Jack O'Sullivan 0a86a649a6
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nixos: Add SFH VM config
2023-12-22 01:34:28 +00:00

306 lines
11 KiB

{ lib, pkgs, config, ... }:
inherit (builtins) filter any attrNames attrValues fetchGit;
inherit (lib)
unique optional optionals optionalString flatten concatStringsSep
concatMapStringsSep mapAttrsToList mapAttrs' filterAttrs mkIf mkMerge
mkDefault mkOption;
inherit (lib.my) mkOpt' mkBoolOpt';
flattenQEMUOpts = attrs:
(k: v: if (v != null) then "${k}=${toString v}" else k)
qemuOpts = with lib.types; coercedTo (attrsOf unspecified) flattenQEMUOpts str;
extraQEMUOpts = o: optionalString (o != "") ",${o}";
doCleanShutdown =
pyEnv = pkgs.python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ qemu ]);
pkgs.writeScript "qemu-clean-shutdown" ''
import asyncio
import sys
import os
import qemu.qmp
async def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print(f'usage: {sys.argv[0]} <qmp unix socket>', file=sys.stderr)
if 'MAINPID' not in os.environ:
# Special case: systemd is calling us after QEMU exited on its own
client = qemu.qmp.QMPClient('clean-shutdown')
await client.connect(sys.argv[1])
await client.execute('system_powerdown')
async for event in client.events:
if event['event'] == 'SHUTDOWN':
await client.disconnect()
cfg = config.my.vms;
netOpts = with lib.types; { name, iName, ... }: {
options = {
ifname = mkOpt' str "vm-${iName}" "TAP device to create / use.";
bridge = mkOpt' (nullOr str) name "Network bridge to connect to (null to not attach to bridge).";
waitOnline = mkOpt' (either bool str) true
"Whether to wait for networkd to consider the bridge / existing TAP device online. Pass a string to set the OPERSTATE will wait for.";
tapFD = mkOpt' (nullOr ints.unsigned) null "FD to use to pass existing TAP device.";
model = mkOpt' str "virtio-net" "Device type for network interface.";
mac = mkOpt' str null "Guest MAC address.";
extraOptions = mkOpt' qemuOpts { } "Extra QEMU options to set for the NIC.";
driveOpts = with lib.types; {
options = {
name = mkOpt' str null "Drive name.";
backend = mkOpt' qemuOpts { } "Backend blockdev options.";
format = mkOpt' qemuOpts { } "Format blockdev options.";
formatBackendProp = mkOpt' str "file" "Property that references the backend blockdev.";
frontend = mkOpt' str "virtio-blk" "Frontend device driver.";
frontendOpts = mkOpt' qemuOpts { } "Frontend device options.";
hostDevOpts = with lib.types; {
options = {
index = mkOpt' ints.unsigned null "Index of device in guest (for root port chassis and slot).";
hostBDF = mkOpt' str null "PCI BDF of host device.";
bindVFIO = mkBoolOpt' true "Whether to automatically bind the device to vfio-pci.";
extraOptions = mkOpt' qemuOpts { } "Extra QEMU options for the vfio-pci QEMU device.";
vmOpts = with lib.types; { name, ... }: {
options = {
qemuBin = mkOpt' path "${pkgs.qemu_kvm}/bin/qemu-kvm" "Path to QEMU executable.";
qemuFlags = mkOpt' (listOf str) [ ] "Additional flags to pass to QEMU.";
autoStart = mkBoolOpt' true "Whether to start the VM automatically at boot.";
cleanShutdown = {
enabled = mkBoolOpt' true "Whether to attempt to cleanly shut down the guest.";
timeout = mkOpt' ints.unsigned 30 "Clean shutdown timeout (in seconds).";
uuid = mkOpt' str null "QEMU machine UUID.";
machine = mkOpt' str "q35" "QEMU machine type.";
enableKVM = mkBoolOpt' true "Whether to enable KVM.";
enableUEFI = mkBoolOpt' true "Whether to enable UEFI.";
cpu = mkOpt' str "host" "QEMU CPU model.";
smp = {
cpus = mkOpt' ints.unsigned 1 "Number of CPU cores.";
threads = mkOpt' ints.unsigned 1 "Number of threads per core.";
memory = mkOpt' ints.unsigned 1024 "Amount of RAM (mebibytes).";
boot = mkOpt' qemuOpts { menu = "on"; splash-time = 5000; } "Boot options.";
vga = mkOpt' str "virtio" "VGA card type.";
spice.enable = mkBoolOpt' true "Whether to enable SPICE.";
networks = mkOption {
description = "Networks to attach VM to.";
type = attrsOf (submoduleWith {
modules = [ { _module.args.iName = name; } netOpts ];
default = { };
drives = mkOpt' (listOf (submodule driveOpts)) [ ] "Drives to attach to VM.";
hostDevices = mkOpt' (attrsOf (submodule hostDevOpts)) { } "Host PCI devices to pass to the VM.";
allHostDevs =
(i: mapAttrsToList (name: c: c // { inherit name; }) i.hostDevices)
(attrValues cfg.instances));
anyVfioDevs = any (d: d.bindVFIO);
vfioHostDevs = filter (d: d.bindVFIO);
mkQemuScript = n: i:
flags =
i.qemuFlags ++
"name ${n}"
