{ lib, ... }: let inherit (lib) mkForce; inherit (lib.my) net; inherit (lib.my.c.colony) domain prefixes; in { nixos.systems.toot = { config, ... }: { system = "x86_64-linux"; nixpkgs = "mine"; rendered = config.configuration.config.my.asContainer; assignments = { internal = { name = "toot-ctr"; inherit domain; ipv4.address = net.cidr.host 8 prefixes.ctrs.v4; ipv6 = { iid = "::8"; address = net.cidr.host 8 prefixes.ctrs.v6; }; }; }; configuration = { lib, pkgs, config, assignments, allAssignments, ... }: let inherit (lib) mkMerge mkIf genAttrs; inherit (lib.my) networkdAssignment systemdAwaitPostgres; pdsPort = 3000; in { config = mkMerge [ { my = { deploy.enable = false; server.enable = true; secrets = { key = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAILSslLkDe54AKYzxdtKD70zcU72W0EpYsfbdJ6UFq0QK"; files = (genAttrs (map (f: "toot/${f}") [ "postgres-password.txt" "secret-key.txt" "otp-secret.txt" "vapid-key.txt" "smtp-password.txt" "s3-secret-key.txt" ]) (_: with config.services.mastodon; { owner = user; inherit group; })) // { "toot/pds.env" = { owner = "pds"; group = "pds"; }; }; }; firewall = { tcp.allowed = [ 19999 "http" pdsPort ]; }; }; systemd = { network.networks."80-container-host0" = networkdAssignment "host0" assignments.internal; services = { # No option to provide an S3 secret access key file :( mastodon-init-dirs.script = '' echo "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=\""$(< ${config.age.secrets."toot/s3-secret-key.txt".path})"\"" >> /var/lib/mastodon/.secrets_env ''; mastodon-init-db = systemdAwaitPostgres pkgs.postgresql "colony-psql"; # Can't use the extraConfig because these services expect a different format for the both family bind address... mastodon-streaming.environment.BIND = "::"; mastodon-web.environment.BIND = "[::]"; }; }; services = { netdata.enable = true; mastodon = mkMerge [ rec { enable = true; localDomain = extraConfig.WEB_DOMAIN; # for nginx config extraConfig = { LOCAL_DOMAIN = "nul.ie"; WEB_DOMAIN = "toot.nul.ie"; }; secretKeyBaseFile = config.age.secrets."toot/secret-key.txt".path; otpSecretFile = config.age.secrets."toot/otp-secret.txt".path; vapidPrivateKeyFile = config.age.secrets."toot/vapid-key.txt".path; vapidPublicKeyFile = toString (pkgs.writeText "vapid-pubkey.txt" "BAyRyD2pnLQtMHr3J5AzjNMll_HDC6ra1ilOLAUmKyhkEdbm7_OwKZUgw1UefY4CHEcv4OOX9TnnN2DOYYuPZu8="); streamingProcesses = 4; configureNginx = true; database = { createLocally = false; host = "colony-psql"; user = "mastodon"; passwordFile = config.age.secrets."toot/postgres-password.txt".path; name = "mastodon"; }; smtp = { createLocally = false; fromAddress = "Mastodon "; host = "mail.nul.ie"; port = 587; authenticate = true; user = "toot@nul.ie"; passwordFile = config.age.secrets."toot/smtp-password.txt".path; }; extraConfig.SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO = "true"; redis.createLocally = true; mediaAutoRemove = { enable = true; olderThanDays = 30; }; } { extraConfig = { S3_ENABLED = "true"; S3_BUCKET = "mastodon"; AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = "mastodon"; S3_ENDPOINT = "https://s3.nul.ie/"; S3_REGION = "eu-central-1"; S3_PROTOCOL = "https"; S3_HOSTNAME = "mastodon.s3.nul.ie"; S3_ALIAS_HOST = "mastodon.s3.nul.ie"; }; } ]; # Override some stuff since we are proxying upstream nginx = { recommendedProxySettings = mkForce false; virtualHosts."${config.services.mastodon.localDomain}" = let extraConfig = '' proxy_set_header Host $host; ''; in { forceSSL = false; enableACME = false; locations = { "@proxy" = { inherit extraConfig; }; "/api/v1/streaming/" = { inherit extraConfig; }; }; }; }; pds = { enable = true; environmentFiles = [ config.age.secrets."toot/pds.env".path ]; settings = { PDS_HOSTNAME = "pds.nul.ie"; PDS_PORT = pdsPort; PDS_BLOBSTORE_DISK_LOCATION = null; PDS_BLOBSTORE_S3_BUCKET = "pds"; PDS_BLOBSTORE_S3_ENDPOINT = "https://s3.nul.ie/"; PDS_BLOBSTORE_S3_REGION = "eu-central-1"; PDS_BLOBSTORE_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID = "pds"; PDS_BLOB_UPLOAD_LIMIT = "52428800"; PDS_EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS = "pds@nul.ie"; PDS_DID_PLC_URL = "https://plc.directory"; PDS_INVITE_REQUIRED = 1; PDS_BSKY_APP_VIEW_URL = "https://api.bsky.app"; PDS_BSKY_APP_VIEW_DID = "did:web:api.bsky.app"; PDS_REPORT_SERVICE_URL = "https://mod.bsky.app"; PDS_REPORT_SERVICE_DID = "did:plc:ar7c4by46qjdydhdevvrndac"; PDS_CRAWLERS = "https://bsky.network"; }; }; }; } (mkIf config.my.build.isDevVM { virtualisation = { forwardPorts = with config.services.mastodon; [ { from = "host"; guest.port = webPort; } ]; }; }) ]; }; }; }