Merge pull request #102168 from FRidh/qt515
qt5-packages.nix: consistently make all libraries with same qt5 version
This commit is contained in:
@ -92,32 +92,43 @@ mkDerivation {
## Adding a library to Nixpkgs
Add a Qt library to all-packages.nix by adding it to the collection inside `mkLibsForQt5`. This ensures that the library is built with every available version of Qt as needed.
### Example Adding a Qt library to all-packages.nix {#qt-library-all-packages-nix}
Qt libraries are added to `qt5-packages.nix` and are made available for every Qt
version supported.
### Example adding a Qt library {#qt-library-all-packages-nix}
The following represents the contents of `qt5-packages.nix`.
# ...
mkLibsForQt5 = self: with self; {
# ...
mylib = callPackage ../path/to/mylib {};
mylib = callPackage ../path/to/mylib {};
# ...
## Adding an application to Nixpkgs
Add a Qt application to *all-packages.nix* using `libsForQt5.callPackage` instead of the usual `callPackage`. The former ensures that all dependencies are built with the same version of Qt.
Applications that use Qt are also added to `qt5-packages.nix`. An alias is added
in the top-level `all-packages.nix` pointing to the package with the desired Qt5 version.
### Example Adding a QT application to all-packages.nix {#qt-application-all-packages-nix}
### Example adding a Qt application {#qt-application-all-packages-nix}
The following represents the contents of `qt5-packages.nix`.
# ...
myapp = libsForQt5.callPackage ../path/to/myapp/ {};
myapp = callPackage ../path/to/myapp {};
# ...
The following represents the contents of `all-packages.nix`.
# ...
myapp = libsForQt5.myapp;
# ...
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ in
panel = mkOption {
type = with types; nullOr path;
default = null;
example = literalExample "''${pkgs.plasma5.plasma-desktop}/lib/libexec/kimpanel-ibus-panel";
example = literalExample "''${pkgs.plasma5Packages.plasma-desktop}/lib/libexec/kimpanel-ibus-panel";
description = "Replace the IBus panel with another panel.";
@ -430,8 +430,8 @@ let
${optionalString cfg.pamMount
"auth optional ${pkgs.pam_mount}/lib/security/"}
${optionalString cfg.enableKwallet
("auth optional ${pkgs.plasma5.kwallet-pam}/lib/security/" +
" kwalletd=${pkgs.kdeFrameworks.kwallet.bin}/bin/kwalletd5")}
("auth optional ${pkgs.plasma5Packages.kwallet-pam}/lib/security/" +
" kwalletd=${pkgs.plasma5Packages.kwallet.bin}/bin/kwalletd5")}
${optionalString cfg.enableGnomeKeyring
"auth optional ${pkgs.gnome3.gnome-keyring}/lib/security/"}
${optionalString cfg.gnupg.enable
@ -509,8 +509,8 @@ let
${optionalString (cfg.enableAppArmor &&
"session optional ${pkgs.apparmor-pam}/lib/security/ order=user,group,default debug"}
${optionalString (cfg.enableKwallet)
("session optional ${pkgs.plasma5.kwallet-pam}/lib/security/" +
" kwalletd=${pkgs.kdeFrameworks.kwallet.bin}/bin/kwalletd5")}
("session optional ${pkgs.plasma5Packages.kwallet-pam}/lib/security/" +
" kwalletd=${pkgs.plasma5Packages.kwallet.bin}/bin/kwalletd5")}
${optionalString (cfg.enableGnomeKeyring)
"session optional ${pkgs.gnome3.gnome-keyring}/lib/security/ auto_start"}
${optionalString cfg.gnupg.enable
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ let
xcfg =;
cfg = xcfg.desktopManager.plasma5;
inherit (pkgs) kdeApplications kdeFrameworks plasma5;
inherit (pkgs) qt5 libsForQt5;
libsForQt5 = pkgs.plasma5Packages;
inherit (libsForQt5) kdeApplications kdeFrameworks plasma5;
inherit (pkgs) writeText;
