diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts.nix b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts.nix
index bcebd87d40ab..53fe3df84dd2 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts.nix
@@ -1191,6 +1191,7 @@ self: super: {
   "anatomy" = dontDistribute super."anatomy";
   "android" = dontDistribute super."android";
   "android-lint-summary" = dontDistribute super."android-lint-summary";
+  "angle" = dontDistribute super."angle";
   "animalcase" = dontDistribute super."animalcase";
   "annah" = dontDistribute super."annah";
   "annihilator" = dontDistribute super."annihilator";
@@ -3079,6 +3080,7 @@ self: super: {
   "gang-of-threads" = dontDistribute super."gang-of-threads";
   "garepinoh" = dontDistribute super."garepinoh";
   "garsia-wachs" = dontDistribute super."garsia-wachs";
+  "gasp" = dontDistribute super."gasp";
   "gbu" = dontDistribute super."gbu";
   "gc" = dontDistribute super."gc";
   "gc-monitoring-wai" = dontDistribute super."gc-monitoring-wai";
@@ -4241,6 +4243,7 @@ self: super: {
   "hsc3-sf-hsndfile" = dontDistribute super."hsc3-sf-hsndfile";
   "hsc3-unsafe" = dontDistribute super."hsc3-unsafe";
   "hsc3-utils" = dontDistribute super."hsc3-utils";
+  "hscaffold" = dontDistribute super."hscaffold";
   "hscamwire" = dontDistribute super."hscamwire";
   "hscassandra" = dontDistribute super."hscassandra";
   "hscd" = dontDistribute super."hscd";
@@ -4798,6 +4801,7 @@ self: super: {
   "keycode" = doDistribute super."keycode_0_2";
   "keyed" = dontDistribute super."keyed";
   "keyring" = dontDistribute super."keyring";
+  "keysafe" = dontDistribute super."keysafe";
   "keystore" = dontDistribute super."keystore";
   "keyvaluehash" = dontDistribute super."keyvaluehash";
   "keyword-args" = dontDistribute super."keyword-args";
@@ -5087,6 +5091,7 @@ self: super: {
   "llvm-data-interop" = dontDistribute super."llvm-data-interop";
   "llvm-extra" = dontDistribute super."llvm-extra";
   "llvm-ffi" = dontDistribute super."llvm-ffi";
+  "llvm-ffi-tools" = dontDistribute super."llvm-ffi-tools";
   "llvm-general" = dontDistribute super."llvm-general";
   "llvm-general-pure" = dontDistribute super."llvm-general-pure";
   "llvm-general-quote" = dontDistribute super."llvm-general-quote";
@@ -5748,6 +5753,7 @@ self: super: {
   "old-version" = dontDistribute super."old-version";
   "olwrapper" = dontDistribute super."olwrapper";
   "omaketex" = dontDistribute super."omaketex";
+  "ombra" = dontDistribute super."ombra";
   "omega" = dontDistribute super."omega";
   "omnicodec" = dontDistribute super."omnicodec";
   "on-a-horse" = dontDistribute super."on-a-horse";
@@ -6310,6 +6316,7 @@ self: super: {
   "qtah-examples" = dontDistribute super."qtah-examples";
   "qtah-generator" = dontDistribute super."qtah-generator";
   "qtah-qt5" = dontDistribute super."qtah-qt5";
+  "quack" = dontDistribute super."quack";
   "quadratic-irrational" = dontDistribute super."quadratic-irrational";
   "quantfin" = dontDistribute super."quantfin";
   "quantities" = dontDistribute super."quantities";
diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix
index 6c3eb98d853c..0d6e5023921f 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix
@@ -14856,12 +14856,11 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "RepLib";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "05c21fdaf2d09a44ffdb4d4f02a3b9a282dd5b5542ecc3e71222d31228644550";
+       version = "0.5.4";
+       sha256 = "986447e27a4eb12408b9571f51c766612f31f99c40e94d031c796387ce24838d";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base containers mtl template-haskell transformers
-       jailbreak = true;
        homepage = "https://github.com/sweirich/replib";
        description = "Generic programming library with representation types";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
@@ -23715,6 +23714,34 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "angle" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, haskeline
+     , mtl, process, QuickCheck, split, tasty, tasty-quickcheck
+     , transformers, transformers-compat
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "angle";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "2439f9267cd299c73e418354e97f884777107078590d1bbf5ccd825ff27e8ba1";
+       isLibrary = true;
+       isExecutable = true;
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base containers directory filepath mtl process transformers
+         transformers-compat
+       ];
+       executableHaskellDepends = [
+         base containers directory haskeline mtl split transformers
+         transformers-compat
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base containers mtl QuickCheck tasty tasty-quickcheck transformers
+         transformers-compat
+       ];
+       jailbreak = true;
+       description = "A small, general-purpose programming language";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3;
+     }) {};
