{ lib }:
  inherit (builtins) replaceStrings elemAt mapAttrs;
  inherit (lib)
    genAttrs mapAttrs' mapAttrsToList filterAttrsRecursive nameValuePair types
    mkOption mkOverride mkForce;
  inherit (lib.flake) defaultSystems;
rec {
  addPrefix = prefix: mapAttrs' (n: v: { name = "${prefix}${n}"; value = v; });
  # Yoinked from nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/networking/nat.nix
  isIPv6 = ip: builtins.length (lib.splitString ":" ip) > 2;
  parseIPPort = ipp:
      v6 = isIPv6 ipp;
      matchIP = if v6 then "[[]([0-9a-fA-F:]+)[]]" else "([0-9.]+)";
      m = builtins.match "${matchIP}:([0-9-]+)" ipp;
      checked = v: if m == null then throw "bad ip:ports `${ipp}'" else v;
      inherit v6;
      ip = checked (elemAt m 0);
      ports = checked (replaceStrings ["-"] [":"] (elemAt m 1));
  attrsToNVList = mapAttrsToList nameValuePair;

  mkDefaultSystemsPkgs = path: args': genAttrs defaultSystems (system: import path ((args' system) // { inherit system; }));
  mkApp = program: { type = "app"; inherit program; };
  mkShellApp = pkgs: name: text: mkApp (pkgs.writeShellScript name text).outPath;
  mkShellApp' = pkgs: args:
      app = pkgs.writeShellApplication args;
    in mkApp "${app}/bin/${app.meta.mainProgram}";
  inlineModules = modules: mapAttrs
    (_: path:
        _file = path;
        imports = [ (import path) ];
  flakePackageOverlay' = flake: pkg: system: (final: prev:
      pkg' = if pkg != null then flake.packages.${system}.${pkg} else flake.defaultPackage.${system};
      name = if pkg != null then pkg else pkg'.name;
      ${name} = pkg';
  flakePackageOverlay = flake: flakePackageOverlay' flake null;

  # Merge together modules which are defined as functions with others that aren't
  naiveModule = with types; (coercedTo (attrsOf anything) (conf: { ... }: conf) (functionTo (attrsOf anything)));

  mkOpt = type: default: mkOption { inherit type default; };
  mkOpt' = type: default: description: mkOption { inherit type default description; };
  mkBoolOpt = default: mkOption {
    inherit default;
    type = types.bool;
    example = true;
  mkBoolOpt' = default: description: mkOption {
    inherit default description;
    type = types.bool;
    example = true;
  nullOrOpt' = type: description: mkOpt' (types.nullOr type) null description;
  dummyOption = mkOption { };

  # Slightly higher precedence than mkDefault
  mkDefault' = mkOverride 900;
  mkVMOverride' = mkOverride 9;

  homeStateVersion = hmBranch: {
    # The flake passes a default setting, but we don't care about that
    home.stateVersion = mkForce (if hmBranch == "unstable" then "22.05" else "21.11");

  deploy-rs =
  with types;
    globalOpts = {
      sshUser = nullOrOpt' str "Username deploy-rs will deploy with.";
      user = nullOrOpt' str "Username deploy-rs will deploy with.";
      sudo = nullOrOpt' str "Command to elevate privileges with (used if the deployment user != profile user).";
      sshOpts = nullOrOpt' (listOf str)
        "Options deploy-rs will pass to ssh. Note: overriding at a lower level _merges_ options.";
      fastConnection = nullOrOpt' bool "Whether to copy the whole closure instead of using substitution.";
      autoRollback = nullOrOpt' bool "Whether to roll back the profile if activation fails.";
      magicRollback = nullOrOpt' bool "Whether to roll back the profile if connectivity to the deployer is lost.";
      confirmTimeout = nullOrOpt' ints.u16 "Timeout for confirming activation succeeded.";
      tempPath = nullOrOpt' str "Path that deploy-rs will use for temporary files.";

    profileOpts = {
      path = mkOpt' package "" "Derivation to build (should include activation script).";
      profilePath = nullOrOpt' str "Path to profile location";
    } // globalOpts;
    profile = submodule { options = profileOpts; };

    nodeOpts = {
      hostname = mkOpt' str "" "Hostname deploy-rs will connect to.";
      profilesOrder = nullOrOpt' (listOf str)
        "Order to deploy profiles in (remainder will be deployed in arbitrary order).";
      profiles = mkOpt' (attrsOf profile) { } "Profiles to deploy.";
    } // globalOpts;
  rec {
    inherit profile;
    node = submodule { options = nodeOpts; };

    filterOpts = filterAttrsRecursive (_: v: v != null);

  authorizedKeys = toString ./authorized_keys;