3kg=";
+    hash = "sha256-sudH8hnjReyuCFm2CBEPd8W88SjAARgCd1MTIJaDjTI=";
 in rec {
   clang = wrapCCWith rec {
-    cc = clang-unwrapped;
+    cc = llvm;
     extraBuildCommands = ''
       clang_version=`${cc}/bin/clang -v 2>&1 | grep "clang version " | grep -E -o "[0-9.-]+"`
       mkdir "$rsrc"
       ln -s "${cc}/lib/clang/$clang_version/include" "$rsrc"
-      ln -s "${compiler-rt}/lib" "$rsrc/lib"
+      ln -s "${cc}/lib/clang/$clang_version/lib" "$rsrc/lib"
       echo "-resource-dir=$rsrc" >> $out/nix-support/cc-cflags
       echo "--gcc-toolchain=${stdenv.cc.cc}" >> $out/nix-support/cc-cflags
-      echo "-Wno-unused-command-line-argument" >> $out/nix-support/cc-cflags
       rm $out/nix-support/add-hardening.sh
       touch $out/nix-support/add-hardening.sh
+      # GPU compilation uses builtin lld
+      substituteInPlace $out/bin/clang \
+        --replace '-MM) dontLink=1 ;;' $'-MM | --cuda-device-only) dontLink=1 ;;\n--cuda-host-only | --cuda-compile-host-device) dontLink=0 ;;'
+      substituteInPlace $out/bin/clang++ \
+        --replace '-MM) dontLink=1 ;;' $'-MM | --cuda-device-only) dontLink=1 ;;\n--cuda-host-only | --cuda-compile-host-device) dontLink=0 ;;'
   clangNoCompilerRt = wrapCCWith rec {
-    cc = clang-unwrapped;
+    cc = llvm;
     extraBuildCommands = ''
       clang_version=`${cc}/bin/clang -v 2>&1 | grep "clang version " | grep -E -o "[0-9.-]+"`
@@ -34,28 +38,17 @@ in rec {
       ln -s "${cc}/lib/clang/$clang_version/include" "$rsrc"
       echo "-resource-dir=$rsrc" >> $out/nix-support/cc-cflags
       echo "--gcc-toolchain=${stdenv.cc.cc}" >> $out/nix-support/cc-cflags
-      echo "-Wno-unused-command-line-argument" >> $out/nix-support/cc-cflags
       rm $out/nix-support/add-hardening.sh
       touch $out/nix-support/add-hardening.sh
+      # GPU compilation uses builtin lld
+      substituteInPlace $out/bin/clang \
+        --replace '-MM) dontLink=1 ;;' $'-MM | --cuda-device-only) dontLink=1 ;;\n--cuda-host-only | --cuda-compile-host-device) dontLink=0 ;;'
+      substituteInPlace $out/bin/clang++ \
+        --replace '-MM) dontLink=1 ;;' $'-MM | --cuda-device-only) dontLink=1 ;;\n--cuda-host-only | --cuda-compile-host-device) dontLink=0 ;;'
-  clang-unwrapped = callPackage ./clang.nix {
-    inherit lld llvm version;
-    src = "${src}/clang";
-  };
-  compiler-rt = callPackage ./compiler-rt {
-    inherit version llvm;
-    inherit src;
-    stdenv = overrideCC stdenv clangNoCompilerRt;
-  };
-  lld = callPackage ./lld.nix {
-    inherit llvm src version;
-  };
-  llvm = callPackage ./llvm {
+  llvm = callPackage ./llvm.nix {
     inherit src version;
diff --git a/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/install-symlinks.patch b/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/install-symlinks.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8d9bb83632db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/install-symlinks.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+diff --git a/llvm/cmake/modules/LLVMInstallSymlink.cmake b/llvm/cmake/modules/LLVMInstallSymlink.cmake
+index b5c35f706cb7..ac25e40b1436 100644
+--- a/cmake/modules/LLVMInstallSymlink.cmake
++++ b/cmake/modules/LLVMInstallSymlink.cmake
+@@ -4,11 +4,16 @@
+ include(GNUInstallDirs)
+ function(install_symlink name target outdir)
+-  set(bindir "${DESTDIR}${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${outdir}")
++  message(STATUS "Creating ${name} at ${bindir} (${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH})")
++  extend_path(prefixed_outdir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" "${outdir}")
++  set(bindir "${DESTDIR}${prefixed_outdir}")
+-  message(STATUS "Creating ${name}")
++  message(STATUS "Creating ${name} at ${bindir}")
+   execute_process(
+     COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E create_symlink "${target}" "${name}"
diff --git a/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/lld.nix b/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/lld.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 272e430c1fcd..000000000000
--- a/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/lld.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv
-, lib
-, cmake
-, libxml2
-, llvm
-, ninja
-, version
-, src
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-  inherit version src;
-  sourceRoot = "${src.name}/lld";
-  pname = "lld";
-  nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ninja ];
-  buildInputs = [ libxml2 llvm ];
-  outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
-  cmakeFlags = [ "-DLLVM_MAIN_SRC_DIR=${src}/llvm" ];
-  postInstall = ''
-    moveToOutput include "$dev"
-    moveToOutput lib "$dev"
-    # Fix lld binary path for CMake.
-    substituteInPlace "$dev/lib/cmake/lld/LLDTargets-release.cmake" \
-      --replace "\''${_IMPORT_PREFIX}/bin/lld" "$out/bin/lld"
-  '';
-  meta = with lib; {
-    description = "ROCm fork of the LLVM Linker";
-    homepage = "https://github.com/RadeonOpenCompute/llvm-project";
-    license = licenses.ncsa;
-    maintainers = with maintainers; [ acowley lovesegfault ];
-    platforms = platforms.linux;
-  };
diff --git a/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/llvm/default.nix b/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/llvm.nix
similarity index 63%
rename from pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/llvm/default.nix
rename to pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/llvm.nix
index 80a387b3650d..557d19466860 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/llvm/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/llvm.nix
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 { stdenv
 , lib
+, fetchgit
 , fetchFromGitHub
 , writeScript
 , cmake
@@ -12,7 +13,6 @@
 , zlib
 , debugVersion ? false
 , enableManpages ? false
-, enableSharedLibraries ? false
 , version
 , src
@@ -30,28 +30,18 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   sourceRoot = "${src.name}/llvm";
-  outputs = [ "out" "python" ]
-    ++ lib.optional enableSharedLibraries "lib";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ninja python3 ];
-  buildInputs = [ libxml2 libffi ];
+  buildInputs = [ libxml2 ];
   propagatedBuildInputs = [ ncurses zlib ];
   cmakeFlags = with stdenv; [
     "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${if debugVersion then "Debug" else "Release"}"
     "-DLLVM_INSTALL_UTILS=ON" # Needed by rustc
+    "-DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS=clang;lld;compiler-rt"
-  ++
-  lib.optional
-    enableSharedLibraries
   ++ lib.optionals enableManpages [
@@ -61,39 +51,16 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  patches = [
+    ./install-symlinks.patch
+  ];
   postPatch = ''
     patchShebangs lib/OffloadArch/make_generated_offload_arch_h.sh
-  '' + lib.optionalString enableSharedLibraries ''
-    substitute '${./outputs.patch}' ./outputs.patch --subst-var lib
-    patch -p1 < ./outputs.patch
+    substituteInPlace ../clang/cmake/modules/CMakeLists.txt \
-  # hacky fix: created binaries need to be run before installation
-  preBuild = ''
-    mkdir -p $out/
-    ln -sv $PWD/lib $out
-  '';
-  postBuild = ''
-    rm -fR $out
-  '';
-  preCheck = ''
-  '';
-  postInstall = ''
-    moveToOutput share/opt-viewer "$python"
-  ''
-  + lib.optionalString enableSharedLibraries ''
-    moveToOutput "lib/libLLVM-*" "$lib"
-    moveToOutput "lib/libLLVM${stdenv.hostPlatform.extensions.sharedLibrary}" "$lib"
-    substituteInPlace "$out/lib/cmake/llvm/LLVMExports-${if debugVersion then "debug" else "release"}.cmake" \
-      --replace "\''${_IMPORT_PREFIX}/lib/libLLVM-" "$lib/lib/libLLVM-"
-  '';
-  passthru.src = src;
   updateScript = writeScript "update.sh" ''
     #!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
     #!nix-shell -i bash -p curl jq common-updater-scripts nix-prefetch-github
@@ -111,11 +78,13 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  passthru.isClang = true;
   meta = with lib; {
     description = "ROCm fork of the LLVM compiler infrastructure";
     homepage = "https://github.com/RadeonOpenCompute/llvm-project";
     license = with licenses; [ ncsa ];
-    maintainers = with maintainers; [ acowley lovesegfault ];
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ acowley lovesegfault Flakebi ];
     platforms = platforms.linux;
diff --git a/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/llvm/outputs.patch b/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/llvm/outputs.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 878460e05b8a..000000000000
--- a/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/rocm/llvm/outputs.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/tools/llvm-config/llvm-config.cpp b/tools/llvm-config/llvm-config.cpp
-index 94d426b..37f7794 100644
---- a/tools/llvm-config/llvm-config.cpp
-+++ b/tools/llvm-config/llvm-config.cpp
-@@ -333,6 +333,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
-     ActiveIncludeOption = "-I" + ActiveIncludeDir;
-   }
-+  /// Nix-specific multiple-output handling: override ActiveLibDir
-+  if (!IsInDevelopmentTree) {
-+    ActiveLibDir = std::string("@lib@") + "/lib" + LLVM_LIBDIR_SUFFIX;
-+  }
-   /// We only use `shared library` mode in cases where the static library form
-   /// of the components provided are not available; note however that this is
-   /// skipped if we're run from within the build dir. However, once installed,
diff --git a/pkgs/development/coq-modules/coq-ext-lib/default.nix b/pkgs/development/coq-modules/coq-ext-lib/default.nix
index 2f5bcfe83e7d..b6f124b3f0fb 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/coq-modules/coq-ext-lib/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/coq-modules/coq-ext-lib/default.nix
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ with lib; mkCoqDerivation rec {
   owner = "coq-ext-lib";
   inherit version;
   defaultVersion = with versions; switch coq.coq-version [
+    { case = range "8.11" "8.16"; out = "0.11.7"; }
     { case = range "8.8" "8.16"; out = "0.11.6"; }
     { case = range "8.8" "8.14"; out = "0.11.4"; }
     { case = range "8.8" "8.13"; out = "0.11.3"; }
@@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ with lib; mkCoqDerivation rec {
     { case = "8.6";              out = "0.9.5"; }
     { case = "8.5";              out = "0.9.4"; }
   ] null;
+  release."0.11.7".sha256 = "sha256-HkxUny0mxDDT4VouBBh8btwxGZgsb459kBufTLLnuEY=";
   release."0.11.6".sha256 = "0w6iyrdszz7zc8kaybhy3mwjain2d2f83q79xfd5di0hgdayh7q7";
   release."0.11.4".sha256 = "0yp8mhrhkc498nblvhq1x4j6i9aiidkjza4wzvrkp9p8rgx5g5y3";
   release."0.11.3".sha256 = "1w99nzpk72lffxis97k235axss5lmzhy5z3lga2i0si95mbpil42";
diff --git a/pkgs/development/embedded/pyocd/default.nix b/pkgs/development/embedded/pyocd/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..52cf703a71aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/embedded/pyocd/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+{ lib
+, buildPythonPackage
+, fetchPypi
+, fetchpatch
+, capstone
+, cmsis-pack-manager
+, colorama
+, intelhex
+, intervaltree
+, natsort
+, prettytable
+, pyelftools
+, pylink-square
+, pyusb
+, pyyaml
+, typing-extensions
+, stdenv
+, hidapi
+, pytestCheckHook
+buildPythonPackage rec {
+  pname = "pyocd";
+  version = "0.34.1";
+  src = fetchPypi {
+    inherit pname version;
+    sha256 = "sha256-Fpa2IEsLOQ8ylGI/5D6h+22j1pvrvE9IMIyhCtyM6qU=";
+  };
+  patches = [
+    # https://github.com/pyocd/pyOCD/pull/1332
+    (fetchpatch {
+      name = "libusb-package-optional.patch";
+      url = "https://github.com/pyocd/pyOCD/commit/0b980cf253e3714dd2eaf0bddeb7172d14089649.patch";
+      sha256 = "sha256-B2+50VntcQELeakJbCeJdgI1iBU+h2NkXqba+LRYa/0=";
+    })
+  ];
+  propagatedBuildInputs = [
+    capstone
+    cmsis-pack-manager
+    colorama
+    intelhex
+    intervaltree
+    natsort
+    prettytable
+    pyelftools
+    pylink-square
+    pyusb
+    pyyaml
+    typing-extensions
+  ] ++ lib.optionals (!stdenv.isLinux) [
+    hidapi
+  ];
+  checkInputs = [ pytestCheckHook ];
+  pythonImportsCheck = [ "pyocd" ];
+  postPatch = ''
+    substituteInPlace setup.cfg \
+        --replace "libusb-package>=1.0,<2.0" ""
+  '';
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Python library for programming and debugging Arm Cortex-M microcontrollers";
+    homepage = "https://pyocd.io/";
+    license = licenses.asl20;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ frogamic sbruder ];
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/gtk-layer-shell/default.nix b/pkgs/development/libraries/gtk-layer-shell/default.nix
index d8010cdc63b4..ba7950d72561 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/libraries/gtk-layer-shell/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/libraries/gtk-layer-shell/default.nix
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "gtk-layer-shell";
-  version = "0.6.0";
+  version = "0.7.0";
   outputs = [ "out" "dev" "devdoc" ];
+  outputBin = "devdoc"; # for demo
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "wmww";
     repo = "gtk-layer-shell";
     rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "sha256-jLWXBoYcVoUSzw4OIYVM5iPvsmpy+Wg5TbDpo8cll80=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-0S1WBpxXpWoMOecJQS6FKEXRZdw4E5hrjURPyhkxiMc=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   mesonFlags = [
+    "-Dexamples=true"
   meta = with lib; {
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/hpx/default.nix b/pkgs/development/libraries/hpx/default.nix
index 0474fd3bc487..2464e95c6b6d 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/libraries/hpx/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/libraries/hpx/default.nix
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "hpx";
-  version = "1.7.1";
+  version = "1.8.1";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "STEllAR-GROUP";
     repo = "hpx";
     rev = version;
-    sha256 = "1knx7kr8iw4b7nh116ygd00y68y84jjb4fj58jkay7n5qlrxh604";
+    sha256 = "sha256-YJ4wHaPE5E6ngUAYrQB1SkW4IoHW71tUDKKNANVA9Xw=";
   buildInputs = [ asio boost hwloc gperftools ];
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/java/lombok/default.nix b/pkgs/development/libraries/java/lombok/default.nix
index 3cc046ac119b..f7f2a619a1c9 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/libraries/java/lombok/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/libraries/java/lombok/default.nix
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "lombok";
-  version = "1.18.22";
+  version = "1.18.24";
   src = fetchurl {
     url = "https://projectlombok.org/downloads/lombok-${version}.jar";
-    sha256 = "sha256-7O8VgUEdeoLMBCgWZ+4LrF18ClqudM/DhDA5bJHDGDE=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-01hLwtsD8Fn5hPsKnBGarB+g2leKRI5p/D9os2WEx0k=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/libjaylink/default.nix b/pkgs/development/libraries/libjaylink/default.nix
index 6aac7675dcdc..bf42624f7651 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/libraries/libjaylink/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/libraries/libjaylink/default.nix
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "libjaylink";
-  version = "0.2.0";
+  version = "0.3.0";
   src = fetchFromGitLab {
     domain = "gitlab.zapb.de";
     owner = "libjaylink";
     repo = "libjaylink";
     rev = version;
-    sha256 = "0ndyfh51hiqyv2yscpj6qd091w7myxxjid3a6rx8f6k233vy826q";
+    sha256 = "sha256-90obLaSE3oxrocyJWZ4+j4U4GuPIZEiiIQqenu4vsJg=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ autoreconfHook pkg-config ];
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/libnbd/default.nix b/pkgs/development/libraries/libnbd/default.nix
index 9ff3ee15a174..2156e9c2f97f 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/libraries/libnbd/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/libraries/libnbd/default.nix
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "libnbd";
-  version = "1.14.0";
+  version = "1.14.1";
   src = fetchurl {
     url = "https://download.libguestfs.org/libnbd/${lib.versions.majorMinor version}-stable/${pname}-${version}.tar.gz";
-    hash = "sha256-fwVAMqZGX1HZMA/81qb67K5gwSqtcT1HnLBLdqDr4Cc=";
+    hash = "sha256-LwgXVWOWwyc9OUJEKHkDQEfGBy41XsdbRuG+zluFc3E=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/libp11/default.nix b/pkgs/development/libraries/libp11/default.nix
index eb577a7f5a17..70a433ddc280 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/libraries/libp11/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/libraries/libp11/default.nix
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "libp11";
-  version = "0.4.11";
+  version = "0.4.12";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "OpenSC";
     repo = "libp11";
     rev = "${pname}-${version}";
-    sha256 = "0hcl706i04nw5c1sj7l6sj6m0yjq6qijz345v498jll58fp5wif8";
+    sha256 = "sha256-Xqjl12xT30ZXWYzPWNN3jWY9pxojhd7Kq0OC7rABt4M=";
   configureFlags = [
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/libusbsio/default.nix b/pkgs/development/libraries/libusbsio/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1982311919ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/libraries/libusbsio/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+{ lib, stdenv, fetchzip, pkg-config, libusb1, systemdMinimal }:
+  binDirPrefix = if stdenv.isDarwin then "osx_" else "linux_";
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  pname = "libusbsio";
+  version = "2.1.11";
+  src = fetchzip {
+    url = "https://www.nxp.com/downloads/en/libraries/libusbsio-${version}-src.zip";
+    sha256 = "sha256-qgoeaGWTWdTk5XpJwoauckEQlqB9lp5x2+TN09vQttI=";
+  };
+  postPatch = ''
+    rm -r bin/*
+  '';
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+  buildInputs = [
+    libusb1
+    systemdMinimal # libudev
+  ];
+  installPhase = ''
+    runHook preInstall
+    install -D bin/${binDirPrefix}${stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.cpu.name}/libusbsio${stdenv.hostPlatform.extensions.sharedLibrary} $out/lib/libusbsio${stdenv.hostPlatform.extensions.sharedLibrary}
+    runHook postInstall
+  '';
+  meta = with lib; {
+    homepage = "https://www.nxp.com/design/software/development-software/library-for-windows-macos-and-ubuntu-linux:LIBUSBSIO";
+    description = "Library for communicating with devices connected via the USB bridge on LPC-Link2 and MCU-Link debug probes on supported NXP microcontroller evaluation boards";
+    platforms = platforms.all;
+    license = licenses.bsd3;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ frogamic sbruder ];
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/log4cplus/default.nix b/pkgs/development/libraries/log4cplus/default.nix
index 160cdabed708..6cc40fc70921 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/libraries/log4cplus/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/libraries/log4cplus/default.nix
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "log4cplus";
-  version = "2.0.7";
+  version = "2.0.8";
   src = fetchurl {
     url = "mirror://sourceforge/log4cplus/log4cplus-${version}.tar.bz2";
-    sha256 = "sha256-j626/uK6TlWKD3iEJhPJ+yOcd12D8jNA0JEITA4bEqs=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-yjaqNmA20cYfwDZqn/vPMrrVXXSHiyw2qcNNzAC4oMo=";
   meta = {
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/oneDNN/default.nix b/pkgs/development/libraries/oneDNN/default.nix
index a4c4bb057251..8137f2b55b31 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/libraries/oneDNN/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/libraries/oneDNN/default.nix
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
 # https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneDNN#oneapi-deep-neural-network-library-onednn
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "oneDNN";
-  version = "2.3.2";
+  version = "2.6.1";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "oneapi-src";
     repo = "oneDNN";
     rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "sha256-sfTcBthrnt7m9AnzdwWl9yLu1jRpwUp8i9s9DlA3IJo=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-cO8hT5ZrA9VegxOFH9fHm3YKK4A6XmaWIAfPTytNu6I=";
   outputs = [ "out" "dev" "doc" ];
@@ -21,12 +21,6 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   # Tests fail on some Hydra builders, because they do not support SSE4.2.
   doCheck = false;
-  # The cmake install gets tripped up and installs a nix tree into $out, in
-  # addition to the correct install; clean it up.
-  postInstall = ''
-    rm -r $out/nix
-  '';
   meta = with lib; {
     description = "oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN)";
     homepage = "https://01.org/oneDNN";
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/onnxruntime/default.nix b/pkgs/development/libraries/onnxruntime/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e3ef22676412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/libraries/onnxruntime/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+{ stdenv
+, lib
+, fetchFromGitHub
+, fetchpatch
+, fetchurl
+, pkg-config
+, cmake
+, python3
+, libpng
+, zlib
+, eigen
+, protobuf
+, howard-hinnant-date
+, nlohmann_json
+, boost
+, oneDNN
+, gtest
+  # prefetch abseil
+  # Note: keep URL in sync with `cmake/external/abseil-cpp.cmake`
+  abseil = fetchurl {
+    url = "https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/archive/refs/tags/20211102.0.zip";
+    sha256 = "sha256-pFZ/8C+spnG5XjHTFbqxi0K2xvGmDpHG6oTlohQhEsI=";
+  };
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  pname = "onnxruntime";
+  version = "1.12.1";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "microsoft";
+    repo = "onnxruntime";
+    rev = "v${version}";
+    sha256 = "sha256-wwllEemiHTp9aJcCd1gsTS4WUVMp5wW+4i/+6DzmAeM=";
+    fetchSubmodules = true;
+  };
+  patches = [
+    # Use dnnl from nixpkgs instead of submodules
+    (fetchpatch {
+      name = "system-dnnl.patch";
+      url = "https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/plain/system-dnnl.diff?h=python-onnxruntime&id=0185531906bda3a9aba93bbb0f3dcfeb0ae671ad";
+      sha256 = "sha256-58RBrQnAWNtc/1pmFs+PkZ6qCsL1LfMY3P0exMKzotA=";
+    })
+  ];
+  nativeBuildInputs = [
+    cmake
+    pkg-config
+    python3
+    gtest
+  ];
+  buildInputs = [
+    libpng
+    zlib
+    protobuf
+    howard-hinnant-date
+    nlohmann_json
+    boost
+    oneDNN
+  ];
+  # TODO: build server, and move .so's to lib output
+  outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
+  enableParallelBuilding = true;
+  cmakeDir = "../cmake";
+  cmakeFlags = [
+    "-Donnxruntime_PREFER_SYSTEM_LIB=ON"
+    "-Donnxruntime_BUILD_SHARED_LIB=ON"
+    "-Donnxruntime_ENABLE_LTO=ON"
+    "-Donnxruntime_BUILD_UNIT_TESTS=ON"
+    "-Donnxruntime_USE_PREINSTALLED_EIGEN=ON"
+    "-Donnxruntime_USE_MPI=ON"
+    "-Deigen_SOURCE_PATH=${eigen.src}"
+    "-Donnxruntime_USE_DNNL=YES"
+  ];
+  doCheck = true;
+  postPatch = ''
+    substituteInPlace cmake/external/abseil-cpp.cmake \
+      --replace "${abseil.url}" "${abseil}"
+  '';
+  postInstall = ''
+    # perform parts of `tools/ci_build/github/linux/copy_strip_binary.sh`
+    install -m644 -Dt $out/include \
+      ../include/onnxruntime/core/framework/provider_options.h \
+      ../include/onnxruntime/core/providers/cpu/cpu_provider_factory.h \
+      ../include/onnxruntime/core/session/onnxruntime_*.h
+  '';
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Cross-platform, high performance scoring engine for ML models";
+    longDescription = ''
+      ONNX Runtime is a performance-focused complete scoring engine
+      for Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) models, with an open
+      extensible architecture to continually address the latest developments
+      in AI and Deep Learning. ONNX Runtime stays up to date with the ONNX
+      standard with complete implementation of all ONNX operators, and
+      supports all ONNX releases (1.2+) with both future and backwards
+      compatibility.
+    '';
+    homepage = "https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime";
+    changelog = "https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime/releases/tag/v${version}";
+    # https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime/blob/master/BUILD.md#architectures
+    platforms = platforms.unix;
+    license = licenses.mit;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ jonringer puffnfresh ck3d ];
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/pkcs11helper/default.nix b/pkgs/development/libraries/pkcs11helper/default.nix
index 4de361a59842..660313092202 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/libraries/pkcs11helper/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/libraries/pkcs11helper/default.nix
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "pkcs11-helper";
-  version = "1.28";
+  version = "1.29.0";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "OpenSC";
     repo = "pkcs11-helper";
     rev = "${pname}-${version}";
-    sha256 = "sha256-gy04f62TX42mW4hKD/jTZXTpz9v6gQXNrY/pv8Ie4p0=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-HPaPmsCJ81NaS7mgRGbR7KFG6AM3s6HXdWKdfREhcLc=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ autoreconfHook pkg-config ];
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/rocclr/default.nix b/pkgs/development/libraries/rocclr/default.nix
index 8afb0d044183..57c4970d5fd7 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/libraries/rocclr/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/libraries/rocclr/default.nix
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "rocclr";
-  version = "5.1.0";
+  version = "5.2.1";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "ROCm-Developer-Tools";
     repo = "ROCclr";
     rev = "rocm-${version}";
-    hash = "sha256-SFWEGKffhuiTE7ICbkElVV5cldXu4Xbwvjb6LiNmijA=";
+    hash = "sha256-bNIc1JF8f88xC18BheKZCZYjWb4gUZOMWlt/5198iGE=";
   patches = [
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/rocm-comgr/cmake.patch b/pkgs/development/libraries/rocm-comgr/cmake.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0c599e2403c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/libraries/rocm-comgr/cmake.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
+index eac270a..27610ec 100644
+--- a/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -53,10 +53,6 @@ set(SOURCES
+   add_library(amd_comgr SHARED ${SOURCES})
+-  # Windows doesn't have a strip utility, so CMAKE_STRIP won't be set.
+-    add_custom_command(TARGET amd_comgr POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_STRIP} $<TARGET_FILE:amd_comgr>)
+-  endif()
+ else()
+   add_library(amd_comgr STATIC ${SOURCES})
+ endif()
+@@ -141,8 +137,8 @@ if (UNIX)
+     configure_file(
+-      ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/exportmap.in
+-      ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/src/exportmap @ONLY)
++      src/exportmap.in
++      src/exportmap @ONLY)
+       "-Wl,--version-script=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/src/exportmap")
+     # When building a shared library with -fsanitize=address we can't be
+@@ -154,6 +150,9 @@ if (UNIX)
+         -Wl,--no-undefined)
+     endif()
+   endif()
++  # Strip in release build
++  set_target_properties(amd_comgr PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS_RELEASE -s)
+     "/wd4244" #[[Suppress 'argument' : conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', possible loss of data]]
+@@ -169,10 +168,6 @@ endif()
+ # the shared header.
+-  ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/amd_comgr.h.in
+-  ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include/amd_comgr.h @ONLY)
+ include(bc2h)
+ include(opencl_pch)
+ include(DeviceLibs)
+@@ -203,8 +198,11 @@ target_compile_definitions(amd_comgr
+ target_include_directories(amd_comgr
+-    $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:include>)
++  include/amd_comgr.h.in
++  include/amd_comgr.h @ONLY)
+ set(AMD_COMGR_CONFIG_NAME amd_comgr-config.cmake)
+ set(AMD_COMGR_TARGETS_NAME amd_comgr-targets.cmake)
+@@ -220,29 +218,30 @@ if (NOT COMGR_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS)
+ endif()
+-export(TARGETS amd_comgr
+ configure_file("cmake/${AMD_COMGR_CONFIG_NAME}.in"
+   @ONLY)
+   VERSION "${amd_comgr_VERSION}"
+   COMPATIBILITY SameMajorVersion)
+ install(TARGETS amd_comgr
+   EXPORT amd_comgr_export
+-  COMPONENT amd-comgr
++  COMPONENT amd-comgr)
++install(EXPORT amd_comgr_export
+ install(FILES
+   "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include/amd_comgr.h"
+   COMPONENT amd-comgr
++  COMPONENT amd-comgr
+ install(FILES
+   "README.md"
+@@ -251,37 +250,6 @@ install(FILES
+   COMPONENT amd-comgr
+-# Generate the install-tree package.
