2025-03-09 20:00:35 +00:00

285 lines
9.5 KiB

{ lib }:
inherit (builtins) length match elemAt filter replaceStrings substring;
inherit (lib)
genAttrs mapAttrsToList filterAttrsRecursive nameValuePair types
mkOption mkOverride mkForce mkIf mergeEqualOption optional
showWarnings concatStringsSep flatten unique optionalAttrs
mkBefore toLower;
inherit (lib.flake) defaultSystems;
rec {
pow =
pow' = base: exponent: value:
# FIXME: It will silently overflow on values > 2**62 :(
# The value will become negative or zero in this case
if exponent == 0
then 1
else if exponent <= 1
then value
else (pow' base (exponent - 1) (value * base));
in base: exponent: pow' base exponent base;
attrsToNVList = mapAttrsToList nameValuePair;
inherit (import ./net.nix { inherit lib; }) net;
dns = import ./dns.nix { inherit lib; };
c = import ./constants.nix { inherit lib; };
# Yoinked from nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/networking/nat.nix
isIPv6 = ip: length (lib.splitString ":" ip) > 2;
parseIPPort = ipp:
v6 = isIPv6 ipp;
matchIP = if v6 then "[[]([0-9a-fA-F:]+)[]]" else "([0-9.]+)";
m = match "${matchIP}:(.+)" ipp;
checked = v: if m == null then throw "bad ip:ports `${ipp}'" else v;
inherit v6;
ip = checked (elemAt m 0);
ports = checked (elemAt m 1);
netBroadcast = net': net.cidr.host ((pow 2 (net.cidr.size net')) - 1) net';
mkDefaultSystemsPkgs = path: args': genAttrs defaultSystems (system: import path ((args' system) // { inherit system; }));
mkApp = program: { type = "app"; inherit program; };
mkShellApp = pkgs: name: text: mkApp (pkgs.writeShellScript name text).outPath;
mkShellApp' = pkgs: args:
app = pkgs.writeShellApplication args;
in mkApp "${app}/bin/${app.meta.mainProgram}";
flakePackageOverlay' = flake: pkg: system: (final: prev:
pkg' = if pkg != null then flake.packages.${system}.${pkg} else flake.packages.${system}.default;
name = if pkg != null then pkg else pkg'.name;
${name} = pkg';
flakePackageOverlay = flake: flakePackageOverlay' flake null;
inlineModule' = path: module: {
_file = path;
imports = [ module ];
inlineModule = path: inlineModule' path (import path);
# Merge together modules which are defined as functions with others that aren't
naiveModule = with types; (coercedTo (attrsOf anything) (conf: { ... }: conf) (functionTo (attrsOf anything)));
mkOpt = type: default: mkOption { inherit type default; };
mkOpt' = type: default: description: mkOption { inherit type default description; };
mkBoolOpt = default: mkOption {
inherit default;
type = types.bool;
example = true;
mkBoolOpt' = default: description: mkOption {
inherit default description;
type = types.bool;
example = true;
nullOrOpt' = type: description: mkOpt' (types.nullOr type) null description;
dummyOption = mkOption { };
# Slightly higher precedence than mkDefault
mkDefault' = mkOverride 900;
mkVMOverride' = mkOverride 9;
# This is shocking...
duplicates = l:
((length (filter (e2: e2 == e) l)) > 1)
(unique l));
applyAssertions = config: res:
failedAssertions = map (x: x.message) (filter (x: !x.assertion) config.assertions);
if failedAssertions != []
then throw "\nFailed assertions:\n${concatStringsSep "\n" (map (x: "- ${x}") failedAssertions)}"
else showWarnings config.warnings res;
homeStateVersion' = hmBranch: (if (hmBranch == "stable" || hmBranch == "mine-stable") then "22.11" else "23.05");
homeStateVersion = hmBranch: {
# The flake passes a default setting, but we don't care about that
home.stateVersion = mkForce (homeStateVersion' hmBranch);
commonOpts = with types; {
moduleType = mkOptionType {
name = "Inline flake-exportable module";
merge = loc: defs: inlineModule (mergeEqualOption loc defs);
system = mkOpt' (enum defaultSystems) null "Nix-style system string.";
nixpkgs = mkOpt' (enum [ "unstable" "stable" "mine" "mine-stable" ]) "unstable" "Branch of nixpkgs to use.";
home-manager = mkOpt' (enum [ "unstable" "stable" "mine" "mine-stable" ]) "unstable" "Branch of home-manager to use.";
nft = rec {
ipEscape = replaceStrings ["." ":"] ["-" "-"];
natFilterChain = ip: "filter-fwd-${ipEscape ip}";
dnatChain = ip: "fwd-${ipEscape ip}";
mkVLAN = name: vid: {
"25-${name}" = {
netdevConfig = {
Name = name;
Kind = "vlan";
vlanConfig.Id = vid;