pulseaudio = config.hardware.pulseaudio;
@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ in
security.wrappers = {
kcheckpass.source = "${lib.getBin plasma5.kscreenlocker}/libexec/kcheckpass";
start_kdeinit.source = "${lib.getBin pkgs.kdeFrameworks.kinit}/libexec/kf5/start_kdeinit";
kcheckpass.source = "${lib.getBin libsForQt5.kscreenlocker}/libexec/kcheckpass";
start_kdeinit.source = "${lib.getBin libsForQt5.kinit}/libexec/kf5/start_kdeinit";
kwin_wayland = {
source = "${lib.getBin plasma5.kwin}/bin/kwin_wayland";
capabilities = "cap_sys_nice+ep";
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ in
environment.systemPackages =
with qt5; with libsForQt5;
with libsForQt5;
with plasma5; with kdeApplications; with kdeFrameworks;
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ let
cfg = config.boot.plymouth;
nixosBreezePlymouth = pkgs.plasma5.breeze-plymouth.override {
nixosBreezePlymouth = pkgs.plasma5Packages.breeze-plymouth.override {
logoFile = cfg.logo;
logoName = "nixos";
osName = "NixOS";
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
, flashplayer, hal-flash
, ffmpeg, xorg, alsaLib, libpulseaudio, libcanberra-gtk2, libglvnd
, gnome3/*.gnome-shell*/
, browserpass, chrome-gnome-shell, uget-integrator, plasma5, bukubrow
, browserpass, chrome-gnome-shell, uget-integrator, plasma5Packages, bukubrow
, tridactyl-native
, fx_cast_bridge
, udev
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ let
++ lib.optional (cfg.enableTridactylNative or false) tridactyl-native
++ lib.optional (cfg.enableGnomeExtensions or false) chrome-gnome-shell
++ lib.optional (cfg.enableUgetIntegrator or false) uget-integrator
++ lib.optional (cfg.enablePlasmaBrowserIntegration or false) plasma5.plasma-browser-integration
++ lib.optional (cfg.enablePlasmaBrowserIntegration or false) plasma5Packages.plasma-browser-integration
++ lib.optional (cfg.enableFXCastBridge or false) fx_cast_bridge
++ extraNativeMessagingHosts
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ mapAliases ({
k9copy = throw "k9copy has been removed from nixpkgs, as there is no upstream activity"; # 2020-11-06
julia_07 = throw "julia_07 is deprecated in favor of julia_10 LTS"; # added 2020-09-15
julia_11 = throw "julia_11 is deprecated in favor of latest Julia version"; # added 2020-09-15
kdeconnect = kdeApplications.kdeconnect-kde; # added 2020-10-28
kdeconnect = plasma5Packages.kdeconnect-kde; # added 2020-10-28
kdiff3-qt5 = kdiff3; # added 2017-02-18
keepass-keefox = keepass-keepassrpc; # backwards compatibility alias, added 2018-02
keepassx-community = keepassxc; # added 2017-11
@ -808,8 +808,8 @@ mapAliases ({
between mixed versions of qt. See:
|||| */
inherit (kdeFrameworks) breeze-icons oxygen-icons5;
inherit (kdeApplications)
inherit (plasma5Packages) breeze-icons oxygen-icons5;
inherit (plasma5Packages)
akonadi akregator ark
bomber bovo
dolphin dragon
@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ mapAliases ({
inherit (plasma5)
inherit (plasma5Packages)
bluedevil breeze-gtk breeze-qt5 breeze-grub breeze-plymouth discover
kactivitymanagerd kde-cli-tools kde-gtk-config kdeplasma-addons kgamma5
kinfocenter kmenuedit kscreen kscreenlocker ksshaskpass ksysguard
@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ mapAliases ({
plasma-workspace-wallpapers polkit-kde-agent powerdevil sddm-kcm
systemsettings xdg-desktop-portal-kde
inherit (plasma5.thirdParty)
inherit (plasma5Packages.thirdParty)
