From 27065924cb05b9797dabec15dd5db179888e7824 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martin Weinelt <>
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2021 01:37:54 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Revert "gnome3: Package all the Gnome extensions"

 maintainers/maintainer-list.nix               |   6 -
 .../extensions/buildGnomeExtension.nix        |  42 --
 .../gnome-3/extensions/collisions.json        |  58 --
 pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/extensions/default.nix  | 131 -----
 .../gnome-3/extensions/extensions.json        | 512 ------------------
 .../gnome-3/extensions/   | 254 ---------
 pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix               |  47 +-
 7 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 1007 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/extensions/buildGnomeExtension.nix
 delete mode 100644 pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/extensions/collisions.json
 delete mode 100644 pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/extensions/default.nix
 delete mode 100644 pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/extensions/extensions.json
 delete mode 100755 pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/extensions/

diff --git a/maintainers/maintainer-list.nix b/maintainers/maintainer-list.nix
index b890c8aec0e6..3fe156ee6c9c 100644
--- a/maintainers/maintainer-list.nix
+++ b/maintainers/maintainer-list.nix
@@ -7485,12 +7485,6 @@
     githubId = 627831;
     name = "Hoang Xuan Phu";
-  piegames = {
-    name = "piegames";
-    email = "";
-    github = "piegamesde";
-    githubId = 14054505;
-  };
   pierrechevalier83 = {
     email = "";
     github = "pierrechevalier83";
diff --git a/pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/extensions/buildGnomeExtension.nix b/pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/extensions/buildGnomeExtension.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 1daa0f7edfc5..000000000000
--- a/pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/extensions/buildGnomeExtension.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-{ pkgs, lib, stdenv, fetchurl, unzip }:
-  buildGnomeExtension = {
-    # Every gnome extension has a UUID. It's the name of the extension folder once unpacked
-    # and can always be found in the metadata.json of every extension.
-      uuid
-    , name
-    , pname
-    , description
-    # extension URL
-    , link
-    , version
-    , sha256
-  }:
-  stdenv.mkDerivation {
-    inherit pname;
-    version = builtins.toString version;
-    src = fetchurl {
-      url = "${
-          builtins.replaceStrings [ "@" ] [ "" ] uuid
-        }.v${builtins.toString version}";
-      inherit sha256;
-    };
-    nativeBuildInputs = [ unzip ];
-    buildCommand = ''
-      mkdir -p $out/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
-      unzip $src -d $out/share/gnome-shell/extensions/${uuid}
-    '';
-    meta = {
-      description = builtins.head (lib.splitString "\n" description);
-      longDescription = description;
-      homepage = link;
-      license = lib.licenses.gpl2Plus; #
-      maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ piegames ];
-    };
-    # Store the extension's UUID, because we might need it at some places
-    passthru.extensionUuid = uuid;
-  };
-  lib.makeOverridable buildGnomeExtension
diff --git a/pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/extensions/collisions.json b/pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/extensions/collisions.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c9e696a0caa..000000000000
--- a/pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/extensions/collisions.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-  "36": {
-    "applications-menu": [
-      "",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "lock-keys": [
-      "",
-      "lockkeys@fawtytoo"
-    ],
-    "noannoyance": [
-      "",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "transparent-window": [
-      "",
-      "transparentwindows.mdirshad07"
-    ],
-    "floating-dock": [
-      "",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "remove-app-menu": [
-      "",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "wireguard-indicator": [
-      "",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "big-sur-status-area": [
-      "bigSur-StatusArea@korpsvart",
-      "BigSurStatusArea@korpsvart"
-    ]
-  },
-  "38": {
-    "applications-menu": [
-      "",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "workspace-indicator": [
-      "",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "lock-keys": [
-      "",
-      "lockkeys@fawtytoo"
-    ],
-    "transparent-window": [
-      "",
-      "transparentwindows.mdirshad07"
-    ],
-    "floating-dock": [
-      "",
-      ""
-    ]
-  }
diff --git a/pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/extensions/default.nix b/pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/extensions/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index ff6ed44f008f..000000000000
--- a/pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/extensions/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-{ lib
-, callPackage
-, config
-  buildShellExtension = callPackage ./buildGnomeExtension.nix { };
-  # Index of all scraped extensions (with supported versions)
-  extensionsIndex = lib.importJSON ./extensions.json;
-  # A list of UUIDs that have the same pname and we need to rename them
-  # - Every item from ./collisions.json (for the respective Shell version) should have an entry in here
-  # - Set the value to `null` for filtering (duplicate or unmaintained extensions)
-  # - Sort the entries in order of appearance (check the number in the URL to their page)
-  extensionRenames = {
-    "" = "applications-menu";
-    "" = "frippery-applications-menu";
-    "" = "workspace-indicator";
-    "" = "workspace-indicator-2";
-    "" = "lock-keys";
-    "lockkeys@fawtytoo" = "lock-keys-2";
-    # See
-    "" = "transparent-window";
-    "transparentwindows.mdirshad07" = null;
-    "" = "floating-dock";
-    "" = "floating-dock-2";
-  };
-  # Take all extensions from the index that match the gnome version, build them and put them into an attrset that is ready to go into nixpkgs
-  produceExtensions = shell-version:
-    lib.trivial.pipe extensionsIndex [
-      # Does a given extension match our current shell version?
-      (builtins.filter
-        (extension: (builtins.hasAttr shell-version extension."shell_version_map"))
-      )
-      # Take in an `extension` object from the JSON and transform it into the correct args to call `buildShellExtension`
-      (map
-        (extension: {
-          inherit (extension) uuid name description link pname;
-          inherit (extension.shell_version_map.${shell-version}) version sha256;
-        })
-      )
-      # Build them
-      (map buildShellExtension)
-    ];
-  # Map the list of extensions to an attrset based on the UUID as key
-  mapUuidNames = extensions:
-    lib.trivial.pipe extensions [
-      (map (extension: lib.nameValuePair extension.extensionUuid extension))
-      builtins.listToAttrs
-    ];
-  # Map the list of extensions to an attrset based on the pname as key, which is more human readable than the UUID
-  # We also take care of conflict renaming in here
-  mapReadableNames = extensions: lib.trivial.pipe extensions [
-    # Filter out all extensions that map to null
-    (lib.filter (extension:
-      !(
-        (builtins.hasAttr extension.extensionUuid extensionRenames)
-        && (isNull (builtins.getAttr extension.extensionUuid extensionRenames))
-      )
-    ))
-    # Map all extensions to their pname
-    (map (extension:
-      let
-        newName = if builtins.hasAttr extension.extensionUuid extensionRenames then
-          builtins.getAttr extension.extensionUuid extensionRenames
-        else
-          extension.pname;
-      in
-        lib.nameValuePair newName extension
-    ))
-    builtins.listToAttrs
-  ];
-in rec {
-  inherit buildShellExtension;
-  gnome36Extensions = mapUuidNames (produceExtensions "36");
-  gnome38Extensions = mapUuidNames (produceExtensions "38");
-  gnomeExtensions = lib.recurseIntoAttrs ( (mapReadableNames (produceExtensions "38")) // {
-    appindicator = callPackage ./appindicator { };
-    arcmenu = callPackage ./arcmenu { };
-    caffeine = callPackage ./caffeine { };
-    clipboard-indicator = callPackage ./clipboard-indicator { };
-    clock-override = callPackage ./clock-override { };
-    dash-to-dock = callPackage ./dash-to-dock { };
-    dash-to-panel = callPackage ./dash-to-panel { };
-    draw-on-your-screen = callPackage ./draw-on-your-screen { };
-    drop-down-terminal = callPackage ./drop-down-terminal { };
-    dynamic-panel-transparency = callPackage ./dynamic-panel-transparency { };
-    easyScreenCast = callPackage ./EasyScreenCast { };
-    emoji-selector = callPackage ./emoji-selector { };
-    freon = callPackage ./freon { };
-    fuzzy-app-search = callPackage ./fuzzy-app-search { };
-    gsconnect = callPackage ./gsconnect { };
-    icon-hider = callPackage ./icon-hider { };
-    impatience = callPackage ./impatience { };
-    material-shell = callPackage ./material-shell { };
-    mpris-indicator-button = callPackage ./mpris-indicator-button { };
-    night-theme-switcher = callPackage ./night-theme-switcher { };
-    no-title-bar = callPackage ./no-title-bar { };
-    noannoyance = callPackage ./noannoyance { };
-    paperwm = callPackage ./paperwm { };
-    pidgin-im-integration = callPackage ./pidgin-im-integration { };
-    remove-dropdown-arrows = callPackage ./remove-dropdown-arrows { };
-    sound-output-device-chooser = callPackage ./sound-output-device-chooser { };
-    system-monitor = callPackage ./system-monitor { };
-    taskwhisperer = callPackage ./taskwhisperer { };
-    tilingnome = callPackage ./tilingnome { };
-    timepp = callPackage ./timepp { };
-    topicons-plus = callPackage ./topicons-plus { };
-    unite = callPackage ./unite { };
-    window-corner-preview = callPackage ./window-corner-preview { };
-    window-is-ready-remover = callPackage ./window-is-ready-remover { };
-    workspace-matrix = callPackage ./workspace-matrix { };
-    nohotcorner = throw "gnomeExtensions.nohotcorner removed since 2019-10-09: Since 3.34, it is a part of GNOME Shell configurable through GNOME Tweaks.";
-    mediaplayer = throw "gnomeExtensions.mediaplayer deprecated since 2019-09-23: retired upstream";
-  } // lib.optionalAttrs (config.allowAliases or false) {
-    unite-shell = gnomeExtensions.unite; # added 2021-01-19
-    arc-menu = gnomeExtensions.arcmenu; # added 2021-02-14
-  });
diff --git a/pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/extensions/extensions.json b/pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/extensions/extensions.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d817404186cc..000000000000
--- a/pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/extensions/extensions.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,512 +0,0 @@
-[   {"uuid": "", "name": "Frippery Move Clock", "pname": "move-clock", "description": "Move clock to left of status menu button", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "22", "sha256": "0hd91sbf4px8719jfv1s652bxrrjjy60l4nrsmld9aw5n5vlixxa"}, "38": {"version": "22", "sha256": "0hd91sbf4px8719jfv1s652bxrrjjy60l4nrsmld9aw5n5vlixxa"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Frippery Bottom Panel", "pname": "bottom-panel", "description": "Add a bottom panel to the shell", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "47", "sha256": "1960qza44gdjiax8jzwkg7xi7qn4b69qzi6ld9pznmqqa09w3v99"}, "38": {"version": "49", "sha256": "1b4yrxhfkksi84cwn00z96n3zhvx7c0vyx04r9v0d3sr4dg8qn8y"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Frippery Panel Favorites", "pname": "panel-favorites", "description": "Add launchers for Favorites to the panel", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "38", "sha256": "0qdqj4z65mmhprbh66d9650qbh5mhl3n6lpk88ma6v8q3v0p9gbg"}, "38": {"version": "39", "sha256": "1zyzxarcmwryx1fqc4yjix3akj8bnsif3hi5zvggxsy0001jv6p2"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Applications Menu", "pname": "applications-menu", "description": "Add a category-based menu for applications.\nThis extension is part of Classic Mode and is officially supported by GNOME. Please do not report bugs using the form below, use GNOME's GitLab instance instead.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "44", "sha256": "0r2yq0dsbrghlhlmmxrrl7jqrkfigl5l25r2qgig3v6xd3gjxrh2"}, "38": {"version": "46", "sha256": "0rszg8lryfm818kl96qdh93f5lx5hg1l6ncw1k0brlg1qlspapx2"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Removable Drive Menu", "pname": "removable-drive-menu", "description": "A status menu for accessing and unmounting removable devices.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "43", "sha256": "14pzns9s0ivy41rrijmzlss05fq46wq5kirw0zg91gdrkmll2z3s"}, "38": {"version": "45", "sha256": "08ikarlzznznny28harwyhpj5b0ixbhlgigy12qswkrm535n1pw0"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Places Status Indicator", "pname": "places-status-indicator", "description": "Add a menu for quickly navigating places in the system.\nThis extension is part of Classic Mode and is officially supported by GNOME. Please do not report bugs using the form below, use GNOME's GitLab instance instead.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "46", "sha256": "0lrb9dfik5jz55yhsyqrfbmkcprwzcykqyihvxwmnamlnyr0zwg0"}, "38": {"version": "48", "sha256": "00z9gicnbdnr9kfwmhjkcmjamdppl65c43g4q89grnafinw5sqpz"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "windowNavigator", "pname": "windownavigator", "description": "Allow keyboard selection of windows and workspaces in overlay mode. <Ctrl>number selects a workspace, and <Alt>number selects a window.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "47", "sha256": "1ap6riy3ahfjzi470magg5a56wivdy6182q64v3ldiy80wx7r1w5"}, "38": {"version": "49", "sha256": "1rsc591jzar18dvfqrdmspmcsm9kzdjfq6j56m1qfysghhv91jyi"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Frippery Applications Menu", "pname": "applications-menu", "description": "Replace Activities button with an Applications menu", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "44", "sha256": "0gka7xg3nybwqqarkq2banzqq9gy861n7ixwa0z11gxlvwpgi136"}, "38": {"version": "45", "sha256": "0q107zmi39nizvd4lmj06xsa7f4640bapwbw4962rf7bdh1ppqlg"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Auto Move Windows", "pname": "auto-move-windows", "description": "Move applications to specific workspaces when they create windows.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "42", "sha256": "17pqg3jy7blxf114kg9qk8jsq0pjjbpijq9nws31g3kdhrwnjr90"}, "38": {"version": "44", "sha256": "1aijyxq52p28ixxyrw6jx7iy1fbh8b44i2xjairl6h3xagihfx82"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Native Window Placement", "pname": "native-window-placement", "description": "Arrange windows in overview in a more compact way.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "43", "sha256": "0wycznv1r4lki1mrqq1qs22yj792350ggg3ssg6dr5fa6cssln38"}, "38": {"version": "45", "sha256": "13m8fkvrwwv1znghajjcmqfp1w8xvxxdz7gpajif5fa58gc7clwp"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "User Themes", "pname": "user-themes", "description": "Load shell themes from user directory.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "40", "sha256": "036rn21rq781k9ivdg8bw2qk7csc5ib199lnr53nhhsi7dnbf1dx"}, "38": {"version": "42", "sha256": "0n1p3pgmc1r94hfi78ccaxpkkbc925qsa7yrmj8pk4krinwdiw8y"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Workspace Indicator", "pname": "workspace-indicator", "description": "Put an indicator on the panel signaling in which workspace you are, and give you the possibility of switching to another one.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "42", "sha256": "1mn90zql4ydvcw9nii02diiyf9zsfd5sfj9j4y0pw4k6jxmsqcca"}, "38": {"version": "45", "sha256": "0njqp2yyz93d7s9h0vcrk0xbzjxcswz7qvvrp239fa9f8czw06yn"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "gTile@vibou", "name": "gTile", "pname": "gtile", "description": "Tile windows on a grid.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "42", "sha256": "08xrdii729kp2g5c0k7vgjc5bknm16zvxd93dxhx3m5jsg92x7yg"}, "38": {"version": "42", "sha256": "08xrdii729kp2g5c0k7vgjc5bknm16zvxd93dxhx3m5jsg92x7yg"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Lock Keys", "pname": "lock-keys", "description": "Numlock & Capslock status on the panel", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "41", "sha256": "1yp9zn39gkp5hfy2wdnfrj90wlkzlhbi1hcinryixfimia4rclyp"}, "38": {"version": "41", "sha256": "1yp9zn39gkp5hfy2wdnfrj90wlkzlhbi1hcinryixfimia4rclyp"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Put Windows", "pname": "put-windows", "description": "Fully customizable replacement for the old compiz put plugin. \n * Move windows to left/right side, bottom/top, center or corner \n * Move window to other screen \n * Select focused window using the keyboard \n * Application based window placement \n\n Please check github if your gnome-shell version is not supported", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "32", "sha256": "0nlvmdyavkgpq0dq24kdqprpx27pi7zcdr52pxrzalb8lfz96k80"}, "38": {"version": "32", "sha256": "0nlvmdyavkgpq0dq24kdqprpx27pi7zcdr52pxrzalb8lfz96k80"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "gnome-shell-trash-extension", "name": "Trash", "pname": "trash", "description": "A Trash button for the GNOME shell panel", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "17", "sha256": "0bllj9almrq15fc9q0xzfk9xjxaxlcrv28amsqkvazq23fbxdry1"}, "38": {"version": "18", "sha256": "0v4g6maq0cpcjbl619ps991dqba1bmdy92nzw873pmha9zh6ns99"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Recent Items", "pname": "recent-items", "description": "Adds an icon for recently used items at the top panel; clear list by click; left click: open file, right click: open containing folder; Settings for: number of items, number of items under \"more\" and blacklisting options are defined at the top of extension.js (see for more infos).", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "18", "sha256": "1yik33075fqz62mbal08kp4s3cnbrx19zmp73zqn3v77wl8wb170"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Coverflow Alt-Tab", "pname": "coverflow-alt-tab", "description": "Replacement of Alt-Tab, iterates through windows in a cover-flow manner.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "44", "sha256": "0qrzbp91pr21aqs5930b19j4h78wxg48ka5w4r2s04hxiq8zf7gh"}, "38": {"version": "44", "sha256": "0qrzbp91pr21aqs5930b19j4h78wxg48ka5w4r2s04hxiq8zf7gh"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "system-monitor", "pname": "system-monitor", "description": "Display system informations in gnome shell status bar, such as memory usage, cpu usage, network rates\\u2026", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "39", "sha256": "0sqyrsasxpsi0aah5v1q57cn1pdfy1wycfh4n5rspmf3l7dlz4ic"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "touchpad-indicator@orangeshirt", "name": "Touchpad Indicator", "pname": "touchpad-indicator", "description": "Automatically disable other pointing devices when an external mouse is plugged in.\nOptionally, switch the touchpad, trackpoint, fingertouch, touchscreen or a pen device on and off easily from the top panel.\n\nDependencies: xinput, synclient (optional)\n\\n(Supports GNOME Shell 3.36 and below)", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "36", "sha256": "1xnsld9a8xq3bdpvj1r1iafjmmaphiv0qz551jmqywr1inckd1id"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "Fuzzy_Clock@dallagi", "name": "Fuzzy Clock", "pname": "fuzzy-clock", "description": "A human-readable clock for the gnome-shell panel", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "9", "sha256": "0qvarf60518ag1hl95r5dgsh4slk9kzfykaxndnmzg41zigi5s8y"}, "38": {"version": "9", "sha256": "0qvarf60518ag1hl95r5dgsh4slk9kzfykaxndnmzg41zigi5s8y"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Persian Calendar", "pname": "persian-calendar", "description": "Shows Persian date in the top panel.\n\nIt shows:\n1- Persian calendar\n2- It can show, today is a holiday or not!\n3- Show notification onDayChanged!\n4- Date converter between Persian, Gregorian and Lunar Hijri\n5- Events:\n5-1- Official solar events.\n5-2- Official lunar events.\n5-3- Official international events.\n5-4- Traditional Persian events.\n5-5- Persian personages.\n\nPlease \"rate\" here and \"star\" the project in GitHub.\nPlease open an issue in GitHub if you've found something or have an idea!", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "73", "sha256": "1r9blynbzhxm77pf2y4jiw54hq3yy9580lbbclws72jbfrb47yl0"}, "38": {"version": "73", "sha256": "1r9blynbzhxm77pf2y4jiw54hq3yy9580lbbclws72jbfrb47yl0"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Input Method Panel", "pname": "kimpanel", "description": "Input Method Panel using KDE's kimpanel protocol for Gnome-Shell", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "54", "sha256": "1c2pyyqh6lhw1wm99xd8qz6lijgjhn8l3pf5wfxs1529hnjvsimq"}, "38": {"version": "55", "sha256": "0fhrz32kn8an37zsz4slv1dpizdcy3q6yr8m8bsd2jhkm3saimb0"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "WindowOverlay Icons", "pname": "windowoverlay-icons", "description": "Add application icons to window overview", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "39", "sha256": "0b0kn9va7hlp459v18s3zsiy775y13shpc5xg151jpnhn7fsw8ql"}, "38": {"version": "37", "sha256": "18qn3xy0v3s99fq6jnfwlsnxcgcfj0ks38rlzlqwkqvamj3dq3df"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Dash to Dock", "pname": "dash-to-dock", "description": "A dock for the Gnome Shell. This extension moves the dash out of the overview transforming it in a dock for an easier launching of applications and a faster switching between windows and desktops. Side and bottom placement options are available.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "69", "sha256": "0ksxi01da2p89ac8nvd0gaxp4v92p8lcgs86c91vl8k5sl33d5d1"}, "38": {"version": "69", "sha256": "0ksxi01da2p89ac8nvd0gaxp4v92p8lcgs86c91vl8k5sl33d5d1"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Icon Hider", "pname": "icon-hider", "description": "Show/Hide icons from top panel", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "24", "sha256": "1y3m88vwwz7bdnj4aq8ryd048swa5xmdhz2rzln3549b2750h9x1"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Quick Close in Overview", "pname": "middle-click-to-close-in-overview", "description": "Close windows with a button click (the middle one by default) when in overview mode", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "17", "sha256": "1fmgkawavzsa6sylclcybrwf8cvp904i1y04jljzg96rn8cmqlkm"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Status Area Horizontal Spacing", "pname": "status-area-horizontal-spacing", "description": "Reduce the horizontal spacing between icons in the top-right status area", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "16", "sha256": "0f3hj8ksc7f5rvi2xrdw6s8g6882xwxgajbbs79r20hdbc3z4n3y"}, "38": {"version": "16", "sha256": "0f3hj8ksc7f5rvi2xrdw6s8g6882xwxgajbbs79r20hdbc3z4n3y"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "activities-config@nls1729", "name": "Activities Configurator", "pname": "activities-configurator", "description": "Configure the Activities Button and Top Panel. Select an icon. Change the text. Disable Hot Corner or set the Hot Corner Threshold. Set Panel Background color and transparency plus much more to enhance your desktop.  Click the icon or text with the secondary mouse button to launch the GS Extension Prefs.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "89", "sha256": "1mp35davjqin0k4jfxg2p6jdagjg1b1frwf8jmrx6s59j4nfmrs5"}, "38": {"version": "89", "sha256": "1mp35davjqin0k4jfxg2p6jdagjg1b1frwf8jmrx6s59j4nfmrs5"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "AppKeys", "pname": "dash-hotkeys", "description": "Adds Super+NUM hotkeys for activating application based on Dash. Like in Ubuntu, the Unity hotkeys.\nWorks with keypad and numbers.\n\nSo pressing Super+1 has the same affect as clicking on the first app in dash, Super+2 the same as clicking on the second, etc.\nTo start a new instance of the respective application use Shift+Super+NUM.\n\nUse configuration to disable any option you don't like.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "21", "sha256": "1nazigyf4098xpj5qpj7z4srmamvp0c8a6ccpci3vi440pp744r9"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Workspaces to Dock", "pname": "workspaces-to-dock", "description": "Transform Gnome Shell's overview workspaces into an intelligent dock.\n** THIS EXTENSION IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED/DEVELOPED **", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "53", "sha256": "0iflw2pzxc6d0dh6wm2d208jh576hdd9cvnd6ff4pm6rjcqd1yyl"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Caffeine", "pname": "caffeine", "description": "Disable the screensaver and auto suspend", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "37", "sha256": "0x18n74vcrihpgk9bqdc0zc3jha1paf5f9jw54l6rcg3lbahbyhq"}, "38": {"version": "37", "sha256": "0x18n74vcrihpgk9bqdc0zc3jha1paf5f9jw54l6rcg3lbahbyhq"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "BackSlide", "pname": "backslide", "description": "Automatic background-image (wallpaper) slideshow for Gnome Shell", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "17", "sha256": "0vfsy9il29d7gwgyhb59l1mvm8zyakx2xqn3jxmxi5gbmgb8jjb1"}, "38": {"version": "18", "sha256": "1c419w419v0cmcpxnamvadhsrf5n3q3778h8pcjqkzpicks8wbnl"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Hide Top Bar", "pname": "hide-top-bar", "description": "Hides the top bar, except in overview. However, there is an option to show the panel whenever the mouse pointer approaches the edge of the screen. And if \"intellihide\" is enabled, the panel only hides when a window takes the space.\n\n- Press backspace to remove keyboard shortcut.\n- Log off and on again when there is an error after upgrading.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "90", "sha256": "0k5xrckxyxlgpppzbs62frp3jmrh0w28p78qydsaq633nih0m6x1"}, "38": {"version": "90", "sha256": "0k5xrckxyxlgpppzbs62frp3jmrh0w28p78qydsaq633nih0m6x1"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Todo.txt", "pname": "todotxt", "description": "A Gnome shell interface for todo.txt. \n\nTodo.txt is a future-proof syntax for tasks (not made by me), for more info:\n\nSome examples:\nTask: Basic task\n(A) Task: High priority task\nTask @project +context: Task is part of project and has a certain context\nx 2013-08-22 Task: Task was completed on the 22nd of August\n\nFor more info about the syntax:\n\nQuick start:\nWhen you first enable the extension, chances are high you'll see a [X] in your top panel. If you click the [X], you will be able to choose between creating the necessary files automatically or selecting your own existing files to be used with the extension.\n\nPlease use the issue tracker on the homepage to report bugs and/or file feature requests, this makes tracking easier for me. Thanks!\n\nSee the included for info about changes between different versions, or see it online:", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "33", "sha256": "16dh49y7yvzyq0jq0s462sl499pkfy45274060g4dsz47i97xkdg"}, "38": {"version": "33", "sha256": "16dh49y7yvzyq0jq0s462sl499pkfy45274060g4dsz47i97xkdg"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Text Translator", "pname": "text-translator", "description": "** Needs the package translate-shell **\nTranslation of the text by different translators (currently Google.Translate, Yandex.Translate).\nShortcuts:\nSuper+T - open translator dialog.\nSuper+Shift+T - open translator dialog and translate text from clipboard.\nSuper+Alt+T - open translator dialog and translate from primary selection.\nCtrl+Enter+ - Translate text.\nCtrl+Shift+C - copy translated text to clipboard.\nCtrl+S - swap languages.\nCtrl+D - reset languages to default\nTab+ - toggle transliteration of result text.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "35", "sha256": "1nab5zq6jkf19sd6kmna816m1dvz4snrqid61204wwsj9k6r01vn"}, "38": {"version": "36", "sha256": "1jdlwwmpmfjwyzxxhh2frfsw1sb2avxzljny1i2a05bv741z1acq"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Autohide Battery", "pname": "autohide-battery", "description": "Hide battery icon in top panel, if battery is fully charged and AC is connected", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "17", "sha256": "1m499findjw53rzms9rg1r12dy3n9m4s4wraiann4aancb5n2xjm"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Launch new instance", "pname": "launch-new-instance", "description": "Always launch a new instance when clicking in the dash or the application view.\nThis extension is part of Classic Mode and is officially supported by GNOME. Please do not report bugs using the form below, use GNOME's GitLab instance instead.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "27", "sha256": "157a3zfhq90v9zk4kqlzqph3w5bnn7wcqdji03qvi500l0815aci"}, "38": {"version": "29", "sha256": "0m300vqg9mcmjgkisi1dcw81p64w5d624arg3hzgkk5x1nwrdcsf"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Window List", "pname": "window-list", "description": "Display a window list at the bottom of the screen.\nThis extension is part of Classic Mode and is officially supported by GNOME. Please do not report bugs using the form below, use GNOME's GitLab instance instead.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "31", "sha256": "1zc305bmnyr7aay43qhsz92g27w6jm25rp3kn37vcbyd07318szn"}, "38": {"version": "34", "sha256": "0bvl66dlii6001fvk2w2232vl4nvvjh9mh0yxvjhkaw7jiq1c9fh"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "TeaTime", "pname": "teatime", "description": "A tea steeping timer\nCurrently in passive maintainance.\nGit repository:", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "29", "sha256": "1yx27qhzpgyfriwyvpyxid4ywpcsdr7lnl99a533b8h6lgy56641"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "MultiClock", "pname": "multiclock", "description": "A clock for showing a second timezone in the panel.\n\nDefault timezones are for Los Angeles, Adelaide, Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland.\n\nYou can choose \"Other\" and type in any timezone known to your system (e.g. \"America/Chicago\").", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1aclpklxnbgp3y6jkp55bzxbdln1ki34y754awnxs5vwz56fc3j2"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "KStatusNotifierItem | AppIndicator Support", "pname": "appindicator-support", "description": "Adds KStatusNotifierItem support to the Shell", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "35", "sha256": "00pi5crxsxripa206035hgs9nc32rjbhcld44vsfs0482iimywvh"}, "38": {"version": "35", "sha256": "00pi5crxsxripa206035hgs9nc32rjbhcld44vsfs0482iimywvh"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Bitcoin Markets", "pname": "bitcoin-markets", "description": "Display info on various crypto-currency exchanges.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "55", "sha256": "0rqil9ypvbg11h4jv7vcwp0cw6r53bbv8qcl1n3j4f5bdqbdi1vl"}, "38": {"version": "55", "sha256": "0rqil9ypvbg11h4jv7vcwp0cw6r53bbv8qcl1n3j4f5bdqbdi1vl"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "ShellTile", "pname": "shelltile", "description": "A tiling window extension for GNOME Shell. Just move a window to the edges of the screen to create a tiling, otherwise move a window over another one, holding down the Control key. Grouped windows minimize, resize, raise and change workspace together. Move or maximize a window to remove it from the group.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "65", "sha256": "1snrndk3brczxzd49il52r1mzdidjh90q4blghxjp9ivq7c74w1g"}, "38": {"version": "65", "sha256": "1snrndk3brczxzd49il52r1mzdidjh90q4blghxjp9ivq7c74w1g"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "lunarcal@ailin.nemui", "name": "Lunar Calendar \\u519c\\u5386", "pname": "lunar-calendar", "description": "Display Chinese Lunar Calendar in panel\n\n\\u26a0\\u26a0\\u26a0 dependency: typelib-1_0-LunarDate-2_0 / gir1.2-lunar-date-2.0", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "25", "sha256": "0506mx29wszn2s2iscgb70m7qgkf8isjj68x85l1x42393zw6jsm"}, "38": {"version": "25", "sha256": "0506mx29wszn2s2iscgb70m7qgkf8isjj68x85l1x42393zw6jsm"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Top Panel Workspace Scroll", "pname": "top-panel-workspace-scroll", "description": "Change workspaces by scrolling over the top panel", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "22", "sha256": "0s12hjs1bb0nzqqpa8yzw3z91ljak5hshpm42lg243d11q5crjqa"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Panel OSD", "pname": "panel-osd", "description": "Configuring where on the (main) screen notifications will appear, instead of just above the message tray", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "39", "sha256": "183il9yswl0maspk4k97sdswxy5bi23crd8my3xc80xmh9m9kq9p"}, "38": {"version": "39", "sha256": "183il9yswl0maspk4k97sdswxy5bi23crd8my3xc80xmh9m9kq9p"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Pixel Saver", "pname": "pixel-saver", "description": "Pixel Saver is designed to save pixel by fusing activity bar and title bar in a natural way", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "23", "sha256": "132915lzlxn0amv08m7frpvm9vilh2zg202r4hdj432gi3432ngc"}, "38": {"version": "23", "sha256": "132915lzlxn0amv08m7frpvm9vilh2zg202r4hdj432gi3432ngc"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Break Reminder", "pname": "break-reminder", "description": "Get a reminder to take a break", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "13h6d3yvvp9prdsfqn49w33p1ric52hiwiv84fq8m3kvbazpwb2j"}, "38": {"version": "6", "sha256": "0yfh9wmw69kfmqnlwgv9hxxhxd5fkk7871qrxq0d9q0i6x00v2c6"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Hide Activities Button", "pname": "hide-activities-button", "description": "Hides the Activities button from the status bar (the hot corner and keyboard shortcut keeps working). To disable top left hot corner use 'No Topleft Hot Corner' extension \\u2014 .", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "10", "sha256": "0yp8hbj8qc5czj2jzxypf02i5xz8zxafhb61psnj9p19fzmwc2sz"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "OpenWeather", "pname": "openweather", "description": "Weather extension to display weather information from or for almost all locations in the world.