   "animalcase" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, text }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -33773,8 +33800,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "buildbox";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "4143193ed3a190a1f9559de05d1070df7df0f2e6cfa905d531aee3acde0c32e7";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "7f9a3d82643b2d300cee11da526359cb4480388a9c7b9e7be6d8a0abce1053ce";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base bytestring containers directory exceptions mtl old-locale
          pretty process stm temporary text time
@@ -39097,6 +39124,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "clash-ghc";
        version = "0.6.23";
        sha256 = "ec13dd8c85c452751860d761f44744c9a1d70ad81c053fc8a5747c6359a3378c";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "b6d83c3a6b36331c43318ff78ccfe8b0a8ac826f272fc3efd54c5d2cd96adc8e";
        isLibrary = false;
        isExecutable = true;
        executableHaskellDepends = [
@@ -39192,6 +39221,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "clash-prelude";
        version = "0.10.13";
        sha256 = "e0c9704a5ebf42acffa66a22d9282710d40650301b38538080a3d0c56073f203";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "a4a692dc82f29d0be894610b31c609f992c0ce2a0371e2f7879645ebaf18c0a8";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          array base data-default deepseq ghc-prim ghc-typelits-extra
          ghc-typelits-natnormalise integer-gmp lens QuickCheck reflection
@@ -51692,6 +51723,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "diagrams-rasterific";
        version = "";
        sha256 = "b76001105055563e2a51f6dbff2e1c12547644014f748e7564f1ded42b75cb99";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "9a5004b0563415202937cd437518f75c9910ff25c605630eed77456ce2238041";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base bytestring containers data-default-class diagrams-core
          diagrams-lib filepath FontyFruity hashable JuicyPixels lens mtl
@@ -51703,6 +51736,28 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
+  "diagrams-rasterific_1_3_1_9" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, data-default-class
+     , diagrams-core, diagrams-lib, filepath, FontyFruity, hashable
+     , JuicyPixels, lens, mtl, optparse-applicative, Rasterific, split
+     , unix
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "diagrams-rasterific";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "b3305657391f75b9f69c3a30905724c1151ea7cab78561c800657f7a81166ab8";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring containers data-default-class diagrams-core
+         diagrams-lib filepath FontyFruity hashable JuicyPixels lens mtl
+         optparse-applicative Rasterific split unix
+       ];
+       jailbreak = true;
+       homepage = "http://projects.haskell.org/diagrams/";
+       description = "Rasterific backend for diagrams";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "diagrams-reflex" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, colour, containers, diagrams-core
      , diagrams-lib, lens, monoid-extras, mtl, reflex, reflex-dom
@@ -65467,6 +65522,17 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "gasp" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "gasp";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "7f9dcc98599814557179e428e281a82ceebc8208a698d87e726c3f8307b033f9";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base binary containers ];
+       description = "A framework of algebraic classes";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+     }) {};
   "gbu" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, fgl, Graphalyze, haskell98, mtl
      , regex-posix
@@ -67384,12 +67450,18 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "ghc-time-alloc-prof" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, containers, text, time }:
+    ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, containers, directory, filepath
+     , process, tasty, tasty-hunit, temporary, text, time
+     }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "ghc-time-alloc-prof";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "9a3fabe71006ce604945d3195f4d3057bdf24693e483633b688f447819381b98";
+       version = "0.1.0";
+       sha256 = "61a877a8f7a7dbfc8ceeac0e7b20f63a52183b7d1690d0557b4300c0bbfe30d5";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ attoparsec base containers text time ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         attoparsec base directory filepath process tasty tasty-hunit
+         temporary text
+       ];
        homepage = "https://github.com/maoe/ghc-time-alloc-prof";
        description = "Library for parsing GHC time and allocation profiling reports";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
@@ -67415,6 +67487,31 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2;
      }) {};
