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{ lib, ... }:
inherit (lib.my) net;
inherit (lib.my.c.colony) domain prefixes qclk;
nixos.systems.qclk = { config, ... }: {
system = "x86_64-linux";
nixpkgs = "mine";
rendered = config.configuration.config.my.asContainer;
assignments = {
internal = {
name = "qclk-ctr";
inherit domain;
ipv4.address = net.cidr.host 10 prefixes.ctrs.v4;
ipv6 = {
iid = "::a";
address = net.cidr.host 10 prefixes.ctrs.v6;
qclk = {
ipv4 = {
address = net.cidr.host 1 prefixes.qclk.v4;
gateway = null;
configuration = { lib, pkgs, config, assignments, ... }:
inherit (lib) concatStringsSep mkMerge mkIf mkForce;
inherit (lib.my) networkdAssignment;
apiPort = 8080;
instances = [
host = 2;
wgKey = "D7z1FhcdxpnrGCE0wBW5PZb5BKuhCu6tcZ/5ZaYxdwQ=";
ipFor = i: net.cidr.host i.host prefixes.qclk.v4;
config = {
environment = {
systemPackages = with pkgs; [
my = {
deploy.enable = false;
server.enable = true;
secrets = {
key = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIC1kcfvahYmSk8IJKaUIcGkhxf/8Yse2XnU7Qqgcglyq";
files = {
"qclk/wg.key" = {
group = "systemd-network";
mode = "440";
firewall = {
udp.allowed = [ qclk.wgPort ];
extraRules = ''
table inet filter {
chain input {
iifname management tcp dport ${toString apiPort} accept
chain forward {
iifname host0 oifname management ip saddr { ${concatStringsSep ", " lib.my.c.as211024.trusted.v4} } accept
table inet nat {
chain postrouting {
iifname host0 oifname management snat ip to ${assignments.qclk.ipv4.address}
systemd = {
network = {
netdevs."30-management" = {
netdevConfig = {
Name = "management";
Kind = "wireguard";
wireguardConfig = {
PrivateKeyFile = config.age.secrets."qclk/wg.key".path;
ListenPort = qclk.wgPort;
wireguardPeers = map (i: {
PublicKey = i.wgKey;
AllowedIPs = [ (ipFor i) ];
}) instances;
networks = {
"30-container-host0" = networkdAssignment "host0" assignments.internal;
"30-management" = networkdAssignment "management" assignments.qclk;
services = { };