{ description = "System configs"; inputs = { flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils"; devshell.url = "github:numtide/devshell"; devshell.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs-unstable"; nixpkgs-master.url = "nixpkgs"; nixpkgs-unstable.url = "nixpkgs/nixos-unstable"; nixpkgs-stable.url = "nixpkgs/nixos-21.11"; nixpkgs-mine.url = "github:devplayer0/nixpkgs"; home-manager-unstable.url = "home-manager"; home-manager-unstable.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs-unstable"; home-manager-stable.url = "home-manager/release-21.11"; home-manager-stable.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs-stable"; # Stuff used by the flake for build / deployment agenix.url = "github:ryantm/agenix"; agenix.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs-unstable"; deploy-rs.url = "github:serokell/deploy-rs"; deploy-rs.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs-unstable"; # Stuff used by systems #impermanence.url = "github:nix-community/impermanence"; impermanence.url = "github:devplayer0/impermanence/qemu-vm-dirs"; }; outputs = inputs@{ self, flake-utils, nixpkgs-master, nixpkgs-unstable, nixpkgs-stable, nixpkgs-mine, home-manager-unstable, home-manager-stable, ... }: let inherit (builtins) mapAttrs attrValues; inherit (lib) recurseIntoAttrs filterAttrs; inherit (lib.flake) flattenTree eachDefaultSystem; inherit (lib.my) inlineModules mkDefaultSystemsPkgs flakePackageOverlay; # Extend a lib with extras that _must not_ internally reference private nixpkgs. flake-utils doesn't, but many # other flakes (e.g. home-manager) probably do internally. libOverlay = final: prev: { my = import ./lib.nix { lib = final; }; flake = flake-utils.lib; }; pkgsLibOverlay = final: prev: { lib = prev.lib.extend libOverlay; }; # Override the flake-level lib since we're going to use it for non-config specific stuff pkgsFlakes = mapAttrs (_: pkgsFlake: pkgsFlake // { lib = pkgsFlake.lib.extend libOverlay; }) { master = nixpkgs-master; unstable = nixpkgs-unstable; stable = nixpkgs-stable; mine = nixpkgs-mine; }; hmFlakes = { unstable = home-manager-unstable; stable = home-manager-stable; }; # Should only be used for platform-independent flake stuff! This should never leak into a NixOS or home-manager # config - they'll get their own. lib = pkgsFlakes.unstable.lib; # pkgs for dev shell etc pkgs' = mapAttrs (_: path: mkDefaultSystemsPkgs path (system: { overlays = [ pkgsLibOverlay inputs.devshell.overlay inputs.agenix.overlay inputs.deploy-rs.overlay (flakePackageOverlay inputs.home-manager-unstable system) ]; })) pkgsFlakes; # Easiest to build the basic pkgs here (with our lib overlay too) configPkgs' = mapAttrs (_: path: mkDefaultSystemsPkgs path (_: { overlays = [ pkgsLibOverlay ]; })) pkgsFlakes; modules = mapAttrs (_: f: ./. + "/nixos/modules/${f}") { common = "common.nix"; user = "user.nix"; build = "build.nix"; dynamic-motd = "dynamic-motd.nix"; tmproot = "tmproot.nix"; firewall = "firewall.nix"; server = "server.nix"; deploy-rs = "deploy-rs.nix"; }; homeModules = mapAttrs (_: f: ./. + "/home-manager/modules/${f}") { common = "common.nix"; gui = "gui.nix"; }; in # Platform independent stuff { lib = lib.my; nixpkgs = pkgs'; nixosModules = inlineModules modules; homeModules = inlineModules homeModules; # TODO: Cleanup and possibly even turn into modules? nixosConfigurations = import ./nixos { inherit lib pkgsFlakes hmFlakes inputs; pkgs' = configPkgs'; modules = attrValues modules; homeModules = attrValues homeModules; }; systems = mapAttrs (_: system: system.config.system.build.toplevel) self.nixosConfigurations; vms = mapAttrs (_: system: system.config.my.buildAs.devVM) self.nixosConfigurations; isos = mapAttrs (_: system: system.config.my.buildAs.iso) self.nixosConfigurations; homeConfigurations = import ./home-manager { inherit lib hmFlakes inputs; pkgs' = configPkgs'; modules = attrValues homeModules; }; homes = mapAttrs (_: home: home.activationPackage) self.homeConfigurations; deploy = { nodes = filterAttrs (_: n: n != null) (mapAttrs (_: system: system.config.my.deploy.rendered) self.nixosConfigurations); autoRollback = true; magicRollback = true; }; } // (eachDefaultSystem (system: let pkgs = pkgs'.unstable.${system}; lib = pkgs.lib; in # Stuff for each platform { checks = flattenTree { homeConfigurations = recurseIntoAttrs self.homes; deploy = recurseIntoAttrs (pkgs.deploy-rs.lib.deployChecks self.deploy); }; devShell = pkgs.devshell.mkShell ./devshell; })); }