+  "ghc-typelits-extra_0_2" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc, ghc-tcplugins-extra
+     , ghc-typelits-knownnat, ghc-typelits-natnormalise, integer-gmp
+     , singletons, tasty, tasty-hunit, transformers
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "ghc-typelits-extra";
+       version = "0.2";
+       sha256 = "7ea3126b4dcf8de6dacd4654bbed1eb019cd088a70f79434d34193d93fac2c17";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "52861a8d689da7f12990a870c6f3c0a219e9b2946570733710e21841947afdbc";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base ghc ghc-tcplugins-extra ghc-typelits-knownnat
+         ghc-typelits-natnormalise integer-gmp singletons transformers
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base ghc-typelits-knownnat ghc-typelits-natnormalise tasty
+         tasty-hunit
+       ];
+       homepage = "http://www.clash-lang.org/";
+       description = "Additional type-level operations on GHC.TypeLits.Nat";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "ghc-typelits-knownnat" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc, ghc-tcplugins-extra
      , ghc-typelits-natnormalise, singletons, tasty, tasty-hunit
@@ -67436,6 +67533,28 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2;
      }) {};
+  "ghc-typelits-knownnat_0_2_1" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc, ghc-tcplugins-extra
+     , ghc-typelits-natnormalise, singletons, tasty, tasty-hunit
+     , template-haskell, transformers
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "ghc-typelits-knownnat";
+       version = "0.2.1";
+       sha256 = "5c4e3f8be0fe29e523c1129cea98a18d46950ea53178b57fd06ae3b0057271ee";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base ghc ghc-tcplugins-extra ghc-typelits-natnormalise singletons
+         template-haskell transformers
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base ghc-typelits-natnormalise singletons tasty tasty-hunit
+       ];
+       homepage = "http://clash-lang.org/";
+       description = "Derive KnownNat constraints from other KnownNat constraints";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "ghc-typelits-natnormalise_0_4_6" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc, ghc-tcplugins-extra, integer-gmp, tasty
      , tasty-hunit
@@ -68807,8 +68926,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "ginger";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "809944fc799e3238911595ba45a54437a9c206528a37cf60dd4aa98d142bd1ef";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "17f7ee8a2f0cb1ee40b20043a1d39e6fd6dc100e7cb6548f590cc82030af9856";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -85392,8 +85511,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "hindent";
        version = "4.6.4";
        sha256 = "26fc1498705b8a64b03eb5b699ba6229955273d91a49a01c3c2b58436c8e4dcf";
-       revision = "1";
-       editedCabalFile = "f0a60118bc1676b194de34b26a83a11f62ff91b557c8ef0e1da737a7923e0642";
+       revision = "2";
+       editedCabalFile = "d06cf7934ba7a7bc938bf9c378955ee5d4925ee3f45cfa1e417a2adbe5db5955";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -85419,6 +85538,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "hindent";
        version = "5.0.0";
        sha256 = "ad2f652d086e7bd8dd933b3aed682fd811bcb081b367279097f9d384dd738d77";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "0ba14c09658e94988be61e532c6c6d689694d71aa940f7af0e6f0f5e4dfb5bc5";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -86130,6 +86251,29 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "hjsmin_0_2_0_2" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, containers
+     , language-javascript, optparse-applicative, text
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "hjsmin";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "bec153d2396962c63998eb12d0a2c7c9f7df6f774cb00e41b6cdb1f5a4905484";
+       isLibrary = true;
+       isExecutable = true;
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base blaze-builder bytestring containers language-javascript text
+       ];
+       executableHaskellDepends = [
+         base blaze-builder bytestring containers language-javascript
+         optparse-applicative text
+       ];
+       homepage = "http://github.com/erikd/hjsmin";
+       description = "Haskell implementation of a javascript minifier";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "hjson" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, parsec }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -90806,6 +90950,26 @@ self: {
        license = "GPL";
      }) {};
+  "hscaffold" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, hspec, mtl, QuickCheck
+     , text, transformers, unix
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "hscaffold";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "d3e57bbe4e6dce4e937f394ce1f259fb8c9f40c591543cd1adcb7ab4d17ce5e5";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base directory filepath mtl text transformers unix