"uuid ${i.uuid}"
"machine ${i.machine}"
"cpu ${i.cpu}"
"smp cores=${toString i.smp.cpus},threads=${toString i.smp.threads}"
"m ${toString i.memory}"
"boot ${toString i.boot}"
"vga ${i.vga}"
"chardev socket,id=monitor-qmp,path=/run/vms/${n}/monitor-qmp.sock,server=on,wait=off"
"mon chardev=monitor-qmp,mode=control"
"chardev socket,id=monitor,path=/run/vms/${n}/monitor.sock,server=on,wait=off"
"mon chardev=monitor,mode=readline"
"chardev socket,id=tty,path=/run/vms/${n}/tty.sock,server=on,wait=off"
"device isa-serial,chardev=tty"
] ++
(optional i.enableKVM "enable-kvm") ++
(optionals i.enableUEFI [
"drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=0,readonly=on,file=${cfg.ovmfPackage.fd}/FV/OVMF_CODE.fd"
"drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=1,file=/var/lib/vms/${n}/ovmf_vars.bin"
]) ++
(optional i.spice.enable "spice unix=on,addr=/run/vms/${n}/spice.sock,disable-ticketing=on") ++
(flatten (mapAttrsToList (nn: c: [
("netdev tap,id=${nn}," + (
if (c.tapFD != null)
then "fd=${toString c.tapFD} ${toString c.tapFD}<>/dev/tap$(cat /sys/class/net/${c.ifname}/ifindex)"
else "ifname=${c.ifname},script=no,downscript=no"))
("device ${c.model},netdev=${nn},mac=${c.mac}" + (extraQEMUOpts c.extraOptions))
]) i.networks)) ++
(optional (i.networks == { }) "nic none") ++
(flatten (map (d: [
"blockdev node-name=${d.name}-backend,${d.backend}"
"blockdev node-name=${d.name}-format,${d.formatBackendProp}=${d.name}-backend,${d.format}"
("device ${d.frontend},id=${d.name},drive=${d.name}-format" + (extraQEMUOpts d.frontendOpts))
]) i.drives)) ++
(flatten (mapAttrsToList (id: c: [
"device pcie-root-port,id=${id}-port,chassis=${toString c.index},port=${toString c.index}"
("device vfio-pci,bus=${id}-port,host=${c.hostBDF}" + (extraQEMUOpts c.extraOptions))
]) i.hostDevices));
args = map (v: "-${v}") flags;
exec ${i.qemuBin} \
${concatStringsSep " \\\n " args}
options.my.vms = with lib.types; {
instances = mkOpt' (attrsOf (submodule vmOpts)) { } "VM instances.";
ovmfPackage = mkOpt' package pkgs.OVMF "OVMF package.";
config = mkIf (cfg.instances != { }) {
assertions = [
assertion = let bdfs = map (d: d.hostBDF) allHostDevs; in (unique bdfs) == bdfs;
message = "VMs cannot share host devices!";
environment.systemPackages = [
(pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "vm-tty" ''
[ $# -eq 1 ] || (echo "usage: $0 <vm>" >&2; exit 1)
exec ${pkgs.minicom}/bin/minicom -D unix#/run/vms/"$1"/tty.sock
services.udev = {
packages =
(anyVfioDevs allHostDevs)
(d: ''ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="pci", KERNEL=="0000:${d.hostBDF}", TAG="vfio-pci-bind"'')
(vfioHostDevs allHostDevs)))
my.tmproot.persistence.config.directories = [ "/var/lib/vms" ];
systemd = mkMerge ([ ] ++
(mapAttrsToList (n: i: {
network.networks =
(nn: net: {
name = "70-vm-${n}-${nn}";
value = {
matchConfig = {
Name = net.ifname;
Kind = "tun";
networkConfig.Bridge = net.bridge;
(filterAttrs (_: net: net.bridge != null) i.networks);
services."vm@${n}" =
dependencies =
ifname = if net.bridge != null then net.bridge else net.ifname;
arg = if net.waitOnline == true then ifname else "${ifname}:${net.waitOnline}";
(filter (net: (net.bridge != null || net.tapFD != null) && net.waitOnline != false) (attrValues i.networks));
description = "Virtual machine '${n}'";
# Use `Wants=` instead of `Requires=`. Otherwise restarting the wait-online services will cause the VM to
# restart as well.
wants = dependencies;
after = dependencies;
serviceConfig = {
ExecStop = mkIf i.cleanShutdown.enabled "${doCleanShutdown} /run/vms/${n}/monitor-qmp.sock";
TimeoutStopSec = mkIf i.cleanShutdown.enabled i.cleanShutdown.timeout;
RuntimeDirectory = "vms/${n}";
StateDirectory = "vms/${n}";
preStart =
hostDevs = attrValues i.hostDevices;
if [ ! -e "$STATE_DIRECTORY"/ovmf_vars.bin ]; then
cp "${cfg.ovmfPackage.fd}"/FV/OVMF_VARS.fd "$STATE_DIRECTORY"/ovmf_vars.bin
${optionalString (anyVfioDevs hostDevs) ''
iommu_group() {
until [ -e $g ]; do
sleep 0.1
basename $(readlink $g)
wait_vfio() {
until [ -e /dev/vfio/$(iommu_group $1) ]; do
sleep 0.1
${concatMapStringsSep "\n" (d: "wait_vfio ${d.hostBDF}") (vfioHostDevs hostDevs) }
script = mkQemuScript n i;
postStart =
socks=(monitor-qmp monitor tty spice)
for s in ''${socks[@]}; do
until [ -e "$path" ]; do sleep 0.1; done
chgrp kvm "$path"
chmod 770 "$path"
restartIfChanged = mkDefault false;
wantedBy = optional i.autoStart "machines.target";
}) cfg.instances));