Merge lib and lib_unstable. lift lib_unstabel in place in case I've broken something - can be deleted in some days
svn path=/nixpkgs/trunk/; revision=10166
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
inherit (builtins)
head tail isList stringLength substring lessThan sub;
head tail isList stringLength substring lessThan sub
listToAttrs attrNames hasAttr;
@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ rec {
else [(head list) separator]
++ (intersperse separator (tail list));
toList = x : if (__isList x) then x else [x];
concatStringsSep = separator: list:
concatStrings (intersperse separator list);
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@ rec {
# Return an attribute from nested attribute sets. For instance ["x"
# "y"] applied to some set e returns e.x.y, if it exists. The
# default value is returned otherwise.
# comment: there is also builtins.getAttr ? (is there a better name for this function?)
getAttr = attrPath: default: e:
let attr = head attrPath;
@ -115,6 +118,12 @@ rec {
else if pred (head list) then all pred (tail list)
else false;
# much shorter implementations using map and fold (are lazy as well)
# which ones are better?
# true if all/ at least one element(s) satisfy f
# all = f : l : fold logicalAND true (map f l);
# any = f : l : fold logicalOR false (map f l);
# Return true if each element of a list is equal, false otherwise.
eqLists = xs: ys:
@ -245,8 +254,6 @@ rec {
else condConcat
name (tail (tail list)) checker;
/* Options. */
mkOption = attrs: attrs // {_type = "option";};
@ -304,4 +311,277 @@ rec {
closePropagation = list: (uniqList {inputList = (innerClosePropagation [] list);});
# calls a function (f attr value ) for each record item. returns a list
mapRecordFlatten = f : r : map (attr: f attr (builtins.getAttr attr r) ) (attrNames r);
whenFlip = x : cond : if (cond) then x else "";
# to be used with listToAttrs (_a_ttribute _v_alue)
# TODO should be renamed to nv because niksnut has renamed the attribute attr to name
av = name : value : { inherit name value; };
# attribute set containing one attribute
avs = name : value : listToAttrs [ (av name value) ];
# adds / replaces an attribute of an attribute set
setAttr = set : name : v : set // (avs name v);
# iterates over a list of attributes collecting the attribute attr if it exists
catAttrs = attr : l : fold ( s : l : if (hasAttr attr s) then [(builtins.getAttr attr s)] ++ l else l) [] l;
mergeAttrs = fold ( x : y : x // y) {};
# Using f = a : b = b the result is similar to //
# merge attributes with custom function handling the case that the attribute
# exists in both sets
mergeAttrsWithFunc = f : set1 : set2 :
fold (n: set : if (__hasAttr n set)
then setAttr set n (f (__getAttr n set) (__getAttr n set2))
else set )
set1 (__attrNames set2);
# merging two attribute set concatenating the values of same attribute names
# eg { a = 7; } { a = [ 2 3 ]; } becomes { a = [ 7 2 3 ]; }
mergeAttrsConcatenateValues = mergeAttrsWithFunc ( a : b : (toList a) ++ (toList b) );
# returns atribute values as a list
flattenAttrs = set : map ( attr : builtins.getAttr attr set) (attrNames set);
mapIf = cond : f : fold ( x : l : if (cond x) then [(f x)] ++ l else l) [];
# Marc 2nd proposal: (not everything has been tested in detail yet..)
# usage / example
# flagConfig = {
# } // (enableDisableFeature "flagName" "configure_feature" extraAttrs;)
# is equal to
# flagConfig = {
# flagName = { cfgOption = "--enable-configure_feature"; } // extraAttrs;
# no_flagName = { cfgOption = "--disable-configure_feature"; };
enableDisableFeature = flagName : configure_feature : extraAttrs :
listToAttrs [ ( av flagName ({ cfgOption = "--enable-${configure_feature}"; } // extraAttrs ) )
( av "no_${flagName}" ({ cfgOption = "--disable-${configure_feature}"; } ) )];
