diff --git a/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox/3.5.nix b/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox/3.5.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index a5a35578b134..000000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox/3.5.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv, fetchurl, pkgconfig, gtk, pango, perl, python, zip, libIDL
-, libjpeg, libpng, zlib, cairo, dbus, dbus_glib, bzip2, xlibs
-, freetype, fontconfig, file, alsaLib, nspr, nss
-, # If you want the resulting program to call itself "Firefox" instead
-  # of "Shiretoko" or whatever, enable this option.  However, those
-  # binaries may not be distributed without permission from the
-  # Mozilla Foundation, see
-  # http://www.mozilla.org/foundation/trademarks/.
-  enableOfficialBranding ? false
-rec {
-  firefoxVersion = "3.5.10";
-  xulVersion = ""; # this attribute is used by other packages
-  src = fetchurl {
-    url = "http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/${firefoxVersion}/source/firefox-${firefoxVersion}.source.tar.bz2";
-    sha1 = "9e84dee03f003eaf79df12de9d13ac8f6c4cd9b1";
-  };
-  commonConfigureFlags =
-    [ "--enable-optimize"
-      "--disable-debug"
-      "--enable-strip"
-      "--with-system-jpeg"
-      "--with-system-zlib"
-      "--with-system-bz2"
-      "--with-system-nspr"
-      #"--with-system-nss"
-      # "--with-system-png" # <-- "--with-system-png won't work because the system's libpng doesn't have APNG support"
-      "--enable-system-cairo"
-      #"--enable-system-sqlite" # <-- this seems to be discouraged
-      "--disable-crashreporter"
-      "--disable-tests"
-    ];
-  xulrunner = stdenv.mkDerivation {
-    name = "xulrunner-${xulVersion}";
-    inherit src;
-    buildInputs =
-      [ pkgconfig gtk perl zip libIDL libjpeg libpng zlib cairo bzip2
-        python dbus dbus_glib pango freetype fontconfig xlibs.libXi
-        xlibs.libX11 xlibs.libXrender xlibs.libXft xlibs.libXt file
-        alsaLib nspr /* nss */
-      ];
-    configureFlags =
-      [ "--enable-application=xulrunner"
-        "--disable-javaxpcom"
-      ] ++ commonConfigureFlags;
-    # !!! Temporary hack.
-    preBuild = ''
-     export NIX_ENFORCE_PURITY=
-    '';
-    installFlags = "SKIP_GRE_REGISTRATION=1";
-    postInstall = ''
-      # Fix some references to /bin paths in the Xulrunner shell script.
-      substituteInPlace $out/bin/xulrunner \
-          --replace /bin/pwd "$(type -tP pwd)" \
-          --replace /bin/ls "$(type -tP ls)"
-      # Fix run-mozilla.sh search
-      libDir=$(cd $out/lib && ls -d xulrunner-[0-9]*)
-      echo libDir: $libDir
-      test -n "$libDir"
-      cd $out/bin
-      mv xulrunner ../lib/$libDir/
-      for i in $out/lib/$libDir/*; do 
-          file $i;
-          if file $i | grep executable &>/dev/null; then 
-              ln -s $i $out/bin
-          fi;
-      done;
-      rm -f $out/bin/run-mozilla.sh
-    ''; # */
-    meta = {
-      description = "Mozilla Firefox XUL runner";
-      homepage = http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/;
-    };
-    passthru = { inherit gtk; version = xulVersion; };
-  };
-  firefox = stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-    name = "firefox-${firefoxVersion}";
-    inherit src;
-    buildInputs =
-      [ pkgconfig gtk perl zip libIDL libjpeg zlib cairo bzip2 python
-        dbus dbus_glib pango freetype fontconfig alsaLib nspr
-      ];
-    propagatedBuildInputs = [xulrunner];
-    configureFlags =
-      [ "--enable-application=browser"
-        "--with-libxul-sdk=${xulrunner}/lib/xulrunner-devel-${xulrunner.version}"
-      ]
-      ++ commonConfigureFlags
-      ++ stdenv.lib.optional enableOfficialBranding "--enable-official-branding";
-    postInstall = ''
-      libDir=$(cd $out/lib && ls -d firefox-[0-9]*)
-      test -n "$libDir"
-      ln -s ${xulrunner}/lib/xulrunner-${xulrunner.version} $out/lib/$libDir/xulrunner
-      # Register extensions etc. !!! is this needed anymore?
-      echo "running firefox -register..."