+-# Derive absolute install prefix from config file path.
+-get_filename_component(AMD_COMGR_PREFIX \"\${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}\" PATH)")
+-string(REGEX REPLACE "/" ";" count "${AMD_COMGR_PACKAGE_PREFIX}")
+-foreach(p ${count})
+-get_filename_component(AMD_COMGR_PREFIX \"\${AMD_COMGR_PREFIX}\" PATH)")
+-  string(APPEND AMD_COMGR_PREFIX_CODE "\ninclude(CMakeFindDependencyMacro)\n")
+-  string(APPEND AMD_COMGR_PREFIX_CODE "find_dependency(Clang REQUIRED)\n")
+-  string(APPEND AMD_COMGR_PREFIX_CODE "find_dependency(LLD REQUIRED)\n")
+-  @ONLY)
+-install(EXPORT amd_comgr_export
+   clangFrontendTool)
+diff --git a/cmake/bc2h.cmake b/cmake/bc2h.cmake
+index 146fe2b..9134985 100644
+--- a/cmake/bc2h.cmake
++++ b/cmake/bc2h.cmake
+@@ -1,40 +1,41 @@
+-"#include <stdio.h>\n"
+-"int main(int argc, char **argv){\n"
+-"    FILE *ifp, *ofp;\n"
+-"    int c, i, l;\n"
+-"    if (argc != 4) return 1;\n"
+-"    ifp = fopen(argv[1], \"rb\");\n"
+-"    if (!ifp) return 1;\n"
+-"    i = fseek(ifp, 0, SEEK_END);\n"
+-"    if (i < 0) return 1;\n"
+-"    l = ftell(ifp);\n"
+-"    if (l < 0) return 1;\n"
+-"    i = fseek(ifp, 0, SEEK_SET);\n"
+-"    if (i < 0) return 1;\n"
+-"    ofp = fopen(argv[2], \"wb+\");\n"
+-"    if (!ofp) return 1;\n"
+-"    fprintf(ofp, \"#define %s_size %d\\n\\n\"\n"
+-"                 \"#if defined __GNUC__\\n\"\n"
+-"                 \"__attribute__((aligned (4096)))\\n\"\n"
+-"                 \"#elif defined _MSC_VER\\n\"\n"
+-"                 \"__declspec(align(4096))\\n\"\n"
+-"                 \"#endif\\n\"\n"
+-"                 \"static const unsigned char %s[%s_size+1] = {\",\n"
+-"                 argv[3], l,\n"
+-"                 argv[3], argv[3]);\n"
+-"    i = 0;\n"
+-"    while ((c = getc(ifp)) != EOF) {\n"
+-"        if (0 == (i&7)) fprintf(ofp, \"\\n   \");\n"
+-"        fprintf(ofp, \" 0x%02x,\", c);\n"
+-"        ++i;\n"
+-"    }\n"
+-"    fprintf(ofp, \" 0x00\\n};\\n\\n\");\n"
+-"    fclose(ifp);\n"
+-"    fclose(ofp);\n"
+-"    return 0;\n"
++"#include <stdio.h>
++int main(int argc, char **argv){
++    FILE *ifp, *ofp;
++    int c, i, l;
++    if (argc != 4) return 1;
++    ifp = fopen(argv[1], \"rb\");
++    if (!ifp) return 1;
++    i = fseek(ifp, 0, SEEK_END);
++    if (i < 0) return 1;
++    l = ftell(ifp);
++    if (l < 0) return 1;
++    i = fseek(ifp, 0, SEEK_SET);
++    if (i < 0) return 1;
++    ofp = fopen(argv[2], \"wb+\");
++    if (!ofp) return 1;
++    fprintf(ofp, \"#define %s_size %d\\n\\n\"
++                 \"#if defined __GNUC__\\n\"
++                 \"__attribute__((aligned (4096)))\\n\"
++                 \"#elif defined _MSC_VER\\n\"
++                 \"__declspec(align(4096))\\n\"
++                 \"#endif\\n\"
++                 \"static const unsigned char %s[%s_size+1] = {\",
++                 argv[3], l,
++                 argv[3], argv[3]);
++    i = 0;
++    while ((c = getc(ifp)) != EOF) {
++        if (0 == (i&7)) fprintf(ofp, \"\\n   \");
++        fprintf(ofp, \" 0x%02x,\", c);
++        ++i;
++    }
++    fprintf(ofp, \" 0x00\\n};\\n\\n\");
++    fclose(ifp);
++    fclose(ofp);
++    return 0;
+ add_executable(bc2h ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/bc2h.c)
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/rocm-comgr/default.nix b/pkgs/development/libraries/rocm-comgr/default.nix
index 6994b7cda3d1..db9e012e4eec 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/libraries/rocm-comgr/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/libraries/rocm-comgr/default.nix
@@ -1,32 +1,33 @@
-{ lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, writeScript, cmake, clang, rocm-device-libs, lld, llvm }:
+{ lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, writeScript, cmake, clang, rocm-device-libs, llvm }:
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "rocm-comgr";
-  version = "5.1.0";
+  version = "5.2.0";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "RadeonOpenCompute";
     repo = "ROCm-CompilerSupport";
     rev = "rocm-${version}";
-    hash = "sha256-zlCM3Zue7MEhL1c0gUPwRNgdjzyyF9BEP3UxE8RYkKk=";
+    hash = "sha256-5C5bRdrt3xZAlRgtiIRTMAuwsFvVM4Win96P5+Pf5ZM=";
   sourceRoot = "source/lib/comgr";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ];
-  buildInputs = [ clang rocm-device-libs lld llvm ];
+  buildInputs = [ clang rocm-device-libs llvm ];
   cmakeFlags = [
-    "-DCLANG=${clang}/bin/clang"
-    "-DLLD_INCLUDE_DIRS=${lld.src}/include"
+    "-DLLD_INCLUDE_DIRS=${llvm}/include"
+  patches = [ ./cmake.patch ];
   passthru.updateScript = writeScript "update.sh" ''
     #!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
     #!nix-shell -i bash -p curl jq common-updater-scripts
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/rocm-device-libs/default.nix b/pkgs/development/libraries/rocm-device-libs/default.nix
index a8519d3d692b..08690f3fa450 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/libraries/rocm-device-libs/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/libraries/rocm-device-libs/default.nix
@@ -3,28 +3,26 @@
 , writeScript
 , cmake
 , clang
-, clang-unwrapped
-, lld
 , llvm
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "rocm-device-libs";
-  version = "5.1.0";
+  version = "5.2.0";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "RadeonOpenCompute";
     repo = "ROCm-Device-Libs";
     rev = "rocm-${version}";
-    hash = "sha256-kmCk+BpM1QCJzEAkru2LK3CGwVXNUEZBFicmwnrPcx8=";
+    hash = "sha256-TBCSznHyiaiOcBR9irybCnOgfqPiNNn4679PCQwrLhA=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ];
-  buildInputs = [ clang lld llvm ];
+  buildInputs = [ clang llvm ];
   cmakeFlags = [
-    "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${llvm}/lib/cmake/llvm;${clang-unwrapped}/lib/cmake/clang"
+    "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${llvm}/lib/cmake/llvm;${llvm}/lib/cmake/clang"
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/rocm-opencl-runtime/default.nix b/pkgs/development/libraries/rocm-opencl-runtime/default.nix
index 26bf783f4486..699f00449cc7 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/libraries/rocm-opencl-runtime/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/libraries/rocm-opencl-runtime/default.nix
@@ -6,11 +6,9 @@
 , cmake
 , rocm-cmake
 , clang
-, clang-unwrapped
 , glew
 , libglvnd
 , libX11
-, lld
 , llvm
 , mesa
 , numactl
@@ -24,24 +22,22 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "rocm-opencl-runtime";
-  version = "5.1.1";
+  version = "5.2.1";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "RadeonOpenCompute";
     repo = "ROCm-OpenCL-Runtime";
     rev = "rocm-${version}";
-    hash = "sha256-O7q3uTjspO/rZ2+8+g7pRfBXsCRaEr4DZxEqABHbOeY=";
+    hash = "sha256-Mk7Wssz34Uxtb9PRIEGrTn/tXtqxLMrq0damA/p/DsY=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake rocm-cmake ];
   buildInputs = [
-    clang-unwrapped
-    lld
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/rocm-runtime/default.nix b/pkgs/development/libraries/rocm-runtime/default.nix
index 9eb9218addaf..36d178ea0433 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/libraries/rocm-runtime/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/libraries/rocm-runtime/default.nix
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 , fetchFromGitHub
 , writeScript
 , addOpenGLRunpath
-, clang-unwrapped
 , cmake
 , xxd
 , elfutils
@@ -14,20 +13,20 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "rocm-runtime";
-  version = "5.1.1";
+  version = "5.2.0";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "RadeonOpenCompute";
     repo = "ROCR-Runtime";
     rev = "rocm-${version}";
-    hash = "sha256-IP5ylfUXOFkw9+Frfh+tNaZ83ozAbOK9kO2AzFVzzWk=";
+    hash = "sha256-TY0YPgNzxBLXAj7fncLQ01cSJyydveOLHrimCmLS32o=";
   sourceRoot = "source/src";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake xxd ];
-  buildInputs = [ clang-unwrapped elfutils llvm numactl ];
+  buildInputs = [ elfutils llvm numactl ];
   cmakeFlags = [
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/rocm-thunk/default.nix b/pkgs/development/libraries/rocm-thunk/default.nix
index c7280108159c..583d9b59900e 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/libraries/rocm-thunk/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/libraries/rocm-thunk/default.nix
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "rocm-thunk";
-  version = "5.1.0";
+  version = "5.2.1";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "RadeonOpenCompute";
     repo = "ROCT-Thunk-Interface";
     rev = "rocm-${version}";
-    hash = "sha256-Qvbvfe1fhoLTkDnzG0WzfAxbyDoEJwkzVvlBGTBkq0w=";
+    hash = "sha256-iXhlEofPAQNxeZzDgdF1DdflIKfSI7rHGTqOybHnnHM=";
   preConfigure = ''
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/science/astronomy/stellarsolver/default.nix b/pkgs/development/libraries/science/astronomy/stellarsolver/default.nix
index 9236ac55eb65..ff1cb5026fdf 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/libraries/science/astronomy/stellarsolver/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/libraries/science/astronomy/stellarsolver/default.nix
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
 mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "stellarsolver";
-  version = "2.3";
+  version = "2.4";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "rlancaste";
     repo = pname;
     rev = version;
-    sha256 = "sha256-DSydgn9brVQlVNfW8Lnw/ZNs7aftokkCuJshgqmegpY=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-HYNkpgkiRtA1ZsiFkmYk3MT3fKgs2d2neSExVXBbsPc=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ];
diff --git a/pkgs/development/mobile/androidenv/build-tools.nix b/pkgs/development/mobile/androidenv/build-tools.nix
index 641560f19928..da2c3f31a45e 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/mobile/androidenv/build-tools.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/mobile/androidenv/build-tools.nix
@@ -14,8 +14,10 @@ deployAndroidPackage {
       autoPatchelf --no-recurse $packageBaseDir
-    wrapProgram $PWD/mainDexClasses \
-      --prefix PATH : ${pkgs.jdk8}/bin
+    ${lib.optionalString (lib.toInt (lib.versions.major package.revision) < 33) ''
+      wrapProgram $PWD/mainDexClasses \
+        --prefix PATH : ${pkgs.jdk8}/bin
+    ''}
   noAuditTmpdir = true; # The checker script gets confused by the build-tools path that is incorrectly identified as a reference to /build
diff --git a/pkgs/development/ocaml-modules/graphql/default.nix b/pkgs/development/ocaml-modules/graphql/default.nix
index f3adfdc87a9d..5bf61789e83a 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/ocaml-modules/graphql/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/ocaml-modules/graphql/default.nix
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 buildDunePackage rec {
   pname = "graphql";
-  inherit (graphql_parser) version useDune2 src;
+  inherit (graphql_parser) version src;
   propagatedBuildInputs = [ graphql_parser rresult yojson ];
diff --git a/pkgs/development/ocaml-modules/graphql/lwt.nix b/pkgs/development/ocaml-modules/graphql/lwt.nix
index 187856da0d61..8fd6abfb8fb4 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/ocaml-modules/graphql/lwt.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/ocaml-modules/graphql/lwt.nix
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 buildDunePackage rec {
   pname = "graphql-lwt";
-  inherit (graphql) version useDune2 src;
+  inherit (graphql) version src;
   propagatedBuildInputs = [ graphql ocaml_lwt ];
diff --git a/pkgs/development/ocaml-modules/graphql/parser.nix b/pkgs/development/ocaml-modules/graphql/parser.nix
index 62f8ca1ef129..feea74f67807 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/ocaml-modules/graphql/parser.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/ocaml-modules/graphql/parser.nix
@@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
-{ lib, buildDunePackage, fetchurl, alcotest, fmt, menhir, re }:
+{ lib, buildDunePackage, ocaml, fetchurl, alcotest, fmt, menhir, re }:
 buildDunePackage rec {
   pname = "graphql_parser";
-  version = "0.13.0";
+  version = "0.14.0";
-  useDune2 = true;
-  minimumOCamlVersion = "4.03";
+  minimalOCamlVersion = "4.05";
   src = fetchurl {
     url = "https://github.com/andreas/ocaml-graphql-server/releases/download/${version}/graphql-${version}.tbz";
-    sha256 = "0gb5y99ph0nz5y3pc1gxq1py4wji2hyf2ydbp0hv23v00n50hpsm";
+    sha256 = "sha256-v4v1ueF+NV7LvYIVinaf4rE450Z1P9OiMAito6/NHAY=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ menhir ];
@@ -18,7 +16,7 @@ buildDunePackage rec {
   checkInputs = [ alcotest ];
-  doCheck = true;
+  doCheck = lib.versionAtLeast ocaml.version "4.08";
   meta = {
     homepage = "https://github.com/andreas/ocaml-graphql-server";
diff --git a/pkgs/development/ocaml-modules/irmin/graphql.nix b/pkgs/development/ocaml-modules/irmin/graphql.nix
index 03c8f1eca291..3074cfd368e1 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/ocaml-modules/irmin/graphql.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/ocaml-modules/irmin/graphql.nix
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ buildDunePackage rec {
   meta = irmin.meta // {
     description = "GraphQL server for Irmin";
+    broken = true; # Not compatible with graphql 0.14
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/ailment/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/ailment/default.nix
index c56b09cb9b57..30c524ce9bce 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/ailment/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/ailment/default.nix
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 buildPythonPackage rec {
   pname = "ailment";
-  version = "9.2.13";
+  version = "9.2.14";
   format = "pyproject";
   disabled = pythonOlder "3.6";
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ buildPythonPackage rec {
     owner = "angr";
     repo = pname;
     rev = "v${version}";
-    hash = "sha256-fnCeNW0Rccu6e1WrmLeHgUnlxMHh9t1q10DtzyVymP8=";
+    hash = "sha256-Axjyqn1TtZbYdgaC6hOhIQM3FBs0a1oHNK8wLuWQLHM=";
   propagatedBuildInputs = [
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/aiolifx-connection/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/aiolifx-connection/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..92cece410ee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/aiolifx-connection/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+{ lib
+, fetchPypi
+, buildPythonPackage
+, pythonOlder
+, aiolifx
+buildPythonPackage rec {
+  pname = "aiolifx-connection";
+  version = "1.0.0";
+  format = "setuptools";
+  disabled = pythonOlder "3.7";
+  src = fetchPypi {
+    pname = "aiolifx_connection";
+    inherit version;
+    hash = "sha256:09fydp5fqqh1s0vav39mw98i1la6qcgk17gch0m5ihyl9q50ks13";
+  };
+  propagatedBuildInputs = [
+    aiolifx
+  ];
+  # tests are not implemented
+  doCheck = false;
+  pythonImportsCheck = [
+    "aiolifx_connection"
+  ];
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Wrapper for aiolifx to connect to a single LIFX device";
+    homepage = "https://github.com/bdraco/aiolifx_connection";
+    license = licenses.bsd3;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ lukegb ];
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/angr/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/angr/default.nix
index 63165f6214e1..dde5372e1870 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/angr/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/angr/default.nix
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ in
 buildPythonPackage rec {
   pname = "angr";
-  version = "9.2.13";
+  version = "9.2.14";
   format = "pyproject";
   disabled = pythonOlder "3.6";
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ buildPythonPackage rec {
     owner = pname;
     repo = pname;
     rev = "v${version}";
-    hash = "sha256-yEYqwyRJ/LN9q0f5vJIVMnVXQxRht73zDifWeevGc80=";
+    hash = "sha256-lxquiow2hI0xqdPLyZTZtxIo5nR60OtJV/kf6ukGF4c=";
   propagatedBuildInputs = [
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/ansible-lint/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/ansible-lint/default.nix
index a3867db819f4..90da98520120 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/ansible-lint/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/ansible-lint/default.nix
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@
 buildPythonPackage rec {
   pname = "ansible-lint";
-  version = "6.3.0";
+  version = "6.4.0";
   format = "pyproject";
   disabled = pythonOlder "3.6";
   src = fetchPypi {
     inherit pname version;
-    sha256 = "sha256-9X9SCuXYEM4GIVfcfWM5kK0vvsgbu7NMzEzjoMIfzTg=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-xadjBsrpBqJgz3KGyofE0DukSSsu17/qIa0R/fPH6NE=";
   postPatch = ''
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/archinfo/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/archinfo/default.nix
index 3c5bead9d03c..651404e7fedc 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/archinfo/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/archinfo/default.nix
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 buildPythonPackage rec {
   pname = "archinfo";
-  version = "9.2.13";
+  version = "9.2.14";
   format = "pyproject";
   disabled = pythonOlder "3.6";
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ buildPythonPackage rec {
     owner = "angr";
     repo = pname;
     rev = "v${version}";
-    hash = "sha256-ili+jbrCKQCRD5eIWZBZqlX8wRaHiY6fC1QFEE2YOng=";
+    hash = "sha256-kWZ5z9Tn0SAqrGP4gtGfPny+kj/2ibSdTwp+0RCx40s=";
   checkInputs = [
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/argparse-addons/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/argparse-addons/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1116ff3c3039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/argparse-addons/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+{ lib, buildPythonPackage, fetchPypi }:
+buildPythonPackage rec {
+  pname = "argparse-addons";
+  version = "0.8.0";
+  src = fetchPypi {
+    pname = "argparse_addons";
+    inherit version;
+    sha256 = "sha256-uwiBB5RNM56NLnCnYwXd41FUTixb3rrxwttWrS5tzeg=";
+  };
+  pythonImportsCheck = [ "argparse_addons" ];
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Additional Python argparse types and actions";
+    homepage = "https://github.com/eerimoq/argparse_addons";
+    license = licenses.mit;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ frogamic sbruder ];
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/bincopy/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/bincopy/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d5ec4774010c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/bincopy/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+{ lib, buildPythonPackage, fetchPypi, argparse-addons, humanfriendly, pyelftools }:
+buildPythonPackage rec {
+  pname = "bincopy";
+  version = "17.10.2";
+  src = fetchPypi {
+    inherit pname version;
+    sha256 = "sha256-d1l+kqyGkBvctfKRHxCpve/8mLa7nTfDwXzxgJznce4=";
+  };
+  propagatedBuildInputs = [
+    argparse-addons
+    humanfriendly
+    pyelftools
+  ];
+  pythonImportsCheck = [ "bincopy" ];
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Mangling of various file formats that conveys binary information (Motorola S-Record, Intel HEX, TI-TXT, ELF and binary files)";
+    homepage = "https://github.com/eerimoq/bincopy";
+    license = licenses.mit;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ frogamic sbruder ];
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/chalice/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/chalice/default.nix
index d309bc71731b..052120d893d0 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/chalice/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/chalice/default.nix
@@ -24,15 +24,22 @@
 buildPythonPackage rec {
   pname = "chalice";
-  version = "1.26.6";
+  version = "1.27.1";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "aws";
     repo = pname;
     rev = version;
-    sha256 = "sha256-6Y5pJg6N/F97zvkyo4r6MoThi79kI53AvlHNOmOCpFA=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-Qz8kYXu2NmcgtW8GbmLPfB4BOearEycE6EMmQRXmWeI=";
+  postPatch = ''
+    substituteInPlace setup.py \
+      --replace "attrs>=19.3.0,<21.5.0" "attrs" \
+      --replace "pip>=9,<22.2" "pip" \
+      --replace "typing==3.6.4" "typing"
+  '';
   propagatedBuildInputs = [
@@ -58,13 +65,6 @@ buildPythonPackage rec {
-  postPatch = ''
-    sed -i setup.py -e "/pip>=/c\'pip',"
-    substituteInPlace setup.py \
-      --replace "typing==3.6.4" "typing" \
-      --replace "jmespath>=0.9.3,<1.0.0" "jmespath>=0.9.3,<2.0.0"
-  '';
   disabledTestPaths = [
     # Don't check the templates and the sample app
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/claripy/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/claripy/default.nix
index 1459493ef0c8..78457c2da6ce 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/claripy/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/claripy/default.nix
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 buildPythonPackage rec {
   pname = "claripy";
-  version = "9.2.13";
+  version = "9.2.14";
   format = "pyproject";
   disabled = pythonOlder "3.6";
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ buildPythonPackage rec {
     owner = "angr";
     repo = pname;
     rev = "v${version}";
-    hash = "sha256-kZs2BYVfXCqi1v/cnJCDtLsEKc7xh8nG59G4N1RVSjs=";
+    hash = "sha256-802ToJGxwJSFcnl3suQMPNz0/7HnqvqxCpy9u7iU6EE=";
   propagatedBuildInputs = [
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/cle/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/cle/default.nix
index 7a0177ad2d43..1932856fd956 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/cle/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/cle/default.nix
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
   # The binaries are following the argr projects release cycle
-  version = "9.2.13";
+  version = "9.2.14";
   # Binary files from https://github.com/angr/binaries (only used for testing and only here)
   binaries = fetchFromGitHub {
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ buildPythonPackage rec {
     owner = "angr";
     repo = pname;
     rev = "v${version}";
-    hash = "sha256-mgEDYUh3ZYvlcj8u3M3Rpfi57CA0MYuf2C3eZ4ElAzA=";
+    hash = "sha256-ueR5reEmaI9drFMQn/CBHCW7DmsTWWYi1zCNaUQ2y7g=";
   propagatedBuildInputs = [
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/cmsis-pack-manager/Cargo.lock b/pkgs/development/python-modules/cmsis-pack-manager/Cargo.lock
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2d6cb8fd9934
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/cmsis-pack-manager/Cargo.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,2047 @@
+# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
+# It is not intended for manual editing.
