{ lib, pkgs, config, systems, ... }: let inherit (builtins) head attrNames; inherit (lib) mkMerge mkIf mkDefault optionalAttrs mapAttrs' optionalString; inherit (lib.my) mkOpt' mkBoolOpt'; cfg = config.my.deploy; keepGensOpt = with lib.types; mkOpt' ints.unsigned 10 "Number of generations to keep when cleaning up old deployments (0 to disable deletion on deployment)."; keepGensSnippet = p: n: optionalString (n > 0) '' ${config.nix.package}/bin/nix-env -p "${p}" --delete-generations +${toString n} ''; # Based on https://github.com/serokell/deploy-rs/blob/master/flake.nix nixosActivate = cfg': base: (pkgs.deploy-rs.lib.activate.custom // { dryActivate = "$PROFILE/bin/switch-to-configuration dry-activate"; }) base.config.system.build.toplevel '' # work around https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/73404 cd /tmp "$PROFILE"/bin/switch-to-configuration ${cfg'.mode} # https://github.com/serokell/deploy-rs/issues/31 ${with base.config.boot.loader; optionalString ((cfg'.mode == "switch" || cfg'.mode == "boot") && systemd-boot.enable) "sed -i '/^default /d' ${efi.efiSysMountPoint}/loader/loader.conf"} ${keepGensSnippet "$PROFILE" cfg'.keepGenerations} ''; systemdUtil = pkgs.writeShellApplication { name = "systemd-util.sh"; text = '' svcActionWatch() { action="$1" shift unit="$1" shift journalctl -o cat --no-pager -n 0 -f -u "$unit" & jPid=$! cleanup() { kill $jPid } trap cleanup EXIT systemctl "$@" "$action" "$unit" } ''; }; ctrProfiles = optionalAttrs cfg.generate.containers.enable (mapAttrs' (n: c: let ctrConfig = systems."${n}".configuration.config; in { name = "container-${n}"; value = { path = pkgs.deploy-rs.lib.activate.custom ctrConfig.my.buildAs.container '' source ${systemdUtil}/bin/systemd-util.sh ${if c.hotReload then '' if (! systemctl show -p ActiveState systemd-nspawn@${n} | grep -q "ActiveState=active") || \ systemctl show -p StatusText systemd-nspawn@${n} | grep -q "Dummy container"; then action=restart else action=reload fi svcActionWatch "$action" systemd-nspawn@${n} '' else '' svcActionWatch restart systemd-nspawn@${n} ''} ${keepGensSnippet "$PROFILE" cfg.generate.containers.keepGenerations} ''; profilePath = "/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-container/${n}/system"; user = "root"; }; }) config.my.containers.instances); in { options.my.deploy = with lib.types; { authorizedKeys = { keys = mkOpt' (listOf singleLineStr) [ ] "SSH public keys to add to the default deployment user."; keyFiles = mkOpt' (listOf path) [ lib.my.sshKeyFiles.deploy ] "SSH public key files to add to the default deployment user."; }; enable = mkBoolOpt' true "Whether to expose deploy-rs configuration for this system."; inherit (lib.my.deploy-rs) node; generate = { system = { enable = mkBoolOpt' true "Whether to generate a deploy-rs profile for this system's config."; mode = mkOpt' str "switch" "switch-to-configuration mode."; keepGenerations = keepGensOpt; }; containers = { enable = mkBoolOpt' true "Whether to generate deploy-rs profiles for this system's containers."; keepGenerations = keepGensOpt; }; }; }; config = mkMerge [ { my.deploy.enable = mkIf (config.my.build.isDevVM || config.boot.isContainer) false; } (mkIf cfg.enable { my.deploy.node = { hostname = mkDefault config.networking.fqdn; profilesOrder = [ "system" ] ++ (attrNames ctrProfiles); profiles = { system = mkIf cfg.generate.system.enable { path = nixosActivate cfg.generate.system { inherit config; }; user = "root"; }; } // ctrProfiles; sshUser = "deploy"; user = mkDefault "root"; sudo = mkDefault (if config.security.doas.enable then "doas -u" else "sudo -u"); sshOpts = mkDefault [ "-p" (toString (head config.services.openssh.ports)) ]; }; users = { users."${cfg.node.sshUser}" = { isSystemUser = true; group = cfg.node.sshUser; extraGroups = mkDefault [ "wheel" ]; shell = pkgs.bash; openssh.authorizedKeys = cfg.authorizedKeys; }; groups."${cfg.node.sshUser}" = {}; }; }) ]; }