-      $out/bin/firefox -register
-    ''; # */
-    meta = {
-      description = "Mozilla Firefox - the browser, reloaded";
-      homepage = http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/;
-    };
-    passthru = {
-      inherit gtk xulrunner nspr;
-      isFirefox3Like = true;
-    };
-  };
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox/4.0-rc1.nix b/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox/4.0-rc1.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 62d403a50e63..000000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox/4.0-rc1.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv, fetchurl, pkgconfig, gtk, pango, perl, python, zip, libIDL
-, libjpeg, libpng, zlib, cairo, dbus, dbus_glib, bzip2, xlibs
-, freetype, fontconfig, file, alsaLib, nspr, nss, libnotify
-, libvpx, yasm, mesa, wirelesstools
-, # If you want the resulting program to call itself "Firefox" instead
-  # of "Shiretoko" or whatever, enable this option.  However, those
-  # binaries may not be distributed without permission from the
-  # Mozilla Foundation, see
-  # http://www.mozilla.org/foundation/trademarks/.
-  enableOfficialBranding ? false
-rec {
-  firefoxVersion = "4.0rc1";
-  xulVersion = "2.0"; # this attribute is used by other packages
-  src = fetchurl {
-    url = "http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/${firefoxVersion}/source/firefox-${firefoxVersion}.source.tar.bz2";
-    sha256 = "8bae4af5d364c6caa624ad106f532f046f23e6187281cf87d8d4ed5d899f100f";
-  };
-  commonConfigureFlags =
-    [ "--enable-optimize"
-      "--disable-debug"
-      "--enable-strip"
-      "--with-system-jpeg"
-      "--with-system-zlib"
-      "--with-system-bz2"
-      "--with-system-nspr"
-      #"--with-system-nss"
-      # "--with-system-png" # <-- "--with-system-png won't work because the system's libpng doesn't have APNG support"
-      "--enable-system-cairo"
-      #"--enable-system-sqlite" # <-- this seems to be discouraged
-      "--disable-crashreporter"
-      "--disable-tests"
-      "--disable-necko-wifi" # maybe we want to enable this at some point
-    ];
-  xulrunner = stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-    name = "xulrunner-${xulVersion}";
-    inherit src;
-    buildInputs =
-    [ pkgconfig gtk perl zip libIDL libjpeg libpng zlib cairo bzip2
-        python dbus dbus_glib pango freetype fontconfig xlibs.libXi
-        xlibs.libX11 xlibs.libXrender xlibs.libXft xlibs.libXt file
-        alsaLib nspr /* nss */ libnotify xlibs.pixman libvpx yasm mesa
-	wirelesstools xlibs.libXScrnSaver xlibs.scrnsaverproto
-	xlibs.libXext xlibs.xextproto
-      ];
-    configureFlags =
-      [ "--enable-application=xulrunner"
-        "--disable-javaxpcom"
-      ] ++ commonConfigureFlags;
-    # !!! Temporary hack.
-    preBuild = ''
-     export NIX_ENFORCE_PURITY=
-    '';
-    # Hack to work around make's idea of -lbz2 dependency
-    preConfigure = ''
-     find . -name Makefile.in -execdir sed -i '{}' -e '1ivpath %.so ${
-       stdenv.lib.concatStringsSep ":" 
-         (map (s : s + "/lib") (buildInputs ++ [stdenv.gcc.libc]))
-     }' ';'
-    '';
-    installFlags = "SKIP_GRE_REGISTRATION=1";
-    postInstall = ''
-      # Fix some references to /bin paths in the Xulrunner shell script.
-      substituteInPlace $out/bin/xulrunner \
-          --replace /bin/pwd "$(type -tP pwd)" \
-          --replace /bin/ls "$(type -tP ls)"
-      # Fix run-mozilla.sh search
-      libDir=$(cd $out/lib && ls -d xulrunner-[0-9]*)
-      echo libDir: $libDir
-      test -n "$libDir"
-      cd $out/bin
-      mv xulrunner ../lib/$libDir/
-      for i in $out/lib/$libDir/*; do 
-          file $i;
-          if file $i | grep executable &>/dev/null; then 
-              ln -s $i $out/bin
-          fi;
-      done;
-      rm -f $out/bin/run-mozilla.sh
-    ''; # */
-    meta = {
-      description = "Mozilla Firefox XUL runner";
-      homepage = http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/;
-    };
-    passthru = { inherit gtk; version = xulVersion; };
-  };
-  firefox = stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-    name = "firefox-${firefoxVersion}";
-    inherit src;
-    buildInputs =
-      [ pkgconfig gtk perl zip libIDL libjpeg zlib cairo bzip2 python
-        dbus dbus_glib pango freetype fontconfig alsaLib nspr libnotify
-        xlibs.pixman libvpx yasm mesa wirelesstools
-      ];
-    propagatedBuildInputs = [xulrunner];
-    configureFlags =
-      [ "--enable-application=browser"
-        "--with-libxul-sdk=${xulrunner}/lib/xulrunner-devel-${xulrunner.version}"
-      ]
-      ++ commonConfigureFlags
-      ++ stdenv.lib.optional enableOfficialBranding "--enable-official-branding";
-    postInstall = ''
-      libDir=$(cd $out/lib && ls -d firefox-[0-9]*)
-      test -n "$libDir"
-      ln -s ${xulrunner}/lib/xulrunner-${xulrunner.version} $out/lib/$libDir/xulrunner
-      # Register extensions etc. !!! is this needed anymore?