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base directory filepath hspec mtl QuickCheck text transformers unix
+       ];
+       jailbreak = true;
+       homepage = "https://github.com/yamadapc/hscaffold#readme";
+       description = "Very simple file/directory structure scaffolding writer monad EDSL";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
+     }) {};
   "hscamwire" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, array, base, camwire_1394, dc1394_control, raw1394
      , time, unix
@@ -94701,14 +94865,14 @@ self: {
      }) {inherit (pkgs) ruby;};
   "huckleberry" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HUnit, mtl, serialport }:
+    ({ mkDerivation, base }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "huckleberry";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "70fd7cbe9e41d28f2d8882364646007745ce6b2a64d6369b25fd5a3222eda32d";
-       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base bytestring mtl serialport ];
-       testHaskellDepends = [ base HUnit ];
-       description = "IchigoJam BASIC expressed in Haskell";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "cbb6e78b098a466fdc8b6f90e64f510bd362920c4979d42aeb2bb47f6a258778";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/mitsuji/huckleberry#readme";
+       description = "Haskell IOT on Intel Edison and other Linux computers";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
@@ -103838,6 +104002,31 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "keysafe" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, argon2, base, binary, bytestring, containers
+     , deepseq, dice-entropy-conduit, directory, filepath, finite-field
+     , optparse-applicative, polynomial, process, raaz, random, readline
+     , split, text, time, unix, utf8-string, vector, zxcvbn-c
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "keysafe";
+       version = "0.20160819";
+       sha256 = "cd6909e3cbbcd8e144ebc8fb75b2fa4068ad6d4330d4ba6d5cf7e81529020704";
+       isLibrary = false;
+       isExecutable = true;
+       executableHaskellDepends = [
+         base binary bytestring containers deepseq dice-entropy-conduit
+         directory filepath finite-field optparse-applicative polynomial
+         process raaz random readline split text time unix utf8-string
+         vector zxcvbn-c
+       ];
+       executableSystemDepends = [ argon2 ];
+       jailbreak = true;
+       homepage = "https://joeyh.name/code/keysafe/";
+       description = "back up a secret key securely to the cloud";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3;
+     }) {argon2 = null;};
   "keystore" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, ansi-wl-pprint, api-tools
      , asn1-encoding, asn1-types, base, base64-bytestring, byteable
@@ -105977,7 +106166,6 @@ self: {
        homepage = "http://lpuppet.banquise.net/";
        description = "Tools to parse and evaluate the Puppet DSL";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
-       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
   "language-puppet_1_3" = callPackage
@@ -109962,18 +110150,36 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "llvm-ffi" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, base, enumset, llvm }:
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, enumset, llvm-3.6 }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "llvm-ffi";
-       version = "3.5.1";
-       sha256 = "17f5ede28961ab5dddff7643a3c4bc82b5f68fc47f4671f758a85840c606d7a4";
+       version = "3.6.0";
+       sha256 = "76973b435a64e99bc828e973ca77e36dbfc16105c704528caac963005785a399";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base enumset ];
-       libraryPkgconfigDepends = [ llvm ];
+       libraryPkgconfigDepends = [ llvm-3.6 ];
        homepage = "http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/LLVM";
        description = "FFI bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
-     }) {inherit (self.llvmPackages) llvm;};
+     }) {"llvm-3.6" = null;};
+  "llvm-ffi-tools" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, regex-posix
+     , utility-ht
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "llvm-ffi-tools";
+       version = "0.0";
+       sha256 = "fd8042f38772b64f0a0b6df48c92e5ff46546a57252e5e9234b7b3fb9d518ea2";
+       isLibrary = false;
+       isExecutable = true;
+       executableHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring containers regex-posix utility-ht
+       ];
+       homepage = "http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/LLVM";
+       description = "Tools for maintaining the llvm-ffi package";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+     }) {};
   "llvm-general" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, HUnit
@@ -110075,14 +110281,13 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "llvm-pkg-config";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "557be5a87569fe41ce009e4ed8ad49d4ab3f0c5cdf3239ce9dc8313790892f0a";