+version = 3
+name = "addr2line"
+version = "0.17.0"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "b9ecd88a8c8378ca913a680cd98f0f13ac67383d35993f86c90a70e3f137816b"
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+ "gimli",
+name = "adler"
+version = "1.0.2"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "f26201604c87b1e01bd3d98f8d5d9a8fcbb815e8cedb41ffccbeb4bf593a35fe"
+name = "ansi_term"
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+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
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+ "winapi 0.3.9",
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+ "ole32-sys",
+ "shell32-sys",
+ "winapi 0.2.8",
+ "xdg",
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+version = "0.2.14"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "d9b39be18770d11421cdb1b9947a45dd3f37e93092cbf377614828a319d5fee8"
+dependencies = [
+ "hermit-abi",
+ "libc",
+ "winapi 0.3.9",
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+version = "0.1.8"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "0dde43e75fd43e8a1bf86103336bc699aa8d17ad1be60c76c0bdfd4828e19b78"
+dependencies = [
+ "autocfg 1.1.0",
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+version = "1.1.0"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "d468802bab17cbc0cc575e9b053f41e72aa36bfa6b7f55e3529ffa43161b97fa"
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+ "addr2line",
+ "cc",
+ "cfg-if 1.0.0",
+ "libc",
+ "miniz_oxide",
+ "object",
+ "rustc-demangle",
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+version = "0.2.11"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "4cbbc9d0964165b47557570cce6c952866c2678457aca742aafc9fb771d30270"
+name = "base64"
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+ "byteorder",
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+  };
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+    inherit src;
+    buildInputs = lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
+      Security
+    ];
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+    postPatch = ''
+      cp ${./Cargo.lock} Cargo.lock
+    '';
+    cargoBuildFlags = [ "--lib" ];
+  };
+buildPythonPackage rec {
+  inherit pname version src;
+  # The cargo build is already run in a separate derivation
+  postPatch = ''
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+        --replace "'cargo', 'build'," "'true',"
+  '';
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+    ln -s ${native}/lib/libcmsis_cffi${stdenv.hostPlatform.extensions.sharedLibrary} rust/target/release/deps/
+  '';
+  preCheck = ''
+    # Otherwise the test uses a dummy library (missing all symbols)
+    ln -sf ../build/lib/cmsis_pack_manager/_native__lib${stdenv.hostPlatform.extensions.sharedLibrary} cmsis_pack_manager/_native__lib${stdenv.hostPlatform.extensions.sharedLibrary}
+  '';
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+    description = "A Rust and Python module for handling CMSIS Pack files";
+    homepage = "https://github.com/pyocd/cmsis-pack-manager";
+    license = licenses.asl20;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ frogamic sbruder ];
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--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/debuglater/default.nix
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@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
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+  version = "1.4.2";
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     rev = version;
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+    hash = "sha256-6XIBPnH2LWc3GpSS8Eh2VG21v8+Em7cmvmQIJKzFi6M=";
   propagatedBuildInputs = [
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/debugpy/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/debugpy/default.nix
index e492677d138b..ca7e2d920107 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/debugpy/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/debugpy/default.nix
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 , pythonOlder
 , fetchFromGitHub
 , substituteAll
-, fetchpatch
 , gdb
 , django
 , flask
@@ -18,7 +17,7 @@
 buildPythonPackage rec {
   pname = "debugpy";
-  version = "1.6.2";
+  version = "1.6.3";
   format = "setuptools";
   disabled = pythonOlder "3.7";
@@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ buildPythonPackage rec {
     owner = "Microsoft";
     repo = pname;
     rev = "refs/tags/v${version}";
-    hash = "sha256-jcokiAZ2WwyIvsXNIUzvMIrRttR76RwDSE7gk0xHExc=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-ERsqs+pCJfYQInOWPBhM/7hC5TTfQAksYJwFCcd+vlk=";
   patches = [
@@ -52,13 +51,6 @@ buildPythonPackage rec {
     # To avoid this issue, debugpy should be installed using python.withPackages:
     # python.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ debugpy ])
-    # Fix compiling attach library from source
-    # https://github.com/microsoft/debugpy/pull/978
-    (fetchpatch {
-      url = "https://github.com/microsoft/debugpy/commit/08b3b13cba9035f4ab3308153aef26e3cc9275f9.patch";
-      sha256 = "sha256-8E+Y40mYQou9T1ozWslEK2XNQtuy5+MBvPvDLt4eQak=";
-    })
   # Remove pre-compiled "attach" libraries and recompile for host platform
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/flake8/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/flake8/default.nix
index 73dc7403b25f..d2827d7f2194 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/flake8/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/flake8/default.nix
@@ -1,62 +1,49 @@
 { lib
 , buildPythonPackage
-, fetchPypi
 , pythonOlder
-, configparser
-, enum34
+, fetchFromGitHub
 , mccabe
 , pycodestyle
 , pyflakes
-, functools32
-, typing
 , importlib-metadata
-, mock
+, pythonAtLeast
 , pytestCheckHook
 buildPythonPackage rec {
   pname = "flake8";
-  version = "4.0.1";
+  version = "5.0.4";
-  src = fetchPypi {
-    inherit pname version;
-    sha256 = "03c7mnk34wfz7a0m5zq0273y94awz69fy5iww8alh4a4v96h6vl0";
+  disabled = pythonOlder "3.6";
+  format = "setuptools";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "PyCQA";
+    repo = "flake8";
+    rev = version;
+    hash = "sha256-Os8HIoM07/iOBMm+0WxdQj32pJJOJ8mkh+yLHpqkLXg=";
-  postPatch = ''
-    substituteInPlace setup.cfg \
-      --replace "mccabe>=0.6.0,<0.7.0" "mccabe>=0.7.0,<0.8.0"
-  '';
   propagatedBuildInputs = [
-    pyflakes
-    pycodestyle
-  ] ++ lib.optionals (pythonOlder "3.2") [
-    configparser
-    functools32
-  ] ++ lib.optionals (pythonOlder "3.4") [
-    enum34
-  ] ++ lib.optionals (pythonOlder "3.5") [
-    typing
+    pycodestyle
+    pyflakes
   ] ++ lib.optionals (pythonOlder "3.8") [
   # Tests fail on Python 3.7 due to importlib using a deprecated interface
-  doCheck = !(pythonOlder "3.8");
+  doCheck = pythonAtLeast "3.7";
   checkInputs = [
-    mock
-  disabled = pythonOlder "3.6";
   meta = with lib; {
     description = "Flake8 is a wrapper around pyflakes, pycodestyle and mccabe.";
     homepage = "https://github.com/pycqa/flake8";
     license = licenses.mit;
-    maintainers = with maintainers; [ ];
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ dotlambda ];
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/hahomematic/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/hahomematic/default.nix
index 33274119a309..f90e414d17e7 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/hahomematic/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/hahomematic/default.nix
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 buildPythonPackage rec {
   pname = "hahomematic";
-  version = "2022.8.7";
+  version = "2022.8.10";
   format = "pyproject";
   disabled = pythonOlder "3.9";
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ buildPythonPackage rec {
     owner = "danielperna84";
     repo = pname;
     rev = "refs/tags/${version}";
-    sha256 = "sha256-HSxGCytQ099GCG3LanExOEp9DYeboQ2fS0QxHbtSI3s=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-JyHIX0G6REIRJDxSrGwZr0mMvAE0R1/zkullh/SXAXA=";
   propagatedBuildInputs = [
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/hcloud/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/hcloud/default.nix
index ad8e79b63fd1..3d8c2e53db27 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/hcloud/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/hcloud/default.nix
@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@
 buildPythonPackage rec {
   pname = "hcloud";
-  version = "1.17.0";
+  version = "1.18.0";
   format = "setuptools";
   disabled = pythonOlder "3.7";
   src = fetchPypi {
     inherit pname version;
-    hash = "sha256-+BQuBDi+J3xvod3uE67NXaFStIxt7H/Ulw3vG13CGeI=";
+    hash = "sha256-oh2UDN6PDB/RCgWBsGGOuECm9ZJAT6r9tgcBAfRSX/Y=";
   propagatedBuildInputs = [
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/hexdump/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/hexdump/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..75da23e9859b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/hexdump/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+{ lib, buildPythonPackage, fetchPypi }:
+buildPythonPackage rec {
+  pname = "hexdump";
+  version = "3.3";
+  src = fetchPypi {
+    inherit pname version;
+    sha256 = "sha256-14GkOwwWrOP5Nmqt5z6K06e9UTfVjwtFqy0/VIdvINs=";
+    extension = "zip";
+  };
+  # the source zip has no prefix, so everything gets unpacked to /build otherwise
+  sourceRoot = "source";
+  unpackPhase = ''
+    runHook preUnpack
+    mkdir source
+    pushd source
+    unzip $src
+    popd
+    runHook postUnpack
+  '';
+  pythonImportsCheck = [ "hexdump" ];
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Library to dump binary data to hex format and restore from there";
+    homepage = "https://pypi.org/project/hexdump/"; # BitBucket site returns 404
+    license = licenses.publicDomain;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ frogamic sbruder ];
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/iminuit/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/iminuit/default.nix
index 386bd1961208..246f04618f2d 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/iminuit/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/iminuit/default.nix
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
 buildPythonPackage rec {
   pname = "iminuit";
-  version = "2.15.2";
+  version = "2.16.0";
   format = "setuptools";
   disabled = pythonOlder "3.6";
   src = fetchPypi {
     inherit pname version;
-    hash = "sha256-YKx9L+lAXJIGZ1IpJz9AFhHT9d+iKUJUFkbEYltZ8eo=";
+    hash = "sha256-ECSlGdvI/VLV/So3ef1IWwm8J8QFVt74tvkWlUIxmdY=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/jupyterlab-lsp/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/jupyterlab-lsp/default.nix
index 276632a327c5..069e7c16f0a5 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/jupyterlab-lsp/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/jupyterlab-lsp/default.nix
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-{ stdenv
-, lib
+{ lib
 , buildPythonPackage
 , fetchPypi
 , jupyterlab
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/libusbsio/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/libusbsio/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b6cab59570b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/libusbsio/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+{ lib, buildPythonPackage, libusbsio }:
+buildPythonPackage rec {
+  pname = "libusbsio";
+  inherit (libusbsio) version;
+  src = "${libusbsio.src}/python";
+  # The source includes both the python module directly and also a source tarball for it.
+  # The direct files lack setup information, the tarball includes unwanted binaries.
+  # This takes only the setup files from the tarball.
+  postUnpack = ''
+    tar -C python --strip-components=1 -xf python/dist/libusbsio-${version}.tar.gz libusbsio-${version}/{setup.py,setup.cfg,pyproject.toml}
+    rm -r python/dist
+  '';
+  postPatch = ''
+    substituteInPlace libusbsio/libusbsio.py \
+        --replace "dllpath = LIBUSBSIO._lookup_dll_path(dfltdir, dllname)" 'dllpath = "${libusbsio}/lib/" + dllname'
+  '';
+  buildInputs = [ libusbsio ];
+  doCheck = false; # they require a device to be connected over USB
+  pythonImportsCheck = [ "libusbsio" ];
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "NXP Secure Provisioning SDK";
+    homepage = "https://github.com/NXPmicro/spsdk";
+    license = licenses.bsd3;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ frogamic sbruder ];
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/marshmallow-enum/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/marshmallow-enum/default.nix
index 16af840b036b..a7852afb7082 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/marshmallow-enum/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/marshmallow-enum/default.nix
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 , pytestCheckHook
 , isPy27
 , enum34
-, pytest-flake8
 buildPythonPackage rec {
@@ -19,13 +18,16 @@ buildPythonPackage rec {
     sha256 = "1ihrcmyfjabivg6hc44i59hnw5ijlg1byv3zs1rqxfynp8xr7398";
+  postPatch = ''
+    sed -i '/addopts/d' tox.ini
+  '';
   propagatedBuildInputs = [
   ] ++ lib.optionals isPy27 [ enum34 ];
   checkInputs = [
-    pytest-flake8
   disabledTests = [
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/nbconvert/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/nbconvert/default.nix
index 9b85586f7d9b..df01318a6ea1 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/nbconvert/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/nbconvert/default.nix
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 , buildPythonPackage
 , defusedxml
 , fetchPypi
+, fetchpatch
 , ipywidgets
 , jinja2
 , jupyterlab-pygments
@@ -30,10 +31,22 @@ buildPythonPackage rec {
   # various exporter templates
   patches = [
+    # Use mistune 2.x
+    (fetchpatch {
+      name = "support-mistune-2.x.patch";
+      url = "https://github.com/jupyter/nbconvert/commit/e870d9a4a61432a65bee5466c5fa80c9ee28966e.patch";
+      hash = "sha256-kdOmE7BnkRy2lsNQ2OVrEXXZntJUPJ//b139kSsfKmI=";
+      excludes = [ "pyproject.toml" ];
+    })
   postPatch = ''
     substituteAllInPlace ./nbconvert/exporters/templateexporter.py
+    # Use mistune 2.x
+    substituteInPlace setup.py \
+        --replace "mistune>=0.8.1,<2" "mistune>=2.0.3,<3"
   propagatedBuildInputs = [
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/netmiko/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/netmiko/default.nix
index 9686ae0f0881..97a6b7fac0d7 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/netmiko/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/netmiko/default.nix
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
 buildPythonPackage rec {
   pname = "netmiko";
-  version = "4.1.1";
+  version = "4.1.2";
   src = fetchPypi {
     inherit pname version;
-    sha256 = "sha256-ZSmxHaFm0wCarBEzp+7bL7r2EQxRm7tLT0j4ZdjarJo=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-9e3iooZw09/TRwBhRoZl+A+bSQbtIOaw+02eHJvmevw=";
   buildInputs = [ setuptools ];
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/openapi-schema-validator/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/openapi-schema-validator/default.nix
index c32b85190191..2471df794fc0 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/openapi-schema-validator/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/openapi-schema-validator/default.nix
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 , pytestCheckHook
 , isodate
 , jsonschema
-, pytest-flake8
 , pytest-cov
 , rfc3339-validator
 , six
@@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ buildPythonPackage rec {
   propagatedBuildInputs = [ isodate jsonschema six strict-rfc3339 rfc3339-validator ];
-  checkInputs = [ pytestCheckHook pytest-cov pytest-flake8 ];
+  checkInputs = [ pytestCheckHook pytest-cov ];
   pythonImportsCheck = [ "openapi_schema_validator" ];
   meta = with lib; {
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/oscrypto/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/oscrypto/default.nix
index 96d4416ec965..e4735aa4334d 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/oscrypto/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/oscrypto/default.nix
@@ -22,9 +22,16 @@ buildPythonPackage rec {
     hash = "sha256-CmDypmlc/kb6ONCUggjT1Iqd29xNSLRaGh5Hz36dvOw=";
+  postPatch = ''
+    for file in oscrypto/_openssl/_lib{crypto,ssl}_c{ffi,types}.py; do
+      substituteInPlace $file \
+        --replace "get_library('crypto', 'libcrypto.dylib', '42')" "'${openssl.out}/lib/libcrypto${stdenv.hostPlatform.extensions.sharedLibrary}'" \
+        --replace "get_library('ssl', 'libssl', '44')" "'${openssl.out}/lib/libssl${stdenv.hostPlatform.extensions.sharedLibrary}'"
+    done
+  '';
   propagatedBuildInputs = [
-    openssl
   checkInputs = [
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/pycodestyle/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/pycodestyle/default.nix
index 865c1febddcf..9904353bfccd 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/pycodestyle/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/pycodestyle/default.nix
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 { buildPythonPackage
+, pythonOlder
 , fetchPypi
 , lib
 , python
@@ -6,26 +7,30 @@
 buildPythonPackage rec {
   pname = "pycodestyle";
-  version = "2.8.0";
+  version = "2.9.1";
+  disabled = pythonOlder "3.6";
+  format = "setuptools";
   src = fetchPypi {
     inherit pname version;
-    sha256 = "0zxyrg8029lzjhima6l5nk6y0z6lm5wfp9qchz3s33j3xx3mipgd";
+    sha256 = "2c9607871d58c76354b697b42f5d57e1ada7d261c261efac224b664affdc5785";
-  dontUseSetuptoolsCheck = true;
-  # https://github.com/PyCQA/pycodestyle/blob/2.5.0/tox.ini#L14
+  # https://github.com/PyCQA/pycodestyle/blob/2.9.1/tox.ini#L13
   checkPhase = ''
-    ${python.interpreter} pycodestyle.py --max-doc-length=72 --testsuite testsuite
-    ${python.interpreter} pycodestyle.py --statistics pycodestyle.py
-    ${python.interpreter} pycodestyle.py --max-doc-length=72 --doctest
+    ${python.interpreter} -m pycodestyle --statistics pycodestyle.py
+    ${python.interpreter} -m pycodestyle --max-doc-length=72 --testsuite testsuite
+    ${python.interpreter} -m pycodestyle --max-doc-length=72 --doctest
     ${python.interpreter} -m unittest discover testsuite -vv
+  pythonImportsCheck = [ "pycodestyle" ];
   meta = with lib; {
-    description = "Python style guide checker (formerly called pep8)";
-    homepage = "https://pycodestyle.readthedocs.io";
+    description = "Python style guide checker";
+    homepage = "https://pycodestyle.pycqa.org/";
     license = licenses.mit;
     maintainers = with maintainers; [
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/pyflakes/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/pyflakes/default.nix
index f8e00b20e726..64f554a00efd 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/pyflakes/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/pyflakes/default.nix
@@ -1,23 +1,34 @@
-{ lib, buildPythonPackage, fetchPypi, pythonOlder, unittest2 }:
+{ lib
+, buildPythonPackage
+, pythonOlder
+, fetchPypi
+, pytestCheckHook
 buildPythonPackage rec {
   pname = "pyflakes";
-  version = "2.4.0";
+  version = "2.5.0";
+  disabled = pythonOlder "3.6";
+  format = "setuptools";
   src = fetchPypi {
     inherit pname version;
-    sha256 = "05a85c2872edf37a4ed30b0cce2f6093e1d0581f8c19d7393122da7e25b2b24c";
+    sha256 = "491feb020dca48ccc562a8c0cbe8df07ee13078df59813b83959cbdada312ea3";
-  checkInputs = [ unittest2 ];
+  checkInputs = [
+    pytestCheckHook
+  ];
-  # some tests are output dependent, which have changed slightly
-  doCheck = pythonOlder "3.9";
+  pythonImportsCheck = [ "pyflakes" ];
   meta = with lib; {
-    homepage = "https://launchpad.net/pyflakes";
+    homepage = "https://github.com/PyCQA/pyflakes";
+    changelog = "https://github.com/PyCQA/pyflakes/blob/${version}/NEWS.rst";
     description = "A simple program which checks Python source files for errors";
     license = licenses.mit;
-    maintainers = with maintainers; [ ];
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ dotlambda ];
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/pylama/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/pylama/default.nix
index be3854d1352e..41e2b86202d7 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/pylama/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/pylama/default.nix
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 let pylama = buildPythonPackage rec {
   pname = "pylama";
-  version = "8.3.8";
+  version = "8.4.1";
   format = "setuptools";
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ let pylama = buildPythonPackage rec {
     owner = "klen";
     repo = "pylama";
     rev = version;
-    hash = "sha256-g6Lq5NaieUI/alxqoVFfL5VaCHwB/jLcp02/N1W69yE=";
+    hash = "sha256-WOGtZ412tX3YH42JCd5HIngunluwtMmQrOSUZp23LPU=";
   patches = [
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/pymupdf/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/pymupdf/default.nix
index a516525e3bba..daf2197f8337 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/pymupdf/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/pymupdf/default.nix
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
 buildPythonPackage rec {
   pname = "pymupdf";
-  version = "1.20.1";
+  version = "1.20.2";
   src = fetchPypi {
     pname = "PyMuPDF";
     inherit version;
-    sha256 = "sha256-MFwaZLj7L9Rl4nzIvcvw9kIk8Oxtd2Pj9fLKZ4MTZkk=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-Au7fAfV8a6+16GZ86gCIotJSJkPEcQDxkIvsOmioSIg=";
   postPatch = ''
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/pypemicro/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/pypemicro/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e1d9d68e92d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/pypemicro/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+{ lib, buildPythonPackage, fetchPypi, autoPatchelfHook }:
+buildPythonPackage rec {
+  pname = "pypemicro";
+  version = "0.1.9";
+  src = fetchPypi {
+    inherit pname version;
+    sha256 = "sha256-HouDBlqfokKhbdWWDCfaUJrqIEC5f+sSnVmsrRseFmU=";
+  };
+  pythonImportsCheck = [ "pypemicro" ];
+  # tests are neither pytest nor unittest compatible and require a device
+  # connected via USB
+  doCheck = false;
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Python interface for PEMicro debug probes";
+    homepage = "https://github.com/NXPmicro/pypemicro";
+    license = with licenses; [ bsd3 unfree ]; # it includes shared libraries for which no license is available (https://github.com/NXPmicro/pypemicro/issues/10)
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ frogamic sbruder ];
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/pytest-flake8/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/pytest-flake8/default.nix
index 231ddf97c948..7d1b29fbd34b 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/pytest-flake8/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/pytest-flake8/default.nix
@@ -1,38 +1,37 @@
-{lib, buildPythonPackage, fetchPypi, pythonOlder, fetchpatch, pytest, flake8}:
+{ lib
+, buildPythonPackage
+, pythonOlder
+, fetchPypi
+, flake8
+, pytestCheckHook
 buildPythonPackage rec {
   pname = "pytest-flake8";
-  version = "1.0.7";
+  version = "1.1.1";
-  disabled = pythonOlder "3.5";
+  disabled = pythonOlder "3.7";
-  # although pytest is a runtime dependency, do not add it as
-  # propagatedBuildInputs in order to allow packages depend on another version
-  # of pytest more easily
-  checkInputs = [ pytest ];
-  propagatedBuildInputs = [ flake8 ];
+  format = "setuptools";
   src = fetchPypi {
     inherit pname version;
-    sha256 = "f0259761a903563f33d6f099914afef339c085085e643bee8343eb323b32dd6b";
+    sha256 = "ba4f243de3cb4c2486ed9e70752c80dd4b636f7ccb27d4eba763c35ed0cd316e";
-  # see https://github.com/tholo/pytest-flake8/pull/82/commits
-  patches = [
-    (fetchpatch {
-      url = "https://github.com/tholo/pytest-flake8/commit/eda4ef74c0f25b856fe282742ea206b21e94c24c.patch";
-      sha256 = "0kq0wshds00rk6wvkn6ccjrjyqxg7m9l7dlyaqw974asizw6byci";
-    })
+  propagatedBuildInputs = [
+    flake8
-  checkPhase = ''
-    pytest .
-  '';
+  checkInputs = [
+    pytestCheckHook
+  ];
   meta = {
     description = "py.test plugin for efficiently checking PEP8 compliance";
     homepage = "https://github.com/tholo/pytest-flake8";
     maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ jluttine ];
     license = lib.licenses.bsd2;
+    broken = true;  # https://github.com/tholo/pytest-flake8/issues/87
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/pyvex/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/pyvex/default.nix
index 6d365ef07b46..7a8d9f2b40ee 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/pyvex/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/pyvex/default.nix
@@ -12,14 +12,14 @@
 buildPythonPackage rec {
   pname = "pyvex";
-  version = "9.2.13";
+  version = "9.2.14";
   format = "pyproject";
   disabled = pythonOlder "3.6";
   src = fetchPypi {
     inherit pname version;
-    hash = "sha256-YW8kfCs9j4Ay0Kw75MFZDp24NZrcmQ+82sOdJdpBsPI=";
+    hash = "sha256-xKy/+MbJJEYWXalvYhVi/J7IAn1CSrvkeg18vM0fy4k=";
   propagatedBuildInputs = [
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/spsdk/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/spsdk/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ce566fb94a89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/spsdk/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+{ lib
+, buildPythonPackage
+, fetchFromGitHub
+, fetchpatch
+, dos2unix
+, pythonRelaxDepsHook
+, asn1crypto
+, astunparse
+, bincopy
+, bitstring
+, click
+, click-option-group
+, cmsis-pack-manager
+, commentjson
+, crcmod
+, cryptography
+, deepmerge
+, fastjsonschema
+, hexdump
+, jinja2
+, libusbsio
+, oscrypto
+, pycryptodome
+, pylink-square
+, pyocd
+, pypemicro
+, pyserial
+, ruamel-yaml
+, sly
+, pytestCheckHook
+, voluptuous
+buildPythonPackage rec {
+  pname = "spsdk";
+  version = "1.6.3";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "NXPmicro";
+    repo = pname;
+    rev = version;
+    sha256 = "sha256-JMhd2XdbjEN6SUzFgcBHd/dStiuYeXXis6pfijSfUso=";
+  };
+  patches = [
+    # https://github.com/NXPmicro/spsdk/pull/43
+    (fetchpatch {
+      name = "cryptography-37-compat.patch";
+      url = "https://github.com/NXPmicro/spsdk/commit/a85b854de1093de593d27fa64de442224ab2e0fd.patch";
+      sha256 = "sha256-4pXV/8RaNuGl7KNdoGD/8YnPQ2ZmUQOjXWA/Yy0Kxu8=";
+    })
+    # https://github.com/NXPmicro/spsdk/pull/41
+    (fetchpatch {
+      name = "blhost-click-8-1-compat.patch";
+      url = "https://github.com/NXPmicro/spsdk/commit/5112b1b69aa681d265035475e73d28ea0c8cb6ab.patch";
+      sha256 = "sha256-Okz6Er6OVuAA5IlB5IabSa/gUSLa+E2Ltd+J3uoIg6o=";
+    })
+  ];
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ pythonRelaxDepsHook ];
+  pythonRelaxDeps = [
+    "cmsis-pack-manager"
+    "cryptography"
+    "deepmerge"
+    "jinja2"
+    "pylink-square"
+    "pyocd"
+  ];
+  pythonRemoveDeps = [ "pyocd-pemicro" ];
+  propagatedBuildInputs = [
+    asn1crypto
+    astunparse
+    bincopy
+    bitstring
+    click
+    click-option-group
+    cmsis-pack-manager
+    commentjson
+    crcmod
+    cryptography
+    deepmerge
+    fastjsonschema
+    hexdump
+    jinja2
+    libusbsio
+    oscrypto
+    pycryptodome
+    pylink-square
+    pyocd
+    pypemicro
+    pyserial
+    ruamel-yaml
+    sly
+  ];
+  checkInputs = [
+    pytestCheckHook
+    voluptuous
+  ];
+  disabledTests = [
+    # tests also fail on debian, so presumable they are broken
+    "test_elftosb_mbi_signed"
+    "test_elftosb_sb31"
+  ];
+  pythonImportsCheck = [ "spsdk" ];
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "NXP Secure Provisioning SDK";
+    homepage = "https://github.com/NXPmicro/spsdk";
+    license = licenses.bsd3;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ frogamic sbruder ];
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/vowpalwabbit/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/vowpalwabbit/default.nix
index 8e501972443e..8bc7c0badc1e 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/vowpalwabbit/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/vowpalwabbit/default.nix
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
 buildPythonPackage rec {
   pname = "vowpalwabbit";
-  version = "9.2.0";
+  version = "9.3.0";
   src = fetchPypi{
     inherit pname version;
-    sha256 = "sha256-hh1AdMO9G2OwnG4qFiEbMHVpKwFGc7MBiOnde0vN9aU=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-lIvSpgnXHiFEMrdObAODh5/T/J8rXsPVIRyWCnt2w7Q=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [
diff --git a/pkgs/development/tools/build-managers/apache-maven/default.nix b/pkgs/development/tools/build-managers/apache-maven/default.nix
index 001d0edf49ac..8e8df20795b3 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/tools/build-managers/apache-maven/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/tools/build-managers/apache-maven/default.nix
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ assert jdk != null;
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "apache-maven";
-  version = "3.8.5";
+  version = "3.8.6";
   builder = ./builder.sh;
   src = fetchurl {
     url = "mirror://apache/maven/maven-3/${version}/binaries/${pname}-${version}-bin.tar.gz";
-    sha256 = "sha256-iOMHAPMqP2Dg0o0PEqNSXSm3wgxy0TAVPfW11tiQxnM=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-xwR6SN62Jqvyb3GrNkPSltubHmfx+qfZiGN96sh2tak=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
diff --git a/pkgs/development/tools/build-managers/rocm-cmake/default.nix b/pkgs/development/tools/build-managers/rocm-cmake/default.nix
index 5dabaaab5d66..2526957ccbce 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/tools/build-managers/rocm-cmake/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/tools/build-managers/rocm-cmake/default.nix
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "rocm-cmake";
-  version = "5.1.0";
+  version = "5.2.0";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "RadeonOpenCompute";
     repo = "rocm-cmake";
     rev = "rocm-${version}";
-    hash = "sha256-7jLn0FIjsww1lu1J9MB0s/Ksnw66BL1U0jQwiwmgw64=";
+    hash = "sha256-2YALk3G5BhrsXZZHjGSSuk8tCi5sNGuB2VB4uvozyZo=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ];
diff --git a/pkgs/development/tools/buildah/default.nix b/pkgs/development/tools/buildah/default.nix
index d0c630ab488e..a31a95671c1e 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/tools/buildah/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/tools/buildah/default.nix
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 { lib
+, stdenv
 , buildGoModule
 , fetchFromGitHub
 , go-md2man
@@ -32,8 +33,9 @@ buildGoModule rec {
   nativeBuildInputs = [ go-md2man installShellFiles pkg-config ];
   buildInputs = [
-    btrfs-progs
+  ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isLinux [
+    btrfs-progs
@@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ buildGoModule rec {
   buildPhase = ''
     runHook preBuild
     patchShebangs .
