{ lib, pkgs', pkgs, config, ... }: let inherit (lib) genAttrs mkIf mkMerge mkForce mapAttrs mkOptionDefault; inherit (lib.my) mkBoolOpt'; inherit (lib.my.c) pubDomain; cfg = config.my.gui; font = { package = pkgs.monocraft; name = "Monocraft"; size = 10; }; doomWad = pkgs.fetchurl { url = "https://distro.ibiblio.org/slitaz/sources/packages/d/doom1.wad"; hash = "sha256-HX1DvlAeZ9kn5BXguPPinDvzMHXoWXIYFvZSpSbKx3E="; }; subwaySurfers = pkgs.fetchurl { url = "https://p.${pubDomain}/video/subway-surfers-smol.mkv"; hash = "sha256-fMe7TDRNTymRHIJOi7qG3trzu4GP8a3gCDz+FMkX1dY="; }; minecraftParkour = pkgs.fetchurl { url = "https://p.${pubDomain}/video/minecraft-parkour-smol.mkv"; hash = "sha256-723pRm4AsIjY/WFUyAHzTJp+JvH4Pn5hvzF9wHTnOPA="; }; doomsaver = pkgs.runCommand "doomsaver" { inherit (pkgs) windowtolayer; chocoDoom = pkgs.chocolate-doom2xx; ffmpeg = pkgs.ffmpeg-full; python = pkgs.python3.withPackages (ps: [ ps.filelock ]); inherit doomWad; enojy = ./enojy.jpg; inherit subwaySurfers minecraftParkour; } '' mkdir -p "$out"/bin substituteAll ${./screensaver.py} "$out"/bin/doomsaver chmod +x "$out"/bin/doomsaver ''; in { options.my.gui = { enable = mkBoolOpt' true "Enable settings and packages meant for graphical systems"; manageGraphical = mkBoolOpt' false "Configure the graphical session"; standalone = mkBoolOpt' false "Enable settings for fully Nix managed systems"; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable (mkMerge [ { home = { packages = with pkgs; [ xdg-utils font.package nerd-fonts.sauce-code-pro nerd-fonts.droid-sans-mono noto-fonts-emoji grim slurp swappy python3Packages.python-lsp-server nil # nix language server zls # zig language server rust-analyzer cowsay fortune jp2a terminaltexteffects screenfetch neofetch cmatrix doomsaver xournalpp ]; }; programs = { gh = { enable = true; settings = { git_protocol = "ssh"; }; }; alacritty = { enable = true; settings = { general.import = [ ./alacritty-xterm.toml ]; font = { size = font.size; normal = { family = font.name; style = "Regular"; }; }; }; }; kitty = { enable = true; inherit font; settings = { background_opacity = "0.65"; tab_bar_edge = "top"; shell_integration = "no-sudo"; font_features = "${font.name} -liga"; }; }; termite = { enable = true; font = "${font.name} ${toString font.size}"; backgroundColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)"; }; foot = { enable = true; settings = { main = { font = "${font.name}:size=${toString font.size}"; }; colors = { alpha = 0.8; background = "000000"; }; }; }; helix = { enable = true; settings = { keys = { normal = { "^" = "goto_first_nonwhitespace"; "$" = "goto_line_end"; }; }; editor = { whitespace = { render.newline = "all"; }; indent-guides = { render = true; character = "┊"; }; }; }; }; }; } (mkIf (cfg.manageGraphical && !pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin) { systemd.user = { services = { wait-for-sway = { Unit = { Description = "Wait for sway to be ready"; Before = "graphical-session.target"; }; Service = { Type = "oneshot"; ExecStart = toString (pkgs.writeShellScript "wait-for-sway.sh" '' until ${pkgs.sway}/bin/swaymsg -t get_version -q; do ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/sleep 0.1 done ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/sleep 0.5 ''); RemainAfterExit = true; }; Install.RequiredBy = [ "sway-session.target" ]; }; activate-linux = { Unit = { Description = "Linux activation watermark"; After = "graphical-session.target"; PartOf = "graphical-session.target"; }; Service = { Type = "simple"; ExecStart = "${pkgs.activate-linux}/bin/activate-linux"; }; Install.RequiredBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ]; }; }; }; home = { packages = with pkgs; [ wtype wl-clipboard wev wdisplays swaysome pavucontrol libsecret playerctl spotify ]; pointerCursor = { package = pkgs.posy-cursors; name = "Posy_Cursor"; size = 32; gtk.enable = true; x11.enable = true; }; }; fonts.fontconfig.enable = true; xsession.preferStatusNotifierItems = true; wayland = { windowManager = { sway = let cfg = config.wayland.windowManager.sway.config; mod = cfg.modifier; renameWs = pkgs.writeShellScript "sway-rename-ws" '' focused_ws="$(swaymsg -t get_workspaces | jq ".[] | select(.focused)")" focused_num="$(jq -r ".num" <<< "$focused_ws")" focused_name="$(jq -r ".name" <<< "$focused_ws")" placeholder="$(sed -E 's/[0-9]+: //' <<< "$focused_name")" name="$(rofi -dmenu -p "rename ws $focused_num" -theme+entry+placeholder "\"$placeholder\"")" if [ -n "$name" ]; then swaymsg rename workspace "$focused_name" to "$focused_num: $name" fi ''; clearWsName = pkgs.writeShellScript "sway-clear-ws-name" '' focused_ws="$(swaymsg -t get_workspaces | jq ".[] | select(.focused)")" focused_num="$(jq -r ".num" <<< "$focused_ws")" focused_name="$(jq -r ".name" <<< "$focused_ws")" swaymsg rename workspace "$focused_name" to "$focused_num" ''; in { enable = true; xwayland = true; extraConfigEarly = '' set $mod ${mod} ''; config = { input = { "type:touchpad" = { tap = "enabled"; natural_scroll = "enable"; }; }; output = { "*".bg = "${./stop-nixos.png} stretch"; }; window.titlebar = false; modifier = "Mod4"; terminal = "kitty"; keybindings = mapAttrs (k: mkOptionDefault) { "${mod}+Left" = "focus left"; "${mod}+Down" = "focus down"; "${mod}+Up" = "focus up"; "${mod}+Right" = "focus right"; "${mod}+Shift+Left" = "move left"; "${mod}+Shift+Down" = "move down"; "${mod}+Shift+Up" = "move up"; "${mod}+Shift+Right" = "move right"; "${mod}+b" = "splith"; "${mod}+v" = "splitv"; "${mod}+f" = "fullscreen toggle"; "${mod}+a" = "focus parent"; "${mod}+s" = "layout stacking"; "${mod}+w" = "layout tabbed"; "${mod}+e" = "layout toggle split"; "${mod}+Shift+space" = "floating toggle"; "${mod}+space" = "focus mode_toggle"; "${mod}+1" = "workspace number 1"; "${mod}+2" = "workspace number 2"; "${mod}+3" = "workspace number 3"; "${mod}+4" = "workspace number 4"; "${mod}+5" = "workspace number 5"; "${mod}+6" = "workspace number 6"; "${mod}+7" = "workspace number 7"; "${mod}+8" = "workspace number 8"; "${mod}+9" = "workspace number 9"; "${mod}+0" = "workspace number 10"; "${mod}+Shift+1" = "move container to workspace number 1"; "${mod}+Shift+2" = "move container to workspace number 2"; "${mod}+Shift+3" = "move container to workspace number 3"; "${mod}+Shift+4" = "move container to workspace number 4"; "${mod}+Shift+5" = "move container to workspace number 5"; "${mod}+Shift+6" = "move container to workspace number 6"; "${mod}+Shift+7" = "move container to workspace number 7"; "${mod}+Shift+8" = "move container to workspace number 8"; "${mod}+Shift+9" = "move container to workspace number 9"; "${mod}+Shift+0" = "move container to workspace number 10"; "${mod}+Shift+minus" = "move scratchpad"; "${mod}+minus" = "scratchpad show"; "${mod}+Return" = "exec ${cfg.terminal}"; "${mod}+r" = "mode resize"; "${mod}+d" = null; "${mod}+l" = "exec ${doomsaver}/bin/doomsaver"; "${mod}+q" = "kill"; "${mod}+Shift+c" = "reload"; "${mod}+Shift+q" = "exec swaynag -t warning -m 'bruh you really wanna kill sway?' -b 'ye' 'systemctl --user stop graphical-session.target && swaymsg exit'"; # rofi "${mod}+x" = "exec ${cfg.menu}"; "${mod}+Shift+x" = "exec rofi -show