networkdAssignment = iface: a: {
matchConfig.Name = iface;
address =
[ "${a.ipv4.address}/${toString a.ipv4.mask}" ] ++
(optional (a.ipv6.address != null && a.ipv6.iid == null) "${a.ipv6.address}/${toString a.ipv6.mask}");
gateway =
(optional (a.ipv4.gateway != null) a.ipv4.gateway) ++
(optional (a.ipv6.gateway != null) a.ipv6.gateway);
networkConfig = {
IPv6AcceptRA = a.ipv6.gateway == null || a.ipv6.iid != null;
# NOTE: LLDP emission / reception is ignored on bridge interfaces
LLDP = true;
EmitLLDP = "customer-bridge";
linkConfig = optionalAttrs (a.mtu != null) {
MTUBytes = toString a.mtu;
ipv6AcceptRAConfig = {
Token = mkIf (a.ipv6.iid != null) "static:${a.ipv6.iid}";
UseDNS = true;
UseDomains = true;
dockerNetAssignment =
assignments: name: with assignments."${name}".internal; "ip=${ipv4.address},ip=${ipv6.address}";
systemdAwaitPostgres = pkg: host: {
after = [ "systemd-networkd-wait-online.service" ];
preStart = mkBefore ''
until ${pkg}/bin/pg_isready -h ${host}; do
sleep 0.5
vm = rec {
lvmDisk' = name: lv: {
inherit name;
backend = {
driver = "host_device";
filename = "/dev/main/${lv}";
# It appears this needs to be set on the backend _and_ the format
discard = "unmap";
format = {
driver = "raw";
discard = "unmap";
frontend = "virtio-blk";
lvmDisk = lv: lvmDisk' lv lv;
disk = vm: lv: lvmDisk' lv "vm-${vm}-${lv}";
deploy-rs =
with types;
globalOpts = {
sshUser = nullOrOpt' str "Username deploy-rs will deploy with.";
user = nullOrOpt' str "Username deploy-rs will deploy with.";
sudo = nullOrOpt' str "Command to elevate privileges with (used if the deployment user != profile user).";
sshOpts = mkOpt' (listOf str) [ ]
"Options deploy-rs will pass to ssh. Note: overriding at a lower level _merges_ options.";
fastConnection = nullOrOpt' bool "Whether to copy the whole closure instead of using substitution.";
autoRollback = nullOrOpt' bool "Whether to roll back the profile if activation fails.";
magicRollback = nullOrOpt' bool "Whether to roll back the profile if connectivity to the deployer is lost.";
confirmTimeout = nullOrOpt' ints.u16 "Timeout for confirming activation succeeded.";
tempPath = nullOrOpt' str "Path that deploy-rs will use for temporary files.";
profileOpts = {
path = mkOpt' package "" "Derivation to build (should include activation script).";
profilePath = nullOrOpt' str "Path to profile location";
} // globalOpts;
profileType = submodule { options = profileOpts; };
nodeOpts = {
hostname = mkOpt' str "" "Hostname deploy-rs will connect to.";
profilesOrder = nullOrOpt' (listOf str)
"Order to deploy profiles in (remainder will be deployed in arbitrary order).";
profiles = mkOpt' (attrsOf profileType) { } "Profiles to deploy.";
} // globalOpts;
nodeType = submodule { options = nodeOpts; };
deployOpts = {
nodes = mkOption {
type = attrsOf nodeType;
default = { };
internal = true;
description = "deploy-rs node configurations.";
} // globalOpts;
deployType = submodule { options = deployOpts; };
inherit globalOpts;
node = mkOpt' nodeType { } "deploy-rs node configuration.";
deploy = mkOpt' deployType { } "deploy-rs configuration.";
filterOpts = filterAttrsRecursive (_: v: v != null);
versionOverlay = { self, pkgsFlake }: final: prev:
date = substring 0 8 (self.lastModifiedDate or self.lastModified or "19700101");
revCode = flake: flake.shortRev or "dirty";
trivial = prev.trivial // {
release = "25.03:u-${prev.trivial.release}";
codeName = "Frick";
revisionWithDefault = default: self.rev or default;
versionSuffix = ".${date}.${revCode self}:u-${revCode pkgsFlake}";
netbootKeaClientClasses = { tftpIP, hostname, systems }:
testIPXE = "substring(option[user-class].hex, 0, 4) == 'iPXE'";
(mapAttrsToList (name: mac: {
name = "nixos-${name}";
test = "(${testIPXE}) and (hexstring(pkt4.mac, ':') == '${toLower mac}')";
next-server = tftpIP;
server-hostname = hostname;
boot-file-name = "http://${hostname}/systems/${name}/menu.ipxe";
}) systems) ++ [
name = "ipxe";
test = testIPXE;
next-server = tftpIP;
server-hostname = hostname;
boot-file-name = "http://${hostname}/boot.ipxe";
name = "efi-x86_64";
test = "option[client-system].hex == 0x0007";
next-server = tftpIP;
server-hostname = hostname;
boot-file-name = "ipxe-x86_64.efi";