-    make bin/buildah GIT_COMMIT="unknown"
+    make bin/buildah
     make -C docs GOMD2MAN="${go-md2man}/bin/go-md2man"
     runHook postBuild
@@ -62,6 +64,5 @@ buildGoModule rec {
     changelog = "https://github.com/containers/buildah/releases/tag/v${version}";
     license = licenses.asl20;
     maintainers = with maintainers; [ Profpatsch ] ++ teams.podman.members;
-    platforms = platforms.linux;
diff --git a/pkgs/development/tools/buildah/wrapper.nix b/pkgs/development/tools/buildah/wrapper.nix
index a31dece7df5e..66cb060a8180 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/tools/buildah/wrapper.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/tools/buildah/wrapper.nix
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 , runCommand
 , makeWrapper
 , lib
+, stdenv
 , extraPackages ? []
 , buildah
 , runc # Default container runtime
@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ let
   preferLocalBuild = true;
   binPath = lib.makeBinPath ([
+  ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isLinux [
diff --git a/pkgs/development/tools/database/sqlc/default.nix b/pkgs/development/tools/database/sqlc/default.nix
index 85031b3aad70..12133f6daa87 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/tools/database/sqlc/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/tools/database/sqlc/default.nix
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 { lib, buildGoModule, fetchFromGitHub }:
-  version = "1.14.0";
+  version = "1.15.0";
 buildGoModule {
   pname = "sqlc";
@@ -11,18 +11,18 @@ buildGoModule {
     owner = "kyleconroy";
     repo = "sqlc";
     rev    = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "sha256-+JkNuN5Hv1g1+UpJEBZpf7QV/3A85IVzMa5cfeRSQRo=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-Ufa5A+lsFSyxe7s0DbLhWW298Y1yaSCazMjGBryyMYY=";
   proxyVendor = true;
-  vendorSha256 = "sha256-QG/pIsK8krBaO5IDgln10jpCnlw3XC8sIYyzuwYjTs0=";
+  vendorSha256 = "sha256-KatF4epCzyQCoAGk1verjAYNrFcmcLiVyDI2542Vm3k=";
   subPackages = [ "cmd/sqlc" ];
-  meta = with lib; {
+  meta = {
     description = "Generate type-safe code from SQL";
     homepage = "https://sqlc.dev/";
-    license = licenses.mit;
-    maintainers = [ maintainers.adisbladis ];
+    license = lib.licenses.mit;
+    maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.adisbladis ];
diff --git a/pkgs/development/tools/faas-cli/default.nix b/pkgs/development/tools/faas-cli/default.nix
index f35f64b0bc8a..07ea3a210e9a 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/tools/faas-cli/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/tools/faas-cli/default.nix
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
-{ lib, stdenv, buildGoModule, fetchFromGitHub }:
+{ lib
+, stdenv
+, buildGoModule
+, fetchFromGitHub
+, makeWrapper
+, git
   faasPlatform = platform:
     let cpuName = platform.parsed.cpu.name; in {
@@ -18,6 +24,8 @@ buildGoModule rec {
     sha256 = "sha256-nHpsScpVQhSoqvNZ+xTv2cA3lV1MyPZAgNLZRuyvksE=";
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
   vendorSha256 = null;
@@ -31,6 +39,11 @@ buildGoModule rec {
     "-X github.com/openfaas/faas-cli/commands.Platform=${faasPlatform stdenv.targetPlatform}"
+  postInstall = ''
+    wrapProgram "$out/bin/faas-cli" \
+      --prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath [ git ]}
+  '';
   meta = with lib; {
     homepage = "https://github.com/openfaas/faas-cli";
     description = "Official CLI for OpenFaaS ";
diff --git a/pkgs/development/tools/hatch/default.nix b/pkgs/development/tools/hatch/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..777028a008f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/tools/hatch/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+{ lib
+, stdenv
+, fetchFromGitHub
+, python3
+, git
+python3.pkgs.buildPythonApplication rec {
+  pname = "hatch";
+  version = "1.3.1";
+  format = "pyproject";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "pypa";
+    repo = "hatch";
+    rev = "hatch-v${version}";
+    sha256 = "sha256-ftT86HX5CVbiHe5yzXT2gNl8Rx+f+fmiAJRnOuDpvYI=";
+  };
+  propagatedBuildInputs = with python3.pkgs; [
+    click
+    hatchling
+    httpx
+    keyring
+    pexpect
+    pyperclip
+    rich
+    shellingham
+    tomli-w
+    tomlkit
+    userpath
+    virtualenv
+  ];
+  checkInputs = with python3.pkgs; [
+    git
+    pytestCheckHook
+    pytest-mock
+  ];
+  preCheck = ''
+    export HOME=$(mktemp -d);
+  '';
+  disabledTests = [
+    # AssertionError: assert (1980, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0) == (2020, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0)
+    "test_default"
+    "test_explicit_path"
+    "test_default_auto_detection"
+    "test_editable_default"
+    "test_editable_default_extra_dependencies"
+    "test_editable_default_force_include"
+    "test_editable_default_force_include_option"
+    "test_editable_exact"
+    "test_editable_exact_extra_dependencies"
+    "test_editable_exact_force_include"
+    "test_editable_exact_force_include_build_data_precedence"
+    "test_editable_pth"
+    # AssertionError: assert len(extract_installed_requirements(output.splitlines())) > 0
+    "test_creation_allow_system_packages"
+  ];
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Modern, extensible Python project manager";
+    homepage = "https://hatch.pypa.io/latest/";
+    license = licenses.mit;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ onny ];
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/development/tools/libsigrok/default.nix b/pkgs/development/tools/libsigrok/default.nix
index 5a11db8b3b94..6df1a043b6ad 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/tools/libsigrok/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/tools/libsigrok/default.nix
@@ -1,32 +1,50 @@
-{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, pkg-config, libzip, glib, libusb1, libftdi1, check
-, libserialport, librevisa, doxygen, glibmm, python
-, version ? "0.5.1", sha256 ? "171b553dir5gn6w4f7n37waqk62nq2kf1jykx4ifjacdz5xdw3z4", doInstallCheck ? true
+{ lib
+, stdenv
+, fetchurl
+, pkg-config
+, libzip
+, glib
+, libusb1
+, libftdi1
+, check
+, libserialport
+, librevisa
+, doxygen
+, glibmm
+, python
+, hidapi
+, libieee1284
+, bluez
+, sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-  inherit version doInstallCheck;
   pname = "libsigrok";
+  version = "0.5.2";
   src = fetchurl {
     url = "https://sigrok.org/download/source/${pname}/${pname}-${version}.tar.gz";
-    inherit sha256;
+    sha256 = "0g6fl684bpqm5p2z4j12c62m45j1dircznjina63w392ns81yd2d";
-  firmware = fetchurl {
-    url = "https://sigrok.org/download/binary/sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw/sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw-bin-0.1.6.tar.gz";
-    sha256 = "14sd8xqph4kb109g073daiavpadb20fcz7ch1ipn0waz7nlly4sw";
-  };
+  enableParallelBuilding = true;
   nativeBuildInputs = [ doxygen pkg-config python ];
-  buildInputs = [ libzip glib libusb1 libftdi1 check libserialport librevisa glibmm ];
+  buildInputs = [
+    libzip glib libusb1 libftdi1 check libserialport librevisa glibmm hidapi
+  ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isLinux [ libieee1284 bluez ];
   strictDeps = true;
   postInstall = ''
+    mkdir -p $out/etc/udev/rules.d
+    cp contrib/*.rules $out/etc/udev/rules.d
     mkdir -p "$out/share/sigrok-firmware/"
-    tar --strip-components=1 -xvf "${firmware}" -C "$out/share/sigrok-firmware/"
+    cp ${sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw}/share/sigrok-firmware/* "$out/share/sigrok-firmware/"
+  doInstallCheck = true;
   installCheckPhase = ''
     # assert that c++ bindings are included
     # note that this is only true for modern (>0.5) versions; the 0.3 series does not have these
diff --git a/pkgs/development/tools/misc/patchelf/default.nix b/pkgs/development/tools/misc/patchelf/default.nix
index 7ce8b93e613e..66ac8c66096d 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/tools/misc/patchelf/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/tools/misc/patchelf/default.nix
@@ -16,15 +16,6 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   strictDeps = true;
-  patches =
-    # This patch fixes a MIPS-specific bug in patchelf; we want Hydra
-    # to generate a bootstrap-files tarball for MIPS that includes
-    # this fix.  The patches below can be dropped on the next version bump.
-    lib.optionals stdenv.targetPlatform.isMips [
-      # https://github.com/NixOS/patchelf/pull/380
-      ./patches/380.patch
-    ];
   setupHook = [ ./setup-hook.sh ];
   enableParallelBuilding = true;
diff --git a/pkgs/development/tools/mod/default.nix b/pkgs/development/tools/mod/default.nix
index c1d17bba57b9..837b431a5f46 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/tools/mod/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/tools/mod/default.nix
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
 buildGoModule rec {
   pname = "mod";
-  version = "0.4.1";
+  version = "0.4.2";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "marwan-at-work";
     repo = "mod";
     rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "sha256-IPdZ2PSS4rYVoMxrunse8Z2NHXLjXAoBcDvB6D70ki0=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-ZmBh59za1OaFObmNzLtuLKkbR0mBeh6OeD+EHton0nE=";
-  vendorSha256 = "sha256-1+06/yXi07iWZhcCEGNnoL2DpeVRYMW/NdyEhZQePbk=";
+  vendorSha256 = "sha256-+87QR3l9XBJVsx4+8ixaidTHaKyLAxMA9CguOlTVoHM=";
   doCheck = false;
diff --git a/pkgs/development/tools/mustache-go/default.nix b/pkgs/development/tools/mustache-go/default.nix
index 70997a7a29d5..46df83a66cdf 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/tools/mustache-go/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/tools/mustache-go/default.nix
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
 buildGoModule rec {
   pname = "mustache-go";
-  version = "1.3.1";
+  version = "1.4.0";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "cbroglie";
     repo = "mustache";
     rev = "v${version}";
     fetchSubmodules = true;
-    sha256 = "sha256-3mGxbgxZFL05ZKn6T85tYYjaEkEJbIUkCwlNJTwoIfc=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-A7LIkidhpFmhIjiDu9KdmSIdqFNsV3N8J2QEo7yT+DE=";
   vendorSha256 = "sha256-FYdsLcW6FYxSgixZ5US9cBPABOAVwidC3ejUNbs1lbA=";
diff --git a/pkgs/development/tools/omnisharp-roslyn/default.nix b/pkgs/development/tools/omnisharp-roslyn/default.nix
index 7818273f80f3..871ba6d2ab92 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/tools/omnisharp-roslyn/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/tools/omnisharp-roslyn/default.nix
@@ -1,31 +1,72 @@
-{ lib, fetchFromGitHub, buildDotnetModule, dotnetCorePackages }:
+{ buildDotnetModule
+, dotnetCorePackages
+, fetchFromGitHub
+, icu
+, lib
+, patchelf
+, stdenv
-  sdkVersion = dotnetCorePackages.sdk_6_0.version;
+  inherit (dotnetCorePackages) sdk_6_0;
 buildDotnetModule rec {
   pname = "omnisharp-roslyn";
-  version = "1.38.2";
+  version = "1.39.1";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "OmniSharp";
     repo = pname;
     rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "7XJIdotfffu8xo+S6xlc1zcK3oY9QIg1CJhCNJh5co0=";
+    sha256 = "Fd9fS5iSEynZfRwZexDlVndE/zSZdUdugR0VgXXAdmI=";
   projectFile = "src/OmniSharp.Stdio.Driver/OmniSharp.Stdio.Driver.csproj";
   nugetDeps = ./deps.nix;
+  nativeBuildInputs = [
+    patchelf
+  ];
   dotnetInstallFlags = [ "--framework net6.0" ];
+  dotnetBuildFlags = [ "--framework net6.0" ];
+  dotnetFlags = [
+    # These flags are set by the cake build.
+    "-property:PackageVersion=${version}"
+    "-property:AssemblyVersion=${version}.0"
+    "-property:FileVersion=${version}.0"
+    "-property:InformationalVersion=${version}"
+    "-property:RuntimeFrameworkVersion=6.0.0-preview.7.21317.1"
+    "-property:RollForward=LatestMajor"
+  ];
   postPatch = ''
     # Relax the version requirement
     substituteInPlace global.json \
-      --replace '6.0.100' '${sdkVersion}'
+      --replace '7.0.100-preview.4.22252.9' '${sdk_6_0.version}'
+    # Patch the project files so we can compile them properly
+    for project in src/OmniSharp.Http.Driver/OmniSharp.Http.Driver.csproj src/OmniSharp.LanguageServerProtocol/OmniSharp.LanguageServerProtocol.csproj src/OmniSharp.Stdio.Driver/OmniSharp.Stdio.Driver.csproj; do
+      substituteInPlace $project \
+        --replace '<RuntimeIdentifiers>win7-x64;win7-x86;win10-arm64</RuntimeIdentifiers>' '<RuntimeIdentifiers>linux-x64;linux-arm64;osx-x64;osx-arm64</RuntimeIdentifiers>'
+    done
-  postFixup = ''
+  dontDotnetFixup = true; # we'll fix it ourselves
+  postFixup = lib.optionalString stdenv.isLinux ''
+    # Emulate what .NET 7 does to its binaries while a fix doesn't land in buildDotnetModule
+    patchelf --set-interpreter $(patchelf --print-interpreter ${sdk_6_0}/dotnet) \
+      --set-rpath $(patchelf --print-rpath ${sdk_6_0}/dotnet) \
+      $out/lib/omnisharp-roslyn/OmniSharp
+  '' + ''
+    # Now create a wrapper without DOTNET_ROOT
+    # we explicitly don't set DOTNET_ROOT as it should get the one from PATH
+    # as you can use any .NET SDK higher than 6 to run OmniSharp and you most
+    # likely will NOT want the .NET 6 runtime running it (as it'll use that to
+    # detect the SDKs for its own use, so it's better to let it find it in PATH).
+    makeWrapper $out/lib/omnisharp-roslyn/OmniSharp $out/bin/OmniSharp \
+      --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : ${sdk_6_0.icu}/lib \
+      --set-default DOTNET_ROOT ${sdk_6_0}
     # Delete files to mimick hacks in https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-roslyn/blob/bdc14ca/build.cake#L594
     rm $out/lib/omnisharp-roslyn/NuGet.*.dll
     rm $out/lib/omnisharp-roslyn/System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dll
@@ -37,7 +78,7 @@ buildDotnetModule rec {
     platforms = platforms.unix;
     sourceProvenance = with sourceTypes; [
-      binaryNativeCode  # dependencies
+      binaryNativeCode # dependencies
     license = licenses.mit;
     maintainers = with maintainers; [ tesq0 ericdallo corngood mdarocha ];
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-  (fetchNuGet { pname = "runtime.win10-arm64.runtime.native.System.IO.Compression"; version = "4.3.0"; sha256 = "1jrmrmqscn8cn2n3piar8n85gfsra7vlai23w9ldzprh0y4dw3v1"; })
-  (fetchNuGet { pname = "runtime.win7-x64.runtime.native.System.IO.Compression"; version = "4.3.0"; sha256 = "1dmbmksnxg12fk2p0k7rzy16448mddr2sfrnqs0rhhrzl0z22zi5"; })
-  (fetchNuGet { pname = "runtime.win7-x86.runtime.native.System.IO.Compression"; version = "4.3.0"; sha256 = "08ppln62lcq3bz2kyxqyvh98payd5a7w8fzmb53mznkcfv32n55b"; })
-  (fetchNuGet { pname = "runtime.win7.System.Private.Uri"; version = "4.3.0"; sha256 = "0bxkcmklp556dc43bra8ngc8wymcbbflcydi0xwq0j22gm66xf2m"; })
+  (fetchNuGet { pname = "runtime.unix.Microsoft.Win32.Primitives"; version = "4.3.0"; sha256 = "0y61k9zbxhdi0glg154v30kkq7f8646nif8lnnxbvkjpakggd5id"; })
+  (fetchNuGet { pname = "runtime.unix.System.Console"; version = "4.3.0"; sha256 = "1pfpkvc6x2if8zbdzg9rnc5fx51yllprl8zkm5npni2k50lisy80"; })
+  (fetchNuGet { pname = "runtime.unix.System.Diagnostics.Debug"; version = "4.3.0"; sha256 = "1lps7fbnw34bnh3lm31gs5c0g0dh7548wfmb8zz62v0zqz71msj5"; })
+  (fetchNuGet { pname = "runtime.unix.System.IO.FileSystem"; version = "4.3.0"; sha256 = "14nbkhvs7sji5r1saj2x8daz82rnf9kx28d3v2qss34qbr32dzix"; })
+  (fetchNuGet { pname = "runtime.unix.System.Net.Primitives"; version = "4.3.0"; sha256 = "0bdnglg59pzx9394sy4ic66kmxhqp8q8bvmykdxcbs5mm0ipwwm4"; })
+  (fetchNuGet { pname = "runtime.unix.System.Net.Sockets"; version = "4.3.0"; sha256 = "03npdxzy8gfv035bv1b9rz7c7hv0rxl5904wjz51if491mw0xy12"; })
+  (fetchNuGet { pname = "runtime.unix.System.Private.Uri"; version = "4.3.0"; sha256 = "1jx02q6kiwlvfksq1q9qr17fj78y5v6mwsszav4qcz9z25d5g6vk"; })
+  (fetchNuGet { pname = "runtime.unix.System.Runtime.Extensions"; version = "4.3.0"; sha256 = "0pnxxmm8whx38dp6yvwgmh22smknxmqs5n513fc7m4wxvs1bvi4p"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_green"; version = "2.0.7"; sha256 = "083saqlwx1hbhy0rv7vi973aw7jv8q53fcxlrprx1wgxdwnbi5ni"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "SQLitePCLRaw.core"; version = "2.0.7"; sha256 = "0b25qz3h1aarza2b74alsl9v6czns3y61i8p10yqgd9djk1b1byj"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "SQLitePCLRaw.lib.e_sqlite3"; version = "2.0.7"; sha256 = "0wkrzcpc9vcd27gwj6w537i1i5i3h5zsips8b9v9ngk003n50mia"; })
@@ -194,19 +193,14 @@
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Collections.Immutable"; version = "1.5.0"; sha256 = "1d5gjn5afnrf461jlxzawcvihz195gayqpcfbv6dd7pxa9ialn06"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Collections.Immutable"; version = "1.7.1"; sha256 = "1nh4nlxfc7lbnbl86wwk1a3jwl6myz5j6hvgh5sp4krim9901hsq"; })
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+  (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Collections.Immutable"; version = "6.0.0"; sha256 = "1js98kmjn47ivcvkjqdmyipzknb9xbndssczm8gq224pbaj1p88c"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.ComponentModel.Annotations"; version = "5.0.0"; sha256 = "021h7x98lblq9avm1bgpa4i31c2kgsa7zn4sqhxf39g087ar756j"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.ComponentModel.Composition"; version = "4.5.0"; sha256 = "196ihd17in5idnxq5l5xvpa1fhqamnihjg3mcmv1k4n8bjrrj5y7"; })
-  (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Composition"; version = "1.0.31"; sha256 = "0aa27jz73qb0xm6dyxv22qhfrmyyqjyn2dvvsd9asi82lcdh9i61"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Composition"; version = "6.0.0"; sha256 = "1p7hysns39cc24af6dwd4m48bqjsrr3clvi4aws152mh2fgyg50z"; })
-  (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Composition.AttributedModel"; version = "1.0.31"; sha256 = "1ipyb86hvw754kmk47vjmzyilvj5hymg9nqabz70sbgsz1fygrdv"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Composition.AttributedModel"; version = "6.0.0"; sha256 = "1mqrblb0l65hw39d0hnspqcv85didpn4wbiwhfgj4784wzqx2w6k"; })
-  (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Composition.Convention"; version = "1.0.31"; sha256 = "00gqcdrql7vhynxh4xq0s9j5nw27kghmn2n773v7lhzjh3ash18r"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Composition.Convention"; version = "6.0.0"; sha256 = "02km3yb94p1c4s7liyhkmda0g71zm1rc8ijsfmy4bnlkq15xjw3b"; })
-  (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Composition.Hosting"; version = "1.0.31"; sha256 = "1f1bnk3j7ndx9r7zpzibmrhw78clys1pspl20j2dhnmkiwhl23vy"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Composition.Hosting"; version = "6.0.0"; sha256 = "0big5nk8c44rxp6cfykhk7rxvn2cgwa99w6c3v2a36adc3lj36ky"; })
-  (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Composition.Runtime"; version = "1.0.31"; sha256 = "1shfybfzsn4g6aim4pggb5ha31g0fz2kkk0519c4vj6m166g39ws"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Composition.Runtime"; version = "6.0.0"; sha256 = "0vq5ik63yii1784gsa2f2kx9w6xllmm8b8rk0arid1jqdj1nyrlw"; })
-  (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Composition.TypedParts"; version = "1.0.31"; sha256 = "1m4j19zx50lbbdx1xxbgpsd1dai2r3kzkyapw47kdvkb89qjkl63"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Composition.TypedParts"; version = "6.0.0"; sha256 = "0y9pq3y60nyrpfy51f576a0qjjdh61mcv8vnik32pm4bz56h9q72"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager"; version = "4.5.0"; sha256 = "1frpy24mn6q7hgwayj98kkx89z861f5dmia4j6zc0a2ydgx8x02c"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager"; version = "4.7.0"; sha256 = "0pav0n21ghf2ax6fiwjbng29f27wkb4a2ddma0cqx04s97yyk25d"; })
@@ -233,7 +227,6 @@
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.IO.Compression.ZipFile"; version = "4.3.0"; sha256 = "1yxy5pq4dnsm9hlkg9ysh5f6bf3fahqqb6p8668ndy5c0lk7w2ar"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.IO.FileSystem"; version = "4.0.1"; sha256 = "0kgfpw6w4djqra3w5crrg8xivbanh1w9dh3qapb28q060wb9flp1"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.IO.FileSystem"; version = "4.3.0"; sha256 = "0z2dfrbra9i6y16mm9v1v6k47f0fm617vlb7s5iybjjsz6g1ilmw"; })
-  (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.IO.FileSystem.AccessControl"; version = "4.5.0"; sha256 = "1gq4s8w7ds1sp8f9wqzf8nrzal40q5cd2w4pkf4fscrl2ih3hkkj"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives"; version = "4.0.1"; sha256 = "1s0mniajj3lvbyf7vfb5shp4ink5yibsx945k6lvxa96r8la1612"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives"; version = "4.3.0"; sha256 = "0j6ndgglcf4brg2lz4wzsh1av1gh8xrzdsn9f0yznskhqn1xzj9c"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.IO.Pipelines"; version = "4.7.3"; sha256 = "0djp59x56klidi04xx8p5jc1nchv5zvd1d59diphqxwvgny3aawy"; })
@@ -339,12 +332,10 @@
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Text.RegularExpressions"; version = "4.3.0"; sha256 = "1bgq51k7fwld0njylfn7qc5fmwrk2137gdq7djqdsw347paa9c2l"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Threading"; version = "4.0.11"; sha256 = "19x946h926bzvbsgj28csn46gak2crv2skpwsx80hbgazmkgb1ls"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Threading"; version = "4.3.0"; sha256 = "0rw9wfamvhayp5zh3j7p1yfmx9b5khbf4q50d8k5rk993rskfd34"; })
-  (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Threading.Overlapped"; version = "4.3.0"; sha256 = "1nahikhqh9nk756dh8p011j36rlcp1bzz3vwi2b4m1l2s3vz8idm"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Threading.Tasks"; version = "4.0.11"; sha256 = "0nr1r41rak82qfa5m0lhk9mp0k93bvfd7bbd9sdzwx9mb36g28p5"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Threading.Tasks"; version = "4.3.0"; sha256 = "134z3v9abw3a6jsw17xl3f6hqjpak5l682k2vz39spj4kmydg6k7"; })
-  (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow"; version = "5.0.0"; sha256 = "028fimgwn5j9fv6m547c975a8b90d9qcnb89k5crjyspsnjcqbhy"; })
+  (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow"; version = "6.0.0"; sha256 = "1b4vyjdir9kdkiv2fqqm4f76h0df68k8gcd7jb2b38zgr2vpnk3c"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions"; version = "4.0.0"; sha256 = "1cb51z062mvc2i8blpzmpn9d9mm4y307xrwi65di8ri18cz5r1zr"; })
-  (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions"; version = "4.3.0"; sha256 = "1xxcx2xh8jin360yjwm4x4cf5y3a2bwpn2ygkfkwkicz7zk50s2z"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions"; version = "4.5.3"; sha256 = "0g7r6hm572ax8v28axrdxz1gnsblg6kszq17g51pj14a5rn2af7i"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions"; version = "4.5.4"; sha256 = "0y6ncasgfcgnjrhynaf0lwpkpkmv4a07sswwkwbwb5h7riisj153"; })
   (fetchNuGet { pname = "System.Threading.Thread"; version = "4.3.0"; sha256 = "0y2xiwdfcph7znm2ysxanrhbqqss6a3shi1z3c779pj2s523mjx4"; })
diff --git a/pkgs/development/tools/omnisharp-roslyn/updater.sh b/pkgs/development/tools/omnisharp-roslyn/updater.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..4f4d910302b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/tools/omnisharp-roslyn/updater.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
+#! nix-shell -i bash -p curl jq common-updater-scripts nuget-to-nix
+# shellcheck shell=bash
+# WARNING: you need BOTH .NET 7 and 6 to run this script (and they must be on your path
+# using dotnetCorePackages.combinePackages).
+set -euo pipefail
+SDK7_VERSION=$(dotnet --version)
+    local contents
+    contents=$(cat "$1")
+    contents=${contents//$2/$3}
+    echo "$contents">"$1"
+cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
+deps_file="$(realpath "./deps.nix")"
+new_version="$(curl -s "https://api.github.com/repos/OmniSharp/omnisharp-roslyn/releases?per_page=1" | jq -r '.[0].name')"
+old_version="$(sed -nE 's/\s*version = "(.*)".*/\1/p' ./default.nix)"
+if [[ "$new_version" == "$old_version" ]]; then
+  echo "Already up to date!"
+  exit 0
+cd ../../../..
+update-source-version omnisharp-roslyn "${new_version//v}"
+store_src="$(nix-build . -A omnisharp-roslyn.src --no-out-link)"
+src="$(mktemp -d /tmp/omnisharp-roslyn-src.XXX)"
+cp -rT "$store_src" "$src"
+chmod -R +w "$src"
+trap 'rm -r "$src"' EXIT
+pushd "$src"
+mkdir ./nuget_pkgs
+replaceInPlace global.json '7.0.100-preview.4.22252.9' "$SDK7_VERSION"
+# This is only needed for restore as we'll build for the runtime that is compiling the code in the nix build.
+for project in src/OmniSharp.Stdio.Driver/OmniSharp.Stdio.Driver.csproj src/OmniSharp.LanguageServerProtocol/OmniSharp.LanguageServerProtocol.csproj; do
+    replaceInPlace $project \
+        '<RuntimeIdentifiers>win7-x64;win7-x86;win10-arm64</RuntimeIdentifiers>' \
+        '<RuntimeIdentifiers>linux-x64;linux-arm64;osx-x64;osx-arm64</RuntimeIdentifiers>'
+for project in src/OmniSharp.Stdio.Driver/OmniSharp.Stdio.Driver.csproj; do
+  dotnet restore "$project" \
+    --packages ./nuget_pkgs \
+    -property:PackageVersion="${new_version//v}" \
+    -property:AssemblyVersion="${new_version//v}".0 \
+    -property:FileVersion="${new_version//v}".0 \
+    -property:InformationalVersion="${new_version//v}" \
+    -property:RuntimeFrameworkVersion=6.0.0-preview.7.21317.1 \
+    -property:RollForward=LatestMajor
+nuget-to-nix ./nuget_pkgs > "$deps_file"
diff --git a/pkgs/development/tools/rust/cargo-license/default.nix b/pkgs/development/tools/rust/cargo-license/default.nix
index 6202e297b9a9..8d6e8ca6ebfe 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/tools/rust/cargo-license/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/tools/rust/cargo-license/default.nix
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
 rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
   pname = "cargo-license";
-  version = "0.4.2";
+  version = "0.5.0";
   src = fetchCrate {
     inherit pname version;
-    sha256 = "sha256-rAHw5B/rK0N8myTzTyv/IUq3o+toWO5HOSaHQko2lPI=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-z68idQqjH0noNZLwoTtnLrIOXZPG4kAYS9+7yrFXKOA=";
-  cargoSha256 = "sha256-DkINY3j0x0fUynMX8+pxNFwKI/YGqEv1M2a55FuKBGY=";
+  cargoSha256 = "sha256-8QgDKgJC5l2h5ysQaICjToI7gGxnmlolTwEtxHJMlj8=";
   meta = with lib; {
     description = "Cargo subcommand to see license of dependencies";
diff --git a/pkgs/development/tools/sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw/default.nix b/pkgs/development/tools/sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..86b1f3be33c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/tools/sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+{ lib
+, stdenv
+, fetchurl
+, sdcc
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  pname = "sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw";
+  version = "0.1.7";
+  src = fetchurl {
+    url = "https://sigrok.org/download/source/sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw/sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw-${version}.tar.gz";
+    sha256 = "sha256-o/RA1qhSpG4sXRmfwcjk2s0Aa8BODVV2KY7lXQVqzjs=";
+  };
+  enableParallelBuilding = true;
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ sdcc ];
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Firmware for FX2 logic analyzers";
+    homepage = "https://sigrok.org/";
+    # licensing details explained in:
+    # https://sigrok.org/gitweb/?p=sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw.git;a=blob;f=README;hb=HEAD#l122
+    license = with licenses; [
+      gpl2Plus    # overall
+      lgpl21Plus  # fx2lib, Hantek 6022BE, Sainsmart DDS120 firmwares
+    ];
+    sourceProvenance = with sourceTypes; [ fromSource ];
+    platforms = platforms.all;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ panicgh ];
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/development/tools/symfony-cli/default.nix b/pkgs/development/tools/symfony-cli/default.nix
index 850ad6ca298b..d231f764a91f 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/tools/symfony-cli/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/tools/symfony-cli/default.nix
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
 buildGoModule rec {
   pname = "symfony-cli";
-  version = "5.4.12";
-  vendorSha256 = "sha256-P83dH+4vcf+UWphsqqJs03oJ47JLwUYt1cgnuCaM5lA=";
+  version = "5.4.13";
+  vendorSha256 = "sha256-/HJgMCRfSS3ln/bW7pb6x9ugece8MFHTLHARTNMHNEU=";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "symfony-cli";
     repo = "symfony-cli";
     rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "sha256-8cJqcvBXjyy9Sk5ZYw0LZs1zPVWrc6udL3qKdIjTklI=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-yTCq+kx86TGjDZ9Cx4d4ni1Q8yvgXSmJP3YD1owrLN8=";
   postInstall = ''
diff --git a/pkgs/development/tools/tracy/default.nix b/pkgs/development/tools/tracy/default.nix
index 2904e20c99fc..074dfd142c17 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/tools/tracy/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/tools/tracy/default.nix
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ let
   disableLTO = stdenv.cc.isClang && stdenv.isDarwin;  # workaround issue #19098
 in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "tracy";
-  version = "0.8.1";
+  version = "";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "wolfpld";
     repo = "tracy";
     rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "sha256-4z3tos/sQUCL5UAcvqHzIzwoxo1fCGldNpmKsCXKJDs=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-SVzNy0JP/JrUYgelypBn8SPO+Ksm1rq2yGnxk1hCLkQ=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
diff --git a/pkgs/development/tools/typos/default.nix b/pkgs/development/tools/typos/default.nix
index ee5c636509af..5c2550e89093 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/tools/typos/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/tools/typos/default.nix
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
 rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
   pname = "typos";
-  version = "1.10.1";
+  version = "1.11.1";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "crate-ci";
     repo = pname;
     rev = "v${version}";
-    hash = "sha256-CdmzGqqzMvLYAXJ2hpjoOQ8FA53PzGspWdjTFWlshYI=";
+    hash = "sha256-jQmihZl1mKBHg7HLKAbe9uuL1QM+cF0beFj8htz0IOU=";
-  cargoHash = "sha256-X41CSz52S2M4rUsX/GiDGoBpZgUS8UNPvHg7rxbsG0k=";
+  cargoHash = "sha256-bO9QMMJY+gQyV811qXdwiH1oxW+5Q+dZqG/oT35Eze4=";
   meta = with lib; {
     description = "Source code spell checker";
diff --git a/pkgs/development/tools/vendir/default.nix b/pkgs/development/tools/vendir/default.nix
index d6ff0825737a..b20db017ce3c 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/tools/vendir/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/tools/vendir/default.nix
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 buildGoModule rec {
   pname = "vendir";
-  version = "0.26.0";
+  version = "0.30.0";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "vmware-tanzu";
     repo = "carvel-vendir";
     rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "sha256-a/fftMJuN6YnjPP0Gk6bMckoCouwgtxhf23OuyLR5Tk=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-iIqfm07qO5qf7mYHdBJVRiokRLHdE7qS2mjaeU9G3U4=";
   vendorSha256 = null;
diff --git a/pkgs/games/cataclysm-dda/common.nix b/pkgs/games/cataclysm-dda/common.nix
index af20169a6e08..4e39a64c4001 100644
--- a/pkgs/games/cataclysm-dda/common.nix
+++ b/pkgs/games/cataclysm-dda/common.nix
@@ -40,12 +40,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation {
   buildInputs = cursesDeps ++ optionals tiles tilesDeps;
   postPatch = ''
-    patchShebangs .