# calls chooseOptionsByFlags2 with some preprocessing
# chooseOptionsByFlags2 returns an attribute set meant to be used to create new derivaitons.
# see mkDerivationByConfiguration in all-packages.nix and the examples given below.
# You can just copy paste them into all-packages.nix to test them..
chooseOptionsByFlags = { flagConfig, args, optionals ? [], defaults ? [],
collectExtraPhaseActions ? [] } :
let passedOptionals = filter ( x : hasAttr x args ) optionals; # these are in optionals and in args
# we simply merge in <optional_name> = { buildInputs = <arg.<optional_name>; pass = <arg.optional_name>; }
flagConfigWithOptionals = flagConfig // ( listToAttrs
(map ( o : av o ( { buildInputs = o; pass = avs o (builtins.getAttr o args); }
// getAttr [o] {} flagConfig )
passedOptionals ) );
in chooseOptionsByFlags2 flagConfigWithOptionals collectExtraPhaseActions args
( (getAttr ["flags"] defaults args) ++ passedOptionals);
chooseOptionsByFlags2 = flagConfig : collectExtraPhaseActions : args : flags :
# helper function
collectFlags = # state : flags :
fold ( flag : s : (
if (hasAttr flag s.result) then s # this state has already been visited
else if (! hasAttr flag flagConfig) then throw "unkown flag `${flag}' specified"
else let fDesc = (builtins.getAttr flag flagConfig);
implied = flatten ( getAttr ["implies"] [] fDesc );
blocked = flatten ( getAttr ["blocks"] [] fDesc );
# add this flag
s2 = s // { result = ( setAttr s.result flag (builtins.getAttr flag flagConfig) );
blockedFlagsBy = s.blockedFlagsBy
// listToAttrs (map (b: av b flag ) blocked); };
# add implied flags
in collectFlags s2 implied
# chosen contains flagConfig but only having those attributes elected by flags
# (or by implies attributes of elected attributes)
options = let stateOpts = collectFlags { blockedFlagsBy = {}; result = {}; }
(flags ++ ( if (hasAttr "mandatory" flagConfig) then ["mandatory"] else [] ));
# these options have not been chosen (neither by flags nor by implies)
unsetOptions = filter ( x : (! hasAttr x stateOpts.result) && (hasAttr ("no_"+x) flagConfig))
( attrNames flagConfig );
# no add the corresponding no_ attributes as well ..
state = collectFlags stateOpts (map ( x : "no_" + x ) unsetOptions);
in # check for blockings:
assert ( all id ( map ( b: if (hasAttr b state.result)
then throw "flag ${b} is blocked by flag ${__getAttr b state.blockedFlagsBy}"
else true )
(attrNames state.blockedFlagsBy) ) );
flatOptions = flattenAttrs options;
# helper functions :
collectAttrs = attr : catAttrs attr flatOptions;
optsConcatStrs = delimiter : attrs : concatStrings
( intersperse delimiter (flatten ( collectAttrs attrs ) ) );
ifStringGetArg = x : if (__isAttrs x) then x # ( TODO implement __isString ?)
else avs x (__getAttr x args);
in assert ( all id ( mapRecordFlatten ( attr : r : if ( all id ( flatten (getAttr ["assertion"] [] r ) ) )
then true else throw "assertion failed flag ${attr}" )
options) );
( rec {
#foldOptions = attr: f : start: fold f start (catAttrs attr flatOptions);
# compared to flags flagsSet does also contain the implied flags.. This makes it easy to write assertions. ( assert args.
inherit options flatOptions collectAttrs optsConcatStrs;
buildInputs = map ( attr: if (! hasAttr attr args) then throw "argument ${attr} is missing!" else (builtins.getAttr attr args) )
(flatten (catAttrs "buildInputs" flatOptions));
propagatedBuildInputs = map ( attr: if (! hasAttr attr args) then throw "argument ${attr} is missing!" else (builtins.getAttr attr args) )
(flatten (catAttrs "propagatedBuildInputs" flatOptions));
configureFlags = optsConcatStrs " " "cfgOption";
#flags = listToAttrs (map ( flag: av flag (hasAttr flag options) ) (attrNames flagConfig) );
flags_prefixed = listToAttrs (map ( flag: av ("flag_set_"+flag) (hasAttr flag options) ) (attrNames flagConfig) );
pass = mergeAttrs ( map ifStringGetArg ( flatten (collectAttrs "pass") ) );
} # now add additional phase actions (see examples)
// listToAttrs ( map ( x : av x (optsConcatStrs "\n" x) ) collectExtraPhaseActions ) );
TODO: Perhaps it's better to move this documentation / these tests into some extra packages ..