\nFor, you can either use the extensions default-key or register at and set the appropriate switch in the preferences dialog to \"off\".\nFor Dark Sky you have to register at and get a personal API-key.\n\nSince version 29 this extensions uses coordinates to store the locations and makes the names editable to support multiple weather-providers!\nIf you update from versions prior to 29 to 29 or greater (with - support) you have to recreate your locations.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "105", "sha256": "1na3v0mhvi8qqhcb4zqpcr60zrh1xwy2a624lvg12jx8frsl5fhm"}, "38": {"version": "105", "sha256": "1na3v0mhvi8qqhcb4zqpcr60zrh1xwy2a624lvg12jx8frsl5fhm"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "audio-output-switcher@anduchs", "name": "Audio Output Switcher", "pname": "audio-output-switcher", "description": "Adds a switch for choosing audio output to the system menu.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "14", "sha256": "0h1s0ksf1jqywvnnqkrp2qh04mkmr1xbf3wcv6gdjb9jbnvjgzjs"}, "38": {"version": "14", "sha256": "0h1s0ksf1jqywvnnqkrp2qh04mkmr1xbf3wcv6gdjb9jbnvjgzjs"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "hibernate-status@dromi", "name": "Hibernate Status Button", "pname": "hibernate-status-button", "description": "Adds a Hibernate button in Status menu. Using Alt modifier, you can also select Hybrid Sleep instead.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "20", "sha256": "1xi6gr5n8jk0373zmqn6b67sawkh7qkqckrd9q6k03c6g6ppk6b9"}, "38": {"version": "25", "sha256": "108ljljscsks3lkjd2pb75f3zdsvha2ckdsrwszlwwkjfavgmjdh"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Minimize All", "pname": "minimize-all", "description": "Minimize all windows in current workspace", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "16", "sha256": "1miydy1jzzgg7068b9lanwpri46n13485vlhhwgmc8b98w3bp8yl"}, "38": {"version": "18", "sha256": "07b7dwj43zwmqf85bnhgg0hdhyg4ra1xqygvv6z9fdq359vkvkrc"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "fq@megh", "name": "Force Quit", "pname": "force-quit", "description": "Adds a force quit button which launches xkill.\nOn accidental click, right click to undo or click on the panel.\nCustomize position by tweaking line 48 of extension.js", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "15", "sha256": "18rh8immvjgjiabchxabkb17nbpiqzjddkhqgq6vxc6d6fypx2bg"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Clipboard Indicator", "pname": "clipboard-indicator", "description": "Clipboard Manager extension for Gnome-Shell - Adds a clipboard indicator to the top panel, and caches clipboard history.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "34", "sha256": "04wzr2nimr6qh7rq8szvrslsxf4hrdamc98h23nwrs20zrr7lb94"}, "38": {"version": "37", "sha256": "17k1zhf8sazqiqdgps0sjbc3c1xw1aah28xbys3y2jafbbfyzc2m"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "pidgin@muffinmad", "name": "Pidgin IM integration", "pname": "pidgin-im-integration", "description": "Integrate Pidgin IMs in the Gnome Shell message tray", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "36", "sha256": "1dk6rrfwxqz70a0kyaf9wpf2kjhb9hbm2ip8v9jqanbqqpcca4sr"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "ShutdownTimer@neumann", "name": "ShutdownTimer", "pname": "shutdowntimer", "description": "Shutdown the device after a specific time.\n\nMaximum timer value und slider position can be modified in the settings.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "27", "sha256": "04fk9rplvaspd0ns51czp9847zpm4lpgw2y393ri3z2gs98zkvx0"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Hide Dash X", "pname": "hide-dash", "description": "Hide the dash from the activities overview.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "10", "sha256": "1hf9nrkqp1rn5rz48xi70jj6d4pgzfls10asnczfrbxrl0vhr16h"}, "38": {"version": "10", "sha256": "1hf9nrkqp1rn5rz48xi70jj6d4pgzfls10asnczfrbxrl0vhr16h"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Time Tracker", "pname": "time-tracker", "description": "Helps track time", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "19", "sha256": "12i1w5lxv72cmprnsbk2lcs38vjl1aksv4r15cv53ny0qq43986w"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Password Calculator", "pname": "password-calculator", "description": "This extension calculates strong passwords for each alias from your single secret. No need to remember dozens of passwords any longer. No need for a password manager any longer. Full freedom in choosing aliases and secret, e.g. alias: \"\", secret: \"saFe\\u26bfin\\u6f22\\u5b57\". Recent aliases are kept in a easily accessible drop-down. You may choose between HMAC_SHA1 and SHA1. The formula is as simple as \"[secret][alias]\" \\u2192 SHA1 \\u2192 BASE64 ", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "20", "sha256": "02mpq982b3fnd5ga7cr4ar42sgdqhwkmbrmda9s0pr8cv2cs5ymd"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Switch Focus Type", "pname": "switch-focus-type", "description": "Toggle between focus-follow-mouse and click-to-focus mode", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "0j55jdldhhmws435dqm28g89f5xxmkap83pq68z7k26zw6hsix9r"}, "38": {"version": "5", "sha256": "09lbqz344cgvmacg1gpfkiqmg6q21cizaw1fd113cwfl588zrlbk"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Internet Radio", "pname": "internet-radio", "description": "Listen to an Internet Radio Stream", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "14", "sha256": "16r0j0ync11cy0dmi361gzfwaxqchr38qs1ydrakil744qk3gi8b"}, "38": {"version": "14", "sha256": "16r0j0ync11cy0dmi361gzfwaxqchr38qs1ydrakil744qk3gi8b"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Freon", "pname": "freon", "description": "Shows CPU temperature, disk temperature, video card temperature (NVIDIA/Catalyst/Bumblebee&NVIDIA), voltage and fan RPM (forked from xtranophilist/gnome-shell-extension-sensors)", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "40", "sha256": "1vh0l10wrx4sspnbrh5c7jspf1qbhdj1cr8g60m6y7xn6q5b9yv8"}, "38": {"version": "43", "sha256": "154kw68prr3dk4qfyxz0jqfxcqz8g61r58slcgj2ppqrgrmh6r4h"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Volume Mixer", "pname": "volume-mixer", "description": "Applet allowing separate configuration of PulseAudio mixers.\n\nShell Volume Mixer is an extension for GNOME Shell allowing separate configuration of PulseAudio devices and output switches. It features a profile switcher to quickly switch between pinned profiles and devices.\n\nMiddle mouse click on a slider mutes the selected stream.\n\nPlease file bugs and feature requests on the GitHub page.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "36", "sha256": "15m5jyhmpyvvbcv96qydnm63zbjpl2rr3f4ddvf9vpjkgjg51k2z"}, "38": {"version": "39", "sha256": "1l8m331dasnsdvnbk8hiiigxnym73d21jb78qarz6w08p462b7x3"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "OverviewAllWindows@amiller27", "name": "Overview All Windows", "pname": "overview-all-windows", "description": "Shows windows from all workspaces in the overview.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "12", "sha256": "1h9syg5w8jp3wdf96j2jg8l18h5sn2nkzzfs0xvjkh1h3c0l28fm"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Screenshot Window Sizer", "pname": "screenshot-window-sizer", "description": "Resize windows for GNOME Software screenshots", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "20", "sha256": "1rwbilw8q4f3r10raz5jrmvwhn6nck9x3lhbvmln85ampvmy7n8k"}, "38": {"version": "22", "sha256": "0hd2dwaazjhi1zjj05bhsvn9p02kdizwbnpgjcj4rcm726grbxlf"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Mailnag", "pname": "mailnag", "description": "Mail indicator (GMail, IMAP, POP) for GNOME 3.\n\nPlease note that this extension requires the mailnag daemon.\nInstall it from your distros package repositories or get it here:\n\n\nPlease also note that this version of the extension does not support avatars (as shown in the screenshot).\nIf you like to have avatar support install this extension from your distros package repositories or get a package from here:\n\n\nIMPORTANT:\nI do not get notifications for user comments. Please always report bugs here:\n", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "18", "sha256": "0a9wc9jrh64jqv83hpj1aqxhx287qmqhk0s19b3n06dz1jlgd46r"}, "38": {"version": "20", "sha256": "0wjq8642h265xhn4s5bgmdv4sla4nwxv00bgjgin3lglhk4krkkb"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "MMOD Panel", "pname": "mmod-panel", "description": "Upgrades the Topbar in Gnome3, creating a customizable panel and providing options for fine-tuning your Desktop Experience.\n\nFeatures include:\n\\u25b8 Set comfort levels to provide theme support and fine-tune the overall look and feel of the panel.\n\\u25b8 Set the location/position of the panel (bottom by default).\n\\u25b8 Add a button to the panel in place of the activities link, using an icon of your preference.\n\\u25b8 Auto-hide the panel when not active/in-focus (makes use of pressure/gesture for showing the panel).\n\\u25b8 Display and manage your favorites/running apps directly on the panel.\n\\u25b8 Move the date menu to the aggregate/tray area.\n\\u25b8 Access and manage your extension preferences directly from the aggregate menu.\n\\u25b8 Customize behavior of the overview and panel(hot-corners/animations/effects) to suit your preferences.\n\\u25b8 More to come soon!\n\nThis project is loosely based on the Panel Settings extension:\n\n\nSadly, Panel Settings has not seen any maintenance in years, though this is why I decided to create MMOD Panel.\n\nI also took inspiration from the following Gnome extensions: System-Monitor, Taskbar, and DashToDock.\n\nFor those of you who are wondering, the theme used in the screen shot is the Zukitwo-Dark-Shell Shell Theme; \neverything else is default Gnome on Debian Buster. However, the author of the aforementioned shell theme has \nchanged the name for various reasons to Ciliora-Prima-Shell - which can be found here:\n\n\n\nVersion 10 (1.2.1-10) for Gnome-Shell: 3.10, 3.12, 3.12.2, 3.14, 3.14.4, 3.16, 3.16.2, 3.18, 3.20, 3.22, 3.24, 3.26, 3.26.2, 3.28, 3.30, 3.32, 3.34, 3.35, 3.35.91, 3.36, 3.36.3, 3.36.4, 3.36.6, 3.38, 3.38.2\nRik <>\n\nGerman Translation(s) for MMOD-Panel courtesy of Jonius Zeidler <>\n\nSource Repository:\n", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "10", "sha256": "19jx7kcs05ag7ywac78lh8wh745h47gfjd8f3aw0a6b3x1cqk90i"}, "38": {"version": "10", "sha256": "19jx7kcs05ag7ywac78lh8wh745h47gfjd8f3aw0a6b3x1cqk90i"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Disconnect Wifi", "pname": "disconnect-wifi", "description": "Adds a Disconnect option for Wifi in status menu, when a network is connected. Shows a Reconnect option, after network is disconnected.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "26", "sha256": "1llvx00n2fg31m870wjihmvx0h221874fdsglx9l6i0rshybixp3"}, "38": {"version": "26", "sha256": "1llvx00n2fg31m870wjihmvx0h221874fdsglx9l6i0rshybixp3"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Refresh Wifi Connections", "pname": "refresh-wifi-connections", "description": "This extension adds a refresh button to the Wi-Fi connection selection dialog to manually request for a network scan.\n\nNOTE: In GNOME Shell 3.32 and above, the available network list is automatically updated every 15 seconds, so most people probably don't need this extension anymore.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "13", "sha256": "1q7da4hn5lr5vk9p1i15v9ygbgm9q7apcpy2877hj3s14j6xnbrd"}, "38": {"version": "14", "sha256": "15xjl7w79w2p36m5mymkdqx6m3p5d5a1sp909gvb44ylpv9c2w1n"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Sound Input & Output Device Chooser", "pname": "sound-output-device-chooser", "description": "Shows a list of sound output and input devices (similar to gnome sound settings) in the status menu below the volume slider. Various active ports like HDMI , Speakers etc. of the same device are also displayed for selection. V20+ needs python as dependency. If you want to continue with the old method without Python, use options to switch off New Port identification. But it works with only English", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "34", "sha256": "1mxflvn6sv5ldkqazr8lsw62vy185079wxar9wgb57mj862klvjd"}, "38": {"version": "34", "sha256": "1mxflvn6sv5ldkqazr8lsw62vy185079wxar9wgb57mj862klvjd"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "files-menu", "name": "Files Menu", "pname": "files-menu", "description": "Quickly navigate your file system and open files through a menu.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "14", "sha256": "03zf337qh6x02rd04wbp7bha9ypwyw959y6n06nb2bxqpgrf5j96"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "multi-monitors-add-on@spin83", "name": "Multi Monitors Add-On", "pname": "multi-monitors-add-on", "description": "Add multiple monitors overview and panel for gnome-shell.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "21", "sha256": "0sw5mwcig4qf66if4iwg4m76m9rp9lggpsq0vvxwbrf8s5naagbr"}, "38": {"version": "23", "sha256": "16js47hbn450jaz3q8za0hrfv3xz2mwmm0p2rlkzzbxxlsa6l35g"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Ping Indicator", "pname": "ping-indicator", "description": "Display ping time", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "24", "sha256": "034gjpxi5nld80pkwclyjdyw5hplbzd478z6czql4m3zfzdhhg9f"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Transcode App Search", "pname": "transcodeappsearch", "description": "Searching apps both direct and transcoded name (English, Russian, Ukrainian langs)", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1il9n52a6z1mnqgkqrb4gzmapnac7ia3mg4gmd4k8rjdigzygril"}, "38": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1il9n52a6z1mnqgkqrb4gzmapnac7ia3mg4gmd4k8rjdigzygril"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "synaptic-button@fthx", "name": "Synaptic Button", "pname": "synaptic-button", "description": "Button that directly starts Synaptic package manager.\n\n For snap management without Snap Store, consider Snap Manager extension.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "10f4s2p5lfl87vbkl0xg3c2fgp93w48gkrp1n8qqpf7yfv0fx53b"}, "38": {"version": "4", "sha256": "10f4s2p5lfl87vbkl0xg3c2fgp93w48gkrp1n8qqpf7yfv0fx53b"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "CPU Power Manager", "pname": "cpu-power-manager", "description": "Manage Intel_pstate CPU Frequency scaling driver", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "23", "sha256": "1zffjkc31rjav0zm90wgr5a6l885aygjxh55z8b4qzl3c058xxks"}, "38": {"version": "23", "sha256": "1zffjkc31rjav0zm90wgr5a6l885aygjxh55z8b4qzl3c058xxks"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "world_clock_lite@ailin.nemui", "name": "Panel World Clock (Lite)", "pname": "panel-world-clock-lite", "description": "A world clock for the panel\n\n\\u26a0\\u26a0\\u26a0 dependency: gnome-clocks", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "11", "sha256": "1mp8qmhfi2hd0na6czsjbhzj92wgvl2588nfgrpyvyfdl76bwgrx"}, "38": {"version": "11", "sha256": "1mp8qmhfi2hd0na6czsjbhzj92wgvl2588nfgrpyvyfdl76bwgrx"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Dim On Battery Power", "pname": "dim-on-battery-power", "description": "Automatically dims the screen when the machine is running on battery power.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "23", "sha256": "0yyacdw4l7nz395207nl9cwz2s0msn9nk8zb6clvprk55yzdyps4"}, "38": {"version": "23", "sha256": "0yyacdw4l7nz395207nl9cwz2s0msn9nk8zb6clvprk55yzdyps4"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "bottompanel@tmoer93", "name": "BottomPanel", "pname": "bottompanel", "description": "Moves the GNOME panel to the bottom of the screen\n\nSource here:", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "11", "sha256": "0ibxw1nsx0s99lxmhsd84h5lb6v4vnllzc3a4wyid6fqsdsml016"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "dejadup-backup@fthx", "name": "D\\xe9j\\xe0 Dup Backup Button", "pname": "deja-dup-backup-button", "description": "Button that directly starts D\\xe9j\\xe0 Dup backup, following D\\xe9j\\xe0 Dup backup settings.\n\n It simply runs 'deja-dup --backup' and shows D\\xe9j\\xe0 Dup window during backup.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "0mylssbk0n62gypq7rkc45vg7mqqd5dq7280vsi9jvvk7f5mjxn8"}, "38": {"version": "6", "sha256": "0mylssbk0n62gypq7rkc45vg7mqqd5dq7280vsi9jvvk7f5mjxn8"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "donotdisturb-button@nls1729", "name": "Do Not Disturb Button", "pname": "do-not-disturb-button", "description": "Indicate busy status to block display of notifications and mute sounds. User options are provided to automatically set busy status at session start and schedule timeout of busy status.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "39", "sha256": "1dxx2i7n2ilr5hyadd6pmm8ci9kl23xpyrr5i1zks3jfma6z1k9g"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Switcher", "pname": "switcher", "description": "Switch windows or launch applications quickly by typing\n\nUse the configured global hotkey (Super+w by default) to open a list of current windows. Type a part of the name or title of the application window you want to activate and hit enter or click on the item you wish to activate. You can use the arrow keys to navigate among the filtered selection and type several space separated search terms to filter further. Use Esc or click anywhere outside the switcher to cancel.\n\nUse the configured global hotkey (Super+x by default) to open the application launcher. Type a part of the name of the application you want to launch and hit enter. You can use Ctrl+Space or Ctrl+Tab to switch between the switcher and the launcher, or when there are no open windows matching a name but there are apps the mode is switched automatically.\n\nYou can customize the look and feel and functionality in the preferences.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "30", "sha256": "1q4gppva0ksxckk18cydwpmwvk8xhv5851dl7inw26ivx73vn6zn"}, "38": {"version": "32", "sha256": "16qmpy59g7093n2m11l2w9x6i6c2xd1cq6935m1phlzk749ni07x"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "keyboard_modifiers_status@sneetsher", "name": "Keyboard Modifiers Status", "pname": "keyboard-modifiers-status", "description": "Shows the keyboard modifiers status. It's much useful when accessibility feature - sticky keys is active.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1bld5ha09rggrpkvkv3snfpxl90r4gqd7cz8dslb979qv9bxwjmi"}, "38": {"version": "10", "sha256": "0nkzmlxc1xh2izhrpg24fsa1ilpbfk7sf3mcraw0br2y3836s53x"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Harddisk LED", "pname": "harddisk-led", "description": "Show harddisk activity (IO speed read/write and LED). Click to change led size", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "24", "sha256": "1jz4r39kvzq9zp7w2810nh1vxgn4chlac62gshfc0zhmscc0lsmn"}, "38": {"version": "24", "sha256": "1jz4r39kvzq9zp7w2810nh1vxgn4chlac62gshfc0zhmscc0lsmn"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Syncthing Icon", "pname": "syncthing-icon", "description": "Display Syncthing Icon in Top Bar", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "28", "sha256": "010xc7kd22sx9dg2dqmngmk6pj7i4g1wm0iiz6dwg7j052ixnc07"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Window Search Provider", "pname": "window-search-provider", "description": "Provide active windows as search results in overview", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0766xdj8pp89phy3ppidnyvvv0vzypd9v6vcgwrgqiqylby7yvww"}, "38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0766xdj8pp89phy3ppidnyvvv0vzypd9v6vcgwrgqiqylby7yvww"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Window Is Ready - Notification Remover", "pname": "window-is-ready-notification-remover", "description": "Removes window is ready Notification.\nJust that! Doesn't bring that window into focus.\n\nNOTE: Updating extension to v10 can generate an error, but it's updated successfully! Just logout/login and the error goes away.\nInvestigation is underway to understand why it is happening...", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "10", "sha256": "0n7rg30hbzlsipfrv80rzbid9qmp0aawckh02mvl5cacd17v82nm"}, "38": {"version": "10", "sha256": "0n7rg30hbzlsipfrv80rzbid9qmp0aawckh02mvl5cacd17v82nm"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "arch-update@RaphaelRochet", "name": "Arch Linux Updates Indicator", "pname": "archlinux-updates-indicator", "description": "Update indicator for Arch Linux and GNOME Shell.\n** Note : you now need to install the package pacman-contrib to use the checkupdates script. **\n  Can support AUR or other distros by changing command used to check for and apply updates.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "39", "sha256": "1amimvfvlm0jmd2y3ywgrc81gz9cn76qmq5l65m1h13mbyk5hq14"}, "38": {"version": "39", "sha256": "1amimvfvlm0jmd2y3ywgrc81gz9cn76qmq5l65m1h13mbyk5hq14"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Dynamic Panel Transparency", "pname": "dynamic-panel-transparency", "description": "Miss dynamic panel transparency in 3.32 and up? Try the original dynamic panel with much more customization! This extension will fade your top panel to nothingness when there are no maximized windows present! Never again will the panel be abruptly darkened.\n\nMay be incompatible with some extensions that make extensive changes to the panel.\n\nIf your theme isn't working correctly with this extension enable 'Remove Excessive Panel Styling' in the Background section of preferences. This particularly impacts the default *Ubuntu* theme!", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "34", "sha256": "0r02hwygznlc4vr8n28nbnq43dyiiqlw194zjswxwapv4h50jy3j"}, "38": {"version": "34", "sha256": "0r02hwygznlc4vr8n28nbnq43dyiiqlw194zjswxwapv4h50jy3j"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Icinga checker", "pname": "icinga-checker", "description": "Icinga/Nagios checker", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "9", "sha256": "0f4vdbd930044mnvkg94sh8gp2lrq6swk9bd56hjxnj1d71zln8l"}, "38": {"version": "9", "sha256": "0f4vdbd930044mnvkg94sh8gp2lrq6swk9bd56hjxnj1d71zln8l"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "TopIcons Plus", "pname": "topicons", "description": "This extension moves legacy tray icons (bottom left of Gnome Shell) to the top panel. It is a fork from the original extension from ag  with settings for icon opacity, saturation, padding, size and tray position, along with a few minor fixes and integration with the Skype integration extension.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "27", "sha256": "1najz80hmpmgwm256kj68y2639jblz0s4k1zaysgyih3lrx1chrr"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "TaskWhisperer", "pname": "taskwhisperer", "description": "Taskwhisperer is a extension for TaskWarrior Application It is to display upcoming tasks and task details as well as to create and modify them.\n", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "17", "sha256": "1gck55z63c0hwy1928rwhxk02g9vmg2xl0j7vgb90l57j6m1hs5l"}, "38": {"version": "17", "sha256": "1gck55z63c0hwy1928rwhxk02g9vmg2xl0j7vgb90l57j6m1hs5l"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Random Wallpaper", "pname": "random-wallpaper", "description": "Fetches a random wallpaper from various online sources and sets it as desktop background. \nThe desktop background can be updated periodically or manually.\n\nFeatures:\n- Many different online sources with filters\n- History of previous images\n- Set lock screen image\n- Automatic renewal", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "21", "sha256": "1hcdibd3g4ybc4vzan37y490snkrnwh8hw238qfhgjn9h5xffqld"}, "38": {"version": "21", "sha256": "1hcdibd3g4ybc4vzan37y490snkrnwh8hw238qfhgjn9h5xffqld"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "invert-window@maiself", "name": "Invert Window Color", "pname": "invert-window-color", "description": "Inverts the color of individual windows\nDefault shortcut is Super+I", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1lsw3p17r5693ssihy0405nj89rzfiapn103ickl1ags5486xixp"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Haguichi Indicator", "pname": "haguichi-indicator", "description": "Lets you control Haguichi directly from the system status area in GNOME Shell.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "13", "sha256": "0vshi9kyana2wdbpjxjg5lvfpwprbskzlm710c6p0w8nmbi0ds4p"}, "38": {"version": "13", "sha256": "0vshi9kyana2wdbpjxjg5lvfpwprbskzlm710c6p0w8nmbi0ds4p"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Gnome-Prefs Button", "pname": "gnome-prefs-button", "description": "A button to easily access Gnome Shell Extension Preferences interface.\n ", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "1hyr6szxj9vx58ac1sz479i5nar2p9xqr1d9xf6vrbxma1agvaz3"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Gnome-Shutdown Button", "pname": "gnome-shutdown-button", "description": "Add a power off button to easily turn off your computer.\nThis button replaces the power off icon in the system area of the Gnome panel.\nYou no longer need to open the system menu to turn off your computer.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "0x55a6v8cfjfhn09lx90zzzshivhg6ar7jx1k4ibb2yywgpypry1"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "On Screen Keyboard Button", "pname": "on-screen-keyboard-button", "description": "Shows or hides the OSK via top bar button. It works with X, not with wayland. Wayland has it's own technique: swipe the keyboard up from the bottom display edge.\n\nSource code:", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "1lyaipdcb8zci9bw43h01jjnx7ssl6j3dfyzd0pc64si23s6ai26"}, "38": {"version": "5", "sha256": "1lyaipdcb8zci9bw43h01jjnx7ssl6j3dfyzd0pc64si23s6ai26"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "System Monitor", "pname": "system-monitor", "description": "Display resource usage.\n\nLinux distribution specific installation instructions can be found in the wiki at\n\nPlease report bugs here:", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "19", "sha256": "15qc6xlxj1agh24pk05v59wfaj7jh7rn7cb44zl6b3dc6fmdck1a"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Syncthing Indicator", "pname": "syncthing-indicator", "description": "Shell indicator for starting, monitoring and controlling the Syncthing daemon using SystemD", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "16", "sha256": "0pfvzcwmbbf0vaqs8ppfvadbp49k1wh102lfprcn1rv6w4725b87"}, "38": {"version": "16", "sha256": "0pfvzcwmbbf0vaqs8ppfvadbp49k1wh102lfprcn1rv6w4725b87"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "applications-overview-tooltip@RaphaelRochet", "name": "Applications Overview Tooltip", "pname": "applications-overview-tooltip", "description": "Shows a tooltip over applications icons on applications overview with complete application name and description.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "9", "sha256": "13qg8pyh9bh0sbhb0635l8kln3284s1wxywshggh8d09hva48chw"}, "38": {"version": "10", "sha256": "0114b723c7q6klhn4a3hz4df50yrvxlys9xif7dl3fb5lcfd62i4"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "simplenetspeed@biji.extension", "name": "Simple net speed", "pname": "simple-net-speed", "description": "Simply showing network speed. Left click to change modes:\n\n1. Total net speed in bits per second\n2. Total net speed in Bytes per second\n3. Up & down speed in bits per second\n4. Up & down speed in Bytes per second\n5. Total of downloaded in Bytes (Right click to reset counter)\n\nMiddle click to change font size", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "20", "sha256": "0vj8rg121xvaaxiiadsy6gpn673zj0vk80xfqipmzin2idr81kpc"}, "38": {"version": "20", "sha256": "0vj8rg121xvaaxiiadsy6gpn673zj0vk80xfqipmzin2idr81kpc"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Go To Last Workspace", "pname": "go-to-last-workspace", "description": "Quickly toggle between two workspaces with one key", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "0pk7rfligxh674n05911abch510q5ia5a4ydznbh5865cb1ym1aj"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Scroll Panel", "pname": "scroll-panel", "description": "Switch workspaces by scrolling on topbar, switch windows by scrolling on application name in topbar. Extension has per-device sensitivity and behaviuor settings (device distinguishing works only in for now).", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "11", "sha256": "0z73z7pi7jpzydpb890alnp8n38f4l33ildcfxwv17nmvjq0i2y2"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Keep awake!", "pname": "keep-awake", "description": "Keep your computer awake! Forbid your computer to activate sceensaver, turn off the screen or suspend when it is idle for a while. Click the indicator icon (in the taskbar) once to keep your computer awake for the session. Click again to enable persistance of this setting between restarts (indicated by a small lock icon on the indicator). Switch off by clicking again.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "06153c6m0fi031d2yq5rqibjqg6xxmwdh2z5a7ckv4ilwawdx549"}, "38": {"version": "6", "sha256": "06153c6m0fi031d2yq5rqibjqg6xxmwdh2z5a7ckv4ilwawdx549"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Screenshot Tool", "pname": "screenshot-tool", "description": "Conveniently create, copy, store and upload screenshots", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "56", "sha256": "0f81yxignjlrr3g0vq0y39wzdc8bp3fc0hbg41j25yd9wvwzxqdd"}, "38": {"version": "56", "sha256": "0f81yxignjlrr3g0vq0y39wzdc8bp3fc0hbg41j25yd9wvwzxqdd"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Nothing to say", "pname": "nothing-to-say", "description": "Unmute the microphone only when you have something to say.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "8", "sha256": "0d2h92q9ca50kdvj1c2vdqyhx9r5gcsq0fy8yx9crm8ngkr4s1gv"}, "38": {"version": "8", "sha256": "0d2h92q9ca50kdvj1c2vdqyhx9r5gcsq0fy8yx9crm8ngkr4s1gv"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "ibus font setting", "pname": "ibus-font-setting", "description": "use ibus font setting of ibus setup dialog to enhance the user experience", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "9", "sha256": "1vq1hffrzp371gnzl8jwh1xf694kg9k9w0w5vg9mdh244cfjr29q"}, "38": {"version": "9", "sha256": "1vq1hffrzp371gnzl8jwh1xf694kg9k9w0w5vg9mdh244cfjr29q"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Github Notifications", "pname": "github-notifications", "description": "Integrate github's notifications within the gnome desktop environment\nSource code is available here:", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "17", "sha256": "1hs1x51amcln9571gc6kkv19nqs5y1lp03sysshwx114p26zb6j3"}, "38": {"version": "17", "sha256": "1hs1x51amcln9571gc6kkv19nqs5y1lp03sysshwx114p26zb6j3"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Desk Changer", "pname": "desk-changer", "description": "Simple wallpaper changer with multiple profile support. Supports integration into the system menu or its own panel icon. The daemon is written in Python and runs independently of the extension.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "19", "sha256": "0p8srcsfkqxlf0bpnws0l2f3kj7k59wmk5kphs63w43miss18zl6"}, "38": {"version": "19", "sha256": "0p8srcsfkqxlf0bpnws0l2f3kj7k59wmk5kphs63w43miss18zl6"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Rearrange Activities", "pname": "rearrange-activities", "description": "Rearrange activities (windows) in the overview by highlighting the windows with tab and hitting the shift-left-arrow and shift-right-arrow keys.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1mgjik914mp2kn3wh9jciy0x21ba3ga89dbzy0im7r0kgzycpjm1"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "extension-reloader@nls1729", "name": "Gnome Shell Extension Reloader", "pname": "gnome-shell-extension-reloader", "description": "This extension is intended for extension writers.  The extension has been changed so any installed extension can be reloaded.  The extension's panel button indicates when the current session is Wayland.  When an extension is reloaded the current session must be restarted to load the changes into memory (unless the extension changes from the ERROR state to the ENABLED state).  If the current session is an Xorg session the Alt F2 r sequence can be used to perform the restart.  If the extension is in the DISABLED state it is enabled before the reload.  Please see the extension website for additonal details.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "12", "sha256": "1p9z36m27dancapbyiaf519yyvl21zhlyhx4gfyjpcr78w7ij29z"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Apt Update Indicator", "pname": "apt-update-indicator", "description": "Update indicator for Apt based distributions.