@ -7594,7 +7594,7 @@ in
sonata = callPackage ../applications/audio/sonata { };
soundkonverter = kdeApplications.callPackage ../applications/audio/soundkonverter {};
soundkonverter = libsForQt5.soundkonverter;
sozu = callPackage ../servers/sozu { };
@ -11510,7 +11510,7 @@ in
# Does not actually depend on Qt 5
inherit (kdeFrameworks) extra-cmake-modules;
inherit (plasma5Packages) extra-cmake-modules;
coccinelle = callPackage ../development/tools/misc/coccinelle {
ocamlPackages = ocaml-ng.ocamlPackages_4_05;
@ -13920,16 +13920,6 @@ in
judy = callPackage ../development/libraries/judy { };
kdeFrameworks =
mkFrameworks = import ../development/libraries/kde-frameworks;
attrs = {
inherit libsForQt5;
inherit lib fetchurl;
recurseIntoAttrs (makeOverridable mkFrameworks attrs);
keybinder = callPackage ../development/libraries/keybinder {
automake = automake111x;
lua = lua5_1;
@ -15825,215 +15815,30 @@ in
inherit llvmPackages_5;
libsForQt512 = recurseIntoAttrs (lib.makeScope qt512.newScope mkLibsForQt5);
libsForQt512 = recurseIntoAttrs (import ./qt5-packages.nix {
inherit lib pkgs;
qt5 = qt512;
libsForQt514 = recurseIntoAttrs (lib.makeScope qt514.newScope mkLibsForQt5);
libsForQt514 = recurseIntoAttrs (import ./qt5-packages.nix {
inherit lib pkgs;
qt5 = qt514;
libsForQt515 = recurseIntoAttrs (lib.makeScope qt515.newScope mkLibsForQt5);
libsForQt515 = recurseIntoAttrs (import ./qt5-packages.nix {
inherit lib pkgs;
qt5 = qt515;
# TODO bump to 5.14 on darwin once it's not broken; see #95199
qt5 = if stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin then qt512 else qt515;
libsForQt5 = if stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin then libsForQt512 else libsForQt515;
# plasma5Packages maps to the Qt5 packages set that is used to build the plasma5 desktop
plasma5Packages = libsForQt515;
qt5ct = libsForQt5.callPackage ../tools/misc/qt5ct { };
mkLibsForQt5 = self: with self; {
inherit (kdeFrameworks.override { libsForQt5 = self; })
attica baloo bluez-qt kactivities kactivities-stats
karchive kauth kbookmarks kcmutils kcalendarcore kcodecs kcompletion kconfig
kconfigwidgets kcoreaddons kcrash kdav kdbusaddons kdeclarative kdelibs4support
kdesignerplugin kdnssd kemoticons kfilemetadata kglobalaccel kguiaddons
khtml ki18n kiconthemes kidletime kimageformats kio kitemmodels kitemviews
kjobwidgets kjs kjsembed kmediaplayer knewstuff knotifications
knotifyconfig kpackage kparts kpeople kplotting kpty kross krunner
kservice ktexteditor ktextwidgets kunitconversion kwallet kwayland
kwidgetsaddons kwindowsystem kxmlgui kxmlrpcclient modemmanager-qt
networkmanager-qt plasma-framework prison qqc2-desktop-style solid sonnet
syntax-highlighting syndication threadweaver kirigami2 kholidays kpurpose
kcontacts kquickcharts kdoctools kapidox kdesu kinit kded frameworkintegration
kdewebkit breeze-icons
inherit (plasma5.override { libsForQt5 = self; })
kdecoration khotkeys libkscreen libksysguard bluedevil
breeze-gtk breeze-qt5 breeze-grub breeze-plymouth discover kactivitymanagerd
kde-cli-tools kde-gtk-config kdeplasma-addons kgamma5 kinfocenter kmenuedit
kscreen kscreenlocker ksshaskpass ksysguard kwallet-pam kwayland-integration
kwin kwrited milou oxygen plasma-browser-integration plasma-desktop
plasma-integration plasma-nm plasma-pa plasma-thunderbolt plasma-vault plasma-workspace
plasma-workspace-wallpapers polkit-kde-agent powerdevil sddm-kcm
systemsettings xdg-desktop-portal-kde
