Jack O'Sullivan dd9439b7fa
All checks were successful
CI / Check, build and cache Nix flake (push) Successful in 33m30s
nixos/shill: Add jam container
2024-06-20 23:43:07 +01:00

461 lines
16 KiB

{ lib, ... }:
inherit (builtins) elemAt;
inherit (lib.my) net mkVLAN;
inherit (lib.my.c.colony) pubV4 domain prefixes firewallForwards;
nixos = {
vpns = {
l2 = {
as211024 = {
udpEncapsulation = true;
vni = 211024;
security.enable = true;
peers = {
estuary.addr = pubV4;
river.addr = elemAt lib.my.c.home.routersPubV4 0;
stream.addr = elemAt lib.my.c.home.routersPubV4 1;
britway.addr = lib.my.c.britway.pubV4;
nixos.systems.estuary = {
system = "x86_64-linux";
nixpkgs = "mine";
home-manager = "mine";
assignments = {
internal = {
name = "estuary-vm";
altNames = [ "fw" ];
inherit domain;
ipv4 = {
address = pubV4;
mask = 24;
gateway = "";
genPTR = false;
ipv6 = {
address = "2a02:898:0:20::329:1";
mask = 64;
gateway = "2a02:898:0:20::1";
genPTR = false;
base = {
name = "estuary-vm-base";
inherit domain;
ipv4 = {
address = net.cidr.host 1 prefixes.base.v4;
gateway = null;
ipv6.address = net.cidr.host 1 prefixes.base.v6;
as211024 = {
ipv4 = {
address = net.cidr.host 1 prefixes.as211024.v4;
gateway = null;
ipv6.address = net.cidr.host 1 prefixes.as211024.v6;
configuration = { lib, pkgs, modulesPath, config, assignments, allAssignments, ... }:
inherit (lib) flatten mkIf mkMerge mkForce;
inherit (lib.my) networkdAssignment;
inherit (lib.my.c) networkd;
imports = [ "${modulesPath}/profiles/qemu-guest.nix" ./dns.nix ./bgp.nix ];
config = mkMerge [
boot.kernelParams = [ "console=ttyS0,115200n8" ];
fileSystems = {
"/boot" = {
device = "/dev/disk/by-label/ESP";
fsType = "vfat";
"/nix" = {
device = "/dev/disk/by-label/nix";
fsType = "ext4";
"/persist" = {
device = "/dev/disk/by-label/persist";
fsType = "ext4";
neededForBoot = true;
environment = {
systemPackages = with pkgs; [
services = {
fstrim = lib.my.c.colony.fstrimConfig;
lvm = {
dmeventd.enable = true;
resolved = {
llmnr = "false";
extraConfig = ''
netdata.enable = true;
iperf3 = {
enable = true;
openFirewall = true;
systemd = {
services =
waitOnline = "systemd-networkd-wait-online@wan.service";
bird2 = {
after = [ waitOnline ];
# requires = [ waitOnline ];
ipsec = {
after = [ waitOnline ];
requires = [ waitOnline ];
#systemd.services.systemd-networkd.environment.SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL = "debug";
systemd.network = {
wait-online.enable = false;
config = {
networkConfig = {
ManageForeignRoutes = false;
netdevs = mkMerge [
(mkVLAN "ifog" 409)
(mkVLAN "frys-ix" 701)
(mkVLAN "nl-ix" 1845)
(mkVLAN "fogixp" 1147)
(mkVLAN "ifog-transit" 702)
"30-kelder" = {
netdevConfig = {
Name = "kelder";
Kind = "wireguard";
wireguardConfig = {
PrivateKeyFile = config.age.secrets."estuary/kelder-wg.key".path;
ListenPort = lib.my.c.kelder.vpn.port;
wireguardPeers = [
wireguardPeerConfig = {
PublicKey = "7N9YdQaCMWWIwAnW37vrthm9ZpbnG4Lx3gheHeRYz2E=";