-    # Locale patch required for Darwin builds, see:
-    # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/74064#issuecomment-560083970
-    sed -i src/translations.cpp \
-        -e 's@#elif (defined(__linux__) || (defined(MACOSX) && !defined(TILES)))@#elif 1@'
+    patchShebangs lang/compile_mo.sh
   makeFlags = [
diff --git a/pkgs/games/cataclysm-dda/locale-path-stable.patch b/pkgs/games/cataclysm-dda/locale-path-stable.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..db8592646f0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/games/cataclysm-dda/locale-path-stable.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+diff --git a/src/translations.cpp b/src/translations.cpp
+index fa0ee479b2..0e470098dc 100644
+--- a/src/translations.cpp
++++ b/src/translations.cpp
+@@ -141,15 +141,11 @@ void select_language()
+ std::string locale_dir()
+ {
+     std::string loc_dir;
+-#if !defined(__ANDROID__) && ((defined(__linux__) || defined(BSD) || (defined(MACOSX) && !defined(TILES))))
+     if( !PATH_INFO::base_path().empty() ) {
+         loc_dir = PATH_INFO::base_path() + "share/locale";
+     } else {
+         loc_dir = PATH_INFO::langdir();
+     }
+-    loc_dir = PATH_INFO::langdir();
+     return loc_dir;
+ }
diff --git a/pkgs/games/cataclysm-dda/stable.nix b/pkgs/games/cataclysm-dda/stable.nix
index 453f5ceacae1..52f3ca41f480 100644
--- a/pkgs/games/cataclysm-dda/stable.nix
+++ b/pkgs/games/cataclysm-dda/stable.nix
@@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ let
       sha256 = "sha256-2su1uQaWl9WG41207dRvOTdVKcQsEz/y0uTi9JX52uI=";
+    patches = [
+      # Unconditionally look for translation files in $out/share/locale
+      ./locale-path-stable.patch
+    ];
     makeFlags = common.makeFlags ++ [
       # Makefile declares version as 0.F, with no minor release number
diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/darwin/spacebar/default.nix b/pkgs/os-specific/darwin/spacebar/default.nix
index 8cfbaa3f9a3b..2656c10f6dc3 100644
--- a/pkgs/os-specific/darwin/spacebar/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/os-specific/darwin/spacebar/default.nix
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "spacebar";
-  version = "1.2.1";
+  version = "1.4.0";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "cmacrae";
     repo = pname;
     rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "0f5ddn3sx13rwwh0nfl784160s8ml3m5593d5fz2b1996aznzrsx";
+    sha256 = "sha256-4LiG43kPZtsm7SQ/28RaGMpYsDshCaGvc1mouPG3jFM=";
   buildInputs = [ Carbon Cocoa ScriptingBridge SkyLight ];
diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/alsa-project/alsa-firmware/default.nix b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/alsa-project/alsa-firmware/default.nix
index 2ef971a8cf7f..8ddc97890e92 100644
--- a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/alsa-project/alsa-firmware/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/alsa-project/alsa-firmware/default.nix
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-{ lib, buildPackages, stdenv, autoreconfHook, fetchurl }:
+{ lib, buildPackages, stdenvNoCC, autoreconfHook, fetchurl }:
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "alsa-firmware";
   version = "1.2.4";
diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/b43-firmware/5.1.138.nix b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/b43-firmware/5.1.138.nix
index 98d793c5d998..a5683a1ce535 100644
--- a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/b43-firmware/5.1.138.nix
+++ b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/b43-firmware/5.1.138.nix
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, b43FirmwareCutter }:
+{ lib, stdenvNoCC, fetchurl, b43FirmwareCutter }:
 let version = "5.100.138"; in
-stdenv.mkDerivation {
+stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
   pname = "b43-firmware";
   inherit version;
@@ -24,4 +24,3 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation {
     license = lib.licenses.unfree;
diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/b43-firmware/ b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/b43-firmware/
index 92c179726d25..e117db45b182 100644
--- a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/b43-firmware/
+++ b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/b43-firmware/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, b43FirmwareCutter }:
+{ lib, stdenvNoCC, fetchurl, b43FirmwareCutter }:
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "b43-firmware";
   version = "";
diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware/default.nix b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware/default.nix
index a0985cad0dbe..073d443bee41 100644
--- a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware/default.nix
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
-{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, cabextract, bt-fw-converter }:
+{ lib, stdenvNoCC, fetchurl, cabextract, bt-fw-converter }:
-# Kernels between 4.2 and 4.7 will not work with
-# this packages as they expect the firmware to be named "BCM.hcd"
-# see: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/25478#issuecomment-299034865
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "broadcom-bt-firmware";
   version = "";
diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/facetimehd-calibration/default.nix b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/facetimehd-calibration/default.nix
index 86a3924c0e28..ca6782688728 100644
--- a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/facetimehd-calibration/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/facetimehd-calibration/default.nix
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, unrar-wrapper, pkgs }:
+{ lib, stdenvNoCC, fetchurl, unrar-wrapper, pkgs }:
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ let
-stdenv.mkDerivation {
+stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
   pname = "facetimehd-calibration";
   inherit version;
diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/facetimehd-firmware/default.nix b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/facetimehd-firmware/default.nix
index 1c3d8fbbaf7d..6679f1f19e75 100644
--- a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/facetimehd-firmware/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/facetimehd-firmware/default.nix
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, cpio, xz, pkgs }:
+{ lib, stdenvNoCC, fetchurl, cpio, xz, pkgs }:
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ let
-stdenv.mkDerivation {
+stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
   pname = "facetimehd-firmware";
   inherit version;
diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/intel2200BGFirmware/default.nix b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/intel2200BGFirmware/default.nix
index 7c195cd2d7ca..716c5e4d8288 100644
--- a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/intel2200BGFirmware/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/intel2200BGFirmware/default.nix
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-{ stdenv
+{ stdenvNoCC
 , lib
 , fetchurl }:
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "intel2200BGFirmware";
   version = "3.1";
diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/libreelec-dvb-firmware/default.nix b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/libreelec-dvb-firmware/default.nix
index 2103012d3ed9..9579ff11c739 100644
--- a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/libreelec-dvb-firmware/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/libreelec-dvb-firmware/default.nix
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, lib}:
+{ stdenvNoCC, fetchFromGitHub, lib}:
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "libreelec-dvb-firmware";
   version = "1.4.2";
diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/raspberrypi-wireless/default.nix b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/raspberrypi-wireless/default.nix
index c9192744a46a..730e839bd457 100644
--- a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/raspberrypi-wireless/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/raspberrypi-wireless/default.nix
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-{ lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub }:
+{ lib, stdenvNoCC, fetchFromGitHub }:
-stdenv.mkDerivation {
+stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
   pname = "raspberrypi-wireless-firmware";
   version = "2021-12-06";
diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/rt5677/default.nix b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/rt5677/default.nix
index f21d34bbe533..47e0068cc348 100644
--- a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/rt5677/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/rt5677/default.nix
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-{ lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub }:
+{ lib, stdenvNoCC, fetchFromGitHub }:
-stdenv.mkDerivation {
+stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
   name = "rt5677-firmware";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/rtl8192su-firmware/default.nix b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/rtl8192su-firmware/default.nix
index 3363140ad569..53f32ac31f9d 100644
--- a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/rtl8192su-firmware/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/rtl8192su-firmware/default.nix
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-{ lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub }:
+{ lib, stdenvNoCC, fetchFromGitHub }:
 with lib;
-stdenv.mkDerivation {
+stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
   pname = "rtl8192su";
   version = "unstable-2016-10-05";
diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/rtl8723bs-firmware/default.nix b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/rtl8723bs-firmware/default.nix
index f3ea80348b3b..8e486e1c4b2c 100644
--- a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/rtl8723bs-firmware/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/rtl8723bs-firmware/default.nix
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-{ lib, stdenv, linuxPackages }:
+{ lib, stdenvNoCC, linuxPackages }:
 with lib;
-stdenv.mkDerivation {
+stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
   pname = "rtl8723bs-firmware";
   version = linuxPackages.rtl8723bs.version;
   inherit (linuxPackages.rtl8723bs) src;
diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/rtl8761b-firmware/default.nix b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/rtl8761b-firmware/default.nix
index 925521696da9..c3fbe79537c4 100644
--- a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/rtl8761b-firmware/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/rtl8761b-firmware/default.nix
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-{ lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub }:
+{ lib, stdenvNoCC, fetchFromGitHub }:
-stdenv.mkDerivation {
+stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
   name = "rtl8761b-firmware";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/xow_dongle-firmware/default.nix b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/xow_dongle-firmware/default.nix
index 72e3817f2aa2..824615a4baf2 100644
--- a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/xow_dongle-firmware/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/xow_dongle-firmware/default.nix
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-{ stdenv, lib, fetchurl, cabextract }:
+{ stdenvNoCC, lib, fetchurl, cabextract }:
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "xow_dongle-firmware";
   version = "2017-07";
@@ -32,5 +32,3 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
     platforms = platforms.linux;
diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/zd1211/default.nix b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/zd1211/default.nix
index 075e46a5de55..6b86277ebc6e 100644
--- a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/zd1211/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/firmware/zd1211/default.nix
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-{ stdenv
+{ stdenvNoCC
 , lib
 , fetchurl
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "zd1211-firmware";
   version = "1.5";
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/home-assistant/component-packages.nix b/pkgs/servers/home-assistant/component-packages.nix
index 304a36281b3d..632e6a919d05 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/home-assistant/component-packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/home-assistant/component-packages.nix
@@ -1448,10 +1448,11 @@
     "lifx" = ps: with ps; [
+      aiolifx-connection
-    ]; # missing inputs: aiolifx-connection
+    ];
     "lifx_cloud" = ps: with ps; [
     "light" = ps: with ps; [
@@ -3557,6 +3558,7 @@
+    "lifx"
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/matrix-synapse/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/matrix-synapse/default.nix
index 8f5240b42eb1..90f747370f8e 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/matrix-synapse/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/matrix-synapse/default.nix
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ in
 with python3.pkgs;
 buildPythonApplication rec {
   pname = "matrix-synapse";
-  version = "1.64.0";
+  version = "1.65.0";
   src = fetchPypi {
     inherit pname version;
-    sha256 = "sha256-hybl63hbhuUYnMi03z0Yp7L4n0x01z5uR8r5ZwHzgfI=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-Kn5o6RKR3mMHvACPiMvIGKmjkAwdjcw6EY6MJXKKeAE=";
   buildInputs = [ openssl ];
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/mautrix-whatsapp/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/mautrix-whatsapp/default.nix
index 493f067f0f92..c32e1ef450cf 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/mautrix-whatsapp/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/mautrix-whatsapp/default.nix
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
 buildGoModule rec {
   pname = "mautrix-whatsapp";
-  version = "0.6.0";
+  version = "0.6.1";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "mautrix";
     repo = "whatsapp";
     rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "zhFc6BAurjrp0pHa48Eb8Iypww6o6YXPXp2ba2CXB6Q=";
+    sha256 = "1AcjcE57ttjypnLU/+qpPsvApiuJfSX0qbPEQKOWfIM=";
   buildInputs = [ olm ];
-  vendorSha256 = "EiaQDEsysTiXNHKhbfGVgVdMKgfdUHm48eooGR1rtQg=";
+  vendorSha256 = "4CA/kDGohoJfdiXALN8M8fuPHQUrU2REHqVI7kKMnoY=";
   doCheck = false;
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/monitoring/grafana/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/monitoring/grafana/default.nix
index c25c34c125a9..54a1dd620ee1 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/monitoring/grafana/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/monitoring/grafana/default.nix
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 buildGoModule rec {
   pname = "grafana";
-  version = "9.0.7";
+  version = "9.1.0";
   excludedPackages = [ "alert_webhook_listener" "clean-swagger" "release_publisher" "slow_proxy" "slow_proxy_mac" "macaron" "devenv" ];
@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@ buildGoModule rec {
     rev = "v${version}";
     owner = "grafana";
     repo = "grafana";
-    sha256 = "sha256-rmcoyYBTT1po0TphmoGSoiS13W98LvjBhizKkhZVMzE=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-idwoecfAm6bbiC0sXwz/b/KXA+f9GRtDZjMR5Ff4yt4=";
   srcStatic = fetchurl {
     url = "https://dl.grafana.com/oss/release/grafana-${version}.linux-amd64.tar.gz";
-    sha256 = "sha256-9mXmot/UjMNrfDQ1MXSQvjn6cBBNQ4gP7bJvpBqBIKc=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-TFGgwdZRz77bSimbhGsD06Wi9RwWJ1dNm9RPAnIZ9gE=";
-  vendorSha256 = "sha256-6Z1qvn5HTybKAjsst8kSGYCbEIBsPyhNswVGGiMD9B8=";
+  vendorSha256 = "sha256-6mf49PWp3htCDvXIQuc/mmqqFXFJcP8jDoDSQGi4rKc=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ wire ];
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/monitoring/prometheus/openldap-exporter.nix b/pkgs/servers/monitoring/prometheus/openldap-exporter.nix
index 20447d1c315f..5f5bd6503e01 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/monitoring/prometheus/openldap-exporter.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/monitoring/prometheus/openldap-exporter.nix
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 buildGoModule rec {
   pname = "openldap_exporter";
-  version = "2.2.1";
+  version = "2.2.2";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "tomcz";
     repo = pname;
     rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "sha256-ok2fTYz1oQiNdTPsssPb/VuFqny1i8nKTngSpKgCpC4=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-1u+89odwV/lz34wtrK91lET2bOqkH6kRA7JCjzsmiEg=";
   vendorSha256 = null;
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/ombi/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/ombi/default.nix
index a8251b1c42e1..e5531dc2665e 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/ombi/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/ombi/default.nix
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ let
     "Unsupported system: ${stdenv.hostPlatform.system}");
   hash = {
-    x64-linux_hash = "sha256-8Y6I6vitkgIV6WMXF1YXzgRfhJd/O6hcdpC9yZLpDA4=";
-    arm64-linux_hash = "sha256-OXbJbwjNDd3GNL4bvuZLwNOjfAp8YBnJiylid0w8kLI=";
-    x64-osx_hash = "sha256-BoYqplC8ahMhpgntZVozyPCp08YqmiZ3ED7TgKlXPXc=";
+    x64-linux_hash = "sha256-7l9NT0brk6c7H3oqe9IjTY+5Ji2c5a4vB4vomqmv7x8=";
+    arm64-linux_hash = "sha256-UKVCpFS4m2DMkgG62V7uSQyLG/Zt6z3GSogd30A/4nY=";
+    x64-osx_hash = "sha256-xUu4nsAzBDCKUJWmim3UXVgFzwa6fg9mj/eD3OW1ILY=";
 in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "ombi";
-  version = "4.16.12";
+  version = "4.22.5";
   sourceRoot = ".";
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/portunus/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/portunus/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c0ee915c7bbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/servers/portunus/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+{ lib
+, buildGoModule
+, fetchFromGitHub
+buildGoModule rec {
+  pname = "portunus";
+  version = "1.1.0-beta.2";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "majewsky";
+    repo = "portunus";
+    rev = "v${version}";
+    sha256 = "sha256-hGOMbaEWecgQvpk/2E8mcJZ9QMjllIhS3RBr7PKnbjQ=";
+  };
+  vendorSha256 = null;
+  postInstall = ''
+    mv $out/bin/{,portunus-}orchestrator
+    mv $out/bin/{,portunus-}server
+  '';
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Self-contained user/group management and authentication service";
+    homepage = "https://github.com/majewsky/portunus";
+    license = licenses.gpl3Plus;
+    platforms = platforms.linux;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ majewsky ] ++ teams.c3d2.members;
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/sql/mariadb/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/sql/mariadb/default.nix
index 71b638b9ab8c..706188b40305 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/sql/mariadb/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/sql/mariadb/default.nix
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ commonOptions = packageSettings: rec { # attributes common to both builds
   src = fetchurl {
     url = "https://downloads.mariadb.com/MariaDB/mariadb-${version}/source/mariadb-${version}.tar.gz";
-    inherit (packageSettings) sha256;
+    inherit (packageSettings) hash;
   nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake pkg-config ]
@@ -238,27 +238,27 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation (common // {
 in {
   mariadb_104 = mariadbPackage {
     # Supported until 2024-06-18
-    version = "10.4.25";
-    sha256 = "1y3ym8pb0pyra3dwy8sbzc4656c4y7g1savgyrsvf1mw2573r5pz";
+    version = "10.4.26";
+    hash = "sha256-cVrH4jr8O4pVnGzJmM2xlz2Q9iGyvddgPixuU4YLLd8=";
   mariadb_105 = mariadbPackage {
     # Supported until 2025-06-24
-    version = "10.5.16";
-    sha256 = "19nj7ilk1aqs9zvvzhx4619pgfqjp7ac90ffr3fdaw4viljqfgn1";
+    version = "10.5.17";
+    hash = "sha256-hJyEC3b0hWUDtD7zqEH8lx6LUYjI3zaQkTv1aZaRt2E=";
   mariadb_106 = mariadbPackage {
     # Supported until 2026-07
-    version = "10.6.8";
-    sha256 = "0f6lkvv0dbq64y7zpks7nvhy1n08gad0i0dp0s2zpgfcb62liaap";
+    version = "10.6.9";
+    hash = "sha256-N5Wfi1+8ZNlOGA3NiuW9+v1AYgOgf0j3vs1rinYzdEw=";
   mariadb_107 = mariadbPackage {
-    # Supported until 2023-02
-    version = "10.7.4";
-    sha256 = "0ws17azsw3f26pkphjkyxmmi9qbv9gwidvz0ll6g482m6afrrpbk";
+    # Supported until 2023-02. TODO: remove ahead of 22.11 release.
+    version = "10.7.5";
+    hash = "sha256-f/OkzNoe7S8aZBO4DE7WjMqRFzD1Aaaf1/STo0oJVLo=";
   mariadb_108 = mariadbPackage {
     # Supported until 2023-05
-    version = "10.8.3";
-    sha256 = "14h80lfb9b3rv3fd8nkljbqhx6dmwjnqkz6c3ynixb3na72sszl8";
+    version = "10.8.4";
+    hash = "sha256-ZexgyjZYjs0RzYw/wM414dYDAp4SN4z4i6qGX9CJEWY=";
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/vouch-proxy/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/vouch-proxy/default.nix
index ed7544e7b2e2..b812454fc4c5 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/vouch-proxy/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/vouch-proxy/default.nix
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
 buildGoModule rec {
   pname = "vouch-proxy";
-  version = "0.37.0";
+  version = "0.37.3";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "vouch";
     repo = "vouch-proxy";
     rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "0rcc5b3v5d9v4y78z5fnjbn1k10xy8cpgxjhqc7j22k9wkic05mh";
+    sha256 = "sha256-zXt1Xo6xq1g1putx4q6z7SEXK4lNGRgRnNPXajL5Znw=";
-  vendorSha256 = "0pi230xcaf0wkphfn3s4h3riviihxlqwyb9lzfdvh8h5dpizxwc9";
+  vendorSha256 = "sha256-E1x1QTagXkL4NQ7REDuTHpUaadiz72e3jMLPVquSSV4=";
   ldflags = [
     "-s" "-w"
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/default.nix
index 19860ad7886d..6986cf5271e7 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/default.nix
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
-  version = "2.9.0.beta4";
+  version = "2.9.0.beta9";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "discourse";
     repo = "discourse";
     rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "sha256-DpUEBGLgjcroVzdDG8/nGvC+ym19ZkGa7qvHKZZ1mH4=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-pavNdAbk9yuWRg++p1MCmpBMuYKDs63QbJpHrPS9oAY=";
   runtimeDeps = [
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ let
   yarnOfflineCache = fetchYarnDeps {
     yarnLock = src + "/app/assets/javascripts/yarn.lock";
-    sha256 = "1l4nfc14cm42lkilsawfhdcnv1ln7m7bpan9a804abv4hwrs3f52";
+    sha256 = "14d7y29460ggqcjnc9vk1q2lnxfl6ycyp8rc103g3gs2bl5sb6r0";
   assets = stdenv.mkDerivation {
@@ -177,6 +177,8 @@ let
+    outputs = [ "out" "javascripts" ];