+       version = "0.0.1";
+       sha256 = "3913c3214ee56bf5bdd6b0a721eed7fd49f335374f32f7f4ed7670ab549bddfa";
        isLibrary = false;
        isExecutable = true;
        executableHaskellDepends = [
          base Cabal explicit-exception process transformers utility-ht
-       jailbreak = true;
        description = "Generate Pkg-Config configuration file for LLVM";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
@@ -110137,6 +110342,7 @@ self: {
          base containers fixed-length llvm-ffi non-empty process
          storable-record tfp transformers utility-ht
+       jailbreak = true;
        description = "Bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit using type families";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
@@ -111121,11 +111327,9 @@ self: {
          polynomials-bernstein process reflection text typography-geometry
-       jailbreak = true;
        description = "An EDSL for diagrams based based on linear constraints";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3;
-       broken = true;
-     }) {gasp = null;};
+     }) {};
   "lp-diagrams-svg" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, FontyFruity, gasp, JuicyPixels
@@ -111140,11 +111344,9 @@ self: {
          base containers FontyFruity gasp JuicyPixels lens linear
          lp-diagrams lucid-svg mtl optparse-applicative svg-tree text vector
-       jailbreak = true;
        description = "SVG Backend for lp-diagrams";
        license = "GPL";
-       broken = true;
-     }) {gasp = null;};
+     }) {};
   "lrucache" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, contravariant }:
@@ -113347,8 +113549,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "mars";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "3154d125ab96dcb6fc23685ca35483d622e8e6ff02e5564df570eb3cfed80ae9";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "5c83bb2c8edace76c7007842e5030217aefaee32c95012f4f7fb4307538fa552";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          array base bytestring colour gloss MonadRandom mtl random
@@ -120032,20 +120234,21 @@ self: {
   "mysql-haskell" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, blaze-textual, bytestring
      , bytestring-lexing, cryptonite, io-streams, memory, monad-loops
-     , network, scientific, tasty, tasty-hunit, tcp-streams, text, time
-     , tls, transformers, wire-streams, word24
+     , network, optparse-applicative, scientific, tasty, tasty-hunit
+     , tcp-streams, text, time, tls, transformers, wire-streams, word24
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "mysql-haskell";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "3367dd2735ee81268d6c02da7a9588374258f8ec9eb860f71d74ead2ccd2b735";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "c4aa54308e603f97b90e06669dd300bbcca097ebfb9f671a0cc7adcdf2860f99";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base binary blaze-textual bytestring bytestring-lexing cryptonite
          io-streams memory monad-loops network scientific tcp-streams text
          time tls transformers wire-streams word24
        testHaskellDepends = [
-         base bytestring io-streams tasty tasty-hunit text time
+         base bytestring io-streams optparse-applicative tasty tasty-hunit
+         text time
        jailbreak = true;
        homepage = "https://github.com/winterland1989/mysql-haskell";
@@ -124025,6 +124228,33 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
      }) {};
+  "octane_0_14_0" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bimap, binary, binary-bits
+     , bytestring, containers, data-binary-ieee754, data-default-class
+     , deepseq, doctest, file-embed, http-client, http-client-tls
+     , overloaded-records, regex-compat, tasty, tasty-hspec, text
+     , unordered-containers, vector
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "octane";
+       version = "0.14.0";
+       sha256 = "4e51bd02cfe07791d0fc413c26ace571b945ba8d49c14f4ad4355ca791162d3c";
+       isLibrary = true;
+       isExecutable = true;
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson base bimap binary binary-bits bytestring containers
+         data-binary-ieee754 data-default-class deepseq file-embed
+         http-client http-client-tls overloaded-records regex-compat text
+         unordered-containers vector
+       ];
+       executableHaskellDepends = [ base ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base doctest tasty tasty-hspec ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/tfausak/octane#readme";
+       description = "Parse Rocket League replays";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "octohat" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base-compat, base16-bytestring
      , base64-bytestring, bytestring, containers, cryptohash, dotenv
@@ -124347,6 +124577,23 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = [ "x86_64-darwin" ];