AllowedIPs = [ allAssignments.kelder.estuary.ipv4.address ];
PersistentKeepalive = 25;
links = {
"10-wan" = {
matchConfig = {
Driver = "igb";
Path = "pci-0000:01:00.0";
# Matching against MAC address seems to break VLAN interfaces (since they share the same MAC address)
#MACAddress = "d0:50:99:fa:a7:99";
linkConfig = {
Name = "wan";
RxBufferSize = 4096;
TxBufferSize = 4096;
MTUBytes = "9000";
# Mellanox ConnectX-2
#"10-wan" = {
# matchConfig.MACAddress = "00:02:c9:56:24:6e";
# linkConfig.Name = "wan";
"10-base" = {
matchConfig.MACAddress = "52:54:00:15:1a:53";
linkConfig.Name = "base";
networks =
mkIXPConfig = name: ipv4: ipv6: {
"85-${name}" = {
matchConfig.Name = name;
address = [ ipv4 ipv6 ];
linkConfig.MTUBytes = "1500";
networkConfig = {
DHCP = "no";
LLDP = false;
EmitLLDP = false;
IPv6AcceptRA = false;
(mkIXPConfig "frys-ix" "" "2001:7f8:10f::3:3850:196/64")
(mkIXPConfig "nl-ix" "" "2001:7f8:13::a521:1024:1/64")
(mkIXPConfig "fogixp" "" "2001:7f8:ca:1::159/64")
"80-wan" = {
matchConfig.Name = "wan";
vlan = [ "ifog" ];
DHCP = "no";
address = with assignments.internal; [
(with ipv4; "${address}/${toString mask}")
(with ipv6; "${address}/${toString mask}")
gateway = with assignments.internal; [
networkConfig = {
# We're using an explicit gateway and Linux uses link local address for neighbour discovery, so we
# get lost to the router... (this was true in 23M Frankfurt)
#LinkLocalAddressing = "no";
IPv6AcceptRA = false;
"85-ifog" = {
matchConfig = {
Name = "ifog";
Kind = "vlan";
vlan = [ "frys-ix" "nl-ix" "fogixp" "ifog-transit" ];
networkConfig = networkd.noL3;
"85-ifog-transit" = {
matchConfig.Name = "ifog-transit";
address = [ "2a0c:9a40:100f:370::2/64" ];
linkConfig.MTUBytes = "1500";
networkConfig = {
DHCP = "no";
LLDP = false;
EmitLLDP = false;
IPv6AcceptRA = false;
"80-base" = mkMerge [
(networkdAssignment "base" assignments.base)
dns = [ "" "::1" ];
domains = [ config.networking.domain ];
networkConfig = {
IPv6AcceptRA = mkForce false;
IPv6SendRA = true;
ipv6SendRAConfig = {
DNS = [ assignments.base.ipv6.address ];
Domains = [ config.networking.domain ];
ipv6Prefixes = [
ipv6PrefixConfig.Prefix = prefixes.base.v6;
routes = map (r: { routeConfig = r; }) (flatten
Destination = prefixes.vip1;
Gateway = allAssignments.colony.routing.ipv4.address;
Destination = prefixes.vip3;
Gateway = allAssignments.colony.routing.ipv4.address;
Destination = prefixes.darts.v4;
Gateway = allAssignments.colony.routing.ipv4.address;
Destination = prefixes.cust.v6;
Gateway = allAssignments.colony.internal.ipv6.address;
Destination = lib.my.c.tailscale.prefix.v4;
Gateway = allAssignments.colony.routing.ipv4.address;
Destination = lib.my.c.tailscale.prefix.v6;
Gateway = allAssignments.colony.internal.ipv6.address;
] ++
(map (pName: [
Gateway = allAssignments.colony.routing.ipv4.address;
Destination = prefixes."${pName}".v4;
Destination = prefixes."${pName}".v6;
Gateway = allAssignments.colony.internal.ipv6.address;
]) [ "vms" "ctrs" "oci" ])));