inherit ((plasma5.override { libsForQt5 = self; }).thirdParty)
plasma-applet-caffeine-plus kwin-dynamic-workspaces kwin-tiling krohnkite
inherit (kdeApplications.override { libsForQt5 = self; })
libkdcraw libkexiv2 libkipi libkomparediff2 libksane libkcddb akonadi-contacts
akonadi-calendar akonadi-notes akonadi-search kaccounts-integration kidentitymanagement
kontactinterface kldap akonadi akregator ark bomber bovo dolphin dragon elisa ffmpegthumbs
filelight granatier gwenview k3b kaddressbook kalzium kapptemplate kapman kate katomic
kblackbox kblocks kbounce kcachegrind kcalc kcharselect kcolorchooser
kdenlive kdf kdialog kdiamond keditbookmarks kfind kfloppy kget kgpg khelpcenter
kig kigo killbots kitinerary kleopatra klettres klines kmag kmail kmines kmix kmplot
knavalbattle knetwalk knights kollision kolourpaint kompare konsole kontact korganizer
kpkpass krdc kreversi krfb kshisen ksquares ksystemlog kteatime ktimer ktouch kturtle
kwalletmanager kwave marble minuet okular picmi spectacle yakuake
accounts-qt = callPackage ../development/libraries/accounts-qt { };
alkimia = callPackage ../development/libraries/alkimia { };
appstream-qt = callPackage ../development/libraries/appstream/qt.nix { };
dxflib = callPackage ../development/libraries/dxflib {};
drumstick = callPackage ../development/libraries/drumstick { };
fcitx-qt5 = callPackage ../tools/inputmethods/fcitx/fcitx-qt5.nix { };
fcitx5-qt = callPackage ../tools/inputmethods/fcitx5/fcitx5-qt.nix { };
qgpgme = callPackage ../development/libraries/gpgme { };
grantlee = callPackage ../development/libraries/grantlee/5 { };
qtcurve = callPackage ../data/themes/qtcurve {};
herqq = callPackage ../development/libraries/herqq { };
kdb = callPackage ../development/libraries/kdb { };
kde2-decoration = callPackage ../data/themes/kde2 { };
kdiagram = callPackage ../development/libraries/kdiagram { };
kdsoap = callPackage ../development/libraries/kdsoap { };
kf5gpgmepp = callPackage ../development/libraries/kf5gpgmepp { };
kproperty = callPackage ../development/libraries/kproperty { };
kpeoplevcard = callPackage ../development/libraries/kpeoplevcard { };
kreport = callPackage ../development/libraries/kreport { };
kquickimageedit = callPackage ../development/libraries/kquickimageedit { };
ldutils = callPackage ../development/libraries/ldutils { };
libcommuni = callPackage ../development/libraries/libcommuni { };
libdbusmenu = callPackage ../development/libraries/libdbusmenu-qt/qt-5.5.nix { };
libkeyfinder = callPackage ../development/libraries/libkeyfinder { };
libktorrent = callPackage ../development/libraries/libktorrent { };
liblastfm = callPackage ../development/libraries/liblastfm { };
libopenshot = callPackage ../applications/video/openshot-qt/libopenshot.nix { };
packagekit-qt = callPackage ../tools/package-management/packagekit/qt.nix { };
libopenshot-audio = callPackage ../applications/video/openshot-qt/libopenshot-audio.nix {
inherit (darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks) AGL Cocoa Foundation;
libqglviewer = callPackage ../development/libraries/libqglviewer {
inherit (darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks) AGL;
libqtav = callPackage ../development/libraries/libqtav { };
kpmcore = callPackage ../development/libraries/kpmcore { };
mlt = callPackage ../development/libraries/mlt/qt-5.nix { };
openbr = callPackage ../development/libraries/openbr { };
phonon = callPackage ../development/libraries/phonon { };
