{ lib, pkgs, config, ... }:
  inherit (lib) optionalString concatStringsSep concatMap concatMapStringsSep mkIf mkDefault mkMerge mkVMOverride;
  inherit (lib.my) mkOpt' mkBoolOpt' mkVMOverride';

  cfg = config.my.tmproot;
  enablePersistence = cfg.persistDir != null;

  showUnsaved =
      import stat
      import sys
      import os

      ignored = [
        ${concatStringsSep ",\n  " (map (p: "'${p}'") cfg.unsaved.ignore)}

      base = '/'
      base_dev = os.stat(base).st_dev

      def recurse(p, link=None):
          for ignore in ignored:
            if p.startswith(ignore):

          st = os.lstat(p)
          if st.st_dev != base_dev:

          if stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode):
            target = os.path.realpath(p, strict=False)
            if os.access(target, os.F_OK):
              recurse(target, link=p)
          elif stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
            for e in os.listdir(p):
              recurse(os.path.join(p, e))

          print(link or p)
        except PermissionError as ex:
          print(f'{p}: {ex.strerror}', file=sys.stderr)


  rootDef = {
    device = "yeet";
    fsType = "tmpfs";
    options = [ "size=${cfg.size}" ];
  options = with lib.types; {
    my.tmproot = {
      enable = mkBoolOpt' true "Whether to enable tmproot.";
      persistDir = mkOpt' (nullOr str) "/persist" "Path where persisted files are stored.";
      size = mkOpt' str "2G" "Size of tmpfs root";
      unsaved = {
        showMotd = mkBoolOpt' true "Whether to show unsaved files with `dynamic-motd`.";
        ignore = mkOpt' (listOf str) [ ] "Path prefixes to ignore if unsaved.";

  config = mkIf cfg.enable (mkMerge [
      assertions = [
          # I mean you probably _could_, but if you're doing tmproot... come on
          assertion = !config.users.mutableUsers;
          message = "users.mutableUsers is incompatible with tmproot";

      my.tmproot.unsaved.ignore = [

        # setup-etc.pl will create this for us

        # Once mutableUsers is disabled, we should be all clear here

        # Lock file for /etc/{passwd,shadow}

        # systemd last updated? I presume they'll get updated on boot...

        # Specifies obsolete files that should be deleted on activation - we'll never have those!

      environment.systemPackages = [
        (pkgs.writeScriptBin "tmproot-unsaved" showUnsaved)

      my.dynamic-motd.script = mkIf cfg.unsaved.showMotd
          tmprootUnsaved() {
            local count="$(tmproot-unsaved | wc -l)"
            [ $count -eq 0 ] && return

            echo -e "\t\e[31;1;4mWarning:\e[0m $count file(s) on / will be lost on shutdown!"
            echo -e '\tTo see them, run `tmproot-unsaved` as root.'
            ${optionalString enablePersistence ''
              echo -e '\tAdd these files to `environment.persistence."${cfg.persistDir}"` to keep them!'
            echo -e "\tIf they don't need to be kept, add them to \`my.tmproot.unsaved.ignore\`."


      fileSystems."/" = rootDef;

    (mkIf config.networking.resolvconf.enable {
      my.tmproot.unsaved.ignore = [ "/etc/resolv.conf" ];
    (mkIf config.security.doas.enable {
      my.tmproot.unsaved.ignore = [ "/etc/doas.conf" ];
    (mkIf config.my.boot.isDevVM {
      my.tmproot.unsaved.ignore = [ "/nix" ];

      fileSystems = mkVMOverride {
        "/" = mkVMOverride' rootDef;

    (mkIf enablePersistence (mkMerge [
        assertions = [
            assertion = config.fileSystems ? "${cfg.persistDir}";
            message = "The 'fileSystems' option does not specify your persistence file system (${cfg.persistDir}).";

        # Catch non-existent source directories that are needed for boot (see `pathsNeededForBoot` in
        # nixos/lib/util.nix). We do this by monkey-patching the `waitDevice` function that would otherwise hang.
        boot.initrd.postDeviceCommands =
            ensurePersistSource() {
              [ -e "/mnt-root$1" ] && return
              echo "Persistent source directory $1 does not exist, creating..."
              install -dm "$2" "/mnt-root$1" || fail

            _waitDevice() {
              local device="$1"

              ${concatMapStringsSep " || \\\n  " (d:
                  sourceDir = "${d.persistentStoragePath}${d.directory}";
                  ''([ "$device" = "/mnt-root${sourceDir}" ] && ensurePersistSource "${sourceDir}" "${d.mode}")'')

              waitDevice "$@"

            type waitDevice > /dev/null || (echo "waitDevice is missing!"; fail)
            alias waitDevice=_waitDevice

        environment.persistence."${cfg.persistDir}" = {
          hideMounts = mkDefault true;
          directories = [
            # In theory we'd include only the files needed individually (i.e. the {U,G}ID map files that track deleted
            # users and groups), but `update-users-groups.pl` actually deletes the original files for "atomic update".
            # Also the script runs before impermanence does.
          files = [

        virtualisation = {
          diskImage = "./.vms/${config.system.name}-persist.qcow2";
      (mkIf config.services.openssh.enable {
        environment.persistence."${cfg.persistDir}".files =
          concatMap (k: [ k.path "${k.path}.pub" ]) config.services.openssh.hostKeys;
      (mkIf config.my.boot.isDevVM {
        fileSystems = mkVMOverride {
          # Hijack the "root" device for persistence in the VM
          "${cfg.persistDir}" = {
            device = config.virtualisation.bootDevice;
            neededForBoot = true;