\n\nCheck for updates from an indicator\n\nIt shows also the following package status (as in Synaptic):\n\\u26ab Available updates\n\\u26ab New packages in repository\n\\u26ab Local/Obsolete packages\n\\u26ab Residual config files\n\\u26ab Autoremovable packages", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "22", "sha256": "0fa83fb42xps4j70di4klb19qafd9v5l933j9sy1mfvfqll6ncbh"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Shortcuts", "pname": "shortcuts", "description": "This shows a pop-up of useful keyboard shortcuts when Super + S is pressed", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "1mwn3llqbrf9yw968nrvgf3a4lkyh78w474wvshdghr8dv7lhhsa"}, "38": {"version": "6", "sha256": "1mwn3llqbrf9yw968nrvgf3a4lkyh78w474wvshdghr8dv7lhhsa"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Sensory Perception", "pname": "sensory-perception", "description": "Shows CPU temperature, disk temperature, video card temperature, voltage and fan RPM (forked from xtranophilist/gnome-shell-extension-sensors)", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "13", "sha256": "1rq1qhwwzhw0hff2ip3by3v47hx8mfqhaypybc0jiwkgk7cks0f1"}, "38": {"version": "13", "sha256": "1rq1qhwwzhw0hff2ip3by3v47hx8mfqhaypybc0jiwkgk7cks0f1"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Activity App Launcher", "pname": "activity-app-launcher", "description": "Integrates a category-based application launcher in the activities window. IMPORTANT: it needs the 'gnome-menus' and 'libgnome-menu-3-dev'; they must be installed in the system before installing this extension.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "20", "sha256": "0sj45dpkfmv0yarkz0f9hc32r0bgg45zbzm641hnyv8wrv2wqms0"}, "38": {"version": "23", "sha256": "1h7fvgh9pfin80vm7n8dnbv9alw76hchfw4imdbn70cg2j82y2d7"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Dash to Panel", "pname": "dash-to-panel", "description": "An icon taskbar for the Gnome Shell. This extension moves the dash into the gnome main panel so that the application launchers and system tray are combined into a single panel, similar to that found in KDE Plasma and Windows 7+. A separate dock is no longer needed for easy access to running and favorited applications.\n\nFor a more traditional experience, you may also want to use Tweak Tool to enable Windows > Titlebar Buttons > Minimize & Maximize.\n\nFor the best support, please report any issues on Github. Dash-to-panel is developed and maintained by @jderose9 and @charlesg99.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "40", "sha256": "02avlzv34mlhz6ix81fiq9ps48lpb2l7fb5zsrdqwmbgpy0lahmb"}, "38": {"version": "40", "sha256": "02avlzv34mlhz6ix81fiq9ps48lpb2l7fb5zsrdqwmbgpy0lahmb"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Emoji Selector", "pname": "emoji-selector", "description": "This extension provides a parametrable popup menu displaying most emojis, clicking on an emoji copies it to the clipboard. An appropriate font like 'Twitter Color Emoji' or 'JoyPixels Color' should be installed on your system for a better visual result.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "20", "sha256": "0zs7zgxy33bpkkb1pb6gfy68qxhnl7prvdk2bxdhv9h0gphm0dwl"}, "38": {"version": "20", "sha256": "0zs7zgxy33bpkkb1pb6gfy68qxhnl7prvdk2bxdhv9h0gphm0dwl"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "calculator-button@amivaleo", "name": "Calculator Button", "pname": "calculator-button", "description": "A button to easily open gnome-calculator.\n Credits to\n\nv10:\n1 - added support for gnome 3.38\n2 - added support for flatpak version of gnome-calculator", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "10", "sha256": "0vwqxwbc2wbpg6big149kh049wcxxjacs47wyx7fs1fhb20811d5"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Screenshot Locations", "pname": "screenshot-locations", "description": "Change the default GNOME screenshot directory", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1q13nrbny5xldbwcnm8zcjqlc8isf32gvpr8lcaxbmz1ac99i24v"}, "38": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1q13nrbny5xldbwcnm8zcjqlc8isf32gvpr8lcaxbmz1ac99i24v"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "UTCClock", "pname": "utcclock", "description": "UTC clock for the top bar", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "14", "sha256": "17gv52zilp97xwpiqgwpvvw6w2wx6h2kb4p61bwsbrimq3v2vj1w"}, "38": {"version": "14", "sha256": "17gv52zilp97xwpiqgwpvvw6w2wx6h2kb4p61bwsbrimq3v2vj1w"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "show-desktop-button@amivaleo", "name": "Show Desktop Button", "pname": "show-desktop-button", "description": "Minimize/unminimize all open windows with a single click.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "17", "sha256": "18f5d1y7riss42gzb3zm98ixl043ndj7yzgmar6jgsxqm5xyvsqr"}, "38": {"version": "17", "sha256": "18f5d1y7riss42gzb3zm98ixl043ndj7yzgmar6jgsxqm5xyvsqr"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "NASA APOD Wallpaper Changer", "pname": "nasa-apod", "description": "Change your wallpaper daily to the NASA's astronomy picture of the day", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "21", "sha256": "14vy2c1m8rgj4nsxc3f6w600qsjgblcyiyyhji3c6g5qmms0fr9g"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "System Menu", "pname": "system-menu", "description": "System menu with usefull shortcuts", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "1j2pa11snpd13jwv1za9cc6djszc06zwn0kpzy1d98nvd9dqsj9b"}, "38": {"version": "5", "sha256": "1j2pa11snpd13jwv1za9cc6djszc06zwn0kpzy1d98nvd9dqsj9b"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "VSCode Search Provider", "pname": "vscode-search-provider", "description": "Provide recent VSCode projects as search results in overview", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "17", "sha256": "0yj53506z45c10wjxpg3dyjbf5gln9jbds6lp06jwr5dccff3ixq"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Right Click Down", "pname": "right-click-down", "description": "Moves windows one workspace down by right-clicking them in the overview.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "3", "sha256": "1i76jcfxhiba4m0hq3is9nmhkmmlrk2y7l5d7b89wfnw5p342q19"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Printers", "pname": "printers", "description": "Manage Jobs and Printers", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "12", "sha256": "1ls616g9r6w1lpk6chvxr027jw9r5z36gip9gwpwv8fvpxvvykws"}, "38": {"version": "12", "sha256": "1ls616g9r6w1lpk6chvxr027jw9r5z36gip9gwpwv8fvpxvvykws"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Arc Menu", "pname": "arc-menu", "description": "## UNMAINTAINED ## (Old Version)\n\nUpdated message (28/02/2021)\n\n(New (Version) and EGO home and maintainer)\n*\n\nNew (version) Compatible Gnome versions = 3.36+ (Newer) \n\n(Old project location and maintainer)\n*\n*\n\nOld (version) Compatible Gnome versions = 3.14 - 3.36", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "49", "sha256": "1mavnvs2in05gk8v3lnm2afljwapk1m19wydb7b0zvk2wwiqg0nn"}, "38": {"version": "49", "sha256": "1mavnvs2in05gk8v3lnm2afljwapk1m19wydb7b0zvk2wwiqg0nn"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Gnome Email Notifications", "pname": "gmail-message-tray", "description": "Shows Gmail and Outlook notifications in Gnome Message Tray using Gnome Online Accounts\n", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "20", "sha256": "0cnkfyz9lr8rvwma4dpwkqkak9718fjgamazx9rgfqgnk4nsf7bd"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Switch Workspace", "pname": "switch-workspace", "description": "Switch workspace like using ALT+TAB key to switch windows \n\n Default shortcut key to switch workspace is Ctrl+Above_Tab .", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "28", "sha256": "1zymx6wm3dmzd9bmaw8zjvlg6ys50p2zw3w44gv6jxms7ydb4sy3"}, "38": {"version": "29", "sha256": "0ylv22rx71s8jid3j5q2n7yhbslqh0ml1bbay2rp8nwy44k4rg2x"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "NoAnnoyance", "pname": "noannoyance", "description": "Disables the \\u201cWindow Is Ready\\u201d notification and changes the policy of the window manager so that new windows are always focused.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "1id0vhcjg8paz3w2c5krk6288zh963nc5k4fjznw1br1cpn9wh48"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "SomaFM internet radio", "pname": "somafm-internet-radio", "description": "Listen to SomaFm free internet radio using Gnome\n\n* Featues:\n- 32 Channels\n- Volume slider\n- Favorites menu\n- Good sound quality\n- Supports most gnome-shell versions\n- Channel logos\n\n* Requirements:\n- Gstreamer and plugins:\nYou need to install 'gstreamer' and multimedia codecs/plugins for your distro.\n\n* Donation\nYou can donate if you like my work :)\n\nBTC: 1KXJPJSmXUocieC3neRZEDakpzfcyumLqS\nBCH : qzzmzegfy76r5glpj26jzq2xly2cczsmfyrn66ax8q\nETHER: 0xb6178080c8f0792e6370959909199647e26b8457", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "27", "sha256": "078zv572vka88lglxm5ixnwxinla8fsgfv778j0vwkxkv57fyjqp"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "timepp@zagortenay333", "name": "Time ++", "pname": "time", "description": "A todo.txt manager, time tracker, timer, stopwatch, pomodoro, and alarm clock", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "155", "sha256": "07znqq9sjdzf5i9656ddjzxh39g64zlcylsyf8wr1f70b5sagm29"}, "38": {"version": "155", "sha256": "07znqq9sjdzf5i9656ddjzxh39g64zlcylsyf8wr1f70b5sagm29"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Blyr", "pname": "blyr", "description": "Apply a Blur Effect to GNOME Shell UI elements.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "8", "sha256": "0nf6qklv6ajn6y6hm36n6dkszawcbh7jkljrz0s9x6nhvk255n3h"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Extended Gestures", "pname": "extended-gestures", "description": "Adds more touchpad gestures into gnome-shell", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "1a04a8p4cv4szyfq2j2bpgxycafnc8blzz65nxp44g4m72kb10zm"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Bing Wallpaper", "pname": "bing-wallpaper-changer", "description": "Lightweight GNOME shell extension to set your wallpaper once per day to today's Microsoft Bing image of the day (the image you see when you visit\n\n *Disclaimer*: this extension is unofficial and not affiliated with Bing or Microsoft in any way. Images are protected by copyright and are licensed only for use as wallpapers.\n\nThis extension is based extensively on the NASA APOD extension by Elinvention ( and inspired by Bing Desktop Wallpaper Changer by Utkarsh Gupta (\n\nFeatures:\n* Fetches the Bing wallpaper of the day and sets as both lock screen and desktop wallpaper (these are both user selectable)\n* Optionally force a specific region (i.e. locale)\n* Automatically selects the highest resolution (and most appropriate wallpaper) in multiple monitor setups\n* Optionally clean up Wallpaper directory after between 1 and 7 days (delete oldest first)\n* Only attempts to download wallpapers when they have been updated\n* Doesn't poll continuously - only once per day and on startup (schedules a refresh when Bing is due to update)\n* English (en), German (de), Dutch (nl), Italian (it), Polish (pl), Chinese (zh_CN), French (fr_FR), Portuguese (pt, pt_BR), Russian (ru_RU), Spanish (es), Korean (ko, ko_KR, ko_KP), Indonesian (id), Catalan (ca), Norwegian Bokm\\xe5l (nb) &amp; Nynorsk (ni), Swedish (sv) and Arabic (ar) - a HUGE thanks to the translators\n\nRemember to restart your GNOME Shell after updating this extension.\n\nPlease report bugs to the GitHub page below:", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "28", "sha256": "1dbhghasi1pq5r65gmwvkz52k5b9zc0yay0cyp09vh70z0iz9aq7"}, "38": {"version": "28", "sha256": "1dbhghasi1pq5r65gmwvkz52k5b9zc0yay0cyp09vh70z0iz9aq7"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Gnomesome", "pname": "gnomesome", "description": "Tiling window manager with awesome keybindings", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "15", "sha256": "0r2gvhjlqs4km0f3yqvalnf1pvgf6qpfgznq8xanqhzn0xh0q4gh"}, "38": {"version": "15", "sha256": "0r2gvhjlqs4km0f3yqvalnf1pvgf6qpfgznq8xanqhzn0xh0q4gh"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "GNOME Vagrant Indicator", "pname": "gnome-vagrant-indicator", "description": "Easily manage your vagrant machines from status area", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "13", "sha256": "1blkpdm8qik45pyqgazgvhq0c0vb8xwhka6r0si0q811x96czhkq"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Prime Indicator", "pname": "prime-indicator", "description": "Intel/NVIDIA GPU Switch", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "7", "sha256": "10fj3snsas1cizn7fbkbwik8j67702am2a19kr7gxbkfvicfdb1s"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Night Light Slider", "pname": "night-light-slider", "description": "A GNOME extension to manage the built-in night light temperature", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "19", "sha256": "19650yva1whw1wygnvppx7i231c3afsnbg6m287kmp9d2i8qdxw8"}, "38": {"version": "19", "sha256": "19650yva1whw1wygnvppx7i231c3afsnbg6m287kmp9d2i8qdxw8"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Dual Shock 4 battery percentage", "pname": "dual-shock-4-battery-percentage", "description": "Show DS4/DS3 battery remaining power percentage at the top panel", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "1pd5912n6rfkb02psgxml7a26w1wi1bqf2xxnckbyagb537pwgal"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Hotel Manager", "pname": "hotel-manager", "description": "Hotel Manager allows to start and stop the Hotel daemon and your development servers via a menu in the status area.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "10", "sha256": "1g85slsfcr05assz9w2n0lrzi5fllz7jszbvd7nbnmmpjykzrnrg"}, "38": {"version": "10", "sha256": "1g85slsfcr05assz9w2n0lrzi5fllz7jszbvd7nbnmmpjykzrnrg"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Unite", "pname": "unite", "description": "Unite is a GNOME Shell extension which makes a few layout tweaks to the top panel and removes window decorations to make it look like Ubuntu Unity Shell.\n\n- Adds window buttons to the top panel for maximized windows.\n- Shows current window title in the app menu for maximized windows.\n- Removes titlebars on maximized windows.\n- Hides window controls on maximized windows with headerbars.\n- Moves the date to the right, reduces panel spacing and removes dropdown arrows.\n- Moves legacy tray icons to the top panel.\n- Moves notifications to the right.\n- Hides activities button.\n- Adds desktop name to the top panel.\n\nThis extension depends on some Xorg utilities. To install them:\n- Debian/Ubuntu: apt install x11-utils\n- Fedora/RHEL: dnf install xorg-x11-utils\n- Arch: pacman -S xorg-xprop\n\n*Settings are provided to enable/disable or customize the available tweaks.\n* Since version 2 applications on wayland with client side decorations are supported using CSS.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "45", "sha256": "1v94avzpgqhc5917pir61958h3l44z00ai9p5bikyrd1m81xc50r"}, "38": {"version": "45", "sha256": "1v94avzpgqhc5917pir61958h3l44z00ai9p5bikyrd1m81xc50r"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "More columns in applications view", "pname": "more-columns-in-applications-view", "description": "Set the number of columns in the \"applications grid\" view (by default, the maximum is only 6)", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0ahk3krnd04rv2np4jif0m12f52zk13q0gkfy3ba9249wb1wdp19"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Backup Tools", "pname": "backup-tools", "description": "Help for backup GNOME \"appfolders\" (folders in the applications view) & Shell Extensions (gnome_shell_extensions_*.txt), then you can redownload or retrieve", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "8", "sha256": "02f1ri782z7bsjpzhgy9bf7y6lyfswmqv4880yg3271vzf79rg45"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "GSConnect", "pname": "gsconnect", "description": "GSConnect is a complete implementation of KDE Connect especially for GNOME Shell with Nautilus, Chrome and Firefox integration. It does not rely on the KDE Connect desktop application and will not work with it installed.\n\nKDE Connect allows devices to securely share content like notifications or files and other features like SMS messaging and remote control. The KDE Connect team has applications for Linux, BSD, Android, Sailfish and Windows.\n\nPlease restart GNOME Shell after updating!", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "43", "sha256": "07p2dmijnnz8qmssdja1xdga35qvsw7gszdsxxgyp31vy21l1wrd"}, "38": {"version": "44", "sha256": "129ljwkc195jc112rkj8s9f7a0rc0vc7jwnrfyw6brcqxfrzhiqr"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "nvidiautil@ethanwharris", "name": "NVIDIA GPU Stats Tool", "pname": "nvidia-gpu-stats-tool", "description": "Shows NVIDIA GPU stats in the toolbar. Requires nvidia-settings or nvidia-smi. Includes Bumblebee support.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1620sm6nkx0vi17mrnh8cyq7amkm04gs0afsa01cp2lk62ga7jlr"}, "38": {"version": "8", "sha256": "09a2ma9iqp5hm15jfkqkzy5iww2ydviqarc58305x6nklyayp73w"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Window Session Manager", "pname": "window-session-manager", "description": "An indicator that let's you save and restore your open apps and the window positions and arrangements over multiple real and virtual displays. Requires lwsm and nodejs to be installed (`npm install -g linux-window-session-manager`).", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "8", "sha256": "1im3a7dzn54y0i8ndgh5ch2k44h4d797js8bdxfiwsb2kwima2a8"}, "38": {"version": "8", "sha256": "1im3a7dzn54y0i8ndgh5ch2k44h4d797js8bdxfiwsb2kwima2a8"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Disable Workspace Switch Animation", "pname": "disable-workspace-switch-animation", "description": "Makes switching between workspaces instant without disabling other animations.\n\n(Fixed for GNOME 3.38 and above, thanks for your patience)", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "4", "sha256": "052h8k0g5g433mjavsr9vp3wkyj6qdw6rprv04k40vb81ipf63l4"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "app-switcher_current_workspace_first@fawtytoo", "name": "App-Switcher Current Workspace First", "pname": "app-switcher-current-workspace-first", "description": "App-Switcher modification that sorts applications by current workspace first. It separates apps into 2 separate icons if the app also has windows on other workspaces.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "9", "sha256": "09kx2zycmjm81q57mf0ryw01kv9kkipsz46iqlmmdbfagghgazv9"}, "38": {"version": "9", "sha256": "09kx2zycmjm81q57mf0ryw01kv9kkipsz46iqlmmdbfagghgazv9"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "window-switcher_current_workspace_first@fawtytoo", "name": "Window-Switcher Current Workspace First", "pname": "window-switcher-current-workspace-first", "description": "Window-Switcher modification that sorts windows by current workspace first.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "9", "sha256": "13yry62nmc1np277pgilykl1yb5i1anfagrpqmqvjqbrcw8nlf8z"}, "38": {"version": "9", "sha256": "13yry62nmc1np277pgilykl1yb5i1anfagrpqmqvjqbrcw8nlf8z"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Run or raise", "pname": "run-or-raise", "description": "Launch or focus the window or define custom shortcuts in a text file", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1f83r189kim0n05739lia42i9danfkcbmxrxq55vn4i97lkr3qfh"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "show_applications_instead_of_overview@fawtytoo", "name": "Show Applications instead of Workspaces", "pname": "show-applications-instead-of-overview", "description": "The Activities button will show Applications instead of Workspaces in the Overview.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "1f10dn1q5b85s6r2zpxd0p2kgawqzgyn2m43ygy4p9j8nx78vslq"}, "38": {"version": "4", "sha256": "1f10dn1q5b85s6r2zpxd0p2kgawqzgyn2m43ygy4p9j8nx78vslq"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Alternate Menu for Hplip", "pname": "hplip-menu", "description": "control your hp printers by calling the device manager hp-toolbox, also some useful links\nMotivation: the hp-systray doesn't work reliably under gnome shell\nyou need to have installed hplip in order to use this\nChoice of using a printer icon or a hp_logo.png if it's installed in the same place as mine on Ubuntu\nyou could use symbolic links to fake the path.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "10", "sha256": "045s2gq3xx49jij4p6cqp7ls1ig7mvs4ckrclbr8w9b2h66k0a2l"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Auto OVPN (v3.36)", "pname": "auto-ovpn", "description": "Easy to use VPN Gate on Linux (Please install OpenVPN first.. The details take a look '')", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "9", "sha256": "0a4lpwq698dcy22g4rpncmipr7nk050bz8yy2pjqr4w9hbs1gpmz"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Notes", "pname": "notes", "description": "Sticky notes for the GNOME Shell desktop.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "20", "sha256": "0lk70slzld77rncd5ngb4hqs70gcdda9kv0a45ff977xhgak75q6"}, "38": {"version": "20", "sha256": "0lk70slzld77rncd5ngb4hqs70gcdda9kv0a45ff977xhgak75q6"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Custom Hot Corners", "pname": "custom-hot-corners", "description": "Customizable hot corners.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "8", "sha256": "059fx512npll9diy1ymaqknfqxbf5vfp2ymcg51a8vj5n7inxdij"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Hide Frequent View", "pname": "hide-frequent-view", "description": "Hide controls to switch from the frequent view to the view of all applications in the GNOME Shell overview", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0g3ry8ahb8fw745l7wk4q6p59vhjpps257k07q5ivnj7jd78bagr"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "slinger", "pname": "slinger", "description": "Sling windows around efficiently", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "1y2pi1a1wz9s541vwaw3m3did6hcr19i4cnhz0c9xgiffkv3wvkh"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Unix Timestamp Clock", "pname": "unix-timestamp-clock", "description": "Show the current unix timestamp as a clock in the top bar.\n\nCopy-paste currently shown timestamp (left mouse button) or current timestamp (any other mouse button) to clipboard", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "4", "sha256": "091zs263b2rkm5g58jr10qd1vjm0fmfqm8cikmgczzdxadajixy5"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Mpris Indicator Button", "pname": "mpris-indicator-button", "description": "A full featured MPRIS indicator.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "17", "sha256": "0jf0fzq9ywlfmig6g75cy1xa10p6x9h2xgwgd4rfc71d6fq63sgm"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Weather In The Clock", "pname": "weather-in-the-clock", "description": "Display the current Weather in the Clock. GNOME Weather is required for this extension to function.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "08xivqnaskjxxljma0n16r03fkmfrzla0sjf8sxsrfqklwk8kmpa"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Lyrics Finder", "pname": "lyrics-finder", "description": "Finding lyrics has never been easier, Just play some music!\n\n* Features\n- Automatically find lyrics\n- Save for offline use\n- Modern and customizable ui\n- Fast search api\n\n* Donation\nYou can donate if you like my work :)\n\nBTC: 1KXJPJSmXUocieC3neRZEDakpzfcyumLqS\nBCH : qzzmzegfy76r5glpj26jzq2xly2cczsmfyrn66ax8q\nETHER: 0xb6178080c8f0792e6370959909199647e26b8457", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "10", "sha256": "12xclkfm6mvcfhgdiq2qih6csgx5h6ym2cap10aqpm494dyxkgp5"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "NotificationCounter@coolllsk", "name": "Notification Counter", "pname": "notification-counter", "description": "Shows number of notifications in queue.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "137kjsvdbikcsyifz7vzym7nnn6hc1wcc6xq1nnafjimxj3950ry"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Files View", "pname": "files-view", "description": "A files view for GNOME Shell.\n\nThis extension displays a \\u201cFiles\\u201d view similar to the Applications view, with the conveniences of a file manager. It is accessed through the combination SUPER + F.\n\nGNOME Shell 40 and later are not supported. No further developments planned.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "11", "sha256": "0aw4h5105ka1f8a1dzsz4mj9m7r7h2b1lpv0x50gvx1jl8ksvr68"}, "38": {"version": "11", "sha256": "0aw4h5105ka1f8a1dzsz4mj9m7r7h2b1lpv0x50gvx1jl8ksvr68"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Bluetooth quick connect", "pname": "bluetooth-quick-connect", "description": "Allow to connect to paired devices from gnome control panel.\n", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "13", "sha256": "0bn4ls41pl5h00nqwzh6vh4qnyggrhl499yjh1czmnfmyw2fqn9z"}, "38": {"version": "16", "sha256": "1majbxpvl7dvsa7sa17ds0czmll8wmlw49jlqf4js0a7zpjkic63"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "SysPeek-GS", "pname": "syspeek-gs", "description": "Simple CPU load monitor widget inspired by SysPeek indicator", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "0ydzms4fzssk6hff8ankaxlab12c05dr79fzdx9d5dm2fnr73hgs"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Discrete brightness", "pname": "discrete-brightness", "description": "For laptops only. Discrete brightness indicator change brightness in discrete steps, unlike default smooth brightness bar in Gnome Shell", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "1a642il9xpadpa3y8x7m71l8qjcs7g76kcb37822g4f28hnfsn00"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "quake-mode", "pname": "quake-mode", "description": "Drop-down mode for any application", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "19fh8g5axyxh72yxg1dlv2h6qvywgyp4l7m4xw65yq0wwbr4kry7"}, "38": {"version": "3", "sha256": "19fh8g5axyxh72yxg1dlv2h6qvywgyp4l7m4xw65yq0wwbr4kry7"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Unblank lock screen", "pname": "unblank", "description": "Unblank lock screen. \n\n After you install this extension, the extension will be enabled by default. If you want to disable this extension, you need to delete this extension or go to this extension settings to turn off switch.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "20", "sha256": "01ipnvvzp19gy5xc06v7ifwsrlvdyidp2z7h0ygj5i63l10q4gvm"}, "38": {"version": "20", "sha256": "01ipnvvzp19gy5xc06v7ifwsrlvdyidp2z7h0ygj5i63l10q4gvm"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "VirtualBox applet", "pname": "virtualbox-applet", "description": "Provide menu to run VirtualBox machines and switch between running VMs", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "1kkn376awp5s94kljv24bglh9kkrhy93p7rlprxlc2zdjf82l3c6"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "ThinkPad X1 Thermal", "pname": "thinkpad-x1-thermal", "description": "Display ThinkPad thermal sensors and Fan status", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "9", "sha256": "1v84k16xpjln75h456p5w7i3adbdqxn3gv5hzbwm75x9a81p1kn2"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Stocks Extension", "pname": "stocks-extension", "description": "Stocks Extension brings stock quotes to your GNOME Shell Panel", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "15", "sha256": "0h92p59vk7jd9sw9didkmxr1pi6cf8yz20lj9fyb5kzm7llkg1za"}, "38": {"version": "15", "sha256": "0h92p59vk7jd9sw9didkmxr1pi6cf8yz20lj9fyb5kzm7llkg1za"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Showtime  - Desktop Widget", "pname": "showtime", "description": "Date and Clock Desktop Widget\n\nMove Widget by Press Super + Drag Widget\n", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "0mip50xqwyrrfhsjnv7j8fk94dkvl0bq5ik4ni1yh3yf0f0vsgdj"}, "38": {"version": "4", "sha256": "0mip50xqwyrrfhsjnv7j8fk94dkvl0bq5ik4ni1yh3yf0f0vsgdj"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "WordReference Search Provider", "pname": "wordreference-search-provider", "description": "With WordReference Search Provider you can search definitions and synonyms directly from GNOME Shell.\n You can search definitions for english, spanish, italian. And synonyms for english and spanish.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "03bpz4fswxhim633xzw27yf7kq5v8rnrv5c8m36hmxdg3r24vv14"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Kube Config", "pname": "kube-config", "description": "Switches kube config context", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "8", "sha256": "0z76w72yb523340zrxm9h3qsiwzj1qyl4ndsjck24r0cvmfi2lkj"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Transparent Window Moving", "pname": "transparent-window-moving", "description": "Makes the window semi-transparent when moving or resizing", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "1l175jjs70ax5cxp6qs5g5qx8ngzzvadabsnf0v7wgm4bw5brqsj"}, "38": {"version": "6", "sha256": "0xkdw69pc48a2d0xglxbfl8ql6j68r5rh5rhw1mfkr8b0i40v0rl"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Disk space usage", "pname": "disk-space-usage", "description": "Show disk space usage for all device mounted in your machine", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "1fs5nvjq2x90h479arrxcg7flm6jazg9zjjx68hynlwhnhzxhnv6"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Transparent Window", "pname": "transparent-window", "description": "Change the opacity of windows by compiz-style shortcut Alt+scroll.\nYou can customize hotkey in Preference page if Alt key doesn't work.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "01nmjnk2ga6wvvgh1larjijm7rxx8xy7a1g7izprpk9fr3b8hgqd"}, "38": {"version": "4", "sha256": "01nmjnk2ga6wvvgh1larjijm7rxx8xy7a1g7izprpk9fr3b8hgqd"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "YouTube Search Provider", "pname": "youtube-search-provider", "description": "With YouTube Search Provider you can search youtube videos\ndirectly from GNOME Shell.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "0p5q35rgii689bhi4bpf5q72a4pqvbbwbh5586xhznlrrl1yk2vf"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Miniview", "pname": "miniview", "description": "Show window previews\n- Left-mouse drag: move preview window\n- Right-mouse drag (or ctrl + left mouse drag): resize preview window\n- Scroll wheel (or shift + left/right click): change target window\n- Double click: raise target window\n- Shift + F12: toggle preview window (this can be changed or disabled in preferences)\n- Ctrl + scroll wheel: adjust opacity", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1q59v6gydbgbn2i9gp1jxwx4xc2k91a8790v42y13a5h9bclbwz1"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Vitals", "pname": "vitals", "description": "A glimpse into your computer's temperature, voltage, fan speed, memory usage, processor load, system resources, network speed and storage stats. This is a one stop shop to monitor all of your vital sensors. Uses asynchronous polling to provide a smooth user experience. Feature requests or bugs? Please use GitHub.\n\nBroken after upgrade? See", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "39", "sha256": "1ylfz26nsgn2xsn0c47b1d9gn0cnb6c3w7c5jp9snag612nimv96"}, "38": {"version": "39", "sha256": "1ylfz26nsgn2xsn0c47b1d9gn0cnb6c3w7c5jp9snag612nimv96"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "desktop-icons@csoriano", "name": "Desktop Icons", "pname": "desktop-icons", "description": "Add icons to the desktop", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "19", "sha256": "1nv9il3a4h0d1vpp43z0jj91vn07jg7a0cvnqf6d5vdcj00wfpc1"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Rdesktop launcher", "pname": "rdesktop-launcher", "description": "Add a servers status menu for quickly running rdesktop", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "10", "sha256": "1j3v42p9bpn81ryy2ngwgj9rnapmgg66yhf8j4x3rndhcgb5wqwd"}, "38": {"version": "10", "sha256": "1j3v42p9bpn81ryy2ngwgj9rnapmgg66yhf8j4x3rndhcgb5wqwd"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Meneame Search Provider", "pname": "meneame-search-provider", "description": "With Meneame Search Provider you can search information in Meneame from GNOME Shell.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0l0vdqc0xry765l82aj0xlvcvsvmvza0dshzvbdw7rzs7xibh2vg"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Filmaffinity Search Provider", "pname": "filmaffinity-search-provider", "description": "With Filmaffinity Search Provider you can search about films in Filmaffinity from GNOME Shell.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1chp772jrkc7hgl298fzmacb8wl4ir91sh6a8m5q11n8x4jh3ksg"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Battery Time", "pname": "battery-time", "description": "Show the remaining time until fully charged/discharged instead of the battery charge in percent in the panel.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "0miybj0rxm6qvhm7qh5qswfr1rwqirapszzhi0j361dq34bgpn7p"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Lock screen background", "pname": "unlock-dialog-background", "description": "Change lock screen background.\nIf you use Ubuntu, install package gir1.2-clutter-1.0 first.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "18", "sha256": "16khadjsc69vkvz5afvz9mynqx61pczn49jmph9273xh9kbcsp62"}, "38": {"version": "18", "sha256": "16khadjsc69vkvz5afvz9mynqx61pczn49jmph9273xh9kbcsp62"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Webcam manager", "pname": "webcam-manager", "description": "A manager for the webcam.