# ###########################################################################
# configuration tutorial .. examples and tests..
# Copy this into all-packages.nix and try
# The following derviations will all fail..
# But they will print the passed options so that you can get to know
# how these configurations ought to work.
# TODO: There is no nice way to pass an otpion yet.
# I could imagine something like
# flags = [ "flagA" "flagB" { flagC = 4; } ];
# They are named:
# simpleYes, simpleNo,
# defaultsimpleYes, defaultsimpleNo
# optionalssimpleYes, optionalssimpleNo
# bitingsimpleYes can only be ran with -iA blockingBiteMonster
# assertionsimpleNo
# of course you can use -iA and the attribute name as well to select these examples
# dummy build input
whoGetsTheFlagFirst = gnused;
whoGetsTheFlagLast = gnumake;
# simple example demonstrating containing one flag.
# features:
# * configure options are passed automatically
# * buildInputs are collected (they are special, see the setup script)
# * they can be passed by additional name as well using pass = { inherit (args) python }
# ( or short (value not attrs) : pass = "python" )
# * an attribute named the same way as the flag is added indicating
# true/ false (flag has been set/ not set)
# * extra phase dependend commands can be added
# Its easy to add your own stuff using co.collectAttrs or co.optsConcatStrs
# ( perhaps this name will change?)
simpleFlagYesNoF = namePrefix : extraFlagAttrs : mkDerivationByConfiguration ( {
flagConfig = {
flag = { name = namePrefix + "simpleYes";
cfgOption = [ "--Yes" "--you-dont-need-a-list" ];
buildInputs = [ "whoGetsTheFlagFirst" ];
pass = { inherit gnumake; };
extraConfigureCmd = "echo Hello, it worked! ";
blocks = "bitingMonster";
no_flag = { name = namePrefix + "simpleNo";
cfgOption = "--no";
implies = ["bitingMonster"];
bitingMonster = {
extraConfigureCmd = "echo Ill bite you";
gnutar = { cfgOption="--with-gnutar";
# buildInputs and pass will be added automatically if gnutar is added to optionals
# can be used to check configure options of dependencies
# eg testFlag = { assertion = [ arg.desktop.flag_set_wmii (! arg.desktop.flag_set_gnome) (! arg.desktops.flag_set_kde ]; }
assertionFlag = { assertion = false; }; # assert is nix language keyword
collectExtraPhaseActions = [ "extraConfigureCmd" ];
extraAttrs = co : {
name = ( __head (co.collectAttrs "name") );
unpackPhase = "
echo my name is
echo \$name
echo flag given \\(should be 1 or empty string\\) ?
echo \$flag_set_flag
echo my build inputs are
echo \$buildInputs
echo my configuration flags are
echo \$configureFlags
echo what about gnumake? Did it pass?
echo \$gnumake
echo configurePhase command is
echo $\configurePhase
echo gnutar passed? \\(optional test\\)
echo \$gnutar
echo dying now
echo die_Hopefully_Soon
configurePhase = co.extraConfigureCmd;
} // extraFlagAttrs );
simpleYes = simpleFlagYesNoF "" {} {
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
flags = ["flag"];
# note the "I'll bite you" because of the implies attribute
simpleNo = simpleFlagYesNoF "" {} {
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
flags = [];
# specifying defaults by adding a default attribute
yesAgainDefault = simpleFlagYesNoF "default" { defaults = [ "flag" ];} {
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
noAgainOverridingDefault = simpleFlagYesNoF "default" { defaults = [ "flag" ];} {
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
flags = [];
# requested by Michael Raskin: activate flag automatically if dependency is passed:
withGnutarOptional = simpleFlagYesNoF "optionals" { optionals = [ "gnutar" ];} {
flags = [ "flag" ]; # I only need to pass this to trigger name optionalssimpleYes
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
inherit gnutar;
withoutGnutarOptional = simpleFlagYesNoF "optionals" { optionals = [ "gnutar" ];} {
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
# blocking example, this shouldn't even start building:
blockingBiteMonster = simpleFlagYesNoF "biting" {} {
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
flags = [ "flag" "bitingMonster" ];
# assertion example this shouldn't even start building:
assertion = simpleFlagYesNoF "assertion" {} {
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
flags = [ "assertionFlag" ];
@ -124,7 +124,8 @@ rec {
lib = library;
library = import ../lib;
lib_unstable = import ../lib/default-unstable.nix;
