{ lib, pkgs, config, ... }: let inherit (lib) mapAttrsToList; inherit (lib.my) mkOpt'; parseArgs = opts: '' POSITIONAL_ARGS=() while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do # shellcheck disable=SC2221,SC2222 case $1 in ${opts} -*|--*) die "Unknown option $1" ;; *) POSITIONAL_ARGS+=("$1") # save positional arg shift # past argument ;; esac done set -- "''${POSITIONAL_ARGS[@]}" # restore positional parameters ''; installCommon = pkgs.writeShellApplication { name = "install-common.sh"; runtimeInputs = with pkgs; [ coreutils gnugrep openssh nixVersions.stable jq ]; text = '' log() { echo -e "$@" >&2 } debug() { [ -n "$DEBUG" ] || return 0 log "[\e[32;1mdebug\e[0m]: \e[32m$*\e[0m" } info() { log "[\e[36;1minfo\e[0m]: \e[36m$*\e[0m" } warn() { log "[\e[33;1mwarn\e[0m]: \e[33m$*\e[0m" } error() { log "[\e[31;1merror\e[0m]: \e[31m$*\e[0m" } die() { error "$@" exit 1 } askYN() { local question="$1" local options default if [ "$2" = y ]; then options="Y/n" default="y" else options="y/N" default="n" fi local input read -p "$question [$options] " -n 1 -s -r input : "''${input:=$default}" echo "$input" [[ "$input" =~ ^[yY]$ ]] } # : is a builtin that does nothing... : "''${DEBUG:=}" : "''${INSTALLER:=}" : "''${INSTALLER_SSH_OPTS:=}" : "''${INSTALLER_SSH_PORT:=22}" [ -z "$INSTALLER" ] && die "\$INSTALLER is not set" KNOWN_HOSTS="$(mktemp --tmpdir known_hosts.XXXXXX)" cleanup() { rm -f "$KNOWN_HOSTS" } trap cleanup EXIT IFS=" " read -ra SSH_OPTS <<< "$INSTALLER_SSH_OPTS" SSH_OPTS+=(-o StrictHostKeyChecking=ask -o UserKnownHostsFile="$KNOWN_HOSTS" -p "$INSTALLER_SSH_PORT") debug "ssh params: ''${SSH_OPTS[*]}" execInstaller() { debug "[root@$INSTALLER -p $INSTALLER_SSH_PORT] $*" ssh "''${SSH_OPTS[@]}" "root@$INSTALLER" -- "$@" 2> >(grep -v "Permanently added" 1>&2) } ''; }; installerCommandOpts = with lib.types; { options = { help = mkOpt' str null "Help message."; script = mkOpt' lines "" "Script contents."; packages = mkOpt' (listOf package) [ ] "Packages to make available to the script."; }; }; in { options.my.installerCommands = with lib.types; mkOpt' (attrsOf (submodule installerCommandOpts)) { } "Installer commands."; config = { my.installerCommands = { installer-shell = { help = "Get a shell into the installer"; script = '' execInstaller "$@" ''; }; # TODO: Add new command to generate a template with the output of nixos-generate-config included do-install = { help = "Install a system configuration into a prepared installer that can be reached at $INSTALLER"; script = '' usage="usage: $0 [--no-bootloader] [--no-substitute] <system>" noBootloader= noSubstitute= ${parseArgs '' --no-bootloader) noBootloader=true shift ;; --no-substitute) noSubstitute=true shift ;; --help) log "$usage" exit 0 ;; ''} system="''${1:-}" [ -z "$system" ] && die "$usage" : "''${INSTALLER_BUILD_OPTS:=}" IFS=" " read -ra BUILD_OPTS <<< "$INSTALLER_BUILD_OPTS" INSTALL_ROOT="$(execInstaller echo \$INSTALL_ROOT)" info "Installing configuration for $system to $INSTALLER:$INSTALL_ROOT" askYN "Continue?" n || exit 1 params=() [ -z "$noSubstitute" ] && params+=(--substitute-on-destination) flakeAttr="$PRJ_ROOT#nixosConfigurations.$system.config.system.build.toplevel" info "Building $flakeAttr..." storePath="$(nix build "''${BUILD_OPTS[@]}" --no-link --json "$flakeAttr" | jq -r .[0].outputs.out)" info "Copying closure of configuration $storePath to target..." NIX_SSHOPTS="''${SSH_OPTS[*]}" nix copy "''${params[@]}" \ --to "ssh://root@$INSTALLER?remote-store=$INSTALL_ROOT" "$storePath" profile=/nix/var/nix/profiles/system info "Setting $profile on target to point to copied configuration..." # Use `nix-env` since `nix profile` uses a non-backwards compatible manifest format execInstaller nix-env --store "$INSTALL_ROOT" -p "$INSTALL_ROOT$profile" --set "$storePath" # Make switch-to-configuration recognise this as a NixOS system execInstaller "mkdir -m 0755 -p \"$INSTALL_ROOT/etc\" && touch \"$INSTALL_ROOT/etc/NIXOS\"" if [ -z "$noBootloader" ]; then info "Activating configuration and installing bootloader..." # Grub needs an mtab. execInstaller ln -sfn /proc/mounts "$INSTALL_ROOT/etc/mtab" execInstaller "export NIXOS_INSTALL_BOOTLOADER=1 && \ nixos-enter --root \"$INSTALL_ROOT\" -- /run/current-system/bin/switch-to-configuration boot" else info "Activating configuation..." execInstaller \ nixos-enter --root "$INSTALL_ROOT" -- /run/current-system/bin/switch-to-configuration boot fi info "Success!" ''; }; }; commands = mapAttrsToList (name: cmd: { inherit name; inherit (cmd) help; category = "installation"; package = pkgs.writeShellApplication { inherit name; runtimeInputs = cmd.packages; text = '' # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source "${installCommon}/bin/install-common.sh" ${cmd.script} ''; }; }) config.my.installerCommands; }; }