phonon-backend-gstreamer = callPackage ../development/libraries/phonon/backends/gstreamer.nix { };
phonon-backend-vlc = callPackage ../development/libraries/phonon/backends/vlc.nix { };
plasma-wayland-protocols = callPackage ../development/libraries/plasma-wayland-protocols { };
polkit-qt = callPackage ../development/libraries/polkit-qt-1/qt-5.nix { };
poppler = callPackage ../development/libraries/poppler {
lcms = lcms2;
qt5Support = true;
suffix = "qt5";
poppler_0_61 = callPackage ../development/libraries/poppler/0.61.nix {
lcms = lcms2;
qt5Support = true;
suffix = "qt5";
pulseaudio-qt = callPackage ../development/libraries/pulseaudio-qt { };
qca-qt5 = callPackage ../development/libraries/qca-qt5 { };
qcsxcad = callPackage ../development/libraries/science/electronics/qcsxcad { };
qmltermwidget = callPackage ../development/libraries/qmltermwidget {
inherit (darwin.apple_sdk.libs) utmp;
qmlbox2d = callPackage ../development/libraries/qmlbox2d { };
qoauth = callPackage ../development/libraries/qoauth { };
qscintilla = callPackage ../development/libraries/qscintilla {
withQt5 = true;
qtutilities = callPackage ../development/libraries/qtutilities { };
qtinstaller = callPackage ../development/libraries/qtinstaller { };
qtkeychain = callPackage ../development/libraries/qtkeychain {
withQt5 = true;
qtpbfimageplugin = callPackage ../development/libraries/qtpbfimageplugin { };
qtstyleplugins = callPackage ../development/libraries/qtstyleplugins { };
qtstyleplugin-kvantum = callPackage ../development/libraries/qtstyleplugin-kvantum { };
quazip = callPackage ../development/libraries/quazip { };
qwt = callPackage ../development/libraries/qwt/6.nix { };
soqt = callPackage ../development/libraries/soqt { };
telepathy = callPackage ../development/libraries/telepathy/qt { };
qtwebkit-plugins = callPackage ../development/libraries/qtwebkit-plugins { };
# Not a library, but we do want it to be built for every qt version there
# is, to allow users to choose the right build if needed.
sddm = callPackage ../applications/display-managers/sddm { };
signond = callPackage ../development/libraries/signond {};
qtEnv = qt5.env;
qt5Full = qt5.full;
@ -19965,7 +19770,7 @@ in
fira-mono = callPackage ../data/fonts/fira-mono { };
flat-remix-icon-theme = callPackage ../data/icons/flat-remix-icon-theme {
inherit (kdeFrameworks) breeze-icons;
inherit (plasma5Packages) breeze-icons;
font-awesome_4 = (callPackage ../data/fonts/font-awesome-5 { }).v4;
@ -20130,7 +19935,7 @@ in
luculent = callPackage ../data/fonts/luculent { };
luna-icons = callPackage ../data/icons/luna-icons {
inherit (kdeFrameworks) breeze-icons;
inherit (plasma5Packages) breeze-icons;
maia-icon-theme = libsForQt5.callPackage ../data/icons/maia-icon-theme { };
@ -20265,11 +20070,11 @@ in
paper-icon-theme = callPackage ../data/icons/paper-icon-theme { };
papirus-icon-theme = callPackage ../data/icons/papirus-icon-theme {
inherit (kdeFrameworks) breeze-icons;
inherit (plasma5Packages) breeze-icons;
papirus-maia-icon-theme = callPackage ../data/icons/papirus-maia-icon-theme {
inherit (kdeFrameworks) breeze-icons;
inherit (plasma5Packages) breeze-icons;
papis = with python3Packages; toPythonApplication papis;
@ -20301,7 +20106,7 @@ in
pop-gtk-theme = callPackage ../data/themes/pop-gtk { };
pop-icon-theme = callPackage ../data/icons/pop-icon-theme {
inherit (kdeFrameworks) breeze-icons;
inherit (plasma5Packages) breeze-icons;
posix_man_pages = callPackage ../data/documentation/man-pages-posix { };