\nWith this extension you can enable or disable the webcam from GNOME Shell.\nThis extension load or unloads the module uvcvideo from the Linux Kernel.\nTo enable or disable the webcam. Simple and easy.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "1fazxvx0v4yp20s0msqr61d2q7mw80cyfkgxdk4yqvx3qkw11g3a"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Workspace Matrix", "pname": "workspace-matrix", "description": "Arrange workspaces in a two dimensional grid with workspace thumbnails.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "23", "sha256": "0c31qxb91pgj0jdgb655ys27v10clkmr4xmanykm8ar13j649sdg"}, "38": {"version": "26", "sha256": "1nfa4x01jymxvkb2nill0dvj5vml1cr1c5hskmah7hw77awma62w"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Extensions Sync", "pname": "extensions-sync", "description": "Sync all extensions and their configurations across all gnome instances", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "12", "sha256": "0iriwv3hx7svxzm5pfa9hbrdjnic3r9hqvy0nlmvlrc2q8ndxq9m"}, "38": {"version": "12", "sha256": "0iriwv3hx7svxzm5pfa9hbrdjnic3r9hqvy0nlmvlrc2q8ndxq9m"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "GNOME Fuzzy Search", "pname": "gnome-fuzzy-search", "description": "Append fuzzy search results to Gnome Search", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "1qwjd74hykwvf7vm88gn8dg0kp2v0hl47rhrhm56dpv2ffwkm63l"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "containers@royg", "name": "Containers", "pname": "containers", "description": "Manage podman containers through a gnome-shell menu", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "12", "sha256": "0aqydv95drs6qjxd31akxfng9lhbxr4lisv474rm69d8qj5934b4"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Tray Icons", "pname": "tray-icons", "description": "Tray icons", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "1b2aac6j8fvfj354ddivyq76bq3q8cq0wrvi5h1l0ifmz5vd8xzg"}, "38": {"version": "5", "sha256": "1b2aac6j8fvfj354ddivyq76bq3q8cq0wrvi5h1l0ifmz5vd8xzg"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "new-mail-indicator@fthx", "name": "New Mail Indicator", "pname": "new-mail-indicator", "description": "An icon beside the date in the topbar to show if there are unread emails when running your default email client.\n\n It checks the notifications in the message tray related to a new mail, no extra configuration needed, very light extension. Click on the icon does toggle your email client window.*** Do not disable the notifications of your default email client! *** It is not a standalone mail checker, you need your email client to be running. *** Please check that the xdg-utils package is installed.\n\n Email clients supported at the moment are: Thunderbird, Evolution, Geary, Mailspring. Please ask to add the client, including special packaging (snap/flatpak), that you need. If you report an error, please provide at least the distribution and the email client you use through the github link.\n\n For persistent notifications only, see: .", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "26", "sha256": "0sz3f0c59qdqbphjg1gr7z6d6cb8ry3fiywzrjrjvf74yd1c38yj"}, "38": {"version": "26", "sha256": "0sz3f0c59qdqbphjg1gr7z6d6cb8ry3fiywzrjrjvf74yd1c38yj"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Tandem Raise", "pname": "tandem-raise", "description": "Raise pairs of tiled windows in tandem.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0nv110xy5lcw3kgbmm0nqras7h5avz1jsqz73wmkm4iw582qrd6q"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Drop Down Terminal X", "pname": "drop-down-terminal-x", "description": "A GNOME Shell drop down terminal with extra feautures.\n\n\\u2592\\u2588\\u2580\\u2580\\u2584 \\u2592\\u2588\\u2580\\u2580\\u2584 \\u2580\\u2580\\u2588\\u2580\\u2580 \\u2580\\u2584\\u2592\\u2584\\u2580 \n\\u2592\\u2588\\u2591\\u2592\\u2588 \\u2592\\u2588\\u2591\\u2592\\u2588 \\u2591\\u2592\\u2588\\u2591\\u2591 \\u2591\\u2592\\u2588\\u2591\\u2591 \n\\u2592\\u2588\\u2584\\u2584\\u2580 \\u2592\\u2588\\u2584\\u2584\\u2580 \\u2591\\u2592\\u2588\\u2591\\u2591 \\u2584\\u2580\\u2592\\u2580\\u2584\n\nIncludes: tabs, multi-monitor, font scaling support; [Focus out] / [Escape pressed] events for hide.\n\nOctober 2020 updates:\n- Gnome 3.38 support\n \nMay 2020 updates:\n- Color schemes \n\nMarch 2020 updates:\n- Gnome 3.36 support\n- \"Open in current directory\" option\n\nFebruary 2020 updates:\n- Multi monitor enhancements\n- Workarea of current monitor for maximized mode\n\nJanuary 2020 updates:\n- Fixed fullscreen window priority\n- Keybinding to maximize terminal window;\n- Keybinding to manually focus terminal window;\n- Scrolling the volume indicator not affecting terminal;\n\nNovember 2019 updates:\n- Added support for the ~/.ssh/config file.\nNow you can get quick access to any your ssh host in one click;\n- Added support for ~/.config/drop-down-terminal-x/shortcuts file\nNow you can define any action that will become available in a special drop-down list for quick launch.\nThis small improvement can improve your productivity\nSee file format at\n- Added option to prevent terminal jumps down to the bottom on long command output\n\nSpecial thanks to:\n- Osman Alperen Elhan (\n- Balder Claassen (\n- Adrien Pyke (\n- Alan J Carvajal (\n- Massimo Mund (\n- Jakub \\u017bywiec (\n- Mattias Eriksson (\n- Henry78 (\n- Maxim Toropov (\nfor active contribution.\n\nBased on original extension \"gs-extensions-drop-down-terminal\" from St\\xe9phane D\\xe9murget (", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "17", "sha256": "08x6zc6lx6bsb46a02v6a83a33079x6k0fv97z3ylpa8hqxfyn30"}, "38": {"version": "17", "sha256": "08x6zc6lx6bsb46a02v6a83a33079x6k0fv97z3ylpa8hqxfyn30"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "netatmo station", "pname": "netatmo-station", "description": "Extension to display data from your NetAtmo station\n\nGo settings to update with your netmato account.\n\n", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "01pbdsi9w8pg17516bmqs5fsfwd2qfms08rkczwm179wavylmxmh"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "Rounded_Corners@lennart-k", "name": "Rounded Corners", "pname": "rounded-corners", "description": "Creates rounded corners for every monitor", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "1qpxxidkzk16snh1awc1rcpwilfpwfrm0m77p2s0gwg8bih9d9dx"}, "38": {"version": "4", "sha256": "1qpxxidkzk16snh1awc1rcpwilfpwfrm0m77p2s0gwg8bih9d9dx"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Scrovol", "pname": "scrovol", "description": "Change the volume by scrolling anywhere on the System Tray.\n\nWith this extension, you can scroll over Night Light, WiFi, Volume, Battery or any other icon in the system status tray to change the volume, instead of just the Volume icon.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "0wqpmv3w1fb5vkx43p6vr3bas91nlbdmgw583jy5d4jqa32mkx8l"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "notification-center@Selenium-H", "name": "Notification Center", "pname": "notification-centerselenium-h", "description": "Detach notification center to top panel and customizations\n\nPress the Refresh button on the left of header bar to Reload the extension.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "20", "sha256": "1akrx3grr00d8798alhr4yrzkshas53j3s4w8y9hfi4akpad3cgb"}, "38": {"version": "23", "sha256": "1bm6qbaw8cb77vni12022is9ids010drb2bx7lcas6a4xqx2mjwn"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "lockkeys@fawtytoo", "name": "Lock Keys", "pname": "lock-keys", "description": "Numlock and Capslock status on the panel. Icons are auto hidden. Simplified with no menus, notifications or settings.\n\nThis extension also supports Wayland.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "9", "sha256": "0nfa2ipy59d3rwdj0sxw2wfph3iyl8iq2rfbxmqfi5h9f39s61yg"}, "38": {"version": "9", "sha256": "0nfa2ipy59d3rwdj0sxw2wfph3iyl8iq2rfbxmqfi5h9f39s61yg"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Chrome-Apps", "pname": "chrome-apps", "description": "A menu for Chrome Apps", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "0nsd491lfssq88ri5p4zidaj764jg9ynpj498a2g4619sddgay36"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Cast to TV", "pname": "cast-to-tv", "description": "Cast files to Chromecast, web browser or media player app over local network.\n\nRequires: npm nodejs ffmpeg\n\nAfter enabling go to Cast Settings \\u2192 Modules and click \"Install npm modules\" button.\n\nVisit this extension homepage for more info on how to install and use.\nPlease use GitHub to report issues.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "15", "sha256": "0mk727fkvrz7dys0b60vaizsj0cqvrdngwpg4q1sxhvh0yw5h3mc"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Fullscreen Hot Corner", "pname": "fullscreen-hot-corner", "description": "Enables hot corner in fullscreen mode", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "1pvdsp0nvcxpdl81vqbhybcrhd8sxbgmqplmqspdmsl1gclsjr8a"}, "38": {"version": "6", "sha256": "1pvdsp0nvcxpdl81vqbhybcrhd8sxbgmqplmqspdmsl1gclsjr8a"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Customised Workspaces", "pname": "worksets", "description": "Customised Workspaces adds the following features to Gnome Shell workspace usage:\n\n* Set up customised workspaces that each have their own favourite applications on the dash\n* Optionally isolate running applications to only be shown on the on their workspace dash\n* Choose a different desktop background for each custom workspace\n* Name and save each customisation, set them to autoload on specific workspaces\n* Hide the extension once you've configured your preferences to enjoy seamlessly upgraded workspaces in gnome shell\n* Compatible with dash-to-dock and dash-to-panel\n\nEach functionality can be turned off so can be used just as a wallpaper manager or as a workspace isolater.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "16", "sha256": "1djxh5hip1gm6dg291k22d2wr6vgxbixsxczck7qfa0bahyl9ahp"}, "38": {"version": "19", "sha256": "0zkf97sd6f0hf7gz799azxvlp56zhca8cdalynvs32d62z8mcmf0"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "NordVPN Connect", "pname": "nordvpn-connect", "description": "Unofficial Gnome-Shell Extension to provide a GUI for the official NordVPN CLI Tool.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "14", "sha256": "0wpbw7v5g27z96b32jj4y70nx2mvcm6slq5s35bj6xfnczynmcpl"}, "38": {"version": "15", "sha256": "06bc3c9vsff70a1i3qx3sscvzsfbwwls1sdg60vliqjbsw1b9i63"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Arrange Windows", "pname": "arrange-windows", "description": "Arrange windows on the monitors\n\nHotkeys:\n Ctrl+Alt+1 Cascade windows\n Ctrl+Alt+2 Tiling windows\n Ctrl+Alt+3 Side by side windows\n Ctrl+Alt+4 Stack windows", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "18", "sha256": "1l9f31h4k4gxdx433p6742mdx5dfz13f37dlj2r2akysvcamynlw"}, "38": {"version": "18", "sha256": "1l9f31h4k4gxdx433p6742mdx5dfz13f37dlj2r2akysvcamynlw"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "ping-monitor", "pname": "ping-monitor", "description": "Display ping information. Read the readme to see how it is configured.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "18", "sha256": "0jank0h5dz2kkqj17snz8c0fd08dbqyampc3h14d3hya3hlbxjzh"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Fullscreen Notifications", "pname": "fullscreen-notifications", "description": "Enables all notifications in fullscreen mode", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "0x328drziy64nx6z4abw0m23pp98j67bwlsvaskcw1gsg7rhx3dk"}, "38": {"version": "3", "sha256": "0x328drziy64nx6z4abw0m23pp98j67bwlsvaskcw1gsg7rhx3dk"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "panel scroll", "pname": "panel-scroll", "description": "Switch windows or workspace by mouse scroll on the panel.\nPointer on left of panel, switch windows.\nPointer on right of panel, switch workspaces.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "10", "sha256": "139llmya1685jzgzzh42a58lwkgjljwz7pj8wabh99qqdjy3wahi"}, "38": {"version": "10", "sha256": "139llmya1685jzgzzh42a58lwkgjljwz7pj8wabh99qqdjy3wahi"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Soft brightness", "pname": "soft-brightness", "description": "Add or override the brightness slider to change the brightness via an alpha layer (and optionally stop using or cooperate with the exising backlight, if present).\nEither internal, external or all monitors can be dimmed.\nSee the GitHub page for details.\n\nNote that this extension will keep running on the lock screen, as you'd also want the brightness setting to apply to the lock screen as well. Please report on GitHub if this gives you any trouble.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "26", "sha256": "0q5ni9midij4ag7swbv5l6p0h129haad99a9sna2ss4ir5lc8bky"}, "38": {"version": "26", "sha256": "0q5ni9midij4ag7swbv5l6p0h129haad99a9sna2ss4ir5lc8bky"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "Resource_Monitor@Ory0n", "name": "Resource Monitor", "pname": "resource-monitor", "description": "Monitor the use of system resources like cpu, ram, disk, network and display them in gnome shell top bar.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "11", "sha256": "0v57daizqx8m630iykzb96cb4azmgy67f747mzhfmr0rp327wa4d"}, "38": {"version": "11", "sha256": "0v57daizqx8m630iykzb96cb4azmgy67f747mzhfmr0rp327wa4d"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Tweaks in System Menu", "pname": "tweaks-in-system-menu", "description": "Put Gnome Tweaks in the System menu.  Optionally, collapse Settings and Tweaks into a single button.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "11", "sha256": "1rvnn7kwjbigpcvg9s4wv3xwfpmj60dcvqk3yd9jn1zkc2pfn2nl"}, "38": {"version": "11", "sha256": "1rvnn7kwjbigpcvg9s4wv3xwfpmj60dcvqk3yd9jn1zkc2pfn2nl"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "TopIconsFix", "pname": "topiconsfix", "description": "Shows legacy tray icons on top \\u2013 the fixed version of", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "10", "sha256": "100k7q96l2y9sijbayvsym4417lnks3niy3zhlagpp7in65lamas"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Public IP", "pname": "public-ip", "description": "Tiny extension, which show public IP and nothing more", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "11", "sha256": "03fw463x14k7g5yay2rm54659539mz79g3liirznrn71wp2ad0ns"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "animation-tweaks@Selenium-H", "name": "Animation Tweaks", "pname": "animation-tweaks", "description": "Add animations to different items and customize them.\n\nPlease reset the extension after updating. The Extension will stop when upgraded to an incompatible version. In that case an Update tab is created to easily reset the extension. A Reset button is also always present in preferences -> About Tab.\n A Default shortcut combination of Super Key + t is provided to temporarily disable the extension until GNOME Shell restarts. \n\nSome effects might not work properly on wayland, for which a workaround is provided on preferences -> Tweaks tab. \nHowever, some animations might not work properly.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "11", "sha256": "1b3vkjpg7h27l14p0521gpfz0amfjf10zz76vrdq0binf4j8cjp0"}, "38": {"version": "12", "sha256": "16c657rc62rk9izhv4r5fwa1jswqqnmkibgljcl3y7hplmsnkv0c"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Draw On You Screen", "pname": "draw-on-you-screen", "description": "Start drawing with Super+Alt+D and save your beautiful work by taking a screenshot\n\nFeatures :\n- Basic shapes (rectangle, circle, ellipse, line, curve, polygon, polyline, text, image, free)\n- Basic transformations (move, rotate, resize, stretch, mirror, inverse)\n- Smooth stroke\n- Draw over applications\n- Keep drawings on desktop background with persistence (notes, children's art ...)\n- Multi-monitor support\n- Export to SVG\n\nGNOME Shell 41 and later are not supported.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "11", "sha256": "1n28gssf69q9czv5250d8p1mf5vlzqbc5lh6jw6k8x8bimqr65qk"}, "38": {"version": "11", "sha256": "1n28gssf69q9czv5250d8p1mf5vlzqbc5lh6jw6k8x8bimqr65qk"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Always Show Titles In Overview", "pname": "always-show-titles-in-overview", "description": "This extension can be used to show titles of all thumbnails in the Gnome 3 overview.\n\nNOTE: The 3.38 version may not support older gnome-shell due to the big change of gnome-shell itself.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "8", "sha256": "0znp4q7c3k6fbvziyv9d1frwhaz6wf3gd4igml08mp6xsdj97h8l"}, "38": {"version": "8", "sha256": "0znp4q7c3k6fbvziyv9d1frwhaz6wf3gd4igml08mp6xsdj97h8l"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Overview Navigation", "pname": "overview-navigation", "description": "This extension aims to make Gnome Shell easier to navigate using only the keyboard. It is inspired by the vim plugins of Firefox and Chrome.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "13", "sha256": "19603340ayczz3iyr392356i52iwjcjvjy82n30hrnb2945djwm6"}, "38": {"version": "14", "sha256": "1pgacpph3c7jif1jnfc83zms93x8wj4gf2qhjg6173k4h3c1z7ya"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Transparent Top Bar", "pname": "transparent-top-bar", "description": "Bring back the transparent top bar when free-floating in GNOME Shell 3.32.\n\nThis basically comes from the feature implementation removed in GNOME Shell 3.32, and I modified the code a bit to make it an extension. Enjoy!", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "118s07m25c9qrhz0kypslvc3jgii2ylvzilsrbrdmlscbs9arwnl"}, "38": {"version": "8", "sha256": "1rn9ppa5vsbsrkww7h64h07lk369i8pxlhcxv96cv6cmyjgwvd4x"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "SSH Search Provider Reborn", "pname": "ssh-search-provider-reborn", "description": "Provide SSH search results in overview.\n\nThis is a fork of the original \"SSH Search Provider\", updated to work with newer Gnome-Shells.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "7", "sha256": "0472n2xab54cw5fa0kkf2iw4wrkhkhjshlh2p0cjwf142rmv03rg"}, "38": {"version": "7", "sha256": "0472n2xab54cw5fa0kkf2iw4wrkhkhjshlh2p0cjwf142rmv03rg"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Weeks Start on Monday Again...", "pname": "weeks-start-on-monday-again", "description": "... or maybe not, and that's why the start day is configurable in the preferences.\n\nThis is an updated version of the \"Weeks Start on Monday\" extension for newer Gnome Shells.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1ifqji19bry84n4xxv1xw6gdh17z0kvgxwjzim4bh40zwblf71xp"}, "38": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1ifqji19bry84n4xxv1xw6gdh17z0kvgxwjzim4bh40zwblf71xp"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Focusli", "pname": "focusli", "description": "Improve focus and increase your productive by listening to different sounds", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "0zz8nr1mlj4jrl80r5wg14pdsb2pc3f0zci36ns28cl9jpk1f3yf"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Quicklists", "pname": "quicklists", "description": "Add dynamic quicklists to app icons, such as file manager bookmarks and recent files.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1s8d650i0dx0l2nz5qv1l0gyyrlxg97pw9y93h3ppx5lm3j4rv4a"}, "38": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1s8d650i0dx0l2nz5qv1l0gyyrlxg97pw9y93h3ppx5lm3j4rv4a"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Minimize to Tray", "pname": "minimize-to-tray", "description": "Minimize any app to tray (Xorg only)\n\nMake sure you have xdotool, xwininfo, xprop, libwnck3 installed on your system.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "13sddmzsd5ayxjk2d1lkc9s5x4idc80h1lky5ccyzq56y9cwk4n7"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "LAN IP Address", "pname": "lan-ip-address", "description": "Show LAN IP address on GNOME panel. Do not show loopback addresses ( or Docker networks.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "0wf54slhdy1q680p7ysjhyv2nkhbpz93jc01b54vcijd5q9ypf0c"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Cockbox", "pname": "cockbox", "description": "The official Cockbox GNOME shell plugin. Displays the time until expiry, as well as providing the IP and Bitcoin wallet (which can be clicked to copy) for each server added. \n\"Dude that's wild\" ~ Vincent Canfield (Owner of OvO Systems Ltd)", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "194l6w30znmdi71fms8xbk454qgqsngjfw0sz337ag09dv27cysp"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "AVD applet", "pname": "avd-applet", "description": "Provide menu to run android virtual devices", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "0y6kqblgb6mam2lckir8kd6ryqhi06gpiipbfkb0mjbhzqcphf1g"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Almond", "pname": "almond", "description": "Control your Almond virtual assistant from GNOME Shell", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "04hjf28ykid2abdqbqbpd08dpfy1gr6m3zg7vvdh7z2604m9saf9"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "SerMon: Service Monitor", "pname": "sermon", "description": "SerMon: an extension for monitoring and managing systemd services, cron jobs, docker and podman containers", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "12", "sha256": "1mdrgs6xijxxklnzdqza3s0lkzdw375sz4q9s3zz9f4had4bsrxf"}, "38": {"version": "12", "sha256": "1mdrgs6xijxxklnzdqza3s0lkzdw375sz4q9s3zz9f4had4bsrxf"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Screen word translate", "pname": "screen-word-translate", "description": "Translate word on the screen.\nDefault web address is, you can add the web address for your own language. Also you can contribute your web address to my github repo.\nUse hotkey Ctrl+Alt+j to toggle the function.\nUse hotkey Ctrl+Alt+o to show popup window", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "31", "sha256": "1pbq50mv81mgd390j94lnz7gpifq7rqjmmv7d77r05a07m5bc65f"}, "38": {"version": "31", "sha256": "1pbq50mv81mgd390j94lnz7gpifq7rqjmmv7d77r05a07m5bc65f"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Disable unredirect fullscreen windows", "pname": "disable-unredirect-fullscreen-windows", "description": "Disables unredirect fullscreen windows in gnome-shell to workaround and", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "073b6dsbnqx9j58aiwf959namblx76264r0gzwgz4xzqzfph81mj"}, "38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "073b6dsbnqx9j58aiwf959namblx76264r0gzwgz4xzqzfph81mj"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "ProtectMeVPN@TP", "name": "ProtectMeVPN", "pname": "protectmevpn", "description": "Will disable all active connections (wifi, wired) if enabled and your VPN is down or offline. \nBe sure to enable your VPN connection before turn VPN-Protection on. To turn it on/off simply click VP-OFF on your menu bar. It will change to VP-ON (VPN-Protected) and protect your privacy. On errors make sure, you have \"nmcli\" installed (nmcli -v &amp;amp;gt;= 1.16.0). For bug reports or feature requests use:", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "0k86s0nqfrjrs92p5qdi99415v42vjvbia952y5b45wvq6zb32g7"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "krypto@sereneblue", "name": "krypto", "pname": "krypto", "description": "Cryptocurrency utility", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "0vgpn0izahph5s73k0hi2h8jnblipivd1krv7h14l32d8mnwplv6"}, "38": {"version": "5", "sha256": "0vgpn0izahph5s73k0hi2h8jnblipivd1krv7h14l32d8mnwplv6"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "cmus status", "pname": "cmus-status", "description": "Shows cmus status", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1j3g625cydvxpp48bhwwn4y5wys11v7x8ya1l3qbn47ppf3q7rcc"}, "38": {"version": "8", "sha256": "0lcw8f0bvw6nbcn9j0manavscr7s3mxln0msk2p1mmfyyxgaw20c"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "GNOME Cast Control - Control your Chromecast and Nest Hub Devices from the GNOME Shell", "pname": "cast-control", "description": "Control your Google Cast devices easily from the GNOME Shell. This extension requires the npm package 'cast-web-api-cli' to be installed. \n\nPlease follow the instructions in the GitHub page below for more information. \n\nNotice: This extension is no longer being actively maintained. It's likely that the extension may break in a future GNOME Shell release. If you wish to take over the repository, then please open an issue on the GitHub repository.\n\nMaintained By: Luke Arran, SamyGarib and Hannes Rodel.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "8", "sha256": "0rr0b9b9zqxhc1wbfhl6d1ayfpvc8h473h6i3jwa6lmbk5bhzar5"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "No Title Bar - Forked", "pname": "no-title-bar-forked", "description": "No Title Bar removes the title bar from non-GTK applications and moves the window title and buttons to the top panel.\n\nTitlebars are also hidden for Wayland-native clients that don't use CSD. Some of the options may be incompatible with this. For issues on Wayland please visit github!\n\nThis is a fork of with added compatibility for Gnome 3.32 and higher (check version availability for details).\n\nThis extension depends on some Xorg utilities. To install them:\n\n\\u26ab Debian/Ubuntu: apt install x11-utils\n\\u26ab Fedora/RHEL: dnf install xorg-x11-utils\n\\u26ab Arch: pacman -S xorg-xprop", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "0m9pipbplnmbfv14zhc6valbih7fhmlyd1ywrsmli4jhvnln7rim"}, "38": {"version": "5", "sha256": "0sdjc7qjxppd9s4q0ssjzfscxhl82bdk66cb5cvz1ahwd0yc8lxp"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "application_view_when_empty@fawtytoo", "name": "Show Application View When Workspace Empty", "pname": "show-application-view-when-workspace-empty", "description": "Shows the application view when the workspace is or becomes empty, such as switching to an empty workspace, when all windows on a workspace are closed, or after login. Starting applications or switching to a workspace with open windows will hide the overview if it's showing.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "14", "sha256": "1iragcxhmw3ghdl3lwq0i4qpyd62a5rg2wn0yq3ndajg5fhm8ral"}, "38": {"version": "14", "sha256": "1iragcxhmw3ghdl3lwq0i4qpyd62a5rg2wn0yq3ndajg5fhm8ral"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "activities_icon_menu@fawtytoo", "name": "Activities Icon Menu", "pname": "activities-menu-for-apps-and-windows", "description": "This extension turns the Activities button into a popup menu with icons for selecting either Applications or Workspaces in the Overview. Selecting the same view again will hide the overview.\n\nThis is particularly useful for tablet users that find the Activities button difficult to click on, whereas a menu can be more easily invoked.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "7", "sha256": "14a1ssvffx1s3h7wwskqg8s0npm7lp9lcwhv62g5c2637yipqaqp"}, "38": {"version": "7", "sha256": "14a1ssvffx1s3h7wwskqg8s0npm7lp9lcwhv62g5c2637yipqaqp"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "Gold_Price_Monitor@wotmshuaisi_github", "name": "Gold Price Monitor", "pname": "gold-price-monitor", "description": "simple gnome extension helps you tracking gold price in realtime", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "15", "sha256": "1dklifcf364xj8lj46b8wq5fpsnikwjpapmrbm1nh4f1cwzsqlhl"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Desktop Icons NG (DING)", "pname": "desktop-icons-ng-ding", "description": "Adds icons to the desktop. Fork of the original Desktop Icons extension, with several enhancements .", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "20", "sha256": "0fxgkzmppphy8vggbxwaskygzhg2rbwvbph8pqgsm70sifkxdssw"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Sound percentage", "pname": "sound-percentage", "description": "Display the current sound percentage in the system tray", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1hfn9fiak0rdvlyya7vl73pa7nhjxyd9rwpjh60a09cjfn7i03fk"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Horizontal workspaces", "pname": "horizontal-workspaces", "description": "Use a horizontal workspace layout", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "170npn348zq01yh56qbbyzz1xm7bg318fl31hvbkmk6qbwpi0r5i"}, "38": {"version": "5", "sha256": "0q3db8a0vzw1b0asc3j9z8llj0w2wnp504y5zy8vbgqc5qp5arm2"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "notejot-button@amivaleo", "name": "Notejot Button", "pname": "notejot-button", "description": "Add a launcher on the top-bar that pops up a new notejot note when clicked.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "3", "sha256": "12wnr4z6afyy5fn05k54bnyp4pxyfzhg3nbap4df8f0cia89115l"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "app_view_columns@fawtytoo", "name": "Application View Columns", "pname": "application-view-columns", "description": "Set the number of columns in the Applications Overview. Controlled by a slider in the system menu with a switch for increasing compactness for up to 12 columns.\n\nNOTE: Due to Gnome devs constantly changing how the Shell works, this will not be updated any further as it needs a complete rewrite for Shell 3.38!", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "12", "sha256": "1qxh1b2mawy4m53ab4xfnmky40jib72f33gza3dlwwm4pjpdnisw"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Three Finger Window Move", "pname": "three-finger-window-move", "description": "Allows moving windows around with a three finger trackpad gesture (Wayland only)", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1vidxxn6apyvfrvw3dac74jf96av6h63a34sqy6p4zmx0w5nixci"}, "38": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1vidxxn6apyvfrvw3dac74jf96av6h63a34sqy6p4zmx0w5nixci"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Keyboard battery", "pname": "keyboard-battery", "description": "Battery indicator for keyboard. At first, I only want make this extention for my Keychron K2, but it should work with any keyboard in general as long as you can find it when running upower -d", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "0jrp9778zdlfc69s1jbj3q6mn2cp7hfw7wh9npf7qi5a9s0hdffg"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Mute spotify ads", "pname": "mute-spotify-ads", "description": "Mute spotify ads", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "0i86yvc392b8vb4p218jzj6g0wp1xr8wzq5d4vbq88872k25v597"}, "38": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1xirp2wkzv0a7kmb0az9xf43impg34jdl8wyfyr1xlwnb3wb3ard"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "NoAnnoyance v2", "pname": "noannoyance", "description": "Another extension, that removes the 'Window is ready' notification and puts the window into focus. In contrast to all the other extensions, this uses ES6 syntax and is actively maintained.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "9", "sha256": "0sh7ync7cy3y7n1a3krvvi2p94hwg82yw1gbp4kbh39zr2kwz81y"}, "38": {"version": "9", "sha256": "0sh7ync7cy3y7n1a3krvvi2p94hwg82yw1gbp4kbh39zr2kwz81y"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "VIM Alt-Tab", "pname": "vim-alt-tab", "description": "Add the ability to switch between windows and applications using vim-like keypresses (h, j, k, l)", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "1fpvc4zl6ap0ff5mw177f0zjsbf7r1m21ivzv1g9w0hfvfxpj1im"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Easy Docker Containers", "pname": "easy-docker-containers", "description": "A GNOME Shell extension (GNOME Panel applet) to be able to generally control your available Docker containers.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1j9liiqad3dz7p4isg7zjq2hgm8d4xxfr0ai40qx09sw41z5a6lm"}, "38": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1j9liiqad3dz7p4isg7zjq2hgm8d4xxfr0ai40qx09sw41z5a6lm"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Night Theme Switcher", "pname": "night-theme-switcher", "description": "Night mode for GNOME! Automatically toggle your light and dark GTK, GNOME Shell, icon and cursor themes variants, switch backgrounds and run custom commands at sunset and sunrise.\n\nSupports Night Light, Location Services, manual schedule and on-demand switch.\n\nIt works out of the box with numerous themes (see the list on the repository), and you can manually choose the variants you want.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "46", "sha256": "0ka7la1mcj964p4x1xrvqsc1gw97wi7anmgjj9wd3x8axqkn03d5"}, "38": {"version": "46", "sha256": "0ka7la1mcj964p4x1xrvqsc1gw97wi7anmgjj9wd3x8axqkn03d5"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Cast to TV - Links Add-on", "pname": "cast-to-tv-links-add-on", "description": "Web links casting support for GNOME Shell Extension Cast to TV.\nCast videos, music and pictures from internet.\n\nCast to TV extension must be installed prior to any add-ons.\nAfter enabling this add-on go to Cast Settings \\u2192 Modules and click \"Install npm modules\" button.\n\nPlease use GitHub to report issues.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "0ji555ns7fshyqp6s03dw3z0pjnqfn78q3qzg1dvxmhs9sy330sw"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "binaryclock@vancha.march", "name": "binaryclock", "pname": "binaryclock", "description": "adds a binary clock to the gnome bar", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "1gg18dcpjzzbf5rxlviwxkq4579gc7af9g9szznc6z1x7h1bfyc1"}, "38": {"version": "5", "sha256": "1gg18dcpjzzbf5rxlviwxkq4579gc7af9g9szznc6z1x7h1bfyc1"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Wikimedia Commons Wallpaper Changer", "pname": "wikimedia-commons-wallpaper-changer", "description": "Lightweight GNOME shell extension to change your wallpaper daily (or whenever you prefer) to a selected wallpaper-suitable image from Wikimedia Commons, curated by the community. It will also show a notification containing the description, author and license of the image.