190 lines
6.0 KiB

{ lib, ... }:
inherit (lib.my) net;
inherit (lib.my.c) pubDomain;
inherit (lib.my.c.colony) domain prefixes;
nixos.systems.object = { config, ... }: {
system = "x86_64-linux";
nixpkgs = "mine";
rendered = config.configuration.config.my.asContainer;
assignments = {
internal = {
name = "object-ctr";
inherit domain;
ipv4.address = net.cidr.host 7 prefixes.ctrs.v4;
ipv6 = {
iid = "::7";
address = net.cidr.host 7 prefixes.ctrs.v6;
configuration = { lib, pkgs, config, assignments, ... }:
inherit (lib) mkMerge mkIf mkForce;
inherit (config.my.user.homeConfig.lib.file) mkOutOfStoreSymlink;
inherit (lib.my) networkdAssignment systemdAwaitPostgres;
config = mkMerge [
my = {
deploy.enable = false;
server.enable = true;
secrets = {
key = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFdHbZErWLmTPO/aEWB1Fup/aGMf31Un5Wk66FJwTz/8";
files = {
"object/minio.env" = {};
"object/sharry.conf" = {
owner = "sharry";
group = "sharry";
"object/minio-client-config.json" = {
owner = config.my.user.config.name;
group = config.my.user.config.group;
"object/atticd.env" = {};
firewall = {
tcp.allowed = [ 9000 9001 config.services.sharry.config.bind.port 8069 ];
user.homeConfig = {
home.file.".mc/config.json".source = mkOutOfStoreSymlink config.age.secrets."object/minio-client-config.json".path;
systemd = {
network.networks."80-container-host0" = networkdAssignment "host0" assignments.internal;
services = {
minio = {
environment = {
MINIO_ROOT_USER = "minioadmin";
MINIO_DOMAIN = "s3.nul.ie";
MINIO_SERVER_URL = "https://s3.nul.ie";
MINIO_BROWSER_REDIRECT_URL = "https://minio.nul.ie";
sharry = systemdAwaitPostgres pkgs.postgresql "colony-psql";
environment = {
systemPackages = with pkgs; [
services = {
minio = {
enable = true;
region = "eu-central-1";
browser = true;
rootCredentialsFile = config.age.secrets."object/minio.env".path;
dataDir = [ "/mnt/minio" ];
sharry = {
enable = true;
configOverridesFile = config.age.secrets."object/sharry.conf".path;
config = {
base-url = "https://share.${lib.my.c.pubDomain}";
bind.address = "::";
alias-member-enabled = true;
webapp = {
chunk-size = "64M";
backend = {
auth = {
fixed = {
enabled = true;
user = "dev";
internal = {
enabled = true;
order = 50;
jdbc = {
url = "jdbc:postgresql://colony-psql:5432/sharry";
user = "sharry";
files = {
default-store = "minio";
stores = {
database.enabled = false;
minio = {
enabled = true;
type = "s3";
endpoint = "https://s3.nul.ie";
access-key = "share";
bucket = "share";
compute-checksum.parallel = 4;
signup.mode = "invite";
share = {
max-size = "128G";
max-validity = "3650 days";
mail = {
enabled = true;
smtp = {
host = "mail.nul.ie";
port = 587;
user = "sharry@nul.ie";
ssl-type = "starttls";
default-from = "Sharry <sharry@nul.ie>";
timeout = "30 seconds";
atticd = {
enable = true;
credentialsFile = config.age.secrets."object/atticd.env".path;
settings = {
listen = "[::]:8069";
allowed-hosts = [ "nix-cache.${pubDomain}" ];
api-endpoint = "https://nix-cache.${pubDomain}/";
database = mkForce {}; # blank to pull from env
storage = {
type = "s3";
region = "eu-central-1";
bucket = "nix-attic";
endpoint = "http://localhost:9000";
chunking = {
nar-size-threshold = 65536;
min-size = 16384;
avg-size = 65536;
max-size = 262144;
(mkIf config.my.build.isDevVM {
virtualisation = {
forwardPorts = [
{ from = "host"; host.port = 9000; guest.port = 9000; }
{ from = "host"; host.port = 9001; guest.port = 9001; }
{ from = "host"; guest.port = config.services.sharry.config.bind.port; }