maintainers/haskell/hydra-report.hs: allow disabling log requesting

Since every failure in the jobset means one request to get the log when
generating the list of newly broken packages, we need to add an option
to disable log requesting in case a lot of new breakage needs to be
This commit is contained in:
sternenseemann 2023-09-03 21:39:04 +02:00
parent 7511d5bfbf
commit 00b0824635

View File

@ -151,15 +151,18 @@ data Build = Build
deriving (Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON, Show)
data RequestLogsFlag = RequestLogs | NoRequestLogs
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
["get-report"] -> getBuildReports
["ping-maintainers"] -> printMaintainerPing
["mark-broken-list"] -> printMarkBrokenList
["mark-broken-list", "--no-request-logs"] -> printMarkBrokenList NoRequestLogs
["mark-broken-list"] -> printMarkBrokenList RequestLogs
["eval-info"] -> printEvalInfo
_ -> putStrLn "Usage: get-report | ping-maintainers | mark-broken-list | eval-info"
_ -> putStrLn "Usage: get-report | ping-maintainers | mark-broken-list [--no-request-logs] | eval-info"
reportFileName :: IO FilePath
reportFileName = getXdgDirectory XdgCache "haskell-updates-build-report.json"
@ -775,16 +778,20 @@ printMaintainerPing = do
textBuildSummary = printBuildSummary eval fetchTime buildSum topBrokenRdeps
Text.putStrLn textBuildSummary
printMarkBrokenList :: IO ()
printMarkBrokenList = do
printMarkBrokenList :: RequestLogsFlag -> IO ()
printMarkBrokenList reqLogs = do
(_, fetchTime, buildReport) <- readBuildReports
runReq defaultHttpConfig $ forM_ buildReport \build@Build{job, id} ->
case (getBuildState build, Text.splitOn "." $ unJobName job) of
(Failed, ["haskellPackages", name, "x86_64-linux"]) -> do
-- Fetch build log from hydra to figure out the cause of the error.
build_log <- ByteString.lines <$> hydraPlainQuery ["build", showT id, "nixlog", "1", "raw"]
-- We use the last probable error cause found in the build log file.
let error_message = fromMaybe " failure " $ safeLast $ mapMaybe probableErrorCause build_log
error_message <- fromMaybe "failure" <$>
case reqLogs of
NoRequestLogs -> pure Nothing
RequestLogs -> do
-- Fetch build log from hydra to figure out the cause of the error.
build_log <- ByteString.lines <$> hydraPlainQuery ["build", showT id, "nixlog", "1", "raw"]
pure $ safeLast $ mapMaybe probableErrorCause build_log
liftIO $ putStrLn $ " - " <> Text.unpack name <> " # " <> error_message <> " in job" <> show id <> " at " <> formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d" fetchTime
_ -> pure ()