\n\n*Disclaimer:* This extension is unofficial and community-maintained.\n\nThis extension is based extensively on the Bing Wallpaper extension by Michael Carroll (, which is in turned based on the NASA APOD extension by Elinvention (\n\nFeatures:\n* Fetches a new random wallpaper from a curated list every day (or how often you prefer) and sets as both lock screen and desktop wallpaper (these are both user-selectable)\n*Automatically selects the highest resolution (and most appropriate wallpaper) in multiple monitor setups\n* Optionally clean up wallpaper directory after between 1 and 7 days (delete oldest first)\n* Only updates as often as you set it to, or when you manually choose to change the wallpaper\n* Translations\n\nPlease report bugs to the GitHub page below", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "14zx11i8d4ndgl7s68yid1dx0hilcj5nw1jj3idd62vnqcljvpl5"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Looking Glass Button", "pname": "looking-glass-button", "description": "Toggle the Looking Glass visibility by clicking on a panel icon.\n\nAnd from version 4 left clicking on the icon show a menu with new features like Restart Gnome Shell (Restart is not available on Wayland), Reload Theme, Open Extension Folder and Open Theme Folder (the last two require that xdg-open is installed).\n\nVersion 4 also drop the compatibility with Gnome Shell 3.30.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "0zk1a2bpx6dqsaj9phqiacmwas717vcci92k9av455wc6ir04v0n"}, "38": {"version": "4", "sha256": "0zk1a2bpx6dqsaj9phqiacmwas717vcci92k9av455wc6ir04v0n"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "tp_wattmeter@gistart", "name": "tp_wattmeter", "pname": "tp_wattmeter", "description": "Shows battery power consumption of ThinkPad laptops", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "1m5fdgqcg0g310ir5g6bx4ay6p43y740if0a1jcbqhscc2jqm660"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Denon AVR controler", "pname": "denon-avr-controler", "description": "Control a Denon audio video receiver through the network.\n- on/off switch\n- volume adjustment", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "15jzcam41hfp1yz0q2cpzwvq4agb7y668zbqcigzngldhpll4cg3"}, "38": {"version": "4", "sha256": "15jzcam41hfp1yz0q2cpzwvq4agb7y668zbqcigzngldhpll4cg3"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "calendar-improved@human.experience", "name": "Calendar Improved", "pname": "calendar-improved", "description": "Improved, human friendly calendar\n\n* Human friendly event time, with past and future wording\n* Disabling of event deletion\n* Dimming of past event\n* Collapsing of past events, showing only event time\n* In progress colour badge for current events\n* Upcoming colour badge for upcoming event, configural interval and colours\n* Showing/hiding of icons\n* Contextual icons for different event types\n* Popover containing detailed event information\n* Configurable preferences for all the features above", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1k2915dmjbhqxxwpkkb0wf1fxxwh8av9yys0vs5hqsciffgn6ng3"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "No Screen Blank", "pname": "no-screen-blank", "description": "Disable blanking the screen after showing the lock screen", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0p501jl69mdsxn6bki0pxj0ss6qlmif39sh7z0qkcglkpayl4v58"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Bubblemail", "pname": "bubblemail", "description": "New and unread mail indicator (Local, Imap, Pop3, Gmail, Yahoo mail...)\nIndicator for new mails from local mail boxes (MBOX, MAILDIR), POP3 or IMAP server.\n\nBE AWARE THAT THIS EXTENSION REQUIRES BUBBLEMAIL SERVICE INSTALLATION\nCheck your distribution packaging system for availability. Besides, packages for distributions and source tarballs can be found here :\n\n\nBubblemail is a complete rewrite of the mailnag project, with a lot of new features including :\n* Gnome online accounts are automaticaly synced\n* Avatars provided by the server, with default colorized icons for senders without specific avatar\n* Reports for connexion errors.\n\n Please report any issue on the gitlab pages of the project :\n\n", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "12", "sha256": "00z552s6l1zv5csams2xiqdgdjkjn4b02dagpicwd5xyvaj8zfk8"}, "38": {"version": "12", "sha256": "00z552s6l1zv5csams2xiqdgdjkjn4b02dagpicwd5xyvaj8zfk8"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "com.github@mehdioukik.theme_switcher", "name": "Theme Switcher", "pname": "theme-switcher", "description": "Switch between Adwaita dark and light theme", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "171zf0xij1lyglnxav59wn63wh96hb7hyw0g2s0ns79pr8llc98d"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Keypad Tiling", "pname": "keypad-tiling", "description": "Tile windows with your keypad.\n\nFeatures:\n- Tile focused window with Super + divide/0/1/.../9 keypad keys\n- Get window completion popup with Super + Alt + 1/.../9 keypad keys\n- Customize keybindings in preferences\n\nBugs on Wayland, in particular with window completion (annoying delays between move/resize operations are used as workaround).\nTiling is not exactly the same as the one that GNOME Shell provides. For instance left and right tiling are more basic while top, bottom and corner tiling gains resizing.\nDefault keybindings could conflict with those of other extensions like popular Dash to Dock and Dash to Panel (see either Keypad Tiling or other extension preferences).\n\nGNOME Shell 41 and later are not supported.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "1fagmh6pl7djijzrb27kkd2ihh52s4img7nnfmhvh4a6jnkyinha"}, "38": {"version": "4", "sha256": "1fagmh6pl7djijzrb27kkd2ihh52s4img7nnfmhvh4a6jnkyinha"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Reminder Alarm Clock", "pname": "reminder-alarm-clock", "description": "The reminder alarm clock will remind you of an important event at the appointed time.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "39", "sha256": "1r2h48gnyps7s9q0kwwwwsknh8zgcxnlg5cwpzili4i5fbf7pz4y"}, "38": {"version": "40", "sha256": "1fmc7rd2mg0qzij6pli6c1x74g2phhsv310cw82wkczcp813jd2x"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "BigAvatar", "pname": "bigavatar", "description": "Display big avatar in system-menu\n\nsource:\n\nupdate on github : \n* works with gnome 3.36\n* onClick opens accounts in gnome-prefs", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "1a5h3hxp9ijxyjlgifkxkvz4vpm274d05wm7zzzp22zp2ag5758c"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "TaskBar@c0ldplasma", "name": "TaskBar 2020", "pname": "taskbar-updated", "description": "TaskBar 2020 displays icons of running applications and favorites on the top panel or alternatively on a new bottom panel. Activate, minimize or close tasks with a simple click. \n\nTaskBar 2020 is a dock-like windows list on the top/bottom bar. \n\nFork of zpydr/gnome-shell-extension-taskbar to support newer versions of GNOME \n\nPlease submit issues to:", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "1rd5bjd6g6s8c89ffs0v487p41zpwhn5i8r4mqgq86qq5ivibn71"}, "38": {"version": "5", "sha256": "1rd5bjd6g6s8c89ffs0v487p41zpwhn5i8r4mqgq86qq5ivibn71"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Kernel Indicator", "pname": "kernel-indicator", "description": "Display the kernel version in the top bar", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1mgdzrvb239mx2hik3bxgvd89fp9l5zc8j6x1lxj2jj7ycndsshx"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Floating Dock", "pname": "floating-dock", "description": "Move dock anywhere on the desktop\n\nPress Ctrl+Alt+k to vi mode\nPress lowercase alphabet, open new window or active the window\nPress uppercase alphabet, force to open new window\n\nPoint on the main button, change workspace by mouse scroll\nRight click the main button, show some selections", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "10", "sha256": "1802hd6rkwx0syzx0kbcywd73laqlp3pjqsbvb5vlr82akk5h65z"}, "38": {"version": "12", "sha256": "1svwadnm27jis9p1zzdbwarwfmhkwfsq2zh4nv0xqlw9g88vk215"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "gnordvpn-local@isopolito", "name": "gNordVPN-Local", "pname": "gnordvpn-local", "description": "A Gnome extension that shows the NordVPN status in the top bar and provides the ability to confiure certain aspects of the connection.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "035lxbpjkmc22y93yc1hrvcc5l5bji5rxazk9bxl6bik76q4hg5s"}, "38": {"version": "6", "sha256": "034sm6fr3yy6v4bvv9rimsw64b037mqrvl9klavhdjjj7nsvnyn2"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "fully-transparent-top-bar@aunetx", "name": "Smart transparent topbar", "pname": "fully-transparent-top-bar", "description": "Permits to change topbar's look and feel when free-floating.\n\nIf you have issues or recommandations, you can tell me on github so I can see them!", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "10", "sha256": "0ah2bcfak4ngm76b7rgbqixm2zc024sdnab2nfqd5ikgwadwjfzk"}, "38": {"version": "11", "sha256": "0a6azlrqfpm15ih1zam0ld645hlgx9mvs7w8vyjnkrfinl99bln0"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Always Indicator", "pname": "always-indicator", "description": "Always show the new messages indicator on new messages. Features: 1) New message indicator is always shown if there are notifications. 2) The color of the indicator can be customized. 3) If 'do not disturb' is active, the icon is displayed in the custom color if there are notifications.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "1hc6d1hkycziclk090kzp2hb6bcyrazz7kmb0ryrawwqbx4xlq61"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Spotify Song Label", "pname": "spotify-label", "description": "Show the currently playing song on Spotify in the top bar", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "0a0gf3c6ycia5lqcrl2m2svivmn1akgbdl12pc1dbxa4fwav2c09"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Eruption Profile Switcher", "pname": "eruption-profile-switcher", "description": "Runtime profile switcher for the Eruption Linux input and LED driver for keyboards, mice and other devices", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "12", "sha256": "0lvdg015nz4h9ky67xwx7jja92shd1ppyqy9d21y04d5vkz5739f"}, "38": {"version": "12", "sha256": "0lvdg015nz4h9ky67xwx7jja92shd1ppyqy9d21y04d5vkz5739f"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "user-id-in-top-panel@fthx", "name": "User id in top panel", "pname": "user-id-in-top-panel", "description": "Add ( user name :: user id @ host ) in top panel.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0vz5j5fw0j6i8i6chzs5pybj2q3vlvs433qxk225nmcn8n17rms3"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Hide minimized", "pname": "hide-minimized", "description": "Hide minimized in overview", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "02h91jb9df9ppjhd9vb1shp29d1jais6drm9kgk9iz6lgclb5g8m"}, "38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "02h91jb9df9ppjhd9vb1shp29d1jais6drm9kgk9iz6lgclb5g8m"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "overview-or-applications@fthx", "name": "Overview or Applications", "pname": "overview-or-applications", "description": "Show Applications grid with right click on Activities button.\n\nAt the moment, it does not work along Desktop Icons extension.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0r6m6fqbyq1abbjmf6iv6hszmghdq10jcj5i50p2rgyw0cg556jy"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Brightness control using ddcutil", "pname": "brightness-control-using-ddcutil", "description": "Brightness slider for all the monitors detected by ddcutil\nThis tool uses ddcutil as backend for communication with your display.\n\nMake sure that your user can use following shell commands without root.\n\\t`ddcutil getvcp 10` to check the brightness of a display and\n\\t`ddcutil setvcp 10 100` to set the brightness to 100\n\nMore info:", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1lwpb0n8zpidm7aj37yn8kj7zdgl9ij49j75m0n2d0p4hb8xpd41"}, "38": {"version": "10", "sha256": "0fshml3q8676sbylaxa4cqznc9lqg1rfis0frl76chkn2584m3a2"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "no-dash-in-overview@fthx", "name": "No Dash in Overview", "pname": "no-dash-in-overview", "description": "Remove the applications dash in overview.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "14kgjyf20wspqgcv372lwza40m7x620hqny5zym32hmkvb595hxx"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "transparent-panel@fthx", "name": "Transparent Panel", "pname": "transparent-panel", "description": "Add transparency to the panel for GNOME Shell 3.36+. Nothing more.\n\nYou can easily modify the transparency level through the CSS stylesheet in the extensions's folder.\n\n Fork of .", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0qjjld22mxvjqcl7hbhj1iaadagc1wi7wb6b37zv8q8d33yacy1c"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "simple-task-bar@fthx", "name": "Simple Task Bar", "pname": "simple-task-bar", "description": "*** Superseeded by ***\n\nTask bar in the top panel, tasks on all workspaces.\n\n Basic actions, nothing more : activate, minimize, switch, per-desktop overview. Some settings through GNOME Extensions manager, thanks @leleat.\n\n This extension can hide the Activities button and makes the Places Menu extension's label become a folder icon.\n\n This extension is *light* and should *not interfere* with GNOME Shell behaviour+logic. If you want more, please consider installing Dash to Panel.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "33", "sha256": "0mr6bk32dihq831djl20lz3ii5ldzygni07z0f7agafbr2ws86hf"}, "38": {"version": "33", "sha256": "0mr6bk32dihq831djl20lz3ii5ldzygni07z0f7agafbr2ws86hf"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "InvisiClock@amiller27", "name": "InvisiClock", "pname": "invisiclock", "description": "Make title bar clock invisible", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "09frxjz2a83r33v6wg0gf32zbjshd53kbvq1cgaka1ixchp5sd42"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "minimize-shelf@etenil", "name": "Minimize Shelf", "pname": "minimize-shelf", "description": "Minimize shelf in the top panel, with minimized windows of the current workspace.\n\n No settings but you can easily play around with CSS file. This extension is light and should not interfere with GNOME Shell behaviour+logic.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "10gl1h2jhhlsdf26ni07rc5g9aiz5p9wsv1d9bakp1ncv48lsy71"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Remove Alt+Tab Delay v2", "pname": "remove-alttab-delay-v2", "description": "Another extension that removes the 0.15 second popup delay in switcher pop-ups. This extension is actively maintained. It fixes at least this known issue:", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "093qa0vv19x8ipqjaf4pypaizplik5l9mrvwcp99a4lhqyk75dyf"}, "38": {"version": "4", "sha256": "093qa0vv19x8ipqjaf4pypaizplik5l9mrvwcp99a4lhqyk75dyf"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Notifications++", "pname": "notifications", "description": "Shows notification count next to date", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1wqnfy8p9m9pz1q1z6ywcnfi1gjqildijjddd7bcy19phlrpq4hx"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "XBindKeys", "pname": "xbindkeys", "description": "Allows xbindkeys-Profiles per Application or Window. Needs xbindkeys to be installed.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0rw159c75k5x3dw77qd2wil0n4ml9jx883hrnsjg4lm91790sz3i"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "corona-tracker", "pname": "corona-tracker", "description": "A GNOME Shell extension (GNOME Panel applet) to notify you every day with information about the COVID-19 virus spread.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "12", "sha256": "0dmqhnkc0vqrqib8z7g6db153nwwkc4aj3xklvsz8z5041lqjai2"}, "38": {"version": "12", "sha256": "0dmqhnkc0vqrqib8z7g6db153nwwkc4aj3xklvsz8z5041lqjai2"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Gnome Trash", "pname": "gnome-trash", "description": "A gnome shell extension to manage your trash. You can manage trash items from the panel and open or empty the trash.\nIt hides completely when the trash is empty, and lists the files in the trash bin in the panel menu.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "12", "sha256": "1zj82cn4xqcg3yhkpmcmx6697r8aq4p1fbwjwzaznzm86c0plyz4"}, "38": {"version": "12", "sha256": "1zj82cn4xqcg3yhkpmcmx6697r8aq4p1fbwjwzaznzm86c0plyz4"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Custom 3 Finger Gestures", "pname": "custom-3-finger-gestures", "description": "3 Finger touchpad gestures into gnome-shell", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "7", "sha256": "0xr4xcvy70fs1hcfkxj4lqjnlqzsgcxn5l060cv2867slhidq8yy"}, "38": {"version": "7", "sha256": "0xr4xcvy70fs1hcfkxj4lqjnlqzsgcxn5l060cv2867slhidq8yy"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "overview-improved@human.experience", "name": "Overview Improved", "pname": "overview-improved", "description": "Improved, more Unity like overview\n\n* Dash-To-Dock or Ubuntu Dock integration creates Unity-like experience showing windows of specific type\n* Windows search in overview\nConfigurable keybinding (Super+w) to trigger current window overlay\n* Clicking empty space in overview closes\n* Do not show overview when showing application on multiple monitors\n* Multi Monitors Add-On Overview integration\n\nCaveat: may clash with other extensions that modify overview experience", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1i8xg9lbw7gd218q5zid50p7pjlwa89j55lzjc6rvizi4a69kw7l"}, "38": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1i8xg9lbw7gd218q5zid50p7pjlwa89j55lzjc6rvizi4a69kw7l"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "COVID-19 Tracker", "pname": "covid-19-tracker", "description": "Extension for the Gnome topbar which displays COVID-19 data by country.\nThe data is pulled from", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "1y7cz4l3m185f0j2xkv20vbr3cx7h4g7v7xskrgbx3zchxmnsp5k"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Brightness Panel Menu Indicator", "pname": "brightness-panel-menu-indicator", "description": "If a backlight device is available, this extension shows a brightness indicator on panel menu, that allows changing brightness through scrolling on it. Useful, when using ddcci-driver-linux on a desktop PC without native keyboard buttons to change brightness.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0b7d4w03513fikab4nn9h2k7ncs6fip0v8y1vv1wy9zb6qfwfhkl"}, "38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0b7d4w03513fikab4nn9h2k7ncs6fip0v8y1vv1wy9zb6qfwfhkl"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "crypto@alipirpiran.github", "name": "Crypto Price Tracker", "pname": "crypto-price-tracker", "description": "Simple extension to track price of Crypto Currencies\n\nadd coins by Binance symbols, for example: \"BTC/USDT\", \"ETH/LTC\"\ncomplete list on binance:", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "1j4ms61n1an03z5cqr3y0p1ka14ky93sh5fyva9ydw2mwda4w9ga"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "IBus Tweaker", "pname": "ibus-tweaker", "description": "Tweaker of IBus for orientation, theme, font and ascii mode auto-switch", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "23", "sha256": "0yrh441wfp2yjm5cq7k0xv6aj2xkz98a239j10vbfl9a9wyndmav"}, "38": {"version": "28", "sha256": "0865lg3xlc8g1gl8l5sz4qrrmn6d4ygw9qi1r4y9pvpq8d1bw8w3"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "generic-monitor@gnome-shell-extensions", "name": "Generic Monitor", "pname": "generic-monitor", "description": "Display text & icon on systray using DBUS", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "05602cgphzgqsz9hl9001iqyqdmzr68grhqj923bzxnqw8vjb8rv"}, "38": {"version": "5", "sha256": "05602cgphzgqsz9hl9001iqyqdmzr68grhqj923bzxnqw8vjb8rv"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "QuickLaunch", "pname": "quicklaunch", "description": "Quick Launch - Launch custom made .desktop files from a directory", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "00qbg5ii1ymghzybhlhn7j67qdrlj3b3ks13yda5xjrvq17pyqfr"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Hide Keyboard Layout", "pname": "hide-keyboard-layout", "description": "Hide keyboard layout indicator in status bar", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0cylcq7ws9ngw7k6dfgfi73zpp1qvvrwaa5qmi8gm0cw7xmwcb9w"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Poweroff Button on Topbar", "pname": "poweroff-button-on-topbar", "description": "Add Poweroff Button on Topbar", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "06zwxq19gn4iwqw4fbs23vvjrj8plvm5pqipgdlxvc1xwzgjsm5h"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Maximize To Workspace With History", "pname": "maximize-to-workspace-with-history", "description": "Like MacOS, puts window in a new workspace when its maximized or full-screened and brings you back to original workspace when its unmaximized or unfull-screened or closed. \n\nRecommended to use with touchegg/fusuma/libinput multi finger swipe gestures.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "20", "sha256": "0rj7kzfw034ipq4jm13ymgpbl0znv61n7r9a8jpk2mlv1rij09vc"}, "38": {"version": "20", "sha256": "0rj7kzfw034ipq4jm13ymgpbl0znv61n7r9a8jpk2mlv1rij09vc"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Power Menu Remover", "pname": "power-menu-remover", "description": "Removes the Power Menu + Settings options from the system menu. Just a small extension I made to remove those buttons from the system menu after duplicates were added by Arc Menu.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "059k5f4xz2lv2c9jlwqw3riji0vn00v6p1sqki9cq42if9gqmsgg"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "activities_icons@fawtytoo", "name": "Activities Icons", "pname": "activities-icons", "description": "The Activities button becomes 2 icons for selecting either Applications or Workspaces in the overview. Selecting the same view again will hide the overview.\nScrolling on the icons allows switching windows on a workspace or cycling through the Workspaces.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "0yn53gvy1xwc13am3d47gqqb076h8wxl5ga0lajqw05mjpi58hd5"}, "38": {"version": "5", "sha256": "0yn53gvy1xwc13am3d47gqqb076h8wxl5ga0lajqw05mjpi58hd5"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "transparent_panel@fawtytoo", "name": "Transparent Top Panel", "pname": "transparent-top-panel", "description": "Totally transparent top panel in the Overview.\nAlso adds drop shadows to text and icons for those using GS 3.38.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "0z3156hnk6rqcw97jljx7c9qjz921dqws56cxw2d22yvkkaxzzcl"}, "38": {"version": "6", "sha256": "0z3156hnk6rqcw97jljx7c9qjz921dqws56cxw2d22yvkkaxzzcl"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "overview_full_bright@fawtytoo", "name": "Overview Full Bright", "pname": "overview-full-bright", "description": "Shows the Overview in full brightness and without the vignette.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "0qm8y0j8sxdibvq2s2nkayj9a47rqaxvxs54ynf3f9j7pc3j5sln"}, "38": {"version": "4", "sha256": "0qm8y0j8sxdibvq2s2nkayj9a47rqaxvxs54ynf3f9j7pc3j5sln"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "IntelliJ Rider  Search Provider", "pname": "intellij-rider-search-provider", "description": "Search recent Rider solutions in Gnome shell", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "0zqzqvxjpws2i3bhwrcfgz0s1n5r91hv444mwha0yad8c4rg9xii"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Tray Icons: Reloaded", "pname": "tray-icons-reloaded", "description": "Tray Icons Reloaded is a GNOME Shell extension which bring back Tray Icons to top panel, with additional features.\n\n>>> Read compatibility note on GitHub, also there is bug reporting <<<", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "9", "sha256": "0qjwcfm5hm73zr70dv18d91rh316lrkwf8isg625f6jr2l9n690p"}, "38": {"version": "11", "sha256": "0i2dd9pjz0420dr6yfs0lzx3hsbmaqapqxi88g81smbak9klnh4x"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Messaging Menu", "pname": "messaging-menu", "description": "A Messaging Menu for the Gnome Shell. All Email and Chat Applications in one Place.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "1563ikbha87yb9y0cipzayy6r5g751whplqk80hzqp3jab4avlkz"}, "38": {"version": "4", "sha256": "1563ikbha87yb9y0cipzayy6r5g751whplqk80hzqp3jab4avlkz"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "SettingsCenter", "pname": "settingscenter", "description": "Settings Center is a customizable drop-down menu for quickly launching frequently used apps in Gnome:Shell via the user/aggregate menu. Originally created by XES.\n\nv10: fix for older versions, i havent tested this on anything below 3.10, v9: minor cleanup, now has an icon for the main menu entry. \n\nSettings shortcuts : gnome-tweak-tool, dconf-editor, gconf-editor, gnome-session-properties, gnome-shell-extension-prefs, seahorse and nvidia-settings. You can add your own\n\nOriginal source : (3.8 replace Settings code credit IsacDaavid)\n\nCredit to @peaceseeker for updating this with a working repo, i do wish it could have been pushed to me but my blank repo was deleted as it was stale, i failed to push to git before going back to work around 1.5 years ago and i hadn't been active enough to notice anything other than emails(these things help people!)", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1ah9ssz8x3ii2f8xlr6z7xahsminrxhwdiykscmb9wrp7fq9lq1j"}, "38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1ah9ssz8x3ii2f8xlr6z7xahsminrxhwdiykscmb9wrp7fq9lq1j"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Auto-mute toggle", "pname": "auto-mute-toggle", "description": "Toggle whether to auto-mute speakers when headphones are plugged in.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "0mhbfiq8vgmgjqc03bcviwzd2h47nzwlfkxwj1azhkvraq3dpf07"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Optimus Manager Indicator", "pname": "optimus-manager-indicator", "description": "Intel/Hybrid/NVIDIA GPU Switch Note: The GPU mode activated doesn't show up in the options, by example: When you turn on the PC you are gonna be in Intel mode so Intel option is not gonna be shown. Note: Optimus Manager Indicator is made(for the moment) for Arch based distributions with optimus-manager.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "007wslrw9g8ys0c489i2mayna38zracxqjxxffyr2pzqinqk1v8c"}, "38": {"version": "4", "sha256": "007wslrw9g8ys0c489i2mayna38zracxqjxxffyr2pzqinqk1v8c"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Bring Out Submenu Of Power Off/Logout Button", "pname": "bring-out-submenu-of-power-offlogout-button", "description": "Bring Out Submenu Of Power Off/Logout Button and Rearrange the Order of System Menu.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "9", "sha256": "0ax8mg55475hx05yx66k2a7pp4wp7xrxb7na88yd7vsbir6cidrh"}, "38": {"version": "12", "sha256": "03kfhif187krz1v19xc9rhw2sj3srabdxrwv39a1wqw05jsqf2gh"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Flickr Wallpaper", "pname": "flickr-wallpaper", "description": "Obtains photo from Flickr and sets it as wallpaper", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1293ailr6az3wnpisbsl9zd1hgkbj8ypl5j8ry0j5dwww5kfyh3r"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Battery Time (Percentage) Compact", "pname": "battery-time-percentage-compact", "description": "Show the remaining time until fully charged/discharged as well as percentage of battery charge in the panel.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "1v8527g4hjhy4rafv5yckymfihqapmmzvb9piyxxidpmxa9piinb"}, "38": {"version": "3", "sha256": "1v8527g4hjhy4rafv5yckymfihqapmmzvb9piyxxidpmxa9piinb"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Executor", "pname": "executor", "description": "Execute multiple shell commands periodically with separate intervals and display the output in gnome top bar.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "155kwj8dsawwgzd0gfjzc6qksfz988m0xxdsk9d1nbaj8s5lc59v"}, "38": {"version": "6", "sha256": "155kwj8dsawwgzd0gfjzc6qksfz988m0xxdsk9d1nbaj8s5lc59v"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Control Blur Effect On Lock Screen", "pname": "control-blur-effect-on-lock-screen", "description": "Control the Blur Effect On Lock Screen.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "0mwwmji0an8gkzx6y178lryaicmlghpjvlpi0ci11lmqhmr20ndn"}, "38": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1xmgxddilbgh7b57n7m00gqr2gwgp7xif5zh9287ipfm43h8rw58"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Compiz alike windows effect", "pname": "compiz-alike-windows-effect", "description": "Wobbly windows effect inspired by the Compiz one\n\n-----------------------------------\n ALTERNATIVE\n-----------------------------------\nalternative extension to obtain an effect more similar to the original:\n", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "17", "sha256": "1c57im9pizdj1pkv13fvj0jfgp3y610ydgirf6076lykrgm9f6x7"}, "38": {"version": "17", "sha256": "1c57im9pizdj1pkv13fvj0jfgp3y610ydgirf6076lykrgm9f6x7"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Light Dict", "pname": "light-dict", "description": "Lightweight extension for instant action to primary selection, especially optimized for Dictionary lookup", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "28", "sha256": "0h0gf46v3326rq9diqrj9zdig3di9wixlbl75y44w61mb373psfb"}, "38": {"version": "47", "sha256": "1kvjpimll2zc5sbky35lkcpd9yk0z26bfam9l5gc3kck838rcifl"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Cast to TV - Desktop Stream Add-on", "pname": "cast-to-tv-desktop-stream-add-on", "description": "Desktop streaming support for GNOME Shell Extension Cast to TV.\n\nRequires GStreamer plugins - visit add-on home page for more info.\nCast to TV extension must be installed before any add-ons.\nAfter enabling this add-on go to Cast Settings \\u2192 Modules and click \"Install npm modules\" button.\n\nGNOME 3.34+ only!\nPlease use GitHub to report issues.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1p1haci4by6kdxxqg3lwn4qp0l74qal07wm569k9cms0vncbxkci"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Internet Speed Meter", "pname": "internet-speed-meter", "description": "Simple and minimal internet speed meter extension for gnome shell", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "1pniq187664c5f5d7p90wh2mwphxziahpjcqwa8zrfqjvl6715jw"}, "38": {"version": "5", "sha256": "1pniq187664c5f5d7p90wh2mwphxziahpjcqwa8zrfqjvl6715jw"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "IP Finder", "pname": "ip-finder", "description": "Displays useful information about your public IP Address\n\n====\nWhat is IP Finder Gnome Extension?\n====\nIP Finder displays information about your public IP address, hostname, country, AS Block, as well as  a map tile of your Geolocation and country flag,  this extension is also useful for informational purposes to monitor VPN changes and public network IP Addresses.\n\n====\nIP Finder can monitor IP changes and VPN connection status in real time\n====\n* Wireguard connections\n* OpenVPN connections\n* IPV4/6 connections\n* Proxy connections\n* VPN vendor applications\n* Manual static IP changes\n\n====\nIP Finder has built in added security\n====\nNewly developed revised code base using open technologies and using API's for Public IP and Map Tile image locations using GET requests over HTTPS for added encrypted  Security, Please see source code for more details.\n\n====\nSystem Requirements\n====\nRequired GNOME shell version 3.36 and above.\n\n IP Finder GNOME Extension developed by ArcMenu Team", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1lrjafniqcwwfrw2kz334njghn8ixf8d78gss4n8hx2p3mhql9n3"}, "38": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1lrjafniqcwwfrw2kz334njghn8ixf8d78gss4n8hx2p3mhql9n3"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "RunCat", "pname": "runcat", "description": "The cat tells you the CPU usage by running speed", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "10", "sha256": "1s0qcva3y3pvkixbi1wlv50dmrmkdxanip392z87i6bckzvl8g9v"}, "38": {"version": "10", "sha256": "1s0qcva3y3pvkixbi1wlv50dmrmkdxanip392z87i6bckzvl8g9v"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Bowser Gnome Extension", "pname": "bowser-gnome-extension", "description": "Create rules to open specific websites in specific web browsers for links clicked in any application on your computer. (emails, chat etc)", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "9", "sha256": "1d3faa732aj8amm45hs33m00zkhy6fa4y02h8alfs1idblnrn7lk"}, "38": {"version": "10", "sha256": "0rh9h9apia6vcnfsrif8w2vjc8n87lf3p4gds0lb136wzb3lv8nd"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "ideapad@laurento.frittella", "name": "IdeaPad", "pname": "ideapad", "description": "Lenovo IdeaPad goodies for Gnome Shell", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "07gp68nr3wmagxkhpa2hzq9ss2rk98zk1b07hpvznjzxs2zvyrf1"}, "38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "07gp68nr3wmagxkhpa2hzq9ss2rk98zk1b07hpvznjzxs2zvyrf1"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Daily Encouragement", "pname": "daily-encouragement", "description": "Fragments of Daisaku Ikeda's Writings", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0fd6hkk3mz48n6jhmb4207bma9qqqvl521xc3jprlik9n0kx9v3h"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "apps-on-top@RaphaelRochet", "name": "Apps On Top", "pname": "apps-on-top", "description": "Move the Applications button at the top of the Dash.