# Push these new commits to the haskell-updates branch
echo"Pushing commits just created to the haskell-updates branch"
git push
# Open new PR
new_pr_body=$(cat <<EOF
### This Merge
This PR is the regular merge of the \`haskell-updates\` branch into \`master\`.
This branch is being continually built and tested by hydra at https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixpkgs/haskell-updates.
We roughly aim to merge these \`haskell-updates\` PRs at least once every two weeks. See the @NixOS/haskell [team calendar](https://cloud.maralorn.de/apps/calendar/p/Mw5WLnzsP7fC4Zky)for who is currently in charge of this branch.
### haskellPackages Workflow Summary
Our workflow is currently described in [\`pkgs/development/haskell-modules/HACKING.md\`](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/haskell-updates/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/HACKING.md).
The short version is this:
* We regularly update the Stackage and Hackage pins on \`haskell-updates\`(normally at the beginning of a merge window).
* The community fixes builds of Haskell packages on that branch.
* We aim at at least one merge of \`haskell-updates\` into \`master\` every two weeks.
* We only do the merge if the [\`mergeable\`](https://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixpkgs/haskell-updates/mergeable) job is succeeding on hydra.
* If a [\`maintained\`](https://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixpkgs/haskell-updates/maintained) package is still broken at the time of merge, we will only merge if the maintainer has been pinged 7 days in advance. (If you care about a Haskell package, become a maintainer!)
This is the follow-up to #${curr_haskell_updates_pr_num}. Come to [#haskell:nixos.org](https://matrix.to/#/#haskell:nixos.org) if you have any questions.
echo"Opening a PR for the next haskell-updates merge cycle"