      }) {};
+  "ombra" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, gl, hashable, hashtables, transformers
+     , unordered-containers, vect, vector
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "ombra";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "2d89e1b8630c71973aa69c2aa8ea7c52367705f4661d37b8f68528c9377def93";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base gl hashable hashtables transformers unordered-containers vect
+         vector
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/ziocroc/Ombra";
+       description = "Render engine";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+     }) {};
   "omega" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, filepath
      , pretty, time
@@ -126803,13 +127050,13 @@ self: {
   "pandoc-crossref" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, data-accessor
      , data-accessor-template, data-accessor-transformers, data-default
-     , hspec, mtl, pandoc, pandoc-types, process, roman-numerals, syb
-     , template-haskell, yaml
+     , directory, filepath, hspec, mtl, pandoc, pandoc-types, process
+     , roman-numerals, syb, template-haskell, yaml
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "pandoc-crossref";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "85da5dff663b578367ed75dcd71d8273a9cd92e8ae4a907ff0b83694d8417abd";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "b6b4200023da4835cf50a2c9a247a837282ccf16e1684336b5a15d17b9ad085e";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -126823,8 +127070,9 @@ self: {
        testHaskellDepends = [
          base bytestring containers data-accessor data-accessor-template
-         data-accessor-transformers data-default hspec mtl pandoc
-         pandoc-types process roman-numerals syb template-haskell yaml
+         data-accessor-transformers data-default directory filepath hspec
+         mtl pandoc pandoc-types process roman-numerals syb template-haskell
+         yaml
        description = "Pandoc filter for cross-references";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2;
@@ -137226,6 +137474,19 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {qtah = null; inherit (pkgs.qt5) qtbase;};
+  "quack" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, http-types, mtl, text }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "quack";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "86a7aae649a3c81bea6ccf368a13d75deddf11efd850580e28c92ede55cee8a3";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson attoparsec base http-types mtl text
+       ];
+       description = "Convenience parser combinators for URI query strings";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+     }) {};
   "quadratic-irrational" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, arithmoi, base, containers, directory, doctest
      , filepath, mtl, numbers, QuickCheck, tasty, tasty-quickcheck
@@ -148078,8 +148339,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "servant-aeson-specs";
-       version = "0.4";
-       sha256 = "7a409bb60daedd077575f5c8f8d300660131c2d5dfed2c4c7b0808d1bf9cb56a";
+       version = "0.4.1";
+       sha256 = "659294fbc3e56202ff886b96f72ea6d3aeb8e6b083e17e9d48e57485ef5eb058";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          aeson aeson-pretty base bytestring directory filepath hspec
          QuickCheck random servant
@@ -148089,7 +148350,6 @@ self: {
          hspec-core mockery QuickCheck quickcheck-instances random servant
          silently string-conversions temporary text
-       jailbreak = true;
        homepage = "https://github.com/plow-technologies/servant-aeson-specs#readme";
        description = "generic tests for aeson serialization in servant";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
@@ -148127,6 +148387,38 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "servant-auth-cookie_0_3_1" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, blaze-builder, blaze-html
+     , blaze-markup, bytestring, cereal, cookie, cryptonite
+     , data-default, deepseq, exceptions, hspec, http-media, http-types
+     , memory, mtl, QuickCheck, servant, servant-blaze, servant-server
+     , text, time, transformers, wai, warp
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "servant-auth-cookie";
+       version = "0.3.1";
+       sha256 = "fe4b1fe4948d1368ece446695b406170e5e049f8b7818e8d35c7bd7ffc5c4f1d";
+       isLibrary = true;
+       isExecutable = true;
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base base64-bytestring blaze-builder bytestring cereal cookie
+         cryptonite data-default exceptions http-types memory mtl servant
+         servant-server time transformers wai
+       ];
+       executableHaskellDepends = [
+         base blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring cereal cryptonite
+         data-default http-media mtl servant servant-blaze servant-server
+         text wai warp
