{ lib, pkgs, config, ... }: let inherit (lib) mkMerge mkIf mkForce genAttrs concatMapStringsSep; inherit (lib.my) mkOpt' mkBoolOpt'; cfg = config.my.netboot; # Newer releases don't boot on desktop? ipxe = pkgs.ipxe.overrideAttrs (o: rec { version = "1.21.1-unstable-2024-06-27"; src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "ipxe"; repo = "ipxe"; rev = "b66e27d9b29a172a097c737ab4d378d60fe01b05"; hash = "sha256-TKZ4WjNV2oZIYNefch7E7m1JpeoC/d7O1kofoNv8G40="; }; # This upstream patch (in newer versions) is needed for newer GCC patches = (if (o ? patches) then o.patches else []) ++ [ ./fix-uninitialised-var.patch ]; }); tftpRoot = pkgs.linkFarm "tftp-root" [ { name = "ipxe-x86_64.efi"; path = "${ipxe}/ipxe.efi"; } ]; menuFile = pkgs.runCommand "menu.ipxe" { bootHost = cfg.server.host; } '' substituteAll ${./menu.ipxe} "$out" ''; bootBuilder = pkgs.substituteAll { src = ./netboot-loader-builder.py; isExecutable = true; inherit (pkgs) python3; bootspecTools = pkgs.bootspec; nix = config.nix.package.out; inherit (config.system.nixos) distroName; systemName = config.system.name; inherit (cfg.client) configurationLimit; checkMountpoints = pkgs.writeShellScript "check-mountpoints" '' if ! ${pkgs.util-linuxMinimal}/bin/findmnt /boot > /dev/null; then echo "/boot is not a mounted partition. Is the path configured correctly?" >&2 exit 1 fi ''; }; in { options.my.netboot = with lib.types; { client = { enable = mkBoolOpt' false "Whether network booting should be enabled."; configurationLimit = mkOpt' ints.unsigned 10 "Max generations to show in boot menu."; }; server = { enable = mkBoolOpt' false "Whether a netboot server should be enabled."; ip = mkOpt' str null "IP clients should connect to via TFTP."; host = mkOpt' str config.networking.fqdn "Hostname clients should connect to over HTTP / NFS."; allowedPrefixes = mkOpt' (listOf str) null "Prefixes clients should be allowed to connect from (NFS)."; installer = { storeSize = mkOpt' str "16GiB" "Total allowed writable size of store."; }; instances = mkOpt' (listOf str) [ ] "Systems to hold boot files for."; }; }; config = mkMerge [ (mkIf cfg.client.enable { systemd = { services = { mount-boot = { description = "Mount /boot"; after = [ "systemd-networkd-wait-online.service" ]; serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; RemainAfterExit = true; }; path = with pkgs; [ gnused ldns nfs-utils ]; script = '' get_cmdline() { sed -rn "s/^.*$1=(\\S+).*\$/\\1/p" < /proc/cmdline } host="$(get_cmdline boothost)" if [ -z "$host" ]; then echo "boothost kernel parameter not found!" >&2 exit 1 fi until [ -n "$(drill -Q $host)" ]; do sleep 0.1 done mkdir -p /boot mount.nfs $host:/srv/netboot/systems/${config.system.name} /boot ''; wantedBy = [ "remote-fs.target" ]; }; }; }; boot.supportedFilesystems.nfs = true; boot.loader = { grub.enable = false; systemd-boot.enable = false; }; system = { build.installBootLoader = bootBuilder; boot.loader.id = "ipxe-netboot"; }; }) (mkIf cfg.server.enable { environment = { etc = { "netboot/menu.ipxe".source = menuFile; "netboot/shell.efi".source = "${pkgs.edk2-uefi-shell}/shell.efi"; }; }; systemd = { tmpfiles.settings."10-netboot" = genAttrs (map (i: "/srv/netboot/systems/${i}") cfg.server.instances) (p: { d = { user = "root"; group = "root"; mode = "0777"; }; }); services = { netboot-update = { description = "Update netboot images"; after = [ "systemd-networkd-wait-online.service" ]; serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot"; path = with pkgs; [ coreutils curl jq zstd gnutar ]; script = '' update_nixos() { latestShort="$(curl -s https://git.nul.ie/api/v1/repos/dev/nixfiles/tags/installer \ | jq -r .commit.sha | cut -c -7)" if [ -f nixos-installer/tag.txt ] && [ "$(< nixos-installer/tag.txt)" = "$latestShort" ]; then echo "NixOS installer is up to date" return fi echo "Updating NixOS installer to $latestShort" mkdir -p nixos-installer fname="jackos-installer-netboot-$latestShort.tar.zst" downloadUrl="$(curl -s https://git.nul.ie/api/v1/repos/dev/nixfiles/releases/tags/installer | \ jq -r ".assets[] | select(.name == \"$fname\").browser_download_url")" curl -Lo /tmp/nixos-installer-netboot.tar.zst "$downloadUrl" tar -C nixos-installer --zstd -xf /tmp/nixos-installer-netboot.tar.zst truncate -s "${cfg.server.installer.storeSize}" nixos-installer/rootfs.ext4 rm /tmp/nixos-installer-netboot.tar.zst echo "$latestShort" > nixos-installer/tag.txt } mkdir -p /srv/netboot cd /srv/netboot ln -sf ${menuFile} boot.ipxe ln -sf "${pkgs.edk2-uefi-shell}/shell.efi" "efi-shell-${config.nixpkgs.localSystem.linuxArch}.efi" update_nixos ''; startAt = "06:00"; wantedBy = [ "network-online.target" ]; }; nbd-server = { serviceConfig = { PrivateUsers = mkForce false; CacheDirectory = "netboot"; }; }; }; }; services = { atftpd = { enable = true; root = tftpRoot; }; nginx = { virtualHosts."${cfg.server.host}" = { locations."/" = { root = "/srv/netboot"; extraConfig = '' autoindex on; ''; }; }; }; nbd.server = { enable = true; extraOptions = { allowlist = true; }; exports = { nixos-installer = { path = "/srv/netboot/nixos-installer/rootfs.ext4"; extraOptions = { copyonwrite = true; cowdir = "/var/cache/netboot"; sparse_cow = true; }; }; }; }; nfs = { server = { enable = true; exports = '' /srv/netboot/systems ${concatMapStringsSep " " (p: "${p}(rw,all_squash)") cfg.server.allowedPrefixes} ''; }; }; }; my = { tmproot.persistence.config.directories = [ "/srv/netboot" { directory = "/var/cache/netboot"; mode = "0700"; } ]; }; }) ]; }