     patches = [
       # Use the Ruby API version in the plugin gem path, to match the
       # one constructed by bundlerEnv
@@ -253,6 +255,10 @@ let
       mv public/assets $out
+      rm -r app/assets/javascripts/plugins
+      mv app/assets/javascripts $javascripts
+      ln -sf /run/discourse/assets/javascripts/plugins $javascripts/plugins
       runHook postInstall
@@ -301,7 +307,10 @@ let
       # path, not their relative state directory path. This gets rid of
       # warnings and means we don't have to link back to lib from the
       # state directory.
-      find config -type f -execdir sed -Ei "s,(\.\./)+(lib|app)/,$out/share/discourse/\2/," {} \;
+      find config -type f -name "*.rb" -execdir \
+        sed -Ei "s,(\.\./)+(lib|app)/,$out/share/discourse/\2/," {} \;
+      find config -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.rb" -execdir \
+        sed -Ei "s,require_relative (\"|')([[:alnum:]].*)(\"|'),require_relative '$out/share/discourse/config/\2'," {} \;
     buildPhase = ''
@@ -322,9 +331,10 @@ let
       ln -sf /var/log/discourse $out/share/discourse/log
       ln -sf /var/lib/discourse/tmp $out/share/discourse/tmp
       ln -sf /run/discourse/config $out/share/discourse/config
-      ln -sf /run/discourse/assets/javascripts/plugins $out/share/discourse/app/assets/javascripts/plugins
       ln -sf /run/discourse/public $out/share/discourse/public
       ln -sf ${assets} $out/share/discourse/public.dist/assets
+      rm -r $out/share/discourse/app/assets/javascripts
+      ln -sf ${assets.javascripts} $out/share/discourse/app/assets/javascripts
       ${lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (p: "ln -sf ${p} $out/share/discourse/plugins/${p.pluginName or ""}") plugins}
       runHook postInstall
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-assign/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-assign/default.nix
index 3cf491a2f42d..8dc8377ac95e 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-assign/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-assign/default.nix
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ mkDiscoursePlugin {
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "discourse";
     repo = "discourse-assign";
-    rev = "7a854fe5046783bcff6cc24fca818056e1b9414a";
-    sha256 = "sha256-SGGwj0V4mTXD33tLnH76tQD/f6IvDbacq23XbaRdLsI=";
+    rev = "030cdc2d9c06cd2fed24fa47861b0213fd2d854e";
+    sha256 = "sha256-3JBBxgWWkCAHci+Cv69o+4JY1b70yOckE+1y5ipl5a8=";
   meta = with lib; {
     homepage = "https://github.com/discourse/discourse-docs";
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-calendar/Gemfile.lock b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-calendar/Gemfile.lock
index 4a4ff3b0e178..4de4b6e42dde 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-calendar/Gemfile.lock
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-calendar/Gemfile.lock
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
   remote: https://rubygems.org/
-    activesupport (
+    activesupport (
       concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2)
       i18n (>= 1.6, < 2)
       minitest (>= 5.1)
       tzinfo (~> 2.0)
     concurrent-ruby (1.1.10)
-    i18n (1.10.0)
+    i18n (1.12.0)
       concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
-    minitest (5.15.0)
+    minitest (5.16.2)
     rrule (0.4.4)
       activesupport (>= 2.3)
-    tzinfo (2.0.4)
+    tzinfo (2.0.5)
       concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-calendar/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-calendar/default.nix
index d935b37b5a11..922adc60b618 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-calendar/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-calendar/default.nix
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ mkDiscoursePlugin {
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "discourse";
     repo = "discourse-calendar";
-    rev = "eb8bc3e864c6f735fa5a005e854f8c37411b6288";
-    sha256 = "sha256-fc3oQj2NqaTfmokJUryd2oBd/eVAcNOMMT0ZT45bU28=";
+    rev = "3cf82dcc6c717965e1d1ff384965e2ee215402f0";
+    sha256 = "sha256-D6FP+vgCqi+wLV+gFAPTAAND3os7mcvpl2z8c5JiFxo=";
   meta = with lib; {
     homepage = "https://github.com/discourse/discourse-calendar";
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-calendar/gemset.nix b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-calendar/gemset.nix
index 69f2648831ce..e2db1930298d 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-calendar/gemset.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-calendar/gemset.nix
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "1jpydd414j0fig3r0f6ci67mchclg6cq2qgqbq9zplrbg40pzfi8";
+      sha256 = "15lbq28v48i6q118p02m5zs9c63y1kv2h5krb3ss6q2vyaxhnfz7";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "";
+    version = "";
   concurrent-ruby = {
     groups = ["default"];
@@ -26,20 +26,20 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "0b2qyvnk4yynlg17ymkq4g5xgr275637fhl1mjh0valw3cb1fhhg";
+      sha256 = "1vdcchz7jli1p0gnc669a7bj3q1fv09y9ppf0y3k0vb1jwdwrqwi";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "1.10.0";
+    version = "1.12.0";
   minitest = {
     groups = ["default"];
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "06xf558gid4w8lwx13jwfdafsch9maz8m0g85wnfymqj63x5nbbd";
+      sha256 = "14a9ign0hj3z3j4cpfplj2djaskx3skzyx4fl3x53d7saxmhrgn1";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "5.15.0";
+    version = "5.16.2";
   rrule = {
     dependencies = ["activesupport"];
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "10qp5x7f9hvlc0psv9gsfbxg4a7s0485wsbq1kljkxq94in91l4z";
+      sha256 = "0rx114mpqnw2k4h98vc0rs0x0bmf0img84yh8mkkjkal07cjydf5";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "2.0.4";
+    version = "2.0.5";
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-canned-replies/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-canned-replies/default.nix
index 07e58652d9fe..07d1afb2da49 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-canned-replies/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-canned-replies/default.nix
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ mkDiscoursePlugin {
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "discourse";
     repo = "discourse-canned-replies";
-    rev = "18af3367d9eda8842e8ff0de96c90aa2f0bdb0a3";
-    sha256 = "sha256-v8QOR0/9RUJ1zFmzhKYe/GEev3Jl4AlXWkQyuquyuJY=";
+    rev = "faa586b095a9ec5b0088bdfa7b04a3aba9f44521";
+    sha256 = "sha256-f/9JtPtYZsRIzk3cBlXAtdG25oep7/Kl74JsGkoP4PI=";
   meta = with lib; {
     homepage = "https://github.com/discourse/discourse-canned-replies";
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-chat-integration/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-chat-integration/default.nix
index f96348e6f273..6f70efa90ab1 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-chat-integration/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-chat-integration/default.nix
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ mkDiscoursePlugin {
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "discourse";
     repo = "discourse-chat-integration";
-    rev = "eaa7de8c2b659d107c2b16ac0d469592aff79d7c";
-    sha256 = "sha256-7anXDbltMBM22dBnE5FFwNk7IJEUFZgDzR4Q/AYn6ng=";
+    rev = "c68fde5d2bbb92cad24a35ff61586453d67264f5";
+    sha256 = "sha256-Gmy8I/MbIdicHqZjlwNDz8PdCdxptzynd1pyL4BM5z4=";
   meta = with lib; {
     homepage = "https://github.com/discourse/discourse-chat-integration";
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-checklist/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-checklist/default.nix
index d1bcd57fc66a..e8de49349f0c 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-checklist/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-checklist/default.nix
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ mkDiscoursePlugin {
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "discourse";
     repo = "discourse-checklist";
-    rev = "68941e370e132c17fc2aa21ac40c033df72c9771";
-    sha256 = "sha256-jJM/01fKxc1RBcSPt9/KDxMkBMH2AOp9dINxSneNhAs=";
+    rev = "8763292e9a02fc2fed6d39c59c3cf5401dcdd950";
+    sha256 = "sha256-xUsTjoG25efIumrf6XX8rAKWjfcAhZiqQz9pfnG3pQU=";
   meta = with lib; {
     homepage = "https://github.com/discourse/discourse-checklist";
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-data-explorer/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-data-explorer/default.nix
index 8073d89df817..198b1e5aba52 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-data-explorer/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-data-explorer/default.nix
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ mkDiscoursePlugin {
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "discourse";
     repo = "discourse-data-explorer";
-    rev = "baaac7ce671e716559329ae756988cc395d7079e";
-    sha256 = "sha256-bUCRfbKXdNbiJnU3xPMhG3s8kH7wQQoS2kV7ScHGOMQ=";
+    rev = "bf56ab3559328cdf89cdd5b32ec32f41aa87017e";
+    sha256 = "sha256-JoqOmv/x9aiSXBAwXO1PSg0E/1eb19dNXxqCLOIyHvo=";
   meta = with lib; {
     homepage = "https://github.com/discourse/discourse-data-explorer";
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-docs/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-docs/default.nix
index 071b1eb5dd9b..3587c9ef2a13 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-docs/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-docs/default.nix
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ mkDiscoursePlugin {
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "discourse";
     repo = "discourse-docs";
-    rev = "72b2e87e84221588bc2ff08961a492044f1f8237";
-    sha256 = "sha256-moR4TJYffh6JwC7oxeS4+Cyngi88Ht2eTbSEJJ4JKdY=";
+    rev = "13bab928c72c847c4c3f7ebb8600343b48f14a5f";
+    sha256 = "sha256-Gno+dbu8/l/cdrzJZL82DmMilZ5zJScFaQ88x8Hum0k=";
   meta = with lib; {
     homepage = "https://github.com/discourse/discourse-docs";
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-github/Gemfile.lock b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-github/Gemfile.lock
index ba0516980977..b31ad9452c4d 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-github/Gemfile.lock
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-github/Gemfile.lock
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ GEM
     addressable (2.8.0)
       public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 5.0)
-    faraday (1.10.0)
+    faraday (1.10.1)
       faraday-em_http (~> 1.0)
       faraday-em_synchrony (~> 1.0)
       faraday-excon (~> 1.1)
@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ GEM
     faraday-em_synchrony (1.0.0)
     faraday-excon (1.1.0)
     faraday-httpclient (1.0.1)
-    faraday-multipart (1.0.3)
-      multipart-post (>= 1.2, < 3)
+    faraday-multipart (1.0.4)
+      multipart-post (~> 2)
     faraday-net_http (1.0.1)
     faraday-net_http_persistent (1.2.0)
     faraday-patron (1.0.0)
     faraday-rack (1.0.0)
     faraday-retry (1.0.3)
-    multipart-post (2.1.1)
+    multipart-post (2.2.3)
     octokit (4.22.0)
       faraday (>= 0.9)
       sawyer (~> 0.8.0, >= 0.5.3)
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-github/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-github/default.nix
index f9ccaed863ef..e53ac21892b0 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-github/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-github/default.nix
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ mkDiscoursePlugin {
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "discourse";
     repo = "discourse-github";
-    rev = "36cbacdd32916435391b4700c024074da3bcbe74";
-    sha256 = "sha256-R4Kp7NFMIXYDcAZlOUdhNdN/mmQMgXlLFolzo2OZahw=";
+    rev = "739bdf9ecc0bfe5256a4814fbc758168552ae069";
+    sha256 = "sha256-pD6sqvUfHUb/5J0HpgqHmYsJnrFcB1ubZR/PMU/GApU=";
   meta = with lib; {
     homepage = "https://github.com/discourse/discourse-github";
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-github/gemset.nix b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-github/gemset.nix
index 7bab2858b652..ab21dcdc72fb 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-github/gemset.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-github/gemset.nix
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "00palwawk897p5gypw5wjrh93d4p0xz2yl9w93yicb4kq7amh8d4";
+      sha256 = "037w5kg3y9jrwgg7izfn1pmzngy0hdhcr7slmxwqa3mdb4rx9r9q";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "1.10.0";
+    version = "1.10.1";
   faraday-em_http = {
     groups = ["default"];
@@ -67,10 +67,10 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "03qfi9020ynf7hkdiaq01sd2mllvw7fg4qiin3pk028b4wv23j3j";
+      sha256 = "09871c4hd7s5ws1wl4gs7js1k2wlby6v947m2bbzg43pnld044lh";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "1.0.3";
+    version = "1.0.4";
   faraday-net_http = {
     groups = ["default"];
@@ -127,10 +127,10 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "1zgw9zlwh2a6i1yvhhc4a84ry1hv824d6g2iw2chs3k5aylpmpfj";
+      sha256 = "1n0kvnrcrjn31jb97kcx3wj1f5kkjza7yygfq8rxzf3i57g7jaa6";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "2.1.1";
+    version = "2.2.3";
   octokit = {
     dependencies = ["faraday" "sawyer"];
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-math/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-math/default.nix
index d65087cca737..b18bf07789b0 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-math/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-math/default.nix
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ mkDiscoursePlugin {
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "discourse";
     repo = "discourse-math";
-    rev = "b875a21b4d5225b61cb525531d30eaf852db6237";
-    sha256 = "sha256-UKba9ZaVjIxOqUYdl00Z2sLt3Y+exBX7MJax8EzXB1Q=";
+    rev = "bcaccbd845825e99c39060e3898e8d5ea1bba927";
+    sha256 = "sha256-c/4oVDBhDiPrLSooU9TgDQJSij8i+QYCoNqDCicXPJk=";
   meta = with lib; {
     homepage = "https://github.com/discourse/discourse-math";
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-migratepassword/Gemfile b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-migratepassword/Gemfile
index 0fcdf01d56f9..a00258a7e5af 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-migratepassword/Gemfile
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-migratepassword/Gemfile
@@ -2,5 +2,9 @@
 source "https://rubygems.org"
+# gem "rails"
 gem 'bcrypt', '3.1.3'
 gem 'unix-crypt', '1.3.0'
+gem 'ffi', '1.15.5', require: false
+gem 'ffi-compiler', '1.0.1', require: false
+gem 'argon2', '2.1.1'
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-migratepassword/Gemfile.lock b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-migratepassword/Gemfile.lock
index 2c9fb9049304..255d3f2d2401 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-migratepassword/Gemfile.lock
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-migratepassword/Gemfile.lock
@@ -1,15 +1,26 @@
   remote: https://rubygems.org/
+    argon2 (2.1.1)
+      ffi (~> 1.14)
+      ffi-compiler (~> 1.0)
     bcrypt (3.1.3)
+    ffi (1.15.5)
+    ffi-compiler (1.0.1)
+      ffi (>= 1.0.0)
+      rake
+    rake (13.0.6)
     unix-crypt (1.3.0)
-  x86_64-linux
+  ruby
+  argon2 (= 2.1.1)
   bcrypt (= 3.1.3)
+  ffi (= 1.15.5)
+  ffi-compiler (= 1.0.1)
   unix-crypt (= 1.3.0)
-   2.2.20
+   2.3.9
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-migratepassword/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-migratepassword/default.nix
index 4c46dfb181e7..962c10ad7db5 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-migratepassword/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-migratepassword/default.nix
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ mkDiscoursePlugin {
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "communiteq";
     repo = "discourse-migratepassword";
-    rev = "91d6a008de91853becca01846aa4662bd227670e";
-    sha256 = "sha256-aKj0zXyXDnG20qVdhGvn4fwXiBeHFj2pv4bTUP81MP0=";
+    rev = "7d33a57b4bd2a37badc64d5eca57d7ca01d62937";
+    sha256 = "sha256-BDBXgsLVHYiSSjvN4Y13ffwfWk6nuVLoJE1YKgGmLTA=";
   meta = with lib; {
     homepage = "https://github.com/communiteq/discourse-migratepassword";
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-migratepassword/gemset.nix b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-migratepassword/gemset.nix
index 22b4053bbd4e..00877ed48199 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-migratepassword/gemset.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-migratepassword/gemset.nix
@@ -1,4 +1,15 @@
+  argon2 = {
+    dependencies = ["ffi" "ffi-compiler"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0g4qsdq072fyrsa7r0sg456dhrb017jmzdbnnzl2c80ha40bbmhg";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.1.1";
+  };
   bcrypt = {
     groups = ["default"];
     platforms = [];
@@ -9,6 +20,37 @@
     version = "3.1.3";
+  ffi = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1862ydmclzy1a0cjbvm8dz7847d9rch495ib0zb64y84d3xd4bkg";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.15.5";
+  };
+  ffi-compiler = {
+    dependencies = ["ffi" "rake"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0c2caqm9wqnbidcb8dj4wd3s902z15qmgxplwyfyqbwa0ydki7q1";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.0.1";
+  };
+  rake = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "15whn7p9nrkxangbs9hh75q585yfn66lv0v2mhj6q6dl6x8bzr2w";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "13.0.6";
+  };
   unix-crypt = {
     groups = ["default"];
     platforms = [];
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-openid-connect/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-openid-connect/default.nix
index e3c52319d279..e4624104179b 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-openid-connect/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-openid-connect/default.nix
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ mkDiscoursePlugin {
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "discourse";
     repo = "discourse-openid-connect";
-    rev = "e897702139b9c0dca40b9385427ba8bad0e1eae9";
-    sha256 = "sha256-miosXf4to60BqGsbXYEL37G38uVHrz2/2Pizn0Rlp2o=";
+    rev = "6534ceb4529f86499b4a77300c851a7f69f016e0";
+    sha256 = "sha256-25vVNH9HRddDTiwqPtFo2JdE1Fo3hNMjXn5GMWA1jzs=";
   meta = with lib; {
     homepage = "https://github.com/discourse/discourse-openid-connect";
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-prometheus/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-prometheus/default.nix
index e5d7259099ad..07c942303e7f 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-prometheus/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-prometheus/default.nix
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "discourse";
     repo = "discourse-prometheus";
-    rev = "43536e4a4977718972a673dc2475ae07df9a0a45";
-    sha256 = "sha256-7sQldPLY7YW/sr4WBHWxJVvhvRK0LwO3+52HAIJFvY4=";
+    rev = "e8caf83e0bcbb55effb86e99324aa15259f608cc";
+    sha256 = "sha256-X3VU4TUth/6j/x9hVpw2GLRZHDCnDfxLbveZUQrFfVU=";
   patches = [
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-saved-searches/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-saved-searches/default.nix
index 682032bb9d0f..ad9c2f91c837 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-saved-searches/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-saved-searches/default.nix
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ mkDiscoursePlugin {
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "discourse";
     repo = "discourse-saved-searches";
-    rev = "f008809ee3bf3a8a5c11daff0807d59ab4336a0c";
-    sha256 = "sha256-/OyFL/9fLdVpsFQIlnjQ6ser6hdEs4X434nAaqKCTUE=";
+    rev = "836981c3d5c51353165a2dad05de5054fe7a1b77";
+    sha256 = "sha256-UisVi+JKZovge0SFFlgxX4WXLOtWKX/RDMVR7Vrc8so=";
   meta = with lib; {
     homepage = "https://github.com/discourse/discourse-saved-searches";
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-solved/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-solved/default.nix
index ebec54bc6e5d..5eaf0e18a6a6 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-solved/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-solved/default.nix
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ mkDiscoursePlugin {
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "discourse";
     repo = "discourse-solved";
-    rev = "17ba805a06ddfc27c6435eb20c0f8466f1708be8";
-    sha256 = "sha256-G48c1khRVnCPXA8ujpDmEzL10uLC9e2sYVLVEXWIk0s=";
+    rev = "e6cce5486df906ede74aa1b17ab308a145a99b88";
+    sha256 = "sha256-hgoCPMlE5qJbdftwOW/zRcp8C7S0h/W2XrfFjLrNpgw=";
   meta = with lib; {
     homepage = "https://github.com/discourse/discourse-solved";
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-spoiler-alert/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-spoiler-alert/default.nix
index b4f7e000fd64..6b0a203c232f 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-spoiler-alert/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-spoiler-alert/default.nix
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ mkDiscoursePlugin {
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "discourse";
     repo = "discourse-spoiler-alert";
-    rev = "4a07519cf9d7ac713f5e21ba770adb127524a22d";
-    sha256 = "sha256-pMTXdjqI4GrLNfZMbyPdeW+Jwieh6I4O/pT2Yyf4ltA=";
+    rev = "a1e4d543e1bafeb11cbb9d09a887ce210b7eecb8";
+    sha256 = "sha256-lZUT+ix1mLomeIdYIOz1vgY6sLVSPOhM85/FkXZFfWc=";
   meta = with lib; {
     homepage = "https://github.com/discourse/discourse-spoiler-alert";
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-voting/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-voting/default.nix
index 4d0f71fdd7f6..ea5c172e6141 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-voting/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-voting/default.nix
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ mkDiscoursePlugin {
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "discourse";
     repo = "discourse-voting";
-    rev = "1da667721269ca01ef53c35ec0470486b490e72c";
-    sha256 = "sha256-VCMv6YWHY24v9KyO4q0YSSYK+mszOVqP46slOh8okvY=";
+    rev = "b6118e9e50a2bec6bbb995db235657c7097bfaa9";
+    sha256 = "sha256-dXJS5ZcyBstE8mSTukUDg0H1ytEJs679wvVuojoUPY4=";
   meta = with lib; {
     homepage = "https://github.com/discourse/discourse-voting";
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-yearly-review/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-yearly-review/default.nix
index e38aa7f83571..bd4dbc6bd137 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-yearly-review/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/plugins/discourse-yearly-review/default.nix
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ mkDiscoursePlugin {
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "discourse";
     repo = "discourse-yearly-review";
-    rev = "ef4855f6afa16ef86013bba7da8e50a63e11b493";
-    sha256 = "sha256-IVKGysAKr+lKV1CO1JJIMLtzcvpK8joWjx8Bfy+dx8Y=";
+    rev = "76b35ac9b20725250140602e5d12a82b31383d35";
+    sha256 = "sha256-RtmnRXh8AbKSe+kuBcORv5FcKYez7WU2owcW16LFCns=";
   meta = with lib; {
     homepage = "https://github.com/discourse/discourse-yearly-review";
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/rubyEnv/Gemfile b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/rubyEnv/Gemfile
index 2766c3feadc0..b2116cc8ac3e 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/rubyEnv/Gemfile
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/rubyEnv/Gemfile
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ else
   # this allows us to include the bits of rails we use without pieces we do not.
   # To issue a rails update bump the version number here
-  rails_version = ''
+  rails_version = ''
   gem 'actionmailer', rails_version
   gem 'actionpack', rails_version
   gem 'actionview', rails_version
@@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ end
 gem 'json'
-gem 'sprockets'
+# TODO: At the moment Discourse does not work with Sprockets 4, we would need to correct internals
+# This is a desired upgrade we should get to.
+gem 'sprockets', '3.7.2'
 # this will eventually be added to rails,
 # allows us to precompile all our templates in the unicorn master
@@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ gem 'actionview_precompiler', require: false
 gem 'seed-fu'
-gem 'mail', git: 'https://github.com/discourse/mail.git', require: false
+gem 'mail', git: 'https://github.com/discourse/mail.git'
 gem 'mini_mime'
 gem 'mini_suffix'
@@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ gem 'http_accept_language', require: false
 gem 'discourse-ember-rails', '0.18.6', require: 'ember-rails'
 gem 'discourse-ember-source', '~> 3.12.2'
 gem 'ember-handlebars-template', '0.8.0'
-gem 'discourse-fonts'
+gem 'discourse-fonts', require: 'discourse_fonts'
 gem 'barber'
@@ -103,7 +105,8 @@ gem 'omniauth-oauth2', require: false
 gem 'omniauth-google-oauth2'
-gem 'oj'
+# pending: https://github.com/ohler55/oj/issues/789
+gem 'oj', '3.13.14'
 gem 'pg'
 gem 'mini_sql'
@@ -143,7 +146,6 @@ end
 # Allow everywhere for now cause we are allowing asset debugging in production
 group :assets do
   gem 'uglifier'
-  gem 'rtlit', require: false # for css rtling
 group :test do
@@ -168,7 +170,7 @@ group :test, :development do
   gem 'shoulda-matchers', require: false
   gem 'rspec-html-matchers'
   gem 'byebug', require: ENV['RM_INFO'].nil?, platform: :mri
-  gem "rubocop-discourse", require: false
+  gem 'rubocop-discourse', require: false, github: 'discourse/rubocop-discourse'
   gem 'parallel_tests'
   gem 'rswag-specs'
@@ -188,7 +190,7 @@ if ENV["ALLOW_DEV_POPULATE"] == "1"
   gem 'discourse_dev_assets'
   gem 'faker', "~> 2.16"
-  group :development do
+  group :development, :test do
     gem 'discourse_dev_assets'
     gem 'faker', "~> 2.16"
@@ -266,3 +268,7 @@ gem 'colored2', require: false
 gem 'maxminddb'
 gem 'rails_failover', require: false
+# workaround for faraday-net_http, see
+# https://github.com/ruby/net-imap/issues/16#issuecomment-803086765
+gem 'net-http'
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/rubyEnv/Gemfile.lock b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/rubyEnv/Gemfile.lock
index 4e832c8abdb1..95c706acab3f 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/rubyEnv/Gemfile.lock
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/rubyEnv/Gemfile.lock
@@ -5,25 +5,36 @@ GIT
     mail (2.8.0.edge)
       mini_mime (>= 0.1.1)
+  remote: https://github.com/discourse/rubocop-discourse.git
+  revision: a5aea6e5f150b1eb7765a805bec0ff618cb718b3
+  specs:
+    rubocop-discourse (2.5.0)
+      rubocop (>= 1.1.0)
+      rubocop-rspec (>= 2.0.0)
   remote: https://rubygems.org/
-    actionmailer (
-      actionpack (=
-      actionview (=
-      activejob (=
-      activesupport (=
+    actionmailer (
+      actionpack (=
+      actionview (=
+      activejob (=
+      activesupport (=
       mail (~> 2.5, >= 2.5.4)
+      net-imap
+      net-pop
+      net-smtp
       rails-dom-testing (~> 2.0)
-    actionpack (
-      actionview (=
-      activesupport (=
-      rack (~> 2.0, >= 2.0.9)
+    actionpack (
+      actionview (=
+      activesupport (=
+      rack (~> 2.0, >= 2.2.0)
       rack-test (>= 0.6.3)
       rails-dom-testing (~> 2.0)
       rails-html-sanitizer (~> 1.0, >= 1.2.0)
-    actionview (
-      activesupport (=
+    actionview (
+      activesupport (=
       builder (~> 3.1)
       erubi (~> 1.4)
       rails-dom-testing (~> 2.0)
@@ -32,20 +43,19 @@ GEM
       actionview (>= 6.0.a)
     active_model_serializers (0.8.4)
       activemodel (>= 3.0)
-    activejob (
-      activesupport (=
+    activejob (
+      activesupport (=
       globalid (>= 0.3.6)
-    activemodel (
-      activesupport (=
-    activerecord (
-      activemodel (=
-      activesupport (=
-    activesupport (
+    activemodel (
+      activesupport (=
+    activerecord (
+      activemodel (=
+      activesupport (=
+    activesupport (
       concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2)
       i18n (>= 1.6, < 2)
       minitest (>= 5.1)
       tzinfo (~> 2.0)
-      zeitwerk (~> 2.3)
     addressable (2.8.0)
       public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 5.0)
     annotate (3.2.0)
@@ -53,23 +63,23 @@ GEM
       rake (>= 10.4, < 14.0)
     ast (2.4.2)
     aws-eventstream (1.2.0)
-    aws-partitions (1.516.0)
-    aws-sdk-core (3.121.2)
+    aws-partitions (1.583.0)
+    aws-sdk-core (3.130.2)
       aws-eventstream (~> 1, >= 1.0.2)
-      aws-partitions (~> 1, >= 1.239.0)
+      aws-partitions (~> 1, >= 1.525.0)
       aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
       jmespath (~> 1.0)
-    aws-sdk-kms (1.44.0)
-      aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.112.0)
+    aws-sdk-kms (1.56.0)
+      aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
       aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
-    aws-sdk-s3 (1.96.1)
-      aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.112.0)
+    aws-sdk-s3 (1.114.0)
+      aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
       aws-sdk-kms (~> 1)
+      aws-sigv4 (~> 1.4)
+    aws-sdk-sns (1.53.0)
+      aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
       aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
-    aws-sdk-sns (1.46.0)
-      aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.121.2)
-      aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
-    aws-sigv4 (1.4.0)
+    aws-sigv4 (1.5.0)
       aws-eventstream (~> 1, >= 1.0.2)
     barber (0.12.2)
       ember-source (>= 1.0, < 3.1)
@@ -80,10 +90,10 @@ GEM
       rack (>= 0.9.0)
     binding_of_caller (1.0.0)
       debug_inspector (>= 0.0.1)
-    bootsnap (1.11.1)
+    bootsnap (1.13.0)
       msgpack (~> 1.2)
     builder (3.2.4)
-    bullet (7.0.1)
+    bullet (7.0.2)
       activesupport (>= 3.0.0)
       uniform_notifier (~> 1.11)
     byebug (11.1.3)
@@ -94,7 +104,7 @@ GEM
     colored2 (3.1.2)
     concurrent-ruby (1.1.10)
     connection_pool (2.2.5)
-    cose (1.2.0)
+    cose (1.2.1)
       cbor (~> 0.5.9)
       openssl-signature_algorithm (~> 1.0)
     cppjieba_rb (0.4.2)
@@ -105,7 +115,8 @@ GEM
     debug_inspector (1.1.0)
     diff-lcs (1.5.0)
-    diffy (3.4.0)
+    diffy (3.4.2)
+    digest (3.1.0)
     discourse-ember-rails (0.18.6)
       ember-data-source (>= 1.0.0.beta.5)
@@ -115,7 +126,7 @@ GEM
       railties (>= 3.1)
     discourse-ember-source (
     discourse-fonts (0.0.9)
-    discourse_dev_assets (0.0.3)
+    discourse_dev_assets (0.0.4)
       faker (~> 2.16)
     docile (1.4.0)
@@ -128,12 +139,12 @@ GEM
       barber (>= 0.11.0)
       sprockets (>= 3.3, < 4.1)
     ember-source (2.18.2)
-    erubi (1.10.0)
-    excon (0.92.2)
+    erubi (1.11.0)
+    excon (0.92.4)
     execjs (2.8.1)
     exifr (1.3.9)
-    fabrication (2.28.0)
-    faker (2.20.0)
+    fabrication (2.30.0)
+    faker (2.22.0)
       i18n (>= 1.8.11, < 2)
     fakeweb (1.3.0)
     faraday (1.10.0)
@@ -152,8 +163,8 @@ GEM
     faraday-em_synchrony (1.0.0)
     faraday-excon (1.1.0)
     faraday-httpclient (1.0.1)
-    faraday-multipart (1.0.3)
-      multipart-post (>= 1.2, < 3)
+    faraday-multipart (1.0.4)
+      multipart-post (~> 2)
     faraday-net_http (1.0.1)
     faraday-net_http_persistent (1.2.0)
     faraday-patron (1.0.0)
@@ -175,7 +186,7 @@ GEM
     hkdf (0.3.0)
     htmlentities (4.3.4)
     http_accept_language (2.1.1)
-    i18n (1.10.0)
+    i18n (1.12.0)
       concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
     image_optim (0.31.1)
       exifr (~> 1.2, >= 1.2.2)
@@ -183,23 +194,22 @@ GEM
       image_size (>= 1.5, < 4)
       in_threads (~> 1.3)
       progress (~> 3.0, >= 3.0.1)
-    image_size (3.0.1)
+    image_size (3.0.2)
     in_threads (1.6.0)
-    ipaddr (1.2.4)
     jmespath (1.6.1)
-    jquery-rails (4.4.0)
+    jquery-rails (4.5.0)
       rails-dom-testing (>= 1, < 3)
       railties (>= 4.2.0)
       thor (>= 0.14, < 2.0)
-    json (2.6.1)
+    json (2.6.2)
     json-schema (2.8.1)
       addressable (>= 2.4)
-    json_schemer (0.2.20)
+    json_schemer (0.2.21)
       ecma-re-validator (~> 0.3)
       hana (~> 1.3)
       regexp_parser (~> 2.0)
       uri_template (~> 0.7)
-    jwt (2.3.0)
+    jwt (2.4.1)
     kgio (2.11.4)
     libv8-node (
     listen (3.7.1)
@@ -214,8 +224,8 @@ GEM
     logstash-event (1.2.02)
     logstash-logger (0.26.1)
       logstash-event (~> 1.2)
-    logster (2.11.0)
-    loofah (2.16.0)
+    logster (2.11.2)
+    loofah (2.18.0)
       crass (~> 1.0.2)
       nokogiri (>= 1.5.9)
     lru_redux (1.1.0)
@@ -229,30 +239,46 @@ GEM
     mini_portile2 (2.8.0)
     mini_racer (0.6.2)
       libv8-node (~>
-    mini_scheduler (0.13.0)
+    mini_scheduler (0.14.0)
       sidekiq (>= 4.2.3)
