package.path = "/mod/?.lua;" .. package.path local PriorityQueue = require "PriorityQueue" function Set(list) local set = {} for _, l in ipairs(list) do set[l] = true end return set end local yieldTime = 0 function yield() if os.clock() - yieldTime > 2 then sleep(0) yieldTime = os.clock() end end function arr(n, init) local a = {} for _ = 1, n do table.insert(a, init) end return a end function arr2(x, y, init) local a = {} for _ = 1, y do table.insert(a, arr(x, init)) end return a end local dirMap = { ["0,-1"] = 0, ["0,1"] = 0.5, ["1,0"] = 0.25, ["-1,0"] = -0.25, } function direction(v) local d = dirMap[v.x..","..v.z] assert(d) return d end function findDistances(points) local dist = arr2(#points, #points, math.huge) for i = 1, #points do for j = 1, #points do if i ~= j then dist[i][j] = (points[i] - points[j]):length() end end end for i = 1, #points do dist[i][i] = 0 end return dist end function groupOres(ores, dist, offset) if not offset then offset = 0 end local groups = {} for i, o in ipairs(ores) do table.insert(groups, { ["type"] =, ["blocks"] = { [i] =, o.y, o.z), }, }) end local didJoin = true while didJoin do didJoin = false for i, io in pairs(groups) do for x, a in pairs(io.blocks) do for j, jo in pairs(groups) do if i ~= j and jo.type == io.type then for y, b in pairs(jo.blocks) do -- yield() assert(a ~= b) if dist[offset + x][offset + y] == 1 then for z, p in pairs(jo.blocks) do io.blocks[z] = p end groups[j] = nil didJoin = true break end end end end end end end local retGroups = {} for _, g in pairs(groups) do local v =, 0, 0) local retBlocks = {} for _, p in pairs(g.blocks) do v = v + p table.insert(retBlocks, p) end g.blocks = retBlocks = v / #g.blocks assert( table.insert(retGroups, g) end return retGroups end -- nearest neighbour function pathThrough(points, dist, s, e) local unvisited = {} local ui = nil for i = 1, #points do if not e or i ~= e then table.insert(unvisited, i) end if i == s then ui = #unvisited end end assert(ui) local visited = {} local route = {} while #unvisited ~= 1 do local u = unvisited[ui] table.remove(unvisited, ui) local cDist = math.huge local closest = nil for ii = 1, #unvisited do local i = unvisited[ii] assert(i ~= u) if dist[u][i] < cDist then cDist = dist[u][i] closest = ii end end assert(closest) table.insert(route, unvisited[closest]) ui = closest end if e then table.insert(route, e) end return route end -- A* function findPath(s, e, neighbors) local points = {} function addPoint(p) local k = p:tostring() if not points[k] then points[k] = p end return k end s = addPoint(s) e = addPoint(e) function h(i) return (points[e] - points[i]):length() end local gScoreT = {} gScoreT[s] = 0 function gScore(i) if gScoreT[i] then return gScoreT[i] else return math.huge end end local fScoreT = {} fScoreT[s] = h(s) function fScore(i) if fScoreT[i] then return fScoreT[i] else return math.huge end end local openSet = PriorityQueue(function(a, b) return fScore(a) < fScore(b) end) openSet:enqueue(s, s) local prev = {} local found = false while not openSet:empty() do local current = openSet:dequeue() if current == e then found = true break end local ns = neighbors(points[current]) for i, n in ipairs(ns) do ns[i] = addPoint(n) end for _, n in ipairs(ns) do tentativeG = gScore(current) + 1 if tentativeG < gScore(n) then prev[n] = current gScoreT[n] = tentativeG fScoreT[n] = tentativeG + h(n) if not openSet:contains(n) then openSet:enqueue(n, n) end end end end assert(found) local path = {points[e]} local current = e while prev[current] do current = prev[current] table.insert(path, 1, points[current]) end return path end local ORES = Set{ "minecraft:coal_ore", "minecraft:deepslate_coal_ore", "minecraft:iron_ore", "minecraft:deepslate_iron_ore", "minecraft:copper_ore", "minecraft:deepslate_copper_ore", "minecraft:gold_ore", "minecraft:deepslate_gold_ore", "minecraft:redstone_ore", "minecraft:deepslate_redstone_ore", "minecraft:emerald_ore", "minecraft:deepslate_emerald_ore", "minecraft:lapis_ore", "minecraft:deepslate_lapis_ore", "minecraft:diamond_ore", "minecraft:deepslate_diamond_ore", "create:ochrum", "create:zinc_ore", "create:deepslate_zinc_ore", "create_new_age:thorium_ore", "powah:deepslate_uraninite_ore_poor", "powah:deepslate_uraninite_ore", "powah:deepslate_uraninite_ore_dense", "powah:uraninite_ore_poor", "powah:uraninite_ore", "powah:uraninite_ore_dense", -- "minecraft:diamond_ore", -- "minecraft:netherrack", } local BLACKLIST = Set{ "minecraft:diamond_pickaxe", "computercraft:wireless_modem_advanced", "advancedperipherals:geo_scanner", "enderchests:ender_chest", "functionalstorage:ender_drawer", "advancedperipherals:chunk_controller", } local FUEL = "minecraft:coal" local PROTOCOL = "automine" local PROTOCOL_CTRL = "automineCtrl" settings.define("", { description = "Miner name", default = "DiggyBoi", type = "string", }) function selectItem(item, nbt) for i = 1, 16 do info = turtle.getItemDetail(i) if (not item and not info) or (info and == item and (not nbt or item.nbt == nbt)) then return i end end end Miner = {} function local self = setmetatable({}, { __index = Miner }) = settings.get("") self.equipped = { ["left"] = { ["last"] = "NONE", ["lastNbt"] = nil, ["fun"] = turtle.equipLeft, }, ["right"] = { ["last"] = "NONE", ["lastNbt"] = nil, ["fun"] = turtle.equipRight, }, } -- Get upgrades to a known state by "equipping" nothing self:equip(nil, "left") self:equip(nil, "right") self:equip("advancedperipherals:geo_scanner", "right") self.scanner = peripheral.wrap("right") self:equip("computercraft:wireless_modem_advanced", "right")"right") self.pos =, 0, 0) self:doGPS(true) self:equip("advancedperipherals:chunk_controller", "left") self.i = 1 return self end function Miner:equip(item, side, nbt) local e = self.equipped[side] if item == e.last and nbt == e.lastNbt then return end assert(selectItem(item, nbt)) e.last = item e.lastNbt = nbt end function Miner:sendMessage(type, msg) self:equip("computercraft:wireless_modem_advanced", "right")"right") msg["type"] = type msg["name"] = msg["pos"] = self.absolutePos rednet.broadcast(msg, PROTOCOL) end function Miner:dig(dir) self:equip("minecraft:diamond_pickaxe", "right") if dir == "up" then assert(turtle.digUp()) elseif dir == "forward" then assert(turtle.dig()) elseif dir == "down" then assert(turtle.digDown()) end end function Miner:xchgItems() local slots = {} local emptySlots = 0 for i = 1, 16 do local info = turtle.getItemDetail(i) if info then assert( if not BLACKLIST[] then slots[i] = info end else emptySlots = emptySlots + 1 end end if emptySlots >= 2 and turtle.getFuelLevel() >= 1000 then return end if turtle.detectDown() then self:dig("down") end if emptySlots < 2 then selectItem("enderchests:ender_chest") assert(turtle.placeDown()) for i, info in pairs(slots) do assert( assert(turtle.dropDown()) end self:dig("down") end if turtle.getFuelLevel() < 1000 then selectItem("functionalstorage:ender_drawer") assert(turtle.placeDown()) assert(turtle.suckDown()) assert(turtle.refuel()) self:dig("down") end end function Miner:safeNeighbors(p) local ns = { p + 1, 0, 0), p + 0, 1, 0), p + 0, 0, 1), p +, 0, 0), p + 0, 0, -1), } -- only allow downwards if above bedrock if (self.absolutePos + p).y - 1 > -60 then table.insert(ns, p +, -1, 0)) end return ns end function Miner:safeMove(dir) if dir == "up" then while turtle.detectUp() do self:dig("up") end assert(turtle.up()) elseif dir == "forward" then while turtle.detect() do self:dig("forward") end assert(turtle.forward()) else if turtle.detectDown() then self:dig("down") end assert(turtle.down()) end end function Miner:doGPS(orientation) local x, y, z = gps.locate() assert(x) self.absolutePos =, y, z) if orientation then assert(turtle.forward()) x, y, z = gps.locate() assert(x) self.dir =, y, z) - self.absolutePos assert(turtle.back()) end end function Miner:findOres(radius) self:equip("advancedperipherals:geo_scanner", "right") local info, err = self.scanner.scan(radius) assert(info, err) local