The main goal of the file set library is to be able to select local files that should be added to the Nix store.
It should have the following properties:
- Easy:
The functions should have obvious semantics, be low in number and be composable.
- Safe:
Throw early and helpful errors when mistakes are detected.
- Lazy:
Only compute values when necessary.
Non-goals are:
- Efficient:
If the abstraction proves itself worthwhile but too slow, it can be still be optimized further.
## Tests
Tests are declared in [``](./ and can be run using
## Benchmark
A simple benchmark against the HEAD commit can be run using
This is intended to be run manually and is not checked by CI.
## Internal representation
The internal representation is versioned in order to allow file sets from different Nixpkgs versions to be composed with each other, see [`internal.nix`](./internal.nix) for the versions and conversions between them.
This section describes only the current representation, but past versions will have to be supported by the code.
While there is `intersection a b`, there is no function `intersections [ a b c ]`.
- (+) There is no known use case for such a function, it can be added later if a use case arises
- (+) There is no suitable return value for `intersections [ ]`, see also "Nullary intersections" [here](
- (-) Could throw an error for that case
- (-) Create a special value to represent "all the files" and return that
- (+) Such a value could then not be used with `fileFilter` unless the internal representation is changed considerably
- (-) Could return the empty file set
- (+) This would be wrong in set theory
- (-) Inconsistent with `union` and `unions`
### Intersection base path
The base path of the result of an `intersection` is the longest base path of the arguments.
E.g. the base path of `intersection ./foo ./foo/bar` is `./foo/bar`.
Meanwhile `intersection ./foo ./bar` returns the empty file set without a base path.
- Alternative: Use the common prefix of all base paths as the resulting base path
- (-) This is unnecessarily strict, because the purpose of the base path is to track the directory under which files _could_ be in the file set. It should be as long as possible.
All files contained in `intersection ./foo ./foo/bar` will be under `./foo/bar` (never just under `./foo`), and `intersection ./foo ./bar` will never contain any files (never under `./.`).
This would lead to `toSource` having to unexpectedly throw errors for cases such as `toSource { root = ./foo; fileset = intersect ./foo base; }`, where `base` may be `./bar` or `./.`.
- (-) There is no benefit to the user, since base path is not directly exposed in the interface
- (+) There does not seem to be a sensible set of combinators when directories can be represented on their own.
Here's some possibilities:
-`./.` represents the files in `./.`_and_ the directory itself including its subdirectories, meaning that even if there's no files, the entire structure of `./.` is preserved
In that case, what should `fileFilter (file: false) ./.` return?
It could return the entire directory structure unchanged, but with all files removed, which would not be what one would expect.
Trying to have a filter function that also supports directories will lead to the question of:
What should the behavior be if `./foo` itself is excluded but all of its contents are included?
It leads to having to define when directories are recursed into, but then we're effectively back at how the `builtins.path`-based filters work.
-`./.` represents all files in `./.`_and_ the directory itself, but not its subdirectories, meaning that at least `./.` will be preserved even if it's empty.
In that case, `intersection ./. ./foo` should only include files and no directories themselves, since `./.` includes only `./.` as a directory, and same for `./foo`, so there's no overlap in directories.
- Require [Import From Derivation]( (IFD) if `builtins.path` is used as the underlying primitive
Does not allow debug printing intermediate file set contents, since we don't know the paths contents before having a `root`.
-`let fs = lib.fileset.withRoot "/nix/store/...-source"; in fs.union "./foo" "./bar"`
Makes library functions impure since they depend on the contextual root path, questionable composability.
- (+) The point of the file set abstraction is to specify which files should get imported into the store.
This use case makes little sense for files that are already in the store.
This should be a separate abstraction as e.g. `pkgs.drvLayout` instead, which could have a similar interface but be specific to derivations.
Additional capabilities could be supported that can't be done at evaluation time, such as renaming files, creating new directories, setting executable bits, etc.
File sets cannot add single files to the store, they can only import files under directories.
- (+) There's no point in using this library for a single file, since you can't do anything other than add it to the store or not.
And it would be unclear how the library should behave if the one file wouldn't be added to the store:
`toSource { root = ./file.nix; fileset = <empty>; }` has no reasonable result because returing an empty store path wouldn't match the file type, and there's no way to have an empty file store path, whatever that would mean.
The `fileFilter` function takes a path, and not a file set, as its second argument.
- (-) Makes it harder to compose functions, since the file set type, the return value, can't be passed to the function itself like `fileFilter predicate fileset`
- (+) It's still possible to use `intersection` to filter on file sets: `intersection fileset (fileFilter predicate ./.)`
- (-) This does need an extra `./.` argument that's not obvious
- (+) This could always be `/.` or the project directory, `intersection` will make it lazy
- (+) In the future this will allow `fileFilter` to support a predicate property like `subpath` and/or `components` in a reproducible way.
This wouldn't be possible if it took a file set, because file sets don't have a predictable absolute path.
- (-) What about the base path?
- (+) That can change depending on which files are included, so if it's used for `fileFilter`
it would change the `subpath`/`components` value depending on which files are included.
- (+) If necessary, this restriction can be relaxed later, the opposite wouldn't be possible
Here's a list of places in the library that need to be updated in the future:
- If/Once a function exists that can optionally include a path depending on whether it exists, the error message for the path not existing in `_coerce` should mention the new function