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0wg52q8bnlipjql6gnnsi3vprn430a9rk3h0n3z4afdz6xy63cb9"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "system-monitor-next", "pname": "system-monitor-next", "description": "Display system informations in gnome shell status bar, such as memory usage, cpu usage, network rates\\u2026\n\nThis fork of paradoxxxzero/gnome-shell-system-monitor-applet is for packaging purposes only. This extension is built and updated continuously with the upstream master branch.\n\nThis is preferable for users on bleeding edge distributions that prefer not to wait for a stable release from the main repo. Of course, since we're releasing directly from master some instability is inevitable.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "1wmf6vg1cfr663448b7s82wrfsh2hbznq2cpif4mhffbkbkmy33f"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "invert-value@mebsout", "name": "Dark Mode Window", "pname": "invert-window-value", "description": "Dark Mode per window by inverting the value of individual windows.\n\nThis is a fork of Invert Window Color ( with a different shader. When activated the current window color value is inverted but hues are kept identical.\nDefault shortcut is Super+U", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0mjmym6h0vnbrvl0k5mvg0clwbg50yghkfqrcmzwkya36dyipgqa"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "User Themes X", "pname": "user-themes-x", "description": "Customizable user-theme with user stylesheet and night theme autoswitch support", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "13", "sha256": "0mhkd4imv0n147l838wwrahj5kiwm3ny32lbx0677p5yh1900v7k"}, "38": {"version": "20", "sha256": "1yp960kz8qx66sr94cra4qbryi8p6nf1nyx5df60k04pmrzvckz8"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Remove App Menu", "pname": "remove-app-menu", "description": "Remove the Application Menu on the top bar\nUpdated to 3.36", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0amazgjkmazwz90x5mdjr74qv5yvl1caq3y137pj7cl6l5jmnhw3"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "app_view_text@fawtytoo", "name": "Application View Text", "pname": "application-view-text", "description": "The text in the Application view can be hard to read on a light coloured background. This extension makes the text bolder with a drop shadow.\nAlso improves the visibility of the app running dot.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "07wsl9a67q4nng7xkr9b3nrms0g7m45ghzk4psl77l8k5yf2i4bl"}, "38": {"version": "4", "sha256": "07wsl9a67q4nng7xkr9b3nrms0g7m45ghzk4psl77l8k5yf2i4bl"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Hide Dash (new)", "pname": "hide-dash-new", "description": "(Updated) Hide the dash from the activities overview", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "073d00z5ba80rw4lpsm7ifi2cxqab1rgd7rris0wajyk0jc58zpb"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Good Bye GDM3 Login Screen to Desktop Flick for gnome-shell 3.36 Only!", "pname": "good-bye-gdm-flick", "description": "No Flickering Between GDM3 Login Screen to Desktop Transition.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0nf0ipzmm32sm49g9bc5gyfig1468zk79p8g9xff6xrqysl32rmk"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "VPN and SNX Indicator", "pname": "vpn-and-snx-indicator", "description": "A status indicator for a VPN and SNX(Check Point) connection.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "021pzmns2fb63fhdqn2hk475xnbwr4swlj1pxs2dzvkj8qmblxlg"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "ESC to close overview from applications list | UPDATED", "pname": "esc-to-close-overview-from-applications-list", "description": "Modified to support Gnome 3.36+. Original here:\n\nClose the Overview when you are in Applications list and hit ESC when searchbox is empty. The default gnome-shell behaviour is in first ESC hit clean the searchbox, the second ESC back to Activities overview and the third ESC close the overview. This extension suppress the activities overview from applications overview", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1brgvrnfwkpvhkjbng516qiqjjnvcaip6vpsgnzkkm205yrph8wc"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "VLAN Switcher", "pname": "vlan-switcher", "description": "Activate and deactivate VLAN connections from the system panel.\n\nYou first need to create the VLANs with your preferred tool, such as nm-connection-editor. The status of each connections is refreshed only when you open the popup menu.\nFor any problem or suggestion open an issue on github.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1vznnq9wr6fhaw8bhxhx1s6kpkixmpai42zg9capmgj98c5mfk04"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Simpler Off Menu", "pname": "simpler-off-menu", "description": "This extension removes the Power Off/Logout submenu and  allow you to choose what do you want to have in the Power Off menu. You can choose to show Lock, Settings, Suspend, Hibernate and Gnome-Tweaks.\n\nAlso allows you to merge Gnome-Tweaks in the Settings button, use left-click to launch Settings and right-click to launch Gnome-Tweaks.\n\nImportant!!\nAfter changing the settings, disable and re-enable the extension for the changes to take effect.\n\nFeedback welcome!", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "0jzqrqbvksshfrq58hv5p9rmndpmwdlqcdzsc4l3z6896yv0rwak"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "ssss@tu.berry", "name": "Simple Subscriber", "pname": "ss-subscriber", "description": "Simple shadowsocks subscriber (SSD only), yet another proxy switcher for gnome shell.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "14", "sha256": "0wkm08r5drs5157aqyw6n929c6l7xhqn4bi6hbwmimn54zhnk4bq"}, "38": {"version": "17", "sha256": "0bmgidcjinpzac32c6np2z6g5r9kgm7kl9w7csz57244ws4habgc"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Excuses Generator", "pname": "excuses-generator", "description": "A excuses generator in memoriam of jci", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1jgm7ry7yswp7cgy69wfy807sqzkid0p1gx1d7829cvpnk8hr7rx"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "extension-list@tu.berry", "name": "Extension List", "pname": "extension-list", "description": "Simple gnome shell extension manager in top panel", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "19", "sha256": "00wq8b8wp2dim4fz3c4xcaql5w9l658kcrldy996837rapg22b93"}, "38": {"version": "24", "sha256": "07z4bzkgndkjnqw1iklyfvmsq6i5qgii8x3dkg0wd0v9gf2ysijp"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "adnts@n.darazaki", "name": "Auto Day/Night Theme Switch", "pname": "auto-daynight-theme-switch", "description": "Automatically switch themes depending on the time of the day", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "11mfncq7bad5zr3fb2mp7fk24c55fshccybg7v6ndphqq81dhnhw"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Maximize To Empty Workspace", "pname": "maximize-to-empty-workspace", "description": "New and maximized windows will be moved to empty workspaces.\nSupports multiple monitors.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "035v1c0wcrp9csb1bq6d1f6q3kn0g0gz534r24zggq4wgaqahyf8"}, "38": {"version": "4", "sha256": "035v1c0wcrp9csb1bq6d1f6q3kn0g0gz534r24zggq4wgaqahyf8"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Woogie's GlobalProtect Extension", "pname": "woogies-globalprotect-extension", "description": "Modification of GlobalProtect Indicator by fbuescher.\n\nAdds an 'x' when GlobalProtect is off. When clicked on, it starts the GlobalProtect UI", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0r7rkvpdl1zzv15ji1rlnhh1rxwid7xxpc3s8ag3lb5qm6pdrqjb"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Islamic date/time functions", "pname": "islamic-datetime-functions", "description": "Add Hijri date and Prayer times to date menu\n\nDescription\nHijri Date Time and Prayer is an Islamic extension for Gnome Shell. This is a fork of  Sabily Date Time GNOME shell extension.\n\nFeatures\n\nList 5 prayer times\nDisplays: Sunrise, Sunset, Midnight\nShow remaining time for the upcoming prayer\nShow current date in Hijri calendar\nDisplay a notification when it's time for prayer\nPlay call for prayer sound file\nAdjustement of Hijri date\nDisplay Moon phases\n\nDependencies:\ngir1.2-itl and gir1.2-gstreamer should be installed in your system: for debian based system: \"sudo apt install gir1.2-gstreamer-1.0 gir1.2-itl-1.0\"", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "1554k09b3sarw8czv7325gsxhbr3mhyyn8v87fxlpr0dchcsspbh"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "JetBrains Search Provider", "pname": "jetbrains-search-provider", "description": "Search recent projects of JetBrains IDEs in Gnome shell", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "14", "sha256": "05chyld0wjak9ryzscr3nc749sb0cakfvxxlz8skjk1pc6px19r8"}, "38": {"version": "14", "sha256": "05chyld0wjak9ryzscr3nc749sb0cakfvxxlz8skjk1pc6px19r8"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "tuxedo-keyboard-gnome-extension", "name": "Tuxedo Backlight Keyboard", "pname": "tuxedo-backlight-keyboard", "description": "Control Backlight Keyboard", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1qvwj66fwwv4hvik04qyic8qngn7qnzxkn2xbbj2h1b9ghxkwwm1"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Smooth touchpad gestures", "pname": "smooth-gestures", "description": "Adds smooth gestures to gnome.\n\nSo far only 3 finger swipe up/down gesture is implemented, the gesture shows/hides overview.\nThe progression of the gesture follows finger movement, unlike lots of other implementations, that emulate key presses when the gesture ends.\n\nThis is WIP, I intend to implement smooth back/forward swipe in browsers, dragging window, and possibly some others. If you have any requests, you are welcome to write them here in the comments.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1n4rs6rs3i29d07jvkp2wrpdjxjr4hq0ngmqd7pfmrsr4hjxnad4"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "ProtonVPN Status", "pname": "protonvpn-status", "description": "A GNOME extension for controlling and monitoring your ProtonVPN connection.\n\nIMPORTANT FOR THIS EXTENSION TO WORK:\nYou need to follow this official guide by the ProtonVPN team to allow this extension to handle the ProtonVPN linux-cli client without superuser privileges:\n\n\n2021-1-29 Announcement:\n\n\nPlease report issues on GitHub!", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "1cnkxj5c6g6pb7zr1y46akcisbwv924ifql8d8g76km4c0x4mp5z"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Eye and Mouse Extended", "pname": "eye-extended", "description": "Adds an eye to the indicator bar that follows your cursor \nYou can also display the mouse indicator, perhaps it will help you with the problem of displaying the mouse cursor in Skype", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "7", "sha256": "0ab6nsfcvrlw8sg6109m5zhkn27a4yjhxfvx5pk0kcqgis781wiv"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Mouse battery", "pname": "mouse-battery", "description": "Mouse battery indicator.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "02siy5bwl1q818wv7wy1clxwv7vv9bccmns89xb9b7gfpfwh5n27"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "game-controllers@marsch84", "name": "Game Controller Settings", "pname": "game-controller-settings", "description": "Store and restore calibration settings of game controllers\n\nThis extension provides the possibility to store game controller calibration settings. It loads the stored settings at start-up. The extension is basically a wrapper for the applications \"jscal\" and \"jstest-gtk\". It adds the load and store functionality that is not available through these utilities by default. The extension uses the classical joystick interface of linux, as this is still the standard in most games. It does not support the more recent event device interface.\n\nThe extension requires JavaScript bindings for the GUdev library which is not installed by default on some distributions. Run the command below to install the necessary bindings for distributions based on Ubuntu:\n$ sudo apt install gir1.2-gudev-1.0\n\nPlease install the applications \"jscal\" (e.g. in package \"joystick\" for Ubuntu) and \"jstest-gtk\" for full functionality. These utilities are part of most distributions and can be installed via the respective package management system.\n\n", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1iw2k3hq2ph7bnng6q6j64ag7i5b0r2ksgpb5d59ng17rsbj8njg"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Wireguard Indicator", "pname": "wireguard-indicator", "description": "Enable, disable, and view details of Wireguard.\nDeveloped by Gregos-Winus.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "08d0r760f5fb5ya2ijiin69f58faxw5k4lbq84bhh4k5wz63bg2c"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "no_activities@yaya.cout", "name": "No activities button", "pname": "no-activities-button", "description": "Do not show the activities button", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0aa60jmkss2c65pk4xvpnj60blljj0214q0kfpknzlyik2rhx6z2"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Screensaver using conky", "pname": "screensaver", "description": "A gnome extension which operates as a screensaver, using conky.\n\nMore information can be found on:", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "0xjqwwab2jmc3l79fjbr1fa2xq2qvpi11ihq9hgrq8nzzihqzfls"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "blur-my-shell@aunetx", "name": "Blur my Shell", "pname": "blur-my-shell", "description": "Adds a blur look to different parts of the GNOME Shell, including the top panel, dash and overview.\n\nContains some bugs due to the implementation of the blur effect on gnome shell, see https: // for more informations.\n\nYou can now select which part you want to blur, wether or not you want overview animation and there is an option that reduces a lot the artifacts :)", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "0ksm5l5n1dcyqrwblf9v2hn99l60gy0fnh3aq13jhzqm8zaamfbz"}, "38": {"version": "6", "sha256": "0ksm5l5n1dcyqrwblf9v2hn99l60gy0fnh3aq13jhzqm8zaamfbz"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Nextwall Indicator", "pname": "nextwall-indicator", "description": "Integrate Nextwall with GNOME Shell.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1g70ds7sns634h8iflmdxk593271wgl5nqsp99m1ql29jjns2rlg"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "escape-overview@raelgc", "name": "ESCape Overview", "pname": "escape-overview", "description": "Close the Overview with a single ESC press when searchbox is empty.\n\nThe default gnome-shell behaviour is, during first ESC press, clean the searchbox, then second ESC press get back to Activities overview and then third ESC press will finally close the overview.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "106w5ba5lxgsh69mfdz5m5g77gn0qs7q6a74v9151pmbl3gxfsxk"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Compiz windows effect", "pname": "compiz-windows-effect", "description": "Compiz wobbly windows effect thanks to libanimation engine.\n\nThe use of the \"js engine\" option NOT requires any external library, orherwise you need to install the LIBANIMATION library patched for Gnome Shell: \n\n\nVideo:\n", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "13yrq4qlaj2rdv15lx30bpc2zw5pwa3izknjq6k55hh22yjpms05"}, "38": {"version": "6", "sha256": "13yrq4qlaj2rdv15lx30bpc2zw5pwa3izknjq6k55hh22yjpms05"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "End Session Timer", "pname": "end-session-timer", "description": "Set End Session Timer between 5 to 60 Seconds", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0zgrs114a7jx6189g59z905vj5zhg0dgx7j695bmbfd34fw5ip22"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Block Caribou 36", "pname": "block-caribou-36", "description": "Blocks caribou (the on screen keyboard) from popping up when you use a touchscreen. Even if it's disabled in the accessibility services menu. Continuation of keringar's work. Note, only tested on gnome shell version 3.36 on Fedora 32 with Xorg and gnome shell version 3.38 on Fedora 33 with Xorg. Based on", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1ijx1am8jgrvjcsfzv1phm1hfwrd5zkddfvnnn5nl5k5s9k7wm60"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Unmaximize Double Click Panel", "pname": "unmaximize-double-click-panel", "description": "Unmaximize the current window on double click on the top panel. You can also maximize horizontally and vertically with middle and right click.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "00znmnh1bgb8j9nc1zq5x7qf40p0yx0rp8niccmn8yv5l9l14s7i"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Unity-like App Switcher", "pname": "unity-like-app-switcher", "description": "A bigger and more colourfull AppSwitcher", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "00abwqn73mk21y4nig3sk322waqri4bj0alaii8i6nqh2fkx7dpq"}, "38": {"version": "4", "sha256": "00abwqn73mk21y4nig3sk322waqri4bj0alaii8i6nqh2fkx7dpq"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "SSH Quick Connect", "pname": "ssh-quick-connect", "description": "This extension puts an icon in the panel with a simple dropdown menu that launches items from your ~.ssh/config", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "00cj7zab5prr5j958g8akfz70kb9bbfws5lndrb16hxr5xlbb3gb"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Add to Desktop", "pname": "add-to-desktop", "description": "An easy way to create desktop app shortcuts in gnome", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "0dgh39y8f3j8x2hrgsv5xfjqa55wyvgs97876qf4fvrxgyc0m1sw"}, "38": {"version": "4", "sha256": "0dgh39y8f3j8x2hrgsv5xfjqa55wyvgs97876qf4fvrxgyc0m1sw"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Hide System Actions", "pname": "hide-system-actions", "description": "Hide 'lock, logout, switchUser, suspend and Poweroff Icons from Gnomes Search'", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "191n9hxfbr1jjd4xgazml866v8yfjfpvvafmqx5n4r3ssa60w1px"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "wifi-power-management-toggle@rthery", "name": "Wi-Fi Power Management Toggle", "pname": "wi-fi-power-management-toggle", "description": "Toggle Wi-Fi power saving mode from the Gnome System Menu, for wireless cards supporting it.\n\nIt uses 'nmcli', so the option is working per connection.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "18hab9zq95ga3wiwy85nq8fswq3kra57ira84lxi149wf8pjjild"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Ubuntuvn Desktop", "pname": "ubuntuvn-desktop", "description": "Default Ubuntuvn desktop interface: Simple, clean and fast taskbar; dynamic workspace window tiling system", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "0qi3dzbikz5r0535bbmlh29nw3mizrhw96p3pmxgd5gq7a299442"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "smbios-thermal-ctl", "pname": "smbios-thermal-ctl", "description": "smbios-thermal-ctl", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "13csq6ksbxql50f0q58am5kkjmzj0fymzlmiv5rzlbnr3lp35adw"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Shlink URL shortener", "pname": "shlink-url-shortener", "description": "Shorten links in your clipboard with Shlink", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1zgg8dwy99hsyh7ihna6a03h021vjw37rjsjyv847xaf6lfnxxad"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "extend-left-box@mozgiii", "name": "Extend left box - 3.36", "pname": "extend-left-box-336", "description": "Extend _leftBox of gnome-shell top panel", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1w2hkhqwlxd54lpgh6ipyyc3cg89lifi64fis80pdvlnwckcqk4v"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Touchpad Window Switcher", "pname": "tocuhpad-window-switcher", "description": "3 fingers window switcher. To make it work on Xorg check the service on github.\n\nUp - down: toggle between overview and show desktop (Needs Super+D shorcut to be set on Xorg. Set it with `gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings show-desktop '<Super>d'`).\n\nYou can also change windows by going to the overview (up) and moving to the left and right, and choosing the window with down. The overview is modified so it\\u2019s shown in chronological order.\n", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "8", "sha256": "1ldkb5clz2zmzdl3mxpg9lmg0zw48w50klfdckh4yx25ryw5m3c9"}, "38": {"version": "8", "sha256": "1ldkb5clz2zmzdl3mxpg9lmg0zw48w50klfdckh4yx25ryw5m3c9"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "DuckDuckGo Search Provider", "pname": "duckduckgo-search-provider", "description": "Add DuckDuckGo search suggestions to Gnome Shell Search", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1kx442c63gy81aa8aafy3py0c0vbihbrnsd4d1ylb3z6ghgl10hy"}, "38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1kx442c63gy81aa8aafy3py0c0vbihbrnsd4d1ylb3z6ghgl10hy"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "apps-to-panel@aunetx", "name": "Apps to Panel", "pname": "apps-to-panel", "description": "This extension turns the Activities button into two button with icon or text to select Applications or Workspaces in the Overview.\n\nChange the same view for button to icon or text.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "1q0nnprs69927y2id6r0cybqfkklyzcd65a6a43zhzi5nk7cznkw"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Translate Indicator", "pname": "translate-indicator", "description": "Translate extension for Gnome-Shell - based on translate-shell, inspired by Tudmotu's clipboard-indicator and gufoe's text-translator", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "1lfr4ph42w53ifz3rb3hhsrixslm018xxq697s2z6zydvp5jap2m"}, "38": {"version": "3", "sha256": "1lfr4ph42w53ifz3rb3hhsrixslm018xxq697s2z6zydvp5jap2m"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Wallpaper Mode", "pname": "wallpaper-mode", "description": "Save the pixels of your monitor by showing different wallpapers all the time. A fork with different goals.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "00jrf6inx5w84bwxbn0v5hkwlw6znrzifrhdsbvawi8ivwg6pkfz"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Improved Onscreen Keyboard", "pname": "improved-onscreen-keyboard", "description": "Makes Gnome's onscreen keyboard more useable with e.g. more keys. This extension is based on but this version will make the keyboard appear on the top layer of the gnome shell. The most of the coding was done by Since there was no way of contacting him and i also didnt find any git repo for the extension i decided to publish it here.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "19p6f5isff8drygxc2fg8ipha4ipli4s6z58a772df73a442m8hn"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "panel-indicators-testing@akhil", "name": "Panel Indicators", "pname": "panel-indicators", "description": "Move the Power/Network/Volume/User/Date/Notifications menus to the status area.\n\n*(Not my work. Reupload of lenuswalkers work. Source code is linked below.)", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "192bxspr62mlfcqbz8lvv84jnqqg8hb1yv9pw6rkjrxg5slpsvxi"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "s_menu", "name": "Gnome System Menu", "pname": "gnome-system-menu", "description": "Creates a small system utility window in the left side of the panel", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1x0m7xhsbf9dg8gjcbw76xr5xr5dvq55pbapgymw5l1p1dqrvr86"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "material-shell@papyelgringo", "name": "Material Shell", "pname": "material-shell", "description": "A modern desktop interface for Linux - packaged as an extension for GNOME Shell. Improve your user experience and get rid of the anarchy of traditional desktop workflows. Designed to simplify navigation and reduce the need to manipulate windows in order to improve productivity. It's meant to be 100% predictable and bring the benefits of tools coveted by professionals to everyone.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "12", "sha256": "1gy4fypls72zhz3h0cmzhpm1dbrp11fl1afy9bkwcqrzvcjw7pp2"}, "38": {"version": "12", "sha256": "1gy4fypls72zhz3h0cmzhpm1dbrp11fl1afy9bkwcqrzvcjw7pp2"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Lidsleep", "pname": "lidsleep", "description": "Disable the auto suspend when lid is closed", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0f8wdwzrdi5yp3sgrrc07hk7cr5l6rfw486yn2z6a0j5850pmfya"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Proxy Profiles", "pname": "proxy-profiles", "description": "Swich easily between several proxy profiles.\n\nThis extension allows Linux GNome users to :\n- quickly switch their proxy settings between none, manual or automatic.\n- configure several profiles to quickly change system proxy settings.\n- know if proxy is active or not and which profile is applied.\n- configure proxy authentication, by profile, which is not easy to access with native GUI.\n\nThis is useful if your move your laptop from home to work every day, or if like me you work for several customers, each one with its own network proxy settings: you will save some precious clicks ! :-)", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "12dc5cqjbzlzq0m9xc185qcx2kcxnb5qmrv7fzlh2hg0xcnzs8x4"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "galaxy-buds-battery@pemmoura", "name": "Galaxy Buds Battery", "pname": "galaxy-buds-battery", "description": "Galaxy Buds battery indicator.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "1lrc64f99bfy53nw3vdkqn7f8vg304m99447371sc1j2gg4kb1xi"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Commands Feed", "pname": "commands-feed", "description": "Random commands from", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "02wn2lsq18nisjy8r1czk8a0n4z3j71b0m4w2r2pwr8winfzrw06"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "color-picker@tuberry", "name": "Color Picker", "pname": "color-picker", "description": "Simple color picker for gnome shell", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "12", "sha256": "16p2djpwdl55x19v2rhippjbpwy6gm7wfsy3f39xx10x8n3zm2ih"}, "38": {"version": "19", "sha256": "0lmb0r6xfslasfk0nkr99ci3rkg08ilqdv3lr2nv4lkwg1cdai1f"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Yaru remix theme toggle", "pname": "yaru-remix-theme-toggle", "description": "Switches GTK3, Gnome-shell, cursor and icon themes to Yaru-remix variants", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "18902rbjhchswl993738dv0y96jzg1khh0v440yd3nnrdqp5671g"}, "38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "18902rbjhchswl993738dv0y96jzg1khh0v440yd3nnrdqp5671g"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "ascii_emoji_buckets@HarshKhandeparkar", "name": "ASCII Emoji Buckets", "pname": "ascii-emoji-buckets", "description": "Buckets of ASCII emojis for your messaging pleasure. A fork of Emoji Buckets.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "8", "sha256": "1gi7bj14fd9yrakm9albjqpmj8qkq33ddh2767zg91c7dvy64ss3"}, "38": {"version": "9", "sha256": "1lbk5lb0psv5k1rx709xiykkcyzfjz6lgb8qgwgbva0bxz96rfpw"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "User style sheet & font", "pname": "user-stylesheet-font", "description": "Load custom style sheet from ~/.config/gnome-shell/gnome-shell.css. Use GTK font family and font size from GNOME Tweaks in GNOME Shell.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1s1bc76z50fwxygapf1zvk2g2l23k0c7dl724waqkbjxi5x44wk7"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Egg Timer", "pname": "egg-timer", "description": "A simplistic Egg Timer for the Top Panel. Works on Ubuntu 20.04 / Gnome 3.36. Does not work on Ubuntu 18.04 / Gnome 3.28. Feel free to submit a pull request.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "06y80ac3p0yz3x3809x4690fjaf31h3wlsd8kb1q61yvml4y59q0"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Fly-Pie", "pname": "fly-pie", "description": "A marking menu which can be used to launch applications, simulate hotkeys, open URLs and much more.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "0295r3xyw83xiwx6lskjnvyjzrw3zab4vnvy3mpxdlp3g8509z6m"}, "38": {"version": "4", "sha256": "0295r3xyw83xiwx6lskjnvyjzrw3zab4vnvy3mpxdlp3g8509z6m"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Jiggle", "pname": "jiggle", "description": "Jiggle is a Gnome Shell extension that highlights the cursor position when the mouse is moved rapidly.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "0qzhspfhxaj6wz7iln0vblb3bvf8sldji5b4cn6ma33qgcw2i755"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Showtime Horizontal - Desktop Widget", "pname": "showtime-horizontal", "description": "Horizontal Style Date & Clock Widget base on Budgie Desktop Widget", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "1d9vjhwjb8bsn261y27q59ry7iaxh8sp8g7pc1gbma8ahgji4bys"}, "38": {"version": "5", "sha256": "1d9vjhwjb8bsn261y27q59ry7iaxh8sp8g7pc1gbma8ahgji4bys"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "RGB", "pname": "rgb", "description": "Rgb control for asus laptops. follow github for latest advance menu requirements.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0hivsz3lifxaxfx418sd1qz8dcrbvg413g0xswcaiisdr4af1mxy"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Display Switcher 2", "pname": "display-switcher", "description": "This extension allows you to toggle between display modes quickly using Super + I.  You can switch between Extended, Primary, Clone, and Secondary Only modes quickly.  Selecting Extended mode multiple times will flip your secondary monitor's relative position to the primary (to the left or right of it).  This extension was originally developed by Lucas Diedrich - and has been adapted to support Gnome Shell's v3.36.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0znj0ixzlc9p67pybg7wbz21sykj2bgwcmy6qrbf89jaqy7vzlqv"}, "38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0znj0ixzlc9p67pybg7wbz21sykj2bgwcmy6qrbf89jaqy7vzlqv"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Panel Date Format", "pname": "panel-date-format", "description": "Allows to customize the date format on the panel.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "1lxqgwzaad59a0njxg4yfl87hrj1qn5dvhy4098jfpcbqd2583j0"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "myHiddenTopBar", "pname": "myhiddentopbar", "description": "really hides the toppanel", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "06cwhqgqx84124lsd0k8q0a7h5mll2rcw2622a936iz9rdmy1za0"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Big Avatar", "pname": "big-avatar", "description": "Adds your user avatar and name to the menu panel. Big thanks to: db0x and 'I like 'em curvy' extension developer\n\nSupported Shell versions: 3.36 and 3.38", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "1h1sq5776h8g3flpw0krsb0kqrggwn170qzq6p0j5pj1qq308h1p"}, "38": {"version": "6", "sha256": "1h1sq5776h8g3flpw0krsb0kqrggwn170qzq6p0j5pj1qq308h1p"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Application Volume Mixer", "pname": "application-volume-mixer", "description": "Control volume output per-application", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "11rdavp3gjf670rirpr7v0hcn3rdbw5h70d8dfvlvql752p6xjia"}, "38": {"version": "6", "sha256": "11rdavp3gjf670rirpr7v0hcn3rdbw5h70d8dfvlvql752p6xjia"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Creative Sound Blaster control", "pname": "creative-sound-blaster-control", "description": "Control Creative Sound Blaster", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1lqwhmc9d6mddgb5323y1dhp8pwzlpff3n08jh9s6i5fw29j733v"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "freon@github.com_khanhhhh_gnome-shell-extension-freon", "name": "Freon - Forked", "pname": "freon-forked", "description": "rpm to krpm of Freon by UshakovVasilii", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "03irca2066q8qdgag1f2fafy6h546gkadknj5hljm8h5l4qh6g9i"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Day Night Wallpaper", "pname": "day-night-wallpaper", "description": "Set separate wallpapers for day and night time.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0rjv4rlmcr8hbzwj82540kss5pv86gfz20612cq6sasgkw8l5kml"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Transparent Shell", "pname": "transparent-shell", "description": "Make the main shell components (Top bar, dash, workspace view) transparent.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "1wanv6vhpjx0sssr3jsf8ypyjla5fdb9v8kzyz6fybagfpwvdsjc"}, "38": {"version": "5", "sha256": "1wanv6vhpjx0sssr3jsf8ypyjla5fdb9v8kzyz6fybagfpwvdsjc"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "true-color-invert@jackkenney", "name": "True Color Invert", "pname": "true-color-invert", "description": "Inverts the color of individual windows so they are hue-preserved.\nDefault shortcut is Super+I", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1mmqs6yfl3hc0nrcrmqx1m5dhdszi08v7x25ma4lcihv4nqjdb15"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "GitLab Extension", "pname": "gitlab-extension", "description": "GitLab extension utilizes the official GitLab API to provide a comfortable overview about your projects, commits & pipelines.\n", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "1jmzpvfn315mj1wzqfq08jkn6wr0xw40h6aji521qqjlzvk2fc1i"}, "38": {"version": "3", "sha256": "1jmzpvfn315mj1wzqfq08jkn6wr0xw40h6aji521qqjlzvk2fc1i"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "DownFall", "pname": "downfall", "description": "Moves text of your choice across the screen", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "04sk3pja5az8xa5jxa3q8w3736v0q2ny2dk2n489q7mfy95m066z"}, "38": {"version": "6", "sha256": "04sk3pja5az8xa5jxa3q8w3736v0q2ny2dk2n489q7mfy95m066z"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "no-search-in-overview@freeroot", "name": "No Search in Overview", "pname": "no-search-in-overview", "description": "Remove the search entry in overview.