     mini_sql (1.4.0)
     mini_suffix (0.3.3)
       ffi (~> 1.9)
-    minitest (5.15.0)
-    mocha (1.13.0)
-    msgpack (1.5.1)
+    minitest (5.16.2)
+    mocha (1.14.0)
+    msgpack (1.5.4)
     multi_json (1.15.0)
     multi_xml (0.6.0)
-    multipart-post (2.1.1)
+    multipart-post (2.2.3)
     mustache (1.1.1)
+    net-http (0.2.2)
+      uri
+    net-imap (0.2.3)
+      digest
+      net-protocol
+      strscan
+    net-pop (0.1.1)
+      digest
+      net-protocol
+      timeout
+    net-protocol (0.1.3)
+      timeout
+    net-smtp (0.3.1)
+      digest
+      net-protocol
+      timeout
     nio4r (2.5.8)
-    nokogiri (1.13.4)
+    nokogiri (1.13.8)
       mini_portile2 (~> 2.8.0)
       racc (~> 1.4)
-    oauth (0.5.8)
+    oauth (0.5.10)
     oauth2 (1.4.7)
       faraday (>= 0.8, < 2.0)
       jwt (>= 1.0, < 3.0)
       multi_json (~> 1.3)
       multi_xml (~> 0.5)
       rack (>= 1.2, < 3)
-    oj (3.13.11)
+    oj (3.13.14)
     omniauth (1.9.1)
       hashie (>= 3.4.6)
       rack (>= 1.6.2, < 3)
@@ -275,17 +301,16 @@ GEM
     omniauth-twitter (1.4.0)
       omniauth-oauth (~> 1.1)
-    openssl (2.2.1)
-      ipaddr
-    openssl-signature_algorithm (1.1.1)
-      openssl (~> 2.0)
+    openssl (3.0.0)
+    openssl-signature_algorithm (1.2.1)
+      openssl (> 2.0, < 3.1)
     optimist (3.0.1)
     parallel (1.22.1)
-    parallel_tests (3.8.1)
+    parallel_tests (3.11.1)
-    parser (
+    parser (
       ast (~> 2.4.1)
-    pg (1.3.5)
+    pg (1.4.3)
     progress (3.6.0)
     pry (0.13.1)
       coderay (~> 1.1)
@@ -300,17 +325,17 @@ GEM
       nio4r (~> 2.0)
     r2 (0.2.7)
     racc (1.6.0)
-    rack (2.2.3)
+    rack (2.2.4)
     rack-mini-profiler (3.0.0)
       rack (>= 1.2.0)
-    rack-protection (2.2.0)
+    rack-protection (2.2.2)
-    rack-test (1.1.0)
-      rack (>= 1.0, < 3)
+    rack-test (2.0.2)
+      rack (>= 1.3)
     rails-dom-testing (2.0.3)
       activesupport (>= 4.2.0)
       nokogiri (>= 1.6)
-    rails-html-sanitizer (1.4.2)
+    rails-html-sanitizer (1.4.3)
       loofah (~> 2.3)
     rails_failover (0.8.1)
       activerecord (> 6.0, < 7.1)
@@ -319,12 +344,13 @@ GEM
     rails_multisite (4.0.1)
       activerecord (> 5.0, < 7.1)
       railties (> 5.0, < 7.1)
-    railties (
-      actionpack (=
-      activesupport (=
+    railties (
+      actionpack (=
+      activesupport (=
-      rake (>= 0.13)
+      rake (>= 12.2)
       thor (~> 1.0)
+      zeitwerk (~> 2.5)
     rainbow (3.1.1)
     raindrops (0.20.0)
     rake (13.0.6)
@@ -336,16 +362,16 @@ GEM
       msgpack (>= 0.4.3)
       optimist (>= 3.0.0)
     rchardet (1.8.0)
-    redis (4.5.1)
+    redis (4.7.1)
     redis-namespace (1.8.2)
       redis (>= 3.0.4)
-    regexp_parser (2.3.0)
+    regexp_parser (2.5.0)
     request_store (1.5.1)
       rack (>= 1.4)
     rexml (3.2.5)
     rinku (2.0.6)
     rotp (6.2.0)
-    rqrcode (2.1.1)
+    rqrcode (2.1.2)
       chunky_png (~> 1.0)
       rqrcode_core (~> 1.0)
     rqrcode_core (1.2.0)
@@ -358,13 +384,13 @@ GEM
     rspec-expectations (3.11.0)
       diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0)
       rspec-support (~> 3.11.0)
-    rspec-html-matchers (0.9.4)
+    rspec-html-matchers (0.10.0)
       nokogiri (~> 1)
-      rspec (>= 3.0.0.a, < 4)
+      rspec (>= 3.0.0.a)
     rspec-mocks (3.11.1)
       diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0)
       rspec-support (~> 3.11.0)
-    rspec-rails (5.1.1)
+    rspec-rails (5.1.2)
       actionpack (>= 5.2)
       activesupport (>= 5.2)
       railties (>= 5.2)
@@ -379,23 +405,20 @@ GEM
       activesupport (>= 3.1, < 7.1)
       json-schema (~> 2.2)
       railties (>= 3.1, < 7.1)
-    rtlit (0.0.5)
-    rubocop (1.27.0)
+    rubocop (1.34.1)
+      json (~> 2.3)
       parallel (~> 1.10)
-      parser (>=
+      parser (>=
       rainbow (>= 2.2.2, < 4.0)
       regexp_parser (>= 1.8, < 3.0)
-      rexml
-      rubocop-ast (>= 1.16.0, < 2.0)
+      rexml (>= 3.2.5, < 4.0)
+      rubocop-ast (>= 1.20.0, < 2.0)
       ruby-progressbar (~> 1.7)
       unicode-display_width (>= 1.4.0, < 3.0)
-    rubocop-ast (1.17.0)
+    rubocop-ast (1.21.0)
       parser (>=
-    rubocop-discourse (2.5.0)
-      rubocop (>= 1.1.0)
-      rubocop-rspec (>= 2.0.0)
-    rubocop-rspec (2.9.0)
-      rubocop (~> 1.19)
+    rubocop-rspec (2.12.1)
+      rubocop (~> 1.31)
     ruby-prof (1.4.3)
     ruby-progressbar (1.11.0)
     ruby-readability (0.7.0)
@@ -420,17 +443,17 @@ GEM
       activesupport (>= 3.1)
     shoulda-matchers (5.1.0)
       activesupport (>= 5.2.0)
-    sidekiq (6.4.1)
+    sidekiq (6.5.4)
       connection_pool (>= 2.2.2)
       rack (~> 2.0)
-      redis (>= 4.2.0)
+      redis (>= 4.5.0)
     simplecov (0.21.2)
       docile (~> 1.1)
       simplecov-html (~> 0.11)
       simplecov_json_formatter (~> 0.1)
     simplecov-html (0.12.3)
     simplecov_json_formatter (0.1.4)
-    sprockets (4.0.3)
+    sprockets (3.7.2)
       concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
       rack (> 1, < 3)
     sprockets-rails (3.4.2)
@@ -438,46 +461,49 @@ GEM
       activesupport (>= 5.2)
       sprockets (>= 3.0.0)
     sshkey (2.0.0)
-    stackprof (0.2.19)
-    test-prof (1.0.8)
+    stackprof (0.2.20)
+    strscan (3.0.4)
+    test-prof (1.0.9)
     thor (1.2.1)
-    tilt (2.0.10)
-    tzinfo (2.0.4)
+    tilt (2.0.11)
+    timeout (0.3.0)
+    tzinfo (2.0.5)
       concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
     uglifier (4.2.0)
       execjs (>= 0.3.0, < 3)
     unf (0.1.4)
-    unf_ext (
-    unicode-display_width (2.1.0)
+    unf_ext (
+    unicode-display_width (2.2.0)
     unicorn (6.1.0)
       kgio (~> 2.6)
       raindrops (~> 0.7)
     uniform_notifier (1.16.0)
+    uri (0.11.0)
     uri_template (0.7.0)
-    webmock (3.14.0)
+    webmock (3.17.1)
       addressable (>= 2.8.0)
       crack (>= 0.3.2)
       hashdiff (>= 0.4.0, < 2.0.0)
     webpush (1.1.0)
       hkdf (~> 0.2)
       jwt (~> 2.0)
-    xorcist (1.1.2)
+    xorcist (1.1.3)
     yaml-lint (0.0.10)
-    zeitwerk (2.5.4)
+    zeitwerk (2.6.0)
-  actionmailer (=
-  actionpack (=
-  actionview (=
+  actionmailer (=
+  actionpack (=
+  actionview (=
   active_model_serializers (~> 0.8.3)
-  activemodel (=
-  activerecord (=
-  activesupport (=
+  activemodel (=
+  activerecord (=
+  activesupport (=
@@ -537,8 +563,9 @@ DEPENDENCIES
+  net-http
-  oj
+  oj (= 3.13.14)
@@ -556,7 +583,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
-  railties (=
+  railties (=
@@ -571,8 +598,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
-  rtlit
-  rubocop-discourse
+  rubocop-discourse!
@@ -583,7 +609,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
-  sprockets
+  sprockets (= 3.7.2)
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/rubyEnv/gemset.nix b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/rubyEnv/gemset.nix
index 84f4c37dfb22..95a0d999a981 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/rubyEnv/gemset.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/rubyEnv/gemset.nix
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
   actionmailer = {
-    dependencies = ["actionpack" "actionview" "activejob" "activesupport" "mail" "rails-dom-testing"];
+    dependencies = ["actionpack" "actionview" "activejob" "activesupport" "mail" "net-imap" "net-pop" "net-smtp" "rails-dom-testing"];
     groups = ["default"];
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "0rjm6rx3qbqgxczy2a8l6hff72166hsf878fy2v1ik4pp8rh9cxa";
+      sha256 = "1wdh4av6w6calnvvms6r8w3k3gaw0xy1lgsrjjf5d5gxq09nk7y7";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "";
+    version = "";
   actionpack = {
     dependencies = ["actionview" "activesupport" "rack" "rack-test" "rails-dom-testing" "rails-html-sanitizer"];
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "0cr02mj9wic0xbdrhjipk58cdljsfl4mplhqr9whn3l5qg8x5814";
+      sha256 = "1f9y1qjnrwbwab3hf6nzlpr4v1fr1wq39l6dw3i1y3i6n8w04sb5";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "";
+    version = "";
   actionview = {
     dependencies = ["activesupport" "builder" "erubi" "rails-dom-testing" "rails-html-sanitizer"];
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "02x8cxq2bhgj5r9vpdjz8a56awg22gqvnqn01dqwyx8ny6sirzac";
+      sha256 = "1csycx6zlzrp6pw58s4nkm2qaz720cdhgxjkwjsd0qla75kvsyln";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "";
+    version = "";
   actionview_precompiler = {
     dependencies = ["actionview"];
@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "1g8dpxjzj7k3sjfjhfia21bwzmgc721lafpk2napravmq1qi0rkj";
+      sha256 = "03hn978lx6lasac267mincy6wwcir5gyix7gwrbvvk7rg7bsbmbk";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "";
+    version = "";
   activemodel = {
     dependencies = ["activesupport"];
@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "01mzgr5pdxcki023p96bj77by1iblv9bq6pwmbly931bjwhr5irv";
+      sha256 = "0s9gjs1a49n7rfhz84glw6w62swlrqdqjhs8421kaa72iwxavq16";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "";
+    version = "";
   activerecord = {
     dependencies = ["activemodel" "activesupport"];
@@ -82,21 +82,21 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "1idirwh7dzhzcjsssnghqyjl87inh84za0cmrf8g323p9qsx879l";
+      sha256 = "1lb838wvarms8bs8hvfkccdsp4cjc0y9wjsxvw71h4ir3mys4jqg";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "";
+    version = "";
   activesupport = {
-    dependencies = ["concurrent-ruby" "i18n" "minitest" "tzinfo" "zeitwerk"];
+    dependencies = ["concurrent-ruby" "i18n" "minitest" "tzinfo"];
     groups = ["default" "development" "test"];
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "04j9cgv729mcz2jwr312nr5aswv07s6kjynmf59w61j395dfcvw9";
+      sha256 = "15lbq28v48i6q118p02m5zs9c63y1kv2h5krb3ss6q2vyaxhnfz7";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "";
+    version = "";
   addressable = {
     dependencies = ["public_suffix"];
@@ -145,10 +145,10 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "1jx44f1hc41712k8fqmzrbpqs2j9yl0msdqcmmfp0pirkbqw6ri0";
+      sha256 = "0bg0v08n9mgvpnvkx8aznrax25lkrfsi5sjfdlccm7dadnada5fg";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "1.516.0";
+    version = "1.583.0";
   aws-sdk-core = {
     dependencies = ["aws-eventstream" "aws-partitions" "aws-sigv4" "jmespath"];
@@ -156,10 +156,10 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "0d44wgbzlwc6gb2ql9cayljdwhlvz9byp2grk0n9favb7rq42fwc";
+      sha256 = "0hajbavfngn99hcz6n20162jygvwdflldvnlrza7z32hizawaaan";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "3.121.2";
+    version = "3.130.2";
   aws-sdk-kms = {
     dependencies = ["aws-sdk-core" "aws-sigv4"];
@@ -167,10 +167,10 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "0407yggwsy89fzh387vq3af5azplci5v0a8y97h7r6da4jrv1ksm";
+      sha256 = "14dcfqqdx1dy7qwrdyqdvqjs53kswm4njvg34f61jpl9xi3h2yf3";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "1.44.0";
+    version = "1.56.0";
   aws-sdk-s3 = {
     dependencies = ["aws-sdk-core" "aws-sdk-kms" "aws-sigv4"];
@@ -178,10 +178,10 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "0q28bdmpm2c2fw9wh00zhqxnb8p2nzdfi5l6wwa6bl63fm28816h";
+      sha256 = "1r6dxz3llgxbbm66jq5mkzk0i6qsxwv0d9s0ipwb23vv3bgp23yf";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "1.96.1";
+    version = "1.114.0";
   aws-sdk-sns = {
     dependencies = ["aws-sdk-core" "aws-sigv4"];
@@ -189,10 +189,10 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "1s2ggpwg7v0s0f4bw3887r5y92cbnrjld53lm69irqmx0h7q2564";
+      sha256 = "0d3fhll3hqc23fvj7p0ncjrr0fri7spy21r0hfkqjhijm0q1xqg9";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "1.46.0";
+    version = "1.53.0";
   aws-sigv4 = {
     dependencies = ["aws-eventstream"];
@@ -200,10 +200,10 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "1wh1y79v0s4zgby2m79bnifk65hwf5pvk2yyrxzn2jkjjq8f8fqa";
+      sha256 = "0xp7diwq7nv4vvxrl9x3lis2l4x6bissrfzbfyy6rv5bmj5w109z";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "1.4.0";
+    version = "1.5.0";
   barber = {
     dependencies = ["ember-source" "execjs"];
@@ -252,10 +252,10 @@
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "0bjhh8pngmvnrsri2h6a753pgv0xdkbbgi1bmv6c7q137sp37jbg";
+      sha256 = "0y1ycmvyd7swp6gy85m7znwilvb61zzcx6najgq0d1glq0p2hwy6";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "1.11.1";
+    version = "1.13.0";
   builder = {
     groups = ["default" "development" "test"];
@@ -273,10 +273,10 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "0q90zk8di7a12by3d81nl78yy90rdml77vi3waxmgzqhvs6na4vj";
+      sha256 = "10cwf4pi2i1r1hpz06sishj95aa9m65ymd61sl2vp57ncsrqcyab";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "7.0.1";
+    version = "7.0.2";
   byebug = {
     groups = ["development" "test"];
@@ -372,10 +372,10 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "1gx239d2fracq9az74wfdwmp5zm7zpzkcgchwnv2ng33d8r33p3m";
+      sha256 = "0cf29s40xf6a9k0idswfbabkswr0k5iqfrg61v40bzfrv0fdg440";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "1.2.0";
+    version = "1.2.1";
   cppjieba_rb = {
     groups = ["default"];
@@ -444,10 +444,20 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "0nrg7kpgz6cn1gv2saj2fa5sfiykamvd7vn9lw2v625k7pjwf31l";
+      sha256 = "1qcsv29ljfhy76gq4xi8zpn6dc6nv15c41r131bdr38kwpxjzd1n";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "3.4.0";
+    version = "3.4.2";
+  };
+  digest = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "00vwzvxgby22h7jhwadqqf9ssbkp3ag2pl4g7q3zf1y8mlk7rk39";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "3.1.0";
   discourse-ember-rails = {
     dependencies = ["active_model_serializers" "ember-data-source" "ember-handlebars-template" "ember-source" "jquery-rails" "railties"];
@@ -482,14 +492,14 @@
   discourse_dev_assets = {
     dependencies = ["faker" "literate_randomizer"];
-    groups = ["development"];
+    groups = ["development" "test"];
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "0c6cxrf6kvv4pg6fsig71dn5nrzy7jxbxmyi8206m1ijgpj8nddg";
+      sha256 = "0ncd6n34vm7qd5mpza8wrqfkgfc6xbd5rxjcbdnvsv94zxr75rm1";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "0.0.3";
+    version = "0.0.4";
   docile = {
     groups = ["default" "test"];
@@ -563,20 +573,20 @@
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "09l8lz3j00m898li0yfsnb6ihc63rdvhw3k5xczna5zrjk104f2l";
+      sha256 = "11bz1v1cxabm8672gabrw542zyg51dizlcvdck6vvwzagxbjv9zx";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "1.10.0";
+    version = "1.11.0";
   excon = {
     groups = ["default"];
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "01pcl1vx60x3f28rs6iw1lgqxycgb2yxq2p45k7b4a8liadykhba";
+      sha256 = "0cdc76kgr4f1mq4jwbmq1qvr9c15hb4r1cx4dvrdra13vy9sckb5";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "0.92.2";
+    version = "0.92.4";
   execjs = {
     groups = ["assets" "default"];
@@ -603,21 +613,21 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "0rgbmk044akxa84z9vdl8lkmd9z4xy3na1w0vh12pz02drxd93j9";
+      sha256 = "0bxssmjp49whzq2zv7w751gr4nkdaiwcxd1vda0byigwyrnj6f5q";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "2.28.0";
+    version = "2.30.0";
   faker = {
     dependencies = ["i18n"];
-    groups = ["development"];
+    groups = ["development" "test"];
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "1694ndj701a8q4c4bwxz53kx94ih1rr4pgr4gk7a6c8k4jsbjgwi";
+      sha256 = "1na8p9r9zdvz75aihjczhamlygrjs9dj7pcbxgg8vfavrx8d89b5";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "2.20.0";
+    version = "2.22.0";
   fakeweb = {
     groups = ["test"];
@@ -686,10 +696,10 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "03qfi9020ynf7hkdiaq01sd2mllvw7fg4qiin3pk028b4wv23j3j";
+      sha256 = "09871c4hd7s5ws1wl4gs7js1k2wlby6v947m2bbzg43pnld044lh";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "1.0.3";
+    version = "1.0.4";
   faraday-net_http = {
     groups = ["default"];
@@ -918,10 +928,10 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "0b2qyvnk4yynlg17ymkq4g5xgr275637fhl1mjh0valw3cb1fhhg";
+      sha256 = "1vdcchz7jli1p0gnc669a7bj3q1fv09y9ppf0y3k0vb1jwdwrqwi";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "1.10.0";
+    version = "1.12.0";
   image_optim = {
     dependencies = ["exifr" "fspath" "image_size" "in_threads" "progress"];
@@ -939,10 +949,10 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "130yn87pcnr5sblssm88hnvg8hc76isgrnhlf1d9355zhv4i2hsz";
+      sha256 = "033k72f8n28psm89wv1qwsrnqyzz57ihyivyi442wha6vr9iyjz3";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "3.0.1";
+    version = "3.0.2";
   in_threads = {
     groups = ["default"];
@@ -954,16 +964,6 @@
     version = "1.6.0";
-  ipaddr = {
-    groups = ["default"];
-    platforms = [];
-    source = {
-      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "13qd34nzpgp3fxfjbvaqg3dcnfr0cgl5vjvcqy0hfllbvfcklnbq";
-      type = "gem";
-    };
-    version = "1.2.4";
-  };
   jmespath = {
     groups = ["default"];
     platforms = [];
@@ -980,20 +980,20 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "0dkhm8lan1vnyl3ll0ks2q06576pdils8a1dr354vfc1y5dqw15i";
+      sha256 = "0fdbln0w43n2b2kwhmm6w302iydgkd2hvw8pp0hnj0dykmy9vf54";
       type = "gem";
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@@ -1012,20 +1012,20 @@
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@@ -1111,10 +1111,10 @@
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@@ -1122,10 +1122,10 @@
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@@ -1248,10 +1248,10 @@
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@@ -1279,20 +1279,20 @@
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@@ -1303,10 +1303,10 @@
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@@ -1333,10 +1333,10 @@
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@@ -1348,6 +1348,61 @@
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+    version = "0.2.2";
+  };
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+    platforms = [];
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+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
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+    };
+    version = "0.2.3";
+  };
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+  };
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+    version = "0.1.3";
+  };
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+  };
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@@ -1364,20 +1419,20 @@
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@@ -1395,10 +1450,10 @@
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@@ -1478,15 +1533,14 @@
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+    version = "3.0.0";
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@@ -1494,10 +1548,10 @@
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@@ -1529,10 +1583,10 @@
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@@ -1540,20 +1594,20 @@
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@@ -1648,10 +1702,10 @@
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@@ -1670,10 +1724,10 @@
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@@ -1681,10 +1735,10 @@
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@@ -1703,10 +1757,10 @@
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@@ -1731,15 +1785,15 @@
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+    version = "";
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@@ -1828,10 +1882,10 @@
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@@ -1849,10 +1903,10 @@
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@@ -1901,10 +1955,10 @@
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@@ -1955,10 +2009,10 @@
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@@ -1977,10 +2031,10 @@
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@@ -2014,26 +2068,16 @@
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@@ -2041,19 +2085,21 @@
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@@ -2063,10 +2109,10 @@
     platforms = [];
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@@ -2184,10 +2230,10 @@
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       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
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@@ -2226,10 +2272,10 @@
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@@ -2261,20 +2307,30 @@
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+  };
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+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
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+    };
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       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
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+    version = "1.0.9";
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@@ -2291,10 +2347,20 @@
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       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
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+    version = "2.0.11";
+  };
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+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "00cy93b6803j3aw5nail4l0zdrj54i5n2dlk6j9z998swcjbv3b2";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.3.0";
   tzinfo = {
     dependencies = ["concurrent-ruby"];
@@ -2302,10 +2368,10 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "10qp5x7f9hvlc0psv9gsfbxg4a7s0485wsbq1kljkxq94in91l4z";
+      sha256 = "0rx114mpqnw2k4h98vc0rs0x0bmf0img84yh8mkkjkal07cjydf5";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "2.0.4";
+    version = "2.0.5";
   uglifier = {
     dependencies = ["execjs"];
@@ -2334,20 +2400,20 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "0bf120xbq23zjyf8zi8h1576d71g58srr8rndig0whn10w72vrxz";
+      sha256 = "1yj2nz2l101vr1x9w2k83a0fag1xgnmjwp8w8rw4ik2rwcz65fch";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "";
+    version = "";
   unicode-display_width = {
     groups = ["default" "development" "test"];
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "0csjm9shhfik0ci9mgimb7hf3xgh7nx45rkd9rzgdz6vkwr8rzxn";
+      sha256 = "1nlfck6z986fngp0r74maswmyb1rcksc8xc3mfpw9cj23c3s8zwn";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "2.1.0";
+    version = "2.2.0";
   unicorn = {
     dependencies = ["kgio" "raindrops"];
@@ -2376,6 +2442,16 @@
     version = "1.16.0";
+  uri = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1w00162maixmqp7nwm8mmbvwnnpmjilwbim8yk2ypxy3x3ih6l69";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.11.0";
+  };
   uri_template = {
     groups = ["default"];
     platforms = [];
@@ -2392,10 +2468,10 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "1l8vh8p0g92cqcvv0ra3mblsa4nczh0rz8nbwbkc3g3yzbva85xk";
+      sha256 = "06jbjl78szxkri3wx0mzsdhx2z2af11kp35k5rsrppchbssgagcj";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "3.14.0";
+    version = "3.17.1";
   webpush = {
     dependencies = ["hkdf" "jwt"];
@@ -2413,10 +2489,10 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "1q7hr3qyn1hczv9fglqc2cbaax0fb37gjjr0y24x19mmp817csdn";
+      sha256 = "1dbbiy8xlcfvn9ais37xfb5rci4liwakkmxzbkp72wmvlgcrf339";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "1.1.2";
+    version = "1.1.3";
   yaml-lint = {
     groups = ["development"];
@@ -2433,9 +2509,9 @@
     platforms = [];
     source = {
       remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
-      sha256 = "09bq7j2p6mkbxnsg71s253dm2463kg51xc7bmjcxgyblqbh4ln7m";
+      sha256 = "0xjdr2szxvn3zb1sb5l8nfd6k9jr3b4qqbbg1mj9grf68m3fxckc";
       type = "gem";
-    version = "2.5.4";
+    version = "2.6.0";
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/update.py b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/update.py
index 64f374bad703..9fc14b177114 100755
--- a/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/update.py
+++ b/pkgs/servers/web-apps/discourse/update.py
@@ -407,6 +407,7 @@ def update_plugins():
         gemfile_text = ''
         for line in repo.get_file('plugin.rb', rev).splitlines():
             if 'gem ' in line:
+                line = ','.join(filter(lambda x: ":require_name" not in x, line.split(',')))
                 gemfile_text = gemfile_text + line + os.linesep
                 version_file_match = version_file_regex.match(line)
diff --git a/pkgs/stdenv/linux/bootstrap-files/mipsel.nix b/pkgs/stdenv/linux/bootstrap-files/mipsel.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..42f2e871d92e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/stdenv/linux/bootstrap-files/mipsel.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Files came from this Hydra build:
+#   https://hydra.nixos.org/build/185311909
+# Which used nixpkgs revision 5bd14b3cfe2f87a2e2b074645aba39c69563e4bc
+# to instantiate:
+#   /nix/store/184fa520zv8ls9fzcqyfa5dmkp8kf6xr-stdenv-bootstrap-tools-mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu.drv
+# and then built:
+#   /nix/store/i46mrzinxi9a5incliwhksmk947ff4wn-stdenv-bootstrap-tools-mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu
+  busybox = import <nix/fetchurl.nix> {
+    url = "http://tarballs.nixos.org/stdenv-linux/mipsel/5bd14b3cfe2f87a2e2b074645aba39c69563e4bc/busybox";
+    hash = "sha256-EhuzjL52VEIOfEcFdVGZaDMClQbMc9V9ISrTUNaA7HQ=";
+    executable = true;
+  };
+  bootstrapTools = import <nix/fetchurl.nix> {
+    url = "http://tarballs.nixos.org/stdenv-linux/mipsel/5bd14b3cfe2f87a2e2b074645aba39c69563e4bc/bootstrap-tools.tar.xz";
+    hash = "sha256-OEGgLJOLnV+aobsb+P8mY3Dp8qbeVODBH6x3aUE/MGM=";
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/admin/fioctl/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/admin/fioctl/default.nix
index d2dcc1d4953d..5f64adfaff26 100644
--- a/pkgs/tools/admin/fioctl/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/tools/admin/fioctl/default.nix
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
 buildGoModule rec {
   pname = "fioctl";
-  version = "0.26";
+  version = "0.27";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "foundriesio";
     repo = "fioctl";
     rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "sha256-IrbzWQEtCEG2UUkExWgs7A81RiJLXDAOrr8q4mPwcOI=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-RnVwvD/Iy6UvztnQ03LFaCLWHrS6Aw5Ir4e033bBW7g=";
-  vendorSha256 = "sha256-lstUcyxDVcUtgVY5y5EGgSFZgHbchQ9izf8sCq5vTVQ=";
+  vendorSha256 = "sha256-ObS/100Tfq4rhOrwU+PPBzDwY3tKwH+Z0wm0bX0W8cE=";
   ldflags = [
     "-s" "-w"
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/backup/dar/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/backup/dar/default.nix
index f4f2a2630098..41ecdd1ea780 100644
--- a/pkgs/tools/backup/dar/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/tools/backup/dar/default.nix
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
 with lib;
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-  version = "2.7.6";
+  version = "2.7.7";
   pname = "dar";
   src = fetchurl {
     url = "mirror://sourceforge/dar/${pname}-${version}.tar.gz";
-    sha256 = "sha256-PV5ESJE1B2gQnX6QUeJgOb3rkG3jApTn4NcRBbh9bao=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-wD4vUu/WWi8Ee2C77aJGDLUlFl4b4y8RC2Dgzs4/LMk=";
   outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/graphics/stegsolve/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/graphics/stegsolve/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..56ad908d41a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/tools/graphics/stegsolve/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, jre, makeWrapper, copyDesktopItems, makeDesktopItem }:
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  pname = "stegsolve";
+  version = "1.3";
+  src = fetchurl {
+    # No versioned binary is published :(
+    url = "http://www.caesum.com/handbook/Stegsolve.jar";
+    sha256 = "0np5zb28sg6yzkp1vic80pm8iiaamvjpbf5dxmi9kwvqcrh4jyq0";
+  };
+  dontUnpack = true;
+  desktopItems = [
+    (makeDesktopItem {
+      type = "Application";
+      name = pname;
+      desktopName = "Stegsolve";
+      comment = "A steganographic image analyzer, solver and data extractor for challanges";
+      exec = pname;
+      categories = [ "Graphics" ];
+    })
+  ];
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper copyDesktopItems ];
+  installPhase = ''
+    runHook preInstall
+    export JAR=$out/share/java/stegsolve/stegsolve.jar
+    install -D $src $JAR
+    makeWrapper ${jre}/bin/java $out/bin/stegsolve \
+      --add-flags "-jar $JAR"
+    runHook postInstall
+  '';
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "A steganographic image analyzer, solver and data extractor for challanges";
+    homepage = "http://www.caesum.com/handbook/stego.htm";
+    sourceProvenance = with sourceTypes; [ binaryBytecode ];
+    license = licenses.unfree;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ emilytrau ];
+    platforms = platforms.all;
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/misc/esphome/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/misc/esphome/default.nix
index 21d35ccf82e9..e3a5da9ca450 100644
--- a/pkgs/tools/misc/esphome/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/tools/misc/esphome/default.nix
@@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ let
 with python.pkgs; buildPythonApplication rec {
   pname = "esphome";
-  version = "2022.6.2";
+  version = "2022.8.0";
   format = "setuptools";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = pname;
     repo = pname;
     rev = "refs/tags/${version}";
-    sha256 = "sha256-VD2ZTsNIgWtIuWPv1ZQS7G1PlDr2cgYWqXrSuriZWtw=";
+    hash = "sha256-lukK++CRpl7ucX9RuYa4qhHBbBY4oc/ijqGopeIaXPY=";
   postPatch = ''
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/misc/phrase-cli/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/misc/phrase-cli/default.nix
index 36749fcedfac..232d1b368e1f 100644
--- a/pkgs/tools/misc/phrase-cli/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/tools/misc/phrase-cli/default.nix
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
 buildGoModule rec {
   pname = "phrase-cli";
-  version = "2.4.12";
+  version = "2.5.1";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "phrase";
     repo = "phrase-cli";
     rev = version;
-    sha256 = "sha256-+/hs6v3ereja2NtGApVBA3rTib5gAiGndbDg+FybWco=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-nDeX8h2rGKIuN2h29Fmr5V7THVXnw23lyn/FKUQ3veM=";
-  vendorSha256 = "sha256-Pt+F2ICuOQZBjMccK1qq/ueGOvnjDmAM5YLRINk2u/g=";
+  vendorSha256 = "sha256-Y/COa58r/1wN+bkUolXov+LOy0nyXgbUYbkmRWXxl0E=";
   ldflags = [ "-X=github.com/phrase/phrase-cli/cmd.PHRASE_CLIENT_VERSION=${version}" ];
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/networking/dnstwist/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/networking/dnstwist/default.nix
index 3fa6e352bc8e..03f31e5064b8 100644
--- a/pkgs/tools/networking/dnstwist/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/tools/networking/dnstwist/default.nix
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
 python3.pkgs.buildPythonApplication rec {
   pname = "dnstwist";
-  version = "20220131";
+  version = "20220815";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "elceef";
     repo = pname;
     rev = version;
-    sha256 = "sha256-2sRKRzYR6F2cvz9K7MBe2JIorJkPQ5M2/SRKXGTBVGk=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-cmwgnjhfTqehMCu6mN0840NIaTN8gf4r098ULVj0yPI=";
   propagatedBuildInputs = with python3.pkgs; [
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/networking/findomain/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/networking/findomain/default.nix
index a1020a319a7d..105dce78c0ac 100644
--- a/pkgs/tools/networking/findomain/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/tools/networking/findomain/default.nix
@@ -10,16 +10,16 @@
 rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
   pname = "findomain";
-  version = "8.1.1";
+  version = "8.2.0";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "Edu4rdSHL";
     repo = pname;
     rev = version;
-    sha256 = "sha256-ngT9ZtPsCzcmZbwpmzbEcSUTHPezzdyAB12qrm5Z6n0=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-VT4iPm6CbuKw9D53eSvunRC4Yvn94D5J95JJyq1Za9M=";
-  cargoSha256 = "sha256-nHNS1Uskggm5e1paWRSiL4HHcooDbYe0toMwR05OkDQ=";
+  cargoSha256 = "sha256-gwBsIFhMHTISlKXCBqhzYhq0p5yX0OE0/zcU1yTOADQ=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ installShellFiles perl ];
   buildInputs = lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ libiconv Security ];
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/networking/phodav/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/networking/phodav/default.nix
index 284159dfc9ab..fb2fce8bdeb1 100644
--- a/pkgs/tools/networking/phodav/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/tools/networking/phodav/default.nix
@@ -44,6 +44,11 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   outputs = [ "out" "dev" "lib" ];
+  # We need to do this in pre-configure before the data/ folder disappears.