# TODO remove
# lib_unstable = import ../lib/default-unstable.nix;
# Return an attribute from the Nixpkgs configuration file, or
# a default value if the attribute doesn't exist.
@ -204,7 +205,7 @@ rec {
args: with args.lib; with args;
if ( builtins.isAttrs extraAttrs ) then builtins.throw "the argument extraAttrs needs to be a function beeing passed co, but attribute set passed "
let co = lib_unstable.chooseOptionsByFlags { inherit args flagConfig optionals defaults collectExtraPhaseActions; }; in
let co = lib.chooseOptionsByFlags { inherit args flagConfig optionals defaults collectExtraPhaseActions; }; in
args.stdenv.mkDerivation (
inherit (co) configureFlags buildInputs /*flags*/;
@ -1007,10 +1008,9 @@ rec {
ghcsAndLibs =
assert builtins ? listToAttrs;
recurseIntoAttrs (import ../development/compilers/ghcs {
inherit ghcboot fetchurl recurseIntoAttrs perl gnum4 gmp readline;
inherit ghcboot fetchurl recurseIntoAttrs perl gnum4 gmp readline lib;
inherit ghcPkgUtil;
stdenv = stdenvUsingSetupNew2;
lib = lib_unstable;
# creates ghc-X-wl wich adds the passed libraries to the env var GHC_PACKAGE_PATH
@ -1268,8 +1268,7 @@ rec {
# compiling without xdebug is currenlty broken (should be easy to fix though
php_unstable = (import ../development/interpreters/php_configurable) {
inherit mkDerivationByConfiguration autoconf automake;
lib = lib_unstable;
inherit mkDerivationByConfiguration autoconf automake lib;
stdenv = stdenvUsingSetupNew2;
# optional features
inherit fetchurl flex bison apacheHttpd mysql; # gettext;
@ -1799,10 +1798,9 @@ rec {
fltk20 = (import ../development/libraries/fltk) {
inherit mkDerivationByConfiguration x11;
inherit mkDerivationByConfiguration x11 lib;
inherit fetchurl stdenv mesa mesaHeaders libpng libjpeg zlib ;
flags = [ "useNixLibs" "threads" "shared" "gl" ];
lib = lib_unstable;
fontconfig = import ../development/libraries/fontconfig {
@ -1826,8 +1824,7 @@ rec {
geos = import ../development/libraries/geos {
lib = lib_unstable;
inherit fetchurl fetchsvn stdenv mkDerivationByConfiguration autoconf automake libtool swig which;
inherit fetchurl fetchsvn stdenv mkDerivationByConfiguration autoconf automake libtool swig which lib;
use_svn = stdenv.system == "x86_64-linux";
python = python;
# optional features:
@ -2064,8 +2061,6 @@ rec {
} null;
libdv = import ../development/libraries/libdv {
lib = lib_unstable;
inherit fetchurl stdenv mkDerivationByConfiguration;
libdrm = import ../development/libraries/libdrm {
@ -2970,8 +2965,7 @@ rec {
squid = import ../servers/squid {
inherit fetchurl stdenv mkDerivationByConfiguration perl;
lib = lib_unstable;
inherit fetchurl stdenv mkDerivationByConfiguration perl lib;
tomcat5 = import ../servers/http/tomcat {
@ -3794,10 +3788,9 @@ rec {
openal = openalSoft;
blender = import ../applications/misc/blender {
inherit cmake mesa gettext freetype SDL libtiff fetchurl glibc scons x11
inherit cmake mesa gettext freetype SDL libtiff fetchurl glibc scons x11 lib
libjpeg libpng zlib /* smpeg sdl */;
inherit (xlibs) inputproto libXi;
lib = lib_unstable;
python = python_alts.v_2_5;
freealut = freealut_soft;
openal = openalSoft;
@ -4591,11 +4584,10 @@ rec {
vim_configurable = import ../applications/editors/vim/configurable.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ncurses pkgconfig mkDerivationByConfiguration;
inherit fetchurl stdenv ncurses pkgconfig mkDerivationByConfiguration lib;
inherit (xlibs) libX11 libXext libSM libXpm
libXt libXaw libXau libXmu;
inherit (gtkLibs) glib gtk;
lib = lib_unstable;
features = "huge"; # one of tiny, small, normal, big or huge
# optional features by passing
# python
@ -4744,11 +4736,10 @@ rec {
# doesn't compile yet - in case someone else want's to continue ..
qgis_svn = import ../applications/misc/qgis_svn {
lib = lib_unstable;
inherit mkDerivationByConfiguration fetchsvn flex
inherit mkDerivationByConfiguration fetchsvn flex lib
ncurses fetchurl perl cmake gdal geos proj x11
gsl libpng zlib
sqlite glibc fontconfig freetype;
sqlite glibc fontconfig freetype / * use libc from stdenv ? - to lazy now - Marc * /;
inherit (xlibs) libSM libXcursor libXinerama libXrandr libXrender;
inherit (xorg) libICE;
stdenv = stdenvUsingSetupNew2;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user