@ -20585,7 +20390,7 @@ in
yaru-theme = callPackage ../data/themes/yaru {};
zafiro-icons = callPackage ../data/icons/zafiro-icons {
inherit (kdeFrameworks) breeze-icons;
inherit (plasma5Packages) breeze-icons;
zeal = libsForQt514.callPackage ../data/documentation/zeal { };
@ -22640,16 +22445,6 @@ in
kapow = libsForQt5.callPackage ../applications/misc/kapow { };
kdeApplications =
mkApplications = import ../applications/kde;
attrs = {
inherit libsForQt5;
inherit lib fetchurl;
recurseIntoAttrs (makeOverridable mkApplications attrs);
okteta = libsForQt5.callPackage ../applications/editors/okteta { };
k4dirstat = libsForQt5.callPackage ../applications/misc/k4dirstat { };
@ -26958,22 +26753,6 @@ in
xrandr-invert-colors = callPackage ../applications/misc/xrandr-invert-colors { };
plasma5 =
mkPlasma5 = import ../desktops/plasma-5;
attrs = {
# ATTN: The Qt version used in the NixOS Plasma module must be updated
# whenever this changes!
inherit libsForQt5;
inherit lib fetchurl;
gconf = gnome2.GConf;
inherit gsettings-desktop-schemas;
recurseIntoAttrs (makeOverridable mkPlasma5 attrs);
avogadro = callPackage ../applications/science/chemistry/avogadro {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
# Qt libraries set.
# Attributes in this file are packages requiring Qt and will be made available
# for every Qt version. Qt applications are called from `all-packages.nix` via
# this file.
{ lib
, pkgs
, qt5
(lib.makeScope pkgs.newScope ( self:
libsForQt5 = self;
callPackage = self.callPackage;
kdeFrameworks = let
mkFrameworks = import ../development/libraries/kde-frameworks;
attrs = {
inherit libsForQt5;
inherit (pkgs) lib fetchurl;
in (lib.makeOverridable mkFrameworks attrs);
plasma5 = let
mkPlasma5 = import ../desktops/plasma-5;
attrs = {
inherit libsForQt5;
inherit (pkgs) lib fetchurl;
gconf = pkgs.gnome2.GConf;
inherit (pkgs) gsettings-desktop-schemas;
in (lib.makeOverridable mkPlasma5 attrs);
kdeApplications = let
mkApplications = import ../applications/kde;
attrs = {
inherit libsForQt5;
inherit (pkgs) lib fetchurl;
in (lib.makeOverridable mkApplications attrs);
in (kdeFrameworks // plasma5 // plasma5.thirdParty // kdeApplications // qt5 // {
inherit kdeFrameworks plasma5 kdeApplications qt5;
accounts-qt = callPackage ../development/libraries/accounts-qt { };
alkimia = callPackage ../development/libraries/alkimia { };
appstream-qt = callPackage ../development/libraries/appstream/qt.nix { };
dxflib = callPackage ../development/libraries/dxflib {};
drumstick = callPackage ../development/libraries/drumstick { };
fcitx-qt5 = callPackage ../tools/inputmethods/fcitx/fcitx-qt5.nix { };
qgpgme = callPackage ../development/libraries/gpgme { };
grantlee = callPackage ../development/libraries/grantlee/5 { };
qtcurve = callPackage ../data/themes/qtcurve {};
herqq = callPackage ../development/libraries/herqq { };
kdb = callPackage ../development/libraries/kdb { };
kde2-decoration = callPackage ../data/themes/kde2 { };
kdiagram = callPackage ../development/libraries/kdiagram { };
kdsoap = callPackage ../development/libraries/kdsoap { };
kf5gpgmepp = callPackage ../development/libraries/kf5gpgmepp { };
kproperty = callPackage ../development/libraries/kproperty { };
kpeoplevcard = callPackage ../development/libraries/kpeoplevcard { };
kreport = callPackage ../development/libraries/kreport { };
kquickimageedit = callPackage ../development/libraries/kquickimageedit { };