-      echo "running firefox -register..."
-      $out/bin/firefox -register
-    ''; # */
-    # Hack to work around make's idea of -lbz2 dependency
-    preConfigure = ''
-     find . -name Makefile.in -execdir sed -i '{}' -e '1ivpath %.so ${
-       stdenv.lib.concatStringsSep ":" 
-         (map (s : s + "/lib") (buildInputs ++ [stdenv.gcc.libc]))
-     }' ';'
-    '';
-    meta = {
-      description = "Mozilla Firefox - the browser, reloaded";
-      homepage = http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/;
-    };
-    passthru = {
-      inherit gtk xulrunner nspr;
-      isFirefox3Like = true;
-    };
-  };
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox/4.0-rc2.nix b/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox/4.0-rc2.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fb3114577fd..000000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox/4.0-rc2.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv, fetchurl, pkgconfig, gtk, pango, perl, python, zip, libIDL
-, libjpeg, libpng, zlib, cairo, dbus, dbus_glib, bzip2, xlibs
-, freetype, fontconfig, file, alsaLib, nspr, nss, libnotify
-, libvpx, yasm, mesa, wirelesstools
-, # If you want the resulting program to call itself "Firefox" instead
-  # of "Shiretoko" or whatever, enable this option.  However, those
-  # binaries may not be distributed without permission from the
-  # Mozilla Foundation, see
-  # http://www.mozilla.org/foundation/trademarks/.
-  enableOfficialBranding ? false
-rec {
-  firefoxVersion = "4.0rc2";
-  xulVersion = "2.0"; # this attribute is used by other packages
-  src = fetchurl {
-    url = "http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/${firefoxVersion}/source/firefox-${firefoxVersion}.source.tar.bz2";
-    sha256 = "d38d94b66568c549bd4046838e61da783a7d4f53eb040a10fbad3e4811ce9c54";
-  };
-  commonConfigureFlags =
-    [ "--enable-optimize"
-      "--disable-debug"
-      "--enable-strip"
-      "--with-system-jpeg"
-      "--with-system-zlib"
-      "--with-system-bz2"
-      "--with-system-nspr"
-      #"--with-system-nss"
-      # "--with-system-png" # <-- "--with-system-png won't work because the system's libpng doesn't have APNG support"
-      "--enable-system-cairo"
-      #"--enable-system-sqlite" # <-- this seems to be discouraged
-      "--disable-crashreporter"
-      "--disable-tests"
-      "--disable-necko-wifi" # maybe we want to enable this at some point
-    ];
-  xulrunner = stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-    name = "xulrunner-${xulVersion}";
-    inherit src;
-    buildInputs =
-    [ pkgconfig gtk perl zip libIDL libjpeg libpng zlib cairo bzip2
-        python dbus dbus_glib pango freetype fontconfig xlibs.libXi
-        xlibs.libX11 xlibs.libXrender xlibs.libXft xlibs.libXt file
-        alsaLib nspr /* nss */ libnotify xlibs.pixman libvpx yasm mesa
-	wirelesstools xlibs.libXScrnSaver xlibs.scrnsaverproto
-	xlibs.libXext xlibs.xextproto
-      ];
-    configureFlags =
-      [ "--enable-application=xulrunner"
-        "--disable-javaxpcom"
-      ] ++ commonConfigureFlags;
-    # !!! Temporary hack.