+  preConfigure = ''
+    install -vDt $out/lib/udev/rules.d/ data/*-spice-webdavd.rules
+  '';
   meta = with lib; {
     description = "WebDav server implementation and library using libsoup";
     homepage = "https://wiki.gnome.org/phodav";
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/nix/alejandra/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/nix/alejandra/default.nix
index 5c430e0bc168..73f114d96ef9 100644
--- a/pkgs/tools/nix/alejandra/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/tools/nix/alejandra/default.nix
@@ -7,16 +7,16 @@
 rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
   pname = "alejandra";
-  version = "2.0.0";
+  version = "3.0.0";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "kamadorueda";
     repo = "alejandra";
     rev = version;
-    sha256 = "sha256-imWi48JxT7l/1toc7NElP1/CBEbChTQ3n0gjBz6L7so=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-xFumnivtVwu5fFBOrTxrv6fv3geHKF04RGP23EsDVaI=";
-  cargoSha256 = "sha256-pcNU7Wk98LQuRg/ItsJ+dxXcSdYROJVYifF74jIrqEo=";
+  cargoSha256 = "sha256-tF8E9mnvkTXoViVss9cNjpU4UkEsARp4RtlxKWq55hc=";
   passthru.tests = {
     version = testers.testVersion { package = alejandra; };
@@ -27,6 +27,6 @@ rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
     homepage = "https://github.com/kamadorueda/alejandra";
     changelog = "https://github.com/kamadorueda/alejandra/blob/${version}/CHANGELOG.md";
     license = licenses.unlicense;
-    maintainers = with maintainers; [ _0x4A6F kamadorueda ];
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ _0x4A6F kamadorueda sciencentistguy ];
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/package-management/libdnf/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/package-management/libdnf/default.nix
index 6ef5467d9e9d..1cfccdd098f3 100644
--- a/pkgs/tools/package-management/libdnf/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/tools/package-management/libdnf/default.nix
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "libdnf";
-  version = "0.67.0";
+  version = "0.68.0";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "rpm-software-management";
     repo = pname;
     rev = version;
-    sha256 = "sha256-ajYrR4MBHjGWaQwFmLSmZkazY93b05Ur4/E+mb/By9E=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-vXk+ob2lBCXF0+VUSxUpZL60Vn1dJTdyQAgsJkCnml8=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/package-management/librepo/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/package-management/librepo/default.nix
index 09dce930d5cc..382043a01e90 100644
--- a/pkgs/tools/package-management/librepo/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/tools/package-management/librepo/default.nix
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-  version = "1.14.2";
+  version = "1.14.3";
   pname = "librepo";
   outputs = [ "out" "dev" "py" ];
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
     owner = "rpm-software-management";
     repo = "librepo";
     rev = version;
-    sha256 = "sha256-KpGbHBgywaXV7r8W5CPS2N1GohdDFiOwAJmrrjS1m5g=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-duMFVePhXIrUtVVv8eRp352z9I6tU/8mEOdbYF3+ll8=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/package-management/microdnf/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/package-management/microdnf/default.nix
index 6a3d5808c73c..597fc5cc11a9 100644
--- a/pkgs/tools/package-management/microdnf/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/tools/package-management/microdnf/default.nix
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "microdnf";
-  version = "3.8.1";
+  version = "3.9.0";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "rpm-software-management";
     repo = pname;
     rev = version;
-    sha256 = "sha256-yKIhXjeiCOq5JsAquaPnYAJZk53FioOKGIAT2xYfLO8=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-PDvA25QSju16d83f0UVpUiDU8XDuC2dKRi3LaItFRmk=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config cmake gettext help2man ];
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/security/gitleaks/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/security/gitleaks/default.nix
index 4cd4d2c0a4ea..5a0d90218f3e 100644
--- a/pkgs/tools/security/gitleaks/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/tools/security/gitleaks/default.nix
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
 buildGoModule rec {
   pname = "gitleaks";
-  version = "8.10.3";
+  version = "8.11.0";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "zricethezav";
     repo = pname;
     rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "sha256-uLCV0eSsQhx9/U/iaAPI25w4Q6pI0PeHAPAQvOJwSWI=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-6zuxEEJlSppR6yBWNKjfNOndICWMnAHaO4mOI9pP7aQ=";
-  vendorSha256 = "sha256-X8z9iKRR3PptNHwy1clZG8QsClsjbW45nZb2fHGfSYk=";
+  vendorSha256 = "sha256-KtBE8zOCSh/sItEpEA+I2cG3U44FJ2wxxVX3F6choUY=";
   ldflags = [
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/security/minio-certgen/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/security/minio-certgen/default.nix
index 6e2403ad7c10..ddcd55ef3ff4 100644
--- a/pkgs/tools/security/minio-certgen/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/tools/security/minio-certgen/default.nix
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 buildGoModule rec {
   pname = "minio-certgen";
-  version = "1.2.0";
+  version = "1.2.1";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "minio";
     repo = "certgen";
     rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "sha256-FBx4v29ZuhXwubWivIXReO5Ge/rPt1J3LbXlprC7E9c=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-qi+SeNLW/jE2dGar4Lf16TKRT3ZTmWB/j8EsnoyrdxI=";
   vendorSha256 = null;
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/security/nuclei/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/security/nuclei/default.nix
index 16f35f3c9823..f441772dbc17 100644
--- a/pkgs/tools/security/nuclei/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/tools/security/nuclei/default.nix
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
 buildGoModule rec {
   pname = "nuclei";
-  version = "2.7.5";
+  version = "2.7.6";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "projectdiscovery";
     repo = pname;
     rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "sha256-R9Z+xcmrzv89ocDWfWqSLhrgeOSmsnqmPYGUmULAJAI=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-KFTVXHATWeKL+fvB52IekT9WMa61Aca0bDJ7g1n1kfU=";
-  vendorSha256 = "sha256-jvgwVtYndf+xbGJycnUidMUMDGFRIVJtSAA4Akd64Dk=";
+  vendorSha256 = "sha256-hzKGqX0YPo4lhp0RTmeQlhUsvG2XhZxkl/TtI9YjEoY=";
   modRoot = "./v2";
   subPackages = [
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/security/pynitrokey/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/security/pynitrokey/default.nix
index b50550e74368..af8fd944cf81 100644
--- a/pkgs/tools/security/pynitrokey/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/tools/security/pynitrokey/default.nix
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-{ python3Packages, lib }:
+{ python3Packages, lib, nrfutil  }:
 with python3Packages;
 buildPythonApplication rec {
   pname = "pynitrokey";
-  version = "0.4.9";
+  version = "0.4.26";
   format = "flit";
   src = fetchPypi {
     inherit pname version;
-    sha256 = "sha256-mhH6mVgLRX87PSGTFkj1TE75jU1lwcaRZWbC67T+vWo=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-OuLR6txvoOpOUYpkjA5UkXUIIa1hYCwTmmPuUC3i4zM=";
   propagatedBuildInputs = [
@@ -18,17 +18,25 @@ buildPythonApplication rec {
+    nrfutil
+    spsdk
+  # spsdk is patched to allow for newer cryptography
+  postPatch = ''
+    substituteInPlace pyproject.toml \
+        --replace "cryptography >=3.4.4,<37" "cryptography"
+  '';
   # no tests
   doCheck = false;
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/security/vulnix/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/security/vulnix/default.nix
index 90d4e0f509b9..c3eb53c3b207 100644
--- a/pkgs/tools/security/vulnix/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/tools/security/vulnix/default.nix
@@ -13,6 +13,11 @@ python3Packages.buildPythonApplication rec {
     sha256 = "07v3ddvvhi3bslwrlin45kz48i3va2lzd6ny0blj5i2z8z40qcfm";
+  postPatch = ''
+    substituteInPlace setup.cfg \
+      --replace "--flake8" ""
+  '';
   outputs = [ "out" "doc" "man" ];
   nativeBuildInputs = [ ronn ];
@@ -20,7 +25,6 @@ python3Packages.buildPythonApplication rec {
-    pytest-flake8
   propagatedBuildInputs = [
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/system/fio/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/system/fio/default.nix
index 42ece88147ba..5939729492d3 100644
--- a/pkgs/tools/system/fio/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/tools/system/fio/default.nix
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "fio";
-  version = "3.30";
+  version = "3.31";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner  = "axboe";
     repo   = "fio";
     rev    = "fio-${version}";
-    sha256 = "sha256-X2B8xlCLSHDgTaH55TUJq4WcaObZy/fvfkQ0j3J9Kzo=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-wqm9yjrJKP3JgsLmPnu14Pi2zm0iTdGcTOGOqXmZslM=";
   buildInputs = [ python3 zlib ]
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/system/rocm-smi/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/system/rocm-smi/default.nix
index 2cce74b0534d..7ee123152686 100644
--- a/pkgs/tools/system/rocm-smi/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/tools/system/rocm-smi/default.nix
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "rocm-smi";
-  version = "5.1.0";
+  version = "5.2.0";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "RadeonOpenCompute";
     repo = "rocm_smi_lib";
     rev = "rocm-${version}";
-    hash = "sha256-11o4xUyeQ3W/RPY62r8ahwcljKh/rkVSyTk5ruTU66U=";
+    hash = "sha256-7e8nCCyFhecfC4TJrpqMI5buVZstynYgDWaa+LF85GA=";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake wrapPython ];
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/text/igrep/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/text/igrep/default.nix
index bb93574f1ffb..7869e1f478e2 100644
--- a/pkgs/tools/text/igrep/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/tools/text/igrep/default.nix
@@ -9,16 +9,16 @@
 rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
   pname = "igrep";
-  version = "0.5.0";
+  version = "0.5.1";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "konradsz";
     repo = "igrep";
     rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "sha256-mJtxqwbqofiDuiGokn24qdnck27w7w/3A5mdqZIU88U=";
+    sha256 = "sha256-Blfkis0Ix0qhSt83YxRqJQJ2oQQK9DGmI60OkyQN5CE=";
-  cargoSha256 = "sha256-ikU4SRLu7PQGbidPmf2W39e3sE8QY8YMU6Q0eWhgvLM=";
+  cargoSha256 = "sha256-wEprTtD9/kKtGsbpj7gR+PjsDSAdl39ZoeU5BAGERRQ=";
   buildInputs = lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ Security ];
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/typesetting/biber/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/typesetting/biber/default.nix
index 992da3578e51..b85dfcff3e2e 100644
--- a/pkgs/tools/typesetting/biber/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/tools/typesetting/biber/default.nix
@@ -24,6 +24,14 @@ perlPackages.buildPerlModule {
   src = "${biberSource}/source/bibtex/biber/biblatex-biber.tar.gz";
+  patches = [
+    # Perl 5.36.0 compatibility: https://github.com/plk/biber/pull/411
+    (fetchpatch {
+      url = "https://github.com/plk/biber/commit/d9e961710074d266ad6bdf395c98868d91952088.patch";
+      sha256 = "08fx7mvq78ndnj59xv3crncih7a8201rr31367kphysz2msjbj52";
+    })
+  ];
   buildInputs = with perlPackages; [
     autovivification BusinessISBN BusinessISMN BusinessISSN ConfigAutoConf
     DataCompare DataDump DateSimple EncodeEUCJPASCII EncodeHanExtra EncodeJIS2K
diff --git a/pkgs/top-level/aliases.nix b/pkgs/top-level/aliases.nix
index bd27f1db3182..3d1eb0c2035a 100644
--- a/pkgs/top-level/aliases.nix
+++ b/pkgs/top-level/aliases.nix
@@ -989,7 +989,6 @@ mapAliases ({
   odpdown = throw "odpdown has been removed because it lacks python3 support"; # Added 2022-04-25
   ofp = throw "ofp is not compatible with odp-dpdk";
   olifant = throw "olifant has been removed from nixpkgs, as it was unmaintained"; # Added 2021-08-05
-  onnxruntime = throw "onnxruntime has been removed due to poor maintainability"; # Added 2020-12-04
   openbazaar = throw "openbazzar has been removed from nixpkgs as upstream has abandoned the project"; # Added 2022-01-06
   openbazaar-client = throw "openbazzar-client has been removed from nixpkgs as upstream has abandoned the project"; # Added 2022-01-06
   opencascade_oce = throw "'opencascade_oce' has been renamed to/replaced by 'opencascade'"; # Converted to throw 2022-02-22
diff --git a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
index bd7a49ef54fe..78c71be382f8 100644
--- a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
@@ -4382,6 +4382,8 @@ with pkgs;
   online-judge-tools = with python3.pkgs; toPythonApplication online-judge-tools;
+  onnxruntime = callPackage ../development/libraries/onnxruntime { };
   xkbd = callPackage ../applications/misc/xkbd { };
   libpsm2 = callPackage ../os-specific/linux/libpsm2 { };
@@ -5024,7 +5026,6 @@ with pkgs;
   convertlit = callPackage ../tools/text/convertlit { };
   collectd = callPackage ../tools/system/collectd {
-    libsigrok = libsigrok_0_3; # not compatible with >= 0.4.0 yet
     jdk = jdk8; # TODO: remove override https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/89731
     inherit (darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks) IOKit;
@@ -7239,6 +7240,8 @@ with pkgs;
   haste-server = callPackage ../servers/haste-server { };
+  hatch = python3Packages.callPackage ../development/tools/hatch { };
   hal-hardware-analyzer = libsForQt5.callPackage ../applications/science/electronics/hal-hardware-analyzer { };
   half = callPackage ../development/libraries/half { };
@@ -9812,7 +9815,9 @@ with pkgs;
   inherit (callPackage ../servers/plik { })
     plik plikd;
-  plex = callPackage ../servers/plex { };
+  plex = callPackage ../servers/plex {
+    buildFHSUserEnv = buildFHSUserEnvBubblewrap;
+  };
   plexRaw = callPackage ../servers/plex/raw.nix { };
   psitransfer = callPackage ../servers/psitransfer { };
@@ -10030,6 +10035,8 @@ with pkgs;
   pympress = callPackage ../applications/office/pympress { };
+  pyocd = python3Packages.callPackage ../development/embedded/pyocd { };
   pyspread = libsForQt5.callPackage ../applications/office/pyspread { };
   teapot = callPackage ../applications/office/teapot { };
@@ -14167,27 +14174,27 @@ with pkgs;
   rocclr = callPackage ../development/libraries/rocclr { };
   hip = callPackage ../development/compilers/hip {
-    inherit (llvmPackages_rocm) clang clang-unwrapped compiler-rt lld llvm;
+    inherit (llvmPackages_rocm) clang llvm;
   rocm-cmake = callPackage ../development/tools/build-managers/rocm-cmake { };
   rocm-comgr = callPackage ../development/libraries/rocm-comgr {
-    inherit (llvmPackages_rocm) clang lld llvm;
+    inherit (llvmPackages_rocm) clang llvm;
   rocm-device-libs = callPackage ../development/libraries/rocm-device-libs {
-    inherit (llvmPackages_rocm) clang clang-unwrapped lld llvm;
+    inherit (llvmPackages_rocm) clang llvm;
   rocm-opencl-icd = callPackage ../development/libraries/rocm-opencl-icd { };
   rocm-opencl-runtime = callPackage ../development/libraries/rocm-opencl-runtime {
-    inherit (llvmPackages_rocm) clang clang-unwrapped lld llvm;
+    inherit (llvmPackages_rocm) clang llvm;
   rocm-runtime = callPackage ../development/libraries/rocm-runtime {
-    inherit (llvmPackages_rocm) clang-unwrapped llvm;
+    inherit (llvmPackages_rocm) llvm;
   rocm-smi = python3Packages.callPackage ../tools/system/rocm-smi { };
@@ -15893,13 +15900,6 @@ with pkgs;
   libsigrok = callPackage ../development/tools/libsigrok {
     python = python3;
-  # old version:
-  libsigrok_0_3 = libsigrok.override {
-    python = python3;
-    version = "0.3.0";
-    sha256 = "0l3h7zvn3w4c1b9dgvl3hirc4aj1csfkgbk87jkpl7bgl03nk4j3";
-    doInstallCheck = false;
-  };
   libsigrokdecode = callPackage ../development/tools/libsigrokdecode {
     python3 = python38;
@@ -15909,6 +15909,8 @@ with pkgs;
   libsigrok4dsl = callPackage ../applications/science/electronics/dsview/libsigrok4dsl.nix { };
   libsigrokdecode4dsl = callPackage ../applications/science/electronics/dsview/libsigrokdecode4dsl.nix { };
+  sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw = callPackage ../development/tools/sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw { };
   cli11 = callPackage ../development/tools/misc/cli11 { };
   datree = callPackage ../development/tools/datree { };
@@ -19944,6 +19946,8 @@ with pkgs;
   libusbmuxd = callPackage ../development/libraries/libusbmuxd { };
+  libusbsio = callPackage ../development/libraries/libusbsio { };
   libutempter = callPackage ../development/libraries/libutempter { };
   libuldaq = callPackage ../development/libraries/libuldaq { };
@@ -21398,6 +21402,8 @@ with pkgs;
   stb = callPackage ../development/libraries/stb { };
+  stegsolve = callPackage ../tools/graphics/stegsolve { };
   StormLib = callPackage ../development/libraries/StormLib { };
   stxxl = callPackage ../development/libraries/stxxl { };
@@ -22437,6 +22443,8 @@ with pkgs;
   podgrab = callPackage ../servers/misc/podgrab { };
+  portunus = callPackage ../servers/portunus { };
   prosody = callPackage ../servers/xmpp/prosody {
     withExtraLibs = [];
     withExtraLuaPackages = _: [];
@@ -26182,6 +26190,8 @@ with pkgs;
+  armcord = callPackage ../applications/networking/instant-messengers/armcord { };
   aumix = callPackage ../applications/audio/aumix {
     gtkGUI = false;
@@ -26821,6 +26831,8 @@ with pkgs;
   edbrowse = callPackage ../applications/editors/edbrowse { };
+  o = callPackage ../applications/editors/o { };
   oed = callPackage ../applications/editors/oed { };
   ekho = callPackage ../applications/audio/ekho { };
diff --git a/pkgs/top-level/perl-packages.nix b/pkgs/top-level/perl-packages.nix
index 39cd70147d4b..93a1a4eefba6 100644
--- a/pkgs/top-level/perl-packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/top-level/perl-packages.nix
@@ -22598,6 +22598,21 @@ let
+  TestMockHTTPTiny = buildPerlPackage {
+    pname = "Test-Mock-HTTP-Tiny";
+    version = "0.002";
+    src = fetchurl {
+      url = "mirror://cpan/authors/id/O/OD/ODYNIEC/Test-Mock-HTTP-Tiny-0.002.tar.gz";
+      sha256 = "sha256-+c+tfYUEZQvtNJO8bSyoLXuRvDcTyGxDXnXriKxb5eY=";
+    };
+    propagatedBuildInputs = [ TestDeep URI ];
+    meta = {
+      homepage = "https://github.com/odyniec/p5-Test-Mock-HTTP-Tiny.git";
+      description = "Record and replay HTTP requests/responses with HTTP::Tiny";
+      license = with lib.licenses; [ artistic1 gpl1Plus ];
+    };
+  };
   TestMockModule = buildPerlModule {
     pname = "Test-MockModule";
     version = "0.175.0";
diff --git a/pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix b/pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix
index 9c5aacd7bfb2..37e657c5f325 100644
--- a/pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix
@@ -361,6 +361,8 @@ in {
   aiolifx = callPackage ../development/python-modules/aiolifx { };
+  aiolifx-connection = callPackage ../development/python-modules/aiolifx-connection { };
   aiolifx-effects = callPackage ../development/python-modules/aiolifx-effects { };
   aiolimiter = callPackage ../development/python-modules/aiolimiter { };
@@ -685,6 +687,8 @@ in {
   argon2-cffi-bindings = callPackage ../development/python-modules/argon2-cffi-bindings { };
+  argparse-addons = callPackage ../development/python-modules/argparse-addons { };
   args = callPackage ../development/python-modules/args { };
   aria2p = callPackage ../development/python-modules/aria2p { };
@@ -1305,6 +1309,8 @@ in {
   binaryornot = callPackage ../development/python-modules/binaryornot { };
+  bincopy = callPackage ../development/python-modules/bincopy { };
   binho-host-adapter = callPackage ../development/python-modules/binho-host-adapter { };
   binwalk = callPackage ../development/python-modules/binwalk { };
@@ -1882,6 +1888,10 @@ in {
     inherit (pkgs) cmigemo;
+  cmsis-pack-manager = callPackage ../development/python-modules/cmsis-pack-manager {
+    inherit (pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks) Security;
+  };
   cmsis-svd = callPackage ../development/python-modules/cmsis-svd { };
   cntk = callPackage ../development/python-modules/cntk { };
@@ -4081,6 +4091,8 @@ in {
   hexbytes = callPackage ../development/python-modules/hexbytes { };
+  hexdump = callPackage ../development/python-modules/hexdump { };
   hg-commitsigs = callPackage ../development/python-modules/hg-commitsigs { };
   hg-evolve = callPackage ../development/python-modules/hg-evolve { };
@@ -5124,6 +5136,10 @@ in {
     inherit (pkgs) libusb1;
+  libusbsio = callPackage ../development/python-modules/libusbsio {
+    inherit (pkgs) libusbsio;
+  };
   libversion = callPackage ../development/python-modules/libversion {
     inherit (pkgs) libversion;
@@ -6645,6 +6661,8 @@ in {
   psrpcore = callPackage ../development/python-modules/psrpcore { };
+  pypemicro = callPackage ../development/python-modules/pypemicro { };
   pyprecice = callPackage ../development/python-modules/pyprecice { };
   pypsrp = callPackage ../development/python-modules/pypsrp { };
@@ -10277,6 +10295,8 @@ in {
   spotipy = callPackage ../development/python-modules/spotipy { };
+  spsdk = callPackage ../development/python-modules/spsdk { };
   spur = callPackage ../development/python-modules/spur { };
   spyder = callPackage ../development/python-modules/spyder { };