ldutils = callPackage ../development/libraries/ldutils { };
libcommuni = callPackage ../development/libraries/libcommuni { };
libdbusmenu = callPackage ../development/libraries/libdbusmenu-qt/qt-5.5.nix { };
libkeyfinder = callPackage ../development/libraries/libkeyfinder { };
libktorrent = callPackage ../development/libraries/libktorrent { };
liblastfm = callPackage ../development/libraries/liblastfm { };
libopenshot = callPackage ../applications/video/openshot-qt/libopenshot.nix { };
packagekit-qt = callPackage ../tools/package-management/packagekit/qt.nix { };
libopenshot-audio = callPackage ../applications/video/openshot-qt/libopenshot-audio.nix {
inherit (pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks) AGL Cocoa Foundation;
libqglviewer = callPackage ../development/libraries/libqglviewer {
inherit (pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks) AGL;
libqtav = callPackage ../development/libraries/libqtav { };
kpmcore = callPackage ../development/libraries/kpmcore { };
mlt = callPackage ../development/libraries/mlt/qt-5.nix { };
openbr = callPackage ../development/libraries/openbr { };
phonon = callPackage ../development/libraries/phonon { };
phonon-backend-gstreamer = callPackage ../development/libraries/phonon/backends/gstreamer.nix { };
phonon-backend-vlc = callPackage ../development/libraries/phonon/backends/vlc.nix { };
plasma-wayland-protocols = callPackage ../development/libraries/plasma-wayland-protocols { };
polkit-qt = callPackage ../development/libraries/polkit-qt-1/qt-5.nix { };
poppler = callPackage ../development/libraries/poppler {
lcms = pkgs.lcms2;
qt5Support = true;
suffix = "qt5";
poppler_0_61 = callPackage ../development/libraries/poppler/0.61.nix {
lcms = pkgs.lcms2;
qt5Support = true;
suffix = "qt5";
pulseaudio-qt = callPackage ../development/libraries/pulseaudio-qt { };
qca-qt5 = callPackage ../development/libraries/qca-qt5 { };
qcsxcad = callPackage ../development/libraries/science/electronics/qcsxcad { };
qmltermwidget = callPackage ../development/libraries/qmltermwidget {
inherit (pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.libs) utmp;
qmlbox2d = callPackage ../development/libraries/qmlbox2d { };
qoauth = callPackage ../development/libraries/qoauth { };
qscintilla = callPackage ../development/libraries/qscintilla {
withQt5 = true;
qtutilities = callPackage ../development/libraries/qtutilities { };
qtinstaller = callPackage ../development/libraries/qtinstaller { };
qtkeychain = callPackage ../development/libraries/qtkeychain {
withQt5 = true;
qtpbfimageplugin = callPackage ../development/libraries/qtpbfimageplugin { };
qtstyleplugins = callPackage ../development/libraries/qtstyleplugins { };
qtstyleplugin-kvantum = callPackage ../development/libraries/qtstyleplugin-kvantum { };
quazip = callPackage ../development/libraries/quazip { };
qwt = callPackage ../development/libraries/qwt/6.nix { };
soqt = callPackage ../development/libraries/soqt { };
telepathy = callPackage ../development/libraries/telepathy/qt { };
qtwebkit-plugins = callPackage ../development/libraries/qtwebkit-plugins { };
# Not a library, but we do want it to be built for every qt version there
# is, to allow users to choose the right build if needed.
sddm = callPackage ../applications/display-managers/sddm { };
signond = callPackage ../development/libraries/signond {};
soundkonverter = callPackage ../applications/audio/soundkonverter {};
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