drun"; "${mod}+Shift+e" = "exec rofi -show emoji"; # Config for this doesn't seem to work :/ "${mod}+c" = ''exec rofi -show calc -calc-command "echo -n '{result}' | ${pkgs.wl-clipboard}/bin/wl-copy"''; "${mod}+Shift+r" = "exec ${renameWs}"; "${mod}+Shift+n" = "exec ${clearWsName}"; # Screenshots "${mod}+Shift+d" = ''exec grim - | swappy -f -''; "${mod}+Shift+s" = ''exec grim -g "$(slurp)" - | swappy -f -''; "XF86MonBrightnessDown" = "exec ${pkgs.brightnessctl}/bin/brightnessctl set 5%-"; "XF86MonBrightnessUp" = "exec ${pkgs.brightnessctl}/bin/brightnessctl set +5%"; "XF86AudioRaiseVolume" = "exec ${pkgs.pamixer}/bin/pamixer -i 5"; "XF86AudioLowerVolume" = "exec ${pkgs.pamixer}/bin/pamixer -d 5"; "XF86AudioPlay" = "exec ${pkgs.playerctl}/bin/playerctl play"; "XF86AudioPause" = "exec ${pkgs.playerctl}/bin/playerctl pause"; "XF86AudioNext" = "exec ${pkgs.playerctl}/bin/playerctl next"; "XF86AudioPrev" = "exec ${pkgs.playerctl}/bin/playerctl previous"; }; keycodebindings = { # keycode for XF86AudioPlayPause (no sym for some reason) "172" = "exec ${pkgs.playerctl}/bin/playerctl play-pause"; }; menu = "rofi -show run"; bars = mkForce [ ]; }; extraConfig = '' include ${./swaysome.conf} ''; swaynag = { enable = true; }; }; }; }; gtk = { enable = true; theme = { name = "Numix"; package = pkgs.numix-gtk-theme; }; iconTheme = { name = "Numix"; package = pkgs.numix-icon-theme; }; font.name = font.name; }; qt = { enable = true; platformTheme.name = "gtk"; }; services = { playerctld.enable = true; spotifyd = { enable = false; package = pkgs.spotifyd.override { withMpris = true; withKeyring = true; }; settings.global = { username = "devplayer0"; use_keyring = true; use_mpris = true; backend = "pulseaudio"; bitrate = 320; device_type = "computer"; }; }; }; programs = { git = { enable = true; diff-so-fancy.enable = true; userEmail = "jackos1998@gmail.com"; userName = "Jack O'Sullivan"; lfs.enable = true; extraConfig = { pull.rebase = true; }; }; waybar = import ./waybar.nix { inherit lib pkgs config font; }; rofi = { package = pkgs.rofi-wayland; enable = true; font = "${font.name} ${toString font.size}"; plugins = with pkgs; (map (p: p.override { rofi-unwrapped = rofi-wayland-unwrapped; }) [ rofi-calc ]) ++ [ rofi-emoji-wayland ]; extraConfig = { modes = "window,run,ssh,filebrowser,calc,emoji"; emoji-mode = "copy"; }; }; swaylock = { enable = true; # need to use system swaylock for PAM reasons package = pkgs.runCommandWith { name = "swaylock-dummy"; } ''mkdir $out''; }; chromium = { enable = true; package = (pkgs'.unstable.chromium.override { enableWideVine = true; }).overrideAttrs (old: { buildCommand = '' ${old.buildCommand} # Re-activate Google sync wrapProgram "$out"/bin/chromium \ --set NIXOS_OZONE_WL 1 \ --set GOOGLE_DEFAULT_CLIENT_ID "77185425430.apps.googleusercontent.com" \ --set GOOGLE_DEFAULT_CLIENT_SECRET "OTJgUOQcT7lO7GsGZq2G4IlT" ''; }); }; }; xdg = { mimeApps = { enable = true; defaultApplications = genAttrs [ "text/html" "x-scheme-handler/http" "x-scheme-handler/https" "x-scheme-handler/about" "x-scheme-handler/unknown" ] (_: "chromium-browser.desktop"); }; }; my = { swaync = { enable = true; settings = { widgets = [ "title" "dnd" "mpris" "notifications" ]; }; }; }; }) (mkIf (cfg.standalone && !pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin) { xdg = { userDirs = { enable = true; createDirectories = true; desktop = "$HOME/desktop"; documents = "$HOME/documents"; download = "$HOME/downloads"; music = "$HOME/music"; pictures = "$HOME/pictures"; publicShare = "$HOME/public"; templates = "$HOME/templates"; videos = "$HOME/videos"; }; }; }) ] ); }