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "07vj8qrhddp33s6idq7dl05kajgri5y6zps4l5m77vjg2qzfx8hh"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "no-dash-and-search-in-overview@fthx-freeroot", "name": "No Dash and Search in Overview", "pname": "no-dash-and-search-in-overview", "description": "Remove the applications dash and the search entry in overview.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0dvmhry3fbvk4cmfsnfp90l4ik0a150w11hbzj9vl24zhwxj7csh"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Mullvad Indicator", "pname": "mullvad-indicator", "description": "Mullvad connection status indicator", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "12kx9s5xplx2973m33gdn3zr1dl0zmg5gh0nb65zkbpkjjl85b08"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Task Widget", "pname": "task-widget", "description": "Display tasks next to the calendar widget.\n\nVisit our Wiki page for more information and troubleshooting.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "0qyjb7aszvld5wf1a2hcrsrvm90d9fpgp8k1ji3q9qj5vra3pxy6"}, "38": {"version": "6", "sha256": "0qyjb7aszvld5wf1a2hcrsrvm90d9fpgp8k1ji3q9qj5vra3pxy6"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "air-quality@mcardillo55", "name": "Air Quality", "pname": "air-quality", "description": "View air quality from local PurpleAir sensors in the top bar", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1c8a11pij0ar0z2gc58rlxacqhwcb0rcmmiadsdaz4pjgi3s5ryw"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "OClock", "pname": "oclock", "description": "Shows an analog clock on the panel", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1jhq1vcnfzq5hq75wq0g47zqrl6mhy5rmddhhxhva94ag20k5w8s"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Azan Islamic Prayer Times", "pname": "azan-islamic-prayer-times", "description": "Azan is an Islamic prayer times extension for Gnome Shell based on the extension by Fahrinh.\n\nFeatures\n- List compulsory prayer times\n Optionally display Imsak, Sunrise, Sunset and Midnight\n- Show remaining time for the upcoming prayer.\n- Show current date in Hijri calendar.\n- Display a notification when it's time for prayer.\n- Automatic Geoclue2 location detection\n- Show times in 24 hour and 12 hour formats\n- Hijri date adjusment\n- Moon status icon", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0lrvfgmvb4gdyk7yz2ha4whqxmkz8gpmy6pmdblclya46hvjbghq"}, "38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0lrvfgmvb4gdyk7yz2ha4whqxmkz8gpmy6pmdblclya46hvjbghq"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "blur-provider", "pname": "blur-provider", "description": "Provides an easy way for applications to request blur, and allows users to set blur on applications", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1c9h9x06pvw2lac0v8driprdvis59h7bnpylp6ims9j96m0wvvpi"}, "38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1c9h9x06pvw2lac0v8driprdvis59h7bnpylp6ims9j96m0wvvpi"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "WireGuard Indicator", "pname": "wireguard-indicator", "description": "Manage WireGuard VPN from Desktop", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "0262cl4khzhz0ld0p1hkq4f6m5kl8pv2sspvs14dldajhs3zkfip"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Iranian Persian Calendar", "pname": "shamsi-calendar", "description": "\\u062a\\u0642\\u0648\\u06cc\\u0645 \\u0647\\u062c\\u0631\\u06cc \\u0634\\u0645\\u0633\\u06cc\\u060c\\u0642\\u0645\\u0631\\u06cc \\u0648 \\u0645\\u06cc\\u0644\\u0627\\u062f\\u06cc \\u062f\\u0631 \\u0645\\u06cc\\u0632\\u200c\\u06a9\\u0627\\u0631 \\u06af\\u0646\\u0648\\u0645 \\u0644\\u06cc\\u0646\\u0648\\u06a9\\u0633\n\\u0642\\u0627\\u0628\\u0644\\u06cc\\u062a \\u0646\\u0645\\u0627\\u06cc\\u0634 \\u0627\\u0648\\u0642\\u0627\\u062a \\u0634\\u0631\\u0639\\u06cc \\u0648 \\u067e\\u062e\\u0634 \\u0627\\u0630\\u0627\\u0646\n\\u062f\\u0631\\u062c \\u062a\\u0639\\u0637\\u06cc\\u0644\\u06cc\\u200c\\u0647\\u0627 \\u0648 \\u0645\\u0646\\u0627\\u0633\\u0628\\u062a\\u200c\\u0647\\u0627\\u06cc \\u0631\\u0633\\u0645\\u06cc \\u062a\\u0642\\u0648\\u06cc\\u0645\n\\u0632\\u0628\\u0627\\u0646 \\u06a9\\u0627\\u0645\\u0644\\u0627\\u064b \\u0641\\u0627\\u0631\\u0633\\u06cc\n\\u062a\\u0627\\u0631\\u06cc\\u062e \\u0642\\u0645\\u0631\\u06cc \\u0647\\u0644\\u0627\\u0644\\u06cc \\u0627\\u06cc\\u0631\\u0627\\u0646\n\\u0633\\u0627\\u0632\\u06af\\u0627\\u0631 \\u0628\\u0627 \\u0627\\u06a9\\u062b\\u0631 \\u0646\\u0633\\u062e\\u0647\\u200c\\u0647\\u0627\\u06cc \\u06af\\u0646\\u0648\\u0645\n\\u062f\\u0631 \\u062d\\u0627\\u0644 \\u062a\\u0648\\u0633\\u0639\\u0647...\n\nShows Persian + Islamic + Gregorian date in the panel of gnome.\n\nIt shows:\n1- Persian calendar\n2- It can show, today is holiday or not!\n3- Show notification onDayChanged!\n4- Date converter between Persian, Gregorian and Lunar Hijri(Islamic)\n5- Show calendar Events.\n6- Show PrayTimes and play sound (Azan).\n\nPlease \"rate\" here and \"star\" project in GitHub.\nPlease open an issue in GitHub if you found something or have an idea!\n\\u06af\\u0632\\u0627\\u0631\\u0634 \\u0645\\u0634\\u06a9\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a:\n", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "11", "sha256": "0gi4plvljapfnz0imk2bjshqhm9r4n7crdrl4j5m5nwkjvp7raig"}, "38": {"version": "11", "sha256": "0gi4plvljapfnz0imk2bjshqhm9r4n7crdrl4j5m5nwkjvp7raig"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Tunnel Indicator", "pname": "tunnel-indicator", "description": "Manage SSH Tunnels from Desktop", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "028g63z9b3rv4axybyb7x48jqdd3ij19vgrkji6pif8sqirjgwj0"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "ArcMenu", "pname": "arcmenu", "description": "An Application Menu for GNOME  \n\n*Supports GNOME shell 3.36 and 3.38*\nFor older GNOME shell versions go to:\n\nYou must have the following dependencies installed to use ArcMenu:\n\nIf you have an error after upgrading visit:\n\nPlease report any issues or concerns at:", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "00j0hxx87j80w5qrs35dzlcbjz71hsy4wdz10p9nx620q6iq312l"}, "38": {"version": "6", "sha256": "00j0hxx87j80w5qrs35dzlcbjz71hsy4wdz10p9nx620q6iq312l"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Fixed IME List", "pname": "fixed-ime-list", "description": "Make the IME list in fixed sequence instead of MRU.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "1k4hj1qfbhfm2mb7ck76va3j7p6l9lhjpass8dyj8rhcshqfkryz"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Maximize To Next Workspace", "pname": "maximize-to-next-workspace", "description": "Puts a window to the new workspace behind the current one when maximized.\nIt's a fork of the maximize-to-workspace but this one keeps maximized windows near their original workspace.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1m3d6ngnff3v9jdccishg5j2qxqbmblkgpi9nc5ycrdfgbic4693"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Top Indicator App", "pname": "top-indicator-app", "description": "This extension is 'appindicators' from ubuntu, renamed 'top indicator app' under the terms of the GPL v2 +. it is the extension itself that Ubuntu offers as a native experience on your system, but so you can install it in other distros since the current one in gnome-extensions is empty.I will offer stable updates when possible.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "035agfhb9qz5nwdxhc0xah9bc00nln08162m0ghh8bzflzh29f8l"}, "38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "035agfhb9qz5nwdxhc0xah9bc00nln08162m0ghh8bzflzh29f8l"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Reorder Workspaces", "pname": "reorder-workspaces", "description": "Move workspaces up or down in the overview with Alt+Up/Alt+Down", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "07s6hiqhxfysvx6cgq5ly6zabnfy873gqgib1bi5j9riqsznk7r5"}, "38": {"version": "6", "sha256": "07s6hiqhxfysvx6cgq5ly6zabnfy873gqgib1bi5j9riqsznk7r5"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Hack", "pname": "hack", "description": "Add the Flip to Hack experience to the desktop", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "111kdzs5wlr1gikz9vl9zz5b1qcqh3hlyd9y35ag18gdssl88hhm"}, "38": {"version": "7", "sha256": "1kl6ibb2lzkalazm7rnv85f6aj3qlkwra3a47wnvprwacna592zf"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "bigSur-StatusArea@korpsvart", "name": "Big Sur Status Area", "pname": "big-sur-status-area", "description": "Move the Power/Network/Volume/User/Date/Notifications menus to the status area.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1rr6f673hkvcpvsy1rhglqp3rfi9j7wiliiafif4w5ava4amb61h"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "BigSurMenu@korpsvart", "name": "Big Sur Menu", "pname": "big-sur-menu", "description": "Big Sur Menu - Simple and Similar to the macOS menu in its Big Sur version for the Gnome Desktop.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1kgrhziqcfn48w1k8pg7sh714pvldh4z47axakpmhv1ymixvgrmq"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "BigSurStatusArea@korpsvart", "name": "Big Sur Status Area", "pname": "big-sur-status-area", "description": "Separate the Date, Notification, Network, volume, Night Light, and more menus for the status area with a macOS Big Sur-style icon look.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "06fa6jsf2lchdw07kr57xbasg75g999x2b5hd89768bz02169m1b"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Colored AppMenu Icon", "pname": "color-app-menu-icon", "description": "Replace the symbolic application menu icon with the colored one", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1dj03mkjn054ivbf7l08pa4g4y49a4mxbp0jk3xgdnx8p0s1hrdr"}, "38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1dj03mkjn054ivbf7l08pa4g4y49a4mxbp0jk3xgdnx8p0s1hrdr"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "snap-manager@fthx", "name": "Snap Manager", "pname": "snap-manager", "description": "Popup menu in the top bar to easily manage snap tasks (list, changes, refresh, remove, install...). Update notification at session startup.\n\n All the results of actions are displayed in GNOME Terminal, so you can exactly know what you are doing and what is processing. Very light extension, no background process, no periodic background task. You can turn off refresh check and associated notifications (just a variable to toggle in <extension_folder>/extension.js). You can disable auto updates for a limited time (up to one month, renewable). \n\n This is not an official Ubuntu/Canonical extension.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "30", "sha256": "19qflq7f4jlv53ng24qisrqvnm99d36bzmaaf9fiy2y6wpdgg802"}, "38": {"version": "30", "sha256": "19qflq7f4jlv53ng24qisrqvnm99d36bzmaaf9fiy2y6wpdgg802"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Hide Dash Forked", "pname": "hide-dash-forked", "description": "Hide dash menu from gnome overview", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "3", "sha256": "0cj5g22mfa4wdipq6syl6clw57j9m2r4yg2xrvmwcbhzwb9f9jvz"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Hide windows", "pname": "hide-windows", "description": "Hide windows in overview by window title. Titles are set in a configuration window.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0na2rb2fi7dirhjh1sfwjbmfqqn4xb7xgx8n7q2slqw4svl22d8h"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "netspeedsimplified@prateekmedia.extension", "name": "Net speed Simplified", "pname": "net-speed-simplified", "description": "A Net Speed extension With Loads of Customization. Fork of simplenetspeed \n \nWhat's new\n\\u261e Completely revamped whole codebase \n\\u261e Add Show Upload First button to show upload speed first \n\\u261e Add Color Customizations to make the extension your own \n\\u261e Add set custom Font Button in Preference \n\\u261e Add Hide when Disconnected button in Prefrence\n\\u261e Add Use Shorten Units button in Preference \n \nFeatures \n1. Cleaner UI \n2. Adjustable Refresh rate \n3. Supports GNOME SHELL 3.38 and Backwards compatible \n4. Add Preference \n5. Add Vertical Alignment Support \n6. Add Two Icon sets for Indicators \n\n Feature Highlights for Preferences \n1. Add Lock Mouse Actions button to Freeze Mouse Events \n2. Add Advance Position menu to pinpoint where to place the indicator on the Panel. \n3. Add Refresh time option by which you can change refresh rate value between 1.0 sec to 10.0 sec. \n\nModes \n- Total net speed in bits per second \n- Total net speed in Bytes per second \n- Up and down speed in bits per second \n- Up and down speed in Bytes per second \n- Total of downloaded in Bytes (Right click to reset counter) \n\nMouse Events \n- Left click to change modes \n- Right click to toggle total data usage visibility \n- Right click continuously for 4 times in any mode to toggle vertical alignment \n- Middle click to change font size", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "25", "sha256": "1k5y0rxi6cni5rfn8s6hyjahcgk1dwys0aj0f4fm4rb1fvqq70p1"}, "38": {"version": "25", "sha256": "1k5y0rxi6cni5rfn8s6hyjahcgk1dwys0aj0f4fm4rb1fvqq70p1"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "CPU Power Governor", "pname": "cpu-power-governor", "description": "Enables the ability to swap between kernel governors for the CPU useful for laptops.\n\nRequires: polkit, cpupower\nGithub:", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1mjw80h9vr08vj0g0wxmjr0xajxblqhcl8m2mr1ynrcd0klkb5dz"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Floating Dock", "pname": "floating-dock", "description": "A Custom dash to dock fork, now you can change the margin and border radius of the dock.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1iqcj7dh4jhrp4vq0indb9msrm0fc9lga5qbhbkvmdibw107a70v"}, "38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1iqcj7dh4jhrp4vq0indb9msrm0fc9lga5qbhbkvmdibw107a70v"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "tiling-assistant@leleat-on-github", "name": "Tiling assistant", "pname": "tiling-assistant", "description": "An extension which adds a Windows-like snap assist to GNOME. It changes GNOME's 2 column tiling design to a 2x2 grid. There are also ways to use more complex layouts...\n\nYou should remove GNOME's tiling keybindings and set them in the settings of this extension.\n\nAdditional features:\n\n - spiral tiling (hold Shift or Alt when tiling an app with the dash)\n - custom layouts\n - raise tiled windows as a group\n - and more...\n\nCheck out the README on Github for all features, on how to use them and report issues there as well.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "13", "sha256": "1j6v0mjw2yy1wnl534lja30mmyq3hh8h9jan1yasfzgxg4f1325a"}, "38": {"version": "13", "sha256": "1j6v0mjw2yy1wnl534lja30mmyq3hh8h9jan1yasfzgxg4f1325a"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Airpods Battery status", "pname": "airpods-battery-status", "description": "Show Airpods battery level in top bar\n\n/!\\\\ See requirements on repository page", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "0p49fns0d29qm6pj9wjk99f08zxx0grhki8f937p7sb9lm3n3n1i"}, "38": {"version": "4", "sha256": "0p49fns0d29qm6pj9wjk99f08zxx0grhki8f937p7sb9lm3n3n1i"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Hue Lights", "pname": "hue-lights", "description": "This extension controls Philips Hue compatible lights using Philips Hue Bridge on your local network.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "8", "sha256": "1q35lac949ghlmwlvrqnrlxa351ip4hh07pipm1drpf5g1gq868h"}, "38": {"version": "8", "sha256": "1q35lac949ghlmwlvrqnrlxa351ip4hh07pipm1drpf5g1gq868h"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Compiz alike magic lamp effect", "pname": "compiz-alike-magic-lamp-effect", "description": "Magic lamp effect inspired by the Compiz ones\n\nVideo:\n", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "0dj1d6nifgzfwdjx5ginngz8ljl9d777d8ml9n31mdhm8zyj651v"}, "38": {"version": "5", "sha256": "0dj1d6nifgzfwdjx5ginngz8ljl9d777d8ml9n31mdhm8zyj651v"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "workspaced-launch@73", "name": "Workspaced Launch", "pname": "workspaced-launch", "description": "Launches a new window when clicking in the dash or the application view if there is none on the current workspace.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "09vdi3b360hd9f044gj4pny8apymm8skd5r0y6ia3hlxwiyn60ic"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Latency Monitor", "pname": "latency-monitor", "description": "A simple extension for displaying latency information in GNOME Shell.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "0dj8z4xb9pj2d1m3dasc50jggw97iljqx3kzk8mjwdvrvgscph69"}, "38": {"version": "6", "sha256": "0dj8z4xb9pj2d1m3dasc50jggw97iljqx3kzk8mjwdvrvgscph69"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "The Circles - Desktop Widget", "pname": "the-circles-desktop-widget", "description": "Show System Infomations on Desktop as Circles Desktop Widget\n\nmore info \n", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "1ra5n841pdndwxz3l99k0780h50vyp6wiphqjc2vw4x0n3b46kbb"}, "38": {"version": "6", "sha256": "1ra5n841pdndwxz3l99k0780h50vyp6wiphqjc2vw4x0n3b46kbb"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Cleaner Overview", "pname": "cleaner-overview", "description": "Makes all the windows in the overview the same height and orders them by last recent used.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1ycbxy45siwqlqwjk2hrw1qahdv98kmisrng4xymn6a892kghw89"}, "38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1ycbxy45siwqlqwjk2hrw1qahdv98kmisrng4xymn6a892kghw89"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Battery Status", "pname": "battery-status", "description": "Get information about your battery status", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "00239hq689h9rb8zp1a3jnqc0kr7db91gazxaz155xz5k4c9zg9b"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Distinct Windows", "pname": "distinct-windows", "description": "Visually differentiate windows with colors and symbols", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "18gblpifxbssla7agq9inb1aimbcr22pfaf6sj32c9871xz6bvk7"}, "38": {"version": "4", "sha256": "0i2p84q3pa3mv4im690hr1ddj02xvsr9ya63rf3xrggw942w2xg8"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "miniCal2@breiq", "name": "Minimalist Calendar 2", "pname": "minimalist-calendar-2", "description": "Remove event list and clock/calendar app buttons from the calendar window.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "03vc8wanwpl0dlix8a2imz2brzqpd9bfn2g98l1p7b5grdfzk07a"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "ddterm", "pname": "ddterm", "description": "Another drop down terminal extension for GNOME Shell. With tabs. Works on Wayland natively", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "9", "sha256": "1vbgqdvaakpvh0fllvn80xsxkgpqwv438drvf6zhfi7p9mhzznil"}, "38": {"version": "9", "sha256": "1vbgqdvaakpvh0fllvn80xsxkgpqwv438drvf6zhfi7p9mhzznil"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Suspend button in Top Bar", "pname": "suspend-button-in-top-bar", "description": "Adds a Suspend button to the Top Bar. Just a simple lifehack to save a few clicks every time you put the PC to sleep.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0s1q8a0i85169sbz3iag5jzi5wbnig6bsz95z302qlb1acrif39j"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Favorites-only Dash", "pname": "favorites-only-dash", "description": "Show only favorite apps on Dash", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0vy3mbn3ypqj17ngg6zpd9fvg06h7511c391i48jq7p73v4phnya"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Notification Timeout", "pname": "notification-timeout", "description": "This extension allows configuring the same timeout for all notifications. It also allows ignoring the idle state.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "12s8bnapcwg7xj1kmw3akkf20a971cg5jlyaxin17hiar117d93x"}, "38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "12s8bnapcwg7xj1kmw3akkf20a971cg5jlyaxin17hiar117d93x"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Podman and Docker", "pname": "podman-as-docker", "description": "podman extension as docker\nIn order to get it work on podman, you just need to create an alias\nSimply put: alias docker=podman\nand install podman-docker", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "15qpfhrlvgdk054mcxgvwgpw81ps9kkj54zrrj4vn85hglljdcrg"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "wacom-indicator@fthx", "name": "Wacom Indicator", "pname": "wacom-indicator", "description": "Wacom tablet indicator in the top bar: connection state and power level.\n\n On click: open GNOME Settings Wacom section. On hover or every minute: update connection state and power level.\n\n Settings (in extension.js file headers): show/hide model label, refresh delay, update/do nothing on indicator hover, show/hide if disconnected.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "1ar0942d1fz9kz8zmrzdmkdd3rl95402i59hp4sy11bd3cmml3ic"}, "38": {"version": "6", "sha256": "1ar0942d1fz9kz8zmrzdmkdd3rl95402i59hp4sy11bd3cmml3ic"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "System Action - Hibernate", "pname": "system-action-hibernate", "description": "A GNOME extension that adds the option to hibernate amongst other system actions", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "03q7ab5jb050cjd091vb9zsnpqrchrram3l0jgbc97ph6lq46s9y"}, "38": {"version": "3", "sha256": "03q7ab5jb050cjd091vb9zsnpqrchrram3l0jgbc97ph6lq46s9y"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Click to close overview", "pname": "click-to-close-overview", "description": "Allow to close the overview by clicking empty space.\n\nIf you have any problem, please open an issue on the extension web page.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "3", "sha256": "0n23j17plad1vpjdk1ls4xc7j6zixfycg019shy97ybd47k673a6"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "just-perfection-desktop@just-perfection", "name": "Just Perfection", "pname": "just-perfection", "description": "This extension allows you to do the following:\n\n# Disable\n\n- OSD\n- Search\n- Dash\n- Workspace Switcher\n- Workspace Popup\n- Top Panel\n- App gesture\n- Background Menu\n- Activities button\n- App Menu\n- Clock Menu\n- Keyboard Layout\n- Accessibility Menu\n- System Menu (Aggregate Menu)\n- Power Icon\n- Window Picker Icon (Only GNOME 40.0)\n\n# Behavior\n\n- Disable Type to Search\n\n# Customize\n\n- Panel Position\n- Top Panel Round Corner Size\n- Workspace Switcher Size (Only GNOME 40.0)\n\n# Override\n\n- GNOME shell theme (You don't need to have user-theme-extension)", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "9", "sha256": "067bx2i23m4gkfprgsir7z8gmh88i3xpvk40qgxw7jvbj9jr7crc"}, "38": {"version": "9", "sha256": "067bx2i23m4gkfprgsir7z8gmh88i3xpvk40qgxw7jvbj9jr7crc"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "workspaces-bar@fthx", "name": "Workspaces Bar", "pname": "workspaces-bar", "description": "Replace 'Activities' button by all current workspaces buttons. Switch workspace or toggle overview by clicking on these buttons.\n\n You can use names for workspaces: there are two ways for that. 1) Edit the string array 'org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences.workspace-names' gsettings key (through dconf editor, e.g.). 2) Use official GNOME extension Workspaces Indicator's settings. You don't have to write a long enough list: numbers are displayed if no workspace name is defined.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "0z7spkhvpf7hnkg8m01yygy9d1g6l01nijyavi2m8ghkx672x515"}, "38": {"version": "6", "sha256": "0z7spkhvpf7hnkg8m01yygy9d1g6l01nijyavi2m8ghkx672x515"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Scanlines Effect", "pname": "scanlines-effect", "description": "Retro monitor / CRT TV effect.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0sdqm35gh6rxlyaka5ws5v3v67rzz6b361q4i711djs6g0n51zvm"}, "38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0sdqm35gh6rxlyaka5ws5v3v67rzz6b361q4i711djs6g0n51zvm"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "workspaces-thumbnails-applet@blogdron", "name": "Workspaces Thumbnails Applet", "pname": "workspaces-thumbnails-applet", "description": "Notice!\n\nThis is a fork of the extension It hasn't been updated in a long time, but it only needs a small fix to work. Until the author fixes the problem, I will keep this fork. Please, if you have the opportunity to contact the author of the original extension, let him fix the problem for himself.\n\n\nPut an indicator on the panel showing all the workspaces thumbnails, allowing to switch between them or moving windows to another workspace.\n\n This is a very tiny fork of the original (GNOME official extension) Workspace Indicator, allowing to use it like when the Horizontal Workspaces extension is activated. The vertical workspaces layout is not modified; the workspaces layout is horizontal only in the top panel and the workspaces switcher in the overview is still showed. Please note that any global bug should be reported against the Workspace Indicator extension.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0lyf5c2cl7s5dgx8w94n7h6p8isvyp6462y988bd8qbc8224r7z1"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "panel-icons@leleat-on-github", "name": "Panel Icons", "pname": "panel-icons", "description": "No longer maintained... (only works for GNOME < 40)\n\nFork of Simple Task Bar by fthx. \n\nRemoved: \n- Interactivity (see README on Github for reasoning). \n\nAdded: \n- Adjust panel height \n- option to disable AppMenu \n- change workspaces by scrolling on the panel \n- add keybindings to hide the panel and to cycle through windows based on their order in panel", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1swmlv75xd8vx1wrh9kyxiknjg2a0q02f918cpm3zmgibqla9rvr"}, "38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1swmlv75xd8vx1wrh9kyxiknjg2a0q02f918cpm3zmgibqla9rvr"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Simple monitor", "pname": "simple-monitor", "description": "A simple panel button that shows CPU and RAM memory usage. Clicking shows the top 10 processes using CPU and memory.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "5", "sha256": "1pg8zlwna9fzr5pgjxg0hxbr0ibcnc0ngw5yi9n0pb9r08gc7h84"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "NetworkSpeed@m0hithreddy", "name": "Network Speed", "pname": "network-speed", "description": "Highly customizable Network Speed Monitor.\n\nQuick install: \n\n/bin/bash -c \"$(curl -sL\"\n\nWhat's in this extension:\n\n* Preference Menu to customize the extension.\n* Five configurable network speed modes.\n   1. Total net speed in [g, m, k]b/s.\n   2. Total net speed in [G, M, K]B/s.\n   3. Up and down the speed in [g, m, k]b/s.\n   4. Up and down the speed in [G, M, K]B/s.\n   5. Total Downloaded in [G, M, K]B.\n* Extension color can be customizable.\n* Option to show upload speed first in modes 3 and 4.\n* Align the extension horizontally or vertically.\n* Different font sizes.\n* Option to autohide the extension, when idle.\n\nMouse click events on the extension:\n\n* Left click: Cycle through the modes.\n* Right-click in the first four modes: Toggle the visibility of total downloaded.\n* Right-click in the fifth mode: Reset total downloaded.\n* Four consecutive right-clicks: Toggle the horizontal/vertical alignment.\n* Middle click: Cycle through the font sizes.\n\nThanks to bijignome of creating the extension. Special thanks to prateekmedia for giving rebirth to the extension.\n\nWhat I added:\n\n* Revamping the whole codebase to create a roadmap for many feature additions.\n* Color customizations, Upload speed first, AutoHide.\n* Adopted Make build system to manage the extension (for developers).\n* Quick install method.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0cdx9fcf4yxlrxyw4dnbwf7cbcyk2j4iwl3apszbxk8bkn3639bi"}, "38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0cdx9fcf4yxlrxyw4dnbwf7cbcyk2j4iwl3apszbxk8bkn3639bi"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Eye and Mouse Extended", "pname": "eye-and-mouse-extended", "description": "Adds an eye to the indicator bar that follows your cursor \nYou can also display the mouse indicator, perhaps it will help you with the problem of displaying the mouse cursor in Skype. Import fix of original extension", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0ggrlyhq944ia9d51sp2p892k5v6l14mh69jyjbwrrxz43cv7xnf"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Remove App Menu", "pname": "remove-app-menu", "description": "Remove the application menu from the top bar, updated version of the original", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "15q5gly6nzzj67wfq2bym5fy9xmncv3004m4x5w9qw3hdfpqk8zp"}, "38": {"version": "5", "sha256": "15q5gly6nzzj67wfq2bym5fy9xmncv3004m4x5w9qw3hdfpqk8zp"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Snow", "pname": "snow", "description": "Let it snow", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "3", "sha256": "1ihvzs1m0rb9q93xli4as7yviaqckzzpldwvhimfbg0c7fljp6n6"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "sticky-terminal@fthx", "name": "Sticky Terminal", "pname": "sticky-terminal", "description": "Toggle a sticky GNOME terminal window. Your terminal window will always be in foreground while you use another app.\n\nA button in panel allows to toggle the visibility of the terminal. Window is resizeable.\n\nYou can easily change it to default another terminal app or another app. Some other settings. See comments in extension.js file.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0c362iwn64fvzq4nr0rpaz4hln0dniv1rxnf5zwb1c0vbwyah3bc"}, "38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0c362iwn64fvzq4nr0rpaz4hln0dniv1rxnf5zwb1c0vbwyah3bc"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "sticky-r-terminal@fthx", "name": "Sticky R Terminal", "pname": "sticky-r-terminal", "description": "Toggle a sticky R terminal window. Your R window will always be in foreground while you use another app.\n\nYou can easily change it to default another terminal app or another app. Some other settings. See comments in extension.js file. Same extension only running a terminal: . You can use it with R if this extension does not work for your R installation setup.\n\nKeywords: stat, stats, statistics, statistical, r-cran.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1xxvai8klibxxxacimm3im6vr7l4pkp9g9i5rr6fc62jcmzxqlaq"}, "38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1xxvai8klibxxxacimm3im6vr7l4pkp9g9i5rr6fc62jcmzxqlaq"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "One Drive", "pname": "one-drive", "description": "One Drive extension", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "4", "sha256": "026ck4j7dxwdcapb7zram8yd29d7ng2yklz6js53fa52rmakdmh2"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "snowy@exposedcat", "name": "Snowy", "pname": "snowy", "description": "Adds snow to your system\nConsider the possible increasing of CPU load\nAuthor:", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "19z6gna5l61zqw1a054x8mql7s4yjsfl5wjbyd2h3jrhicvjy6bf"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Focus", "pname": "focus", "description": "Transparent inactive windows", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "5", "sha256": "1ca0cpcybi7nb2lixh301cyb7ckfmww3nfv5rfkg4wgm50bf8yk5"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "kaskadeur@dev-ninjas-org", "name": "Kaskadeur", "pname": "kaskadeur", "description": "Move and resize windows into a cascade", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1rvcjpj979s61bnjiwrpdsgwgdim3wd4igs7kj3a3xrqc4hjm6v5"}, "38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1rvcjpj979s61bnjiwrpdsgwgdim3wd4igs7kj3a3xrqc4hjm6v5"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Auto select headset", "pname": "auto-select-headset", "description": "Auto selects headsets when possible instead of showing a dialog", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1qbsannglyymhz6qmnr9q9q61pknx7iya8sy9127fnh9z5xp6vii"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Toggle Night Light", "pname": "toggle-night-light", "description": "This extension lets you toggle night-light from the top-bar by clicking it.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "15zwbyy7xpadpkdlf2qh22xazs39a05k2ass22ymwkj5z6b8gbkp"}, "38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "15zwbyy7xpadpkdlf2qh22xazs39a05k2ass22ymwkj5z6b8gbkp"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "adwaita-theme-switcher@fthx", "name": "Adwaita Theme Switcher", "pname": "adwaita-theme-switcher", "description": "Switch between Adwaita dark and light themes.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0xkykcgnygcnpaf24a91xk7yq2jrvr3v9mh1kgz12czgd7xz7phn"}, "38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0xkykcgnygcnpaf24a91xk7yq2jrvr3v9mh1kgz12czgd7xz7phn"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "FnLock switch (ThinkPad Compact USB Keyboard)", "pname": "fnlock-switch-thinkpad-compact-usb-keyboard", "description": "FnLock switch for Lenovo ThinkPad Compact USB Keyboard ", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0p40wcb4hvp5axiqddn6asbvjgbhfz2v06i1q01hmnmps9hksz18"}, "38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0p40wcb4hvp5axiqddn6asbvjgbhfz2v06i1q01hmnmps9hksz18"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Toggle Alacritty", "pname": "toggle-alacritty", "description": "Toggles Alacritty by Hotkey (Alt+Z).\n\nWorks under both Wayland and X11\n\nIf you want to change hotkey, follow instructions in\n", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1s6fq59dqhw90hbraw1c1z6227k8ykl0dl35k3hdz3jipil680rs"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "hide-panel@fthx", "name": "Hide Panel", "pname": "hide-panel", "description": "Hide top panel except in overview.\n\nVery very light extension.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "0kvj16145cvwi2scggspa5x3zq5i8yyn671r7s0wrxqmx6i8c4cr"}, "38": {"version": "3", "sha256": "0kvj16145cvwi2scggspa5x3zq5i8yyn671r7s0wrxqmx6i8c4cr"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "persistent-email-notifications@fthx", "name": "Persistent Email Notifications", "pname": "persistent-email-notifications", "description": "Never hide a new mail notification, except if you close it.\n\nVery very light extension. Email clients supported: Thunderbird, Evolution, Geary, Mailspring. Please ask for another email client if needed.\n\nFor a persistent indicator, see: .", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0pa225s53g1px7qz7qzjl5kw3js26yi8bq33jrlmfs8sy2nhid46"}, "38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0pa225s53g1px7qz7qzjl5kw3js26yi8bq33jrlmfs8sy2nhid46"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Workspace indicator", "pname": "workspace-indicator", "description": "Workspace indicator  shows the amount of opened workspaces and highlights the current one using unicode characters.\n\nYou can use it as an indicator only but widget is clickable. Left button click: move to left, right click: move right.\n\nIf the widget looks different from one in the picture, install `DejaVu Sans` font.\n\nPay attention: there could be an error with the extension after install or update. The solution is logout and login again.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "3", "sha256": "1kj5ck1yakrna2dv7fq3iyffl8kpi40d5yql1plgpl45bddpaw8n"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Kitchen Timer", "pname": "kitchen-timer", "description": "General purpose timer extension for Gnome Shell", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "17", "sha256": "0vj9sa69zgfnb44xxklxcg3qdqjcm4n0r36r75gdy95a7nadygfa"}, "38": {"version": "17", "sha256": "0vj9sa69zgfnb44xxklxcg3qdqjcm4n0r36r75gdy95a7nadygfa"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Fuzzy App Search", "pname": "gnome-fuzzy-app-search", "description": "Fuzzy application search results using Levenshtein edit distance. \n\nBased on the similarly titled extension \\u201cGNOME Fuzzy Search\\u201d by @fffilo, which uses a different matching method.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0n4llm4an67l2wjqppjmw4dbx74zfbs61pg0j1q8j3536c4cjh0b"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "E Ink Mode", "pname": "e-ink-mode", "description": "Make desktop suitable for E Ink monitors.\n\nFeatures:\n* Switch shell theme to built-in light high contrast one\n* Switch GTK and icon theme to High Contrast\n* Switch Cursor theme to DMZ-White\n* Disable shell animations\n* Restore previous themes and animation settings when disable this extension", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1adyh93xhcyipvqi00mbfmjff32a9rbi2avmzznbpcpjvdzmqsl2"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Transparent Top Bar (Adjustable transparency)", "pname": "transparent-top-bar-adjustable-transparency", "description": "Fork of:\n\nBring back the transparent top bar when free-floating in GNOME Shell with adjustable transparency.\n\nDoes not work well with custom shell themes.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1xdmylw3x29f00m4i661amhgxib142izziaa3r4a8yjkckg1if8w"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Improved Workspace Indicator", "pname": "improved-workspace-indicator", "description": "Gnome shell extension that provides a workspace indicator more similar to i3/sway", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1lxc8dwjrcllysis5iq6pwwsj6zmav63gmjpqqszplm0m37yhjzq"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "GNOME Movie Search provider for Synology\\xae", "pname": "gnome-movie-search-provider-for-synology", "description": "GNOME search provider for movie titles on Synology\\xae NAS including offline search (yet to come)", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "9", "sha256": "145k1hpn1kwa6wcbqx9bxc83nryw1bh19md3k6b1kx3jkdn4lfng"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Guillotine", "pname": "guillotine", "description": "Guillotine is a gnome extension designed for efficiently carrying out executions of commands from a customizable menu. Simply speaking: it is a highly customizable menu that enables you to launch commands and toggle services.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "3", "sha256": "00hh8sgzr1bj1cz7x0wrd3mnpna9qx2amywdykplk5i3yk4zcfbn"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "extensions-in-system-menu@leleat-on-github", "name": "Extensions & Tweaks in system menu", "pname": "extensions-in-system-menu", "description": "Put the Extensions and/or the Tweaks app into the system menu.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "6", "sha256": "1rq5gvl2wi43041d75g9lzdzdfgvi11qrh9xy2xlg0kjz8wyh4mg"}, "38": {"version": "6", "sha256": "1rq5gvl2wi43041d75g9lzdzdfgvi11qrh9xy2xlg0kjz8wyh4mg"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "shuzhi@tuberry", "name": "Shu Zhi", "pname": "shu-zhi", "description": "A wallpaper generation extension for gnome shell, inspired by Jizhi", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "6", "sha256": "122g741cvzyl3ndrcjl5dgnwcfflx6amx37zmvskadkv3s94xiwh"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Zilence", "pname": "zilence", "description": "Turns off notifications while sharing screen during a Zoom call", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1g8mq2zrbi96g5zknbywwzv76n10qzjg3jncicdjnwd1z1ijxjqa"}, "38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1g8mq2zrbi96g5zknbywwzv76n10qzjg3jncicdjnwd1z1ijxjqa"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Bluetooth battery indicator", "pname": "bluetooth-battery", "description": "Bluetooth battery indicator", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "9", "sha256": "0gmvjvrva01mvmxnvjddazff8d95y96rgqbkzzabv0w74vgsnqgs"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "All IP Addresses", "pname": "all-ip-addresses", "description": "Show IP addresses for LAN, WAN IPv6 and VPN in the GNOME panel. Click on the address to cycle trough different interfaces.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1m4mr06m2ajzchiy2636bvm2r7y3j37pl91nzxx8imncibf2q0kb"}, "38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1m4mr06m2ajzchiy2636bvm2r7y3j37pl91nzxx8imncibf2q0kb"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "app-grid-tweaks@Selenium-H", "name": "App Grid Tweaks", "pname": "app-grid-tweaks", "description": "Customize the application grid view.\n\nSet the rows, columns and the app icon size for a particular configuration to work.\nIf the screen space is out numbered, reduce the icon size to fit all the rows and columns.\nOr reduce the number of rows and columns.\n\nPress the Refresh button on the left of header bar to apply changes", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0d6q966369sfy2z7lvjxy8z9xm6y7b0p4m1p12kl995kn8qi4vp1"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "babar@fthx", "name": "BaBar", "pname": "babar", "description": "Task bar. App grid & favorites & workspaces & tasks in panel. Light extension.\n\n Replace 'Activities' button by all current workspaces and apps buttons. Switch workspace/app or toggle overview by clicking on these buttons. Change 'Places' label to an icon. Some settings in preferences UI.\n\n You can use names for workspaces: there are two ways for that. 1) Edit the string array 'org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences.workspace-names' gsettings key (through dconf editor, e.g.). 2) Use official GNOME extension Workspaces Indicator's settings. You don't have to write a long enough list: numbers are displayed if no workspace name is defined.\n\n Changelog:", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "34", "sha256": "1f90gli8cfap99lrhlg7jmn7y39d9zzx5jmvsgvw6apr8619nmbp"}, "38": {"version": "34", "sha256": "1f90gli8cfap99lrhlg7jmn7y39d9zzx5jmvsgvw6apr8619nmbp"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Kitsch", "pname": "kitsch", "description": "Kitsch is a collection of cheap, popular, and marketable improvements to Gnome. One could consider it applying a cosmetic surgery to Gnome.\n\nKitsch can easily be configured and offers the following features:\n- remove application menu from the top bar\n- remove the activity button from the top bar\n- periodically change the background picture\n\nThis extension does not come with any button on the panel. Visit the website for a documentation.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0m4rqg582y7pzbsldc3b8syy69y7jfar1ik17jqyigc0psdnqzsi"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Top Bar Visuals - transparent and blur", "pname": "top-bar-visuals-transparent-and-blur", "description": "Fork of:\n\nBring back the adjustable transparency top bar (panel) in GNOME Shell and add blur while at it.\n\nDoes not work well with custom shell themes.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0yfyl4fxm13g0z84wazsbcxn5rc14x3wkbbdizjvgjplcysnx07n"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "desktop-lyric@tuberry", "name": "Desktop Lyric", "pname": "desktop-lyric", "description": "Show lyric of the playing song on the desktop", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "3", "sha256": "07h49ahxg3cc4cyf4cdhapxfdxn5sz666rym3d549vnn34nlshk1"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "alttab-mod@leleat-on-github", "name": "AltTab mod", "pname": "alttab-mod", "description": "Alt/Super+Tab can also be navigated with WASD and hjkl. Q just closes the selected item and only the first window will be raised on app activation.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "3", "sha256": "06bjv4y85wbciy0pvhh4kqissg95sl0qm76ybz5f7hq6jd0qw6c4"}, "38": {"version": "3", "sha256": "06bjv4y85wbciy0pvhh4kqissg95sl0qm76ybz5f7hq6jd0qw6c4"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "personalize@Selenium-H", "name": "Personalize", "pname": "personalize", "description": "Personalize the looks of GNOME Desktop.\n\nSet the theme variant, window corner curvature and select accent color.\nThe Colors section contains colors generated from the selected accent color.\nThe color generation is not accurate. However, individual colors can be customised.\n\nNot all settings are applied automatically.\nPress Refresh button on the left of the headerbar to reload the extension \n\nCurrently, only Adwaita theme is supported. Also, Adwaita and Adwaita-dark gtk-2 themes\nmust be installed for the extension to work properly. Not all widgets are themed perfectly.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0d2n1y4vg84a5k8jzk4xwjijplbhj7apxb3v8bjcr8ycnknfql3c"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Gnome Bedtime", "pname": "gnome-bedtime", "description": "Hey Gnome, it's bedtime! Converts to grayscale the entire Gnome workspace by using a smooth transition. \n\nThis behavior is similar to Android's bedtime mode which converts the phone screen to grayscale. It should somewhat make your device less appealing and limit the usage of it before bedtime. On my side, at least, it still requires a fair amount of self control in order to make that happen.\n\nYou can enable/disable the extension from command line:\ngnome-extensions enable\ngnome-extensions disable\n\nBy doing this you can schedule it nicely with crontab, your own scripts or some other extensions that support scheduling.\n\nFeatures planned for the next version:\n- Add schedule option to settings -\n- Add tray icon/sytem menu entry in order to toggle on/off the grayscale feature -", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "121cbv7lga1614a7dfa5nk85yxyf46s75l3fv2zkxmf347ip24p8"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "spotify-controller@koolskateguy89", "name": "Spotify Controller", "pname": "spotify-controller", "description": "Control Spotify from the topbar!\n\nCredit to Marcus Heine ( for most of the code in this extension.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "5", "sha256": "0fgsvs48l319j826hsdiia010b1jh3ca68w0rxf7r3alki44r4sh"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "transparentwindows.mdirshad07", "name": "Transparent Window", "pname": "transparent-window", "description": "Change the opacity of windows by compiz-style shortcut Alt+scroll.\nYou can customize hotkey in Preference page if Alt key doesn't work.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0w9in3r4gqri4kcyr7hglmycq0gk794a11w1aq2cvm1m7jzszz63"}, "38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "0w9in3r4gqri4kcyr7hglmycq0gk794a11w1aq2cvm1m7jzszz63"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Wandering Pixel", "pname": "wandering-pixel", "description": "Slide 1 pixel back and forth in the top bar as a workaround for various bugs in GNOME Shell and/or Mutter.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1wp3kmijz99fw3pas44cf91l4j95a5h30vxaxqjpk41ypj0jbak7"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "screenshot-directory@fawtytoo", "name": "Screenshot Directory", "pname": "screenshot-directory", "description": "The default screenshot directory is ~/Pictures. This extension changes that to use whatever is set if you used the Gnome Screenshot app. This can be found in the dconf setting: /org/gnome/gnome-screenshot/auto-save-directory. If that directory doesn't exist, the extension will use the Home directory instead.\n\nNote: If the dconf setting doesn't exist, you need  to install the Gnome Screenshot app.\n\nThe idea was taken from the extension: Screenshot Locations.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "5", "sha256": "04z2l6lzhwq4qa6knni19mlkwaxqfzf98nd730i2ai4f5qzr2yf6"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "X11 Gestures", "pname": "x11-gestures", "description": "Enable GNOME Shell multi-touch gestures on X11.\nRequires Touch\\xe9gg", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "4", "sha256": "14is2ww5wyzvifala1akycahvijv8cdq7s72b16ak2mhwg920iim"}, "38": {"version": "4", "sha256": "14is2ww5wyzvifala1akycahvijv8cdq7s72b16ak2mhwg920iim"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Get Out Of The Way!", "pname": "get-out-of-the-way", "description": "Push 'Always-on-Top' windows out of the way of the focused window.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0lr6ca8mxxajbbq2bmccy1jl6m174wqbbbni1ifa0h76andvw896"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Waktu Sholat", "pname": "waktu-sholat", "description": "Waktu Sholat - Indonesia\n\nWaktu sholat di sesuaikan untuk wilayah indonesia\n- Subuh saat Matahari berada pada sudut -20\\xb0 di bawah horizon Timur\n- Isya' saat Matahari berada pada sudut -18\\xb0 di bawah horizon Barat\n\n", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0p86xcnclfixw01v686gaq7z424ri3zx6lwf4axxjzw94wzxx8pj"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "VPNStatus Indicator", "pname": "vpnstatus-indicator", "description": "displays the current state of VPNStatus VPN\n\nchecks, if /proc/net/route contains entries for device nmcli?, this is the VPNStatus network device.\n", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0341yp1c4k016ajknhmzxbqjvjy5a9brk9186610nyafbbyszra2"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Switch Two Layouts", "pname": "switch-two-layouts", "description": "This extension makes XKB shortcuts to switch keyboard layouts (such as Caps Lock, Ctrl+Shift, etc.) cycle between the two first layouts. The other ones still can be selected via the menu or using GNOME's shortcuts (Super+Space, Shift+Super+Space). It's useful when you have two primary layouts and more additional, which are used more rarely.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "029zxa7yj02pbv4vjc39fnpvwls013yx8zjz5dq2h8h7x8al89dg"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "intel-gpu-indicator@ubunatic", "name": "Intel GPU Indicator", "pname": "intel-gpu-indicator", "description": "Shows Intel GPU metrics", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0j89wkqgbx6g4zp7g1ipm6421f8zsnaf3x56v33kvyfmyb5p07l7"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Dismiss Notifications on Right Click", "pname": "dismiss-notifications-on-right-click", "description": "Simple extension that removes notification popups when they are right clicked.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1s96swqkr35b1kz0xmknnwmis1l7ybi8pk8dd5ps592h4x2xaxkj"}, "38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1s96swqkr35b1kz0xmknnwmis1l7ybi8pk8dd5ps592h4x2xaxkj"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Disable Gestures 2021", "pname": "disable-gestures-2021", "description": "Disable all GNOME built-in gestures. Useful for kiosks and touch screen apps.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1w58wrv27rw4scf36f8rih7wdziqgrrqyg0qk69vy6fbszx35w28"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "pi-hole", "pname": "pi-hole", "description": "Status and basic controls of local Pi-Hole", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "08mzhz0qgq2mfr74bhazvzscmjv8kgs31lnpk73l2d3adar7h842"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "miniCal3@mtharpe", "name": "Minimalist Calendar 3", "pname": "minimalist-calendar-3", "description": "Remove event list and clock/calendar app buttons from the calendar window. This is just an updated version of v2 by breiq", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "1", "sha256": "0qpnps6429p077sl6i2mshw25gnbij7d2jg87y8bahxy5pz1r4fb"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Spotify Artwork Fixer", "pname": "spotify-artwork-fixer", "description": "Fix Spotify artwork in media notification", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1x39imkhw5rq8dzqmsvr2bzrhwgya6ywljhp1g6mjy608bg8khd0"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "Custom VPN Toggler (and indicator)", "pname": "custom-vpn-toggler", "description": "Custom VPN Toggler (and indicator) allows to see the status of a VPN (with its icon), see IP address associated and permit to start and stop VPN (from a menu).\n\nThis plugin required an additional script to interact with VPN. \nAn example for netExtender is available on extension repository. \nFollow the link to Extension Web Site and see README.", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1zyzn4a31fg94lz83zgw2xfpkrfsl3dmaqjxm7wrza5v0knqikdj"}, "38": {"version": "2", "sha256": "1zyzn4a31fg94lz83zgw2xfpkrfsl3dmaqjxm7wrza5v0knqikdj"}}}
-,   {"uuid": "", "name": "ADB battery information", "pname": "adb-battery-information", "description": "Shows battery percentage of connected via ADB device", "link": "", "shell_version_map": {"36": {"version": "1", "sha256": "1s8r389vr3pi91zws8wbhfjwddnsxjrxmsn72c6v1jagxyjlmyrp"}}}
diff --git a/pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/extensions/ b/pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/extensions/
deleted file mode 100755
index 316df142a1b1..000000000000
--- a/pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/extensions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
-#!nix-shell -I nixpkgs=../../../.. -i python3 -p python3
-import json
-import urllib.request
-import urllib.error
-from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Any, Tuple
-import logging
-from operator import itemgetter
-import subprocess
-# We don't want all those deprecated legacy extensions
-# Group extensions by Gnome "major" version for compatibility reasons
-supported_versions = {
-    "36": "3.36",
-    "38": "3.38",
-# Keep track of all names that have been used till now to detect collisions.
-# This works because we deterministically process all extensions in historical order
-# The outer dict level is the shell version, as we are tracking duplicates only per same Shell version.
-# key: shell version, value: Dict with key: pname, value: list of UUIDs with that pname
-package_name_registry: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[str]]] = {}
-for shell_version in supported_versions.keys():
-    package_name_registry[shell_version] = {}
-def fetch_sha256sum(uuid: str, version: str) -> str:
-    """
-    Download the extension and hash it. We use `nix-prefetch-url` for this for efficiency reasons
-    """
-    # The download URLs follow this schema
-    uuid = uuid.replace("@", "")
-    url: str = f"{uuid}.v{version}"
-    return
-        ["nix-prefetch-url", url], capture_output=True, text=True
-    ).stdout.strip()
-def generate_extension_versions(
-    extension_version_map: Dict[str, str], uuid: str
-) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]:
-    """
-    Takes in a mapping from shell versions to extension versions and transforms it the way we need it:
-    - Only take one extension version per Gnome Shell major version (as per `supported_versions`)
-    - Filter out versions that support old Gnome versions
-    - Download the extension and hash it
-    """
-    extension_versions: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = {}
-    for shell_version, version_prefix in supported_versions.items():
-        # Newest compatible extension version
-        extension_version: Optional[int] = max(
-            (
-                int(ext_ver)
-                for shell_ver, ext_ver in extension_version_map.items()
-                if (shell_ver.startswith(version_prefix))
-            ),
-            default=None,
-        )
-        # Extension is not compatible with this Gnome version
-        if not extension_version:
-            continue
-        logging.debug(
-            f"[{shell_version}] Downloading '{uuid}' v{str(extension_version)}"
-        )
-        sha256 = fetch_sha256sum(uuid, str(extension_version))
-        extension_versions[shell_version] = {
-            "version": str(extension_version),
-            "sha256": sha256,
-        }
-    return extension_versions
-def pname_from_url(url: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
-    """
-    Parse something like "/extension/1475/battery-time/" and output ("battery-time", "1475")
-    """
-    url = url.split("/")  # type: ignore
-    return (url[3], url[2])
-def sanitize_string(string: str) -> str:
-    """
-    Replace thinkgs like "\\u0123" in strings. This is required for nix < 2.3.10, as it does not support "\\u"
-    """
-    # The encode-decode trick also produces "\\n", but Nix supports "\n".
-    return string.encode("unicode-escape").decode().replace("\\n", "\n")
-def process_extension(extension: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
-    """
-    Process an extension. It takes in raw scraped data and downloads all the necessary information that buildGnomeExtension.nix requires
-        Input: a json object of one extension queried from the site. It has the following schema (only important key listed):
-            {
-                "uuid": str,
-                "name": str,
-                "description": str,
-                "link": str,
-                "shell_version_map": {
-                    str: { "version": int, … },
-                    …
-                },
-                …
-            }
-            "uuid" is an extension UUID that looks like this (most of the time): "extension-name@username.domain.tld".
-                   Don't make any assumptions on it, and treat it like an opaque string!
-            "link" follows the following schema: "/extension/$number/$string/"
-                   The number is some monotonically increasing and unique to every extension.
-                   The string is usually derived from the extensions's name (but shortened, kebab-cased and URL friendly).
-                   It may diverge from the actual name.
-            The keys of "shell_version_map" are Gnome Shell version numbers.
-        Output: a json object to be stored, or None if the extension should be skipped. Schema:
-            {
-                "uuid": str,
-                "name": str,
-                "pname": str,
-                "description": str,
-                "link": str,
-                "shell_version_map": {
-                    str: { "version": int, "sha256": str },
-                    …
-                }
-            }
-    """
-    uuid = extension["uuid"]
-    # Yeah, there are some extensions without any releases
-    if not extension["shell_version_map"]:
-        return None
-"Processing '" + uuid + "'")
-    # Input is a mapping str -> { version: int, … }
-    # We want to map shell versions to extension versions
-    shell_version_map: Dict[str, int] = {
-        k: v["version"] for k, v in extension["shell_version_map"].items()
-    }
-    # Transform shell_version_map to be more useful for us. Also throw away unwanted versions
-    shell_version_map: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = generate_extension_versions(shell_version_map, uuid)  # type: ignore
-    # No compatible versions found
-    if not shell_version_map:
-        return None
-    # Fetch a human-readable name for the package. If it is already taken by some package,
-    # append an ID number to make it unique. This is the first thing we have to do, as the filtering
-    # may change over time and thus result in extensions being retroactively renamed. Which we don't want.
-    (pname, pname_id) = pname_from_url(extension["link"])
-    for shell_version in shell_version_map.keys():
-        if pname in package_name_registry[shell_version]:
-            logging.warning(f"Package name '{pname}' is colliding.")
-            package_name_registry[shell_version][pname] += [uuid]
-        else:
-            package_name_registry[shell_version][pname] = [uuid]
-    return {
-        "uuid": uuid,
-        "name": sanitize_string(extension["name"]),
-        "pname": pname,
-        "description": sanitize_string(extension["description"]),
-        "link": "" + extension["link"],
-        "shell_version_map": shell_version_map,
-    }
-def fetch_extensions() -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
-    """
-    Fetch the extensions. The extensions database is scraped by using the search query. We simply go over it
-    page by page until we hit a non-full page or a 404 error.
-    The returned list is sorted by the age of the extension, in order to be deterministic.
-    """
-    page = 0
-    extensions = []
-    while True:
-        page += 1
-"Scraping page " + str(page))
-        try:
-            with urllib.request.urlopen(
-                f"{page}"
-            ) as url:
-                data = json.loads(["extensions"]
-                responseLength = len(data)
-                for extension in data:
-                    extensions += [extension]
-                # If our page isn't "full", it must have been the last one
-                if responseLength < 25:
-                    logging.debug(
-                        f"\tThis page only has {responseLength} entries, so it must be the last one."
-                    )
-                    break
-        except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
-             if e.status != 404:
-                 raise
-             break
-            # Assume this error is a 404. We hit the last page; we're done.
-            break
-    extensions.sort(key=itemgetter("pk"))
-    return extensions
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
-    raw_extensions = fetch_extensions()
-"Downloaded {len(raw_extensions)} extensions. Processing …")
-    processed_extensions: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
-    for raw_extension in raw_extensions:
-        processed_extension = process_extension(raw_extension)
-        if processed_extension:
-            processed_extensions += [processed_extension]
-        f"Done. Writing results to extensions.json ({len(processed_extensions)} extensions in total)"
-    )
-    with open("extensions.json", "w") as out:
-        # Manually pretty-print the outer level, but then do one compact line per extension
-        # This allows for the diffs to be manageable (one line of change per extension) despite their quantity
-        for index, extension in enumerate(processed_extensions):
-            if index == 0:
-                out.write("[   ")
-            else:
-                out.write(",   ")
-            json.dump(extension, out)
-            out.write("\n")
-        out.write("]\n")
-    with open("extensions.json", "r") as out:
-        # Check that the generated file actually is valid JSON, just to be sure
-        json.load(out)
-        "Done. Writing name collisions to collisions.json (please check manually)"
-    )
-    with open("collisions.json", "w") as out:
-        # Filter out those that are not duplicates
-        for shell_version, collisions in package_name_registry.items():
-            package_name_registry[shell_version] = {
-                k: v for k, v in collisions.items() if len(v) > 1
-            }
-        json.dump(package_name_registry, out, indent=2)
-        out.write("\n")
diff --git a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
index 6b21222efaae..fb7ccaecf0a0 100644
--- a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
@@ -28055,10 +28055,49 @@ in
   gnome3 = recurseIntoAttrs (callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3 { });
-  inherit (callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions { })
-    gnomeExtensions
-    gnome36Extensions
-    gnome38Extensions;
+  gnomeExtensions = recurseIntoAttrs {
+    appindicator = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/appindicator { };
+    arcmenu = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/arcmenu { };
+    caffeine = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/caffeine { };
+    clipboard-indicator = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/clipboard-indicator { };
+    clock-override = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/clock-override { };
+    dash-to-dock = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/dash-to-dock { };
+    dash-to-panel = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/dash-to-panel { };
+    draw-on-your-screen = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/draw-on-your-screen { };
+    drop-down-terminal = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/drop-down-terminal { };
+    dynamic-panel-transparency = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/dynamic-panel-transparency { };
+    easyScreenCast = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/EasyScreenCast { };
+    emoji-selector = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/emoji-selector { };
+    freon = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/freon { };
+    fuzzy-app-search = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/fuzzy-app-search { };
+    gsconnect = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/gsconnect { };
+    icon-hider = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/icon-hider { };
+    impatience = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/impatience { };
+    material-shell = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/material-shell { };
+    mpris-indicator-button = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/mpris-indicator-button { };
+    night-theme-switcher = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/night-theme-switcher { };
+    no-title-bar = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/no-title-bar { };
+    noannoyance = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/noannoyance { };
+    paperwm = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/paperwm { };
+    pidgin-im-integration = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/pidgin-im-integration { };
+    remove-dropdown-arrows = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/remove-dropdown-arrows { };
+    sound-output-device-chooser = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/sound-output-device-chooser { };
+    system-monitor = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/system-monitor { };
+    taskwhisperer = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/taskwhisperer { };
+    tilingnome = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/tilingnome { };
+    timepp = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/timepp { };
+    topicons-plus = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/topicons-plus { };
+    unite = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/unite { };
+    window-corner-preview = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/window-corner-preview { };
+    window-is-ready-remover = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/window-is-ready-remover { };
+    workspace-matrix = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/extensions/workspace-matrix { };
+    nohotcorner = throw "gnomeExtensions.nohotcorner removed since 2019-10-09: Since 3.34, it is a part of GNOME Shell configurable through GNOME Tweaks.";
+    mediaplayer = throw "gnomeExtensions.mediaplayer deprecated since 2019-09-23: retired upstream";
+  } // lib.optionalAttrs (config.allowAliases or false) {
+    unite-shell = gnomeExtensions.unite; # added 2021-01-19
+    arc-menu = gnomeExtensions.arcmenu; # added 2021-02-14
+  };
   gnome-connections = callPackage ../desktops/gnome-3/apps/gnome-connections { };