-    preBuild = ''
-     export NIX_ENFORCE_PURITY=
-    '';
-    # Hack to work around make's idea of -lbz2 dependency
-    preConfigure = ''
-     find . -name Makefile.in -execdir sed -i '{}' -e '1ivpath %.so ${
-       stdenv.lib.concatStringsSep ":" 
-         (map (s : s + "/lib") (buildInputs ++ [stdenv.gcc.libc]))
-     }' ';'
-    '';
-    installFlags = "SKIP_GRE_REGISTRATION=1";
-    postInstall = ''
-      # Fix some references to /bin paths in the Xulrunner shell script.
-      substituteInPlace $out/bin/xulrunner \
-          --replace /bin/pwd "$(type -tP pwd)" \
-          --replace /bin/ls "$(type -tP ls)"
-      # Fix run-mozilla.sh search
-      libDir=$(cd $out/lib && ls -d xulrunner-[0-9]*)
-      echo libDir: $libDir
-      test -n "$libDir"
-      cd $out/bin
-      mv xulrunner ../lib/$libDir/
-      for i in $out/lib/$libDir/*; do 
-          file $i;
-          if file $i | grep executable &>/dev/null; then 
-              ln -s $i $out/bin
-          fi;
-      done;
-      rm -f $out/bin/run-mozilla.sh
-    ''; # */
-    meta = {
-      description = "Mozilla Firefox XUL runner";
-      homepage = http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/;
-    };
-    passthru = { inherit gtk; version = xulVersion; };
-  };
-  firefox = stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-    name = "firefox-${firefoxVersion}";
-    inherit src;
-    buildInputs =
-      [ pkgconfig gtk perl zip libIDL libjpeg zlib cairo bzip2 python
-        dbus dbus_glib pango freetype fontconfig alsaLib nspr libnotify
-        xlibs.pixman libvpx yasm mesa wirelesstools
-      ];
-    propagatedBuildInputs = [xulrunner];
-    configureFlags =
-      [ "--enable-application=browser"
-        "--with-libxul-sdk=${xulrunner}/lib/xulrunner-devel-${xulrunner.version}"
-      ]
-      ++ commonConfigureFlags
-      ++ stdenv.lib.optional enableOfficialBranding "--enable-official-branding";
-    postInstall = ''
-      libDir=$(cd $out/lib && ls -d firefox-[0-9]*)
-      test -n "$libDir"
-      ln -s ${xulrunner}/lib/xulrunner-${xulrunner.version} $out/lib/$libDir/xulrunner
-      # Register extensions etc. !!! is this needed anymore?
-      echo "running firefox -register..."
-      $out/bin/firefox -register
-    ''; # */
-    # Hack to work around make's idea of -lbz2 dependency
-    preConfigure = ''
-     find . -name Makefile.in -execdir sed -i '{}' -e '1ivpath %.so ${
-       stdenv.lib.concatStringsSep ":" 
-         (map (s : s + "/lib") (buildInputs ++ [stdenv.gcc.libc]))
-     }' ';'
-    '';
-    meta = {
-      description = "Mozilla Firefox - the browser, reloaded";
-      homepage = http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/;
-    };
-    passthru = {
-      inherit gtk xulrunner nspr;
-      isFirefox3Like = true;
-    };
-  };
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox/4.0.nix b/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox/4.0.nix
index 49802f9a0ee0..a72330e4c119 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox/4.0.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox/4.0.nix
@@ -13,14 +13,14 @@
 rec {
-  firefoxVersion = "4.0b7";
+  firefoxVersion = "4.0";
-  xulVersion = "2.0b7"; # this attribute is used by other packages
+  xulVersion = "2.0"; # this attribute is used by other packages
   src = fetchurl {
     url = "http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/${firefoxVersion}/source/firefox-${firefoxVersion}.source.tar.bz2";
-    sha256 = "02cc466a92af828ff3bc563d4515bd98064cf5f136b5871e072b9408fb4db128";
+    sha1 = "403da9dd65662e5c4dd34299214e04cb6f80575e";
   commonConfigureFlags =
diff --git a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
index 3a89723ed8a1..a77aad3e1da1 100644
--- a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
@@ -5991,13 +5991,6 @@ let
   firefox = firefox36Pkgs.firefox;
   firefoxWrapper = firefox36Wrapper;
-  firefox35Pkgs = callPackage ../applications/networking/browsers/firefox/3.5.nix {
-    inherit (gtkLibs) gtk pango;
-    inherit (gnome) libIDL;
-  };
-  firefox35Wrapper = wrapFirefox firefox35Pkgs.firefox "firefox" "";
   firefox36Pkgs = callPackage ../applications/networking/browsers/firefox/3.6.nix {
     inherit (gtkLibs) gtk pango;
     inherit (gnome) libIDL;