found = {} for _, b in ipairs(info) do -- only ores and avoid bedrock if ORES[] and self.absolutePos.y + b.y > -60 then table.insert(found, b) end end return found end function Miner:faceDir(newDir) local deltaDir = direction(newDir) - direction(self.dir) if deltaDir == 0.25 or deltaDir == -0.75 then assert(turtle.turnRight()) self.dir = newDir elseif deltaDir == -0.25 or deltaDir == 0.75 then assert(turtle.turnLeft()) self.dir = newDir elseif deltaDir == 0.5 or deltaDir == -0.5 then assert(turtle.turnRight()) assert(turtle.turnRight()) self.dir = newDir elseif deltaDir == 0 then -- nothing to do :) else assert(false, "invalid delta dir "..deltaDir) end end function Miner:navigateThrough(path) for _, p in ipairs(path) do -- print("move from to", self.pos, p) local delta = p - self.pos assert(delta:length() ~= 0) -- print("doing", delta) if delta:length() ~= 1 then -- print("path finding between points") local path = findPath(self.pos, p, function(v) return self:safeNeighbors(v) end) table.remove(path, 1) table.remove(path, #path) assert(#path ~= 0) self:navigateThrough(path) delta = p - self.pos end assert(delta:length() == 1) local moveDir = nil if delta.y == 1 then moveDir = "up" elseif delta.y == -1 then moveDir = "down" else self:faceDir(delta) moveDir = "forward" end self:safeMove(moveDir) self.pos = p self.absolutePos = self.absolutePos + delta end end function Miner:checkRecall() local sender, msg = rednet.receive(PROTOCOL_CTRL, 0.5) if sender and msg.type == "recall" then -- HACK: Seems like we need this so the monitor can pick up the ack... sleep(0.5) self:sendMessage("ackRecall", msg) local to =,, print("Recalling to " .. to:tostring()) self:navigateThrough({self.pos + (to - self.absolutePos)}) return true end return false end function Miner:mineOres(radius) local startingDir = self.dir self.pos =, 0, 0) local ores = self:findOres(radius) local orePoints = {} for _, b in ipairs(ores) do table.insert(orePoints,, b.y, b.z)) end local veins = groupOres(ores, findDistances(orePoints)) print("Found "..#ores.." ores ("..#veins.." veins)") local veinsPoints = { self.pos, self.dir * radius * 2, } for _, v in ipairs(veins) do table.insert(veinsPoints, end local veinsPath = pathThrough(veinsPoints, findDistances(veinsPoints), 1, 2) -- strip out end point table.remove(veinsPath, #veinsPath) local veinsSummary = {} for _, i in ipairs(veinsPath) do local v = veins[i - 2] table.insert(veinsSummary, { pos = self.absolutePos +, type = v.type, count = #v.blocks, }) end self:sendMessage("iterationStart", { i = self.i, oreCount = #ores, veins = veinsSummary, }) if self:checkRecall() then return false end for pi, i in ipairs(veinsPath) do self:xchgItems() local vein = veins[i - 2] local closest = nil local cDist = math.huge for _, b in ipairs(vein.blocks) do local d = (b - self.pos):length() if d < cDist then closest = b cDist = d end end assert(closest) -- Find path here so we can strip out the actual ore itself local pathToStart = findPath(self.pos, closest, function(v) return self:safeNeighbors(v) end) table.remove(pathToStart, 1) table.remove(pathToStart, #pathToStart) print("Moving to vein of " .. #vein.blocks .. " " .. vein.type .. " " .. cDist .. " blocks away starting at", closest) self:navigateThrough(pathToStart) local veinPoints = {self.pos} for _, b in ipairs(vein.blocks) do table.insert(veinPoints, b) end local veinPathI = pathThrough(veinPoints, findDistances(veinPoints), 1) local veinPath = {} for _, i in ipairs(veinPathI) do table.insert(veinPath, veinPoints[i]) end print("Digging through vein (" .. #vein.blocks .. " blocks)") self:sendMessage("veinStart", { i = pi, total = #veins, oreType = vein.type, oreCount = #vein.blocks, }) if self:checkRecall() then return false end self:navigateThrough(veinPath) end self:navigateThrough({veinsPoints[2]}) self:faceDir(startingDir) self.i = self.i + 1 return true end local miner = local shouldRun = true while shouldRun do shouldRun = miner:mineOres(16) end