"90-l2mesh-as211024" = mkMerge [
(networkdAssignment "as211024" assignments.as211024)
matchConfig.Name = "as211024";
networkConfig.IPv6AcceptRA = mkForce false;
routes = map (r: { routeConfig = r; }) [
Destination = lib.my.c.home.prefixes.all.v4;
Gateway = lib.my.c.home.vips.as211024.v4;
"95-kelder" = {
matchConfig.Name = "kelder";
routes = [
routeConfig = {
Destination = allAssignments.kelder.estuary.ipv4.address;
Scope = "link";
} ];
my = {
secrets = {
key = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIF9up7pXu6M/OWCKufTOfSiGcxMUk4VqUe7fLuatNFFA";
files = {
"estuary/kelder-wg.key" = {
owner = "systemd-network";
"l2mesh/as211024.key" = {};
server.enable = true;
vpns = {
l2.pskFiles = {
as211024 = config.age.secrets."l2mesh/as211024.key".path;
firewall = {
udp.allowed = [ 5353 lib.my.c.kelder.vpn.port ];
tcp.allowed = [ 5353 "bgp" ];
nat = {
enable = true;
externalInterface = "wan";
forwardPorts."${assignments.internal.ipv4.address}" = firewallForwards allAssignments;
extraRules =
aa = allAssignments;
matchInet = rule: sys: ''
ip daddr ${aa."${sys}".internal.ipv4.address} ${rule}
ip6 daddr ${aa."${sys}".internal.ipv6.address} ${rule}
define ixps = { frys-ix, nl-ix, fogixp, ifog-transit }
table inet filter {
chain input {
iifname base meta l4proto { udp, tcp } th dport domain accept
chain routing-tcp {
# Safe enough to allow all SSH
tcp dport ssh accept
# jam-ctr forwards
ip daddr ${aa.shill.internal.ipv4.address} tcp dport 60022 accept
ip6 daddr ${aa.middleman.internal.ipv6.address} tcp dport { http, https, 8448 } accept
${matchInet "tcp dport { http, https } accept" "git"}
ip6 daddr ${aa.simpcraft-oci.internal.ipv6.address} tcp dport { 25565, 25575 } accept
ip6 daddr ${aa.simpcraft-staging-oci.internal.ipv6.address} tcp dport 25565 accept
chain routing-udp {
ip6 daddr ${aa.valheim-oci.internal.ipv6.address} udp dport { 2456-2457 } accept
ip6 daddr ${aa.waffletail.internal.ipv6.address} udp dport 41641 accept
ip6 daddr ${aa.simpcraft-oci.internal.ipv6.address} udp dport 25565 accept
chain filter-routing {
ip daddr { ${prefixes.mail.v4}, ${prefixes.darts.v4} } accept
ip6 daddr ${prefixes.cust.v6} accept
tcp flags & (fin|syn|rst|ack) == syn ct state new jump routing-tcp
meta l4proto udp ct state new jump routing-udp
chain ixp {
ether type != { ip, ip6, arp, vlan } reject
chain forward {
iifname { wan, as211024, $ixps } oifname base jump filter-routing
oifname $ixps jump ixp
iifname base oifname { base, wan, $ixps } accept
oifname { as211024, kelder } accept
chain output {
oifname ifog ether type != vlan reject
oifname $ixps jump ixp
table inet nat {
chain prerouting {
${matchInet "meta l4proto { udp, tcp } th dport domain redirect to :5353" "estuary"}
chain postrouting {
ip saddr ${prefixes.all.v4} oifname != as211024 snat to ${assignments.internal.ipv4.address}
(mkIf config.my.build.isDevVM {
systemd.network = {
netdevs."05-dummy-base".netdevConfig = {
Name = "base";
Kind = "dummy";