{ lib, ... }: let inherit (lib.my) net; inherit (lib.my.c) pubDomain; inherit (lib.my.c.nginx) baseHttpConfig; inherit (lib.my.c.colony) domain prefixes; in { nixos.systems.middleman = { config, ... }: { system = "x86_64-linux"; nixpkgs = "mine"; rendered = config.configuration.config.my.asContainer; assignments = { internal = { name = "middleman-ctr"; inherit domain; ipv4.address = net.cidr.host 2 prefixes.ctrs.v4; ipv6 = { iid = "::2"; address = net.cidr.host 2 prefixes.ctrs.v6; }; }; }; configuration = { lib, pkgs, config, assignments, allAssignments, ... }: let inherit (lib) mkMerge mkIf; inherit (lib.my) networkdAssignment; in { imports = [ ./vhosts.nix ]; config = mkMerge [ { my = { deploy.enable = false; server.enable = true; secrets = { key = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIAQM9U1e/XcUCyMJITrpAHjAGahpqkZCmtX6pJkYzuks"; files = { "dhparams.pem" = { owner = "acme"; group = "acme"; mode = "440"; }; "pdns-file-records.key" = { owner = "acme"; group = "acme"; }; "middleman/cloudflare-credentials.conf" = { owner = "acme"; group = "acme"; }; "middleman/mailcow-ssh.key" = { owner = "acme"; group = "acme"; mode = "400"; }; "middleman/nginx-sso.yaml" = { owner = "nginx-sso"; group = "nginx-sso"; }; "middleman/htpasswd" = { owner = "nginx"; group = "nginx"; }; "librespeed.toml" = { }; }; }; firewall = { tcp.allowed = [ "http" "https" 8448 ]; }; nginx-sso = { enable = true; extraConfigFile = config.age.secrets."middleman/nginx-sso.yaml".path; configuration = { listen = { addr = "[::]"; port = 8082; }; login = { title = "${pubDomain} login"; default_redirect = "https://${pubDomain}"; default_method = "google_oauth"; names = { google_oauth = "Google account"; simple = "Username / password"; }; }; cookie = { domain = ".${pubDomain}"; secure = true; }; audit_log = { targets = [ "fd://stdout" ]; events = [ "access_denied" "login_success" "login_failure" "logout" #"validate" ]; }; providers = { simple = { groups = { admin = [ "dev" ]; }; }; google_oauth = { client_id = "545475967061-cag4g1qf0pk33g3pdbom4v69562vboc8.apps.googleusercontent.com"; redirect_url = "https://sso.${pubDomain}/login"; user_id_method = "user-id"; }; }; }; includes = { endpoint = "http://localhost:8082"; baseURL = "https://sso.${pubDomain}"; }; }; librespeed = { frontend.servers = [ { name = "Amsterdam, Netherlands"; server = "//librespeed.${domain}"; } ]; backend = { enable = true; extraSettingsFile = config.age.secrets."librespeed.toml".path; }; }; }; users = { users = { nginx.extraGroups = [ "acme" ]; }; }; systemd = { network.networks."80-container-host0" = networkdAssignment "host0" assignments.internal; services = { # HACK: nginx seems to get stuck not being able to DNS early... nginx = lib.my.systemdAwaitPostgres pkgs.postgresql "colony-psql"; }; }; security = { acme = { acceptTerms = true; defaults = { email = "dev@nul.ie"; #server = "https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"; server = "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"; reloadServices = [ "nginx" ]; dnsResolver = ""; }; certs = { "${config.networking.domain}" = { extraDomainNames = [ "*.${config.networking.domain}" ]; dnsProvider = "exec"; credentialsFile = let script = pkgs.writeShellScript "lego-update-int.sh" '' case "$1" in present) cmd=add;; cleanup) cmd=del;; *) exit 1;; esac echo "$@" exec ${pkgs.openssh}/bin/ssh \ -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \ -i ${config.age.secrets."pdns-file-records.key".path} \ pdns-file-records@estuary-vm "${config.networking.domain}" "$cmd" "$2" "$3" ''; in pkgs.writeText "lego-exec-vars.conf" '' EXEC_PROPAGATION_TIMEOUT=60 EXEC_POLLING_INTERVAL=2 EXEC_PATH=${script} ''; }; "${pubDomain}" = { extraDomainNames = [ "*.${pubDomain}" "*.s3.${pubDomain}" ]; dnsProvider = "cloudflare"; credentialsFile = config.age.secrets."middleman/cloudflare-credentials.conf".path; postRun = let sshKey = config.age.secrets."middleman/mailcow-ssh.key".path; in '' ${pkgs.openssh}/bin/scp -i ${sshKey} key.pem fullchain.pem acme@mail.nul.ie:/tmp/ ${pkgs.openssh}/bin/ssh -i ${sshKey} acme@mail.nul.ie mailcow-ssl-reload ''; }; }; }; }; programs = { ssh.knownHostsFiles = [ lib.my.c.sshHostKeys.mail-vm ]; }; services = { netdata = { enable = true; configDir = { "go.d/nginxvts.conf" = pkgs.writeText "netdata-nginxvts.conf" '' jobs: - name: local url: http://localhost/status/format/json ''; }; }; nginx = { enable = true; enableReload = true; additionalModules = with pkgs.nginxModules; [ vts fancyindex ]; recommendedTlsSettings = true; recommendedBrotliSettings = true; recommendedZstdSettings = true; clientMaxBodySize = "0"; serverTokens = true; resolver = { addresses = [ "[${allAssignments.estuary.base.ipv6.address}]" ]; valid = "5s"; }; proxyResolveWhileRunning = true; sslDhparam = config.age.secrets."dhparams.pem".path; # Based on recommended*Settings, but probably better to be explicit about these appendHttpConfig = '' ${baseHttpConfig} resolver_timeout 5s; # caching proxy_cache_path /var/cache/nginx levels=1:2 keys_zone=CACHE:10m inactive=7d max_size=4g; vhost_traffic_status_zone; map $upstream_status $nix_cache_control { "~20(0|6)" "public, max-age=315360000, immutable"; } map $upstream_status $nix_expires { "~20(0|6)" "Thu, 31 Dec 2037 23:55:55 GMT"; } ''; }; }; } (mkIf config.my.build.isDevVM { virtualisation = { forwardPorts = [ { from = "host"; host.port = 8080; guest.port = 80; } { from = "host"; host.port = 8443; guest.port = 443; } ]; }; }) ]; }; }; }