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring cereal cryptonite data-default deepseq hspec
+         QuickCheck servant-server time
+       ];
+       description = "Authentication via encrypted cookies";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "servant-auth-token" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson-injector, base, bytestring, containers, mtl
      , persistent, persistent-postgresql, persistent-template
@@ -148565,15 +148857,18 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "servant-matrix-param" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, base, doctest, hspec, servant, servant-aeson-specs
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, doctest
+     , hspec, http-types, servant, servant-aeson-specs, servant-server
+     , text, transformers, wai, wai-extra
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "servant-matrix-param";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "eedf69940d621282b42eb3f06474851a4903fdaa29c399f3747426c8474ebeb9";
+       version = "0.2";
+       sha256 = "22e8bc5a2109066c26ec2bca18bd349509cfe8cd35ff7507bd6f2536f9544bd0";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base servant ];
        testHaskellDepends = [
-         base doctest hspec servant servant-aeson-specs
+         aeson base bytestring containers doctest hspec http-types servant
+         servant-aeson-specs servant-server text transformers wai wai-extra
        jailbreak = true;
        description = "Matrix parameter combinator for servant";
@@ -148995,6 +149290,35 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "servant-swagger-ui_0_2_0_2_1_5" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base-compat, blaze-markup, bytestring
+     , directory, file-embed, filepath, http-media, lens, servant
+     , servant-blaze, servant-server, servant-swagger, swagger2
+     , template-haskell, text, transformers, transformers-compat, wai
+     , wai-app-static, warp
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "servant-swagger-ui";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "57fa0b9d8a46482051f3e2bcab7c513adec07450b3fb6bb00281758f99922d57";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base blaze-markup bytestring directory file-embed filepath
+         http-media servant servant-blaze servant-server servant-swagger
+         swagger2 template-haskell text transformers transformers-compat
+         wai-app-static
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson base base-compat blaze-markup bytestring directory file-embed
+         filepath http-media lens servant servant-blaze servant-server
+         servant-swagger swagger2 template-haskell text transformers
+         transformers-compat wai wai-app-static warp
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/phadej/servant-swagger-ui#readme";
+       description = "Servant swagger ui";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "servant-yaml" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base-compat, bytestring, http-media
      , servant, servant-server, wai, warp, yaml
@@ -153227,6 +153551,42 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "snap-server_1_0_1_0" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, base16-bytestring, blaze-builder
+     , bytestring, bytestring-builder, case-insensitive, clock
+     , containers, deepseq, directory, filepath, HsOpenSSL, http-common
+     , http-streams, HUnit, io-streams, io-streams-haproxy, lifted-base
+     , monad-control, mtl, network, old-locale, openssl-streams
+     , parallel, QuickCheck, random, snap-core, test-framework
+     , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, text, threads
+     , time, transformers, unix, unix-compat, vector
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "snap-server";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "a398b15e90d2d6bc77af3edf6f5926df7863073a4774c71a46c0adb43c837488";
+       configureFlags = [ "-fopenssl" ];
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring bytestring-builder
+         case-insensitive clock containers filepath HsOpenSSL io-streams
+         io-streams-haproxy lifted-base mtl network old-locale
+         openssl-streams snap-core text time unix unix-compat vector
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         attoparsec base base16-bytestring blaze-builder bytestring
+         bytestring-builder case-insensitive clock containers deepseq
+         directory filepath HsOpenSSL http-common http-streams HUnit
+         io-streams io-streams-haproxy lifted-base monad-control mtl network
+         old-locale openssl-streams parallel QuickCheck random snap-core
+         test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text
+         threads time transformers unix unix-compat vector
+       ];
+       homepage = "http://snapframework.com/";
+       description = "A web server for the Snap Framework";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "snap-templates" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory
      , directory-tree, filepath, hashable, old-time, template-haskell
@@ -158613,12 +158973,12 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "strict-data" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, deepseq, store }:
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, deepseq }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "strict-data";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "b3af392c5efc321a78960624a1f8c32511c5d8ae58822a3b9781ddf20481a6bb";
-       libraryHaskellDepends = [ aeson base deepseq store ];
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "d97632137b191064bd377dd0474cf99cf3782065aae6839ea8112c701d8bc3af";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ aeson base deepseq ];
        homepage = "https://github.com/agrafix/strict-data#readme";
        description = "Verious useful strict data structures";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
@@ -164528,6 +164888,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "text-show-instances";
        version = "3.3";
        sha256 = "795d7e22f4ade987293a8b0376ef976822fb7f3383b4e1629566d27c1c4f991c";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "ca53f3c0bdd313a90c76e03c1df2af40af34148046763fc3190cb258b79c4aac";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base base-compat bifunctors binary bytestring containers directory
          ghc-boot haskeline hoopl hpc old-locale old-time pretty random
@@ -169864,8 +170226,8 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "type-operators";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1ed1669c0185a6411eeea83034b6b46f366d57341813006992273b3724c5c2a4";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "dafbc8b87b23f668b16b46366069b95535081db33d7ea5e1669736baf0aea705";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base ghc-prim ];
        homepage = "https://github.com/Shou/type-operators#readme";
        description = "Various type-level operators";
@@ -170718,17 +171080,20 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "unbound" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, mtl, RepLib
-     , transformers
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, mtl, parsec, pretty
+     , QuickCheck, RepLib, template-haskell, transformers
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "unbound";
-       version = "0.4.4";
-       sha256 = "c6454dd5725bf2a02cc99f74b18fc5b3b1ab9d44dd99d6322e42d8399409eb7e";
+       version = "0.5.0";
+       sha256 = "1290827b7a67d87eaa4dfa8d753e01d98ef0d501ee42da0f9635fdd73b64220e";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base binary containers mtl RepLib transformers
-       jailbreak = true;
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base binary containers mtl parsec pretty QuickCheck RepLib
+         template-haskell transformers
+       ];
        homepage = "https://github.com/sweirich/replib";
        description = "Generic support for programming with names and binders";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
@@ -171938,22 +172303,22 @@ self: {
   "unused" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, bytestring, cassava
-     , containers, directory, filepath, hspec, inflections, megaparsec
-     , mtl, optparse-applicative, parallel-io, process, regex-tdfa
-     , terminal-progress-bar, text, transformers, unix
+     , containers, directory, file-embed, filepath, hspec, inflections
+     , megaparsec, mtl, optparse-applicative, parallel-io, process
+     , regex-tdfa, terminal-progress-bar, text, transformers, unix
      , unordered-containers, vector, yaml
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "unused";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "ff84730dc03f01e73769abf1a2c0d11b46421a08b13608a4b542b2f9bbdc7f8a";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "763cd92955d6ec154037e10e1332507272d8557abc1b2a2262a354a3c226375f";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         ansi-terminal base bytestring cassava containers directory filepath
-         inflections megaparsec mtl parallel-io process regex-tdfa
-         terminal-progress-bar text transformers unix unordered-containers
-         vector yaml
+         ansi-terminal base bytestring cassava containers directory
+         file-embed filepath inflections megaparsec mtl parallel-io process
+         regex-tdfa terminal-progress-bar text transformers unix
+         unordered-containers vector yaml
        executableHaskellDepends = [
          base mtl optparse-applicative transformers
@@ -178488,8 +178853,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "wolf";
-       version = "0.2.7";
-       sha256 = "4e3f8e4e39336d9ef685ade61864e0baab422d5e3f2f8f59e909a6cddf5ca643";
+       version = "0.2.8";
+       sha256 = "a76f54f9274e021787c59f2739a55a74f803576eaa624c506648839dd3b52a8c";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [